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my parents' friend was in Russia recently and she brought back these homeopathic pills for acne,
they're called "Nougrinum-skin" and are supposed to be for acne and oily skin. i tried them
without any expectations and i gotta say it actually does what it promises. within a week my
oiliness reduced by about 50% and i had no new acne for 2 weeks so far.

i'm pretty sure you can't find this stuff anywhere other than Russia since it's made there, but i
decided to post a list of ingredients so that you can find something similar.

ingredients: Carbo vegetabilis D12, Calendula D6, Chelidonium D12, Kalium bromatum D6,
Sanguinaria D6, Hepar sulfur D12, Sulfur D6.

this combination worked wonders for me, i suggest everyone try to find something with same or
at least most of the ingredients.

5 best Homeopathic remedies for Acne or Pimples

Here is a list of 5 best homeopathic remedies for acne or pimples that have been found to be
pretty effective. These remedies have been personally used by me on hundreds of patients. They
have provided very good results and continue to do so in my daily practice. The key to getting a
complete cure is the selection of the right medicine, the right potency, the right dosage and a bit
of patience on the part of the patient. The selection of the right medicine, the right dosage and
right potency is a tricky task and requires a lot of study and experience of the doctor. It makes
sense to get oneself treated from an experienced Homeopathic doctor and not resort to self

Pulsatilla-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Acne due to rich food

It is very effective in cases where the culprit is the increased intake of rich food. This may be in
the form of junk food or other things like cakes, pastries and ice creams. Pulsatilla is also more
often indicated in girls, more so with menstrual irregularities. The patient is usually sensitive to
heat and all troubles get aggravated in summers. There is little thirst. One tends to feel better in
open air.

Hepar Sulphur- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Acne with painful

In cases where the eruptions are painful and more in the form of boils or abscesses, Hepar
Sulphur is one of the best homeopathic medicines for acne. The patient is quite sensitive to cold
as well as pain. There is increased perspiration. The mental syptoms are also quite useful to
indicate the remedy and are more commonly in the nature of anger and irritability at the slightest

Silicea-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Acne with suppuration

In cases where suppuration or pus formation is the norm, Silicea is one of the best homeopathic
medicines for acne. There is formation of pus in the pimples and this pus tends to be offensive.
The patient tends to be worse in cold and cannot tolerate cold in any form. The skin troubles too
tend to be worse in winters. He wants warmth at all times. There is profuse perspiration, more so
on the head. The skin is delicate and pale.

Natrum Mur- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Acne with oily face

In cases that result from the increased secretion of sebum or oil, Natrum Mur is one of the best
homeopathic medicines for acne. The face remains oily and greasy. The patient is usually thin
and weak. He feels and looks emaciated even after eating well. Anaemia is a common
concomitant. Sun and heat aggravate all the symptoms.

Nux Vomica- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Acne with gastric

In cases where acne may have resulted from or is accompanied by gastric disturbances, Nux
Vom is one of the best homeopathic medicines for acne. The skin is red and blotchy in
appearance. The patient is usually fond of tea, coffee and other stimulants. Excess of spicy food
and stimulants may have caused some gastric derangements. Constipation is usually present
along with other symtoms. There is increased sensitivity to cold. The temperament is such that
he gets angered and irritated easily.

Top Three Homeopathic remedies for Acne Treatment

Treating acne with Homeopathic medicines has dual benefit, the biggest one being the
permanency of relief that follows. Not only do homeopathic medicines treat acne , they also
make sure that these horrid looking eruptions don’t come back again. I , myself suffered very
badly from acne during my teens and early twenties. Mine was a bad case of acne , nearly all
kinds … Pustular , cystic etc and only when I when i took homeopathic medicine ,did the acne
disappear. Although it took few months for it to be completely gone. The’ magic medicine’ in
homeopathy that helped me clear of my acne was Sulphur . The reason why I took sulphur was
that along with acne, my sking had dirty look .This medicine tops the list of homeopathic
remedies for acne . In fact Sulphur tops the list of all homeopathic medicines that are used for
Skin ailments . The greatest feature of sulphur resides in its inherent ability to remove the deep
down tendency to develop acne . Once sulphur clicks , acne can be gone in few months time
period. Also , I have seen in my clinical practice, once sulphur is suited to a case of acne ,
patients complexion also changes ; it goes from an unhealthy looking skin to a glowing skin.
Sulphur also helps in slowly clearing old scars of Acne. Now the big question , how to use
sulphur ? ; I will advise you to use caution while taking sulphur on your own , because it is a
double edged sword . It can throw up old skin eruptions or problems that may have been
suppressed . In an uncomplicated case , sulphur can be used in 30 c potency and you can start
with one dose . The key indication for Sulphur to be used for Acne is dirty unhealthy looking
skin . Sulphur covers nearly all types of acne small, big, pustular , cystic etc. So In many cases it
can be the first choice.

Pulsatilla- Homeopathic medicine for Young Girls Suffering from Acne Pulsatilla as a
homeopathic remedy for acne happens to be my first choice for girls( especially young girls)
with menstrual difficulties . Having scanty periods or delayed periods along with acne are a key
indication for pulsatilla to be used as a homeopathic medicine for acne. Girls who often find
themselves flooded with acne just before the arrival of the monthly menstrual flow often respond
very favorably to Pulsatilla . I would recommend Pulsatilla 30 c twice a day for a week as a

Hepar sulpur – As a homeopathic medicine for Acne that are Pustular in Nature.

- Acne in sensitive girls
- Crusty eruptions around mouth and nostrils
- Acne from over-use of cosmetics
- Swollen look of cheeks
- Sensitive skin with tendency to leave deep impression with blunt instruments
- Itchy eruptions
- May have had an attack of urticaria or tendency to recurrent urticaria
- Pimples covering the entire body
- Acne always worse in summer

Natrum Mur & Puls. also give good results..

it is thought that the androgenic hormones from testes, ovaries, and adrenals are the culprits that
enhance the oil production in the skin. That’s why the peak period of acne burst outs is teen-age,
when these hormonal levels undergo lots of changes. The oil when clogs the skin pores may lead
to some or the other infection leading to acne.
When the perspiration is oily there is only one Remedy in Repertory i.e.NAT.MUR.

In repertory Face; shiny; oily: NAT-M(3) PLB(3) thuj are remedy.

. Natrummuriaticum

 Good remedy for acne, remedy acts on sebaceous glands

 Dry mucous membranes
 Great weakness and weariness
 In people with hyperthyroidism, goitre, diabetes, Addison’s disease
 Irritable, awkward, hasty, wants to be left alone, cries a lot
 Depression, especially due to chronic disease
 Shortness of breath, flow of tears with cough
 Greasy oily skin
 Nervous jerking with sleep
Nux vomica

 Typical remedy for rather thin, quick, active, nervous and irritable person
 Easily chilled; sensitive to all impressions
 Don’t want to be touched
 Yellowish about nose, mouth or eyes

If this is just a little acne, there is no need to go spending a lot of money on Proactive or other
expinceive products. What she needs to do is develop a habbit of good hygeian at an early age so
the problom doesn't worson durring teen years. This will also teach her responcoblitly.

Pimples are a scourge. They come suddenly during the night attacking us in our sleep.
Sometimes during the middle of the day they will come they come and you don't know until you
have said good afternoon to an office full of people. You go in the bathroom and see it and you
think to yourself I can't believe I was out in the public looking like this. Not anymore. Mother
Nature is on your side. For every chemical there is a natural that is it's equal. Of course the
natural way takes a little time, but usually it is cheaper and better for you.

Lemons, tomatoes and witch hazel are all proven to fight and keep acne at bay. Lemons and
tomatoes are both fruits, yes fruits, with a second quality not known to all humankind. What you
want to do is cut it open. Cutting it in fours goes a long way. Take each piece of lemon or tomato
and rub it on your face. You may have a little something left on your face. Just leave it there. It's
for your own good. They will make pimples disappear almost overnight. It they don't disappear
they will be smaller the next time you check. Lemon is also good for removing scars. That means
any pimples you popped in angst that left a scar will go away over time. Lemon contains acid so
it's like having an acid peel thing going, but not. Your skin will be so clear you can set that
makeup aside for special occasions.

Another thing that works is keeping your face wiped off. You don't really need soap. All you
want is for your pores to stay closed. How you say. Water. Yes, water. Bottled or tap water. All
it has to be is cold. Wet a face rag with cold water. I hate to have cold anything on me, but I hear
pain is beauty. Wipe your face with a cold wet rag everyday before setting out for the day. Wipe
it again went you get in and once more before bed. Your pores will stay closed. You will keep
the irritation of the skin on your face down and it should be pretty clear. Also try to remember to
keep your hands out of your face. Your fingertips and nails hold a lot of germs and touch a lot of
dirt. Putting them in your face increases the chance of irritation thus creating those hideous

Witch Hazel is a natural way to clear ones face, too. It is an astringent. Yes, an astringent, just
like the other products claim to contain. Witch Hazel is also cold almost anywhere you store it so
it's like using water only it pulls impurities up out of your skin. Your will apply this anywhere
from two to three times a day. Before bed is really good. As you sleep your body goes through a
lot of things I am not scientifically equipped to elaborate on or prove. I just notice that if you do
your beauty regimens at night and go to bed when you wake up in the morning you should be
very pleased with the results when you wake up in the morning. And it is very cheap because
almost not one buys it. Hurry up before they figure it out!
~Hope this helps! and good luck with your daughter

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