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Deuteronomy 22:


Men Man accuses woman, burden of proof goes on the woman Women

Adressed as "wife of",

Adressed as men, "the "daughter of", "neighbor's
Man decides what
woman's father", The Death penalty for wife," prostiitute
woman's husband not being a virgin

When woman is inovlved in a

situation/slander, her father deals with it

Cheating on
Divorce not husband
allowed recieves death
Man slanders and Father of woman
The woman is
accuses woman of pays fines,
the object
crime just because provides evicence,
he doesn't like her "You shall purge etc
If man lays with the evil from
woman, they must your midst"
get married "I gave my
"The man siezes

Woman can be put do

death for not yelling for
help loud enough when
being raped


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