Pediatriain Final Draft-2

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Lee High School


Jacqueline A. Jaime

Senior Capstone

Brian Scott Cahoon

April 20, 2019

Jaime 2

Jacqueline A. Jaime

Brian Scott Cahoon

Senior Capstone

April 27, 2019

Pediatrics… Our Patients Are Cuter Than Yours

Many people strive for a career that allows them to help others in a variety of different

ways. Becoming a pediatrician takes a lot of hard work and dedication, having to put in this

much effort, it is fortunate that the technology available can help and allow healthcare leaders to

be successful in their work. What is a pediatrician though? “Pediatricians are physicians who

specialize in the care, development, and medical treatment of children” (Margaret Alic). They

can help with a wide range of things like physical health, mental health, and even social health.

To be a successful pediatrician, one must be able to have strong communication skills,

having relationships with their patients, and being able to specialize and focus on caring for

babies to adolescents.

Communication skills play a role in becoming a pediatrician. When providing

communication skill, when talking to the parents of the infant or adolescent. It is important when

talking to adolescent since they are going through puberty or other medical questions that the

adolescent wants to know but is embarrassed to say. As an effective pediatrician, it's important to

have the best communication skills just because there will be difficult cases where

communicating to the parents that an infant or toddler has something wrong is getting an

infection or disease. “Communication is the foundation of the therapeutic relationship; it is the

basis of fiduciary and ethical obligations of physicians to patients and their families”

(Gateaway). There are many different types of communication in the field. According to Jill

Tallman “Communication is the main key point to becoming an effective pediatrician now that

communicating with the patients figures out what's wrong with them and seeing what treatments

are effective for their case.”(Tallman, Jill. “Capstone Mentor Interview .” 20 Mar. 2019.)

It is always very influential for doctors to constantly have a good relationship with their

patients. Doctors are supposed to be the savior when a patient feels sick and helpless. A patient

regularly wants to have faith in their doctor, so it is always critical to have a trust between the

doctor and their patient. A pediatrician’s patient is a child. Sometimes they can be babies.

Obviously, this means that a pediatrician can’t communicate with their patient. Instead, they

interface with their parents. The parents of a patient are a crucial part to the successful recovery

of a patient. They provide them with essential information and with the proper tools to help

them. Example of this are they tell them the diagnosis, they inform them the treatments, and

what to do at home. (Zaffani 576) For example, if a patient needs medicine every 4 hours, the

parents need to remember and give their child the medication. A child can’t take care of

themselves yet, so it’s up to the parents to follow the pediatrician's orders. Without proper

communication, patients can get worse.

Being able to specialize and focus on caring for babies to adolescents has changed during

the past years. When it comes to the practice of medicine, An exam for an infant is contrasting

from a addolcent exam due to the fact of the age gap and depending who the patient is. For

instance when examining an infant they are certain procedure that have to be done as as result

that an infant is more delicate than a adolescent and can be more sensitive to certain tool or
machines. Now for an adolescent an exam can go by quicker since they're not that sensitive but

their will have to be more communication since they know that their body is developing. Their

will be certain questions that they might not want to answer just because they are embarrassing

or weirded out. Thankfully there are developed or developing machines that can figure out how

to cure some diseases or that can help prevent them.

In conclusion, pediatricians are in an endless struggle where the highest amount of effort

and determination is needed. Countless people around the globe aim and thrive on making a

difference in people lives. By protecting the future generations with the dream of helping

numerous pediatricians are fulfilling the dreams of millions. But it takes to drive and diligence to

reach this dream and make it a possible future for all. The success of pediatricians reflects the

success of a society, by nutrition the young they create a stronger future and a better home. This

requires to have skills with communications, which allows them to bring comfort to patients

during even dire or embarrassing situations. Having communication is an important skill because

having trustful connections with patients, trusting them even with their own lives. Knowledge

becomes what propels them forward onto saving lives. Pediatricians thrive on making a

difference in the world by protecting the young, but that demands them to have strong

communication skills, trustful relationships with patients, and focusing on the care for babies to

Works Cited

Alic, Margaret, and Michael Mazzei. "Talking with Pediatrician." Gale Encyclopedia of

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