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Teacher Observation Form

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Teacher's Identification
Name:       Job Title:      
Department:       School:      

Observation Date:       Length of      

Class Observed:      

Purpose of Appraisal
 Observation
 30 Day
 60 Day
 90 Day

Principal's Instructions
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the teacher's skills, identify areas of
improvement and to provide a course of action for improvement.


Rating Observation Technique

S – Satisfactory C – Classroom
D – Developing N – Notes
U - Unsatisfactory F - Feedback

Rating Observatio Comments:

Knowledge of instructional practices:
Gains and holds the attention of students S C
(e.g., maintains eye contact, speaks clearly
and audibly, using words that are age and D N
grade appropriate, modulates voice and
tone). Uses a variety of questioning U F
techniques that encourage independent
thinking, and then listens attentively to all
responses. Encourages creativity and
multiple points of view. Questions often help
students connect new concepts to their
current knowledge and prior experiences.
Uses a variety of teaching methods to
accommodate diverse styles of learning or
different attention spans.
Knowledge of content and curriculum:
Stays up-to-date on the subject matter, S C
making certain that material presented, and
answers to student questions, reflect current D N
knowledge and concepts in the field. Aligns
instruction to match the required curriculum U F
and paces the course to ensure adequate
coverage of all aspects of that curriculum.
Stresses and highlights the most important
points and concepts, especially when student
achievement will be based upon department-
wide or standardized tests.
Knowledge of students:
Spends time learning about each student, S C
assessing current interest level for learning in
general and for the subject matter in D N
particular. Notices which learning activities
tend to engage each individual the most. U F
Assesses each student's general learning
capabilities, performance level and apparent
level of confidence. Looks for evidence of
unmet special needs and other obstacles to
learning. Learns about each student's life
outside the classroom (e.g., personal
interests, cultural background, level of family
support, potential sources of distraction,
Engaging Students in Learning:
Expresses genuine confidence that students S C
can (and will) be successful as learners. Is
fully engaged as a teacher, and D N
demonstrates enthusiasm about the subject
at hand. Encourages active participation, U F
including questions from students, making it
clear that everyone is in a safe place to give
an incorrect answer, or to ask a question that
may reveal a lack of current mastery of facts
or concepts. Varies teaching methods,
adjusts the pace, frequently asks questions
and incorporates energizing activities to
maximize engagement.
Establishing an environment of respect:
Communicates a clear expectation that S C
everyone (including each student) is
responsible for maintaining a respectful D N
school environment. Consistently advocates
and models respect for each person (or U F
group). Takes timely and appropriate action
to address any situation in which someone's
words or behavior fails to demonstrate
respect for others, leaving no doubt about
personal commitment to this principle.
Behavior Management:
Establishes and communicates ground rules S C
and expectations about student behavior in
the classroom, along with the rationale for D N
each standard of conduct. Ensures that
expectations are reasonable, appropriate to U F
developmental levels of students and that
they are fully understood by each student.
Enforces behavioral expectations promptly
and consistently, showing no favoritism, and
does so in a manner that maintains student
dignity and minimizes the level of disruption
created by addressing the incident itself.

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