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QA4/1, QA7/2 & QA11/3 - DNote v4.

23 (5-Jul-13)

Product Release Letter

AVEVA AdministrationTM
Partial Fix Release 52781
Windows 7 / Windows 8.1
Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 R2
Dear Customer
This letter introduces and describes this release, which is supported on the indicated platform(s).

This Release Contains

A release of AVEVA Administration, which upgrades the release 52418 AVEVA Administration 1.4.

The separately licensed products or product components installable from or upgraded by this release are
as follows:

Product Version
Product Name
Code Number
V00FN231 AVEVA Administration TM 1.4

Prerequisite for this release - operating system:

Minimum Supported O/S Version (for each Windows 7 (64 bit preferred)
supported platform) with Microsoft .NET 4.0 (supplied)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or Server 2012 R2
Mandatory O/S Patches None
(for each supported platform)

Build AVEVA Core 1.2.2

Please note that recommended/supported hardware and software configurations are constantly subject to review, so please
consult the AVEVA support web pages for the latest recommendations.

For further information please contact your local AVEVA support office, which can be found at

This document has been prepared and approved by the following:

Job Title Name
Product Owner John Durward
System Test Manager Shehanaz Shaik
Head of Platform Stuart Smith
TPS Manager Semra Hamitogullari

File: d52781.doc
Last saved: 16-Aug-2018  Copyright 2018 AVEVA Solutions Limited Page 1 of 4
Product Release Letter

Prerequisite for this release - products:

AVEVA Licensing System 3.0 or later - with an appropriate License File.

• This is a change from the base release of AVEVA Administration 1.4, which did support older
versions of the AVEVA Licensing System.
• This product version does NOT work with AVEVA Flexman.

Microsoft Office 2010 (32-bit) is required for some functions:

• Optimum operation of the AVEVA Administration GUI requires Arial Unicode MS font, supplied
with Microsoft Office (2000 onwards) and also with Microsoft Office Visio.
• Microsoft Office Excel import requires “.NET Programmability Support” enabled when Office is
installed. This can be found under “Advanced customization of applications” and installs the
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll; without this, Excel import will not work.
To get the performance benefits given by the AVEVA Cache Service, which is installed with AVEVA
Administration, you need to enable Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ). This is achieved using the
Windows Components feature of Windows Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.

Works (is compatible) with:

A full and up to date compatibility matrix can be found on the AVEVA website
• AVEVA Everything3DTM 2.1
• AVEVA Catalogue 2.1
• AVEVA Engineering 14.1.1
• AVEVA Diagrams 14.1
• AVEVA Diagrams 12.1.sp4
• AVEVA PDMS 12.1.SP4 (see notes below)
• AVEVA Hull and Outfitting 12.1.SP4 (see notes below)
• AVEVA Global 12.1.SP4 and AVEVA Global 3.2.1 (see note below)
• AVEVA PML Publisher 2.2

Note (PDMS12.1.sp4): Patch 26 or above must be applied.

Also, DBSETs are not supported in PDMS and any attempt to use an MDB containing these will force a
return to Monitor. No attempt to manipulate the MDB should be undertaken.

Note (Marine12.1.SP4): Administration 1.4 has full compatibility with AVEVA Marine 12.1.SP4. However; if
using AVEVA Marine 12.1.SP4.fix1-7 a change is required to the marine.bat file to call the
set_forward_compatibility.bat. This can be called from anywhere in the marine.bat file. If using AVEVA
Marine 12.1.SP4.8 or above then marine.bat already calls set_forward_compatibility.bat, so there is no
need to make any changes.

Note (Marine Projects): Folder names containing spaces should be avoid for Marine projects

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Product Release Letter
Note (Global): AVEVA Global 3.2.1 has been released to support AVEVA Everything3DTM 2.1, AVEVA
Engineering 14.1.1 and AVEVA Administration 1.4 products, but is also compatible with all listed versions
above. Administration of Global projects can be undertaken by the Administration module of AVEVA
PDMS12.1.SP4 however, if the features in AVEVA Administration 1.4 and Engineering 14.1.1 are utilised
then all locations in the Global project should be upgraded to use Global 3.2.1

This release supersedes the AVEVA Administration product installed by the release 52418 AVEVA
Administration 1.4

To install product release:

Please read the installation guide, which is visible on the product installation setup screen when the
setup.exe file is started.

Installations using setup.exe will install in C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\Administration1.4.0 by default.

The individual .msi files will use the drive with most free space by default.

Once you have completed the installation, you will be given the option to install the latest sample AVEVA
Plant projects, by checking a ‘Download the latest Projects’ tick-box.

It is important that any files, including configuration files or sample data, that need to be updated by users
are accessible for read, write etc. so they are not by default installed with the software. This is particularly
important when installing in Program Files due to the introduction of User Account Control (UAC). In
particular, this makes it important to ensure that files that need to be written are accessible by users
without Administrator privileges. This applies to folders specified by environment variables such as
Engineering™ installers have been designed to allow the separate definition of suitable folders, with
different defaults.

• It is not recommended that any combination of AVEVA products are installed in the same folder
because AVEVA does not guarantee runtime compatibility between Separate Products on different
release cycles, and the uninstall of one of them subsequently damaging the other.
• The default location for projects is influenced by earlier setup and download of E3D2.1 projects which
defaults to C:\Users\Public\Documents\AVEVA\Projects\E3D2.1
• To enable the AVEVA Administration Product to locate the E3D2.1 project the default project location
should be set on install, otherwise changed in the evars.bat or custom_evars.bat files.

List of Enhancements
This AVEVA Administration 1.4 version has the following new features

Defect Description

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Product Release Letter
List of Fault Corrections
This release addresses defects arising from the following support incidents:

Incident Defect Description

number number


The development, maintenance and testing of AVEVA Solutions’ software products is carried out in
accordance with the company’s KEYSTONE lifecycle processes and this document includes a summary of
the testing carried out on this release and a list of significant defects known to exist at the time of release.

Development Testing
Developers have carried out unit testing of each enhancement and/or fix in the development environment
to verify that any new functionalities have been correctly implemented and identified defects have been

Regression tests have been run in the development environment to verify that enhancements and/or fixes
have not adversely affected the integrity of the product.

System Testing
Independent system testing has been carried out on the product, as released, to verify that it installs
correctly in all supported configurations and that product functionality operates as intended, subject to
any known exceptions listed below.

Acceptance Testing
This document has been prepared before Acceptance Testing. This product release will be subjected to an
acceptance test by AVEVA’s Training and Product Support Group.

Any exceptions found during Acceptance Testing or after release will be reported in the Product Release
Latest Update Note on AVEVA's support web site

Exceptions – Significant Defects and Recommended Workarounds

AVEVA intends to fix the defects listed below in a fix release or service pack as soon as reasonably possible.
Incident Defect Description Recommended
number number Workaround

For the latest list of exceptions and other updates, please see the Product Release Latest Update Note on
AVEVA's support web site
Please refer also to the Product Release Latest Update Note for the original full release, .

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