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Mage Wars: Variant with no dice

Basic rules
• Every mage gets 3 decks of cards:
o Attack cards deck
o Attack cards deck
o Effect cards deck
• Objects that are not controlled by any Mage (V’Tar Orb Guardians, Spiked pit markers) have all together a set of
three card decks.
• Instead of rolling dice, the result of the attack is determined by the three decks of cards and the attack tables.
Instead of rolling N dice, the attacking creature or conjuration has an attack value of N. The amount of normal
and critical damage is determined by the attack table. A 1 in the column denotes that a card from deck A is
revealed. A 1 in the column denotes that a card from deck B is revealed. The sum of the normal damage from
the revealed cards and the normal fixed damage in the column in the attack table yields the total amount of
normal damage. The sum of the critical damage from the revealed cards and the fixed critical damage in the
column in the attack table yields the total amount of critical damage.
• If the attack has an effect die roll, the topmost card is revealed from the effect deck.
• If there is no effect die roll, no card is drawn from the effect deck.
• All revealed cards are put to the corresponding discard piles afterwards.
• When attacking an incorporeal creature, the “Against incorporeal” attack table is used. Otherwise the “Against
corporeal” attack table is used.
• If a deck runs out of cards, the corresponding discard pile gets shuffled and placed face down as new deck.
• Effects causing an effect die reroll (e.g. Akiro’s Favor) instead cause that the revealed effect cards get discarded
and a new effect card gets revealed.
• Effects causing all of the attack dice to be rerolled (e.g. Akiro’s Favor) instead cause that the revealed attack cards
from the decks and get replaced by new cards from the top of the respectively attack card decks.
• Currently there is no effect causing a single attack die to be rerolled.
• Roll to hit (e.g. Daze, Helm of Fear): A card from the effect deck of the controlling mage of the attacking creature
is revealed.
Other rules
• Instead of the initiative roll at the beginning of the game both mages reveal a card from their effect cards deck.
Repeat in case of a tie. Shuffle the revealed card back into the deck immediately afterwards.
• Instead of using the effect die to determine a random direction (e.g. Sandstorm) instead reveal a card from the
effect cards deck of the mage controlling the effect. Shuffle the revealed card back into the deck immediately
• If a creature gets Bashed, the attack cards are revealed from the Mage’s deck that controls the effect that caused
the push.
• Defense: A cards from the effect deck of the controlling mage of the defending creature is revealed.
• Burn: instead reveal a card from attack card deck .
• Effects triggering if any critical damage is rolled (Firefist brawler) instead trigger if there is any critical damage on
the card revealed from the attack card deck .
• When you would roll the effect die only during the counterattack step of an attack (e.g. Cloak of Fire) instead
reveal a card from the effect deck.
• When you would roll attack dice to heal (e.g. Heal) or reconstruct (e.g. Reassemble) instead reveal cards from
your attack card decks as when attacking using the “Against corporeal” attack table.
• When you would roll attack dice for damage not during an attack (e.g. Siphon Life or Drain Life) instead reveal
cards from your attack card decks as when attacking using the “Against corporeal” attack table.
• When you would roll for damage to determine Mana loss of an Opponent (e.g. Drain Power) instead reveal cards
from your attack card decks as when attacking using the “Against corporeal” attack table.
Against corporeal

1 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 1 1
3 1 1 1 0
4 1 1 1 1
5 2 2 1 0
6 2 2 1 1
7 3 3 1 0
8 3 3 1 1
9 4 4 1 0
10 4 4 1 1
11 5 5 1 0
12 5 5 1 1

Against incorporeal

1 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 1 1
3 0 0 1 2
4 1 0 1 0
5 0 1 1 1
6 1 0 1 2
7 1 1 1 0
8 1 1 1 1
9 1 1 1 2
10 2 1 1 0
11 1 2 1 1
12 1 2 1 2
Attack cards deck A
Attack cards deck B
Effect cards deck
Attack cards deck B
Attack cards deck A
Effect cards deck

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