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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 May 13, 2019 [a.k.a. “Monday the 13th”]

To: Michael B. Gebhardt, Esq., et al.

re: Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D. []

Were he to fail to denounce the KKK, would he last a picosecond on the Temple U. campus?

Double-standards abound in this post-post-Enlightenment Era, evidenced here by the absence of any type
of denouncement of Farrakhan (full-throated or otherwise); this chronicler/activist “shames” you to act.
These 27 memos have exhaustively/conclusively demonstrated that you are paying a violence-fomenter.

He continues to run amok, now fund-raising for Mitri Rahebm, an anti-Israel Palestinian pastor in Chicago
palestinian_pastor_in_chicago.html]; “In the wake of the fighting that erupted between Israel and Hamas
on May 4 and 5, Raheb posted on his Facebook page a prayer request only for Gaza, ignoring the suffering
of innocent Israeli citizens under the barrage of hundreds of rockets launched by Hamas from the Strip.”
Even his reprehensible defense of Ilhad Omar’s Jew-hating AIPAC tweets are swallowed by the public.
He has consistently advocated for an “unrelenting commitment to revolution” when seeking prison
abolition rather than reform [ @ 14:30]. Thus, he is
using the Temple U. platform to preach unabashed anarchy; during his initial riff, he adopted-by-reference
points by prior speakers who explicitly bashed such foundational concepts as American Exceptionalism.

Unlike Lee J. Cobb (in “Twelve Angry Men”), I’m not about to “throw out all the other evidence” of his
Jew-hatred when trying to rebut Henry Fonda; I focus upon tomorrow’s Board meeting as the moment
when the Board must press the Administration to issue an official statement regarding moral-turpitude,
for channeling Jack Warden (urging a verdict despite the probable “rainout” of a baseball game) is apt,
dovetailing with your initial/toothless censure of “words” (albeit not “messaging”) that were “regretted.”

That a 'Racist' Gandhi statue was removed from University of Ghana recalled how he renounced the
nonviolence of Mahatma Gandhi (plus MLK, Jr.) unabashedly [
remember his tweet on 5/7/2019 [“Asking people to silently consent to humiliation and violence is
unreasonable. Oh... and they kill you anyway.”]. This double-negative (condemning nonviolence when
violence is allegedly perpetrated upon an individual) unambiguously advocates using violence [Logic 101].

A derivative issue is the inability of Dean Boardman to “study” his underling, for the desire to “investigate
the investigator” has been ambient, not only here but within the Beltway [“DOJ inspector general found
Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained” -
63]. To follow, for quick-reference, is a compilation of the entire database spanning ½ year of angst.

Verified Database [with Annotation]

The initial (12/6/2018) letter showed how he violated the four-point distillation of contractual-criteria
with which all University Professors must comply; it also rebutted the “facts” upon which he has predicted
anti-Jew, racist-anarchist; also appended were an op-ed and a handout distributed at the on-campus
dual-protests. [, with Exhibit 3 [].

The second (12/9/2018) letter expounded on the local/national implications of these profound concerns

The third (12/12/2018) letter annotated deficiencies in your Statement [].

The fourth (12/13/2018) letter [] equated anti-Zionism and anti-Jew.

The fifth (12/14/2018) letter noted that his defenders remain mute rather than attempt to rationalize his
claims that “New York City police who are killing Blacks are being trained by Israelis” (undocumented)
and “Israel Poisoned Palestinian Water” (undocumented) and “police and prisons should be abolished”
(anarchic and violation of American rule-of-law) [

The sixth (12/15/2018) letter documented his advocacy for anarchism [];

The seventh (12/16/2018) letter revealed he is an incorrigible ideologue, unapologetically defining a

career attacking “Afro-Palestinian” oppression as a result of global colonialism born perhaps of his
adherence to Jew-hater Farrakhan [].

The eighth (1/3/2019) summarized data accrued during the prior month, including two op-eds composed
by myself [].

The ninth (1/15/2019) elucidated why “Temple Is Actually Protecting Professor Hill,” cited an essay by
Caroline Glick regarding the latest incarnations of gross anti-Israel rhetoric that prominently quoted Hill
(linked with intersectionality), noted how he (and others of his ilk) shouldn’t escape critique for being
supportive of Farrakhan, and cited extensive condemnatory observations by his students regarding his
blithe attention to his teaching responsibilities [].

The tenth (1/29/2019) updated his MLK-Jr. themed speeches replete with Ebonics and vulgarity;
emphasized was a novel reinterpretation of activism, claiming it must come from an individual’s core if
it is to be more than transactional. This latter point represents a new twist on what he advocates, for it’s
no longer “I’ll support your cause (say, ‘women’s rights’ or ‘BLM’) if you support my cause (say, ‘no
borders’ or ‘BDS’); rather, people must now buy into the bases for each set of goals, no matter their
illogic, falsity or lack of linkage with any other potential agenda-item. Additional articles were cited,
both c/o Temple News and multiple authors who evaded focusing upon the gravamen of these letters, to
wit, his having violated his contract when inter alia fomenting violence [].

The eleventh (1/30/2019) was comprised of four articles that explored the appropriateness of firing
professors for what they say/do under the aegis of speech-freedom; fomenting-violence is an absolute
justification for firing, whereas the alleged promulgation of racism is worthy of receiving scrutiny
(affording the individual a growth-opportunity) [].

The twelfth (1/31/2019) was provided to illustrate the difference between documented enlightenment
regarding MLK-Jr. and the fanciful portrayal that MLH has disseminated as a "scholar" of whom Temple
University should feel proud? [].

In any case, this thirteenth (2/7/2019) memo debunked his ability to hide behind any tenure-claims
firing-you/], the second op-ed composed primarily by an attorney [].

The fourteenth (2/11/2019) memo quoted from a speech in which he asserted, “Let’s engage and force
the university to engage….The time now is to take stuff. Of sort, yes reparations. What does reparations
mean? It means to repair the damage done. So how do we repair the damage done? We ask for
investment. We ask for representation and inclusion. And then they say no. And then we demand those
very things….[W]e have to resist….Make the university uncomfortable….They don’t love disruption….If
we don’t get it [what we want], shut it down….I don’t believe in nonviolence….I wouldn’t tell an
occupied people, for example, that they should just be peaceful….Revolutions are not
peaceful. Revolutions are not neat. Revolutions are messy and they do come at a price.” These cites
do not do “justice” to the total-transcript of his revolutionary rhetoric and rabble-rousing that had already
been collapsed-down from 15 pages to 4 pages [].

The fifteenth (2/12/2019) highlighted/annotated a just-published article from Temple News that probed
why “Controversy University: Temple faces unhappy donors in wake of a contentious year”
a-contentious-year/]. As had been accomplished previously, parallel events were cited to enhance what
might be viewed as “context”; here, the non-apology “apology” for Jew-hatred by Rep. Omar was cited.
Added was citing “the contrast between his appointment as a professor of communications/media and
noting how he has extolled “Palestinian Freedom-Fighters” and led a “F*** CNN” chant [@ 2 minute
FCA36F6B0E32E138F546FCA36F6B0E32E&FORM=VIRE] on 1/17/2019; this is not a guy who would best
be perceived by students as a role-model in the specific field in which he allegedly specializes (recalling,
also, that a pattern of unreliable classroom attendance was reported by his students @ two universities).”

The sixteenth (2/14/2019) cited my reaction to the editorial in the Temple News that, to its credit,
appeared without having been edited: “I am dismayed by both what is in this editorial—a broad-brush
attack on the Trustees’ work—and what isn’t: recognition that Marc Lamont Hill should be fired ASAP
because he is a vile anarchist who incessantly demonstrates moral turpitude (by consistently fomenting
violence) and violates his contract (by inter alia failing to disclaim explicitly that he is a Temple
spokesperson)….” []

The seventeenth (2/15/2019) discussed journalistic reactions to MLH [].

The eighteenth (3/1/2019) conveyed what he said “on 8/3/2016: he admitted to having [1]—used/sold
drugs, [2]—bootlegged illegally audios/videos, and [3]—fraudulently enrolled people on accidental-death
insurance plans {@ 2:10}.” He donned a Che Guevara shirt and advocated revolution {@ 15:00}.
[]. On 5/29/2011, while he was being interviewed
with Angela Davis (a colleague), he said guns were “symbolic” [

Abolition of prison/police continued to be thematic [

@ 1-hour mark x ~10 minutes]. And, lest we forget, he refused to condemn Farrakhan’s Jew-hatred
the-womens-movement/].” This was sent prior to your March meeting [].

The nineteenth (3/4/2019) conveyed the input of the Israeli American Council of Philadelphia, PA, the
appendix of which (inter alia) compiled eleven generic aberrations; amidst his deceit, he lionized criminals,
advocated “annihilation of the Jewish state,” and fomented violence [].

The twentieth (3/6/2019) quoted comments by the ZOA’s Mort Klein [].

The twenty-first (3/11/2019) recapped a prior rant that inter alia justified Baltimore (and Ferguson)
violence: “The city is burning because the police killed Freddie Gray” [].

The twenty-second (3/12/2019) also drips of violence [].

The twenty-third (3/13/2019) provided additional context-analysis [].

The twenty-fourth (5/2/2019) focused upon Farrakhan and violence [].

The twenty-fifth (5/3/2019) contravened academic-/speech-freedom [].

The twenty-sixth (5/9/2019) updated high-profile violence-promotion [].


It will only require two Trustees to move/second a resolution seeking a Board-level study of this issue;
then, a formal-vote will be required, forcing covert supporters of his rhetoric to declare themselves while
those who are for “Truth, Justice and the American Way” are scrutinizing the contemporary Academy.

{I am always available to discuss these matters, although I will want to avoid taking calls tonight (meeting
with an opinion-writers group in Bryn Mawr) and tomorrow (joining my son and his lady-friend to add to
the $2+ Billion box-office of “Endgame” which I viewed once in anticipation of his comprehension-grilling).
Allowing young minds to be poisoned by faux-facts and abject-prejudice (admixed with vile-rhetoric)
cannot be tolerated, particularly when it’s interlaced with a sordid/unremitting brand of moral-turpitude.}

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