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Ann Rheum Dis 2001;60:359–366 359

Antibiotic prophylaxis for haematogenous

bacterial arthritis in patients with joint disease:
a cost eVectiveness analysis
P Krijnen, C J E Kaandorp, E W Steyerberg, D van Schaardenburg, H J Bernelot Moens,
J D F Habbema

Abstract of causes related to bacterial arthritis, and

Objective—To assess the cost eVectiveness 25–50% of the surviving patients suVer from
of antibiotic prophylaxis for haematog- irreversible loss of joint function.5–8 Bacterial
enous bacterial arthritis in patients with arthritis is mostly induced haematogenously
joint disease. through the transient spread of bacteria, but
Methods—In a decision analysis, data can also be caused by direct contamination of
from a prospective study on bacterial the joint—for example, during joint surgery.
arthritis in 4907 patients with joint disease As a strategy for preventing bacterial arthri-
were combined with literature data to tis in joint replacement surgery, antibiotic
assess risks and benefits of antibiotic prophylaxis is common practice in combina-
prophylaxis. EVectiveness and cost eVec- tion with other preventive measures.9 Prophy-
tiveness calculations were performed on lactic use of antibiotics is controversial for
antibiotic prophylaxis for various patient events posing a risk of haematogenous bacterial
groups. Grouping was based on (a) type of arthritis through transient bacteraemia, such as
event leading to transient bacteraemia— invasive medical or dental procedures and
that is, infections (dermal, respiratory/ infections not involving joints.10–13 Prevention
urinary tract) and invasive medical of haematogenous bacterial arthritis with anti-
procedures—and (b) the patient’s suscep- biotics has been advocated for patients with an
tibility to bacterial arthritis which was increased susceptibility.12–16 These include pa-
increased in the presence of rheumatoid tients with a joint prosthesis suVering from
arthritis, large joint prostheses, comor- rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes mellitus and
bidity, and old age. those using immunosuppressive medication.
Results—Of the patients with joint dis- Nevertheless, unnecessary use of antibiotics
ease, 59% had no characteristics that should be avoided, because they can have
increased susceptibility to bacterial ar- severe adverse eVects such as fatal anaphylactic
thritis, and 31% had one. For dermal shock.17 The risk of these adverse eVects is low,
infections, the eVectiveness of antibiotic but so is the risk of haematogenous bacterial
prophylaxis was maximally 35 quality arthritis for most patients. Moreover, the use of
adjusted life days (QALDs) and the cost prophylactic antibiotics for commonly occur-
Center for Clinical
Decision Sciences, eVectiveness maximally $52 000 per qual- ring events can lead to resistance of bacteria on
Department of Public ity adjusted life year (QALY). For other a population level.
Health, Erasmus infections, the eVectiveness of prophylaxis As the incidence of bacterial arthritis is low,
University, Rotterdam, was lower and the cost eVectiveness a randomised controlled trial to study the
The Netherlands higher. Prophylaxis for invasive medical eVects of antibiotic prophylaxis for haematog-
P Krijnen enous bacterial arthritis is not feasible. For
E W Steyerberg
procedures seemed to be acceptable only
in patients with high susceptibility: 1 decision making with sparse data on the risks
J D F Habbema
QALD at a cost of $1300/QALY; however, and benefits, decision analysis can be a useful
Jan van Breemen the results were influenced substantially tool.18 We used this technique to weigh the risks
Institute for when the level of eYcacy of the prophy- and benefits of antibiotic prophylaxis for
Rheumatology and laxis or cost of prophylactic antibiotics individual patients with joint disease.
Amsterdam, The
was changed.
Netherlands Conclusion—Prophylaxis seems to be in-
C J E Kaandorp dicated only for dermal infections, and for
D van Schaardenburg infections of the urinary and respiratory Methods
tract in patients with increased suscepti- Data from a prospective study on incidence,
Medical Spectrum bility to bacterial arthritis. Prophylaxis risk factors, and outcome of bacterial arthritis
Twente, The in 4907 patients with joint disease in Amster-
for invasive medical procedures, such as
dental treatment, may only be indicated dam, the Netherlands3–5 and literature review
H J Bernelot Moens
for patients with joint disease who are data were used to assess the risk and outcome
Correspondence to: highly susceptible. of haematogenous bacterial arthritis in several
Mrs Krijnen, Center for (Ann Rheum Dis 2001;60:359–366) groups of patients with joint disease. The
Clinical Decision Sciences, problem was modelled as a decision tree (fig 1).
Department of Public
Health, Erasmus University, The tree describes the eVects of giving and not
PO Box 1738, 3000 DR Patients with joint disease are at increased risk giving antibiotic prophylaxis to a 60 year old
Rotterdam, The Netherlands of developing bacterial arthritis.1–4 The out- man with joint disease who is confronted with
come of bacterial arthritis is unfavourable in an event posing a risk of haematogenous bacte-
Accepted 9 August 2000 this patient group: 10–25% of the patients die rial arthritis.
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360 Krijnen, Kaandorp, Steyerberg, et al

MODEL ESTIMATES cases, 14 were caused haematogenously. Bacte-

Most of the model estimates were derived from rial arthritis was defined according to the crite-
the Amsterdam study.3–5 For this analysis, the ria of Newman,19 which were modified slightly.3
data for 4907 adult patients with joint disease Estimates of eYcacy and adverse eVects of
attending the outpatient clinics for rheumatol- antibiotic prophylaxis were derived from the
ogy were used. In this patient group, the most literature.
prevalent joint diseases were osteoarthritis
(40%) and rheumatoid arthritis (28%). Over a
period of two years, data were collected In accordance with Dutch guidelines,
prospectively by three monthly questionnaires amoxicillin/clavulanic acid was considered to
be the antibiotic of choice for preventing
on the occurrence of bacterial arthritis and risk
bacterial arthritis.16 20 Prophylactic regimens
factors. The case finding in the hospitals was
were: 2000/200 mg intravenously before inva-
continued for one more year to obtain more sive medical procedures, 3 × 500/125 mg a day
patients with bacterial arthritis. Of a total of 37 orally for 10 days in the case of infection, and a
once only dose of 3000/750 mg orally before
invasive dental treatment. As the eYcacy of
No bacterial arthritis antibiotic prophylaxis in preventing bacterial
arthritis is not known, estimates for endocardi-
NO tis prophylaxis for patients with valvular heart
PROPHYLAXIS Mortality disease were used as a proxy: the eYcacy was
A Dead estimated to be 90% (table 1).21–23 The risk of
Bacterial Major loss of side eVects of antibiotics was based on data
arthritis joint function from the literature: 0.01% (one in 10 000
Impaired injections) risk of a severe non-fatal reaction,
and 0.002% (two in every 100 000 injections)
60 Year old man
Recovery risk of a fatal reaction.24 25 These estimates were
with joint disease
Well used for both parenteral and oral administra-
and event leading to
Fatal allergic tion of antibiotic prophylaxis, although the risk
transient bacteraemia
reaction of adverse reactions to oral administration is
Dead assumed to be somewhat lower.26–28
A The risk of haematogenous bacterial arthritis
was calculated in two steps. (a) On the basis of
data from the literature, potential risk events
reaction for haematogenous bacterial arthritis were
A grouped into infections posing a high risk of
Figure 1 Decision tree for prophylactic management with antibiotics of a 60 year old man bacterial arthritis (dermal infections), infec-
with joint disease who is confronted with an event leading to transient bacteraemia. The tions posing a low risk of bacterial arthritis
chronological order of events is from left to right. The decision node is represented by a (urinary and respiratory tract infections), and
square, chance nodes by circles, and health outcomes are indicated by rectangles. Subtree A invasive medical procedures (invasive dental
is to be inserted in the two lower branches. Quantification of these subtrees diVers.
treatment and invasive treatment of the skin,
Table 1 Baseline estimates and plausible ranges for model estimates entered into the ear, nose, throat, gastrointestinal tract, respira-
decision model tory tract, urinary tract, and the female genital
Baseline estimate Plausible range
tract).1 8 9 12 13 29–31 In the prospective study, no
antibiotic prophylaxis had been given for these
Probabilities risk events. Questionnaire data from the
Risk of bacterial arthritis (see table 4)
EYcacy of prophylaxis 90% 45–100%* prospective study were used to calculate the
Risk of reaction to prophylaxis average risk of bacterial arthritis for these three
Severe, non-fatal reaction 0.01% 0.005–0.02%* groups of risk events when no antibiotic
Fatal reaction 0.002% 0.001–0.004%*
Risk of outcome of arthritis prophylaxis is given. (b) Data on patient
Major loss of joint function 40% 25 to 55%† characteristics of 37 bacterial arthritis cases
Arthritis related mortality 20% 10 to 30%† and 4870 controls were combined in a logistic
Utilities regression model representing the patient’s
Well 1 — susceptibility to bacterial arthritis.32 The pa-
Impaired 0.75 0.6 to 0.9†
Dead 0 —
tient characteristics studied were established
Discount after non-fatal reaction to prophylaxis 4 QALDs‡ 2–8 QALDs* risk factors for bacterial arthritis: presence of a
knee or hip prosthesis, diagnosis of rheumatoid
Recovery from arthritis $15 000 $7 500–30 000* arthritis, comorbidity (malignancy, diabetes
Major loss of joint function $22 000 $11 000–44 000* mellitus), age of 80 years and over, and use of
Arthritis related mortality $9 000 $4 500–18 000* immunosuppressive medication.4 6 12 33 34 Back-
(Non)fatal reaction to prophylaxis $2 000 $1 000–4 000*
Prophylaxis for ward selection was used to discard characteris-
Infection§ $60 $30–120* tics not significantly predictive of bacterial
Invasive medical procedure¶ $12 $6–24* arthritis (p to remove = 0.10).32 The fit of the
*Half to twice the baseline estimate. logistic regression model was evaluated by
†95% confidence interval. studying the reliability and discriminative abil-
‡QALD = quality adjusted life day. ity of the model. The reliability of the model
§Skin, urinary tract, respiratory tract.
¶Dental, skin, ear, nose, throat, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract, female geni- was assessed by using the Hosmer-Lemeshow
tal tract. goodness of fit test. The discriminative ability
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Antibiotic prophylaxis for haematogenous bacterial arthritis 361

of the model was evaluated by the area under We calculated a treatment threshold for the
the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) risk of bacterial arthritis to determine which
curve and its 95% confidence interval (CI). patients may benefit from antibiotic prophy-
The risk of bacterial arthritis can be calculated laxis. At this threshold, the quality adjusted life
for any patient with specified characteristics expectancy with prophylaxis is equal to that
given a specified risk event: without prophylaxis, because the risks and
benefits of prophylaxis are exactly balanced. If
P(bacterial arthritis) = 1/{1+exp[−(á+SI)]} the risk of bacterial arthritis exceeds the treat-
where SI = â1X1+...+ânXn. The parameter á is ment threshold, the benefits of prophylaxis
the risk of bacterial arthritis for patients outweigh the risks, and the quality adjusted life
without any of the characteristics studied. For expectancy after prophylaxis is higher. Then,
each of the three groups of risk events, á was prophylaxis is more eVective than no prophy-
adjusted by the diVerence between log(odds) of laxis.
the average risk for that group of risk events
and log(odds) of the average risk in the entire MEDICAL COSTS
patient group. The susceptibility index (SI) Medical costs were estimated for the first year
reflects the impact of the patient characteristics after diagnosis of bacterial arthritis from a
(1,..,n) on the risk of bacterial arthritis. X health care perspective. Through a question-
equals 1 if the risk characteristic is present and naire filled out by the 37 patients with bacterial
0 otherwise. The logistic regression coeYcients arthritis in the prospective study, an inventory
for the risk characteristics are represented by was made of costs due to bacterial arthritis. All
â1.. ân. The 95% CI was calculated for the dif- relevant medical costs due to bacterial arthritis
ferent levels of risk by correcting the standard were calculated up to one year after diagnosis,
error for the smaller number of cases empiri- including costs of hospital stay and medical
cally found for each of the risk situations. treatment, cost of physiotherapy, and cost of
stay in a rehabilitation clinic or nursing home.39
EFFECTIVENESS Home care was rarely used and therefore not
The eVectiveness of antibiotic prophylaxis was included in the cost calculation. After one year,
expressed as the diVerence in quality adjusted costs were assumed to be identical for the two
life expectancy, which is equal to the diVerence treatment options. Costs were based on 1994
in life expectancy multiplied by the quality of Dutch prices and converted into US dollars
life. The life expectancy was obtained from the (Dfl 1 = $0.60). The average medical costs
1990–1994 Dutch life tables,35 and was 17.84 were $15 000 after recovery from bacterial
years for a 60 year old male patient. Quality of arthritis, $22 000 after major joint function
life was expressed on a utility scale, ranging loss due to bacterial arthritis, and $9000 after
from 0 (dead) to 1 (well). Patients may die bacterial arthritis related mortality (table 1).
from causes related to either bacterial arthritis Costs of prophylactic antibiotics, including
or antibiotic treatment. Patients were “well” if costs of the prescription and pharmacy, were
no bacterial arthritis occurred or after recovery $60 for infections and $12 for invasive medical
from bacterial arthritis. Further, patients with procedures.40 The costs of adverse eVects of
major loss of joint function due to bacterial prophylaxis were estimated to be $2000. This
arthritis were considered to be in the health estimate was made by two experienced clini-
state “impaired”. Empirical data from the pro- cians, because adverse eVects to antibiotics did
spective study were used to estimate the utility not occur in our patient group.
for the health state “impaired”. Patients with
major loss of joint function due to bacterial COST EFFECTIVENESS
arthritis described their health state before and The cost eVectiveness was expressed as the
one year after diagnosis by filling out the Euro- costs per quality adjusted life year (QALY)
Qol questionnaire.36 The utility of the health gained by antibiotic prophylaxis for a 60 year
states before and after arthritis were obtained old male patient.39 Cost eVectiveness estimates
by attaching valuations obtained from the gen- are presented for infections and invasive medi-
eral population to these health state descrip- cal procedures separately, because the costs of
tions.37 38 The diVerence in utility before and prophylactic antibiotics for these groups of risk
after bacterial arthritis for these patients events diVer.
resulted in a utility of 0.75 (95% CI 0.60 to
0.90) for “impaired” (table 1). Severe non-fatal SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS
side eVects of antibiotics were considered to A number of assumptions were made that may
cause a loss of 4 quality adjusted life days influence the results of the decision analysis. In
(QALDs) (plausible range 2–8). These health a sensitivity analysis, three questions were
outcomes were all assumed to occur within one addressed. (a) For which risk situations are we
year of receiving prophylaxis or not. On the certain about the relative eVectiveness of
basis of our prospective study, the risk of prophylaxis? A probable interval for the
bacterial arthritis related mortality was esti- treatment threshold for the bacterial arthritis
mated to be 20% (95% CI 10 to 30%), and the risk was determined by recomputing the treat-
risk of major loss of joint function to be 40% ment threshold while varying risks and utilities
(95% CI 25 to 55%).5 After one year, the in the model one by one over their full range of
eVects of bacterial arthritis on the health plausible values. For model estimates based on
outcome were assumed to be stable, which empirical data, plausible ranges were defined
means that the health states were constant after by the 95% CIs. For other model estimates,
one year. plausible ranges were defined as a half to twice
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362 Krijnen, Kaandorp, Steyerberg, et al

Table 2 Average risk of bacterial arthritis in 4907 patients with joint disease after risk 0.04%) after a low risk infection. No cases of
events posing a theoretical risk of haematogenous bacterial arthritis through transient bacterial arthritis were attributed to invasive
bacteraemia if no antibiotic prophylaxis is given
medical treatment. Therefore the average risk
Number of risk Number of cases Average of bacterial arthritis after an invasive medical
Risk event events in 3 years* in 3 years risk (%) procedure (95% CI 0 to 0.03%) was estimated
High risk infection 7 893 10 0.13 to be 0.005% from literature on antibiotic
Skin 7 893 10 0.13 prophylaxis for invasive dental treatment.41 42
Low risk infection 22 706 4 0.02 In the total group of patients, 13% had a
Urinary tract 3 893 2 0.05 large joint prosthesis, 28% were diagnosed with
Respiratory tract 18 813 2 0.01 rheumatoid arthritis, 5% had comorbidity, 6%
Invasive medical procedure 10 664 0 0 were 80 years or older, and 14% used
Dental 6 217 0 0 immunosuppressive medication. In a multi-
Skin 1 448 0 0
Ear, nose, throat 198 0 0
variable logistic regression model, the patient’s
Gastrointestinal tract 1 511 0 0 susceptibility to bacterial arthritis was related
Respiratory tract 270 0 0 to the presence of a knee or hip prosthesis, a
Urinary tract 700 0 0
Female genital tract 320 0 0 diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, comorbidity,
and age of 80 and over (table 3). For a simple
*The number of events in three years was 1.5 times the recorded number of events in two years of
follow up assuming that the occurrence of risk events was constant in time.
application of the results, the logistic regression
coeYcients were rounded to integers. The
the baseline value. Uncertainty about the rela- presence of a hip or knee prosthesis was the
tive eVectiveness of prophylaxis remained if the strongest predictor of bacterial arthritis (re-
probable interval of the treatment threshold gression coeYcient = 2). A diagnosis of
and the 95% CI for the risk of bacterial arthri- rheumatoid arthritis, comorbidity, and old age
tis for that situation overlapped. (b) Which fac- were of similar strength in predicting bacterial
tors in the model have a relevant eVect on the arthritis (regression coeYcient = 1). The use of
cost eVectiveness estimates? The sensitivity for immunosuppressive medication, which was
change in the cost eVectiveness results was related to all other risk factors except comor-
assessed by varying model estimates one by one bidity, lost most of its predictive value after
over the full range of plausible values for all risk correction for these risk factors in the model (p
situations studied. (c) What is the eVect of age to remove = 0.49). The reliability of the model
and sex on the cost eVectiveness estimates? was good: the probabilities predicted by the
model agreed well with the observed frequency
Results of bacterial arthritis (p = 0.84). Furthermore,
RISK OF BACTERIAL ARTHRITIS the model discriminated well between cases
Ten cases of bacterial arthritis were attributed and controls: the area under the ROC curve
to dermal infections and four to infections pos- was 0.82 (95% CI 0.74 to 0.89). For any
ing a lower risk (two to urinary tract infections patient with a specified combination of charac-
and two to respiratory tract infections) (table teristics, the SI can be calculated by adding the
2). The average risk of bacterial arthritis was regression coeYcients of the characteristics
0.13% (95% CI 0.05 to 0.21%) after a dermal present, yielding a score ranging from 0 to 5.
infection and 0.02% (95% CI 0.0004 to For instance, SI = 3 for an 80 year old patient
Table 3 Results of the logistic regression analysis modelling with osteoarthritis, who has a hip prosthesis
patient characteristics increasing the risk of bacterial but no comorbidity. In our group of patients
arthritis in patients with joint disease with joint disease, most patients had low
susceptibility to bacterial arthritis: 59% had
Patient characteristic â (95% CI) for index none of the patient characteristics studied (SI =
Knee/hip prosthesis 1.9 (1.2 to 2.6) 2
0). Susceptibility was slightly increased (SI = 1)
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis 1.4 (0.6 to 2.1) 1 in 31% of the patients.
Comorbidity 1.3 (0.4 to 2.2) 1 For a 60 year old male patient, the SI ranged
Age of 80 and over 1.1 (0.3 to 2.0) 1
–+ from 0 to 4, because age did not pose an addi-
SI*= ... tional risk. Table 4 presents the risk of bacterial
arthritis as a function of the SI and of the type
*The susceptibility index (SI) is the sum of the rounded regres-
sion coeYcients (â). of risk event (high/low risk infections and inva-
sive medical procedures) for such a patient. If
Table 4 Risk of bacterial arthritis by susceptibility index (SI) after infections and invasive none of the patient characteristics were present
medical procedures for a 60 year old male patient with joint disease
(SI = 0), the predicted risk of bacterial arthritis
Risk of bacterial arthritis in % (95% CI) after a: was 0.03% after a dermal infection, 0.004%
after a urinary or respiratory tract infection,
Urinary or respiratory Invasive medical
SI* Dermal infection tract infection procedure† and 0.001% after an invasive medical proce-
dure. The presence of patient characteristics,
0 0.03 (0.009 to 0.1) 0.004 (0.001 to 0.03) 0.001 as reflected in the SI, increased the risk of bac-
1 0.08 (0.03 to 0.3) 0.01 (0.002 to 0.08) 0.003
2 0.2 (0.1 to 0.6) 0.03 (0.009 to 0.02) 0.008
terial arthritis. Table 4 also shows the 95% CIs
3 0.6 (0.4 to 1) 0.09 (0.03 to 0.4) 0.02 for these risks of bacterial arthritis. CIs for the
4 2 (1 to 4) 0.2 (0.1 to 1) 0.06 risk of arthritis after invasive medical proce-
*The SI is a sum score, based on the presence of a knee/hip prosthesis (2 points), diagnosis of dures could not be calculated because these
rheumatoid arthritis (1 point), comorbidity (1 point), age of 80 and over (1 point) (see table 3). estimates were not based on empirical data. We
For a 60 year old patient, the SI ranges from 0 to 4 because age does not pose an additional risk. assume however, that the risk of bacterial
†Dental, skin, ear, nose, throat, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract, female geni-
tal tract. The 95% CI could not be calculated because the risk estimates were not based on arthritis after an invasive medical procedure is
empirical data. lower than that after an infection for every level
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Antibiotic prophylaxis for haematogenous bacterial arthritis 363

Table 5 EVectiveness, costs, and cost eVectiveness results by susceptibility index (SI) for a procedures only if the patient’s susceptibility is
60 year old male patient with joint disease moderate or high (SI > 1).
DiVerence in eVectiveness Marginal cost
Table 5 presents the quality adjusted life
prophylaxis − no prophylaxis DiVerence in costs prophylaxis − eVectiveness expectancy with and without prophylaxis for all
SI (QALDs*) no prophylaxis ($) ($/QALY*) risk situations studied. The benefit of prophy-
Dermal infections laxis in terms of quality adjusted life expect-
0 0.4 56 52 000 ancy was maximally 35 QALDs in the case of
1 1.3 49 14 000
2 3.4 31 3 300 dermal infections, maximally 3 QALDs in the
3 10.4 −30 † case of infections of the urinary tract and respi-
4 35.0 −237 † ratory tract, and maximally 1 QALD in the
Infections of the urinary tract or respiratory tract case of invasive medical procedures.
0 −0.07 59 ‡ The costs per QALY gained by prophylaxis
1 0.04 58 550 000 varied widely for all types of risk events,
2 0.40 56 52 000
3 1.42 −47 12 000 depending on the patient’s susceptibility (table
4 3.39 −31 3 300 5). For dermal infections, the costs amounted
Invasive medical procedures§
to $52 000 per QALY if the susceptibility was
0 −0.11 12.10 ‡ low (SI = 0). For patients with high susceptibil-
1 −0.07 11.80 ‡ ity (SI > 2), prophylaxis for dermal infections
2 0 11.10 1 000 000
3 0.22 9.30 6 000
was not only more eVective, but also less
4 0.91 3.20 1 300 expensive than no prophylaxis. For infections
of the urinary tract and respiratory tract and
*QALD = quality adjusted life day; QALY = quality adjusted life year.
†Prophylaxis is more eVective and less expensive than no prophylaxis.
after invasive medical procedures, the bacterial
‡No prophylaxis is more eVective and less expensive than prophylaxis. arthritis risk was lower than for dermal
§Dental, skin, ear, nose, throat, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract, female geni- infections. Thus the costs of prophylaxis for
tal tract.
these risk events were higher for each level of
of susceptibility, because bacteraemia after a susceptibility (even though the cost of prophy-
medical procedure is of shorter duration. laxis for medical procedures was lower),
amounting to $1 000 000 per QALY. For
patients with high susceptibility (SI > 2), the
EFFECTIVENESS AND COST EFFECTIVENESS costs per QALY for these events were consider-
The treatment threshold for the risk of ably lower: maximally $12 000 per QALY for
bacterial arthritis was 0.0078%. If the risk of respiratory or urinary tract infections, and
bacterial arthritis exceeded this threshold, the maximally $6000 per QALY for invasive medi-
quality adjusted life expectancy with prophy- cal procedures.
laxis was higher than without prophylaxis and
therefore prophylaxis was more eVective. This SENSITIVITY ANALYSES
was the case for (a) dermal infections (regard- The treatment threshold for the risk of
less of the patient’s susceptibility to bacterial bacterial arthritis (baseline estimate 0.0078%)
arthritis), (b) infections of the urinary tract or varied between 0.004 and 0.02%, when the
respiratory tract if the patient’s susceptibility is other risk and utility estimates were varied one
increased (SI > 0), and (c) invasive medical by one within their plausible range. Given the
confidence intervals for the risk of bacterial
arthritis as presented in table 4, we were
Costs per QALY gained by antibiotic prophylaxis (× $1000)

relatively certain that prophylaxis was more

eVective than no prophylaxis for two situations,
even though the exact treatment threshold was
unknown: (a) for dermal infections if the
80 patient had increased susceptibility (SI > 0),
(prophylactic cost $60)
and (b) infections of the urinary tract and res-
piratory tract if the patient’s susceptibility was
high (SI > 2). For all other risk situations, it was
SI = 0 (dermal infections) uncertain whether prophylaxis was more or less
SI = 2 (urinary/respiratory tract infections) eVective than no prophylaxis.
The cost eVectiveness results were influ-
40 enced most by the risk of bacterial arthritis and
Invasive by the eYcacy and cost of prophylaxis. Figure 2
SI = 1 (dermal infections)
medical shows how the costs per QALY varied as a
procedures function of the risk of bacterial arthritis, for
20 (prophylactic SI = 3
infections (prophylactic cost $60) and for inva-
cost $12)
sive medical procedures (prophylactic cost
SI = 4 $12). The costs per QALY increased steeply as
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
the risk of bacterial arthritis fell below 0.05% in
Risk of bacterial arthritis (%)
the case of infections and below 0.03% in the
case of invasive medical procedures. For risks
Figure 2 Sensitivity analysis: cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained by of bacterial arthritis just above the treatment
antibiotic prophylaxis as a function of the risk of bacterial arthritis for infections
(prophylactic cost $60) and invasive medical procedures (prophylactic cost $12). For some threshold of 0.0078%, the eVectiveness of
of the risk situations presented in table 4, the risk of bacterial arthritis lies within the prophylaxis was infinitely small and therefore
depicted range. These risk situations are represented as dots. For example, the risk of the costs per QALY were infinitely high.
bacterial arthritis for patients with low susceptibility to bacterial arthritis (SI = 0) was
0.03% in the case of dermal infection (see table 4). For this risk situation, antibiotic Furthermore, varying the eYcacy and cost of
prophylaxis costs $52 000 per QALY gained by prophylaxis (see table 5). antibiotic prophylaxis within their plausible
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364 Krijnen, Kaandorp, Steyerberg, et al

ranges for these low risks of bacterial arthritis prophylaxis is not found. The cost eVectiveness
had a considerable eVect on the cost eVective- estimates for antibiotic prophylaxis were pre-
ness results. For a bacterial arthritis risk after sented for a 60 year old male patient. Sensitiv-
an infection of for instance 0.03%, the costs ity analyses showed that the cost eVectiveness
ranged from $45 000 to $170 000 per QALY estimates were somewhat diVerent for other
when we varied the eYcacy over its plausible ages and for women, but not suYciently so to
range (45–100%). Varying the cost of prophy- justify diVerent recommendations for men and
laxis over its plausible range ($30–120) led to women and for patients of diVerent ages.
costs of $24 000–110 000 per QALY. For The patients with joint disease described in
higher risks of bacterial arthritis, the sensitivity this paper obviously had a high burden of dis-
to change in these model estimates decreased. ease, as they were attending an outpatient clinic
For a bacterial arthritis risk of for instance for rheumatology. Even in this patient group,
0.08% after an infection, the cost ranged from most had no additional characteristics that
$12 000 to $35 000 per QALY when the increased their susceptibility to bacterial arthri-
eYcacy was varied, and from $5300 to $31 000 tis. Only 15% had multiple risk characteristics.
per QALY when the cost of prophylaxis was Thus only a small group of patients with joint
varied. Uncertainty in the other model esti- disease is highly susceptible to bacterial arthri-
mates influenced the cost eVectiveness results tis.
to a lesser extent. Most studies on the need for antibiotic
Analysis was carried out for a 60 year old prophylaxis for bacterial arthritis have investi-
male patient. For instance, the cost eVective- gated patients with joint prostheses, either with
ness of prophylaxis for a respiratory infection or without joint disease.10–13 46 In contrast, this
for such a patient with a large joint prosthesis study was conducted from the perspective of a
(SI = 2) was $52 000 per QALY (table 5). clinic for rheumatology. All patients with joint
Female patients and younger patients benefit disease are believed to have an increased risk of
more by prophylaxis because they have a longer bacterial arthritis, and are therefore potential
life expectancy. The cost eVectiveness was candidates for antibiotic prophylaxis. We did
$41 000 per QALY for an otherwise similar 60 not conduct separate analyses for patients with
year old female patient and $26 000 per QALY joint prostheses and those with only native
for a similar 40 year old male patient. joints, because we did not have enough patients
Compared with the 60 year old male patient, in each group. We do realise that infected pros-
older patients have a lower life expectancy on theses and infected native joints are not
the one hand but a higher risk of bacterial comparable with regard to the inflammatory
arthritis on the other. For an otherwise similar process as well as the treatment options and
80 year old male patient, the cost eVectiveness outcome. Nevertheless, we feel that our
was $34 000 per QALY. decision model gives valid results for both
groups of patients, because the model patients
Discussion with joint prostheses have an increased risk of
Because of its severe consequences (mortality, infection and the outcome of bacterial arthritis
morbidity, and loss of joint function), haema- can be expressed as quality adjusted life
togenous bacterial arthritis poses a serious expectancy for both groups of patients.
problem for patients with joint disease even Following Dutch guidelines, we chose
though their risk of contracting it is low. amoxicillin/clavulanic acid as the prophylactic
According to our analysis, prophylaxis by anti- antibiotic against bacterial arthritis for all
biotic treatment for dermal infections is cost potential sources. Other antibiotics have also
eVective for patients with joint disease who been proposed, such as cephalosporins.8 10
have increased susceptibility to bacterial arthri- Unfortunately, it is not known which antibiotic
tis. For patients with high susceptibility, such as is the best prophylactic. In our sensitivity
those with both rheumatoid arthritis and a analysis, a wide range of probable eYcacy lev-
large joint prosthesis, prophylaxis is not only els (45–100%) was taken into account, show-
more eVective, but also reduces aggregated ing that a low level of eYcacy considerably
medical costs. Infections of the urinary tract increased the costs per QALY. Furthermore,
and respiratory tract were found to pose a the cost of prophylaxis is of direct consequence
lower risk of bacterial arthritis than dermal for the cost eVectiveness. In the Netherlands,
infections. Prophylaxis for these infections the cost of prophylactic cephalosporins is
seems to be cost eVective only if the patient has somewhat lower than that of amoxicillin/
relatively high susceptibility to bacterial arthri- clavulanic acid. Assuming an equal level of
tis. Prevention of bacterial arthritis is an eYcacy, the cost eVectiveness of cephalo-
additional argument for antibiotic treatment, sporins would therefore be slightly more
which is often given anyway in these patients. favourable.
The costs for all these risk situations range up Patients with joint disease form a heteroge-
to $14 000 per QALY gained by prophylaxis, neous group not only with respect to suscepti-
which is comparable with other preventive bility to bacterial arthritis, but also with respect
medical interventions in the Netherlands, such to the disease process and health outcomes.
as breast cancer screening (about $5000 per DiVerences in susceptibility to bacterial arthri-
QALY),43 screening for cervical cancer (about tis were accounted for in the calculation of the
$12 000 per life year),44 and cholesterol lower- bacterial arthritis risk. DiVerences with respect
ing treatment ($23 000–49 000 per QALY for to outcome probabilities are also to be
male patients).45 For other risk situations stud- expected between patients. For instance, pa-
ied in this paper, conclusive evidence for tients with rheumatoid arthritis and elderly
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Antibiotic prophylaxis for haematogenous bacterial arthritis 365

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Downloaded from on January 22, 2018 - Published by

Antibiotic prophylaxis for haematogenous bacterial arthritis in patients with

joint disease: a cost effectiveness analysis
P Krijnen, C J E Kaandorp, E W Steyerberg, D van Schaardenburg, H J Bernelot Moens and J D F Habbema

Ann Rheum Dis2001 60: 359-366

doi: 10.1136/ard.60.4.359

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