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Anna Bryson

Sped 531
April 2019

RTI Timeline
Screening- CBM, MAPS
Data Analysis-RTI Team
Create a plan-RTI Team
Implement the plan-Tiered instruction, based on levels
Progress monitor-CBM, STAR
Data-based decision making

a. Benchmark and progress-monitoring tools vary by school and district. The EasyCBM,
MAPS, STAR, and USA Test Prep and Mastery Connect are all ways to gather data.
b. Classroom assessments are normally curriculum- based assessments, and teacher created;
gen ed teachers do not normally create or administer any kind of behavior measurement;
but can monitor behavior and chart and/or track target behaviors; making anecdotal notes
and observations.
c. Tier 1: high quality classroom instruction; gen ed teacher provided interventions at this
level; instruction is differentiated; and re-teaching takes place in the gen ed classroom.
This is used to teach content using research-based methods that have been proven to work
with students when delivering core instruction
Tier 2: targeted group interventions; small group working with the teacher(s) in a
classroom; students are grouped based on performance data; skills are targeted for
improvement; progress is monitored to determine if further interventions are necessary.
Tier 3: Intense individual instruction; occurs with a specialized teacher, reading coach,
math coach, or behavior interventionist; based on data and lack of response to tier 1 and 2
instruction; the highest level of intervention; typically these strategies are very targeted to
very specific skills or behaviors and are more intense than the interventions normally
d. Tier 1 interventions: differentiated grouping and instruction
e. Tier 2 interventions: alternative materials; parent contact; extended time, increased
progress monitoring
f. Tier 3 interventions: specialized instruction, individual instruction; further increase in
progress monitoring
g. The level of data collection and progress monitoring varies with each tier; the tier 1 is
general data collection and progress monitoring; in tier 2, both of those increase to record
more data for analysis and decision making; tier 3 increases the level and amount of
monitoring and data collection to determine the effectiveness of plans and/or referrals for
special education evaluation
h. Movement between peers depends on the response the student has to the interventions
that are put in place; movement to a lower tier indicates that that more intense
interventions and monitoring are needed; when a student responds positively to
interventions, the student may be moved to a less intensive tier to determine if the
interventions were effective and transfer to new situations.

Response to Prompts:
1. The stakeholders in the RTI process are the student, parents, teachers, interventionists,
school psychologists, administration and guidance. Each the individuals must work
together to create and implement an RTI plan for a student. First, the student is identified
through observation and assessment data. Next, the teacher must work with the RTI team
and the parent to identify areas of growth, and must collaborate to create a plan for
improvement. The team must also work together to collect and analyze data; which will
be used to determine if there need to be more intense screenings and supports put in
place. Additionally, the data could be used to determine if the student may return to tier
1 instruction. The parent should be kept in the loop every step of the way, from the initial
conversation about RTI, to the plan, supports and evidence used to support the decisions.
The parent and student, if applicable, should have input throughout the process.
2. The goals of using an RTI model are to increase parent involvement, prevent unnecessary
failures and behavior challenges; prevent unnecessary referrals to special services and to
implement research-based best practices for all students. Using this model benefits all
stakeholders through striving to meet the goals.
3. A challenge of using this model can be errors in implementation; gaps in training and
expectations can pose issues with school personnel do not know how to properly use the
model, and confusion and lack of fidelity can occur. An additional challenge is a lack of
understanding from a parent and student perspective. Many parents and students may not
truly understand that this model is meant as a proactive approach. Many teachers also do
not understand the purposes for this process. It strays from the traditional methods of
identification for EC services, and the RTI model can be viewed as a way to avoid
putting students through the identification process.
RTI in Middle Schools: The Essential Components. (2019). Retrieved from

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