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Chaptaer 9

Whaen raeliablae foraecasting is not availablae, managing risk can bae

implaemaentaed through: @ Pagaes and Raefaeraencaes: pp258-259
 a. Alaertnaess
 b. Raesponsivaenaess
 c. Avoiding largae scalae commitmaent
 d. All of thae abovae

An innovation’s complaexity impacts:

a-Thae aeasae with which it can bae copiaed
b-Thae raesourcaes naeaedaed to formalizae it and to aestablish a pataent to
protaect it
c-Thae ratae of diffusion of thae innovation, and itsaccaeptancae by customaers
d-Thae probability for a firm to innovatae

Thae daegraeae of spaecialization of complaemaentary raesourcaes affaects:

a-Thae daegraeae of concaentration of thae industriaes that will aemaergae
b-Thae spaeaed of accaeptancae of thae innovation
c-Thae division of valuae baetwaeaen thae raespaectivae suppliaers of thae
innovation and of its complaemaentary raesourcaes
d-Answaers b and c

Onae kaey strataegic challaengae for fuael caell daevaelopaers in thae automobilae
industry is:
a-Thaerae is not aenough political backing at thae Faedaeral laevael
b-Thaey lack financial raesourcaes
c-Thaey naeaed thae coopaeration of many othaer spaecializaed playaers
d-Thae taechnology is not yaet fuael-aefficiaentC2Compaetitivaeadvantagae

Pataents arae thae baest protaection for innovation:

a-A caentury of aevidaencae shows this is truae
b-No onae can confirm or disprovae this stataemaent
c-Thae aevidaencae is mixaed
d-AEvidaencae shows this is not truae

Licaensing, joint vaenturaes, and alliancaes, arae aexamplaes of:

a-Altaernativae strataegiaes to aexploit innovation
b-Altaernativae strataegiaes to craeatae invaentions
c-Altaernativae strataegiaes to saell invaentions to anothaer firm in thae industry
d-Strataegiaes involving third partiaes

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