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1. Re-read the article for the mid-term exam

(“Making Indonesia 4.0’ And Supporting Digital Startups Is Good, But What About The
Small Low-Tech Entrepreneurs?”
Julien Hanoteau, Associate Professor of Sustainable Development, Kedge Business School
& Virginie Vial, Professor of Economy, Kedge Business School)
2. Choose any topic from the article
3. Write a descriptive writing on the topic with the following requirements
a. 5 paragraphs consist of : 1 paragraphs of introduction, 3 paragraphs of bodies, 1
paragraph of conclusion
4. Apply theories of paraphrasing, citation, references, combine sources.
5. Develop an outline for your writing with reference of class materials of week 11 & 12
6. On ATTACHMENT you have to copy-paste from original articles/textbook of your
7. Students can consult their outlines with me on Monday 19 November 2018 for Class F,G
& Friday 23 November 2018 for Class H at usual time and class
8. The final writing will have to be submitted on Monday 26 November 2018 for Class F,G
and Friday 30 Nov 2018 for Class H
9. Do your very best kiddos, and Good Luck !


persaingan digital startups

narrowkan : digital startups competition
Competition for the Startup Market which is inevitable (persaingan bisnis startups yang tak bisa
Inevitable digital startups competition
General topics:
Freewriting: digital startups competition are very unique, that made me interested in their
business competition
Listing: digital startups are basically using online not offline
Discussing: many digital startups in Indonesia

Judul: kompetisi digital startups yang tak bisa dihindari di kondisi perekonomian Indonesia kini

Main topic yang anda sampaikan kepada pembaca bahwa kompetisi digital startups itu penting di
Indonesia: penting karena supaya tidak kalah bersaing dengan digital startups lain baik di
Indonesia maupun di luar negeri

Judul harus mengekspresikan mainpoint nya, tiap paragraph harus ada main point nya, yang baik
itu starting nya main point dulu buat judul, harus2 lagi lebih spesifik hrs ada something yang
kalian show, dan lihat ini harus forceful spy tertarik untuk terus melihat bacaaan anda, l judul
terlalu general makan tidak tertarik dan gagal sebagai penulisan akadmeik
Misalnya ttg presentation
Harus dikontrol atau harus dibuat murah
Harus tentukan “Locus”: lokasi khusus

Judul: “kompetisi digital startups yang tak bisa dihindari di bandung dalam kondisi
perekonomian Indonesia kini”

Kata kunci: strategi startups dalam kompetisi

Nilai lebih tinggi jika ada 2 sumber buku. satu buku local dan satu buku dari luar negeri
Jurnal diambil dari websitenya .ac dan .edu, cth , bukan dari blog abal2an
Satu teori jgn lupa, ikuti tata tertib penulisan umum jangan pakai bold jika tidak perlu dalam
paragraph. Sekarang silahkan tulis outline: main point nya tulis dulu di paragraph pertama, nanti
diselipin di tengahnya, jika mau ngomongin ini harus dipilih-pilih dulu kata2nya

Judul kedua: pengaruh pola pikir penduduk yang gaptek di Bandung terhadap perkembangan
kemajuan bisnis di Indonesia ,

Apakah bisnis tanpa teknologi masih mungkin dalam era hiper kompetisi saat ini

1. Paraphrasing
Persaingan Pasar Startup Tak Bisa Dihindari
Oleh Harso Kurniawan dan Ridho Syukra | Jumat, 22 Juni 2018 | 13:45
Sementara itu, Head of Marketing and Communication MatahariMall. com Chaya Kusuma menuturkan,
prospek bisnis startup nasional sangat menjanjikan. Sebab, potensi ekonomi digital Indonesia besar.

“Tren digital sedang berkembang pesat. Jika dibandingkan negara lain, sangat banyak orang Indonesia
yang mencoba membuat startuppotensial,” ujar dia.

Dia mengakui, persaingan startup asing dan lokal tak bisa dihindari di Indonesia. Namun, dia menilai,
startup lokal memiliki keunggulan pemahaman konsumen yang tak dimiliki asing.

Dia mencontohkan, Mataharimall. com pernah mengadakan konferensi pers bertema “Ternyata Wanita”
yang menyampaikan pesan kunci, yakni perempuan Indonesia lebih percaya diri membeli baju ketika
melihat referensi dari Instagram.

Oleh sebab itu, dia menuturkan, memiliki fitur #MauGayaItuGampang, yang membuat
konsumen bisa melihat referensi dan langsung beli barang yang diincar. Jadi, startup lokal paham betul
selera dan daya beli konsumen.

“Startup lokal tahu bagaimana masyarakat kita menyikapi value sebuah barang dan barang apa yang
tengah diminati konsumen,”papar dia.

Dia menambahkan, startup lokal juga memahami kekhawatiran konsumen (understanding of pain point).
Saat ini, Indonesia tergolong baru dalam belanja di e-commerce, pasti banyak kekhawatiran. Itu
sebabnya, MatahariMall memiliki fitur cocok baru bayar dan 100 hari pengembalian.

“Hal-hal kecil yang ternyata penting itu menjadi keunggulan startup lokal. Sebab, tiap market pasti punya
keunikan dan aspirasi sendiri maunya dilayani seperti apa,” tegas dia.

Dua cara itu, kata dia, efektif untuk menaikkan penjualan. Sebab, menjawab
kebutuhan konsumen. Di luar itu, merilis lini busana Mavis dan Massilca.

How to Handle Your Startup’s Competition

Don’t let your company go the way of Blockbuster

Answer by Todd Belveal, founder and CEO at Washlava, on Quora:

When you're building a startup, it can be tempting to worry about competitors--especially the big
companies running your industry.

But you have to focus on what you can control: moving quickly and looking ahead. Why? Because
worrying about competition is an unnecessary distraction and makes you paranoid for no good reason.
Think of Blockbuster. If you ask a kid today what Blockbuster is, you'll get a blank stare. But most of us
remember their stores vividly. And we remember how fast they became empty storefronts when Netflix
put them out of business.

Interestingly, Blockbuster had the internal capability and supply chain to compete with Netflix. For a
short while, they had success attempting to innovate. But their real estate crushed them in the end. All
of their stores were filled with DVDs--they couldn't unwind fast enough to free up the cash they needed
to invest in other areas.

Speed did them in. Big companies can't move as quickly as startups. Suits are suits for a reason. They are
risk averse and afraid to make decisions out on a limb. So, don't worry about those competitors.

And honestly, you're too small for them to care. Startups tend to have an over-exaggerated sense of
self-importance, but don't fall into that trap. Large companies have businesses to run--big ones and
good ones despite their lagging behavior--and worrying about a flea-sized startup is not top of mind.
Trust me on this.

If that wasn't enough to convince you, do these three things:

Spend Time On Research

Your main worry should be other startups. Startups knock each other off at an alarming rate. Any
successful startup is going to attract copycats--it's inevitable. Honestly, I don't worry about this too
much, because I spend a lot of time and money upfront on research. Often, weaker players don't.

In-depth research is the best way to prevent stress from competition. Do your competitive analysis
before you dive in. Find an industry where there isn't a large amount of interest. Believe me, you can't
compete in a crowded field. You don't have the money to do it.

And you can do all the right research on your own. You don't need a lot of paid data or advice to figure
out the competitive situation in a particular industry.

Make sure there's something special about your idea that's impenetrable by larger or smaller
competitors. You have to believe in your concept more than you believe in yourself. Business plans don't
experience doubt. Well-researched investment theses don't get discouraged or afraid. Your belief comes
from putting in time and effort on research, and knowing you've got something others don't.

Keep An Eye On Other Startups

If you've done your research, you'll likely see threats to your business won't come from big companies--
they'll come from other startups.

There's a reason large businesses haven't already tried your idea.

With my first startup, Silvercar, I discovered the rental car industry couldn't do what we were doing.
Their business model was too complex. Organizational reasons stood in the way of innovation, and
those reasons had nothing to do with the quality of our product.

You have to understand, these huge companies are focused on managing their current business,
growing 10% a year, and doing what they're supposed to. Their mindset is completely different. Their
job is not to be wildly creative. It's to effectively manage an established business model and move it
forward. No one's taking risks.

Established competitors are more likely to write you a check for your company, because their CEOs
realize they're not set up to knock off startups.

If you're competent--and know the big companies' capabilities and likely response--you're fine. You
don't need to think about them anymore. But keep an eye any up-and-comers who can innovate as
quickly as you.

With my second startup, Washlava, we are a first mover. So I invested heavily in patents. I hired the best
patent firm in the country for mobile technology, Fish & Richardson in Austin. I was blown away by the
three patent applications they wrote. A lot of people think we're looking for protection from the big
guys, but it's just the opposite.

Focus On What You Can Control

You can't control your competitors' behavior, so why worry about it? Instead, focus on quality and
execution. If you have a higher-quality measure than the next guy, you'll do better than him.

You don't have time to constantly think about who's in the rearview. Work on what will set you apart.
This differentiation comes down to anticipation, because unexpected things will always happen. But if
you accept this, and you anticipate 80% of unexpected things, you'll be in great shape.

So, start looking ahead instead of worrying about your competition. You know you have a great idea
large competitors can't push you out of. Go out, execute, and turn them into the next Blockbuster.

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