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ELECTRICAL CURRENT Basically, electrical hazards can be categorized into three types.

The first and most

commonly recognized hazard is electrical shock. The second type of hazard is electrical burns and the third

is the effects of blasts which include pressure impact, flying particles from vaporized conductors and first

breath considerations. EO 1.01 Explain how electrical current adversely affects the human body. Electrical

Shock Electric shock occurs when the body becomes part of an electrical circuit. Shocks can happen in

three ways.

• A person may come in contact with both conductors in a circuit.

• A person may provide a path between an ungrounded conductor and the ground.

• A person may provide a path between the ground and a conducting material that is in contact with an

ungrounded conductor. The terms high voltage and low voltage are relative terms. In transmission-line

terminology, "low voltage" is much higher than the 600 volts. At home, you would not think of 600 volts

as being low voltage. Even when applied to 120-volt circuits, the term low voltage is deceiving. To some

people low voltage means low hazard. Actually, low voltage does not necessarily mean low hazard,

because potential difference is only one factor making up the dangerous effects of electricity. For

purposes of this Lesson, you can think of "low voltage" as being a potential difference of 24-600 volts. The

extent of injury accompanying electric shock depends on three factors.

• The amount of current conducted through the body.

• The path of the current through the body.

• The length of time a person is subjected to the current.

The amount of the current depends on the potential difference and the resistance. The effects of low

current on the human body range from a temporary mild tingling sensation to death. An electric shock

can injure you in either or both of the following.

• A severe shock can stop the heart or the breathing muscles, or both.

• The heating effects of the current can cause severe burns, especially at points where the electricity

enters and leaves the body. Other effects include severe bleeding, breathing difficulty, and ventricular

fibrillation. In addition, you may strike something, or have some other accident as a result of your

response to the shock. The effects of electric current are listed in Figure 1.

Current in milliamperes Effects 1 or less No sensation; probably not noticed 1 to 3 Mild sensation not

painful 3 to 10 Painful shock. 10 to 30 Muscular control could be lost or muscle clamping 30 to 75

Respiratory paralysis 75mA to 4 amps Ventricular Fibrillation Over 4 amps Tissue begins to burns. Heart

muscles clamp and heart stops beating Figure 1 Effects of Electrical Current On the Human Body Current

is the killing factor in electrical shock. Voltage is important only in that it determines how much current

will flow through a given body resistance. The current necessary to operate a 10 watt light bulb is eight to

ten times more current than the amount that would kill a person. A pressure of 120 volts is enough to

cause a current to flow which is many times greater than that necessary to kill. The following values are

given for human resistance to electrical current in Figure 2: TYPE OF RESISTANCE RESISTANCE VALUES Dry

skin 100,000 to 600,000 Ohms Wet skin 1,000 Ohms Hand to Foot 400 to 600 Ohms Ear to Ear 100 Ohms

Figure 2 Resistance Values With 120 volts and a skin resistance plus internal resistance totaling 1200

Ohms, we would have 1/10 ampere electric current, that is 100 milliamperes. If skin contact in the circuit

is maintained while the current flows through the skin, the skin resistance gradually decreases. During

this time, proper first aid can mean the difference between life and death. Sufficient circulation can

sometimes be maintained by heart compression, which should always be supported with mouth-to-

mouth resuscitation. This combination of treatments is commonly known as CPR.

STEP AND TOUCH POTENTIAL EO1.02 Describe the step and touch potential hazard. Step Potential During

a ground fault, current flows through the grounding system to a ground rod or some type of system

ground (steel structure, guy wire) seeking a return to its source. This current flow could possibly exist in,

or along the surface of the ground for quite some distance around the point where the earth becomes

energized. The current will follow, as nearly as possible, the conductors supplying the fault current. Step

potential is caused by the flow of fault current through the earth. The closer a person is to the ground rod

or grounded device, the greater the concentration of current and the higher the voltage. The current flow

creates a voltage drop as it flows through the earth's surface and a person standing with their feet apart

bridges a portion of this drop thus creating a parallel path for current flow as seen in the these two

illustrations in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Step Potential

The wider apart a person's legs are, the larger the voltage difference across the body. Protection from the

step potential hazard should be to stay in the zone of equipotential while working. Simply being alert to

this hazard is the best defense. For this reason, unqualified personnel standing on the ground are

cautioned to stay clear of structures. This means that a person standing near the point where fault current

enters the earth may have a large potential difference from foot-to-foot. The potential difference over

the same span will be less and less as the span is moved away from either the fault current entry point or

the fault current return point at the source.

Touch Potential Touch potential is a problem similar to step potential – see Figure 4. It involves a fault

current flow in the earth establishing a potential difference between the earth contact point and some

nearby conductive structure or hardware.

Protection for step and touch potential is the use of switch operating platforms and ground grids. The

worker must remain upon a local conductive mat as the highest voltage gradient has been moved to the

mat's edges. Sub stations on Site have a ground grid located under the rocks, but if an individual is located

outside this area and while standing on the earth, touches a ground or a grounded object, a difference in

potential may exist during a ground fault.

SAFE WORK PRACTICES EO1.03 Explain safe work practice requirements for Non-Electrical Workers. Safe

Work Practices The first step in developing a safe work environment is to have procedures in place which

provide guidelines for employees to perform various tasks safely. The procedure should help eliminate

injuries by providing rules and guidelines for people working on or near energized electrical circuit

conductors. It should address qualifications, tools, protective equipment, approval levels and attendance

required for various tasks, as well as other additional cautionary information. Also this procedure should

address safe approach distances for qualified and unqualified personnel. When conductors are or may

become energized, an alternative way of ensuring safety from the electrical hazards is to observe a safe

approach distance (or clearance) from exposed conductors. It is important to know how close persons, or

conductive objects which they might be carrying, can approach without endangering themselves. These

clearances are greater for an unqualified person than for a qualified person. The OSHA rules only give safe

approach distances and clearances to overhead lines. See Table (Figure 5) . This Table also shows

clearances for qualified and unqualified persons working at ground level and other locations where the

conductors are more stationary. A procedure should also address the requirements for “Electric Utility

Safe Practices On or Near Transformation, Transmission, and Distribution Electrical Conductors” and be

compliant with 29CFR 1910.269. The provisions of this procedure apply to installations under the exclusive

control of electric utilities personnel when personnel work on or near the following types of energized

electrical circuit conductors;

• Conductors used for communication or metering of electrical energy.

• Conductors used for the control, transformation, transmission, and distribution of electric energy.

• Conductors under the exclusive control of the utility, located in buildings or located outdoors, used

exclusively for the purposes of generation, control, transformation, transmission, and distribution of

electric energy. POWER ARC EO 1.04 Explain the characteristics and hazards associated with power arcs

and the precautions that should be taken to avoid injury by an arc blast. Characteristics of an Arc Electrical

workers are frequently in close proximity to energized parts where power arcs can occur. It is not

necessary to touch an energized conductor to receive an electrical shock. Anyone who has rubbed their

feet across a carpeted room and reached for a metal doorknob can attest to that. High voltage may cause

current flow through the air from one conductive surface to another if the voltage is great enough and

conditions are right. A lightning strike, which might have an electrical potential of millions of volts, is an

electrical arc that could span miles. Similarly, in electrical work, when there is a difference of potential

between two points, an arc can occur under the right set of conditions. Not only could an electrical arc

jump from a conductor to a person and give them a shock but arcing can result in serious burns and

explosive blasts. Typically, arcing distances are rather small. Safe approach distances should include a

safety factor to the arcing distances in order to account for such things as inadvertent movement and

variable work conditions. Workers should always be aware of the arcing hazard when handling tools and

equipment near energized electrical conductors. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may be required in

certain situations depending on the amount of energy available at the source. The power arc is a discharge

of electricity through a combination of ionized air and vaporized conductor material. The conductive

material is vaporized by temperatures in an arc which can be as high as 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Burns

associated with high energy arcs can be fatal even if the victim is several feet from the arc, and severe

burns at distances up to ten feet are common. Clothing may also be ignited at distances of several feet.

This may also be fatal, because the clothing cannot be removed or extinguished quickly enough to prevent

serious burns over much of the body's skin. The following table, (Figure 6), gives several examples of the

increased temperature of human skin above normal when exposed to power arcs of varying lengths.

Electrical Arc Blasts In addition to an electrical shock and burns, another hazard to employees is the blast

effect that can result from arcing. If the current involved is great enough, these arcs can cause injury and

start fires. Extremely high-energy arcs can damage equipment causing fragmented metal to fly in all

directions. Low-energy arcs can cause violent explosions or blasts in atmospheres containing explosive

gases, vapors or combustible dusts. The hot vaporized metal from the arc blast will combine with oxygen

and become an oxide of the metal of the arc. These molten particles will stick to almost anything actually

melting into many surfaces. Clothing may ignite as a result of contact with this molten material and a

victim may receive serious burns. Also, your body has an instinctive reaction when you are suddenly

startled to breath in heavy or gasp. Inhaling the hot vaporized particles will cause serious damage to your

respiratory system by burning the lungs, throat and esophagus. There is no equipment available to

completely protect electrical workers from the effects of blast. However, safe practices, such as standing

to the hinged side of a cubicle door when operating a breaker, and other precautions listed below can be

taken to minimize the effect of a blast. The main protections against arc blasts are listed in the following


Exposure Limitation The amount of time you spend around high energy equipment; don't loiter. Distance

Always stay as far away as possible from high energy equipment unless you have a need to be there. Mass

Try to keep some type of sturdy material between you and a potential blast. Protective Clothing Flash

suits may offer some protection to minimize burns resulting from blasts. If an arcing fault occurs while a

worker is in close proximity, the survivability of the worker is mostly dependent upon system design

aspects, such as characteristics of the over-current protective device and precautions the worker has

taken prior to the event, such as wearing personal protective equipment appropriate for the hazard. The

effects of an arcing fault, as seen in Figure 7 can be devastating to a person. The intense thermal energy

released in a fraction of a second can cause severe burns. Molten metal is blown out and can burn skin or

ignite flammable clothing. One of the major causes of serious burns and deaths to workers is ignition of

flammable clothing due to an arcing fault. The tremendous pressure blast from the vaporization of

conducting materials and superheating of air can fracture ribs, collapse lungs and knock.

NFPA 70E APPROACH BOUNDARIES EO 1.05 Explain the NFPA approach boundaries for qualified and

unqualified workers. A Flash Hazard Analysis shall be done before a person approaches any exposed

electrical conductor or circuit part that has not been placed in an electrical safe work condition. A Flash

Hazard Analysis determines the incident energy exposure of the worker (in calories per square

centimeter). Flash Protection Boundary The radiant energy released by an electric arc is capable of

maiming or killing a human being at distances of up to ten or even twenty feet. In addition to radiant heat,

the molten material and objects ejected by the electrical blast can also be lethal. The flash protection

boundary is the closest approach allowed by qualified or unqualified persons without the use of arc

protection PPE. The flash protection boundary is the distance from an arc fault to limit skin temperature

to a "just curable" 2nd degree skin burn [less than 80°C (176°F)] if not protected by Personal Protective

Equipment – see Figure 10. For work within the Flash Protection Boundary, the employer must document

the incident energy exposure (in calories per square centimeter). This incident energy level shall be based

on the working distance of the employee’s face and chest areas from a prospective arc source for the

specific task to be performed. The incident energy exposure determines fire retardant clothing and

personal protective equipment requirements. The hazard risk category in NFPA 70E establishes

requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing based on the incident energy

exposure (in calories per square centimeter) associated with the specific task. If a flash hazard analysis is

performed, the hazard risk category shall be selected such that it always bounds the calculated incident

energy exposure (i.e. the Arc Thermal Performance Value (ATPV) for the selected hazard risk category

shall be greater than the calculated energy incident exposure). Note: An optional flash hazard analysis

may provide a more accurate determination of the incident energy exposure and possibly reduce the

hazard risk category, resulting in a reduction of clothing/PPE requirements. This might be advantageous

if the task will be performed at the lower end of the voltage ranges specified in the Tables, or if the task

work location is remote from the power source resulting in reduced bolted fault currents. Note: Qualified

electrical workers shall be aware of the final established flash boundary distance as well as the shock

protection distances and ensure that unprotected persons near the work area are not allowed to cross

the greater distance of the two. A physical boundary is preferred. The established boundary shall be

sufficient to ensure that the qualified worker(s) are not distracted from their work assignment(s) to

maintain the integrity of this boundary. Limited Approach Boundary This is the shock protection distance

from a live part within which (limited space) only a “Qualified Person” may work. It is the “approach”

distance for unqualified personnel – unqualified persons must maintain this distance from the exposed

energized conductors or circuit parts, including the longest conductive object being handled, so that they

cannot contact or enter the specified air insulation distance to the exposed energized electrical

conductors or circuit parts. There may be times when the limited approach boundary is inside of the flash

protection boundary (The distance within which a person could suffer 2nd degree burns from an arc flash,

if not protected by personal protective equipment). A person must not cross the flash protection

boundary unless he or she are wearing appropriate personal protective clothing and are under the close

supervision of a qualified person. In certain instances, the flash protection boundary might be a greater

distance than the limited approach boundary and the greater distance shall be utilized to trigger the need

for personal protective equipment. For a person to cross the limited approach boundary and enter the

limited space, he or she must be qualified to perform the job/task. Restricted Approach Boundary To cross

the restricted approach boundary and enter the restricted space, the qualified person must have a

documented plan approved by authorized management for tasks. Use personal protective equipment

appropriate for working near exposed energized conductors or circuit parts and rated for the voltage and

energy level involved. Be certain no part of the body enters the prohibited space. Minimize the risk due

to inadvertent movement by keeping as much of the body out of the restricted space, using only

protective body parts in the space as necessary to accomplish the work. Prohibited Approach Boundary A

prohibited approach boundary is a shock protection boundary to be crossed only by qualified persons (at

a distance from a live part) which, when crossed by a body part or object shall require the same protection

as if direct contact is made with a live part. To cross the prohibited boundary and enter the prohibited

space is considering the same as making contact with the exposed energized conductors or circuit parts.

Figure 10 illustrates an electrical conductor along with the flash protection boundary and the three shock

protection boundaries.

ELECTRICAL EMERGENCIES EO 1.06 Explain the actions to be taken when an electrical emergency arises.

Electrical Emergencies Electrical accidents as shown in Figure 11 cause countless injuries and cost the lives

of hundreds of Americans each year. Injury could be minimized and many lives saved if proper rescue

techniques and treatment are used. Electrical accidents may occur at almost any time or place. Timely

response and treatment of victims is a major concern. You must use your best judgment in an electrical

emergency. Do you know the proper actions to take? Do you know what dangers could be encountered?

When an electrical accident occurs, due to the effect of muscle clamping, a victim is often incapable of

moving or releasing the electrical conductor. Attempts to rescue an accident victim may pose as great a

hazard for the rescuer as it does for the victim. Caution should be a primary consideration during any

electrical accident or emergency. There should always be an emergency response plan for scheduled

electrical maintenance or work.

Electrical Accidents Ask the following questions before doing hazardous electrical work! If an accident

occurs, what will you do? Accidents happen when you least expect them, things to consider are: They cost

lives. Can I limit impact? Rescue and treatment of shock is essential.

Lives will be saved if proper rescue techniques are used. Rescue may pose as great a hazard for the rescuer

as for the victim:

Victims may be unable to move. Victims may be held to circuits by muscles that have contracted. Victims

must be rescued as soon as possible to survive. What action will you take when you find an electrical

accident victim? Who will you call first? What tools or protective equipment will you need? What are your

primary safety considerations? What will your first response be?

Electrical Rescue Techniques Approaching the accident: Never rush into an accident situation. Call 911 as

soon as possible. Get the aid of trained electrical personnel if possible. Approach the accident scene

cautiously. Examining the scene: Visually examine victims to determine if they are in contact with

energized conductors. Metal surfaces, objects near the victim or the earth itself may be energized. You

may become a victim if you touch an energized victim or conductive surface. Do not touch the victim or

conductive surfaces while they are energized. De-energize electrical circuits if at all possible. Methods to

de-energize: An extension or power cord probably powers portable electrical equipment. Unplug portable

electrical equipment to remove power. Open a disconnecting device or circuit breaker to de-energize fixed

electrical equipment. Hazards and solutions: Be alert for hazards such as stored energy, heated surfaces

and fire. If you can’t de-energize the power source use extreme care: Ensure that your hands and feet are

dry. Wear protective equipment such as low voltage gloves and overshoes if available. Stand on a clean

dry surface. Use nonconductive material to remove a victim from the conductor. High voltage rescue:

Special training is required for rescues if high voltage is present. Protective equipment such as high voltage

gloves and overshoes must be worn. Special insulated tools should be used Insulated tools: Insulated

tools, with high voltage ratings, are a lifesaver! Use devices such as hot sticks or shotgun sticks to remove

a victim from energized conductors. In some cases, nonconductive rope or cord may be used to remove a

victim from a conductor.

Rescuing the victim: Stand on a dry rubber blanket or other insulating material if possible. Do not touch

the victim or conductive material near the victim until the power is off. Once power is off, examine the

victim to determine if they should be moved. Give “First Aid.” First Aid: A victim may require Cardio-

Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). If the victim is breathing and has a heartbeat, give first aid for injuries and

treat for shock. Ensure the victim gets medical care as soon as possible. Provide medical personnel with

information on voltage level, shock duration & entry/exit points. The treating/attending physician must

have detailed specific information to properly diagnose and care for the victim. The physician must

determine whether the victim should be sent to a “Trauma or Burn Center.”

Basic Electrical Safety Rule(s) The OSHA regulation regarding electrical safe practices states two very

important basic points. The first is that live parts shall be de-energized before working on or near them.

The second point is that even after the exposed parts have been de-energized, they shall still be treated

as energized until they are locked out and/or tagged out. That is why the BASIC RULE for electrical safe

practices procedure is stated as follows; ALL ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS, BARE OR INSULATED,




PERSONNEL WHO HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO DO THE WORK. As with any procedure, revisions are

commonplace. Workers should always check to ensure they are working from the latest revision when

using a procedure. The safest way to avoid electrical hazards is to de-energize the conductors to be

worked on or near, and, assure that they cannot be re-energized. This is known as putting the conductors

in an electrically safe work condition and should always be your first consideration. An electrically safe

work condition will be achieved and verified by the following process:

1) Determine all possible sources of electrical supply to the specific equipment. Check applicable upto

date drawings, diagrams and identification tags.

2) After properly interrupting the load current, open the disconnecting device(s) for each source.

3) Where it is possible, visually verify that all blades of the disconnecting devices are fully open or that

drawout type circuit breakers are withdrawn to the fully disconnected position.

4) Apply lockout/tagout devices in accordance with a documented and established policy.

5) Use adequately rated voltage detector to test each phase conductor or circuit part to verify they are

de-energized. Before and after each test, determine the voltage detector is operating satisfactorily.

6) Where the possibility of induced voltages or stored electrical energy exists, ground the phase

conductors or circuit parts before touching them. Where it could be reasonably anticipated that the

conductors or circuit parts being de-energized could contact other exposed energized conductors or

circuit parts, apply ground connecting devices rated for the available fault duty. Working On Or Near

Energized Conductors OSHA also spells out the rules for working on or near energized parts. Energized

parts that operate at less than 50 volts to ground do not have to be de-energized before working on or

near them, if you are sure there are no other hazards which could occur. If the electrical circuit conductors

are 50 volts or more to ground you cannot work on them energized, except under very restrictive

conditions. OSHA rules will allow you to work on or near energized.

circuit parts if you can prove that de-energizing introduces additional or increased hazards. OSHA also

permits this type work if de-energization is infeasible due to equipment design or operational limitations.

Some examples of additional or increased hazards might be the de-activation of an emergency alarm

system or shutting down a hazardous location ventilation system. Testing, some forms of troubleshooting,

or the impracticality of shutting down some continuous industrial processes are examples of infeasibility.

Working on or near electrical conductors or circuit parts which are or may become energized shall only

be done by qualified employees who have been trained to recognize electrical hazards and have been

trained to avoid injury by using safe practices, precautionary techniques and protective equipment.

Working on or near exposed energized conductors requires extensive planning and higher level

management approvals. With the exception of testing, working on or near energized circuit parts will

usually not be approved. The OSHA rules only give safe approach distances and clearances to overhead



all work areas; therefore, 29 CFR 1910.332 requires Non-electrical workers to receive electrical safety

training. Non-electrical workers who work in specified areas that may expose them to higher then normal

exposure must receive electrical training that’s specific to their job. This section will cover electrical safety

requirements for these jobs. 1.08 Describe electrical hazards that may be encountered by Non-electrical

Workers. ٠ Welders ٠ Heavy Equipment Operators ٠ Excavators ٠ Warehouse Workers ٠ Painters Welders

All Welders who use electrical systems to “Weld, Cut, or Braze” must have a working knowledge of the

electrical hazards that’s an inherent part of their job and take positive steps to eliminate and/or mitigate

those hazards – see Figure 12. The following are some of the safety rules and guidelines that apply to

welders and may be used in other disciplines.

Electric shock is a peril associated with electric resistance and electric arc welding. A shock can happen

because the equipment isn't properly grounded, direct contact (Figure 14) with energized leads or from

contact with the welding leads via moist gloves or clothing, damp floors or humid air. The environmental

conditions of the welder (such as wet or cramped spaces) may make the likelihood of a shock greater.

Even if the shock itself isn't too serious, the jolt could throw a welder out of position causing major injuries.

Falls and other accidents can result from even a small shock; brain damage and death can result from a

large shock. Always wear dry hole-free insulating gloves to protect against or reduce electric shock. The

welder should also wear rubber-soled shoes, and use an insulating layer, such as a dry board or a rubber

mat, for protection on surfaces that can conduct electricity. Arc Welding and Cutting 29 Code of Federal

Regulation (CFR) 1910.254(d)(7): Manufacturer’s Instructions: Printed rules and instruction covering the

operation of the equipment supplied by the manufacturer shall be strictly followed. Mr. Dave Werba,

Miller Electric Co. - Technical Support, stated that “insulating gloves” referred to both protection from

heat, sparks, etc. and electrical insulating properties. He suggested using “Electrical Line-man’s Gloves.”

Ground the piece being welded and the frame of all electrically powered machines. The insulation on

electrode holders and electrical cables should be kept dry and in good condition. Do not change electrodes

with bare hands, wet gloves, when standing on wet floors or grounded surfaces – see Figure 15.

A minor slag burn could startle a worker just long enough to lose balance and fall. Wear safety belts or

lifelines when welding in high places or wherever a slip or fall could be dangerous. In arc-or-stick welding,

the open circuit voltage that exists between the electrode holder and the ground during the “off arc” or

“no load” period presents a potential hazard to the worker and those around him. The worker becomes

exposed to this voltage when setting up work, changing working position, or changing welding electrodes.

The insulation on welding electrode holders is sometimes damaged from rough use and from moving

welding equipment through/around tight spaces – see Figure 16 Contact with skin or damp clothing by

the bare metal exposed when this occurs can result in a shock. Similarly, welding leads and cables can

become cut or nicked from rough handling and use, exposing the bare metal of the conductor. Leads,

cables and electrode holders should be inspected prior to work and more frequently in rough use

situations. When working in tight and confined spaces, care should be taken to prevent hot sparks and

slag from falling onto and damaging welding leads.

Welders must protect themselves and OTHERS in the vicinity from electrical shock. OSHA requires the

welding machines to be turned off when it is left for appreciable/extended periods of time. 29 CFR

1926.351(d)(3): When the arc welder or cutter has occasion to leave his work or to stop work for any

appreciable length of time, or when the arc welding or cutting machine is to be moved, the power supply

switch to the equipment shall be opened. In order to protect those in the vicinity of welding/plasma arc

operations, you must prevent the general population from coming in contact with the ENERGIZED

ELECTRODES – see Figure 17. The electrode and work circuit is electrically live whenever the output is on

(power switch is in the ON position. 29 CFR1910.254 para (d)(7) and 1926.254: Electrode holders.

Electrode holders when not in use shall be so placed that they cannot make electrical contact with

persons, conducting objects, fuel or compressed gas tanks. Z49.1 Safe Conditions. Welders shall

cut or weld only where all safety precautions have been met. E3.2.3.3 Do not work alone where conditions

are especially hazardous, such as where electric shock is a hazard, or where ventilation is poor, etc.

(Electric Shock is always a hazard and is an ever present danger!) 3.2.3 Welders Safe Handling of

Equipment. Welders shall understand the hazards of the operation to be performed and the procedures

being used to control hazardous conditions. Welders shall handle the equipment safely and use it so as

not to endanger lives and property. 4. Protection of Personnel and the General Area 4.1 Protection of the

General Area 4.1.1 Equipment. Welding equipment, machines, cable, and other apparatus shall be located

so that it does not present a hazard to personnel. Good housekeeping shall be maintained. 4.1.2 Signs.

Signs shall be posted designating welding areas, and indicating that eye protection and other applicable

protective devices shall be worn. Personnel assigned to work in areas where there may be electrical

hazards, should be informed of the nature of the hazard and personal protective measures necessary.

They must be familiar with protective equipment, alerting techniques and emergency assistance methods.

Para 5.: Use safety signs, tags, barricades or standby attendants as needed to keep unauthorized persons

out of a work area where electrical hazards might exist. A physical barrier is always the preferred method

of keeping personnel away from the dangerous electrical potential/current encountered/available during

welding evolutions. Each welder shall be familiar with the area used for performing welding and shall take

the proper precautions to prevent fires, electrical shock, eye injury, inhalation of hazardous fumes, burns,

excessive noise, and heat exhaustion to themselves and others who may occupy the area.

Specific Electrical Measures The avoidance of electrical shock is largely within the control of the welder.

Therefore, it is especially important that the welder be thoroughly trained on safe welding procedures.

Safe procedures must be observed at all times when working with equipment having voltages necessary

for arc welding. These voltages can be dangerous to life. Even mild shocks can cause involuntary muscular

contractions. Electric shock from welding can kill!! Any electric welder, AC or DC, has the power to cause

electrocution if the electrode touches your bare skin while you are grounded. To avoid electric shocks and

possible electrocution, personnel should take the following precautions:

• Welders must always be concerned about the possibility of electrical shock. Wet working conditions

must be avoided because water is an excellent conductor and electricity will always follow the path of

least resistance. Even a person’s perspiration can lower the body’s resistance to electrical shock. Standing

on a dry rubber mat, or when welding outdoors, standing on a dry board, is always advisable.

• Poor connections and bare spots on cables further increase the possibility of electrical shock, so

equipment operators should routinely inspect for effective ground connections. A proper ground

connection is always necessary because it provides a safety connection from a welding machine frame to

the earth.

• Connections typically used for grounding an engine-driven welding machine include a cable connected

from a ground stud on the welding machine to a metal stake driven/placed into/in the ground.

• The workpiece being welded and the frame or chassis of all electrically powered machines must be

connected to a good electrical ground. This can be accomplished by connecting it to a properly grounded

building frame or other appropriate ground. Chains, wire ropes, cranes hoists and elevators must never

be used as grounding connectors.

• The work lead is not the grounding lead. The work lead connects the work terminal on the power source

to the workpiece. A separate lead is required to ground the workpiece or power source.

• When arc welding equipment is properly grounded, a voltage may exist between the electrode and any

conducting object. Examples of conducting objects include buildings; power tools, work benches, welding

power source cases, and work pieces.

• Never touch the electrode and any metal object unless the welding power source is OFF.

• When installing a welding system, connect the frames of each unit such as welding power source,

control, worktable and water circulator to the building ground. Conductors must be adequate to carry

ground currents safely. Equipment made electrically hot by stray current may deliver a powerful shock.

• Never ground to an electrical conduit or to a pipe carrying any gas or flammable liquid such as oil or


• Use proper precautionary measures and recommended safe practices at all times. Train personnel using

welding and cutting equipment to reduce the risk of injuries, fatalities, and electrical accidents.

• Read all instructions, labels and installation manuals before installing, operating or servicing the


• Do not strike the arc without covering the face and eyes. Give warning to others before striking the arc.

• All of the following are electrically energized when the power is “on”: electrode and welding circuit,

input power circuit and machine internal circuits, the wire, reel of wire, drive rolls, and all other metal

parts touching the energized electrode.

• Have all installation, operation, maintenance, and repair work performed only by qualified people.

• Do not work alone. • Wear dry, hole-free, insulating gloves in good condition and protective clothing.

• Isolate/Insulate yourself from the workpiece and ground by wearing high top rubber soled shoes or

standing on a dry insulated mat or platform.

• Use fully insulated electrode holders. Never dip the holder into water to cool it or lay it on conductive

surfaces or the work surface.

• Do not touch holders connected to two welding machines at the same time.

It's easy to prevent serious accidents involving cranes and power lines. The following safety tips should be

adhered to when operating a crane near overhead power lines.

• Keep a safe distance between yourself and power lines. Ten feet is generally considered the minimum

safe distance. Always consider all power lines as energized and dangerous. Any contact with a crane boom

will probably cause serious injury to operators and workers, and damage to equipment.

• Look up before you unload or load a crane from a truck or lowboy. Make sure there are no overhead

lines before you start.

• Educate your crew, particularly new employees about the dangers of overhead power lines. Utility

companies have a ten feet (10' ) minimum approach distance to overhead power lines as illustrated in

Figure 21 This distance is law in some states.

• Be safe! The crane's mast or boom must be kept at least 10 feet away from a normal distribution power

line at all times. And that includes the load line and the load. Skilled crane operators know that distances

in the air are hard to judge, and that a spotter is a good, safe idea. When you must work near any power

line, use the shortest boom possible. Never move a crane under a power line unless there are adequate

clearances. If your crane boom or mast contacts a power line, the operator should immediately try to

swing the boom into the clear. If it is necessary to leave the equipment, anyone on the machine should

jump entirely clear of the unit. Jump so that both feet hit the ground at the same time, and keep them

close together. Walk away in a small step shuffle because a lot of power flowing into the ground can create

differences in electrical potential around the problem: enough difference to actually shock anyone whose

feet are too far apart. Once clear of the equipment, do not return for any reason until the power line has

been grounded or determined to be safe by your electric utility or the owner of the line. And keep any

others around from touching or approaching the equipment. Contact with overhead power lines

continues as a major cause of electrical accidents, injuries and fatalities. The Figure 22 and Figure 23

represent typical accident scenarios:

Excavators Buried power and communication lines are more prevalent today than ever before. These lines

pose a special hazard to operators of equipment used during trenching and excavation activities.

Therefore, operators need to be aware of the hazards penetration of energized power lines poses and

take positive steps to eliminate the hazard before digging. Figure 24 illustrates some of these hazards.

▪ Locate underground power lines and other utilities before digging. Utility companies will assist with

location and marking and should be contacted prior to digging.

▪ Workers must ensure that power is removed from the lines and a zero energy state has been verified.

▪ Workers must ensure that the system is locked and tagged out.

▪ All workers must have a questioning attitude about safety and especially electrical safety.

Remember, penetration of energized underground conductors by workers can result in shock and even

death. Warehouse Workers Warehouse workers are exposed to a wide variety of hazards. These may

include chemicals, vehicular traffic, awkward working positions, height, and electrical shock potential. Of

these the least addressed one is electricity. Therefore workers tend to ignore electrical safety conditions

because they simply don’t recognize the hazard. This section will address some of these hazardous

conditions and discuss ways to remove them. Electricity in warehouses is often encountered during

storage and retrieval of parts that are stored at height and involve the use of some type of lifting device

such as a forklift. Warehouse workers must be aware of the following electrical hazards and implement

positive controls so that they may be avoided.

Painters Painters are usually injured by electricity when they come in contact with energized systems

through their paint roller or their ladder. These injuries can usually be avoided simply by being more aware

of their surrounding and understanding that you must follow the basic rule when electrical energy is



Describe potential accidents and hazards associated with the following equipment or components.

• Portable Generators • Battery Banks

• Battery Chargers Portable Generators Portable generators are used to provide an alternate source of

AC power to equipment. These generators may be diesel or gasoline driven. The units range in size from

being relatively small to furnish power for emergency lighting and/or control circuits or they may be very

large and are capable of generating several megawatts of power. These generators are to be considered

operable at all times, unless locked out because they may be remotely operated and could be in the

standby state or running. Even small portable generators as seen in Figure 29 easily produce enough

current and voltage to kill. Also, if the generator has just been turned off the equipment could still be hot

and present the possibility of a burn if touched.

Battery Banks DC systems on Site include banks of batteries, motor-generator (MG) sets or battery

chargers, and the necessary system wiring and controls to supply the DC power. The function of a DC

electrical system is to provide power to essential control systems and equipment, which does not depend

on normal AC power. For safety, it is required that battery rooms have an eyewash station, in case acid

from the batteries is sprayed in the face of the operator. Ventilation fans should always be operating to

prevent hydrogen gas buildup. Due to the possibility of hydrogen gas being present there will be NO

SMOKING in the battery rooms and always make sure the ventilation fans are operating before entering.

Only qualified personnel should enter a battery room. Only necessary tools should be taken into the

battery room. All tools should be insulated tools. Rubber blankets should be utilized any time when

working overhead. This reduces the likelihood of shorting out the DC system. Batteries should be covered

with suitable insulating materials (i.e., rubber blankets) when personnel are working overhead with tools

or metallic objects. Shorting the DC system is extremely dangerous because the system may not be

protected by an over current device. Battery Chargers There are numerous styles of battery operated

trucks that range from small, motorized pallet trucks to much larger high lift trucks. No matter what kind

of truck you have, there are similar hazards associated with their batteries and their chargers. There are

two styles of batteries in industrial trucks today: Lead acid or nickel-iron. Both of these batteries pose a

health threat in several ways:

• Gases emitted during changing can be highly volatile

• Corrosive chemicals within the battery For these reasons, battery charging stations and the employees

that work around them must be properly equipped and certain safety procedures implemented. The

following procedures must be followed:

1. Eye or face protection must be worn when connecting a charger to a battery.

2. Chargers must be turned off when leads are being connected or disconnected.

3. All leads and cables must be checked and in good condition.

4. When charging batteries and when moving batteries, vent caps must be kept firmly in place to avoid

electrolyte splashing

5. If charging is to be conducted on a battery in a mobile piece of equipment, the battery compartment

cover must be left open to vent heat and explosive gases.

6. There must be adequate ventilation in the charging area.

7. The battery charger must be protected from damage. This usually means a physically protected area.

8. Facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body must be provided at or near the charging

area (approved emergency eyewash and safety shower).

9. Smoking and other ignition sources must be prohibited in the charging area. “No Smoking” signs must

be posted

ELECTRICAL SAFETY TIPS EO 1.10 List some electrical safety tips that all workers must adhere to when

working with any of the following:

• Power Tools

• Extension Cords

• Molded Case Circuit Breakers

• Downed Power Lines

• Ladders Background Hospital

Emergency Rooms provide life-saving measures to tens of thousands of individuals

injured/maimed/impaired as a direct/indirect result of the effects of electric current passing through their

bodies usually through a careless act. Over a thousand individuals are electrocuted annually. Fires in the

home and on-the-job are initiated as a result of improper use and care of electrical equipment, extension

cords, and plugs. Causes for these events include inattention through repetition, unexpected events and

inexperience and overconfidence. We can eliminate a large percentage of these injuries and death

through the application/use of safe tool/electrical practices. Contact with current from machines, tools,

appliances and light fixtures accounted for 10 percent of the electrocution deaths in construction in 1999.

With the myriad of extension cords and portable power tools used on a jobsite, there is a real danger of

shocks from damaged cords, lights and tools. Dampness increases the risk. OSHA requires all tools be

grounded on a jobsite and that ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) be used. THE CPWR (Center to

Protect Worker Rights) reports that OSHA requires all machinery and power cords to be grounded with

three-prong plugs or have a double-insulated design. Use only factory-made extension cords that are

designed and marked for hard or extra-hard use. The most frequent OSHA citations are for electrical

problems. The most frequently cited standards are:

• 1926.404(f)(6) Improper or inadequate grounding path from circuits, equipment and enclosures

• 1926.405(g)(2) Improper connections of flexible cords to devices and fittings

• 1926.416(e)(1) Use of worn or frayed electric cords or cables

• 1926.403(b)(2) Improper use or installation of listed, labeled or certified equipment

• 1926.404(b)(1) Improper attachment of grounded conductors to terminals and leads, causing

designated polarity to reverse

• 1926.404(b)(1)(I) Failure to implement GFCIs or assure equipment grounding conductor programs

Electrical Power Tool Safety

• Use the tool only for its designed purpose.

• Read the Owner’s Manual and follow manufacturer’s safety instructions.

• Remember electric-powered tools must have a three-wire plug with ground or be double insulated.

• Use of electric-powered tools with a GFCI breakers will drastically reduce the possibility of electric shock

or electrocution.

• Don appropriate PPE.

• If an extension cord is required, make sure it is for the correct wattage and has the proper plugs. Verify

condition of the cord and plugs and check for rated use: indoor or outdoor.

• Ensure the power switch is “OFF” before plugging or unplugging tools.

• Never disconnect power by pulling on the cord – use the PLUG.

• Never carry a tool by the cord.

• Unplug the cord before making adjustments, changing/replacing parts/accessories.

• Inspect tool before each use. Replace tool if parts are worn or damaged as seen if Figure 30. Remove

from service and tag “Danger, Do Not Operate.”

• Remember there are specific practices also when drilling or penetrating areas which may contain

energized conductors.

1. Drilling or penetrating areas which contain or may contain energized electrical conductors is considered

"working near". Such work requires extreme caution and good planning. Drills or penetrating equipment

must be grounded so that accidental contact with an unexpected energized electrical conductor will be

cleared quickly by the circuit protective device. Double insulated equipment cannot be counted on to

provide protection when accidental contact is made with energized circuits. A drill bit stop should be used

to limit the distance of any penetration.

2. Enclosures, raceways, compartments, walls, ceilings, floors or underground areas where energized

electrical conductors are or may be hidden from direct view must be thoroughly investigated before

penetrating into them. The custodian should ensure that an engineering review of drawings or other

documentation about the work site is conducted.

Extension Cords

• Inspect the cord before each use. Replace the cord if worn or damaged. Remove from service and tag

“Danger, Do Not Operate.”

• Keep extension cords away from heat, oil/chemicals, sharp edges and ensure they do not become a

tripping hazard.

• Make sure extension cord is for the correct amperage and has the proper plug. Figure 32

• Verify condition of the cord and plugs and check rated use: indoor or outdoor.

• Don’t overload electrical outlets. Figure 33

• Never disconnect power by pulling on the cord – use the PLUG.

Molded Case Circuit Breakers Molded Case Circuit Breakers like in Figure 34, require little or no routine

maintenance throughout their normal lifetime. Breakers bearing the designation “SWD” are designed to

be used as a switch and for over current protection. General duty breakers are used for over current

protection and are not designed to be used as a switch.

Circuit breakers should only be operated by a designated area operations group or custodian who knows

what equipment the circuit breaker operates. Our Conduct of Operations states that if electrically

powered equipment operates a circuit protective device such as a breaker, the circuit may be reset one

time with the concurrence of the shift manager. Repetitive closing without investigating the cause is

prohibited. Electrical breakers in systems rated at 480 volts or higher must not be reset without a written

plan or procedure. Downed Power Lines It is important to remember that wires installed on utility poles

carry electricity. When wires are down, they are dangerous -- electricity can still flow through them. Never

assume that a downed power line is not energized as they still could be “live”. See Figure 35. Telephone

and cable TV wires may be entangled with electric wires and must also be treated as live. Another danger

from downed power lines can come in the form of a wire touching or laying on a metal building or metal

fence. Again, this could energize the building or fence and kill or injure someone if they were to come in

contact with it. Stay at least 50 feet away from all downed wires and keep others from going near them

as well. Be especially careful when driving or parking a vehicle near downed wires. If downed wires are in

the street, near the curb, or on the sidewalk, use extreme caution. Never drive over downed power lines.

Even if not energized, they can become entangled in your vehicle.

In the event that a wire comes down on a vehicle with passengers, the best advice is to stay in the vehicle

until professional help arrives to safely remove you from the vehicle. See Figure 36. If you MUST get out

of the vehicle because of fire or other life-threatening hazards, jump clear of the vehicle so that you do

not touch any part of the car and the ground at the same time Jump as far as possible away from the

vehicle with both feet landing on the ground at the same time. Once you clear the vehicle, shuffle away,

with both feet on the ground, or hop away, with both feet landing on the ground at the same time. Do

not run away from the vehicle as the electricity forms rings of different voltages. Running may cause your

legs to "bridge" current from a higher ring to a lower voltage ring. See Figure 37. This could result in a

shock. Get a safe distance away.

Ladders Safety regulations promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

establish specific requirements intended to prevent workers from positioning portable metal ladders

where they might contact electrical conductors [29 CFR* 1926.450(a)(11) and 1926.951(c)(1)]. These

regulations stipulate that "portable metal or conductive ladders shall not be used for electrical work or

where they may contact electrical conductors." Other pertinent regulations require that "portable ladders

in use shall be tied, blocked, or otherwise secured to prevent their being displaced" [29 CFR 1926.450(a)

(10]. Additional OSHA regulations require employers to instruct each worker to recognize and avoid

unsafe conditions [29 CFR 1926.21(b) (2)], and to provide prompt medical attention in case of serious

injury [29 CFR 1926.50].

Course Goal – The aim of this program is to provide comprehensive on-site training to high-risk workers

(i.e. skilled trades and maintenance workers) and management on the requirements of Sub Part S, and

the prevention of serious injuries from electrical hazards at their worksites. Participants will develop

understanding of the requirements of OSHA Sub Part “S” and NFPA, 70E and will be able to identify and

reduce or eliminate electrical safety hazards in their workplace. Electrical Safe Work Practices including

electrical safety principles, guidelines for qualification of personnel, job planning requirements and

Management and Personal Responsibility will be covered.

What Is Electricity? Electricity is everywhere in our lives. Electricity lights up our homes, cooks our food,

powers our computers, television sets, and other electronic devices. Electricity (DC Current) from

batteries starts our cars and makes our flashlights shine in the dark. But what is electricity? Where does

it come from? How does it work? What are the hazards? Before we understand all that, we need to know

a little bit about atoms and their structure. All matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of

smaller particles. The three main particles making up an atom are the proton, the neutron and the

electron. Electrons spin around the center, or nucleus. The nucleus is made up of neutrons and protons.

Electrons contain a negative charge, protons a positive charge. Neutrons are neutral - - they have neither

a positive nor a negative charge. Each atom has a specific number of electrons, protons and neutrons. But

no matter how many particles an atom has, the number of electrons usually needs to be the same as the

number of protons. If the numbers are the same, the atom is called balanced, and it is very stable. So, if

an atom had six protons, it should also have six electrons. The element with six protons and six electrons

is called carbon. Carbon is found in abundance in the sun, stars, comets, atmospheres of most planets,

and the food we eat. Coal is made of carbon; so are diamonds. Some kinds of atoms have loosely attached

electrons. An atom that loses electrons has more protons than electrons and is positively charged. An

atom that gains electrons has more negative particles and is negatively charged. A "charged" atom is

called an "ion." Electrons can be made to move from one atom to another. When those electrons move

between the atoms, a current of electricity is created. The electrons move from one atom to another in a

"flow." One electron is attached and another electron is lost. Since all atoms want to be balanced, the

atom that has been "unbalanced" will look for a free electron to fill the place of the missing one. We say

that this unbalanced atom has a "positive charge" (+) because it has too many protons Since it got kicked

off, the free electron moves around waiting for an unbalanced atom to give it a home. The free electron

charge is negative, and has no proton to balance it out, so we say that it has a "negative charge" (-). So

what do positive and negative charges have to do with electricity? The more positive atoms or negative

electrons you have, the stronger the attraction for the other. Since we have both positive and negative

charged groups attracted to each other, we call the total attraction "charge." When electrons move

among the atoms of matter, a current of electricity is created. This is what happens in a piece of wire. The

electrons are passed from atom to atom, creating an electrical current from one end to other. Short

definition of “ELECTRICITY”: is the flow of electrons through a conductor. Electricity is conducted through

some materials better than others. Its resistance measures how well something conducts electricity. Some

things hold their electrons very tightly. Electrons do not move through them very well. These things are

called insulators. Rubber, plastic, cloth, glass and dry air are good insulators and have very high resistance.

Other materials have some loosely held electrons, which move through them very easily. These are called

conductors. Most metals -- like copper, aluminum or steel -- are good conductors. Hazards Associated

With Electricity Electricity is widely recognized as a serious workplace hazard, exposing employees to

electric shock, burns, fires, and explosions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 250 employees

were killed by contact with electric current in 2006. Other employees have been killed or injured in fires

and explosions caused by electricity. It is well known that the human body will conduct electricity. If direct

body contact is made with an electrically energized part while a similar contact is made simultaneously

with another conductive surface that is maintained at a different electrical potential, a current will flow,

entering the body at one contact point, traversing the body, and then exiting at the other contact point,

usually the ground. Each year many employees suffer pain, injuries, and death from such electric shocks.

Current through the body, even at levels as low as 3 milliamperes, can also cause injuries of an indirect or

secondary injuries in which involuntary muscular reaction from the electric shock can cause bruises, bone

fractures and even death resulting from collisions or falls. Burns suffered in electrical accidents can be

very serious. These burns may be of three basic types: electrical burns, arc burns, and thermal contact

burns. Electrical burns are the result of the electric current flowing in the tissues, and may be either skin

deep or may affect deeper layers (such as muscles and bones) or both. Tissue damage is caused by the

heat generated from the current flow; if the energy delivered by the electric shock is high, the body cannot

dissipate the heat, and the tissue is burned. Typically, such electrical burns are slow to heal. Arc burns are

the result of high temperatures produced by electric arcs or by explosions close to the body. Finally,

thermal contact burns are those normally experienced from the skin contacting hot surfaces of

overheated electric conductors, conduits, or other energized equipment. In some circumstances, all three

types of burns may be produced simultaneously. If the current involved is great enough, electric arcs can

start a fire. Fires can also be created by overheating equipment or by conductors carrying too much

current. Extremely highenergy arcs can damage equipment, causing fragmented metal to fly in all

directions. In atmospheres that contain explosive gases or vapors or combustible dusts, even low-energy

arcs can cause violent explosions. Electrical accidents, when initially studied, often appear to be caused

by circumstances that are varied and peculiar to the particular incidents involved. However, further

consideration usually reveals the underlying cause to be a combination of three possible factors: work

involving unsafe equipment and installations; workplaces made unsafe by the environment; and unsafe

work practice. The first two factors are sometimes considered together and simply referred to as unsafe

conditions. Thus, electrical accidents can be generally considered as being caused by unsafe conditions,

unsafe work performance or, in what is usually the case, combinations of the two. It should also be noted

that inadequate maintenance can cause equipment or installations that were originally considered safe

to deteriorate, resulting in an unsafe condition. Some unsafe electric equipment and installations can be

identified, for example, by the presence of faulty insulation, improper grounding, loose connections,

defective parts, ground faults in equipment, unguarded live parts, and underrated equipment. The

environment can also be a contributory factor to electrical accidents in a number of ways. Environments

containing flammable vapors, liquids, or gases; areas containing corrosive atmospheres; and wet and

damp locations are some unsafe environments affecting electrical safety. Finally, unsafe acts include the

failure to de-energize electric equipment when it is being repaired or inspected or the use of tools or

equipment too close to energized parts. (Control of Hazardous Energy – Lockout/Tagout) As stated earlier,

electricity has long been recognized as a serious workplace hazard exposing employees to dangers such

as electric shock, electrocution, fires, and explosions. The 100-year-long history of the National Electrical

Code, originally formulated and periodically updated by industry consensus, attests to this fact. The NEC

has represented the continuing efforts of experts in electrical safety to address these hazards and provide

standards for limiting exposure in all electrical installations, including workplaces. OSHA has determined

that electrical hazards in the workplace pose a significant risk of injury or death to employees and that

the final rule, which draws heavily on the experience of the NEC, will substantially reduce this risk.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 1992 and 2006, an average of 283 employees

died per year from contact with electric current. This downward trend is due, in major part, to 30 years of

highly protective OSHA regulation in the area of electrical installation, based on the NEC and NFPA 70E

standards. The final standard carries forward most of the existing requirements for electrical installations,

with the new and revised requirements intended as fine tuning, introducing new technology along with

other improvements in safety. By complying with the final standard, employers will prevent unsafe

electrical conditions from occurring. While the number of deaths and injuries associated with electrical

hazards has declined, contact with electric current still poses a significant risk to employees in the

workplace, as evidenced by the numbers of deaths and serious injuries still occurring due to contact with

electric current. This final rule will help further reduce the number of deaths and injuries associated with

electrical hazards by providing additional requirements for installation safety and by recognizing

alternative means of compliance. On February 16, 1972, OSHA incorporated the 1971 edition of the

National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70-1971, by reference

as its electrical standard for general industry. The Agency followed the procedures outlined in Section 6(a)

of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which directed the Secretary to adopt existing national

consensus standards as OSHA standards within 2 years of the effective date of the OSH Act. In

incorporating the 1971 NEC by reference, OSHA made the entire 1971 NEC applicable to all covered

electrical installations made after March 15, 1972. For covered installations made before that date, OSHA

listed about 16 provisions from the 1971 NEC that applied. On January 16, 1981, OSHA revised its electrical

installation standard for general industry. This revision replaced the incorporation by reference of the

1971 NEC with relevant requirements from Part I of the 1979 edition of NFPA 70E. The revision simplified

and clarified the electrical standard and updated its provisions to match the 1978 NEC (the latest edition

available at the time). The standard was written to reduce the need for frequent revision and to avoid

technological obsolescence. These goals were achieved--NFPA 70E had only minor changes over its initial

15 years of existence. The first substantial changes were introduced in the 1995 edition of NFPA 70E. The

2000 edition of NFPA 70E contains a number of significant revisions, including a new, alternative method

for classifying and installing equipment in Class I hazardous locations. NFPA has recommended that OSHA

revise its general industry electrical standards to reflect the latest edition of NFPA 70E, arguing that such

a revision would provide a needed update to the OSHA standards and would better protect employees.

This final rule responds to NFPA's recommendations with regard to installation safety. It also reflects the

Agency's commitment to update its electrical standards, keep them consistent with NFPA standards, and

ensure that they appropriately protect employees. OSHA intends to extend this commitment by using

NFPA 70E as a basis for future revisions to its electrical safety-related work practice requirements and

new requirements for electrical maintenance and special equipment. Each year many employees suffer

electric shocks while using portable electric tools and equipment. The nature of the injuries ranges from

minor burns to electrocution. Electric shocks produced by alternating currents (ac) at power line

frequency passing through the body of an average adult from hand to foot for 1 second can cause various

effects, starting from a condition of being barely perceptible at 1 milliampere to loss of voluntary muscular

control for currents from 9 to 25 milliamperes. The passage of still higher currents, from 75 milliamperes

to 4 amperes, can produce ventricular fibrillation of the heart; and, finally, immediate cardiac arrest at

over 4 amperes. These injuries occur when employees contact electrically energized parts. Typically, the

frame of a tool becomes accidentally energized because of an electrical fault (known as a ground fault)

that provides a conductive path to the tool casing. For instance, with a grounded electric supply system,

when the employee contacts the tool casing, the fault current takes a path through the employee to an

electrically grounded object. The amount of current that flows through an employee depends, primarily,

upon the resistance of the fault path within the tool, the resistance of the path through the employee's

body, and the resistance of the paths, both line side and ground side, from the employee back to the

electric power supply. Moisture in the atmosphere can contribute to the electrical fault by enhancing both

the conductive path within the tool and the external ground path back to the electric power supply. Dry

skin can have a resistance range of anywhere from about 500 to 500,000 ohms and wet skin can have a

resistance range of about 200 to 20,000, depending on several factors, such as the physical characteristics

and mass of the employee. More current will flow if the employee is perspiring or becomes wet because

of environmental conditions. If the current is high enough, the employee will suffer a ground-fault

electrocution. One method of protection against injuries from electric shock is the ground-fault

circuitinterrupter (GFCI). This device continually monitors the current flow to and from electric

equipment. If the current going out to the protected equipment differs by approximately 0.005 amperes

(5-milliamperes) from the current returning, then the GFCI will de-energize the equipment within as little

as 25 milliseconds, quickly enough to prevent electrocution. GFCI requirements. Paragraph (b)(3) of final

Sec. 1910.304 sets new requirements for ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection of receptacles and

cord connectors used in general industry. Paragraph (b)(3)(i) requires ground-fault circuit protection for

all 125-volt, singlephase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles installed in bathrooms and on rooftops. This

provision only applies to installations made after the effective date of the final rule. Cord sets and cord-

and plug-connected equipment in these locations can get wet and expose employees to severe ground-

fault hazards. The NFPA 70E Technical Committee believes, and OSHA agrees, that using 125-volt, 15- and

20-ampere cord- and plug-connected equipment in these locations exposes employees to great enough

risk of ground-fault electrocution to warrant the protection afforded by GFCIs. To determine the extent

to which the standard may reduce the number of deaths attributable to electrical accidents, OSHA

examined its accident investigation reports for the States without any statewide electrical code. The

accident cause can be used to ascertain whether the death would have been prevented by compliance

with the final rule. As an initial screen, OSHA reviewed the reports for accidents that could have been

prevented through the use of a GFCI. While OSHA expects that other provisions of the revised standard

potentially will reduce deaths due to electrical accidents, this initial screen focused on GFCI-related

accidents since they are relatively easy to isolate using a key word search through all reports. Thus, the

accident report analysis is conservative in the sense that it likely understates the number of deaths

preventable under the revision to Subpart S.

Circuits: Electrons with a negative charge, can't "jump" through the air to a positively charged atom. They

have to wait until there is a link or bridge between the negative area and the positive area. We usually

call this bridge a "circuit." When a bridge is created, the electrons begin moving quickly. Depending on

the resistance of the material making up the bridge, they try to get across as fast as they can. If you're not

careful, too many electrons can go across at one time and destroy the "bridge" or the circuit, in the

process. We can limit the number of electrons crossing over the "circuit," by letting only a certain number

through at a time. And we can make electricity do something for us while they are on their way. For

example, we can "make" the electrons "heat" a filament in a bulb, causing it to glow and give off light.

When we limit the number of electrons that can cross over our circuit, we say we are giving it "resistance".

We "resist" letting all the electrons through. This works something like a tollbooth on a freeway bridge.

Copper wire is just one type of bridge we use in circuits.

Before electrons can move far, however, they can collide with one of the atoms along the way. This slows

them down or even reverses their direction. As a result, they lose energy to the atoms. This energy

appears as heat, and the scattering is a resistance to the current. Think of the bridge as a garden hose.

The current of electricity is the water flowing in the hose and the water pressure is the voltage of a circuit.

The diameter of the hose is the determining factor for the resistance. Current refers to the movement of

charges. In an electrical circuit - electrons move from the negative pole to the positive. If you connected

the positive pole of an electrical source to the negative pole, you create a circuit. This charge changes into

electrical energy when the poles are connected in a circuit -- similar to connecting the two poles on

opposite ends of a battery. Along the circuit you can have a light bulb and an on-off switch. The light bulb

changes the electrical energy into light and heat energy.

The number of electrons we are willing to let across the circuit at one time is called "current". We measure

current using amperes, or "Amps". One AMP is defined as 625,000,000,000,000,000,000 (6.25 x 1018)

electrons moving across your circuit every second! Since no one wants to remember such a big number,

that big number is called a "coulomb," after the scientist Charles A Coulomb who helped discover what a

current of electricity is. The amount of charge between the sides of the circuit is called "voltage." We

measure Voltage in Volts. The word volt is named after another scientist, Alexader Volta, who built the

world's first battery. Voltage, Current and Resistance are very important to circuits. If either voltage or

current is too big you could break the circuit. But if either is too small, the circuit will not be able to work

enough to be useful to us. In the same way, if the resistance is too big none of the electrons would be able

to get though at all, but if it were too small, they would rush though all at once breaking the circuit on

their way. Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970: The employer did not furnish

employment and a place of employment which were free from recognized hazards that were causing or

likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees in that employees were exposed to: a.

Maintenance employees who routinely perform tasks such as compressor PM's (amperage draws),

checking voltages at fuses and contacts, replacing fuses, replacing breakers, troubleshooting motors and

checking power feed lines from bus lines were exposed to potential electrical hazards such as shock, burn,

electrocution, arc flash, and arc blast, while working on energized electrical systems of up to 480 Volts.

The employees did not wear all necessary electrical personal protective equipment such as face shields,

safety glasses, and were not utilizing all the necessary specialized tools, barriers , shields or insulating

materials to protect against all potential electrical hazards. No adequate hazard analysis (such as a flash

hazard analysis as described in NFPA 70E ("Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee

Workplaces" (2000 Edition) Section 2-1.3.3)) had been conducted to determine whether the potential

hazards of the work to be performed (such as shock, electrocution, arc blast, and arc flash) warranted the

use of any, or all such personal protective equipment, specialized tools, barriers, shields or insulating

materials. Feasible means of abatement can be achieved by conducting a Flash Hazard Analysis in

accordance with NFPA 70E Section 2-1.3.3 (or its equivalent) and providing for, and requiring, the use of

the necessary personal protective equipment as determined following that analysis Text For Citation: 01

Item/Group: 001A Hazard: ELECTRIC Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970:

The employer did not furnish employment and a place of employment which were free from recognized

hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees in that

employees were exposed to electrical hazards: a) On or about May 21, 2004 and July 12, 2004, Windy City

Electric Company did not ensure the de-energization of live parts prior to the performance of work on

480V Switchgear at O'Hare International Airport. Among others, one feasible and acceptable means of

abatement would be to comply with the 2004 Edition of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, Article 130, Working On or Near Live Parts, Section

130.1. No abatement certification or documentation required for this item. Excerpts from “The OSHA Act”

(General Duty - 5A0001) is: SEC. 5. Duties (a) Each employer -- (1) shall furnish to each of his employees

employment and a place of emplloyment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are

likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees; (2) shall comply with occupational safety

and health standards promulgated under this Act. (b) Each employee shall comply with occupational

safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act which are

applicable to his own actions and conduct.

Excerpt from OSHA Letter of Interpretation #1: Question (2): I note that OSHA has not incorporated the

personal protective equipment portions of NFPA 70E by reference in 1910.132 (personal protective

equipment, general requirements) or 1910.335 (safeguards for personal protection). Does an employer

have an obligation under the General Duty Clause to ensure that its own employees comply with personal

protective equipment requirements in NFPA 70E? Answer These provisions are written in general terms,

requiring, for example, that personal protective equipment be provided "where necessary by reason of

hazards..." (1910.132(a)), and requiring the employer to select equipment "that will protect the affected

employee from the hazards...." (1910.132(d)(1)). Also, 1910.132(c) requires the equipment to "be of safe

design and construction for the work performed." Similarly, 1910.335 contains requirements such as the

provision and use of "electrical protective equipment that is appropriate for the specific parts of the body

to be protected and the work to be performed (1910.335(a)(i)). Industry consensus standards, such as

NFPA 70E, can be used by employers as guides to making the assessments and equipment selections

required by the standard. Similarly, in OSHA enforcement actions, they can be used as evidence of

whether the employer acted reasonably. Under 1910.135, the employer must ensure that affected

employees wear a protective helmet that meets either the applicable ANSI Z89.1 standard or a helmet

that the employer demonstrates "to be equally effective." If an employer demonstrated that NFPA 70E

contains criteria for protective helmets regarding protection against falling objects and electrical shock

that is equal to or more stringent than the applicable ANSI Z89.1 standard, and a helmet met the NFPA

70E criteria, the employer could use that to demonstrate that the helmet is "equally effective." Question

(5): How can I distinguish between electrical work that is considered "construction work" and electrical

work that is considered "general industry work"? Answer 29 CFR 1910.12 sets out the scope of OSHA

construction standards. Section 1910.12(a) provides that: The standards prescribed in part 1926 of this

chapter … shall apply … to every employment and place of employment of every employee engaged in

construction work. Section 1910.12(b) defines construction work as follows: Construction work means

work for construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating Excerpt from OSHA

Letter of Interpretation #2: November 14, 2006 ORC Worldwide Sunderland Place, NW Washington, DC

20036 Dear Ms. Linhard: Thank you for your e-mail to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's

(OSHA's) Directorate of Enforcement Programs (DEP) for an interpretation regarding OSHA's requirements

and the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) 70E-2004, Standard for Electrical Safety in the

Workplace. Your questions have been restated below for clarity. We apologize for the delay in our

response. Question 1: When work must be performed on energized electric equipment that is capable of

exposing employees to arc-flash hazards, does OSHA require the marking of the electric equipment to

warn qualified persons of potential electric arc-flash hazards — i.e., as required by NFPA 70E-2004? Reply:

OSHA has no specific requirement for such marking. A requirement to mark equipment with flash hazard

warnings was not included in the 1981 Subpart S revision. However, paragraph (e) of 1910.303 requires

employers to mark electrical equipment with descriptive markings, including the equipment's voltage,

current, wattage, or other ratings as necessary. OSHA believes that this information, along with the

training requirements for qualified persons, will provide employees the necessary information to protect

themselves from arc-flash hazards. Additionally, in 1910.335(b), OSHA requires employers to use alerting

techniques (safety signs and tags, barricades, and attendants) . . . to warn and protect employees from

hazards which could cause injury due to electric shock, burns or failure of electric equipment parts.

Although these Subpart S electrical provisions do not specifically require that electric equipment be

marked to warn qualified persons of arc-flash hazards, 1910.335(b)(1) requires the use of safety signs,

safety symbols, or accident prevention tags to warn employees about electrical hazards (e.g., electric-arc-

flash hazards) which may endanger them as required by 1910.145. Question 2: Is flame-resistant clothing

required for employees working on electrical installations covered by Subpart S? Reply: Arc-flash hazards

are addressed in the OSHA electrical safety-related work practices standards. For example, with respect

to arc-flash burn hazard prevention, the general provisions for the Selection and use of work practices

contained in 1910.333(a)(1) generally require de-energization of live parts before an employee works on

or near them — i.e., employees must first render electric equipment safe by completely de-energizing it

by means of lockout and tagging procedures. This single safe work practice significantly reduces the

likelihood of arc-flash burn injury by reducing employee exposure to electrical hazards — i.e., exposure is

limited to when the equipment is shut down and when the qualified employee verifies, by use of a test

instrument, a de-energized state. When employees perform work on energized circuits, as permitted by

1910.333(a)(1), tools and handling equipment that might make contact with exposed energized parts

must be insulated in accordance with 1910.335(a)(2)(i). This work practice also reduces the likelihood of

employee injury caused by an arc blast. Arc-flash hazards are also addressed in 1910.335(a)(1)(v),

Safeguards for personnel protection, which requires that personal protective Equipment (PPE) for the

eyes and face be worn whenever there is danger of injury to the eyes or face from electric arcs or flashes

or from flying objects resulting from an electrical explosion. In addition, paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of 1910.335

requires, in pertinent part, the use of protective shields, barriers, or insulating equipment "to protect each

employee from shocks, burns, or other electrically related injuries while that employee is working . . .

where dangerous electric heating or arcing might occur" . The 1910.335(a)(2)(ii) safeguard selected —

shield, barrier, or insulating material — must fully protect employees from electric shock, the blast, and

arc-flash burn hazards associated with the incident energy exposure for the specific task to be performed.

However, in situations where a fully protective safeguard could be used as an alternative, OSHA will, under

its policy for de minimis violations, allow employers to use, instead, safeguards that are not fully

protective, provided that the employer implement additional measures. The supplemental measures,

which could include the use of arc-rated FR clothing appropriate to the specific task, must fully protect

the employee from all residual hazardous energy (e.g., the resultant thermal effects from the electric arc)

that passes the initial safeguard. OSHA recommends that employers consult consensus standards such as

NFPA 70E2004 to identify safety measures that can be used to comply with or supplement the

requirements of OSHA's standards for preventing or protecting against arc-flash hazards. For example,

Section 130.3 of the NFPA standard establishes its own mandatory provisions for flash-hazard-analysis,

which sets forth the criteria to define a flash-protection boundary and the personal protective equipment

for use by employees within the flashprotection boundary. The goal of this provision is to reduce the

possibility of being injured by an arc-flash. The analysis is task specific and determines the worker's

incident-energy exposure (in calories per square centimeter). Where it has been determined that work

will be performed within the flash-protection boundary, NFPA 70E specifies that flame-resistant clothing

and PPE use either be based on the pre-determined incident-energy exposure data or be in accordance

with the Hazard/Risk Category Classifications and Protective Clothing and Personal Protective equipment

(PPE) Matrix tables contained in Sections 130.7(C)(9) and (C)(10), respectively. Other NFPA 70E, Article

130 provisions, such as the justification for work through the use of an energized electrical work

authorization permit, and the completion of a job briefing with employees before they start each job,

additionally decrease the likelihood that exposure to electrical hazards would occur. Question 3: How is

OSHA enforcing 1910.132 and Subpart S with regard to the latest edition of NFPA 70E requirements?

Reply: Industry consensus standards, such as NFPA 70E, can be used by OSHA and employers as guides in

making hazard analyses and selecting control measures. With regards to enforcing 1910.132 and the

Subpart S standards, the PPE requirements contained in Subpart S would prevail over the general

requirements contained in 1910.132 where both standards would apply to the same condition, practice,

control method, etc. Question 4: Does OSHA issue Section 5(a)(1) General Duty Clause violations to

companies who do not follow the new NFPA 70E requirements? Reply: A violation of the General Duty

Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Act, exists if an employer has failed to furnish a workplace that is free from

recognized hazards causing or likely to cause death or serious physical injury. The General Duty Clause is

not used to enforce the provisions of consensus standards, although such standards are sometimes used

as evidence of hazard recognition and the availability of feasible means of abatement. In addition, the

General Duty Clause usually should not be used if there is a standard that applies to the particular

condition, practice, means, operation, or process involved. Thank you for your interest in occupational

safety and health. We hope you find this information helpful. OSHA requirements are set by statute,

standards, and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to

particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. This letter constitutes

OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be

affected by changes to OSHA rules. In addition, from time to time we update our guidance in response to

new information. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Office of General

Industry Enforcement at (202) 693-1850. Sincerely, Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. (Footnotes in November 14, 2006

Letter of Interpretation)

 Section 400.11 of NFPA 70E-2004 states: Switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, and

motor control centers that are in other than dwelling occupancies and are likely to require examination,

adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized shall be field marked to warn qualified persons of

potential electric arc flash hazards. The marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible to qualified

persons before examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance of the equipment.

 OSHA has not formally compared each provision of the NFPA 70E-2004 standard with the parallel

provision in Subpart S but generally believes that the NFPA standard offers useful guidance for employers

and employees attempting to control electrical hazards. The Agency notes, however, that the face and

head protection requirements contained in the NFPA 70E Section 130.7(c)(10) Table do not require face

and head area protection for Hazard Risk Category 1, even when serious face and head injury from the

thermal effects of the arc could result. Therefore, this particular NFPA provision may not provide

equivalent or greater employee protection with respect to the corresponding OSHA standards on eye,

face, and head protection — i.e.,

1910.335(a)(1)(iv) and 1910.335(a)(1)(v). In addition, the Individual Qualified Employee Control Procedure

conditionally permits certain work activities to be performed without the placement of lockout/tagout

devices on the disconnecting means. This work practice provides less employee protection than that

afforded by compliance with the OSHA lockout and tagging requirements contained in 1910.333(b)(2) and

is, therefore, not acceptable.

 When an employee is working within the flash-protection boundary, Section 130.7 of the NFPA 70E-

2004 standard requires the employee to wear protective clothing wherever there is possible exposure to

an electric arc flash above the threshold incident-energy level for a second-degree burn, 5 J/cm2 (1.2)

cal/cm2 . In other words, the protective clothing system is designed to protect the employee from

receiving second or third-degree burns to his or her body. The typical characteristics, degree of protection,

and required minimum arc ratings for typical protective clothing systems may be found in NFPA 70E Table

- 130.7(c)(11). Skin Temperature Duration Damaged Caused 110 F 6.0 hours Cell breakdown begins 158 F

1.0 second Total cell destruction 176 F 0.1 second Curable (second-degree) burn (1.2 cal/cm2) 205 F 0.1

second Incurable (third-degree) burn Table 130.7(C)(11) Protective Clothing Characteristics Typical

Protective Clothing Systems Hazard/Risk Category Clothing Description (Typical number of clothing layers

is given in parantheses) Required Minimum Arc Rating of PPE [J/cm2(cal/cm2)] 0 Non-melting, flammable

materials (i.e., untreated cotton, wool, rayon, or silk, or blends of these materials) with a fabric weight at

least 4.5 oz/yd2 (1) N/A 1 FR shirt and FR pants or FR coverall (1) 16.74 (4) 2 Cotton Underwear --

conventional short sleeve and brief/shorts, plus FR shirt and FR pants (1 or 2) 33.47 (8) 3 Cotton

Underwear plus FR shirt and FR pants plus FR coverall, or cotton underwear plus two FR coveralls (2 or 3)

104.6 (25) 4 Cotton Underwear plus FR shirt and FR pants plus multilayer flash suit (3 or more) 167.36 (40)

“Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 31 The NFPA 70E standard requires the protective clothing selected

for the corresponding hazard/risk category number to have an arc rating of at least the minimum value


OSHA Directives STD 01-16-007 - STD 1-16.7 - Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices -- Inspection

Procedures and Interpretation Guidelines A. Purpose. This instruction establishes policies and provides

interpretive guidelines to ensure uniform enforcement of the standard for Electrical Safety-Related Work

Practices, 29 CFR 1910.331 through .335. B. Scope. This instruction applies OSHA-wide. C. References 1.

OSHA Instruction STD 1-7.3, September 11, 1990, 29 CFR 1910.147, the Control of Hazardous Energy

(Lockout/Tagout)--Inspection Procedures and Interpretive Guidance. 2. General Industry Standards, 29

CFR 1910, Subpart S. 3. OSHA Instruction CPL 2.45B, June 15, 1989, the Revised Field Operations Manual.

4. NFPA 70E, 1983, Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces. D. Effective Dates of

Requirements All requirements of the standard for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices have an

effective date of December 4, 1990, except for 29 CFR 1910.332 (training), which will become effective

on August 6, 1991. E. Action Regional Administrators and Area Directors shall ensure that the policies and

interpretive guidelines in this instruction are followed as to the enforcement of the standard. F. Federal

Program Change This instruction describes a Federal program change which affects State programs. Each

Regional Administrator shall: 1. Ensure that this change is promptly forwarded to each State designee

using a format consistent with the Plan Change Two-Way Memorandum in Appendix P, OSHA Instruction

STP 2.22A, Ch-3. 2. Explain the technical content of this change to the State designee as required. 3. Ensure

that State designees are asked to acknowledge receipt of this Federal program change in writing to the

Regional Administrator as soon as the State's intention is known, but not later than 70 calendar days after

the date of issuance (10 days for mailing and 60 days for response). This acknowledgment must include a

description either of the State's plan to follow “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 32 the guidelines in

paragraphs H., Inspection guidelines, I., Interpretive Guidance, and J., Enforcement/Citation Guidance, to

implement the change, or of the reasons why this change should not apply to that State. 4. Review

policies, instructions and guidelines issued by the State to determine that this change has been

communicated to State compliance personnel. G. Background The standard for Electrical Safety-Related

Work Practices was promulgated on August 6, 1990, at Federal Register, Vol. 55, No. 151 (pages 31984-

32020), and became effective December 4, 1990, except for 29 CFR 1910 .332, which becomes effective

on August 6, 1991. 1. The current electrical standards in Subpart S of the General Industry Standards cover

electrical equipment and installations rather than work practices. The electrical safety-related work

practice standards that do exist are distributed in other subparts of 29 CFR 1910. Although unsafe work

practices appear to be involved in most workplace electrocutions, OSHA has very few regulations

addressing work practices necessary for electrical safety. Because of this, OSHA determined that

standards were needed to minimize these hazards. 2. The new rule addresses practices and procedures

that are necessary to protect employees working on or near exposed energized and deenergized parts of

electric OSHA Instruction STD 1-16.7 JUL 1, 1991 Directorate of Compliance Programs equipment. The

new rule also promotes uniformity and reduces redundancy among the general industry standards. The

new rule is based largely on NFPA 70E, Part II. 3. On September 1, 1989, OSHA promulgated a generic

standard on the control of hazardous energy, 29 CFR 1910.147 (lockout/tagout).

 That standard addresses practices and procedures that are necessary to deenergize machinery or

equipment and to prevent the release of potentially hazardous energy while maintenance and servicing

activities are being performed.

 Although that rule is related to electrical energy, it specifically excludes "exposure to electrical hazards

from work on, near, or with conductors or equipment in electric utilization installations, which is covered

by Subpart S of 29 CFR 1910." Therefore, the lockout/tagout standard does not cover electrical hazards.

 c. The final electrical safety-related work practices standard has provisions to achieve maximum safety

by deenergizing energized parts and, secondly, when lockout/tagout is used, it is done to ensure that the

deenergized state is maintained. H. Inspection Guidelines In so far as possible the compliance officer shall

integrate inspection procedures for this standard with those of 29 CFR 1910.147 (lockout/tagout


1. The following guidance provides a general framework to assist the compliance officer during all

inspections: The employer's written procedures required under 29 CFR 1910.333(b)(2)(i) shall be reviewed

to determine if they cover the hazards likely to be encountered.

(1) A copy of paragraph (b) of 1910.333 maintained by the employer will fulfill this requirement.

(2) A copy of the written procedures for locking and tagging required by 29 CFR 1910.147 will also comply

“Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 33 with this requirement, provided those procedures address the

electrical safety hazards covered by Subpart S and provided the procedures conform to 1910.333 (b).

(3) If the employer has chosen to utilize procedures developed to comply with 1910.147 for electrical as

well as other hazards, the written procedures must include steps corresponding to requirements in

Section 1910.333 for application of locks and tags and verification of deenergized conditions (29 CFR

1910.333(b)(2)(iii)(D) and (b)(2)(iv)(B)). Beginning August 6, 1991, the training practices of the employer

for qualified and unqualified employees shall be evaluated to assess whether the training provided is

appropriate to the tasks being performed or to be performed.

(1) All employees who face a risk of electric shock, burns or other related injuries, not reduced to a safe

level by the installation safety requirements of Subpart S, must be trained in safety-related work practices

required by 29 CFR 1910.331-.335.

(2) In addition to being trained in and familiar with safety related work practices, unqualified employees

must be trained in the inherent hazards of electricity, such as high voltages, electric current, arcing,

grounding, and lack of guarding. Any electrically related safety practices not specifically addressed by

Sections 1910.331 through 1910.335 but necessary for “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 34 to other

equipment. (See 29 CFR 1910.332(b)(3) for training requirements that specifically apply to qualified

persons.) Only qualified persons may place and remove locks and tags. (2) An employee who is undergoing

on-the-job training, who, in the course of such training, has demonstrated an ability to perform duties

safely at his or her level of training, and who is under the direct supervision of a qualified person is

considered to be a qualified person for the performance of those duties.

(3) Where the term "may not" is used in these standards, the term bears the same meaning as "shall not".

(4) Training requirements apply to all employees in occupations that carry a risk of injury due to electrical

hazards that are not sufficiently controlled under 29 CFR 1910.303 through 1910.308. Scope/Coverage of

the Standard.  The provisions of the standard cover all employees working on, near or with premises

wiring, wiring for connection to supply, other wiring, such as outside conductors on the premises and

optical fiber cable, where the fiber cable installations are made along with electric conductors and the

optical fiber cable types are those that contain noncurrentcarrying conductive members such as metallic

strength members and metallic vapor barriers.

 b. The standard does not cover qualified workers (but does cover unqualified workers) performing work

on the following:

 Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution installations located in buildings used for such

purposes or located outdoors. c. The standard for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices was developed

to complement the existing electrical standards. The new standard includes requirements for work

performed on or near exposed energized and deenergized parts of electric equipment, use of electrical

protective equipment, and the safe use of electrical equipment. d. Exposure to unexpected electrical

energy release that could result in electric shock or burns or in an explosion caused by an electric arc is

covered by the standard for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices. Safeguarding workers from other

hazards related to the unexpected release of hazardous energy during servicing and maintenance

operations is covered by 29 CFR 1910.147, the lockout/tagout standard. (1) 1910.333(a)(1) requires that

live parts be deenergized before a potentially exposed employee works on or near them. OSHA believes

that this is the preferred method for protecting employees from electrical hazards. The employer is

permitted to allow employees to work on or near exposed live parts only:

 If the employer can demonstrate that deenergizing introduces additional or increased hazards, or

 (b) If the employer can demonstrate that deenergizing is infeasible due to equipment design or

operational limitations. (2) Under 1910.333(a)(2) if the employer does not deenergize (under the

conditions permitted in 1910.333(a)(1)), then suitable safe work practices for the conditions under which

the work is “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 35 to be performed shall be included in the written

procedures and strictly enforced. These work practices are given in 1910.333(c) and 1910.335. (3) Only

qualified persons shall be allowed to work on energized parts or equipment. a. Circuit parts that cannot

be deenergized using the procedures outlined in 1910.333(b)(2) must be treated as energized (as specified

in 1910.333 (b)(1)), regardless of whether the parts are, in fact, deenergized. Deenergized parts are

required to be locked and tagged unless exempted under 1910.333(b)(2) (iii)(C) or 1910.333(b)(2)(iii)(E),

as discussed below. If so exempted, either a lock or a tag is required. b. If a tag is used without a lock, it

shall be supplemented by at least one additional safety measure that provides a level of safety equivalent

to that obtained by the use of a lock. Examples of additional safety measures include the removal of an

isolating circuit element, blocking of a controlling switch, or opening of an extra disconnecting device. c.

A lock may be placed without a tag only under the following conditions:

 Only one circuit or piece of equipment is deenergized, and

 (b) The lockout period does not extend beyond the work shift, and

 (c) Employees exposed to the hazards associated with reenergizing the circuit or equipment are familiar

with this procedure. 4. Verification of Deenergization Is Mandatory. This verification must be done by a

qualified person.

 The qualified person shall activate the equipment operating controls or otherwise verify that the

equipment cannot be restarted.

 b. Test equipment shall be used to ensure that electrical parts and circuit elements have been


 c. Testing instruments and equipment shall be visually inspected for external defects or damage before

being used to determine deenergization (29 CFR 1910.334(c)(2)).

 d. For circuits over 600 volts nominal, the test equipment shall be checked for proper operation

immediately before and immediately after the test. 5. Reenergization. The following requirements shall

be met, in the order given, before circuits or equipment are reenergized, even temporarily. a. A qualified

person shall conduct tests and visual inspections, as necessary, to verify that all tools, electrical jumpers,

shorts, grounds, and other such devices have been removed so that the circuits and equipment can be

safely energized. b. Potentially exposed employees shall be warned to stay clear of circuits and equipment

prior to reenergizing. c. Each lock and tag shall be removed by the employee who applied it. However, if

the employee is absent from the workplace, then the lock or tag may be removed by a qualified person

designated to perform this task provided that the employer ensures:

 That the employee who applied the lock or tag is not available at the workplace, and

 That the employee is informed that the lock or tag has been removed before he or she resumes work

at the workplace. “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 36

 That there is to be a visual determination that all employees are clear of the circuits and equipment

prior to lock and tag removal. 6. Working On or Near Overhead Power Lines, 29 CFR 1910.333(c)(3). a.

OSHA believes that the preferred method of protecting employees working near overhead power lines is

to deenergize and ground the lines when work is to be performed near them. b. In addition to other

operations, this standard also applies to tree trimming operations performed by tree workers who are not

"qualified persons". In this respect the exclusion in 1910.331(c)(1) applies only to "qualified persons"

performing line-clearance tree trimming (trimming trees that are closer than 10 feet to overhead power

lines). c. The standard does not prohibit workers who are not "qualified persons" from working in a tree

that is closer than 10 feet to power lines so long as that person or any object he or she may be using, does

not come within 10 feet of a power line. However, it would require "qualified persons" to perform the

work if the worker or any object he or she may be using will come within 10 feet of an exposed energized

part or if a branch being cut may be expected to come within 10 feet of an exposed energized part while

falling from the tree. (See 29 CFR 1910.333(c)(3)(ii).) d. The purpose for the approach distance

requirements is to prevent contact with, and/or arcing, from energized overhead power lines. The

approach distance applies to tools used by employees as well as the employees themselves. Table S-5

calls for the following approach distances for qualified employees only: Voltage Range (AC) Minimum

Approach (phase to phase) Distance

 300V and less ……………………………Avoid contact

 Over 300V, not over 750V ……………...1 ft. 0 in. (30.5cm)

 Over 750, not over 2kV …………………1 ft. 6 in. (46cm)

 Over 2kV, not over 15kV ………………..2 ft. 0 in. (61cm)

 Over 15kV, not over 37kV ………………3 ft. 0 in. (91cm)

 Over 37kV, not over 87.5kV …………….3 ft. 6 in. (107cm)

 Over 87.5kV, not over 121kV …………..4 ft. 0 in. (122cm)

 Over 121kV, not over 140kV ……………4 ft. 6 in. (137cm) NOTE: Unqualified employees are required to

adhere to the 10 ft. minimum. e. Employees working on or around vehicles and mechanical equipment,

such as gin-pole trucks, forklifts, cherry pickers, garbage trucks, cranes and elevating platforms, who are

potentially exposed to hazards related to equipment component contact with overhead lines, shall have

been trained by their employers in the inherent hazards of electricity and means of avoiding exposure to

such hazards. The standard for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices can be applied with respect to

electrical hazards related to any size, utilization or configuration of overhead power lines in general

industry; e.g., residential power lines, remotely located overhead power lines, temporarily rigged

overhead power lines, and overhead power lines along streets and alleys. 7. Portable Ladders. Such

ladders may not have conductive siderails in situations where the employee or the ladder could contact

exposed energized parts. All ladders shall be in compliance with requirements of the standards found

elsewhere in Part 1910. “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 37 8. Conductive Apparel. Articles of jewelry

and clothing such as watch bands, bracelets, rings, key chains, necklaces, metalized aprons, cloth with

conductive thread, or metal headgear shall not be worn if there is a possibility of contacting exposed

energized parts. However, such articles may be worn if they are rendered nonconductive by covering,

wrapping, or other insulating means (29 CFR 1910.333(c)(8)). 9. Housekeeping Duties. The employer has

the burden to provide adequate safeguards (such as insulating equipment or barriers) where live parts

present an electrical contact hazard to employees who are performing housekeeping duties. Electrically

conductive cleaning materials (such as steel wool, metalized cloth, and silicon carbide, as well as

conductive liquid solutions) may not be used in proximity to energized parts unless procedures are

followed which will prevent electrical contact. 10. Electrical Safety Interlocks. Interlocks found on panels,

covers and guards are designed to deenergize circuits to prevent electric shock to persons using

equipment or performing minor maintenance or adjustments and shall not be defeated or bypassed by

an unqualified person. 11. Cord- and Plug-Connected Equipment. Energized equipment here means either

the equipment being plugged or the receptacle into which it is being plugged, or both (29 CFR

1910.334(a)(5)(i)). 12. Eye and Face Protection. 29 CFR 1910.335(a)(1)(v) requires employees to wear

protective equipment for the eyes or face wherever there is danger of injury to the eyes or face from

electric arcs or flashes or from flying objects resulting from electrical explosion. 13. Insulated Tool. This

means a tool encased within material of composition and thickness that is recognized as electrical

insulation. J. Enforcement/Citation Guidance

1. A deficiency in the employer's program that could contribute to a potential exposure capable of

producing serious physical harm or death shall be cited as a serious violation.

2. The failure to train "qualified" and "unqualified" employees as required for their respective

classifications shall normally be cited as a serious violation.

3. Paperwork deficiencies in the safe work practice program where effective safe work practice

procedures are in place shall be cited as other-than-serious. [Gerard F. Scannell, Assistant Secretary]

Excerpt from OSHA Standard (Note this can only be performed by “Qualified” persons): 1910.334(b)(2)

"Reclosing circuits after protective device operation." After a circuit is deenergized by a circuit protective

device, the circuit protective device, the circuit may not be manually reenergized until it has been

determined that the equipment and circuit can be safely energized. The repetitive manual reclosing of

circuit breakers or reenergizing circuits through replaced fuses is prohibited.

Arc Flash Assessment Needs:

 Single Line Electrical Diagram for facility

 Fuses: Manufacturer, type, amp rating, short circuit rating, time delay

 Circuit Breakers: Manufacturer, type, amp rating, short circuit rating, time delay

 Panel & Switchboards: Manufacturer, type, amp rating, short circuit rating, time delay (include all

internal fuses and circuit breakers)

 Primary Transformers: size, impedance, fusing, short circuit available, time delay (can be obtained from

power company)

 Secondary Transformers: size, impedance, fusing, short circuit available, time delay

 Disconnects: size, short circuit ratings, fusing, time delay

 Bus Ducts: size, short circuit rating and all buckets or disconnects on the duct, fusing, length

 Equipment Panels: All exposures that are on the end of the line fed from the above

panels/switchboards. Short circuit ratings, fusing/circuit breakers, time delay in the panel.

 Primary Electrical Equipment (facility owned): wiring, fusing, switchgear.


1. Perform a system Short Circuit Analysis and Overcurrent Protection Coordination

2. Interrupt Rating Analysis

3. Calculate Arc Flash Incident Energy at each point in system

4. Determine if circuit breaker or fusing changes can reduce the incident energy (which could reduce the

boundaries and lessen the PPE requirements)

5. Calculate Arc Flash Boundaries for each point in system

6. Determine Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Arc Flash Incident Energy determined (#3 above)

7. Label all points in the system with appropriate labels.

8. Provide “Qualified” personnel that has the responsibility to work inside the Arc Flash Boundary with

Electrical/Arc Flash training and information needed to work safely.

9. Provide Basic Electrical Awareness training for everyone at the facility.

Changes in the 2012 edition of NFPA 70E Changes Throughout Document Arc-Rated (New) The 2012

edition of NFPA 70E will use the term “arc-rated” or “AR” before any reference to “flame-resistant” or

“FR.” The term “arc-rated” refers to a material property or attribute in terms of a material’s performance

when exposed to an electric arc. Arc-rated material is flameresistant, but flame-resistant material may

not be arc-rated. Article 90 Introduction Section 90.2(A) (Revision) This section now uses a very important

word: “inspection.” Electrical inspectors also can be exposed to hazards during inspections of installations,

and this standard will now cover them. The proposed language reads: “This standard addresses electrical

safety requirements for employee workplaces that are necessary for the practical safeguarding of

employees during activities such as the installation, inspection, operation …” (emphasis added). Section

90.2(A)(4) (Revision) “Installations used by the electric utility, such as office buildings, warehouses,

garages, machine shops and recreational buildings.” This deletion clarifies that NFPA 70E applies to these

areas, even if they are part of a generating plant, substation or control center. Article 100 Definitions

Incident Energy Analysis (New Definition) Defines the term “incident energy analysis” as “a method used

to predict the incident energy of an arc flash for a specified set of conditions.” Arc Flash Boundary

(Revision) Previous editions referred to the arc flash protection boundary. The 2012 edition will use the

term “arc flash boundary” (AFB). The word “protection” has been deleted. Article 110 General

Requirements for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices Section 110.5(C) (New) This section is new to

the code and will require a documented meeting between the host employer and contract employer.

Section 110.6(C) Emergency Procedures (Revision) The 2012 edition will require the use of an automatic

external defibrillator (AED) in addition to the existing requirement of training and employer certification

of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Section 110.6(D)(1)(f) (New) “The employer shall determine

through regular supervision and through inspections conducted on at least an annual basis that each

employee is complying with the safety-related work practices required by this standard.” This mirrors

similar language in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269(a)(2)(iii). Section 110.6(D)(3)(c) (Retraining) (New) Requires all

employees to be retrained at intervals not to exceed three years. “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 45

Section 110.7(E) Electrical Safety Program Procedures (Revision) Incorporate language to include working

within the AFB in addition to the existing requirement for working within the limited approach boundary

(LAB). It is possible that the AFB could be greater than the LAB and vice versa. Section 110.7(F)

(Hazard/Risk Evaluation Procedure) (Revision) This section’s requirements will apply to work within the

AFB in addition to the existing language regarding work within the limited approach boundary. Article 120

Establishing an Electrically Safe Work Condition Section 120.2(C)(2) (Form of Control) (Revision) The 2012

edition removes individual employee control as one of three forms of control of hazardous electrical

energy, leaving the two methods: simple and complex lockout/tagout. Article 130 Work Involving

Electrical Hazards Section 130.1 (Relocation and New Section) The 2012 edition will feature Section 130.1

renumbered as 130.2. Proposed language for a new 130.1 states: “All requirements of this article shall

apply whether an incident energy analysis is completed or if the tables 130.7(C)(9) and (C)(10) are utilized

in lieu of incident energy analysis.” The new language is intended to help clarify that, when the table

method is used, the other requirements of this section, such as providing proper justification and

completing the energized work permit, still apply. Section 130.1(A) General (Revision) The 2009 edition

requires that energized conductors or circuit parts be placed into an electrically safe working condition

before an employee works within the LAB. New language expands this requirement to apply if any of the

following conditions exist:

• The employee is within the LAB (same as before)

• The employee is within the AFB

• The employee interacts with equipment where conductors or circuit parts are not exposed, but an

increased risk of arc flash hazard exists

• An informational note is added that refers to the definition of “arc flash hazard” in Article 100. Section

130.1(B)(1) Where Required (Revision) “When working within the limited approach boundary or the arc

flash boundary of exposed energized electrical parts … .” This language is intended to help clarify when

the code requires an energized work permit. Section 130.1(B)(2) (Elements of the Work Permit) (Revision)

The 2012 edition features a renumbered and modified list of elements. There is a proposal that several

items be combined under item (6): (6) Results of the arc flash hazard analysis a. The arc flash boundary b.

The necessary personal protective equipment to safely perform the assigned task c. The available incident

energy or hazard risk category Existing items (7) and (8) would become items a and c. Table 130.2(C)

Approach Boundaries to Energized Electrical Conductors or Circuit Parts for Shock Protection (Revision)

The 2012 edition will feature a renumbered version of this table as Table 130.2(C)(1), and it “Electrical

Safety in the Workplace” 46 will specifically apply to alternating current (AC) power systems. A new table,

130.2(C)(2) will apply to direct current (DC) power systems. Section 130.3 Exception No. 1 (Revision) This

exception is based on language found in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Std. 1584—

Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations. Exception 1 stated that an arc flash hazard analysis

shall not be required on circuits rated 240 volts (V) or less and supplied by one transformer if the

transformer is less than 125 kilovolt-amperes. This exception will be deleted. In its place, an informational

note will state that an arc flash hazard analysis may not be necessary for some three-phase systems rated

less than 240V. It will then reference the IEEE standard for more information. Section 130.3(A) Arc Flash

Boundary (Revision) The 2012 edition will not feature the “four foot rule” in this section, and there will no

longer be separate sections for the AFB at voltage levels between 50V and 600V and voltage levels above

600V. The revised language will state that the AFB for systems 50V and greater shall be the distance at

which the incident energy is 1.2 calories per square centimeter. Instead of the “four foot rule,” AFB will

be located in Table 130.7(C)(9). Section 130.3(C) Equipment Labeling (Revision) This section will provide

more guidance on what equipment needs labeling based on language similar to the 2011 NEC. Electrical

equipment—such as switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures and

motor control centers—and that are likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing or maintenance

while energized, shall be fieldmarked with a label containing all of the following information:

(1) Only one of the following: a. Available incident energy b. Minimum arc rating of clothing

(2) Date of arc flash hazard analysis

(3) Nominal system voltage

(4) Equipment identification

(5) Arc flash boundary Section 130.7(C)(X) (Hearing Protection) (New) Employees shall wear hearing

protection whenever working within the AFB. Previous editions only listed hearing protection in Table

130.7(C)(10) Protective Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment and did not address it specifically.

The new language will clarify when hearing protection is required as well as the appropriate requirements

for that protection. Table 130.7(C)(9) Hazard/Risk Category Classifications (Revision) Short Circuit and

Clearing Times (New) The maximum short-circuit current and clearing times that previous editions listed

in the table’s footnotes will be relocated within the appropriate sections of the table. This will help ensure

users are aware of the appropriate limits. Arc Flash Protection Boundaries (New) A new column will list

the AFB for each task. This addition coincides with the deletion of the “four foot rule” from 130.3(A).

“Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 47 DC Hazard/Risk Tables (New) Table 130.7(C)(9) will be renumbered

as Table 130.7(C)(9)(1). A new table 130.7(C)(9)(2) will feature specifications for hazard/risk categories for

DC systems. Category 2* Deleted (Revision) The 2012 edition will feature all references to hazard/risk

category 2* in Table 130.7(C)(9) changed to HRC 2 based on the information below. Table 130.7(C)(10)

Protective Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment (Hazard/Risk Category 2 Balaclava Requirement)

(Revision) Category 2 will require a balaclava sock or an arc flash suit hood. There was an inconsistency

with Section 130.7(C)(1), which required all parts of the body inside the AFB to be protected. Section

130.7(C)(13)(a) (Arc Flash Suits) (Revision) Additional language will state: “When the incident energy

exposure is greater than 12 cal/cm2, a suitably rated arc flash suit hood shall be used.” Section

130.7(C)(13)(b) (Face Protection) (Revision) The 2012 edition will feature new language in this section,

requiring face shields with a wraparound guarding to protect the face, chin, forehead, ears and neck to

be used. Since this Committee reports to the Association through the ArationM Electrical Code Correlating

Committee, this report was also submitted to them for letter ballot. Over a period of many years, the

need for guidance to promote the safety of persons and property through effective electrical equip. ment

maintenance has been increasingly evident. In the fall of 1967 the Board of Directors of the National Fire

Protection Av soeiation authorized the formation of an Ad Hoe Committee on Electrical Equipment

Maintenance to determine the need for the development of a suitable document on this subject. In

reaching its affirmative decision early in 1968, the Ad Hoe Committee pointed out many reasons why it

believed the National Electrical Code was not the proper document in which to cover the maintenance of

electrical equipment. However, the high frequency of electrical accidents attributed to lack of

maintenance, which results annually in numerous fatalities and serious injury as well as high monetary

losses of property, caused the Committee to advise that it was a subject requiring prompt attention. In

June 1968 the Board of Directors authorized the formation of a new NFPA Committee on Electrical

Equipment Maintenance having the following scope: "To develop suitable texts relating to preventive

maintenance of electrical systems and equipment used in industrial-type appli. cations with the view of

reducing loss of life and property. The purpose is to correlate generally applicable procedures for pre.

ventive maintenance that have broad application to the more common classes of industrial electrical

systems and equipment without duplicating or superseding instructions which manufae. turers normally

provide. Reports to the Association through the Correlating Committee of the National Electrical Code

Committee." With this background the Committee was organized in December 1968. Its large and very

active membership has seen few changes in personnel since its inception. It should be pointed out that

the members are individually highly qualified and collectively the committee representation includes

equipment manufacturers; installers; inspectors; safety, labor, and insurance organizations; users of the

equipment; maintenance contractors and engineers; representatives of the National Electrical Code

Committee and other NFPA Committees; and specialists. All committee members have made a fine

contribution to this endeavor. Recommended Practice for ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE NFPA

No. 70B.T, 1973 HISTORY The Board of Directors of the National Fire Protection Association in the fall of

1967 authorized the formation of an Ad Hoc Commit° tee on Electrical Equipment Maintenance to

determine the need for the development of a suitable document on this subject. The purpose of the

document would be to give recommendations on the maintenance of various types of electrical

installations, apparatus, and equipment usually found in industrial and large commercial type

installations. Various highly diversified interests and organizations were invited to participate. At a

meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee held January 10, 1968, in New York, with 31 representatives attending,

it was pointed out that several requests had been made to the National Electrical Code Committee to

include maintenance recommendations in the NEC. The subject had been discussed by the Correlating

Committee of the National Electrical Code Committee and the decision was made that the Code was not

the proper document in which to cover the maintenance of electrical equipment. 1LIowever, the high

frequency of electrical accidents attributed to lack of maintenance, which result annually in numerous

fatalities and serious injuries as well as high monetary losses of property, caused the committee to

recognize that it was a subject requiring attention. It was noted that electrical safety information breaks

down logically into four main subdivisions:

(1) design or product standards;

(2) installation standards (as covered by the National Electrical Code and the National Electrical Safety


(3) maintenance recommendations; and

(4) use instructions. The problem was to explore whether something more should be done in the interest

of electrical safety on the maintenance of electrical equipment and what form activity in this field should

take. It was recognized that much has been done to enunciate maintenance needs for specific types of

equipment by the equipment manufacturers, and that guidance is available on the general subject from

a number of sources. However, it was also felt desirable to bring together some of the general guidelines

in a single document under the NFPA procedure. The stature of the document would also be enhanced if

it could in some way become associated with the National Electrical Code. To this end, a tenta-tire scope

was drafted for presentation to the Board of Directors of the National Fire Protection Association with a

recommenda. tion that an NFPA Committee on Electrical Equipment Mainte. nance be authorized. On

June 27, 1968 the NFPA Board of Directors authorized the establishment of an NFPA Committee on

Electrical Equipment Maintenance with the scope statement indicated below (which was subsequently

amended to include the last sentence): "To de. velop suitable texts relating to preventive maintenance of

elec. tdcal systems and equipment used in industrial-type applications with the view of reducing loss of

life and property. The purpose is to correlate generally applicable procedures for preventive mainte.

nance that have broad application to the more common classes of industrial electrical systems and

equipment without duplicating or superseding instructions which manufacturers normally provide.

Reports to the Association through the Correlating Committee of the National Electrical Code Committee."

The committee was formed and an organizational meeting was held December 12, 1968 in Boston.

Twenty-nine members or representatives attended. This Recommended Practice on Elec. trical Equipment

Maintenance represents the cumulative effort of the entire Committee.


Electrical equipment deterioration is normal, but equip. ment failure is not inevitable. As soon as new

equipment is installed, a process of normal deterioration begins. Unchecked, the deterioration process

can cause malfunction or an electrical failure. Deterio. ration can be accelerated by factors such a's a

hostile environment, overload, or severe duty cycle. An effective EPM program identifies and recognizes

these factors and provides measures for coping with them.

In addition to normal deterioration, there are other po. tential causes of equipment failure that may be

detected and cor. rected through EPM. Among these are load changes or additions, circuit alterations,

improperly set or improperly selected protec. tire devices, and changing voltage conditions.

Without an EPIV[ program, management assumes a much greater risk of a serious electrical failure and its


A well-administered program will reduce accidents, save lives, and minimize cosdy breakdowns and

unplanned shutdowns of production equipment. Impending troubles can be identified -- and solutions

applied -- before they become major problems requiring more expensive, time-consuming solutions.

Benefits of an effective EPM program fall in two general categories. Direct, measurable, economic benefits

are derived by reduced cost of repairs and reduced equipment downtime. Less measurable but very real

benefits result from improved safety. To understand fully how personnel and equipment safety are served

by. an EPM program, the mechanics of the program -- inspection, testing and repair procedures -- should

be understood. Such an understanding explains other intangible benefits such as improved employee

morale, better workmanship and increased productivity, less absenteeism, reduced interruption of

production, and improved insurance considerations. Improved morale will come with employee

awareness of a conscious management effort to promote safety by reducing likelihood of electrical

injuries or fatalities, electrical explosions, and fires. Reduced personal injuries and property loss claims

can [ielp keep insurance premiums at favorable rates.

While benefits resulting from improved safety are difficult to measure; direct, measurable, economic

benefits can be docu. mented by equipment repair cost and equipment downtime records after an EPM

program has been placed in operation.

Dependability can be engineered and built into equipment, but effective maintenance is required to keep

it that way. Experience shows that equipment lasts longer and performs better when covered by an EPM

program. In many cases, the investment in EPM is small compared to the cost of equipment repair and

production losses associated with an unexpected equipment shutdown.

Careful planning is the key to economic success of an EPM program. With proper planning, maintenance

costs will be held to a practical minimum, while production is maintained at a practical maximum.

Electrical preventive maintenance requires the support of top management, because it is top

management who must provide funds to initiate and maintain the program. Maintenance of industrial

electrical equipment is essentially a matter of business economics. Maintenance costs can be placed in

either of two basic categories:

(1) preventive maintenance; or

(2) breakdown repairs. Money spent for preventive maintenance will be reflected as less money required

for breakdown repairs. An effective EPM program holds the sum of these two expenditures to a minimum.

Figure 1 is a typical curve illustrating this principle.

Electrical preventive maintenance is a form, of protection against accidents, lost production and loss of

profit. EPM enables management to place a dollar value on the cost of such protection. An effective EPM

program satisfies an important part of manage. ment's responsibility for keeping costs down and

production up.

maintenance (see Table I). This table represents results of a study performed by only one of the major

insurance groups (Factory Mutual) which specializes in industrial fire and machinery insurance. The table

indicates that in a two-year period (1967-68), one-half of the losses associated with electrical equipment

failures might have been prevented by an effective EPM program.

A total plant shutdown resulted from the failure of a transformer in an industrial plant. Cause of the failure

was contamination of the transformer insulating oil.

No~: As the interval of time between EPM inspections is increased, cost of EPM will diminish and cost of

breakdown repairs and replacement of failed equipment will increase. The lowest total annual expense is

realized by maintaining an inspection frequency that will keep the sum of repair/replacement and EPM

costs at a minimum. went undetected because the oil had not been tested for several years. Fire damage

and equipment replacement costs amounted to $50,000, exclusive of the cost of plant downtime. This

amount would have paid for the cost of operating an EPM program coveting the entire plant electrical

distribution system for several years. 2320. Damage amounting to $100,000 was attributed to the failure

of the main switchgear in an industrial plant. The failure was caused from fouling by dirt, gummy deposits,

and iron filings. The cost of this failure would have supported a comprehensive EPM program covering all

of the plant's electrical distribution system for several years. 2330. McCormick Place, a large exhibition

hall in Chicago, was destroyed by a fire believed to have been started because of a defective extension

cord serving a display booth. Direct property 10ss was $60 million, and loss of the facility cost an additional

$100 million to the economy in the Chicago area. This fire might have been prevented if a program had

been in effect to ensure: that worn cords were replaced; that only heavy-duty cords were used; and that

cords and their supply circuits were not overloaded. 2340. Failure of a large motor shut down an entire

industrial plant for 12 days. Cause of the failure was overheating resulting from dnst-plugged cooling

ducts. An EPM inspection would have detected the clogged ducts and averted the failure and

accompanying plant outage.


$110. An effective electrical preventive maintenance program is one which enhances safety and also

reduces equipment failure to a minimum consistent with good economic judgment. Basic ingredients of

such a program are men qualified to carry out the program, and regularly scheduled inspection, testing,

and servicing of equipment. Equally important to the success of the program are

(1) the application of sound judgment in evaluating and interpreting results of inspections and tests, and

(2) the keeping of concise, but complete records. 320. Planning an EPM Program. 3210. The following

basic factors should be considered when planning an EPM program:

(1) Personnel Safety. Will an equipment failure endanger or threaten the safety of any personnel? What

can be done to ensure personnel safety?

(2) Equipment Loss. Is installed equipment m both electrical and mechanical -- complex or so unique that

required repairs would be unusually expensive?

(3) Production Economics. Will breakdown repairs or replacement of failed equipment require extensive

downtime? How many production dollars will be lost in event of an equipment failure? Which equipment

is most vital to production? $50. Main Parts of an EPM Program. 3310. Essential ingredients of an EPM

program are:

(1) Responsible and qualified personnel.

(2) Survey and analysis of electrical equipment and systems to determine maintenance requirements and


(3) Programmed routine inspections and suitable tests.

(4) Accurate analysis of inspection and test reports so that proper corrective measures can be prescribed.

(5) Performance of necessary work.

(6) Complete, but concise records.

3320. A well-qualified individual should be in charge of the program. Men assigned to inspection and

testing duties should be selected from the best maintenance men in the plant. Where in-plant personnel

are not qualified, a maintenance contractor should be engaged.

3330. Survey and analysis should cover equipment and systems that have been previously determined to

be essential in accordance with a priority plan. Regardless of the size of the program being contemplated,

the EPM supervisor must determine the extent of the work to be done and where to begin. Therefore, all

electrical equipment -- motors, transformers, circuit breakers, controls and the like -- should receive a

thorough inspection and evaluation. Evaluating equipment condition and the operating environment will

permit the EPM supervisor to make a qualified judgment as to how, where, and when each piece of

equipment should be fitted into the program.

3331. In addition to determining physical condition, the survey should determine if the equipment is

operating within its rating. In the course of the survey, it is imperative that the condition of electrical

protective devices be checked. Such devices include fuses, circuit breakers, protective relays, and motor

overload relays. These devices are the safety valves of an electrical system. They should be in proper

operating condition to ensure safety of personnel, protection of equipment, and reduction of economic


3332. After the survey has been completed, data should be evaluated to determine equipment condition.

Equipment condition will reveal repair work to be done, as well as the nature and frequency of required

inspections and tests.

3340. Inspection and testing procedures should be carefully tailored to requirements. In some plants,

regularly scheduled tests will call for scheduled outages of production or process equipment. In such

cases, close coordination is required between maintenance and production personnel.

3350. Analysis of inspection and test reports should be followed by implementation of appropriate

corrective measures. Followthrough with necessary repairs, replacement, and adjustment is in fact the

end purpose of an effective EPM program.

3360. Records should be accurate, and contain all vital information. Care should be taken to ensure that

extraneous information does not become part of the record because excessive record keeping may

hamper the program.

3410. Design for Ease of Maintenance. Effective electrical reventive maintenance begins with good design.

In design of P .... . new faciht~es, conscious effort Is required to ensure optimum maintainability. Dual

circuits, tie circuits, auxiliary power sources, and drawout protective devices make it easier to schedule

maintenance and to perform maintenance work with minimum interruption of production. Other

effective design techniques include equipment rooms to provide environmental protection, grouping of

equipment for more convenience and accessibility and standardization of equipment and components.

3420. Training for Technical Skills and Safety. Training programs will help ensure continuing availability of

qualified man- ~lwer. Instruction, both in and out of the plant, will provide a id foundation in technical

fundamentals and safe work procedures that are necessary to work on today's sophisticated equipment.

3430. Outside Service Agencies. Some maintenance and testing operations, such as relay and circuit

breaker inspection and testing, require specialized skills and special equipment. In small organizations, it

may be impractical to develop the skills and acquire the equipment needed for this type of work. In such

cases, it might be advisable to contract the work to firms that specialize in providing such services.

3440. Tools and Instruments. Proper tools and instruments are an important part of an EPM program, and

safety protective gear is an essential part of the necessary equipment. Proper tools, instruments, and

other equipment will ensure maximum safety and productivity from the maintenance crew. Where

specialized instruments and test equipment are needed only occasionally, they can be rented from a

variety of sources.


4110. The purpose of an EPM program is to reduce hazard to life and property that can result from failure

or malfunction of industrial type electrical systems and equipment. The first part of these

recommendations for an effective electrical preventive mainte. nance (EPM) program has been prepared

with the intent of providing a better understanding of benefits -- both direct and intangible -- that can be

derived from a well-administered EPM program. This chapter explains the function, requirements, and

economic considerations that can be used to establish such a program. 4111, There are four basic steps

to be taken in the planning and development of an electrical preventive maintenance program. In their

simplest form, they are:

(1) Compile a listing of all plant equipment and systems.

(2) Determine what equipment and/or systems are most critical and most important.

(3) Develop a system for keeping up with what needs to be done.

(4) Train people for the work that needs to be done, or contract for the special services that are needed.

4112. Success of an EPM program is dependent on the caliber of personnel responsible for its

implementation. Primary responsibility for program implementation and its success should lie with a

single individual. This individual should be given the authority to do the job and he should have the

cooperation of management, production, and other departments whose operations might affect the EPM

program. Ideally, the person designated to head the EPM program should have the following


(1) Technical Competence. He should, by education, training and experience, be well-rounded in all

aspects of electrical maintenance.

(2) Administrative and Supervisory Skills. He should be skilled in planning, development of long-range

objectives to achieve specific results, and should be able to command respect and solicit the cooperation

of all persons involved in the program.

4113. The maintenance supervisor should have open lines of communication with design supervision.

Frequently an unsafe in-stallation or one requiring excessive maintenance can be traced to improper

design or construction methods or misapplication of hardware.

4114. The work center of each maintenance work group, whether it be a zone or total plant, should be

conveniently located. This work center should contain all of the inspection and testing Plirocedures for

that zone, copies of previous reports, single-line agrams, schematic diagrams, record of complete

nameplate data, vendors' catalogs, plant stores catalogs, and supplies of report forms. There should be

adequate storage facilities for the tools and test equipment that are common to the group. 4115. In a

continuously operating plant, running inspections (inspections made with equipment operating)play a

very vital role in the continuity of service. The development of running inspection procedures varies with

the type of operation. However, they should be as thorough as practicable within the limits of safety and

the skill of the craftsman. These procedures should be reviewed regularly in order to keep them current.

Each failure of electrical equipment, be it an electrical or mechanical failure, should be reviewed against

the running inspection procedure to determine if some other inspection technique would have indicated

the impending failure. If so, the procedure should be modified to reflect the findings.

4116. Handling the results of running inspections is the area that gives supervisors their best motivational

opportunities. When the electrical maintenance supervisor initiates corrective action the craftsman

should be so informed; the craftsman who found the condition will then feel that his job was worthwhile

and will be motivated to try even harder. However, if nothing is done, individual motivation may be

adversely affected.

4117, Trends in failure rates are hard to change and take a long time to reverse. For this reason, the

inspection should continue and resulting work orders written, even though the work force may have been

reduced. Using the backlog of work orders as an indicator, the electrical maintenance supervisor can

predict trends before they develop. With the accumulation of a sizable backlog of work orders, an increase

of electrical failures and production downtime may be expected. 420. Survey of Electrical Installation.

4210. Definition. The survey may be defined as the collection of accurate data on the plant electrical

system and the evaluation of this data to obtain the necessary information for developing the EPM

program. The systems and equipment covered in specific parts of the survey should be based on logical

divisions of the overall plant, either on an electrical system or plant process basis. In SOme cases a

combination of the two is the most suitable.

4220. Data Collection.

(1) The first step in organizing a survey is to take a look at the total "package." Will the available manpower

permit the survey of an entire system, process or building, or must it be divided into segments?

(2) Next, a priority should be assigned to each segment. Some segments may be found to be sequential,

so they should be identified before the actual work commences.

(3) The third step is the assembling of all documentation. This may necessitate a search of desks, cabinets,

etc., in the plant area, and may also require that manufacturers be contacted in order to replace lost

documents. All of these documents should be brought to a central location and marked immediately with

some form of effective identification.

4230. Diagrams and Data. The availability of up-to-date, accurate, and complete diagrams is the

foundation of a successful EPM program. No EPM program can operate without them, and their

importance cannot be overemphasized. The following diagrams are some of those in common use:

4231. Single-line diagrams trace the flow of el~ctrical power. They should show all electrical equipment

in the system and give all pertinent ratings. In making this type of diagram it is basic that voltage,

frequency, phase, and normal operating position should be included. No less important, but perhaps less

obvious, are items such as transformer impedance, available short-circuit current, and equipment

continuous and interrupting ratings. Other items include current and potential transformers and their

ratios, surge capacitors, and protective relays. Where one diagram cannot cover all of the equipment

involved, additional diagrams, appropriately noted on the main diagram, should be drawn.

4232. Short-circuit and coordination study is very important. Many have the misconception that this

engineering study is part of the initial plant design, after which the subject can be forgotten. However, a

number of factors can affect the available short-circuit current in an electrical system. Among these are

changes in the supply capacity of the utility company, changes in size or percent impedance of

transformers, changes in conductor size, addition of motors, and system operating conditions.

(1) In the course of periodic maintenance testing of protective equipment such as relays and series or

shunt-trip devices, their settings should be evaluated. Along with the proper sizing of fuses this is part of

the coordination study.

(2) In a small plant -- one receiving electrical energy at utilization voltage, or from a single step-down

transformer -- the shortcircuit study is very simple. The available incoming short-circuit current can be

obtained from the utility company sales engineer.

(3) In a larger system, it may be desirable to develop a computerized short-circuit study to improve

accuracy and reduce engineering time. Should facilities not be available within the plant organization, the

short-circuit study can be performed on a contract basis. The short-circuit data are used to determine the

required momentary and interrupting ratings of circuit breakers, fuses and other equipment.

(4) Fuses are rated on the basis of their current-carrying and interrupting capacities. These ratings should

be determined and recorded. Other protective devices are usually adjustable as to pickup point and time-

current characteristics. Settings of such protective devices should be determined, verified by electrical

tests, and recorded for future reference.

(5) Personnel performing the tests should be trained in proper test procedures. Several manufacturers of

switchgear or test equipment have set up regularly scheduled seminars where participants are taught the

principles of maintenance and testing of electrical protective devices.

4235. Circuit routing diagrams, cable maps, or raceway layouts show the physical location of conductor

runs. In addition to voltage, such diagrams should also indicate the type of raceway, the number and size

of conductors, and type of insulation. Where control conductors or conductors of different systems are

contained within the same raceway, the coding appropriate to each conductor should be noted. Vertical

and horizontal runs, with the location of taps, headers and pull boxes, should be shown. Access points

should be noted where raceways pass through tunnels or shafts with limited access.

4234. Layout diagrams, plot plans, equipment location plans, or plant maps show the physical layout (and

in some cases, the elevations) of the plant with all equipment in place. Switching equipment,

transformers, control panels, mains, and feeders should be identified. Voltage and current ratings should

be shown for each piece of equipment.

4235. Schematic diagrams are arranged for simplicity and ease of understanding circuits without regard

for the actual physical location of any components. The schematic is always drawn with switches and

contacts shown in a de-energized position. •

4236. Wiring diagrams, like schematics, should show all com. ponents in the circuit, but they are arranged

in their actual physical location. Electro-mechanical components and strictly mechanical components

interacting with electrical components are shown. Of particular value is the designation of terminals and

terminal strips with their appropriate numbers, letters, and/or colors.

4237. Diagrams should identify all equipment parts and device8 by standard methods, symbols, and


4240. System diagrams generally arc needed to complete the data being assembled. The importance of

the system determines the extent of information shown, or for a small plant, whether it is even needed.

The information may be shok~a on the most appropriate type of diagram, but should include the same

basic information, source and type of power, conductor and raceway information, and switching and

protectivc devices with their physical locations. It is vital to show where the system may interface with

another, such as with emergency power; hydraulic, pneumatic, or mechanical systems; security and fire

alarm systems; and monitoring and control systems. Some of the more common of these are described in

subsections 4241 through 4244.

4241. Lighting system diagrams (normal and emergency) may terminate at the branch-circuit panelboard,

listing the number of fixtures, type and lamp size for each area, and the design lighting level. It should

show watchman lights and probably an automatic transfer switch to the emergency power system.

4242. Ventilation systems normally comprise the heating, cooling, and air-filtering system. Exceptions

include furnace, dryer, oven, casting, and similar areas where process heat is excessive and air

conditioning is not practical. Numerous fans are used to exhaust the heated and possibly foul air. In some

industries, such as chemical plants and those using large amounts of flammable solvents, large volumes

of air are needed to remove the hazardous vapors. Basic information, including motor and fan sizes, motor

or pneumatically operated dampers, etc., should be shown. Additionally, many safety features may be

involved to ensure starting of fans before the process -- airflow switches to shut down an operation on

loss of ventilation -- and other interlocks of similar nature. Each of these should be identified with respect

to type, function, physical location, and its operating limits.

4243. Heating and air conditioning systems are usually manufactured and installed as a unit -- furnished

with diagrams, operating and maintenance manuals. This information should be updated as the system

may be changed or modified. Because these systems are often critical to plant operation, additional

equipment may have been incorporated -- humidity, lint, and dust control for textile, electronic, and

similar processes; corrosive and flammable vapor control for chemical and related industries, etc.

Invariably these interface with other electrical or nonelectrical systems: pneumatic, or electro-mechanical

operation of dampers, valves, etc.; electric operation for normal and abnormal temperature control;

manual control stations for emergency smoke removal, are just a few. There may be others, but all should

be shown and complete information given for each.

4244. Control and monitoring system diagrams are necessary to understand how these complicated

systems function. They usually are in the form of a schematic diagram and may refer to specific wiring

diagrams. Maximum benefit can only be obtained when every switching device i s shown, its function

indicated, and identified for ease in finding a replacement. These often involve interfaces with other

systems, whether electro-mechanical (heating or cooling medium) pumps and valves; electro-pneumatic

temperature and ciamper control; safety and emergency operations. A sequence-of-operati0n chart and

list of safety precautions should be included to promote safety of personnel and equipment.

Understanding these complex circuits is best accomplished by breaking down the circuits into their natural

functions, such as heating, cooling, process, or humidity controls. The knowledge of how each function

relates to another enables the craftsman to have a better concept of the entire system and thus perform

his assignment more efficiently.

4250. Emergency procedures should list, step by step, the action to be taken in case of emergency, or for

the safe shutdown or start-up of equipment or systems. Optimum use of these procedures is made when

they are bound for quick reference and posted in the area of the equipment or systems. Some possible

items to consider for inclusion in the emergency procedures are interlock types and locations,

interconnections with other systems, and tagging procedures of the equipment or systems. Accurate

single-line diagrams posted in strategic places are particularly helpful in emergency situations. The

production of such diagrams in anticipation of an emergency is essential to a complete EPM program.

Diagrams are a particularly important training tool in developing a state of preparedness. Complete arid

up-to-date diagrams provide quick review of emergency plan. :During an actual emergency, they providea

simple, quick-reference guide when time is at a premium.

4260. Test and Maintenance Equipment. All maintenance work r.eq' u'ires tla~ use" of.proper 't~ls and

equipment'~tb properly ,perform the task to be done. In addition to their ordinary t0ols(each craftsman

(such ~ carpenters, pipe fitters, and machinists) uses some special tools or equipment based on the nature

of the Work to be performed, The electrician is no exception, but for EPMi, additional equipment not

found in his toolbox should be readily avail. able: The size of the plant; nature of its operations; extent of

its maintenance, repair, and test facilities; are all factors which de. termine the use-frequency of the

equipment. Economics 'seldom justify purchasing an infrequetitly used expensive tool can be

rented. However, a c6rpor~ition having a nu/nber' of plants in the area may well justify common

ownership of the same device forjoint.use, making it quickly available at any time to any plant. Typical

examples might be high-~current.or DC high-P0tential test .equipment, or a ground-fault locator. : i 4261.

A certain amount of mechamcal maintenance ts often a part 'of the EPM program being conducted on

associated equip. m~nt. The' elec.trical crafisman should have ready access to such itenm'as assorted

lubrication tools and equipment; various, types and' sizes of ,wrenches; nonmetallic hammers and blocks

to protect against inju!h/ to machin'ed surfaces; wheel pullers; feeler gauges; inside- and outside-

diameter measuring gauges; intruments for rheasuring torque, teusion, compression, vibration, And

Speed; standard and special mirrors with light sources for visual insp~tion; portable blowers and vacuums

of industrial type having insulated nozzles for removal of dust and foreign matter; nontoxic, n0nflam.

mable cleaning solvents; and clean lint-free wiping clotlx3.

4262. The use of well-maintained safety equipment is essential and should be mandatory when working

on or near live electrical equipment. Some of the more important articles needed are heavy leather gloves;

insulating gloves, mats, blankets, baskets, boom, jackets and coats; insulated hand tools such as screw

drivers and pliers; nonmetallic hard hats with clear insulating face shields for protection against arcs; poles

with hooks and hot sticks to safely Open isolating switches. A statiscope is desirable to indicate the

presence "of high voltage on certain types of equipment.

4263.' Portable electric lighting is often necessary particularly in emergencies involving the plant power

supply. Portable electric lighting used for maintenance areas Which are normally wet or where personnel

will-be .working within.grounded metal structures such as drums, tanks, andvessels should be' operated

At a maximum of 12 volts supplied from an isolating transformer or other isolated source. Ample supply

of battery lanterns should be available with extra batteries. Suitable extension cords are usually

necessary..~ 4264. Portable meters ancl insfi'uments are necessary for testing and troubleshooting,

especially on circuits of 600 volts or less. These include general-purpose volt meters, volt-ohmmeters, and

clip-on-type ammeters with multiscale ranges. In addition to these conventignal instruments," recording

rdeters are useful for measuring magnitudes and fluctuations, of current, voltage, power factor, watts and

volt-amperes versus time values..Thud/ire a definite aid in" defining specific electrical problems and to

determine if equipment malfunction is i:liJe to abnolmal electrical conditions. Other valtiable "tes.t

equipment includes devices to measure insulation resistar/ce of motors and similar equipment in the

megohm range and .~imilar instruments in the low range for determining ground resfidance, lightning

protection systems, and' grounding systems. Cgntinuity testers are particularly valuable for checking

control circuits and for circuit identification. 4265. A ground-loop teste/: is an .important part of the EPM

equipment. It is used to check the continuity of the equipment grounding circuit regardless of its location,

including the gr6unding slot of receptacles. It can also be used to check the equipment grounding circuit

of portable electric tools. 4266. Insulation-resistance measuring ~quipment should be used to indicate

insulation values at the timq equipment is put in service. Later measurements may indicate any

deterioration trend of the insulation values 0f', High-potential AC and DC testers are used

effectively to indicate dielectric strength and insulation resistance of the insulation respectively. It should

be recognized that the-possibility of breakdown under test due to concealed weak',always present.

High-potential,. testing should be performed with ~ution and oul~; by qualified operators. 4267. Portable

ground-fault locators can be used to test ungrounded power systems. Such devices will indicate ground

location while the power system is energized. They are thus a valuable aid for safe ol~ration by indicating

where to take corrective steps before an insulation breakdown occurs on another phase. 430.

Identification of Critical Equipment.

4310. Equipment'(eiectrical or otherwise) is considered critical if its failure ~ operate normally and under

complete control will cause' a serious threat to people, property, or ithe product. Electric powe.r,. lil~e

process steam, water, etc., may be essential "to the operation of a machine, but unless loss of One or

more of these supplies causes the machine to become hazardous to 'people, property or produc. tion,

that machine may not be critical. The combined knowledge and experience of several people may be

needed to make this de~ termination. In a small plant this can probably be done by the plant engineer or

master mechanic working with the operating superintendent. A large operation may need a "team"

comprising the following qualified people:

(1) the electrical foreman or super. intendent;

(2) a production man or men thoroughly familiar with the oper.ation capabilities of the equipment and

the effect' its loss will have on final production;

(3) the senior maintenance man who is generally familiar with the maintenance and repair history Of the

equipment or process;

(4) a technical man knowledgeable in the theoretical fundamentals of the process and its hazards (in a

chemical plant he should be a chemist, in a mine a geologist, etc); and

(5) a safety engineer or one responsible for the overall security of the plant an d its people against fire

and accidents of all kinds. They should go over the entire plant or e~ich of its op. crating segments in

detail, considering each unit of equipment as related to the entire operation, and the effect of its'loss on

safety and productio n .

4311. There are entire systems that may be critical by their very nature. Depending on the size of the plant

and the complexity of the operation, it may contain any or all .of the examples listed: emergency power,

emergency lighting, fire alarm systems, fire pumps, "and certain comrrlunication systems. There should

be no problem in establishing whether or not any of these systems is critical, and in having the proper

amount of emphasis placed on its maintenance."

4312. More difficult to identify are the parts of a system which are critical because of the function Of the

utilization equipment and its associated hardware. Some examples are:

(1) The agitator drive motor for a kettle-type re'actor may be extremely critical in that, if it fails to run for

some period of time, when the charge materials are added to the reactor the catalyst stratifies. If the

motor is then started, rather than a slow, controlled reaction, a rapid reaction could result that may run

away, overpressurize, and destroy the reactor

. (2) The cooling water source of an exothermic reactor may have associated with it some electrical

equipment such as a drive motor, solenoid valves, controls or the like. The failure of this cooling water

may allow the ex6thermic reaction to go beyond the stable point and 0Verpressurize and destroy the


(3!. A process furnace recirculating fan drive motor or fan may fail, nullifying the effects of temperature

sensing points allowing hot spots to develop with serious side reaction.

(4) The failure of gas analysis equipment and interlocks in a drying oven or annealing furnace may allow

the atmosphere in the drying oven or furnace to become flammable with the possibility of an explosion.

(~The failure of any of the safety combustion controls on a large box, such as a boiler or incinerator, may

cause a serious explosion.

(6) Two paralleled pump motors may be needed to provide the total requirements of a continuous proc~.

Failure of either of these motors may causse a complete shutdown, rather than simply reduce production.

4~13. There are parts of the system that are critical becanse they reduce the widespread effect of a fault

in electrical equipment. The determination of these is primarily the responsibility of the dectrical man on

the team. Among the things that fall in this category are:

(1) Some overcurrent protective devices, such as circuit breakers or fuses. This includes the relays and

control circuits. It also indudes the coordination of trip characteristics of the devices.

(2) Automatic bus trans(er switches or other transfer switches that would supply critical loads with power

from the emerge'ncy power source if the primary source failed. This includes instrument power supplies

as well as' load power §upplies.

4314. Parts of the Control system are critical because they monitor the process'and automatically

shut'down equipment or take other action to prevent catastrophe. These items are the interlocks, cutout

devices, or shutdown devices installed throughout the plant or operation. Each of these interlocks or

shutdown devices should be carefully considered by the entire team to establish whether or not they are

critical shutdowns or whether they ar c "convenience" shutdowns. It Should be thoroughly understood

b)~ the maintenance group which shutdowns are critical and which are convenience. The critical

shutdown devices are normally characterized by having a sensing device separate from the normal control

device. It probably has a separate, final, or end device that canses action to take place. Once the critical

Shutdown systems are recognized, they should be distincdy identified on drawings, on records, and on

the hardware itself. Some examples of critical shutdown devices are: 0verspeed trips, high or low

temperature, pressure, flow or level trips, low lube oil pressure trips, pressure relief valves, overcurrent

trips, and low-voltage ~trips.

4315. There are parts 'of the system that are critical :because theyalert operating personnel to dangerous

or out-of-control conditions. These are normally refer/ed to as alarms. Like shut. clown devices, alarms

fall into at least three categories:

(1) those that signify a true pending catastrophe;

(2) those that indicate out-of-control conditions; and

(3) those that indicate the end of an operation or similar condition. The entire team should coa. sider each

alarm in the system with the same thoroughness with which, they have considered the shutdown circuits.

' The truly critical alarm should be characterized by having a separate sensing device, a separate readout

device, and preferably separate cir. cuitry and power source, The maintenance department should

thoroughly understand the critical level of each of the alarms. The critical alarms and :the significance

should be distinctly marked on drawings, in records, and on the operating unit. For an alarm t 9 be critical

does not necessarily mean that it ,is complex or re. !ated to complex action. A simple valve position

indicator may be one of the most critical alarms in an operating unit. 440. Establishment of a Sy~ematic

Program. "

4410. ,The purpose of any inspection and testing program is to establish the'condition of equipment to

determine what work should be done and to verify that it will continue to function until the next scheduled

servicing occurs. Inspection and testing is best done in conjunction with routine 'haaintenance.' In 'this

way, many minor items that requireno special tools, training, or equip. ment can be corrected as they are

found. The inspection and testing program is probably the most imlbortant function of a maintenance

department in tha't it establishes what need.4 to be done to" keep the system in ~fViCe to perform the

function for which it is required.

4420. The atmosphere or environment in which electrical equipment is located has a definite effect on its

'operating. capabilities and the degree of maintenance required.. An ideal environment is one in. which

the air is:

(1) clean or filtered to remove dust, harmful vapor, excess moisture, etc. ;

(2) the temperature is maintained in the range of 60°F to 85°F; and,

(3) the humidity in the range of 40-70 percent. Under such conditions the need for maintenance will be

minimized. Where these conditions are not maintained, the performance Of electrical equipment will be

adversly affected. Good housekeeping contributes to a good environment and reduced maintenance.

4421. Dust can foul cooling passages and thus reduce the capabilities of motors, transformers, switchgear,

etc., by raising their opera.ring tem~/ek~tures above rated limit~ decreasing operating efficiencles,

and',increasing fire hazard. Similarly, chemicals and vapors can coat and reduce the heat transfer

capabilities of heating and cooling equipment. Chemicals, dusts, and vapors can be highly ttammable,

explosive, or conductive, increasing the hazard of fire, explosion, ground faults, and short circuits.

Chemicals and corrosive vapors~can cause 'high contact resistance, which will decrease contact life and

increase contact power losses with possible fire hazard or false overload conditions due to excess heat.

Large temperature changes combined with high humidity car( cause condensation problems, malfunction

of operating and safehr devices, and lubrication problems. High ambient temperatures in areas where

thermall:f, sensitive protective equipment is located can cause such protective equipment to operate

below its intended operating point: Ideally, both thh" electrical apparatus and its protective eqmpment

should be located within the same ambient. Where the ambient temperature difference between

equipment and its protective device is extreme, compensation in the protcctive equipmentshould be

made ..... . : ~Ft~0. Equii)ment is desigriec[ and rated to perform satisfactorily when subjected to spe~cific

operating and load conditions..A motor designed for safe continuous operati.on at rated load may no.t be

satisfactory for frequent intermittent operatibn," which can produce excessive winding' temperatures or

mechanical trouble. J'. The. resistance grid or transformer of a reduced-voltage starter will overheat if left

in the starting position. So-called "jogging" or "inching" service imposes severe demands, on equipment,

such as motors, starters, and controls. Each type of duty influences the type of equipment used and the

extent of maintenance required. The five most common types of duty are defined in the National Electrical

Code, and they are repeated in subsection 4431 below.

4451. Duty is defined as: COArTIArUOUS: Operation at a subs/antialiy Constant110ad {or an indefinitely

long time. I3rTERMITTEA'T: operati0n for alternate intervals of

(1) loaf and no load;

(2)load and rest;;

(3) load, no load/and rest. PERIODIC: Intermittent operation in which the load conditions are regularly

recurrent. ~,~ :. , . SHORT.TIME: Operation at a substantially constant load for a short and definitely

specified time.. VARYING: Operation at loads, and For intervals of time, both of which may be subject to

wide variation.

4432. Some,devices that may be of use in establishing a proper maintenance" period are: running time

meters.(to' measure total "on" or "use" time); counters to measure number of starts, stops or. load on,

load off and rest periods; and recording ammeters to record graphically load and no-load conditions..

These devices can be_applied to any system or equipment and will help classify the duty. This will help

establish a proper frequency of preventive In~atenance. . .

4433. Safety and limit controls are devices whose sole function is tO assure that values remain within the

safe design level of the system. Each device should be periodically and carefully inspected, checked, And

tested to be certain that it is in reliable Operating condition because it functions only during an abnormal

situation when an undesirable or unsafe condition is reached. "

4440. Wherever practical, a history of each electrical system should be developed for all equipment or

parts of a system vital "to a plant's operation, production or process. The record should include all

pertinent information, for proper operation and mfiintenance. This information is useful, in developing

repair cost trends, items replaced, design changes or modifications, significant trouble or failure patterns,

and replacement parts or devices that should be. stocked. Systeni and equipment information should


(1) Types of~electrical equipment -- motors, starters, 'contactors, heaters, relays

(2) Types of mechanical equipment -- valves, controls, etc., and • driven equipment such as pumps,

compressors, fans --= and whether they are direct, geared, or belt driven.

(3) Nameplate data. ; .'- (4) Equipment use

(5) Installation date.

(6) Available replacement parts.

(7) Maintenance test and inspection da'te -- type and 'frequency of lubrication; electrical inspections, test,

and repair; ~ mechanical inspection, test, and repair; replacement parts list with manufacturer's

identification; electrical and mechanical: drawings for assembly, repair and operation. 4450. Inspection

Frequency. Those pieces of equipment'found to be critical should require the most frequent inspections

,and tests. Depending on the degree of reliability required, other items may be inspected and tested much

less frequently. 4451. Manufacturers' service manuals should have a recom-mended frequency of

inspection. The frequenCy given is basedAtn ,'standard'.' or "usual" operating conditions and

.environments. It woul d .ilx imp0ssibl~ for the r//anhfacturer t~ list all Co~'nbinati0ns of environment

and operating Condi'tions. However, this is a good basis from which to. begin considering tlfe frequency

for inspection and testing.

4452. There are severM points to: consider in 'establishing the initial frequency of inspections and tests.

Electrical equipment located in a separate air-conditioned control room or. switch room certainly would

not be considered normal,,so the mspectmn interval might be extended 30 percent; : However, ff the

equipment is located near another unit or operating plant that discharges dust or corrosive vapors, it

might reduce this time as much as 50 percent.

4455,; Continuously operating units with steady loads or ~tith les~ than the fated full load 'would tend to

operate much longer, and more ieliably, than intermittently operated or standby units. For this reason,

the interval between inspections might be extended 10' to 20 percent for c0ntinudmly operating

equipment and possibly reduced by 20 to 40 percent for .~tandby or infrequently operated equipment.

4454. Once the initial frequency for instmetion and tests has been established, :this frequency, should be

adhered to for at least four maintenance ,cycles unless undue failures occur. For equipment that has

unexpected failures, the interval between inspections should be reduced by 50 percent as soon as the

trouble occur. On the other hand, after four cycles of inspections have been completed,' a pattern should

have developed. If equipment consistendy goes .through more than two inspections without requiring

service, the inspection period may be extended by 50 percent. Loss of production due to an emergency

shutdown is'almost always more expensive "than loss of l~rodiictibn: due to a" planned shutdown.

Accordingly; the'interval,between inspections Should be planned to avoid the Oimini2shing returns Of

ei.ther too'long or too short an interg, al. " ' - " " ' ' " ..... ': .:

4455. This adjustment in the interval between i~pections will continue until the optimum interval is

reached. This adjustment time Can "be minimized and'. the" optimum interval, approximated more

closely initially by providing the persOn responsible for establishing the first interval with as _much

pertinent history and technology as possible.

4456. The freqhency of inspection, for similar equipment operating under different conditions may need

to be widely different. T.ypical ~examples illustrating this are: (!) in a continuo~ly operating plant having

a good 10ad"ifactor and located in a favorable ~nvironment, the high:vc~ltage ~il cir. cuit~breakers may

only need: an inspection every two years..On the other hand, an electrolytic process plant using similar

oil circuit breakers for controlling furnaces may find it necessa/y to inspect and service them as frequently

as every 7 to 10 days. -- (2) An emergency'-generator to provide power for nonciitical loads may be tested

on a monthly basis. Yet the same generator in another plant having processes sensitive to explosion,

on'loss of power may need to be tested each shift ...... ' ~ .' J 450. Methods and Procedures. "" • 4510. If

a system is to operate without failure, not only should the discrete components of the system be

nmintained, but the connections between these components should also ~be co~-ered by a'thorough'set

of methods and procedures. Overlooking this important link in the system causes rn~ny companies to

suffer high losses every year. 4511. Other areas where the maintenance department should develop their

own procedures are shutdown safeguards, interlocks , and alarms. Al~ough the individual piece s of

equipment may have testing and calibrating procedures furnished by the~ manu. facturer,- the

al~plication is probably/unique, so that the' system, per se, shOUld have an inspection and testing

procedure developed for it.

4520. A variety of forum may go along with the inspection, testing, and repair (I T & R).,procedure. They

should be detailed and direct, yet simple.and durable,enough to be. used in the field. Field notes

taken,should be. legibly tr, a.nscribed. One "copy Of reports should go in the working file of the piece of

equipment and one in the master file maintained by, first .line supervision. These forms should be used

by the electrical maintenance people. They are not for general distribution. If reports to production or

engineering are needed, they should be separate, and inspection reports should not be used. –

• 4521. The I T & R procedure

• folder for a piece of equipment should have listed in it:

• .~: (1) All the special tools, materials, and equipment necessary to do the job. " '

(2) The estim,3ted or actual average time to do the job.

(3) Approriate references to.technical manuals.

(4) Previous work done on.the equipment.

(5) Points for Special attention indicated by previous I T & R. If n~jor work was predicted at the "last I T &

R, the procedure folder should contain a copy of the purchase order and. receiving reports for the parts

to do the Work. It sh6uld.contain references to unusual incidents reported by production that may be

associated with the equipment.

4522; Special precautions,relative to operation should-be part of the I T & l~'document. What "other

equipment is affected and in what way? Who has to be informed that the I T & R is going to be done? How

long Will the equipment be out of service if all goes well and also if major ;problems are uncovered? 453.

Planning. 4531. Having developed the I ,T & R procedures and having the frequency established (even

though preliminary) now comes the task of scheduling. Scheduling in a continuous process plant (as

opposed to a batch-process plant) is most critically affected by availability of equipment in blocks

consistent With maintenance manpower capabilities. . In general, plants will be. shut down on some

regular basis for overall maintenance and repair. Some of the electrical maintenance items shoulfl be

clone at this time. I T & R that could be done while equipment is in service should be done prior to

shutdown.' Only Work that need be done during shutdown should be scheduled at that tired--~ to level

out manp°wer re~ quiremen~,and .to limit downtime. , :

4532. The very exercise of scheduling I T & R Will point 0ut design weaknesses that. require excessive

manpower during critical shutdown periods or' require excessive" downtime to do the job with the men

available. Once these weaknesses have been uncovered, Consideration can be given to rectifying them.

For example, the addition of one circuit 15i'eaker and a little cable may change a shutdo~,n from

threedays to one day:

4535. Availability .of 'spare equiprqent affects, scheduling in many ways. Older plants may have installed

spares fora :major part of the equipment, or the plant may be made up of many parallel lines so that they

may be shut down, one at a time, Without seriously curtailing production. This'concep't'is particularly

adaptable to electrical distribution. Use of'a circuit breaker and a transfer bus may .extend ilie interval

between total shutdown on a main transformer station from once a year tO once in 5 years or more. 4534.

In many continuous process plants, particularly the newer ones, the trend is toward a large single-process

line with no installed spares. This method of operation will require running inspections and running tests

since there will be a natural desire to extend the time between maintenance shutdowns. Downtime in

such plants will be particularly costly, so it is desirable to build as much monitoring into the electrical

systems as possible.

4535. Planning running inspections can vary from a simple desk calendar to a computer program. Any

program for scheduling should have four facets:

(1) a reminder to order parts and equipment with sufficient lead time to have them on the job when


(2) the date and man-hours to do the job;

(3) a check to see that the job has been completed; and

(4) noticing if parts are needed for the next I T & g and when they should be ordered. 4536. Planning

shutdown I T & R is governed by the time between shutdowns established by the limitations of the process

or production units involved. Reliability of electrical equipment can and should be built in to correspond

to almost any length of time.

4537. Small plants will want to utilize, in a much abbreviated form, the following shutdown

recommendations of a large plant IT &R:

(1) Know how many man-shifts the work will take.

(2) Know how many men will be available.

(3) Inform production how many shifts the electrical maintenance will require.

(4) Have all the tools, materials, and spare parts that will be required assembled on the job site. Overage

is better than shortage.

(5) Plan the work so that each man is used to best suit his skills.

(6) Plan what each man will be doing each hour of the shutdown. Allow sufficient off time so that if a job

is not finished as scheduled, the men working on that job can be held over without overtiring them for

the next shift. This will allow the schedule to be kept.

(7) Additional clerical people during shutdown I T & R will make the job go smoother, help prevent missing

some important function, and allow an easier transition back to normal.

(8) Supply copies of the electrical group plan to the overall shutdown coordinator so that it can be

incorporated into the overall plan. The overall plan should be presented in a form that is easy to use by

all levels of supervision. In a large complex operation, a critical path program, or some similar program,

should be used.

4538. Automatic shutdown systems and alarm systems that have been determined as critical should be

so designed and maintained that nuisance tripping does not destroy operator confidence. Loss of operator

confidence can and will cause these systems to be bythPaa~ated and the intended safety lost.

Maintenance should prove each operation was valid and caused by an unsafe condition.

4539. A good electrical preventive maintenance program should identify the less critical jobs, so it will be

clear to first-line supervision which EPM can be delayed to make men available for emergency breakdown

repair. 455. Analysis of Safety Procedures.

4551. It is beyond the scope of this recommended practice to cover details of safety procedures for each

of the I T & R activities. Manufacturers' instructions contain safety procedures required in using their test


4552. The test equipment (high voltage, high current, or other uses) should be inspected in accordance

with vendor recommendations before the job is started. Any unsafe condition should be corrected before


4553. The people doing the I T & R should be briefed to be sure that all facets of safety before, during,

and after the I T & R are understood. It is important that all protective equipment is in good condition and

is on the job.

4554. Screens, ropes, guards, and signs needed to protect people other than the I T & R team should be

provided and used.

4555. A procedure should be developed, understood, and used for leaving the test site in a safe condition

when unattended. These times may include a smoke break, a lunch break, or even overnight.

4556. A procedure should be developed, understood, and used to ensure safety to and from the process

before, during, and after the I T & R. The process or other operation should be put in a safe condition for

the I T & R by the operating people before the work is started. The procedure should include such checks

as are necessary to ensure that the unit is ready for operation after the I T & R is completed and before

the operation is restarted. 456. Records.

4561. Sufficient records should be kept by maintenance management to evaluate results. Analysis of the

records should guide the spending level for EPM and breakdown repair.

4562. Figures should be kept to show the total cost of each breakdown. This should be the actual cost plus

an estimated cost of the business interruption. This figure is a powerful indicator for the guidance of

expenditures for EPM.

4563. Records Kept by First Line Supervisor of EPM. Of the many approaches to this phase of the program,

the following is a typical set that fulfills the minimum requirements:

(1) Inspection Schedule. The first line supervisor should maintain, in some easy to use form, a schedule

of inspections so that he can plan manpower requirements.

(2) Work Order Log. An active log should be kept of unfinished work orders. A greater susceptibility to

imminent breakdown is indi. cated by a large number of outstanding work orders resulting from the

inspection function.

(3) Unusual Event Log. As the name implies, this lists unusual events that affect the electrical system in

any way. This record is derived from reports of operating and other personnel. This is a good tool for

finding likely problems after the supervisor has learned to interpret and evaluate the reports he gets. This

is the place where near misses can be recorded and credit given for averting trouble. 457. Emergency


4571. It should be recognized that properly trained electrical maintenance personnel have the potential

to make a very important contribution in emergency situations that are most likely to occur. However,

most such situations will also involve other crafts and disciplines, such as operating personnel, pipe-fitters,

and mechanics. An overall emergency procedure for each anticipated emergency situation should be

cooperatively developed by qualified personnel of each discipline involved, detailing steps to be followed,

sequence of steps, and assignment of responsibility. The total procedure should then be run periodically

as an emergency drill to assure that all involved personnel are kept thoroughly familiar with the part they

must perform.


5110. This bibliography lists some of the more widely recognized sources of maintenance and testing

information. There are many excellent text books by individual authors that are not listed because they

are too numerous and information on them is available from the various publishers.

5111. For those who are interested in implementing an effective EPM program or improving an existing

one, a suitable reference library should be readily available. Size of the plant and the extent of its

maintenance and servicing operations will determine the desired publications for the reference library.

5112. The need to use manufacturers' service manuals and instructions furnished with specific equipment

or apparatus has been previously mentioned and cannot be overemphasized. Additionally, there are many

sources of helpful information on general and specific maintenance, troubleshooting, test methods, test

instruments and their use. Some of these are available without cost, but most entail a nominal charge.

Publishers of technical and trade magazines are another important source of pertinent literature. Some

can provide, without charge, reprints of specific articles, or for a nominal fee, a compilation of reprints of

articles on a particular subject. American National Standards Institute Guide for Installation and

Maintenance of Oil-Immersed Transformers -- ANSI C57.93-1958, NEMA TR5-1956. Guide for Installation

and Maintenance of Dry-Type Transformers ANSI C57.94-1958. Guide for Application, Operation, and

Maintenance of Distribution Cutouts and Fuse Links, Secondary FuSses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole

Air Switches, Power Fuses, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories -- ANSI C37.47-1969. Part I of

the National Electrical Safety Code entitled Rules for the Installation and Maintenance of Electric Supply

Stations and Equipment, ANSI C2.1-1971. Amer/can Petroleum Institute Guide for Inspection of Refinery

Equipment, Chapter XIV Electrical Systems.

These suggested items are directed toward minimizing the dayto-day electrical hazards. The list is not

complete, nor do the items necessarily appear in order of importance. It is presented as a guide for the

preparation of a check list that should be developed for each plant. Because of the similarity to the plant

fire prevention inspection, both inspections may be carried out by the same personnel. Flexible Cords

(Including Those on Appliances). Heater:type cords are required for portable heating appliances, such as

toasters, grills, and coffee makers. Check condition for badly worn or frayed spots, splices (not permitted),

improper type, current-carrying capa" city too small. Plugs and Connectors. Cheek for stray strands and

loose terminals. Are they grounding type where required for specific appliances? Green conductor must

be connected to grounding pin. Extension Cords. Are they used in place of permanent wiring, of excessive

length, of proper type? They should not pass through walls, partitions, or doors. Multiple Current-Tap's.

Are they used because of too few receptacles? Note particularly such areas as canteens, lunchrooms, and

offices. Appliances: Grills, toasters, and similar ,equipment should be permanently spaced from

combustible material. Heating Appliances." Where used with combustible material such appliances

generally require a signal light to indicate when "On." Hot Water Heaters. Check for proper electrical

protection. Manually operate the combination temperature and pressure relief valve to be sure it is free

and the dralnline is clear. Visually check setting. Office Equipment. Check condition of flexible cords, plugs,

and connectors. Look for excessive use of extension cords and multiple current taps. Receptacle Outlets.

Three-pole grounding-type receptacles are generally required. Check each receptacle for continuity of

grounding connection, using suitable test instrument. Are special receptacle configurations used for those

supplying unusual voltages, frequencies, etc. Are they well-marked or identified? Note particularly missing

!aceplates, receptacles showing signs of severe arcing, loose mountmg, etc. Portable Equipment (Tools,

Extension Lamps and Extension Cords). In shop or tool room after each use, check for isolation he. tween

live parts and frame. Note condition of cord and plug. Is continuity maintained between frame and

grounding pin of plug? The green conductor should connect only to the plug grounding pm. " " On lamps

check condition of guards, shields, etc. See the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70, for portable hand

lamps; metal. shell, paper-lined lampholders for hand lamps are not permitted. Lighting Fixtures. All

lighting fixtures should be labeled and grounded. See the National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70, for

connection of electric-discharge lighting fixtures. These may be connected by suitable, 3-conductor

flexible cord where visible for its entire length and terminated at outer end in a grounding. type

attachment plug or busway plug. No fixtures should be located close to highly combustible material. Note

location of fixtures having burned out bulbs or tubes; where fixtures are heavily coated with dust, dirt, or

other material; and where the reflectors are in need of cleaning. Equipment Grounding: Where machinery

and/or wiring enclosures are grounded through the conduit system, look for broken or loose connections

at boxes and fittings, flexible connections, and exposed ground straps. Multiple bonding of conduit and

other metallic enclosures to interior water piping systems including sprin. kler systems, is sometimes used

as a precaution where buildihg vibration is severe, even though a separate equipment grounding

conductor is run with the circuit conductors inside of the conduit. Yard Transformer Stations. Note

condition of transformers, fence, gates, and locks. Yard and equipment should be free of storage of

combustible material, weeds, grass, vines, birds' nests, etc. Watch for indication of localized overheating

indicated by conductor discoloration. Indication of excessive transformer temperature, pressure or oil

leakage should be noted. Services. Visually check condition of weatherheads and weatherhoods to

determine that they remain in good condition. Eliminate birds' and rats' nests, etc. At the same time

determine the apparent condition of lightning arresters, surge capacitors, grounding conductors, and

grounds. Are switches safely and readily accessible? Switchrooms and Motor Control Centers. Check to

see that they are clean and used for no other purpose. They should be free of storage of any kind,

especially combustible material. Ventilation equipment should be in working condition and unobstructed

Notice and promptly report any unusual noises or odors. Metering Uipment should be checked for high

or low voltage and current, any indication of accidental grounding (ungrounded systems). switches and

motor controllers properly identified as to function; are fire extinguishers in place, of suitable type and

charged? Grouped Electrical Control Equipment (Such As May Be Mounted on Walls, Etc.). Are they

protected from physical damage and readily accessible? Are any equipment enclosures damaged or have

missing or open covers? Are any live parts exposed? Report any condition preventing quick or ready

access. F~ndosures of Electrical Parts (Motor Control Equipment, junction Boxes, Switches, Etc.). Are

covers secured in place? Report location of broken or loose conduit, wiring gutters, etc. Missing dust caps

should be replaced. I-Ia~ardous Location Equipment. All cover bolts should be in place and tight.

Permanent markings should not be obstructed by paint. Examine joints between cover and case for signs

of having been pried open in removing cover. This may have damaged the mating surfaces of the joints.

Excessive accumulations of dust and dirt should be noted for removal from all enclosures, including

motors, which also should be examined for obstructed ventilation. Note and report the use of

nonexplosion-proof electric equipment, including lighting, which may have been installed in the

hazardous location area.

Emergency Equipment.

(1) Exit lights should all be functioning properly.

(2) Emergency lights should all be in working condition. Periodic tests are recommended to be sure that

they function when normal lighting is lost.

(3) Emergency power supplies such as batteries, engine driven generators, etc., normally receive

scheduled tests. Check records of periodic tests. Are fuel and cooling supplies for engine drives adequate?

Are fire extinguishers in place, of proper type and charged?

(4) Alarm systems, such as for fire, intrusion, smoke detection, sprinkler waterflow and fire pumps, also

receive periodic tests. Check records of these tests to be sure that all signals are properly transmitted and

equipment is in good working condition.

 That standard addresses practices and procedures that are necessary to deenergize machinery or

equipment and to prevent the release of potentially hazardous energy while maintenance and servicing

activities are being performed.

 Although that rule is related to electrical energy, it specifically excludes "exposure to electrical hazards

from work on, near, or with conductors or equipment in electric utilization installations, which is covered

by Subpart S of 29 CFR 1910." Therefore, the lockout/tagout standard does not cover electrical hazards.

 c. The final electrical safety-related work practices standard has provisions to achieve maximum safety

by deenergizing energized parts and, secondly, when lockout/tagout is used, it is done to ensure that the

deenergized state is maintained. H. Inspection Guidelines In so far as possible the compliance officer shall

integrate inspection procedures for this standard with those of 29 CFR 1910.147 (lockout/tagout


1. The following guidance provides a general framework to assist the compliance officer during all

inspections: The employer's written procedures required under 29 CFR 1910.333(b)(2)(i) shall be reviewed

to determine if they cover the hazards likely to be encountered.

(1) A copy of paragraph (b) of 1910.333 maintained by the employer will fulfill this requirement.

(2) A copy of the written procedures for locking and tagging required by 29 CFR 1910.147 will also comply

“Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 33 with this requirement, provided those procedures address the

electrical safety hazards covered by Subpart S and provided the procedures conform to 1910.333 (b).

(3) If the employer has chosen to utilize procedures developed to comply with 1910.147 for electrical as

well as other hazards, the written procedures must include steps corresponding to requirements in

Section 1910.333 for application of locks and tags and verification of deenergized conditions (29 CFR

1910.333(b)(2)(iii)(D) and (b)(2)(iv)(B)). Beginning August 6, 1991, the training practices of the employer

for qualified and unqualified employees shall be evaluated to assess whether the training provided is

appropriate to the tasks being performed or to be performed.

(1) All employees who face a risk of electric shock, burns or other related injuries, not reduced to a safe

level by the installation safety requirements of Subpart S, must be trained in safety-related work practices

required by 29 CFR 1910.331-.335.

(2) In addition to being trained in and familiar with safety related work practices, unqualified employees

must be trained in the inherent hazards of electricity, such as high voltages, electric current, arcing,

grounding, and lack of guarding. Any electrically related safety practices not specifically addressed by

Sections 1910.331 through 1910.335 but necessary for “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 34 to other

equipment. (See 29 CFR 1910.332(b)(3) for training requirements that specifically apply to qualified

persons.) Only qualified persons may place and remove locks and tags. (2) An employee who is undergoing

on-the-job training, who, in the course of such training, has demonstrated an ability to perform duties

safely at his or her level of training, and who is under the direct supervision of a qualified person is

considered to be a qualified person for the performance of those duties.

(3) Where the term "may not" is used in these standards, the term bears the same meaning as "shall not".

(4) Training requirements apply to all employees in occupations that carry a risk of injury due to electrical

hazards that are not sufficiently controlled under 29 CFR 1910.303 through 1910.308. Scope/Coverage of

the Standard.  The provisions of the standard cover all employees working on, near or with premises

wiring, wiring for connection to supply, other wiring, such as outside conductors on the premises and

optical fiber cable, where the fiber cable installations are made along with electric conductors and the

optical fiber cable types are those that contain noncurrentcarrying conductive members such as metallic

strength members and metallic vapor barriers.

 b. The standard does not cover qualified workers (but does cover unqualified workers) performing work

on the following:

 Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution installations located in buildings used for such

purposes or located outdoors. c. The standard for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices was developed

to complement the existing electrical standards. The new standard includes requirements for work

performed on or near exposed energized and deenergized parts of electric equipment, use of electrical

protective equipment, and the safe use of electrical equipment. d. Exposure to unexpected electrical

energy release that could result in electric shock or burns or in an explosion caused by an electric arc is

covered by the standard for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices. Safeguarding workers from other

hazards related to the unexpected release of hazardous energy during servicing and maintenance

operations is covered by 29 CFR 1910.147, the lockout/tagout standard. (1) 1910.333(a)(1) requires that

live parts be deenergized before a potentially exposed employee works on or near them. OSHA believes

that this is the preferred method for protecting employees from electrical hazards. The employer is

permitted to allow employees to work on or near exposed live parts only:

 If the employer can demonstrate that deenergizing introduces additional or increased hazards, or

 (b) If the employer can demonstrate that deenergizing is infeasible due to equipment design or

operational limitations. (2) Under 1910.333(a)(2) if the employer does not deenergize (under the

conditions permitted in 1910.333(a)(1)), then suitable safe work practices for the conditions under which

the work is “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 35 to be performed shall be included in the written

procedures and strictly enforced. These work practices are given in 1910.333(c) and 1910.335. (3) Only

qualified persons shall be allowed to work on energized parts or equipment. a. Circuit parts that cannot

be deenergized using the procedures outlined in 1910.333(b)(2) must be treated as energized (as specified

in 1910.333 (b)(1)), regardless of whether the parts are, in fact, deenergized. Deenergized parts are

required to be locked and tagged unless exempted under 1910.333(b)(2) (iii)(C) or 1910.333(b)(2)(iii)(E),

as discussed below. If so exempted, either a lock or a tag is required. b. If a tag is used without a lock, it

shall be supplemented by at least one additional safety measure that provides a level of safety equivalent

to that obtained by the use of a lock. Examples of additional safety measures include the removal of an

isolating circuit element, blocking of a controlling switch, or opening of an extra disconnecting device. c.

A lock may be placed without a tag only under the following conditions:

 Only one circuit or piece of equipment is deenergized, and

 (b) The lockout period does not extend beyond the work shift, and

 (c) Employees exposed to the hazards associated with reenergizing the circuit or equipment are familiar

with this procedure. 4. Verification of Deenergization Is Mandatory. This verification must be done by a

qualified person.

 The qualified person shall activate the equipment operating controls or otherwise verify that the

equipment cannot be restarted.

 b. Test equipment shall be used to ensure that electrical parts and circuit elements have been


 c. Testing instruments and equipment shall be visually inspected for external defects or damage before

being used to determine deenergization (29 CFR 1910.334(c)(2)).

 d. For circuits over 600 volts nominal, the test equipment shall be checked for proper operation

immediately before and immediately after the test. 5. Reenergization. The following requirements shall

be met, in the order given, before circuits or equipment are reenergized, even temporarily. a. A qualified

person shall conduct tests and visual inspections, as necessary, to verify that all tools, electrical jumpers,

shorts, grounds, and other such devices have been removed so that the circuits and equipment can be

safely energized. b. Potentially exposed employees shall be warned to stay clear of circuits and equipment

prior to reenergizing. c. Each lock and tag shall be removed by the employee who applied it. However, if

the employee is absent from the workplace, then the lock or tag may be removed by a qualified person

designated to perform this task provided that the employer ensures:

 That the employee who applied the lock or tag is not available at the workplace, and

 That the employee is informed that the lock or tag has been removed before he or she resumes work

at the workplace. “Electrical Safety in the Workplace” 36

 That there is to be a visual determination that all employees are clear of the circuits and equipment

prior to lock and tag removal. 6. Working On or Near Overhead Power Lines, 29 CFR 1910.333(c)(3). a.

OSHA believes that the preferred method of protecting employees working near overhead power lines is

to deenergize and ground the lines when work is to be performed near them. b. In addition to other

operations, this standard also applies to tree trimming operations performed by tree workers who are not

"qualified persons". In this respect the exclusion in 1910.331(c)(1) applies only to "qualified persons"

performing line-clearance tree trimming (trimming trees that are closer than 10 feet to overhead power



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