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US 2020 presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren calls on

Congress to impeach Donald Trump

 Citing findings of newly released Mueller report, senator says Russia attacked 2016 election and Trump welcomed its help

 Warren says ‘severity of misconduct’ by US president means elected officials must set aside differences and start impeachment


Topic | Trump-Russia collusion investigations

Agence France-Presse
Published: 5:23am, 20 Apr, 2019

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren on Friday became the first presidential candidate to call for the US House of

Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against US President Donald Trump, citing the findings of the

Russian election interference probe.

“The Mueller report lays out facts showing that a hostile foreign government attacked our 2016 election to help
Donald Trump and Donald Trump welcomed that help,” the Massachusetts lawmaker tweeted.

“Once elected, Donald Trump obstructed the investigation into that attack.”

Her call came a day after the release of a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, outlining the

findings of his 22-month investigation.

The more than 400-page document said Trump’s election campaign did not collude with Russian meddling efforts –

but found the president was happy to benefit from Russian dirty tricks and tried repeatedly to hamper Mueller’s


While Mueller ultimately decided not to charge Trump with a crime such as obstruction of justice, he also said that

the investigation did not exonerate the president.

“The severity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and

do their constitutional duty.” Warren said.

“That means the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States.”

Other Democratic leaders have played down talk of impeachment of Trump just 18 months before the 2020

presidential election.

Trump’s lawyers said in a statement that the “results of the investigation are a total victory for the president” and

that “it is clear there was no criminal wrongdoing”.

Additional reporting by Reuters

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