Washington State Motorcycle Skill Test Setup and Instructions

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Cone weave
starting T - 12' - 12' wewave

Normal Stop
3'x5' stop box

2. Turn from a stop

Sharp right turn
Starting T 6' centered in front of turn
6'wide traffic lane (10' outer lane lines and 4' inner lane lines)

20' wide area for U-turn and a Stop box.

3. Obstacel swerve
? Cones set for staging, starting, and swerving; cones/lines set for an obstacle
and escape lanes.
? Start cones and "T" (45' in front of cue cones).
? 8' wide obstacle (13' after cue cones).
? 8' wide escape lanes.

? Start from the center of the "Start T".
? When signaled, quickly accelerate straight up the path to a speed of 12-18 mph.
? At the cue cones, swerve to the direction specified. [right or left as
? Avoid the obstacle line and stay to the inside of the escape sideline.
? During your swerve, maintain a steady speed and do not brake.
? After clearing the escape lane, straighten, and come to a safe smooth stop.
? If necessary, a second run may be required for inappropriate speeds or
? When signaled, turn to the right and get back in line.


? Cones set for staging, starting, and stopping.
? Start cones and "T" (45' in front of cue cones).

? Start from the center of the "Start T".
? When signaled, quickly accelerate straight up the path to a speed of 12-18 mph.
? After your front tire passes the cue cones, stop in the shortest distance you
safely can.
? Once stopped, remain in place.
? If necessary, a second run may be required for inappropriate speeds or
? When signaled, turn to the right and get back in line.


? Two curves marked by boundary lines and cones.
? 8' wide cornering lanes.

? When signaled, ride to the cue cones.
? Prepare to ride through both curves safely while staying within the boundary
? When signaled ride through the first curve and accelerate to a speed of at least
20 mph in the straightaway.
? Prior to the second curve, slow to an appropriate entry speed.
? Make to make a smooth curve maintaining or smoothly increasing speed throughout.
? This is a timed evaluation; you must go fast enough to demonstrate cornering
? After exiting the second curve, ride back to the cue cones and stop.

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