Itmd 523 Final Project SP 19

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ITMD 523 Advanced Topics in Data Management Final Project

Your recent preliminary investigation and subsequent initial schema design ( ERD ) for
the project has been successfully received / delivered to your firm’s department. Your
company is now interested in having your data team fully completing the database

Just as with your preliminary version of the project, you and your firm’s business design
team plan to use six phases, outlined below, to fully and successfully complete the

As useful, our focus of concern for the construction of this application will be a useful
product with complete accuracy, integrity, reliability correctness and consistency.

[ Phase V Review of Current Project Status ]

Some time has passed since the completion of the first set of phases of this database
application and hence for this first phase of the second portion of the project you are to
review the contents of all the prior phases. Review your completed project to date and
comment on its effectiveness, its adherence to both business rules and database

[ Phase VI Designing the Physical Application ]

For this phase of the project you are to fully design the data tables ( entities ) that were
required during your preliminary investigation into the application. Be sure to define all
datatypes and key fields. When completing your table structures remember to focus on
application scalability, i.e. construct your tables based on your original conceptual design
but retain some level of modification for future use.

With the approval of your team leadership you will supplement your original design with
at least one new data table. Choose new data tables that can help with the efficiency
and reporting processes of your application.

[ Phase VII Loading the Tables with Valid Data ]

This phase involves populating all of your tables with valid data. Include at least ten
records for each table. Your choice of records will assist you in writing robust and
informative queries that are based on the tables as well as useful joins between the

[ Phase VIII Testing the Database System ]

Exposing any integrity issues, any insert, delete and / or update anomalies is one of the
goals of this phase. Discovering any faults is an important part of this project. We want
to ensure a properly running application, prior to its full implement.

Fully test your table entities individually and against each other by designing ten
database queries. Make use of simple and complex joins and subqueries between your
tables. Use both valid and invalid data to perform your test queries.

© Copyright 2019 by P.E.P. 1

ITMD 523 Advanced Topics in Data Management Final Project

Fully label the purpose and action of your individual queries. You can perform queries
such as adding a new data member, issuing a zone change, changing a location number
that appears within a table, etc. Make good use of typical database clauses: WHERE,

[ Phase IX Data Analytics Performed ]

This phase of the project gives attention to data decisions issues. Examine your tables
from a statistical perspective as to what inferential information can be drawn from the
application. Here you can perform aggregate statistical queries involving measures of
central tendency ( averages ) , measures of dispersion ( variances and standard
deviations ) and measures of position ( quartiles and buckets ) .
Generate graphs, charts and reports based on your table data. Include at least one of
each of these graphs: pie chart, line graph, bar chart

Also use linear regression techniques to detect any linear patterns in one or more of
your data tables.

Web Presence for Your Application

The last part of this phase has you designing and implementing a Web application that
collects data and performs data analytics on an MS Access database file that is
associated with perhaps one of your new tables, as described earlier.

Basically, you will use some starter files provided with this project, modify them and
then perform various data analytical routines on the table data. Examples of data
analytics for the application include means, deviations and positions. You could, for
example, determine which amounts were the most common. Also, you could ascertain
which location will have the most activities.

[ Phase X Systems Analysis and Viewpoints ]

The final phase of your project is to overview the project from the perspective of one of
each of these occupations / professions.
Business Intelligence
Data Gravity
Data Management
Data Mining
Data Science
Predictive Analytics

For this final phase of the project you are to write a report based on the overall
performance of the system. Your report will be based on your viewpoint of the entire
application from a standpoint of your vocation within your organization.

© Copyright 2019 by P.E.P. 2

ITMD 523 Advanced Topics in Data Management Final Project


[ Project Deliverables(s) ]

Submit an MS Word document that includes any pertinent graphics, reports, etc. that
you believe will assist your firm in developing a successful database application.

© Copyright 2019 by P.E.P. 3

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