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Error codes for the 700/900 Ventilator

Code Error Name Description common cause Corrective action
20 E_ADC_FLOWZERO_LOW Drive Flow zero is too low Drive flow pressure transducer (PT1) has Use CALBK to reset Zero. If error still
lower output then expected remains replace inspiratory block
21 E_ADC_FLOWZERO_HIGH Drive Flow zero is too high Drive flow pressure transducer (PT1) has Use CALBK to reset Gain. If error still
Higher output then expected remains replace inspiratory block
23 E_ADC_TEST0 Internal i/o test line 0 failed Multiplexer U23 is not functioning Replace BAV controller
24 E_ADC_TEST1 Internal i/o test line 1 failed Multiplexer U22 is not functioning Replace BAV controller
25 E_ADC_TEST2 Internal i/o test line 2 failed Multiplexer U21 is not functioning Replace BAV controller
26 E_ADC_TEST3 Internal i/o test line 3 failed Multiplexer U20 is not functioning Replace BAV controller
27 E_ADC_PPRESZERO_LOW Patient pressure zero is too low Patient pressure transducer (PT2) has Use CALBK to reset Zero. If error still
lower output then expected remains replace inspiratory block
28 E_ADC_PPRESZERO_HIGH Patient pressure zero is too high Patient pressure transducer (PT2) has Use CALBK to reset Gain. If error still
higher output then expected remains replace inspiratory block
29 E_ADC_DPRESZERO_LOW Drive pressure zero is too low Drive pressure transducer (PT3) has Use CALBK to reset Zero. If error still
lower output then expected remains replace inspiratory block
30 E_ADC_DPRESZERO_HIGH Drive pressure zero is too high Drive pressure transducer (PT3) has Use CALBK to reset Gain. If error still
higher output then expected remains replace inspiratory block
31 E_ADC_5VANEG The -5V supply is out of The -5v supply generated on the BAV Replace BAV controller
specification controller is low
32 E_ADC_5VA The 5V Analog supply is out of The +5vA supply generated on the BAV Replace BAV controller
specification controller is low
34 E_ADC_5VALARM The 5V Alarm supply is out of The +5v Alarm supply generated on the If the supply atTP7 on the power supply is
specification Power supply board is low low - Replace the PSU. If the supply is
good then the monitoring circuit on the
controller could be faulty - Replace BAV

35 E_ADC_5VD The 5V Digital supply is out of The VCC supply generated on the BAV Replace BAV controller
specification controller is low
37 E_TEST_LINK The 8 way test link header is A link has been left on JP3 Remove the link
104 E_PARAM_CHKSUM Stored Config & Calibration Data Calibration/ serial numbers have not been Use SpacelabsTerm to store serial
invalid stored number. Use CALBK to store calibration.

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