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Erza, 29 years old women came to RSGMP Unimus complaining her swollen gum and toothache. She
admitted that these complaints occurred since 12 weeks gestation until now that her pregnancy
reached 20 weeks gestation. After an objective examination, intra oral condition were gingival
swelling in the region of the upper jaw and large caries on 16 and 17. The dentist gave her medical
prescription, but she told the doctor thta she was worried about her pregnancy if she took a


1. Pregnancy
 Result from fertilitation sperm cell and ovum cell
 Phenomenon physicological being with conception and ending with labor
 Result from fertilitation sperm cell and ovum cell to be zygot and ending with labor
2. Gestation
 Kind of step pregnancy there is 3 trimesters (first 1-3 month, second 4-7 month,
third 8-9 month)


1. Explain kind of special medicine beside for pregnant women ?

2. Why pregnancy have a different medicine from the other ?
3. What are the clasification of safety drug for pregnant women ?
4. How to select medicine for pregnant ?
5. What are the medicine can giving by dentist to women pregnant ?
6. What are the tipe of drug are safe or not safe for pregnant women ?
7. What is the different effect if medicine give to pregnant and normal people ?
8. What is the factor drug can through to the plasenta ?
9. How is the mecanism drug transfer to the plasenta ?
10. What are the effect of drug for fetus ?


1. Explain kind of special condition beside for pregnant women ?

 Breastfeeding, geriatric, pediatric, liver, kidnay, cardio disorder
2. Why pregnancy have a different medicine from the other ?
 Because use the drug can effect for fetus
 We must know the passion, cause if we dont know it can make kecacatan.
 From farmakokinetic different from normal people (example: absorbsi acid need
more time, need more dosis cause volume cairan meningkat)
 Farmakodinamik, for mother is different cause cairan meningkat,
 Special patient pregnancy give drug can be effect for ASI, give drug for pediatric can
be effect cause
 Give drug for lansia can be effect cause can decrase the funcion organ
 The doctor give drug as lowest as possible for pregnant.

3. What are the clasification of safety drug for pregnant women ?

a. Safety (penicillin, paracetamol, eritromisin)
b. Limited
c. Negative effect for fetus (analgetic narkotik, anti infalamation, deuratical)
d. Malfarmation on the fetus (androgen, antikoagulan)
x. High risk malfarmation (isotretionin, dietilstilbestrol)
4. How to select medicine for pregnant ?
 Use drug of short duration and avoid polifarmation
 Minimize using drug in trismester 1
 Choose the safety drug
 Prescribe low effect dosis
 Attention indication and contraindication
5. What are the medicine can giving by dentist to women pregnant ?
6. What is the different effect if medicine give to pregnant and normal people ?
 Special patient pregnancy give drug can be effect for ASI, give drug for pediatric can
be effect cause
 Give drug for geriatric can be effect cause can decrase the funcion organ

7. What is the factor drug can through to the plasenta ?

Psychochemical properties, penetration speed plasenta, duration of exposure, the nature of
distribution, differential tissue, effect of combination drug
8. How is the mecanism drug transfer to the plasenta ?
9. What are the effect of drug for fetus ?
 Toxic effect teratogen and letal
 Toxic effect occures psycologycal or biochemical disorder
 Teratogen drug effect occures anatomic malfarmation to the fetus
 Letal effect
 Based on dosis, duration consume the drug
 Fase implementation, occures decrase before 3 week happen abortuse
 Fase organogenesis, occures 4-8 week happen malformation anatomic functional
 Fase maturation, occures second-third trisemester happen growth disorder


1. What are the medicine can giving by dentist to women pregnant ?

2. How is the mecanism drug transfer to the plasenta ?

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