5 Year Plan

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5 year plan

My 5 year plan is to start my investment portfolio and get mutual bonds with my bank so
have some form of income, then try to find a job for the summer so I can also pick up some extra
money as well. I’ll be working out over the summer to try and lose more weight and be more of
the ideal weight that I want. Once I go to college, I’ll be trying to get good grades and get a part
time job just in case my financial aid isn’t enough for me. For the first year I’ll try to hang low,
but probably have some fun in the process. I don’t really know how the first year at college will
play out, so I’m gonna have to play it day by day. I’ll be working on my finance major while
trying to get my general classes done. After the first year, I’ll probably try to keep working on
my major if I still find an interest into it and go through that year. If I do find someone that I find
an interest in, then I’ll probably start a relationship and see how that goes. I don’t really know
what I want to do within the next 5 years, I barely plan out what I’m going to do tomorrow
today. I kind of just want to leave it to chance and seize an opportunity when it comes my way.
I’m nervous in what the future brings me, and I’m not sure if I’m prepared for any of it. I want to
go through it and live my life, but the closer it gets, the more it frightens me to find out. I don’t
know what else to really put, I really don’t know what I want to do 3 years or 4 years or 5 years
from now. I guess try to get through my 4 years of college and try to find a job in my field of
work within the 5th year. I don’t know, I just want to enjoy life without having to be waiting on
someone else.

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