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Appreciation Essay

I don’t really know who had a positive influence on me over the past 4 years of high

school. I’ve always just kind of been in the class for the class, then leave, maybe occasionally

talk to the old teachers again, so I guess that rules out teachers. I’ve only had a coach for a little

over a year now, so I guess that rules that out. Don’t have a boss, but I have a lot of relatives and

my parents, but I just don’t really pay no mind. Why do I do that? I don’t know. Maybe I don’t

appreciate them enough to really say that they had a positive influence on me. I went through my

own stage of depression, not knowing where to go, why I was gaining so much weight so fast, or

why I just felt out of place coming back to the city I was born in. My family tried to cheer me up,

but nothing they did felt like it was working. They tried a lot of methods that worked for my

cousins when their parents died and they were feeling depressed and sad over never getting to

see or hear their parents ever again, but I’m not the same. They didn’t use money, they didn’t use

materialistic things to cheer me up, it was just motivational talking and trying to boost my

confidence that kind of helped me get through it. I never show my emotions to many unless I feel

they deserve it, and my family definitely deserved my emotions. I know I have a big family, so

maybe they’re used to things like this in the past. I don’t know. If they didn’t try to cheer me up

or didn’t try to help me get through what I was going through, I don’t think I would be typing

this essay today. I’d probably be trying to pass all the easier classes just to get done with high

school and keep everyone away from me and just be alone. Hell, I probably would’ve been dead

with how badly I just wanted to end the sadness and anger from coming out and hurting someone

I never intended to hurt. I guess I do have appreciation for them for what they did try to do to
help me, and at the end of it all, I guess it did work out better than I would’ve predicted back

then. I don’t know.

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