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Desk Study

Throughout the time mankind has desired to raise its standard of living and for this desire he has
constructed large and modernized infrastructure facilities. In these mega projects there must
have been hundred thousand of activities and to execute these activities a proper execution plan
and activity management plan is required ( H.T. Dimitriou, 2014). What happens is that the
construction practices around the world are almost the same and the world follows same codes
of construction, but the execution style is different. These mega structures that are mentioned
above were executed on time and did not failed, but throughout the world there are millions of
mega projects that do not get properly executed and managed which results in the failure of the
project (O.M.Magnusen, K.Samset,, 2005).
Failure of mega project is dependent upon many constraints that must be checked and kept in
mind before the construction has started and also must be evaluated when the construction is in
process. These constraints include the mismanagement and poor project delivery process, this
occurs only because of disintegration, deficiency of required guidance, absence of integration
with the computer technology to automate the required task, and the very import factor is the
construction industry’s reluctance into use of Information technology to manage its work, they
see it as an enemy instead of a tool which can be utilized for minimizing the managerial errors
and can improve the project delivery process. In the recent years, many programmes are utilized
by the industry to trim down Project Delivery Time, Total Cost and to improve the attributes of the
project this is due to the fact that now the people who invest in the project want some tools and
software which can help them in getting a realization of the project’s construction schedule and
how it is being maintained and these all things are offered by BIM.

Importance of Planning, Scheduling and Management

Successful project management requires planning and commitment to complete the project. From the
literature review it has been realized that during the construction of a project about 50% time is wasted
due to the worst management routines. As per literature it must be known that the planning and
scheduling part of the project must be done earlier and this must be done by taking into account all the
stakeholders and after that comes the part where the Project Managers and the Project coordinators have
to manage the construction process as per plan and schedule. In the scheduling process flexibility must
be left by the scheduler so that any haphazard situation can be catered. It’s important can be realized that
if earlier all the negotiation is done between all the stakeholders and the PM, Client and the
Contractors/Consultant during the scheduling process and all the activities are awarded durations in the
presence of every stakeholder than it will saves 50% of the time in the exact completion of the project
and the project can be executed on time only because in the middle of the project if the subcontractor X
realizes that some activity’s duration is to be shortened, he or she would already have provided flexibility
for this in the early negotiations. Construction management is advantageous to community the effective
management and efficiency of construction projects will prevent, raised costing, reduced time, resource
damage, misuse of work and pollution.
Graphs or Charts mostly Used in Construction Management

When it comes to the construction management and use of graphical tools, the phase which utilize it is
the scheduling and it is the most important part as it enables a Project Manager to realize that which
activity is critical and which requires to be finished first in order for the other activity to start. Many such
graphical or chart type tools are used. The most important and the chart which has become a
nomenclature for the PM and PCM is the Gantt Chart; It is sort of a Bar chart that shows the scheduling
of the entire project. It depicts duration of activities in days, weeks or months. It is an amazing tool to
track the progress. In addition to it the Project Manager can use it to work out the potential issues and
viable angles, can divide work in a team and can reduce the time of delivery using the graphical tool, it
can also be sued to identify the relationship of the tasks, as it can help the client and the other realize that
which activity is dependent upon which activity.

The other type of the chart used is the Pert Chart which is basically line diagram with links and nodes, it
does not give much freedom (flexibility) and information as provided by the Gantt Chart. They depict
increasingly complex venture activities and investigates the activities that are precede in a sequential
order and necessary to be accomplished for the completion of project. Pert Chart additionally examine
the time expected to achieve the undertaking and perceive the base time required.

Construction Industry and Management

As compared to other industry the construction industry can not operate if there is no management
involved. The term management becomes quite generic there are about 10s of different kinds of
managements that are required before a project is successful, in return the industry is successful. As in a
construction project the stake holders are Client (Owner), Contractors, Consultant, Sub contractors and
Sub consultants and along with this the most important one is the public or community for which the
project is being constructed so with all of the variables intact now it requires a proper management such
as Construction Management, Financial Management, Work Schedule or time management, Human
Resource management, Contract Management, Design management, Risk Management, Supply Chain
Management, Resource management and Waste management. If these management tasks are performed
with utmost good will than it will result in the success of the industry.

Concerns in the Management of the Construction Company

The most important concern in a company regarding the management is the Human Resource
Management and Safety Management, as in the construction process there are thousands of people
involve and some are exposed to high risk and in such context the most important concern becomes the
safety management and the HR management. After this the next important is the design management
that is to manage a good team of engineers that can solve any engineering problem in the most efficient
way possible. Than comes the time management as it is also to be addressed for a successful completion
of project in time which will add to the timely execution of project medal.
H.T. Dimitriou. (2014). What constitutes a “successful” mega transport project? Planning Theory &
Practice, 389-430.

O.M.Magnusen, K.Samset,. (2005, May 4-7). Successful Megaprojects: Ensuring Quality at Entry. EURAM
2005 Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, pp. 1-12.

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