Discussion Bio 320 Exp3

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In experiment 3, the cyanobacteria (commonly known as blue green algae) were

observed. It is photoautotrophic bacteria which obtain energy from light and live in water. It
feed on itself and synthesizing organic compound with photosynthesis which interpreting its
pigment, phycocyanin (green colour). Cyanobacteria also contain bacteriochlorophyll which
also involve in photosynthesis. But, not all cyanobacteria is green in colour instead its colour
can be pink or red follows its pigment which is phycoerythrin. Cyanobacteria is important for
most of plants in terms of growth and health because they can convert inert atmospheric
nitrogen into an organic form. There are two cyanobacteria that been observed in this
experiment which is Oscillatoria and Anabaena by using compound microscope.

Oscillatoria was first cyanobacteria observed in this experiment. In this experiment, the
structure was observed under compound microscope and the observation was then draw in the
result. Based on the observation made, Oscillatoria is in blue green in colour and have long
body cells that connects to form trichomes. It also have a filament that that either attach or free-
floating known as unbranched filament algae and it is arranged in parallel in row. Trichomes
in Oscillatoria is unbranched, flat-like structure made of numerous cells and long. Cells in
trichomes are all same in structure but it can be differentiate by cell walls and cytoplasm.
Trichomes haves polarity that affect in characteristics apical cells which either in cap like
(capitate) or covered y thick membrane called calyptra. The cap shape can be various such as
conical, dome, acuminate, oval, flattened convex or coiled. The reproduction of Oscillatoria is
mostly in vegetative methods by fragmentation and hormorgonia. The movement of
Oscillatoria can be predicted because of its structure and named which is “oscillare” that gives
meaning to swing. So, basically it moves by gliding, creeping or bending movement.
Oscillatoria is most likely to be found in fresh and polluted water of ponds, pools, drains,
streams, and also in damp soils and rocks.

Then, Anabaena structure and characteristics was observed. In this experiment,

Anabaena specimen also observed under compound microscope. Based on the observation
made, Anabaena is pink in colour and have a long beadlike cells and interspersed enlarge
spores. It has a filamentous structure and resembles Nostoc filament. Anabaena filament is
consist of string beaded cells and have several intercalary heterocysts in trichomes. the
filaments are straight in order but they may circinate and follows its watery sheath. Anabaena
are mostly found in all types of water and found as plankton. It is also known for its nitrogen
fixing abilities which fix nitrogen either in low or high nitrogen condition by using enzyme
nitrogenase by heterocysts. Anabaena reproduction is similarly to Nostoc which by vegetative
reproduction by fragmentation. Akinetes which serves as survival structure in Anabaena
develop beside heterocysts and always larger than vegetative cells which in cylindrical with
round-edges. Its reproduction helps to generate alkinetes and heterocysct formation.

There are a few precautions can be taken while conducting these experiment to prevent
error. First, we have to make sure that all instrument used is in a good condition so that when
taking the observation or results, no error can be occurred. Secondly, we must wear safe attire
such as lab coat, gloves or mask and if conducting microorganism specimen, make sure that
we are all clean and safe from infection. Last but not least, make sure that we use the apparatus
and instrument in right ways and put it back after use it.

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