Seven Strange Meals in Japan

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 Chocolate Kit kat

For students with flavors of sake, wasabi, sweet potatoes or chili is given to the
students on the eve of the exams instead of wishing luck.
 Ice cream flavored with noodles, meat or beer
Is surprising that here you can buy ice cream flavored with noodles, beer or
meat, but it is sold in every corner and is very requested
 Whale and dolphin meat sushi
Today whale sushi is still consumed in Japan and even dolphin meat is sold in
supermarkets, there is even a Japanese fast food chain dedicated to whale
 Ice cream flavor horse meat (there is also octopus flavor).

 Giant eyes of tuna, Japan

Go into any Japanese supermarket and you will find a large selection of tuna
eyeballs looking at you. This delight has a lot of fat and is surrounded by
muscles, so it is not a dish for cowards
 Shirako
Japan had no better idea than to make its own version, and created the shirako,
which is nothing more than a dish prepared with cod sperm.
 Natto
Fermented soybeans and mustard are added a raw egg and so it is eaten ... it is
said to be very rich, but I really pass.


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