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Quiz Crotty Chapter 9

1. Fill in the blank.

Modernism, then, in the sense of modernity and modernization, evince great faith
in the ability of _____________ to discover absolute forms of knowledge.

2. Complete the sentence.

Where modernism purports to base itself on generalized, indubitable truths about
the way things really are, postmodernism

3. Who developed concepts of “discursive formations” and “the archaeology of


4. signifier is ____________, signified is _____________ and the linguistic sign is

arbitrary according to _________________________

5. Who wrote about wrestling, stripteases, and the black soldier saluting the French

6. Name Milners five characteristics of structuralism.

7. Explain the difference between post-structuralism and post-modernism.

8. Which postmodern theorist was concerned with difference?

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