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Vastu Shastra

What is Vastu Shastra?

Universe is one of the beautiful creations of nature and everything stands alive only in the limelight
of truth. Just like every subject of human aspect is governed with rules, regulations & acts, similarly
the nature has also got certain key factor principles for smooth governing of its residents, in which
"Vastu stands for nature law" and ignorance of law is not an excuse anywhere.

Vastu is an inherent energy concept of science. We cannot see energy with our naked eyes but we
can realize and see its application in different forms and fashions. We all know that "upto the
knowledge of mind is called Science and beyond the knowledge of mind is called Spirituality."
Hence, Vastu is not only a science, but is a bridge between man and nature, thus teaching us the Art
of Living.

Vaastu Shastra is the ancient science of architecture that teaches how to live in harmony with nature
and how to influence nature so that it works for your benefit. It is part of a vast body of Vedic
knowledge written over 5,000 years ago. ‘Vaastu’ means dwelling and ‘Shastra’ means scientific
treatise—the science of designing and building homes according to the eternal laws of nature.
There is a natural order and structure to Creation and Vaastu sets forth its principles. Although the
same nature exists everywhere, every location is different. Vaastu shows us which places and
homes are best to live in.

Whether you live in a simple thatched hut or a substantial estate, if it has been built according to
the rules of Vaastu, you will have a heaven—a refuge from the chaos and confusion of the outer
world. Nature’s bounty will flow in your life and its severity will be subdued. By living and
working in such an environment, nature will support you and your life will progress in a smooth
and beautiful way.
The science of Vaastu as a very practical, effective way to solve many of life’s problems. He says,
“Good Vaastu creates the main things we need in life—peace, prosperity, power and happiness. If
you follow the principles of Vaastu your life will be successful. Vaastu can and will change any
person’s life. You can fix your life by using Vaastu. Seriously, it will change your life. In
buildings where the secret force of the elements supports you, positive vibrations will flow
strongly into your life. I can’t say you will be a huge billionaire, but your life will be so happy.
You will be living in bliss. When your land, its surrounding walls, the house and its interiors are
built according to Vaastu, it brings a lot of peace prosperity, power and happiness. What else do
you need? These are the major issues in human life. Eighty percent of your problems can be
solved through Vaastu. Your life will become very happy and blissful.”
Your home’s Vaastu impacts every aspect of your life. It affects you whether you believe in
Vaastu or not. Good Vaastu in the places where you live and work brings good fortune, while
bad Vaastu creates unnecessary suffering. By following the principles of Vaastu you can
transform the quality of life. You can transform anyone’s life. You can change your experience
and alter your destiny. With good Vaastu, health, happiness and success come much more
easily. While with bad Vaastu, obstacles, problems and hardships will come, seemingly without

Vastu Shastra is essentially the act of correct settings whereby one can place himself in such a
manner so as to absorb the maximum benefits of the Panchbhootas or the five elements as well as the
influence of magnetic field surrounding the earth.

Vaastu — Living in Harmony with the Five Elements

Simply put, this ancient science of architecture teaches not only how to live in harmony with nature
but also how to induce the forces of nature to work for your benefit. Sri Kaleshwar says, “Following
Vaastu means following nature—living in harmony with the

Great five elements. Each of the elements has a proper position on our property and in our home.
When the elements are correctly positioned, they become balanced and create the perfect vibrations.
Then the positive effects of the elements will flow. Nature automatically cooperates with your soul
and your life. In order to live a happy and successful life, you have to take protection in God’s
elements, the roots of the tree of Vaastu, the pancha pranas, the five life forces of Vaastu.

“Each of the five elements behaves in two ways: they have a positive effect and a negative effect.
If they are used properly, they give good results. If not, they give negative results. It is necessary
to make use of them in the right way. If the elements are not cooperating with us, if we are not
accessing their vibrations perfectly, we will receive terrible sicknesses, unnecessarily create
enemies, and without our notice, lose a lot of money. You cannot make spiritual progress or
receive enlightenment that easily.”
History of Vastu Shastra
The historical background:

In the Vedic period, people built homes, temples and hermitages with a view to have a peaceful and
harmonious living. But, in the modern world people build concrete clusters, mainly for the high rate
of return. This race to make buildings not in line with the ancient bye laws of nature has led the
world into pollution, environment and ecological problems with no peace of mind under any kind of

Vastu Shilpa Shastra, the ancient mystic science and the art of designing and constructing buildings
finds its origin in Stapatya Veda, which in turns is a part of Atharvana Veda, one of the four Vedas.
Vedas are not new to the other parts of the world and there have been people of all levels who have
appreciated the depth, inspirations and insight of Vedic thoughts for many years. Our saints knew
various mysterious and mystics of this vast universe even before western scientist could start finding
them out. One of the systems discovered by them was VASTU SHASTRA.

Meaning – Because of VASTU SHASTRA, the whole universe gets good health, happiness and all
round prosperity. Human beings attain divinity with this knowledge.
Followers of VASTU SHASTRA get not only worldly pleasure but also experience heavenly bliss.
With the above shloka, it is very much clear that VASTU SHASTRA is universal. It is not confined
to any particular group of people in the development of all human being irrespective of any caste,
creed or religion

Necessity of Vastu Shastra

Why vastu is necessary?
Vastu is the bridge between man and nature. Everything is made up of basic five elements –
FIRE, WATER, EARTH, SPACE, and AIR. All These elements are only found on earth that is why
it is the only planet that supports life and nature. If the residential and commercial buildings are
constructed without any regards to these elements then how would it will give any benefits? From
each of the basic elements we are getting a strange precious gift due to infinite powers of the

All materials in the world , irrespective of their size, shape , colour , physical or chemical
compositions have embedded their origins from one of the Panchbhootas . They enjoy peculiar
vibration levels, which is evading the intelligence of human beings.

Vastu is in a position to reduce the gravity of the problems faced by human beings as well as
industries particularly those suffering from sickness through vibrations of Panchbhootas which has
anchored their roots in the body of the human beings as well as the external and internal building
Why and how to follow Vastu
Our sages and saints in India always wanted to ensure happiness and prosperity not only to mankind,
but to everything living being in this world. Nowadays we hear a lot about the importance of
ecology, pollution – free environment, nature and all in big seminars and conferences. Our ancestors
knew the secret of how to live in perfect harmony with nature and enjoy all that it bestows in plenty
for the upliftment of mankind. According to Mayamatam, Vaastu is used to designate dwelling or
buildings and both the terms appear in the list of synonyms.

Vaastu as a legend in Matsya purana, was born out of the sweat of Lord Shiva, while fighting and
killing a giant called "Andhkasur”. A spirit originated out of the perspiration of Lord Shiva and
consumed all the blood from the body of the devil. His hunger was still not satisfied. He then
undertook penance. Lord Shiva was impressed and highly satisfied by his penance and offered him a
boon. “Who ever construct building on Earth shall offer pooja (worship) to him and make offerings
if they want to enjoy health, wealth, wisdom and prosperity in their new building. However only
those people who do not offer you prayers shall be at your mercy and you may trouble them in
anyway. There is a possibility that these stories were added in the olden scripts only to scare people
and make them conscious about the subject. The science of Vaastu Shastra is however no
mythological story and has stood the test of time for thousands of years. Vaastu Shilpa is divided
into two parts :

(1) Deva Shilpa : It deals with all aspects of temple and religious activities including idol,yagna etc.
(2) Manav Shilpa : It deals with houses , residential buildings , schools , commercial buildings etc.

The transmission of the knowledge had to take a corresponding form and integrate all the sciences as
one seamless discipline. It is for this reason that the Sthapati or vastushilpi, the priest architect had to
undergo a process of integrated learning. To this day, the Sthapatis take recourse to the collective
knowledge of related discipline as to give shape to their creations. To understand Vaastu, one should
understand the VASTU PURUSHA MANDALA. Purusha and Mandala are associated with Vaastu
(site). Vastu encompasses the house with the site and its environment. According to the Vedic
thought, Purusha is not only the cause and life behind all prakriti, but also behind all creations of
Man. Purusha is consciousness, the life source. It is also called atman. The Vastupurusha Mandala is
a grid of square, regarded as a perfect figure, is conceived to be a fundamental form in architecture
and all other shapes are derived from it. The Vastupurusha Mandala offered the formula to determine
the functions of the building in relation to its orientation. The Vasturatnakara assigns specific
functions to each direction. The south-east for example, is dedicated to fire and north-east to the
element Water. Invariably, the correspondence with the elements would determine the position of
the rooms in the house. The space assigned to the region of fire , for instance , would be used for
building a kitchen or reserved as a source for heat and warmth. The Mandala also served as a guide
to locate the buildings on site and determining the position of the shrines in a temple complex
Is Vastu a science?
The Vastu science is founded upon the laws of nature. The equilibrium we observe in the nature is
easily perceivable by us in all moving bodies, but unfortunately we are unable to note this
equilibrium in static bodies. The basic source of energy of the whole world is stored at North and
South Pole. It flows uninterruptedly from North Pole to South Pole in the form of magnetic waves.
Therefore Southward portion of every building should be higher than the northward portion so that
there may not be any hindrance to the flow of magnetic waves.

The cars are so accurately balanced that even deflation in any one of the tyres can cause a serious
accident. Similarly, when a building is constructed without observing the rules of Vastu science,
various calamities, diseases, accidents can occur. This is the eternal rule of the nature and it has no
place for any logic, doubt or debate.

Role of Vastu Science in 21st century

• Our ancient Vastu Shastra has been founded in such a way, that the inmates can derive
maximum benefits from sun-rays and the energies of the sun like heat light, UV rays – the only
reliable source of Vitamin D (Vitamin D is absorbed by the blood directly when the bare skin is
exposed to sun), which is vital for sustenance of life on the Earth.
• Uttaraayana and dakshinaayana too are of great scientific importance since daytime will be
more than the nighttime in the Uttaraayana facilitating availability of more sun light.
It is only some years ago that the modern scientists have discovered that the white solar light
could be split into segments called visible rays and invisible heat spectrum. But thousands of
years ago, our ancient Indian sages, not equipped with any kind of appliances were able to
discern many natural phenomena in a scientific manner and according to the visible spectrum
had distinctive names with specific functions besides colors like: Jayanta, Parjanya, Mahendra….
to Bhrsha and Aakaasha , which correspond to VIBGYOR.
• Other than that, sunrays consist of 7 colors (VIBGYOR) and their effect on human body is
immense as it cures several diseases.
- The modern astra physics, during the last few decades, has divided the atmosphere into several
zones like Stratosphere, Ozonosphere etc. but several centuries before this discovery, the
atmosphere over which Varuna held its way was divided by our sages into Bhu, Bhuv, Swar, Jan,
Tap and Satyalok.
• The Eastern direction assumes a great significance because the sunrays of early morning emit
more light and less heat, hence the best. In the afternoon, sun moving towards West, grow hot
emitting Infrared rays, which are detrimental to health. Thus, due to all these reasons, it is
explicitly laid down in Vastu Shastra that more open space, more windows and doors fixed, more
balconies and verandahas should be provided towards the East and the North side than in the
South and the West side.
• The most important aspect considered while formulating the Vastu Shastra is the magnetic
field of the Earth, which has significant influence on the human life. Human body itself acts as a
magnet with the head, the heaviest as North Pole. If the head is directed towards the North while
sleeping, the North Pole of the Earth and that of the human body repel each other affecting the
blood circulation, causing disturbed sleep, tension and other problems. Thus, it is said by Vastu
Now-a-days many hi-tech instruments are available by which one can detect Vastu defect of a
house by measuring the energy level of the person residing in. By using Feed Back Energy tester,
one can not only detect the Vastu defect by measuring the energy of the human, but the same
person can restore the energy with the help of ‘Yong Yang Deep Stimulator’. Another device to
measure the human energy field is ‘Lecher Antenna’.
• In the most recent survey of the Gujarat earth quake effected regions , the maximum houses
destroyed were not according to Vastu and those were intact were constructed on the principles of

How colors influence Vastu/Vaastu

Colors are most powerful in influencing the human mind and body. It is also the least expensive,
easiest and quickest to use, to change and to create a decorating scheme. In Vedic periods, all colors
were taken out from vegetables and flowers, which were more permanent in shade, soothing to eye
and natural tint. At an early period in human history the symbolic use of colors was made. During
early period Heart, which was the seat of life and the blood was identified with life and
consciousness and was colored red. Yellows were possibly the color of fire and white that of the day.
Vaastu Shastra provides vital guidelines as to how to decorate our homes etc. in decent manner to
derive maximum delight with dignity and décor.

According to some Vaastukars, the color schemes should conform to the raashi (constellation /
zodiac sign) of the owner to bring good luck and happiness.

If a room has poor daylight, it should be painted in light color and if a room gets good amount of
natural light throughout the day, it can be painted in some deep color. If a room has only a North
window, which admits cold light, we should not use blue on the walls. If a room gets much direct
sunlight, it is not advisable to paint the walls yellow or peach. It is nearly better to have ceilings
white and the ceiling temperature should be less than the human body temperature. Some scholars
suggest different color to the direction the building faces. They are really the colors of the planets
governing these directions.
Color contrast in value is perhaps the most important factor in a composition or a design. Maximum
contrast is obtained by the use of colors of extremely strong chromes. A strong yellow on a black
field is an excellent example of maximum visibility. A bright strong yellowish red would be
considered as a powerful color. The color of an object depends upon the light it emits or sends back
to an eye. Opposite contrast colors are quickly changed when it mixed as for black which makes
colors both brighter and lighter in looks. Surrounding an intense color with a Grey increase the
apparent colorfulness of the intense color making. It appears even brighter or brilliant. Surrounded
by yellow, a Grey color may appear slightly blue. Surrounded by red, it may appear slightly green
and surrounding by Grey with a bright color on other hand may influence the eye to discern in the
greying of the complementary of the bright colors.

One must always bear in mind that no individual is completely white (good) or black (bad), but is an
amalgam of the two Grey. A sensible good blending can create a forceful creation.

A particular color can activate or can control human glands by different bodily functions. Such as for
good appetizer or to give excitement for the low blood pressure patient, a light limited soothing color
atmosphere is recommended. Similarly Blue color is to stop overeating habits. For a high blood
pressure patient, a light limited soothing color atmosphere is recommended. For quicker healing,
green color is used in hospitals. For a good healthy, tasty food, golden yellow or tinted brown color
is recommended.

Colors affect our body and mind very much. The purest and most thoughtful minds are those, which
love, colors the most. The cool colors are blue sea or mainly blue in cast.
The warm colors are red or mainly blue in cast.
The warm colors are red and yellow in cast.
Red makes you feel gay while man can work best when surrounded by blue, but too strong blue or
red cause depression.
People often feel cold in blue room and warm in a red room. It is the color that makes them feel that

Zodiac sign Colors suggested

Aries Coral red
Taurus Milky white
Gemini Green
Cancer Rose red, pearl white
Leo Ruby red, dim white
Virgo Emerald green
Libra Cement color, milky white
Scorpio Pink, coral red
Sagittarius Golden yellow
Capricorn Dim red
Aquarius Pink, blue
Pisces Yellow, pure white
Direction Color suggested
East (Sun) Shining white
West (Saturn) Blue
North (Mercury) all greens
South (Mars) Pink, coral red
North-East (Jupiter) Golden yellow
South-West (Rahu) all greens
South-East (Venus) Silver white
North-West (Moon) White


Color has a profound effect on our mood. In clothing, interiors, landscape and even natural light, a
color can change mood from sad to happy, from confusion to intelligence, from fear to confidence.
Particular colors have different effects on each individual. Response to a color may be influenced by
a number of factors such as the body’s need for a specific color, a sad or happy memory associated
with a color. In previous decades, certain colors or group of colors dominated every palette. Now in
millennium, the stopper is out and uniqueness and personal preferences are really in. There are no
absolutes in the world of color. Some colors make you want to get out of your chair, others make
you want to nestle down and read. Some colors are articulate and must be listened to. Others are very
quiet. Some colors indicate that you have travelled or are well read. Yet others create a desire for
closeness, intimacy and love. Following are some of the most typical responses to various color

These colors create a sense of peace and well being. They foster quiet conversation with family and
friends and can dispel loneliness. Throughout time, mankind has found a sense of peace and
tranquility when in touch with “Mother Earth “. It follows that colors which impart a sense of
warmth and serenity come directly from the earth. In addition to the earth colors in the neutral group
are colors associated with sea such as sand, shell, coral, pearl, stone, seaweed. GREEN is a color
which helps us to adjust to new environments and situations. It will always be found among the
‘nurturing neutrals’. The BLUES represented here will range from winter sky to stream to midnight.
The neutrals are somewhat like the furniture while other palettes are more like accents or

These are the sharp, witty and unique colors which convey a message that the owner has travelled, is
well read and has something to say. These colors will command respect without being overbearing.
This palette also starts with a earthy, warm base. Grey is a color which promotes creativity and will
often be found in foundation of an intellectual palette. These greys will be warm and gentle. Some
tones of blue suggest communication and trust, so it will naturally be found in the intellectual
palette. Navy blues will often find their way in this palette, but its effect is warm and never cold and
fragile. Red also appears in this intellectual palette, but the shades will be earthy and complicated
burgundy, cranberry.
These colors are exiting and used for a fun providing environment these playful, whimsical palettes
create their own kind of music, like the sounds of children playing. There are highs and lows, lights
and darks and always movement and activity. Used in active spaces within the home, a ‘playful’
palette can add energy and vitality. But if overdone, this type of palette becomes irritating and
stressful. The foundation of this palette is WHITE. This could be anywhere from vanilla ice cream to
snow drifting to winter moon. Then the bubble gum pink, buttercup, wintergreen, all the berry colors
and crayon colors. Many of these colors will be cool, and even in lighter tones there will be
brightness and clarity. The bottom line in creating this type of palette is that the colors should
suggest a sense of freedom, play and downright fun.

This palette includes the colors which are very refreshing and rejuvenating. Like nurturing colors,
‘healing colors’ also begin by getting in touch with nature. The first group of colors considered in
this palette is GREEN. Because they have the power to help us adjust to new environments, skillful
designers use lots of plants and other forms of green. Healing greens may be warm or cool, but not
muddy or mysterious like those in the intellectual palette. Healing palettes also take inspirations
from warn earth tones. These palettes usually contain contrast as well as clarity of color that is
inspiring. They will include a range of lights and darks but will never be muddy.

Many species including the human beings attempt to attract the opposite sex with colors. RED is the
color of sex and lust and is often called the most romantic of colors. It is no accident that red is the
chosen symbolic color for the Valentine’s Day. In interior design, however, a less intense, softer
tone of red is far more conducive to romance than the pure hue. Often referred as PINKS, these
colors vary from cool to warm and from light to dark. Pinks have an interesting quality that seems to
halt the body’s ability to stay angry. PURPLE is another color which is definitively romantic
because of its passionate, unpredictable and quixotic characteristics. Paler, less intense tones of
ORANGE such as apricot and peach are often included in the romantic palette, suggesting purity and
innocence. BLUES in the romantic palette will be cool and inspired by water.

There are no trends in color as important as personal style. Today, most designers draw from many
historical periods as well as contemporary influences and mix them together to create unique
personal spaces. The most effective color palettes reflect and enhance the interests, collections and
activities of the people who live there as well as architectural features.

The effects of color on mood will vary from individual to individual. Color schemes have emotional
messages too. An awareness of the emotions generated by different colors is helpful in planning
personal palettes that will be pleasant to live with, but it must be understood that this information is
not absolute. Subtle changes in tone can increase or decrease the emotions evoked by a particular
color, allowing it to be included in many diverse palettes
Color is the most powerful decorating element in our homes. Color is memorable and above all
personal. An understanding of color can really help us achieve the goal of a pleasant, personal and
comfortable home. There are hundreds of options but only one decision maker, that matters and that
is you. The people who eat and sleep, entertain, play and rejuvenate in the spaces are the ones whose
well-being is affected.

If we understand the basics of the color, then we can make a perfect color scheme.
The colors are divided into three categories

Primary color
These are the three basic hues, red, blue and yellow. They are the foundation of the color wheel and
all other colors are derived from them.
Secondary color – When two primary colors are mixed, they form a secondary color. They are
orange, green and violet.

Tertiary color
When two secondary colors are mixed, they form a tertiary color, like citron, olive, and russet.

Using neutrals does not mean not using color. Any low intensity color that is used as a background
for other accent colors, features, furniture and objects in a space can be classified as neutrals.
Neutrals are practical and by changing accessories and fabrics the look of space can be dramatically
altered against the same neutral background


The color wheel is a complete picture of all the colors available, once you understand this, there will
not be any problem in forming any color scheme. In the color wheel at the right, the primaries form a
triangle with equal sides with in the circle, and the secondaries form another triangle opposite to that.
Each color has a ‘complement’ which is located directly across from it on the wheel. Thus, green is
complement of red, orange is complement of blue.

A perfectly balanced color scheme might use equal parts of three colors which are equidistant on the
color wheel. Interior designers often compensate for intensity by either tinting (adding white) or
toning (adding black) or by graying (adding complementary colors). In these ways they create
contrast through a change in value (lightness and darkness) or intensity (brightness and dullness).
With even this limited information, it is easy to see how the possibilities for combining colors are
infinite and inviting. Using the tints and tones, the total effect is lively and pleasing but not
overwhelming, a beautifully colored room. Now here are some of the colors with their effects and
the nature they depict and the places where they are suggested to use.
Red is the most dramatic, emotional and active of the three primaries. It is an especially versatile
color in its effects, enlivening interior spaces by creating excitement, warmth and elegance. The use
of red suggests a bold and confident attitude. It is used in those areas where one needs excitement
like the bars. It is less often used in sleeping area because of its energizing quality. The complement
of red is green.

Blue is the only colors which is the most universally equated with the beauty. Blue is timeless,
linking the present with tradition and lasting values. It is the most versatile in expressive values.
Psychologically, blue is associated with tranquility and contentment. In interior design, softer and
lighter blues are generally preferred for the larger areas.

It is a powerful color, both light in value and extremely intense in its purest form. It evokes a sense
of energy and excitement. Yellow is a perennial favorite in interior design, combining with greens to
provide the natural freshness and with red for gaiety and richness.

Green is the most common choice of the designers. It is often used as a dominant room color. Green
goes with every other color and makes it a natural neutral. It represents the greenery of the nature
and thus provides the room with liveliness.

It seems to be a color of emotional contrasts. Its paler tints are unabashedly romantic, fragile and
quiet feminine. It enjoyed the popularity in the Victorian era and now as pure colors emerges again,
beautiful violet is certain to be a player.

It is amazingly versatile, capable of emitting great energy in its purest form and as an earth tone, it
evokes warmth, comfort and reassurance. Nowadays, the lighter orange, popularly known as peach
is common in use as it gives a cool effect.

Pastels are simply lighter tints of any hue, white added to red yields pink and light pink is a pastel.
There is not any particular definition for a pastel color but when colors become so light that they
almost seem to be white, they are pastels. The pastels are becoming more and more popular as they
crate the most sober and elegant look.

Enjoy color, take these tips from the professionals and then you can become creative. You must
think about the people in your home who matter the most for you and then imagine the things you do
together and then finally go for a final color scheme
Know more about your paints
Paint has been used for centuries to decorate all kinds of homes and in that time a huge variety of
finishes and effects have been employed beyond the flat coverage of a simply painted surface. Many
of what are now regarded as traditional paint effects have their origins in the great houses of the
European aristocracy and were later adopted by the rising merchant classes who wanted to share in
those splendors themselves. Paint effects are a wonderful way to express your character and that of
your home and the people who live with you.

Transformation, illusion, or more frankly deception, was usually the guiding principle, whether the
effect was one of rough stone, luxurious marbling or the opulence of gliding. As early as the
fourteen century , for example the art of gliding – applying thin layers of gold to surfaces such as
wood or plaster , became an immensely popular way of imitating the real gold decoration that only
the richest could effort. Wood graining, for example, allowed people to enjoy the beauty and
elegance of expensive woods without the cost, as the finishes were applied over cheaper timber.
Today great houses may have the best preserved examples of traditional paint finishes, but there are
other good examples of wonderful effects in much simpler public buildings, in homes or apartment.
For example, the colour blue-grey represents the traditional Scandinavian interior, the dazzling
blues, soft pinks and warm ochre’s that outface the Mediterranean sun and the sober tones remind of
the interiors of United States. These are styles and finishes firmly rooted in the often harsh climate
and economic or social realities of a particular region, perpetuated over centuries by people whom
the concept of style has often, for one good reason or another, been meaningless.

Many of the materials used in the past are still available and experts working on great old buildings
and antique furniture undertake restoration work using the same equipment and techniques.
Materials of today are less toxic and many are available in a wider range of colours, they offer an
attractive alternative. Painting walls has often had greater significance than the simple imperatives of
domestic decoration and display. Many ancient civilizations decorated the insides and outsides of
their temples and state and public buildings with paint.

Choosing the colour and finish for the walls are probably the most important decision you make
when decorating a room. The paint should reflect the character of those who live and work there and
the atmosphere they want to create. However, daring to try something new is fun and may reveal a
new side of you, the possibilities are endless.

Creating the right wall finish for a period interior was once time consuming and expensive. Today
successful substitutes have been found for the unusual and expensive products required using the
different permutations and combinations, one can easily reproduce the interiors with an authentic
look. Any style of interior is now within your range – from a country kitchen to a baronial hallway.
Paint techniques can also be used to disguise some surface imperfections, which is much cheaper
than having your walls re-plastered. Thus, one should always consider the following tips while doing
the paint.

1. A poor surface treated with the right paint technique can be transformed into a wall of character.
Equally, a perfectly smooth new wall can be given instant interest and texture.
2. Each room must be treated individually, even though you may want a cohesive scheme
throughout your home.
3. Remember some areas suffer extra wear and tear: certain finishes may not be practical for
kitchens or bathrooms, and others need special attraction.
4. Always choose the colour according to the space. Pale colours give a sense of space and darker
ones make a room even smaller.
5. Remember too that the colour of the base coat will greatly alter the glaze coat applied to it. The
most striking colour effects are often achieved by using white as the base colour.

Here are some of the effects of the paints that one can create apart from the flat surface, but one
should be aware of the effect, one desire to create.

COLORWASHING: Color washing is among the group of finishes that have their beginnings in
fine are, they are often known as broken-color technique. Specifically, it involves the application of
thin washes of glaze in which the brush marks are left apparent to give the finish texture and depth.
It provides an interesting alternative to flat color and can be used to decorate period or modern, town
or country interiors

SPONGING: Sponging is a modern broken-color technique. Natural sponge, moistened with water
or soaked in glaze and used over the opaque base coat to produce a softly mottled effect–either by
removing or adding color. Usage of sea sponge creates more interesting textures that normal
household sponge.

STIPLING: Traditionally stippling entails the reworking of newly applied paint to create a finely
textured, matt finish. A well prepared surface is essential and a steady hand. An elegant effect which
adds subtle ageing to a room, it looks good on wood paneling, furniture and frames.

DRY BRUSHING: In this technique, the brush is kept relatively dry as glaze is applied lightly over
a base coat to create a cloudy effect. It can be subtle if applied in soft tones with soft strokes or bold
if you use hard bristled brushes and strong colors. An easy way to give texture to modern interiors, it
is also used to create an aged finish for period settings. It is ideal for highlighting architectural
moldings and because it is extremely resilient, for furniture.

MEDITERRANEAN LOOK: The word Mediterranean gives us a impact of wonderful chalky

colors of sun baked, painted house. It gives a very country look kind of the atmosphere. Random
brushing and hard rubbing create the characteristic roughness and depth of tone. It can be used on a
variety of surface but is natural suited to uneven plaster and textured surfaces.

TEXTURING: There are many different ways to texture paints. The obvious advantage of texturing
is that it is a wonderful disguise for imperfect wall. But it can bring character to any surface, or a
tough finish to a garden room or exterior wall.

WOOD FINISHES: Paint finishes on wood can be as authentic and fantastic as you wish. Color is
the determining factor but with today’s wide choice of colors, the scope for experiment is enormous.
Paint effects can also ‘age’ new wood quickly. This is a important period setting, where new wood is
often ill at ease. Stairs, handrails, floors and frames can also be aged to add a period feel to any

BORDERS: Borders are nowadays becoming very common and people are having a keen interest in
them. Painted borders are a neglected way of bringing additional interest to wall surfaces. Borders
painted by hand are essentially individual .One can choose color and patterns one wants and can
make them as simple or as complex.
How to decorate house with Vastu Shastra?
Great importance is given for the decoration of the house with the paintings, idols and especially the
main door decoration. The main door was considered very important in ancient days and even today
as the people used to think that all the prosperity and money comes from the main door.

The following shlok explains the rules relating the above things:

"Grahe Na Ramayan bhatatha hawan chitram kurupanahvamindra jalikam . Shilocha yaarnyamayam

sadhasuram bheeshmam kurutha krindhanaram thvanambaram.
Vaarah shaardhul shiva prudhakavo grudhabi golukapothavayasaa Sashye nagothadhi vakadhi
patrino vichitratha no sharane shubhavaha."

Meaning - To display the following in a house is not good - War scenes from Ramayana and
Mahabharata, Fight scenes using swords, Inderjall (magic) scenes, Stone or wooden statues of
terrifying giants or demons, Scenes of weeping and crying people in tears. Paintings, portraits,
statues: Decorative lights, chandeliers, bookshelf, vases, flower pots and furniture etc. should be
meticulously and tastefully selected and placed in appropriate settings so that they look attractive
and follow vaastu principles etc.

The pictures, painting or models of the animals like pigs, snake and birds like eagle, owl, crow,
pigeons, vultures should not be placed in a house.
All pictures or wooden or metal figures of wild beasts like tigers, lions, wolves, bears, jackals, and
wild asses, hounds etc. should be avoided.
The heavy furniture should be placed in the Southwest side of the room and the light furniture can
accommodate in any corner.
Symbols like Swastika, Om, Rangoli decorations stop the entry of evil spirits and evil influences in
the house.
The photographs of the ancestors should be placed on the southwestern side of the house.
The clock should be placed on the Eastern, Western or Northern wall.

Installation of Idols in homes and other buildings: A pooja or worship place is a must in a home; it is
better to have one in office, factory, schools, colleges and other buildings too. The appropriate place
is the north-east corner of the building and if not then the north-east corner of the room in house and
central chowk or garden or lawn of other buildings. The deities like Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar,
Surya, Inder should face east or West and four-headed Brahma, six-headed kartikeya, five faced
Shiv can be placed facing any direction. Hanuman ji should face southwest.

Whatever is exhibited should be pleasing to the eyes and mind bringing joy and cheer to those who
view them; aesthetic and cultural aspects also should be borne in mind, while selecting decorative
pieces or paintings and pictures and placing them in our home.
The factors to be considered while designing the exteriors
Whenever we buy a plot, the first thing that is done is to prepare a site plan for the approval of
competent authority before preparing the building plan. Once it is approved, one goes for the
building plan. For each type of building the requirements are different ass prescribed by
developmental authorities, but Vaastu Shastra apply the same basic principles to all the buildings
used by humans whether it is a house, office or shopping complex. Here one has to meet the
requirements of the Vaastu as well as the authority to make a building plan. So here are some points
which one should always consider before designing the plan.

The open space around the building: We have to carefully examine the space given to us around
the building and make sure that you are leaving the maximum space in North and East side and less
on South and West sides. The construction should never be on the Northern and eastern wall as this
violates the basic principle of Vastu. The left area in North should not be less compared to the open
area left in the South as this is very bad according to Vaastu so one must correct it defect before
developing this plan.

The proportion: The ratio between the length and breadth of the building should normally be 1:1 or
1:1.5 or maximum up to 1:2, it should never exceed this limit in any circumstance, otherwise it will
become a ‘long bar’ shaped plot and is not at all auspicious for anyone. The building dimension
should preferably be longer in North – South and shorter in East – West.

The Levels: At any level, whether Ground level or First level, the West, South, South – West sides
should be more elevated than the North, North – East and East sides. Basically the flow of water
should always be from the South to North or West to East as it creates a lot of positive energies.

Roofing: The roofing slope should always be towards East and North so that the water always flows
towards the North and East. Nowadays, it’s a fashion to keep the roof sloppy, for that one must
always be careful to make the slopes in north and east sides. Slanting towards South or West should
be avoided as it causes serious health problems.

The height: The height is another criterion, which in one way again related to weight. The height
either be kept equal everywhere in the building or it will be preferred to keep the South and West
higher than the North and East as the South, West sides will automatically gets heavier and this is
very auspicious. But never keep the North and east sides at more heights than the South, West.

Terrace / Porch / Portico / Balcony: All these should always be located in the North, East or North
– East sides of the building to bring the health, wealth and happiness. The balconies should always
face the North, East or north – East

Compound wall: The compound is the wall that covers the boundary of the house. The compound
wall either should be of same height and thickness in all the four sides or it will be best if it is thicker
and taller in Southern and Western sides as compared to the Northern and Eastern sides. This is
preferred as the thick wall of the South and West sides will prevent the Infrared rays of the afternoon
sun and the setting rays of the sun, which are harmful for the humans. Light walls in North and East
sides will allow the beneficial morning rays to come and penetrate in the house, they are full of
Vitamin D and are the only source of obtaining it. This way the South and West sides will also
become heavier than the rest which is very auspicious.

Garage / Out house: The best place to construct them is the North – West and South – East corner
and care should be taken not to block or cut the corners at the South – East or North – West and the
quarter walls should not touch the wall at the East or North side.

Guard’s room: A concrete or wooden shelter is made either in south – West and the shelter should
be facing the East or North but it is important to ensure that the watchman is able to see every

Over – head tanks: These tanks should be placed either in North – East as water is considered good
in this direction or in South – West as the tank becomes very heavy. North – East is not to be over
loaded with overhead tank though water in North – East is considered very good.

Under – ground reservoir: It should always in the North – East, the place of God supreme and
should never be in South – East. Another choice is East or the North zone.

Well / Bore – Well / Tube – Well: These should be placed in North – East or eastern sides
preferably in between the mid North and North – East as it bring all round prosperity and new
opportunities for growth.

Thus, if we consider all these points, we will never make a mistake to design a house which is
against Vaastu and then the people will stop suffering from the defects of Vaastu.

How to manage the interiors with vastu

The stone of Vaastu is to make us live in harmony with nature taking advantage of the magnetic
fields, gravitational effects etc. of the earth, the rainfall, the galaxy and the whole of the nature and
the universe and duly invoking the blessing of the Gods of the directions. Doing interiors with the
Vaastu is a bit difficult job but if everything is planned carefully, one can open the doors of the
prosperity for themselves. Now we will discuss every room in the detail. Every room has their eight
directions again, so one must be aware of the facts how to design the rooms.

Worship / Pooja Room: It has been known the Pooja room is best suitable in the North - East corner
of the house, now Pooja room has its own directions. The deity should face west, can face east or
north but it should NEVER face south.

o North - East zone is considered most appropriate for worship for another reason also. In the
morning the sun’s rays straight fall on North - East Side of the house which is most auspicious
and good for health. It keeps our mind fresh and the soul pure and clean - a thing needed utmost
for real prayer. Placing pooja room in the North - East will bring all the happiness, prosperity,
monetary gain, health, wealth, peace of mind and happiness with the blessings of God.
Main door decoration:

Care should be taken to decorate the main door. The objects of the main door as prescribed in the
text are:
Kula Devata: The image of the family deity. Its dimension should not be more than one hasta (18")
of length.
Two Prathiharis (Sentinels or guards): Well decorated in ornaments bearing staff and swords in their
hands, well clothed, glowing with youth and beauty, along with lady Prathiharinis and placed on
both the sides of the door.
Dhaatri (a dwarfish nurse): her maid companions should follow it, the happy jesters i.e.
Shanka and Padmanidhi emitting coins.
The Asthamangala: on the seat of lotus wearing a sacred garland of eight auspicious symbols.
Lakshmi: lotus seated and well decorated and being bathed by elephants.
Cow with her calf and well ornamented with flower garlands etc.
Motifs of serpents, giants, owl, wild animals, elephants, daityas, nudes, fight between God and
demons, hunting, house on fire, trees devoid of flowers should not be placed on the main door.
Nowadays people in their over enthusiasm to decorate the house use figures of Gods like Krishna,
Ganesh, Vishnu etc. and also many other prohibited motifs.

Bath Room with W.C:

As we have already discussed that bathroom should be either in the South - West direction or the
North - West but should never be in the North - East corner of the house. Now if we come to the
bathroom layout, following things must be considered: -

o Now the bathroom will also have a North - East corner, in this corner either a shower or a floor
trap should be placed. One must make it a point not to make a W.C in North - East corner of the
bathroom, as there is no remedy for it.
o Mirror should always be on the East wall.
o W.C should always be on the North - West Side and facing East.
o The dirty linens should be placed in the West Side of the bathroom as setting rays are very
harmful for bacteria and kill them.
o If there is almirah, it should always be on the South - West Side of the bathroom.
o The geysers, heaters and all other electrical equipment should be installed in the South - East
o The entrance of the bathroom should preferably in North or East.
Designing a Kitchen
There is no ambience in the home more loved and lived in by all the members of the family, the best
of the family, the best place to savor the pleasure of being together with all the tastes, memories and
daily habits of the family. These are feelings which need a suitable ambience, where the warmth of
wood combines with the strong character of the stony materials, such as marble and granite of table
tops and the counter.

The hob also has a central position with a canopy formed by its hood which destroys odours and fills
the ambience with light at the same time. The electrical appliances are carefully concealed beneath
the worktop. Function and harmony from the dominating characteristics of the present collections.

The basic concept is to finish this ambience which is the most lived in the entire family with the aim
of making it a place in which it is pleasing to be together. To create, therefore, a little domestic
paradise in which several people, all there together will find it easy to move about among extremely
functional articles. There is no need for large spaces, but it is attractive and welcoming, perfectly in
tune with the surroundings with the reminder and exaltation of stories, traditions and rediscovered
family values.

The marked personalities of this modern and innovative kitchen bring into the home the soothing
atmosphere of colorful and lively activity. There are as many as four colours which gladden the eye
and communicate a note of joyful serenity of the ambience which they furnish, creating together a
happy scene.

A kitchen layout should be customized to the specific requirements and needs of the users. Hence, it
is important to ascertain the individual preferences overall lifestyle and eating habits of the direct

The kitchen is probably the most used (or misused !!) room in any home , requiring an efficient
combination of storage spaces , working counters , seating areas and free passages . It has to be
functional , practical , elegant and comfortable , all at the same time and hence , great emphasis
should be laid on the overall layout design of the kitchen ,especially the small (and seemingly minor)

There are various practical points that must be considered and discussed before commencing the
designing of a new kitchen or the modification of an existing one.

The style of cooking (which varies greatly due to influences of country, state, religion, health and
personal choice) would greatly influence the design and layout of a kitchen. Importance must be
given to the type of materials, ingredients and mediums used as well as the appliances and working
space required for that particular style of cooking.
A kitchen should be designed to match the preferred style of the individual user and the general
decor the rest of the house. It may be designed in a country / farmhouse, contemporary, colonial /
English, laboratory, futuristic / high-tech, European / Mediterranean or ethnic style with matching
decor and finishes.

A minimal, modular, straight lined no-fuss work-area where the emphasis is on efficiency,
workability and cleanliness. There are no wasted spaces and no unnecessary display of items or
clutter. Most of the appliances are built-in and the work areas are easy to maintain and clean.

According to the theory, an efficient and practical kitchen layout is one where ideally the three major
Sink/Washing area, Refrigerator and cooking range are conveniently located so that the user can
work and move about easily. The distance between the refrigerator, the cooking range and the
washing area should not be less than 6 meters.

This working should not be broken by full heights, fitments doors or passages.
The flooring, mostly used is mosaic, ceramic tiles, marbles. Stone flooring or ceramic tiles are
recommended for Indian conditions, keeping in mind the surrounding dirt and dust since the material
is impermeable , hard and stain / scratch resistant .

-the walls in most kitchens are usually painted. Good quality plastic emulsion paint for areas under
the sink and near the wash area.

-Cabinets are usually made of 19mm commercial block

The best location for the kitchen is the South - East corner. When the entrance of the house is from
east or South, then the kitchen may be shifted to the North - West corner of the house. In the layout
of the kitchen, following rules should be followed:

• The cooking platform should be towards eastern sidewall of the kitchen, as good results can be
achieved when one faces east while cooking.
• The sink should be in the North - East corner of the kitchen.
• The slope of the water flow should be from South - West towards North - East.
• The cylinder should be placed in the South - east corner.
• The Geyser should be installed either in the South - East corner or the South wall.
• The electronic gadgets should be placed on the Southern platform.
• The storage for all the food grains, utensils, the over head almirah should always be on the
Southern and the western walls and not on the Northern and the Eastern walls.
• The fridge should be in placed in the North - West corner of the kitchen
• The exhaust fan should be installed either in the North - West corner or the South wall

There is a saying goes that "To way to a man’s heart is through is stomach" , so kitchen is the only
place from where one can win anyone’s heart. For a house wife , this is a place where she has to
spend the maximum of the time and for a working woman , it should be so that, she feels fresh as she
enters the kitchen, tired . There is no ambience in the home more loved and lived in by all the
members of the family, the best of the family , the best place to savour the pleasure of being together
with all the tastes , memories and daily habits of the family . These are feelings which need a
suitable ambience , where the warmth of wood combines with the strong character of the stony
materials , such as marble and granite of table tops and the counter .

Every family has different expectation of their kitchens as they follow different cultures. While the
basic function of the kitchen is to serve as an area for the preparation of the food , the need of each
individual household differ and often the kitchen has to cater to additional and varying requirements.
A kitchen layout should be customized to the specific requirements and needs of the users. Hence, it
is important to ascertain the individual preferences overall lifestyle and eating habits of the direct
users . There are various practical points that must be considered and discussed before commencing
the designing of a new kitchen or the modification of an existing one.

1. DESIGNING: Before designing the kitchen, one should identify the tasks to be performed in the
kitchen. A kitchen should be designed to match the preferred style of the individual user and the
general décor of the rest of the house. It may be designed in a country / farmhouse,
contemporary, colonial / English, laboratory, futuristic / high-tech, European / Mediterranean or
ethnic style with matching decor and finishes.
2. PLANNING: Kitchen planning revolves around the three main work centers – storage, washing
and cooking. These form three corners of the triangle. These centers should be connected with the
work counters. The work pattern generally moves from the décor to the functional flow of traffic
in the kitchen.
3. STORAGE: The most important aspect of the kitchen design is a well planned storage. It can
facilitate or impede the main task of cooking and keep the kitchen either tidy or a mess at the end
of the day. Storage units have a variety of internal arrangements and dimensions to suit the items
they are going to contain.
4. FLOORING: Flooring should be non slippery, resilient, hard wearing and easy to clean. Marble
is the most common choice but one can also go for Kotah stone too. Granite tends to be slippery
when wet.
5. LIGHTING: Kitchen lighting should be bright and functional. Care should be taken to ensure
that the light does not cast shadow on the major working areas. Light fitted on the underside of
the overhead cabinets light up the counters effectively.
6. VENTILATION: Ventilation is the most important aspect that should be taken care of properly.
Kitchen is a area which generates lot of odours and smoke, thus this has to immediately emitted
out. An exhaust fan is a considerable help in dispelling smell and for air circulation also.
7. The hob also has a central position with a canopy formed by its hood which destroys odours and
fills the ambience with light at the same time. The electrical appliances are carefully concealed
beneath the worktop. Function and harmony should be the dominating characteristics of the
present collections.
8. Kitchen walls should be able to withstand all kinds of fumes and splashes. The walls in most
kitchens are usually painted. Good quality plastic emulsion paint for areas under the sink and
near the wash area.
9. The sink plays an important role in overall efficiency of the kitchen, linking cooking accessories.
Even if you have a dish washer, a roomy, easy to clean sink is still essential.
10. The counter top is the most wear tear area. Materials such as stones, glazed enamel tiles, stainless
steel, laminates can be used for counters and each has its own pros and cons.

Thus, the basic concept is to finish this ambience which is the most lived in the entire family with
the aim of making it a place in which it is pleasing to be together. To create, therefore, a little
domestic paradise in which several people, all there together will find it easy to move about among
extremely functional articles. There is no need for large spaces, but it is attractive and welcoming,
perfectly in tune with the surroundings with the reminder and exaltation of stories, traditions and
rediscovered family values.

After the day long toil and turmoil every living being earnestly require rest; for that only the nature
has endowed us with day and night. For the bedroom, south - West is best for the master bedroom.
Generally the eldest sleeps in the South - West room, the elderly in the South - Eastern room, the
next in the North - West room and only the children should sleep in the North - Eastern room but not
the couple. Now there are some points, which one should always remember:

o The bed should be located in the middle of the room or should be in the South - West corner of
the room. The idea is to keep moving space around the bed and if Vaastu is taken care of, South -
West becomes heavy as we put the heaviest bed their.
o Bed should not touch North or east walls, but may touch South or West walls when we keep our
heads towards South or west for sleep.
o A shelf of books may be kept in South - West or West Side of the room. A reading table with
chair may also be kept in this corner of the room.
o If there is some T.V or electrical equipment, they should be placed in the South - East corner of
the room.
o Now the biggest question is why not sleep legs facing towards SOUTH? This is the most
common question that the Vaastukars face nowadays. I have seen most people had a
misconception in their mind that you should not sleep facing the lags towards South as south is
not a good direction and it causes ill effects. But this is the biggest myth, no direction is bad,
there is a scientific reason for not sleeping with legs towards South.

know that all of the body, the head is the heaviest and consists of all the iron and other elements. The
North direction has an ill effect on the blood circulation and the organs of the body, which are away
from the brain, will not get sufficient blood resulting in headache, irritation, insomnia
Bedroom is a place to unwind, let your hair down and put up your feet-all very casual and private
activities. For all the time spent and the intimacy it demands, a bedroom takes very careful and
detailed planning. Not because it is the most personal room in a house but because it is a room

What is life without dreams? And what is a better place to dream in than your own bedroom? So that
is what a bedroom really is-a place to rest and relax, to share a few quiet moments with yourself, to
sleep away the weariness of a long, hard day.

As the most private, personalized space in a home, the bedroom must necessarily reflect its user's
lifestyle, his practical needs, aesthetic preferences and also his dreams, and this is exactly why a
bedroom decor poses a challenge to interior designers. To design an ideal bedroom for a client, the
designer must get to know the client's innermost thoughts and ideas, his cultural background and
upbringing, his temperament and his personal conception of a dream bedroom; besides the more
tangible factors such as his needs in terms of the storage space provided or his taste in terms of the
colour scheme he would like best. All these diverse factors govern aesthetic decisions, which explain
the high degree of subjectivity involved. That is why one can’t really set up aesthetic bye laws; nor
can these byelaws find an easy acceptance, if indeed they are made.

The first thing to do when your home starts feeling cramped is to analyze the way you are using
available space. All too often, there is too much unrequired furniture. Even clearing out stacks of old
magazines, empty bottles and worn out clothes, will make you realize how much space you have and
how incorrectly you have been using it.

The basic principle of not breaking up a room into little bits is equally applicable to the floor. This is
why a room with a wall-to- wall carpet looks much bigger than a one with rugs scattered all over.
However, given the Indian climatic conditions, maintaining carpets and rugs requires a huge effort;
and can only be risked in air-conditioned and dust free environment. The latest option is laminate
flooring, and it does seem to have a lot of advantages, while also being aesthetically appealing, and
free from the hassles of ordinary wooden flooring. It should be noted that the same flooring
sweeping through several rooms gives a better, more spacious effect.

Lighting in a home must do more than dispel darkness. Most rooms benefit from a combination of
functional and decorative lighting-relying on the former to set the scene and the latter to add interest.
So every room must have primary as well as secondary lighting. The primary lighting fixtures(tube
lights) are essential for daily household chores like cooking and reading; but for dramatic effects,
shades and shadows, secondary lighting (spotlights, dimmers, up lighters )is extremely important.

Bright colours and bold patterns advance and make up the space look smaller; while pale colours and
small, all-over patterns recede, reflect light and make the space look bigger. Contrasting colours and
textures in a room break it up into several different areas and make it seem smaller.

The way a room is decorated has a major effect on how spacious it looks. Even though you have not
actually pushed out the walls or raised the ceiling, you can use colour, texture and pattern to create
that effect. The colours for walls and ceilings, the choice of flooring, the treatment of windows and
design of the lighting system are all important aspects of décor .Also, there are a few other aspects
specific to bedroom decor such as bedspreads, quilts and cushions which must be given due

For centuries, sumptuous bedspreads, coverlets and quilts have been important elements of bedroom
furnishing. These accessories should be seen as a part of the whole bedroom scheme. Cushions,
although small, have the potential to pull a scheme together with accents of pattern or colour.

Windows let in light and are usually a prominent focal point of the room. Decorative window
treatments can lend style to rooms that have no distinct character of their own or accentuate
architectural details that already exist. Curtains, which give life to any room, come in unlimited
colours, designs and fabric. Only the heaviest tapestries and weaves are unsuitable because of their
weight and bulk


The bedroom is usually a smaller room which can be seen in its entirety with just one glance, for this
reason it is important

• That the furniture matches, and if all the pieces are not the same style them should at least have
uniformity of colour and texture.
• The walls and the lighting should be tenuous and not be concentrated around the head board.
• The essential function of the bed is to provide a surface which is neither too hard nor too soft for
the back and body to response in the correct position.
• Choosing the right mattress is also complicated as there are many different types to choose from:
foam, latex, spring ,and combinations ,with one side for summer and the other for winter, anti-
allergy, traditional wool ones, and a sybaritic tendency to place several mattresses one on top of
other ,one spring and other latex.
• Wardrobes and beds are usually combined in the bedroom and are designed to make the most of
the space available; they incorporate comfortable details such as doors which open with just a
light touch and the indispensable interior lighting.
• Wardrobes are usually from 1.90 to 2m high and 55cm deep and have interior steps for adjusting
the shelves. If the wardrobe has only two doors it is a good idea to put mirrors on the inside to be
able to see oneself from behind as well as the front.
• When deciding how to finish the walls and the ceiling in the bedroom one must know the kind of
atmosphere desired and how to maintain it. Normally it is recommended to paint the headboard
wall a more outstanding colour than the other three which should all be the same relaxing, warm
colour. So if the furniture and the upholstery have already been chosen, the walls and ceiling
should be their appropriate background.
• Carpeted walls are another alternative for the bedroom which normally is considered when the
floor is carpeted as well, very appropriate for colder, more humid climates for their insulation
and warmth.
• Bedroom lighting should have a special treatment, the tone of the light should be warm and cozy,
to achieve this, apart from the ceiling light and the lamps on the night table, we recommend that
the light intensity might also be adjustable. The regulator of light intensity, also called a dimmer,
is a mechanism which permits, apart from the normal function of a light switch .gradual control
of intensity of the light, allowing one to choose the exact level desired between the total lighting
and the total darkness of the room.
• Interior door frames should be as decorative as the doors, highlighting their design and quality. If
the frame should expand or contract due to wood's movement it will have to be carefully planed,
checking the measurements regularly, re-hanging the door to check the progress until it is
correct, and remembering that there should always be a little pay.
• When decorating one's bedroom one usually mixes and matches coordinating fabrics, in the
curtains, bedspreads, pillows, lampshades, headboards, walls, but avoiding overdoing it.
• Whites and creams adapt to both classic and modern styles and are found in fabrics made of
cotton, polyester, wool and embroidered linen.
• Fabrics with a natural design create a bucolic atmosphere, with light lovely colours, with fabrics
like cretonne, polyester and cotton chintz, silk, faille, taffeta.
• One romantic finish is to cross two embroider muslin blinds held open with two wide velvet
• There is nothing better than a wooden rug to warm up a room, placing one at the end of the bed
is not only a basic decorative element but also an object which adds warmth, calm and intimacy.
The choice of a rug depends primarily upon the floor, furniture, walls, upholstery, luminosity,
space and if the bedroom has a specific decor, one will be obliged to choose a coordinating rug
which is essential to create the right atmosphere.
• Bedspreads, sheets, blankets, quilts, comforters, and pillows all enter into the play in the
decoration of the bedroom. One need only know the decorative style and have bit of extra fabric
to combine walls, curtains, canopies, headboards, lampshades etc. with the indispensable

The fabric is the body and soul of the bedroom set, such as jacquard, tapestry inspired elegant and
noble lines which shine through somber tones.
Bathrooms has come a long way from the
tiny, dingy little cubicles that our ancestors rushed in and
out of as fast as they could. Spending any thought or money
on doing up these rooms was considered a sheer waste until
very recently. The bathrooms of today are different in
quality and style-ranging from the practical to luxurious.

Every individual's idea of luxury differs, as do the features they would like to include in their
bathrooms. The possibilities are endless: His and Hers wash-basins, bidets, Jacuzzis with underwater
lighting and adjustable slide jets with an option of water, heated air or both, sauna, steam bath,
whirlpool or a reading nook with bookshelves and two comfy chairs! Then there are bathrooms
located in a secluded corner of the house beside a glass wall that brings the outdoors with in.

Whereas earlier the sink, WC and bathing area were placed just where they fitted in conveniently,
often resulting in the users having to traipse the length of the room to wash their hands, today a lot of
thought is given to the placement of each fixture in the bathroom.

Dressing walls in the bathroom is easier, as much material can be used. A simple look requires just a
coat of paint or ceramic tiles. However, water as well as soap suds are bound to splash on the walls
in the bathing area and if the material is not well-selected, it
will leave ugly stains with the passage of the time. Lighting
in the bathrooms give the whole space a well-lit look.
Fluorescent tube lights are accepted as a rule, but a couple
of bulbs fitted near the mirror would produce a clearer
The minimum fixtures in any bathroom are a WC,
washbasin and shower/tap. But the tempting variety
available today both in design and colour offer different combinations. Bathrooms are been given
much more attention, particularly in size the budget allocated for decoration of bathrooms has also
increased substantially.
New and popular flooring options available today are more in terms of colour than any change in
material used. Italian marble and ceramic tiles still hold the market, but the changes seen are in the
colours and the ways of laying them. Basic earth shades are being mixed and contrasted with bolder
shades to draw attention to the floor. Walls can also sport the new look of plain, patterned, embossed
or marbled ceramic tiles which are offset by printed borders.

A variety of WC's are now available in different shapes, flushing styles and the capacity of the flush-
which ranges from 5 to 7.5 liters. Wall mounted WCs Re available in two options: standard and
concealed flushing apparatus. Wash basins, with pedestals or fitted into a counter, come in a host of
shapes- be it the standard one or the triangular shape that fits perfectly into a corner of the bathroom
and avoids wastage of space.

Bathroom fixtures available in the market today have sleeker designs and come in a variety of
power-coated colours of deep blue and vibrant red versus the chrome, black and ivory which were
popular years ago. The designer taps may vary from a single tap to options like three tap hole basin
mixers with pop-up systems and swivel spout mixers. Acrylic bath-tubs are now available in many
shapes- from standard rectangular to the more unusual triangular, D-shape and the rounded variety.
Readymade acrylic bath trays, another new entrant, come in the standard size of 3'X 3' or 4'x 2.3' in a
square or rectangular shape.

Luxury options like Jacuzzis are popular with those who

can afford the steep rise, while shower cabinets find very
few takers in the market today. Jacuzzis made of acrylic and
reinforced with fiber glass are available in designs. Saunas
are popular because they help the excess fat in the body to
melt away.

Bathroom accessories are colour coordinated with the rest of the like the soap trays, bathroom
shelves, towel rails, toilet-paper holders, hooks and toothbrush holder. Walk in wardrobes adjacent
to the bathroom are also a common feature. A lot of stress is also laid on exhaust and fresh air fans.
The colour schemes popular today are contrasts between a basic earthy shade like a fawn, beige or
black, with a bolder colour like a deep maroon or forest green. If bathroom space permits, Jacuzzis
and bath tubs find their way in.

Vastu is very prevalent here, and bathrooms are carefully planned accordingly- from where the WC
is placed to the wall on which the mirror is hung. According to vastu, the bigger and better planned
the bathroom, the more prosperous you will be. Current lifestyles often demand that bathrooms offer
extra facilities beyond the purely functional. Besides the now mandatory closet storage, make-up
table-cum-dresser, washing machine or even a little nook used as a dressing space, you could find a
bed or a dance floor in your private retreat next- depending, of course, on the space available.


The ideal bathroom is such which provides the essentials where you need it, when you need it.

• The ideal position of the bathing area would be one that allows you to step out of your bath on to
dry ground.
• Family size has an important role to play in the design and layout of bathrooms. The larger the
family, the larger the bathroom in terms of square footage and storage space.
• Plumbing fixtures should be comfortably spaced, with storage facilities and furnishings well
arranged so that there is plenty of free space left for maneuvering.
• Tailoring the bathroom to suit the age requirements of all its users is sensible. If toddlers use the
same bathroom as the adults, the towel stand could be fixed a little lower so that a child has easy
• In situations where one bathroom has to be shared by four or more people, separating the WC
and the wash basin from the bathing area will allow two people to use different areas of the
bathroom at the same time.
• A WC should be placed near a window or an outer wall, so that an exhaust fan can be fitted
• The bathing area should be kept away from the windows to protect it from drought.
• A dry and free area (unencumbered by fixtures) is needed to allow an adult to dry off and dress
after bathing.
• Floor should always be skid resistant variety.
• A Jacuzzi should ideally be fitted with its access panel and electric points under the flooring,
directly below the tub.
Colour scheme should be according to the age factor. Women prefer soft colours and designs, while
children's bathroom sport cartoon characters. The middle income groups there are a marked
preferences for pastel shades. The trend should be sober and not flashy.



Light can define space, substance and style. Outdoors, with the shifting sun and
atmospheric conditions, light and the shadows change the appearance of things natural
and man made. But in the indoors, the play of natural and artificial lighting largely
determine both function and decoration.

Today lighting is considered to be a very important element of decorating scheme. The

invention of the incandescent bulb in 1978 revolutionized lighting systems as it allowed
light to be easily manipulated. Apart from exploiting natural light by using opaque or
transparent glass walls, sky lights , large windows etc. for offices , architect work out the
detailed light fittings which are conducive for a work environment . In homes, a careful
selection of lights extends and enhances the aesthetics of interiors. Similarly for hotels,
showrooms, museums, gardens, water bodies, individual lighting requirements are
worked out. Artificial light falling from various angles and heights on different surfaces
guide us to perceive various features and dimensions while creating a specific mood.
With technological developments and the stress on precision lighting, a variety of
lighting fixtures are readily available with options which offer manifold possibilities in
terms of effect.

The choice of fitting according to the room , gets very difficult , one gets puzzled off as
there are so many varieties in lights like the table lamps , spot lights , clamp lights ,
recessed / surface mounted lights , up lighters , halogens , incandescent bulb ,
pendants , fluorescent fixtures and lots of others. Once the basic idea of the space,
mood, interior design, highlighting, function of work have been specified, one can then
consider the basic types of lighting. Initially only the planned positions of lights need to
be decided. Later, the selection of bulbs and the exact effect can be created. One
should always keep in mind some of the basic rules while designing the light.
Every activity that takes place in the interior must have lights of the right kind, intensity
and the right direction. The eye prefers even lighting with the minimum of contrast
between the brightness of the room surfaces and the lighting fixtures. The eye works
best when the work surface is more brightly lit then the surroundings. The eye is
stimulated by the contrast of tone and sparkle. When room lighting change , color
changes or disappear , thus objects become more or less important in the room.

There are three basic types of lighting which are categorized according to the intensity
of the light used.
General lighting - It supplies an overall illumination in the area.
Task lighting – It supplies the required illumination for specific tasks such as reading ,
painting etc. It directs strong local illumination without high general illumination as
required for activities carried in a particular area.
Accent lighting - It offers a decorative element to the area by highlighting the particular
objects or features in the area. They are auxiliary to the general lighting and provide an
added, and at times, dramatic dimensions to the scheme.

Spaces can be provided with one, two or all types of these lightings, depending upon
the requirement. With different types of lighting in each room and dimmers to adjust the
intensity of light, an ordinary space can be infused with much dramatic look to convey
different moods to suit different times of the day.


The term lighting refers to the useful energy output of a system consisting of light sources, fixtures
to support them in appropriate locations, wiring channels to activate the light sources and the
convenient electrical controls. Here are the tips on how to maintain the lighting system in different
rooms according to the ambience.
Planning and designing is a tedious job. Today’s bathroom wears a well dressed look , its design
recognizing people’s needs to begin and end their day in pleasant surroundings. It is after all an
intimate personal place- perhaps the only room in the house where one can be totally private and get
much needed peace.
For a relatively small room, the bath area can use a no. of different types of lighting.
General lighting is essential in a compact bath, a central ceiling may suffice.
Medium size and large size baths and especially those with sectioned areas for tub , shower and
toilet will require several overhead fixtures.
The lights are general, recessed into the ceilings or those over a tub or a shower must be watertight
and vapor proof. A minimum of 100W incandescent or 60W fluorescent lamp is sufficient.
The most critical lighting in a bath centers around the mirror area, this is the basic for good
grooming. For shaving, make up applications hair care, light should be soft and diffused without
glare or shadow.
Avoid lighting the mirror itself rather light of the person looking into the mirror. The most efficient
to light up a person’s face is to use three fixtures, one on either side of the mirror or one overhead.
Side fixtures should be mounted 30" – 36" apart on the wall and install about 60" above the floor.
Incandescent fixtures should have a minimum of 75W bulb and fluorescent tubes on either side of
20W and one tube of 30W or two tubes of 15W overhead. Additional bath lighting for specific
purposes may include plant lights to take the advantage of bath humidity for growing the flowers and


The study is the most important room for the intellectuals, for students as this is the room where one
builds his career. In the reading room, one should plan the lights very carefully as the intensity
affects a lot on the eyes thus on the health.
In a study, the priority is to provide adequate illumination for reading and writing. For maximum
pleasure of reading and for easier concentration, reading lamps must have a proper quality and
quantity of illumination and be placed so that the light falls comfortably on the open page.
The complete room may be lit with powerful up lighters, down lighters, or the general lighting may
be reduced to be supplemented with task lights as required. For the study it is necessary that task
lights be supported with general illumination even if it is of low intensity to avoid eye strain.
Care should be taken where computers are placed; the task light should not produce glare or
reflections on the screen. Task lights for writing should be positioned so as to avoid both glare and
If floor lamps are used as reading lights, then it should be 40"-49" from the floor to the bottom edge
of the shade. The shade should be moderately illumines to softly diffuse the light and eliminate glare
thus open top shades are preferred.

The bedroom is a place where one can be totally oneself. It is the room where we spend the
maximum amount of time – to sleep, relax and unwind, after a long tiring day and rejuvenate oneself
for the tomorrow.
The lighting should be a soothing general illumination. If want to highlight some paintings or
photographs, one can go for a task lighting in this area.
Up lighters look very beautiful, dimmers can be very useful to play with the intensity of the light as
per mood.
Lights should be planned in such a way that it must create a light, romantic, relaxing environment.
Table lamps or hanging lamp shades provides the room a very aesthetic look.


Water presents a challenging and rewarding medium for lighting. Swimming pools, fountains,
waterfalls magically come to life with lighting effects at night.
For effective swimming pool lighting, the lights are generally set below the water level, into the
sides of the pool.
This should be done while the construction of the pool so as to keep the wiring away from water.
The lights should be placed to shimmer down the deep end of the pool.
Fountains are effectively lit by submerged narrow beam sources set near the base of each jet or
falling on the flowing water casting a color and sparkle on it. Waterfall comes to life when lit from


Garden is a place where man interacts and is near to the Mother Nature even at the time when we are
on the verge of destroying it.
Lighting should be planned according to desired landscape lighting effects as well as providing
adequate light for walking, security etc. all lights, wiring and metal work should be able to resist
weather conditions for a prolonged period of time like dust, moisture and corrosion.
The lighting should illuminate select areas, should create striking effects and keeps what is to be
concealed in shadows.
Thus, the way of lighting drastically changes the way of living and mood of the environment. So one
must be very careful while planning the lights and choosing the fixtures as in the end , if worked
carelessly , it can result into mis match of everything.

The living room is the core of domestic life. People decorate them according to their interest , but the
one element that is common to all is the intangible style , which is not dictated by prevailing trends
or large amounts of money. Here are some basics how to illuminate it properly.

• Establish an adequate general illumination level to reduce the accent light, brightness, contrast.
Illuminate an entire wall with overhead fixtures to provide background for room furnishings.
• Feature window areas with the cosmic lighting. Indirect light like that under a pelmet or above a
cabinet will supply soft uniform illumination.
• Use dimmers to program lighting moods. Play up with the architectural features like aala, niches,
mantles etc. Highlight artwork and plants with individual lighting arrangements.
• Be sure that the floor, table and hanging fixtures have adequate shades to prevent glare.
• Plan adequate lighting to handle a variety of family activities like rack for display.
• Bar area could use incandescent light to play up sparkling glassware. Lighted shelves or
fluorescent fixtures under the front edge of bar are effective.


The decor of dining room depends upon the culture of the family. A dining room can change the
style of eating. So one should be careful while playing with the lights to make the environment relax
and easy.

One must keep the visual emphasis off the ceiling and walls and on the décor of food and guests.
Ceiling down lights should fall and focus primarily on dining room table surface.
Candles and fuel lamps in decorative holders can add special touch to any meal.
Buffet or service areas and chinaware/silverware/crockery displays deserve special lighting


Kitchen is a place where a lady spends her maximum time so it should have comfortable and fresh
feeling. Today’s kitchens are far removed from the dark dingy spaces one saw earlier.

General lighting for a kitchen should be well distributed, uniform and as shadow less as possible.
Fluorescent fixtures reduce the energy demands without sacrificing illumination.
Even if there is window in the kitchen, install down lighting over a sink for cloudy days or nights.
Special lighting for key work areas can be installed in the ceiling or in the upper cabinets.
Provide light for storage areas in pantry or wall cabinets overhead or shelf mounted brackets will do
the job.
Vaastu for placing doors & windows
• The doors and windows need a great attention. Besides outside settings and interiors too, there
are several other aspects, which need consideration while planning and designing, and this is one
of them. There are some points that one should always consider before designing the doors and
the windows.
• The best thing is if the maximum number of doors and windows open in North and East sdes of
the building as compared to the South and the West Side.
• The main door should be the tallest and other doors should not be superior in size or in beauty to
the main door. It is also written in Braunth Sanhita as: "Mool Dwaaram Naanayyarabhisanthathi
Roopdurya, Gatpal Patra Pramathibhishch Thanmadulau shrich nuyath"
• Doors in all rooms should be of equal size but if wanted to make some bigger ones, then the
doors in South and West side should be bigger than the North and the east side and not the other
• The number of doors and windows in the house should be in even numbers like 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.
• While fixing the doorframes in an internal wall, it must be ensured that the doorframe is not
fixed contiguous to the main wall of the house. At least a minimum of 4" pad should be built
before fixing the doorframe to a lateral wall.
• While fixing the doors and the windows, cross-ventilation should be taken care of. It is essential
to fix doors and windows opposite to each other to have better light and air.
• Doors should not be placed in the center of the wall; they should always be off centered.
• If a house faces east, the entrance should be fixed towards East, so that the main door falls in the
Northern half of that side. Such a door yields good results and is very auspicious.
• If a house faces West, the entrance should be fixed towards West, so that the main door falls in
the Northern half of that side.
• When the house is north facing, the entrance should be fixed towards North, so that is falls in the
eastern half of that side.
• If the house is south facing, the entrance should be fixed towards North, so that the door falls in
the Eastern half of that side.
• Main entrance or the gates of the two houses opposite to each other should not open exactly
towards each other.
• For making doors and windows, as far as possible one type of wood should be used. Teak is the
best wood for this purpose.
• Irregular shaped doors or square doors are not recommended and are considered inauspicious.
The door size should be in ratio of 2:1 in respect to height and width. The normal sized door is 7'
X 3'.
• Windows also should have symmetry in height through sizes of width may differ.
• If only one door is to be fixed in a house, it must be fixed either Eastern or northern side of the
building. If the house has two doors, they can be placed in North and South, in east and west, in
East and North but never in South and West.
• Placing doorways in the three directions except east are not auspicious. Avoiding a doorway in
the South and keeping doorways in other directions are auspicious.
• Main entrance should always have threshold or doorsill. The main entrance of a house is
compared with the mouth of a human being. Just as the face has two eyes, a nose and a mouth,
the main entrance of a house is supposed to possess windows on either side, or a sill or threshold
below the doorway. The purpose of lips is served by the frame shutters, and the threshold. It is
said that the threshold protects the household from perils, diseases and paves way for prosperity.
• It is better to make the door consist of only one panel or shutter; or by joining three or five
shutters. Frames can be four or maximum five in a door.
• There should be no obstructions in front of main door such as rails, staircase, big trees etc.
Opposite to it should not be a temple, lamppost or any kind of obstruction.
• If there are more floors in a building, one door over another door brings poverty and financial
crisis and this condition should be avoided.
• One should take utmost care of several things like; if the door closes itself automatically, that
will make the inmates lunatics; if the door closes itself, it will destroy the children; if it is
oversized or under sized, it should be changed immediately.
• If a door is making screeching sound while movement, such a door along with chowkhat should
be replaced immediately.
• It is better to have doors both at the beginning i.e. down below and at the end i.e. in the top of the

Vaastu at a Glance
Downward Slope
Property should slope downward from the south to north and/or from west to east. (This applies to
the property, surrounding land, floor levels within the house and the roof

Height & Weight

Must be in the southwest, south or west. (This applies to the property, surrounding land, buildings
and rooms.)

Open Land
Must be more open land to the north and east than to the south and west.

Bodies of Water
Must be located in the north, east or northeast of the property. Water should flow to the north, east
or northeast.

Give Priority to the Northeast

Pay close attention to the northeast quadrant and give it top priority whenever possible. Extend it or
place water features there. Never cut it off! Never put height and weight, kitchens, staircases,
toilets, sewage tanks or garbage in the northeast.

Top preference should be given to the northeast. After this, it can be given to any
auspicious direction. This applies to both the property and buildings.
Streets must hit your property at auspicious directions. Top preference is given to roads in
the north and east.
Compound Walls & Fences
It is essential to have a wall or fence to create boundaries around a property. They should
be built before any other construction begins.

Morning Sun
Should shine into as many rooms as possible from the east.

Auspicious Shapes
The best is a square or rectangle with the northeast extended, even if only by a few

Auspicious Movements
Movements should be auspicious and bring you to the northeast.

Top preference is given to the northeast quadrant. After this, any auspicious direction is

Room Orientation
Rooms should be located in the correct locations of the house. (Master bedroom in the
southwest; kitchen in the southeast or northwest, toilets anywhere except the northeast;
and no bedrooms in the northeast.)

Staircases should never be located in the northeast or create negative extensions. When
landing, you should face north or east.

Roofs should be highest in the south, west or southwest; extend or slope more to the
north, east or northeast. Rainwater should flow to the north or east.

Cook food facing only east or north.

Never sleep with your head to the north. Priority is given to the south, next is west and,
finally, the east
The Fundamentals of Vaastu
The following is a brief introduction to a few important principles of Vaastu. This gives an idea
of the effects of Vaastu and how the elements (earth, fire, water, sky and air) are influencing the
experiences in our lives.

Example of a Good Vaastu Two Bedroom House & Description of Details

House Plan
Interpretation of ancient knowledge of Vaastu differs from many of the prevailing ideas. For
example, he teaches that some south and west entrances are acceptable, like the south-southeast
entrance depicted in this illustration.

Shape and Alignment

1. The property is aligned to the cardinal directions.
2. The house is aligned to the property.
3. The southwest corners of both the property and house form perfect 90º angles.
4. The property shape is an auspicious east-west rectangle.
5. A compound wall surrounds the entire property.
6. The patio creates a powerful northeast extension to the house.
7. The east-southeast garage is not attached to the house. (Otherwise, it would create a negative
east-southeast house extension.)

Downward Slope & Open Space

1. The property slopes down to the northeast.
2. The house placement creates greater open space to the north and east.

Placement of Water
1. A below-ground swimming pool is located in the northeast quadrant. (Only rounded water
bodies are acceptable in the northeast.)

Entrances, Doors & Windows

1. Property entrances in the north-northeast and middle south.
2. The middle south property entrance is exactly centered.
3. The driveway entrance is in the south-southeast.
4. House entrances are in the north-northeast, east-northeast and south-southeast.
5. The main entrance in the south-southeast is aligned to an opposite-facing door.
6. All the interior doors are located in auspicious directions.
7. There are large windows on the east and north sides of the house.

The House
1. The roof and floor levels follow the Principle of Height: highest in the southwest, then
southeast, then northwest and lowest in the northeast.
2. The northeast room of the house is open and unobstructed.
3. There are no bedrooms or bathrooms in the northeast quadrant of the house.
4. Master bedroom is located in the southwest quadrant; child's room is in the northwest.
5. The kitchen is located in the southeast quadrant of the house.
6. The stove is situated so that one faces east while cooking.

The Fundamentals of Vaastu

Principle One: Auspicious & Inauspicious Directions
The four directions—north, south, east and west—are divided into sub-directions. These sub-
directions are considered to be either positive or negative. Vaastu shows how to emphasize or
diminish a sub-direction's influence by indicating what should be placed in that area of your home
or property.

Auspicious & Inauspicious Directions

This diagram illustrates the positive and negative directions and the locations where the elements
have their greatest influence on your property. This chart is used to determine the positions of
streets, gates, driveways, entrances, property extensions, cuts, doors and windows. The green area
indicates where to favorably locate these features; the red areas indicate where it is detrimental for
them to be placed.

Principle Two: Height & Weight

The Principle of Height and Weight shows the correct distribution of height and weight on a
property or in a home. Height and weight decreases the influence of a direction. The most height
and weight should be in the south, west and especially southwest because height and weight
suppresses the negative vibrations of these directions. The least height and weight should be in the
north, east and northeast because of the positive vibrations which reside there. The Principle of
Height and Weight applies to surrounding land, property, buildings and even interior rooms. Height
and weight refers to features such as mountains, hills, trees, buildings and furniture.
Height & Weight in the Southwest
Benefits: Very Auspicious. When located inside or outside of the
property, it brings happiness, peace and prosperity. Creates soul
commanding ability. If any problem comes, you can solve it. Your
name and fame will grow. The world will recognize who you are and
what you can do. You will not be able to sit idly in your house because
the height and weight will naturally inspire you to work.

Height & Weight in the South

Benefits: Very Auspicious. Whether inside or outside a property,
prosperity has to come and stand with you. Creates happiness, peace
and soul commanding ability for both material and spiritual endeavors.
People with hills or mountains in their south will experience a lot of

Height & Weight in the West

Benefits: Very Auspicious. Whether located inside or outside of a
property, it inspires you to work and be industrious. Brings progress,
financial stability, willpower and social standing. The world will
recognize you and your capabilities.

Height & Weight in the Northeast

Results: Very Dangerous. Whether inside or outside of a property, it
is the worst placement. Avoid at all costs. It blocks the beneficial
influences of this holy direction. It will ruin your life. There will be
financial loss, relationship problems and illnesses for children.
Whatever work you try to do, it will take a hundred times more effort.
Without your notice, enemies will come into your life and want to stab
you in the back.

Height & Weight in the North

Results: Very Dangerous. Whether located inside or outside of a
property, avoid at all costs. You will go broke! There will be no
financial success and all types of headaches will come, illness,
relationship problems and defamation of character. Even if someone
gives you a billion-dollar check and the property as a gift, don’t take it!
You will have a miserable life.
Height & Weight in the East
Results: Very Dangerous. Whether inside or outside of a property,
avoid at all costs. Don’t stay. It will ruin your life. It causes great
irritation and stress. You won’t have any success. Big financial
problems will come. Even if you make money, you will go into debt.
Health will deteriorate. It is a life risk, especially for men.

Principle Three: Downward Slope

The Principle of Downward Slope reveals the correct placement of slopes and lower elevations on a
property. A downward slope amplifies the energy of the direction towards which the slope flows.
Downward slopes should be to the north, east and especially northeast.
The northeast should always be the lowest point on a property and the southwest, the highest. No
matter what, the northeast should never be higher than any other part of the property. If the land is
completely flat it is acceptable. Slope applies to the property, land surrounding the property, roofs,
and floor levels within a building and a room. Generally, the slopes that influence the Vaastu of a
property the most are the slopes of the surrounding land and the property itself. Note: The arrows
always point in the direction of downward slope.

Downward Slope to the Northeast

Benefits: Very Auspicious. A property or its surrounding land with a
slope down to the northeast is one of the most beneficial features in
Vaastu. A northeast slope brings wealth, peace, name, fame, and success
in both material and spiritual endeavors.

Downward Slope to the North

Benefits: Very Auspicious. This is the second most powerful downward
slope. A slope down to the north brings tremendous prosperity, material
success, peace, name, fame and the ability to solve problems.

Downward Slope to the East

Benefits: Very Auspicious. The influences of an east slope are those
associated with the benefits of the morning sun. An east slope brings
noble qualities, peace, clarity, wisdom, inspiration, name and fame.
Downward Slope to the Southwest
Results: Very Dangerous. It is a life risk. Avoid at all cost. Never stay
—simply get out. Brings unnatural deaths, accidents, suicide, murder,
financial ruin, illness, fighting, jealousy, enemies, mistrust, worry and
depression. It negatively affects character, leading to immoral behavior.

Downward Slope to the South

Results: Very Dangerous. It is a life risk. Brings accidents, terrible
financial loss, confusion, depression, chronic illness, heartbreak, enemies
and addictions.

Downward Slope to the West

Results: Very Dangerous. It is a life risk. Brings failure, enemies,
addictions, illness, heartbreak, relationship problems, depression,
confusion and doubt. You will not be able to make money. Crazy things
will start in your life. You will want to run away but you can’t because it
is hard to escape this negative influence.

Principle Four: Open Space

The Principle of Open Space recommends that more open space should exist in the north, east or
northeast than in the south, west or southwest. Even if it is only greater by a few feet or inches, it is
still acceptable. The Principle of Open Space is related to the Principle of Height and Weight. Both
of these principles protect the divine energy of the northeast.
For a property, open space refers to the distance between the house (or main buildings) and the
property boundary. More open space in one direction will increase the influences of that
direction. Following are two examples of open space created by the building placement on the

Northeast, North & East Open Space

Benefits: Very Auspicious. A building placed in the southwest
quadrant of a property creates height and weight in the southwest and
more open space in the north, east and northeast. Brings success,
prosperity, commanding ability, happiness and good fortune.
South, West & Southwest Open Space
Results: Very Dangerous. A building located in the northeast
quadrant of a property creates height and weight in the northeast and
more open space to the south, west and southwest. It is a life risk.
Brings accidents, illnesses, perpetual money struggles, business
failure, depression and no spiritual success. Your life will be

Important Points about Water Placement

Water has a very powerful influence on Vaastu because it acts as a huge energy generator. Any
water feature on a property will bring either strong positive or strong negative results to the
inhabitants, so it is crucial to determine the Vaastu of any water features. However, accurately
understanding how water is affecting a property requires considerable experience and knowledge of
Basically there are two aspects that determine the Vaastu of water:
1) Placement and 2) Direction
Water on or near a property should be located in the north, east or northeast. There are, however, a
few exceptions. The surface level of water located in auspicious directions should always be below
the ground level of the rest of the property.

Water in the Northeast

Benefits: Very Auspicious. One of the most beneficial features in
Vaastu. Brings the greatest divine blessings and success to every
aspect of life. Creates material and spiritual prosperity, success, name
and fame, health, happiness, harmonious relationships, peace and good

Water in the North

Benefits: Very Auspicious. Having water in the north is another top
feature in Vaastu. Brings great material prosperity, success, peace,
willpower, happiness and good fortune.
Water in the East
Benefits: Very Auspicious. Water in the east increases the effects of
the morning sun and is highly beneficial. Brings brilliant thoughts,
name and fame, knowledge, wisdom and peace. Improves social status
and increases noble qualities.

Water in the Southwest

Results: Very Dangerous. One of the worst features in Vaastu. It is a
life risk. Creates fear and disaster. You cannot survive on such a
property. Brings unnatural death by accidents or chronic and fatal
disease; also divorce, immoral behavior, defamation of character,
fighting, enemies and financial ruin. You cannot live peacefully here.
You will want to leave but you will not find it easy to do so. It is
responsible for every kind of destructive occurrence, except fire.

Water in the South

Results: Very Dangerous. It is a life risk. Brings accidental deaths,
illnesses, financial loss, mental stress and depression. Affects women
most strongly.

Water in the West

Results: Very Dangerous. It is a life risk to men. Brings unnatural
death through chronic diseases, financial ruin, and defamation of
character, undesirable relationships, unbalanced mentality and strange,
immoral behavior.

Important Points about Water Flow

The direction of flowing water has an incredibly strong impact on the Vaastu of a property. Rivers,
streams and creeks must flow to the north, east or northeast when they are on or near a property.
Determining the Vaastu of flowing water requires great skill as it is a very powerful feature—either
very positive or very negative.
Water Flow to the Northeast
Results: Very Auspicious. One of the most beneficial features in all of
Vaastu. Brings tremendous prosperity, material and spiritual success,
name, fame, happiness and all angles of great fortune.

Water Flow to the North

Benefits: Very Auspicious. This river has both auspicious placement
and direction of flow. Brings tremendous prosperity, success, name,
fame, happiness and all angles of good fortune.

Water Flow to the East

Benefits: Very Auspicious. This river has both auspicious placement
and direction of flow. Brings enormous prosperity, success, brilliant
thoughts, peace, happiness and good fortune.

Water Flow to the South

Results: Dangerous. Although the river is located in a positive
direction, it flows south and, therefore, is unacceptable. Water in the
east will bring some benefits but the south flow will cause depression,
anxiety, illness, financial problems and accidents.

Water Flow to the West

Results: Very Dangerous. The river has both negative placement and
flow. Causes unnatural deaths from accidents, chronic illnesses and
suicides. Enemies, financial loss, depression, defamation and
relationship problems will occur

Important Points about Fire Placement

The fire element has the capacity to transform? Such as when you use fire to cook food or to heat
and light your home. But, great care must be taken with the placement of the fire element within
your home. Fire transforms, but is also can turn everything to ash. An unbalanced fire element
creates disturbance in relationships, health problems and unnatural fear. Stoves, fireplaces and to a
lesser degree boilers, furnaces, water heaters and electrical fuse boxes all constitute fire element
features in a home.

Fire in the Southeast or Northwest

The southeast is the home of the fire element and the northwest is the
home of the air element. Because of the interconnectedness of these
two elements, fire features should only be placed in the southeast or
northwest of any room, building or property. This includes kitchens,
stoves, fireplaces, open flames and outdoor cooking features.

Fire in the Northeast or Southwest

A fire feature should not be situated in the southwest or northeast
quadrant of a property, building or room. A kitchen or fireplace, for
example, in the southwest brings conflicts and arguments. A kitchen or
fireplace in the northeast will cause whatever money you make to ‘burn
up’ and go away. It also brings health problems, conflicts and

Important Points about Room Placement

Activities in your home should take place where they will be in harmony with the five
elements. Therefore, room placement is very important. Correct placement of the kitchen,
bedrooms and bathrooms is crucial.
It is easy to determine where the activities in the house should take place. Just keep in mind the
placement of the five elements: water in the northeast, fire in the southeast, earth in the southwest
and air in the northwest. The natural placement for the kitchen, therefore, is in the southeast? The
home of the fire element. This placement brings physical health and harmony in the family’s
relationships. By coordinating your actions with the elements your activities will go smoothly.
Bedroom Placement
Bedrooms can be placed anywhere except the northeast quadrant,
as this brings chronic health problems. Whenever possible, the
master bedroom should always be in the southwest—the place of
‘commanding’. Heads of the household should sleep in the
southwest so that the household runs smoothly. If children are in
the southwest, they will dominate the family and be overburdened
with responsibilities inappropriate to their age. The master
bedroom may also be placed in the southeast if the southwest is
used as an office.

Important Points about Bathroom Placement

Bathroom Placement
Bathrooms with toilets may be placed anywhere except the northeast
quadrant. Toilets in the northeast bring serious health problems, especially

Important Points about Sleeping Position

The direction your head faces while sleeping has a strong effect on your physical and mental
well-being. Head placement refers to the direction the top of your head points when lying down.

Head to South
Benefits: Auspicious. The best position for sleeping is with the top of
your head pointing to the south and feet pointing north. Brings health,
industriousness and increased longevity.
Head to North
Results: Dangerous. Never sleep with the top of your head pointing to
the north and feet pointing to the south. Brings terrible dreams and
disturbed sleep. You will feel miserable. Irritability, frustration and
emotional instability will develop. It sucks your positive vibrations while
you sleep. You will lose 50% of your willpower and your soul power will
not increase while you sleep. Your physical and mental health will suffer.

Important Points about Direction to Face While Cooking

The direction you face while cooking has a strong effect on the vibrations of the household
and the health and happiness of the family.

Cook Facing East or North

Cooking should only take place facing the east or north, with the east as
the first preference. Never cook facing the south or west—you will
‘cook’ the entire household! Arguments, misunderstandings and
conflicts will arise.
Dictionary of Vastu Shastra
Aagney - It is the lord of fire, and is positioned in the South-East direction.

Aap - Means water, which is one of the five elements that constituent our universe.

Aakash - Means Space, which is another element that constitutes our universe.

Aura - It is defined as a luminous radiation, a radiant light around a person's head or body. The
different colours appearing in the aura have been studied by physics, and various tints of each colour
suggest different characteristics.

Atman - The individual consciousness.

Brahma - The creator of the universe.

Istaka - The brick, as known in the Vedic times.

Jiva - the soul.

Kalpadruma - The wishing tree.

Purusha - The consciousness, the life source.

Parmataman - The universal consciousness.

Prana - The life.

Prakriti - The nature.

Samadhi (Sthiti) - To sit with folded legs on the ground in one posture for meditation.

Shankh - The conch, a sea shell through which the sound is produced and is mostly used in religious

Shrishti - Creation of the entire universe.

Sthapati - The architect, as known in the Vedic times.

Sutregrahi - The draughtsman, as known in the Vedic times.

Takshaka - The carpenter, as known in the Vedic times.

Vardhaki - The mason, as known in the Vedic time

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