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DecSoft's App Builder


2019.1 (01/01/2019)

* Update the copyright year. This is the first 2019 release of the product, and, it's a major
release. Maybe your license become outdated if you purchase the product before 01/01/2018.
You can continue using your current license by downloading an outdated release. Login in your
DecSoft's area for both: download outdated releases and purchase upgrades licenses. Please,
contact us if you have any questions!

2018.135 (12/16/2018)

* Avoid the Javascript error which is produced if a control do not exists in the app and we try to
use the actions Show, Hide, Toggle, Enable and Disable.

* Fix a mistake in the updater feed archive which cause that App Builder cannot inform to the
user if a new release of the program is available.

2018.134 (12/14/2018)

* The Focus and the Blur actions check now if the element which we want to give the focus
really exists in the document DOM, avoiding an error if that element do not exists.

2018.133 (12/12/2018)

* Fix a bug in the ObjectGetProp action which occur only if we use that action inside an AB
function with an object variable created before, or not in that AB function. Thanks Amin for your

2018.132 (11/29/2018)

* Add the Report19 app sample (number 176 in DecSoft App Builder). This app sample is similar
than the Report app sample, except that the Report19 sample shown how to use Base64
encoded images inside a Report control.

* Due to certain wrong definition in the AngularJS "compileProvider" of the app, we can
experiment some problems, or just can't use Base64 codified images inside HTML Content or
Report controls. This release fix this and now we can use this that stuff without problems.

2018.131 (11/25/2018)

* Add a new option into App's options -> Cordova -> Splash, which allows to determine if certain
fade in and out effect must be applied or not to the app's splash screen.

* Add a new option into App's options -> Cordova -> Splash, which allows to determine if the app
must show or not the spinner progress while the splash screen is visible.

* Add a new option into App's options -> Cordova -> Splash, which allows to determine the color
of the progress spinner (at least in the Android and Windows platforms).

* Update the spanish translation of the App Builder ID with the new stuff and also other stuff
that remain without translate before this release.

2018.130 (11/10/2018)

* Enhance the Disable, Enable, Show, Hide and Toggle actions in order to accept composed
strings + variables for their Control name argument. Thanks Amin for your report!

2018.129 (11/08/2018)

* Avoid to set the Pragma HTTP header, that App Builder set by default in all our app's HTTP
requests. Certainly, in some specific cases, a server can refuse to give us the right response if we
include the Pragma HTTP header.

This all is related with the CORS permissions in the server, which must specifically allow the
Pragma HTTP header in order to provide the right response. We can continue use the Pragma
header if needed, but we must specify it in every HTTP request using the SetHttpHeader action,
for example. Thanks Óscar to put me in the right path!

2018.128 (11/07/2018)

* Allow to select (in order to use it when compile our app with Apache Cordova) the Android API
28 (Android 9.0 Pie) from the app's options at Cordova -> Android -> General tab in the app's
options dialog.

2018.127 (11/05/2018)

* Enhance the Disable, Enable, Show, Hide and Toggle actions in order to accept not only a
simple control name string, but also app's variables, even inside user app functions. Thanks
Amin for your report!

2018.126 (10/19/2018)

* Add the new "AllowEdit" variable to the Camera control. This variable is available at design and
runtime and allow simple editing of image before the selection of the taken image.

2018.125 (10/18/2018)

* Upgrade Delphi's OmniXML library to the 1.3.1. version in order to fix a bug caused if we try to
save certain Unicode characters inside controls show allows text or HTML, like HTML Content,
Report or Push Buttons controls. Thanks Paolo for reporting this bug!
2018.124 (10/09/2018)

* Made some changes in the Calculator app sample GUI, as well in their configuration, in other
to include the Cordova status bar plugin, which solves certain issue in the new iPhones X, XR, XS
and XS Max.

* Change the viewport of the HTML index.html (app main file) to "cover" instead of "contain".
This is useful mainly if we target our apps for the new iPhone X, XR, XS and XS Max. Thanks Tin!

2018.123 (10/05/2018)

* Update the AngularJS Javascript library core and the use Aria, Route, Touch and Sanitize
modules to the latest stable version from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5.

2018.122 (09/25/2018)

* The App Builder installer assistant do not uninstall a possible previous release of the program
until the list of changes the new release are shown in right installer page. This allows to see the
changes of the new release and then choose if install it or not.

* Add a new "Build and run" command in the Run menu and Run toolbar. This command is
exactly like the "Build" one, except that, after build the app, this is launched in the AB internal
debugger browser. Sometimes we don't want to add the debug information into the Javascript,
but if so we need to build and then run the app. This new command do this last task in one click.

2018.121 (09/24/2018)

* Give the focus to the filter edit box of the app's functions dialog when that dialog are opened.
Doing this we can start to filter / search for app's functions quickly.

* Fix an unexpected behaviour with the Radio controls. These controls "miss the model" if we
goto another app's view. The Checked variable of the Radio controls has been removed, in order
to solve this unexpected behaviour.

If your app uses the Checked variable of the Radio controls, please, review your code. You must
use the Radios' Group variable in order to check one or another Radio controls. See the Radio
app sample to see it working.

Thanks Robert for report this unexpected behaviour in the Radio controls.

2018.120 (09/22/2018)

* Enhance the Range control by apply to it certain new custom style from the Boostrap CSS
framework. This made the Range control (horizontal only) showing in the same manner in all the

2018.119 (09/21/2018)
* Some changes in the GetNetworkType action in order to avoid certain error which is only
visible in Google Chrome for Desktop and that do not affect the app's behaviour anyway.

2018.118 (09/19/2018)

* Fix an error in the Location control, which don't setup in the right way the [Control.Altitude]
variable. Thanks Robert for the error report.

* Update the Awesome icons fonts to the latest version.

2018.117 (09/12/2018)

* Update the AngularJS Javascript library core and the used Router, Touch and Sanitize modules
to the latest stable version from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4.

2018.116 (09/09/2018)

* Some very minor changes in the Welcome page of the IDE.

2018.115 (09/04/2018)

* Some small change in the "CordovaPlugins" app sample, which use an old an non worked ID
for the used Cordova plugin. The same change has been made in the "SendSMS" Javascript
plugin of DecSoft App Builder.

2018.114 (08/19/2018)

* Enhance the recently added multiline comments in the code editor. We can now use this
feature in a more free way. Now is more easy to use multiline comments since the compiler is
less restrictive. Various ways of multiline comments that are not valid before, are now valid in
this AB release.

2018.113 (08/18/2018)

* Fix a really annoying error when use the code editor plus the search or search and replace
feature: even when the search editbox get the focus, if we use the CTRL + V keys to paste the
clipbaord content, the clipboard content is placed in the editor instead in the search editbox.
Thanks for the report Amin!

* Change the viewport-fit value of the viewport metatag of our main HTML of our app. This
change affect to our apps when this run in iPhone X, and fix a problem which causes that our app
fit the entire screen on the specified device, which is not what we expected. Thanks Tin for your

2018.112 (08/14/2018)

* Detect possible syntax error when use multiline comments in the code editor. Multiline
comments must start with /* in a new line and end with */ in a new line. In other some
unexpected behaviours can be found, so the AB compiler try to detect this situations to avoid it.

2018.111 (08/12/2018)

* Update the AngularJS Javascript library core and the used Router, Touch and Sanitize modules
to the latest stable version from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3.

2018.110 (08/11/2018)

* Add support for multiline comments in the app's code editor. In addition to single line
comments, which start with //, we can know start multiline comments with /* and end that
multiline comment with */ Thanks Amin for the suggestion!

* Add the TreeView app sample (number 175) to App Builder. This app sample shown how we
can use a thirdparty Javascript library, like, in this case, the Boostrap Treeview control. More
information about this library here:

2018.109 (08/08/2018)

* Remove the AngularJS animation module by two reasons: probably the CSS animation classes
that already include App Builder are enough, and, more important, this module is causing
certain delay (which can be noted more or less) when hide and show elements. Thanks Amin for
your error report!

2018.108 (08/04/2018)

* Update also the AngularJS UI-Boostrap Javascript libary to their latest version.

* Upgrade the Boostrap CSS framework from the 4.1.1 version to the latest 4.1.3 version. Update
also the 21 bootswatch themes already included in DecSoft App Builder to the 4.1.3 version of
Boostrap CSS.

* Enhance the Carousel control in order to properly shown the carousel images in an fluid way
by default. You can see that changes in the Carousel app sample.

2018.107 (07/24/2018)

* Update the AngularJS Javascript library core and the used Animate, Router, Touch and Sanitize
modules to the latest stable version from 1.7.0 to 1.7.2.

2018.106 (07/20/2018)

* Due to a mistake the previous release of App Builder's executables are not digitally signed. This
release just fix that mistake with the appropriate sign for that executables.

2018.105 (07/14/2018)
* Upgrade the moment.js Javascript library included in App Builder to the latest stable version
and also fix a warning message when use the DateAdd and DateSubstract actions.

2018.104 (07/14/2018)

* Fix a bug wich causes that the AlertBox action don't work as expected when use it from an
modal or dialog app's view. In fact the AlertBox is shown, but this causes that the dialog or
modal app's view cannot be closed with the CloseDialog action, as expected. Thanks Amin for
your error report!

2018.103 (07/13/2018)

* Fix an problem when try to delete an style or script file from the app's files manager. The
problem only occur if the original file don't exists, and, this cause that the file manager can't
delete the file from the app's project file. Thanks Julio for the report!

2018.102 (07/02/2018)

* Enhance the App Builder compiler time when compile with debug and without debug
information. Here are some results using an real App Builder app:

Before the AB compiler enhancements:

App with 131 views. Compilation time with debug: 01:16.259 minute

App with 131 views. Compilation time without debug: 00:50.269 seconds

After the AB compiler enhancements:

App with 131 views. Compilation time with debug: 00:14.712 seconds

App with 131 views. Compilation time without: 00:14.115 seconds

As you can see above the compiler time has been considerable reduced. Not only this: now
compile with or without debug information don't mean that the compiler take too much more
time in the first case.

2018.101 (07/01/2018)

* Made some small change in the app.js core Javascript in order to allow our apps to be
packaged with electron (always using the "electron-serve" module).

2018.100 (06/26/2018)

* Enhance the External Javascript tutorial in the program's help file in order to shown how to
access to app's global variables from pure Javascript code. Thanks Julio for the advise!

* Fix a minor mistake in the program's installation assistant which causes to use a wrong string
from the portuguese catalong, when must be from the spanish one.

2018.99 (06/24/2018)

* Remove the now deprecated "createObjectURL" usage from the Webcam success event in
order to assign the stream to the video object using the recommended "srcObject" property.
Thanks for the report Walter!

2018.98 (06/23/2018)

* Add three new events for App Builder's apps: an On Mouse Move event for the apps; an On
Mouse Move event for the app' views; an On Click event to for the apps.

2018.97 (06/22/2018)

* Upgrade the brazilian portuguese translation of the App Builder IDE, adding the new
introduced strings in the latest releases. Thanks very much Jackson for your work!

2018.96 (06/21/2018)

* The IdleStart app's event is not been fired when expected due to an bug in the App Builder
compiler. This has been fixed and now the IdleStart event is fired when expected.

2018.95 (06/20/2018)

* Add the new app's global variable [App.Views]. This variable stores an Array with the names of
the app's views, except the master one. Thanks Julio for the suggestion!

* Fix an introduced error in the previous release which causes that the AlertBox action don't
work as expected. Thanks Julio for the error report!

2018.94 (06/16/2018)

* Added the new AutoCloseAlertBox action (number 260 in App Builder), which is similar to the
AlertBox, with the particularity that the alert is closed after the specified seconds.

* The MessageBox action can now contains zero butons, so, if we leave the Button arguments
empty, no buttons appear in the dialog: then you are responsible to close the MessageBox action
using the CloseDialog action.

* The MessageBox action Header argument is now optional. This mean that if no header is
specified the Message Box header is not visible to the user.

2018.93 (06/15/2018)

* Fix an introduced bug while try to solve certain issue with the MediaPlayer control some few
releases ago. Thanks for your report and your patience Walter!
2018.92 (06/10/2018)

* Fix an mistake in the app's Files Manager dialog, which causes that the Explorer toolbar button
stay enable when in fact there is no file to be explored. The explorer button has been enhanced
too in order to be ready to explore styles and scripts, in addition to images, other files and

2018.91 (06/05/2018)

* Enhance the Checkbox and Radio controls, or, better said, let it working as expected. Before
this release we can't change the Caption variable of these controls in runtime, which is not what
we can expected.

2018.90 (05/31/2018)

* Add 14 new app's themes to be available for our apps. This themes are based in Boostrap CSS
4.1.1 version, and, counting the default one, we have now up to 36 app's themes ready to be
used in our apps. The new themes come from the project.

* Upgrade the Boostrap CSS framework from the 4.0.0 version to the latest 4.1.1 version. Update
also the 21 app's themes already included in DecSoft App Builder to the 4.1.1 version of
Boostrap CSS.

2018.89 (05/30/2018)

* Prevent to fire the Complete and Update events of the MediaPlayer control if we change the
view on the Complete event of that control, for example. This avoid certain errors when try to
access non existing properties of the MediaPlayer control. Thanks Julio for the report!

2018.88 (05/27/2018)

* Fix an problem with the Navbar control HTML caused by the upgraded to AngularJS 1.7.0. The
error don't cause the app to stop, however, we carefully recommend to upgrade AB to this new
release if you use the Navbar control in your app.

2018.87 (05/24/2018)

* Added the new app's global variable [App.Debugger], which can useful for debugging
purposes. This variable store "true" if the app is running in the App Builder's debugger, or "false"
if not. Note that, if we launch the app in another browser different than the App Builder's
debugger this variable is "false".

* Added the new app's global variable [App.Url], which can be useful for debugging purposes.
This variable stores the value of "window.location.href".

* Fix an error when try to use the no more existing functions angular.lowercase and
angular.uppercase, which are used internally by the LowerStr and UpperStr actions respectively.
2018.86 (05/23/2018)

* Fix an error (may introduced...) that causes that the app's Online event are not properly writed
into the app's Javascript, that is, the event is fired, but, the code is never executed, since they
are not placed in the final app's Javascript.

2018.85 (05/19/2018)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch, sanitize and animated modules from the 1.6.9
version to the latest 1.7.0 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed, changes
and various enhancements from the previous release.

* The program config Debugger options have an Search button, which search for the possible
browsers installed in the computer, to be added into the App Builder's Debugger toolbar. Now
this Search also recognize Firefox 64 bits installations.

2018.84 (05/15/2018)

* Fix a bug which occur when the App Builder compiler copy an entire directory previously
established in the app's files manager. If after the first compilation the original directory files
change (which is something more or less common) the App Builder compiler copy again the
directory files into the compilation directoy, but in an wrong place. Now the directory files are
copied in the right place.

2018.83 (05/12/2018)

* Add the brazilian portuguese language into the App Builder installer. Some other minor
changes, fixes and enhancements.

2018.82 (05/08/2018)

* Add some useful CSS classes to the Report control, and, more in particular, to the optional
"loading" text that can appear in the Report control. If the Report Wrapper is "table", you can
now use the "loading-row", "loading-col" and "loading-text" CSS classes. If the Report Wrapper is
"grid", you can now use the "loading-container" and "loading-text" CSS classes. Thanks Julio for
the suggestion!

2018.81 (05/06/2018)

* Some minor adaptations in some App Builder IDE labels in order to allows brazilian portuguese
and may other translation to properly translate that labels.

* Some fixes and enhancements over the brazilian portuguese translation of the IDE of DecSoft's
App Builder. Thanks very much Jackson for your work!

2018.80 (05/02/2018)
* Some fixes and enhancements over the brazilian portuguese translation of the IDE of DecSoft's
App Builder. Thanks very much Jackson for your work!

* Add the ItemClick event to the TypeAhead control. This event is fired when the user select one
of the available TypeAhead items. The Value variable of the control stores the item that has been
selected by the user.

2018.79 (05/01/2018)

* This DecSoft's App Builder release includes the brazilian portuguese translation for the App
Builder's IDE. Only the help file is not translated, but the IDE is completely translated into the
brazilian portuguese language. Thanks very much Jackson for your work!

2018.78 (04/25/2018)

* Fix an introduced error caused to try to take certain variables' content as HTML: if the
variables' content is not HTML an unexpected error occur. We can continue using the new app's
scope "trustAsHtml" function, but, we must do it explicitly. Thanks Tin for the report!

* Add the new Ripple Effect app sample (number 174 in App Builder). This app sample
demonstrates how we can use certain thirdparty Javascript library in order to get an cute ripple
effect in our apps. Thanks Tin for share this app sample with us!

2018.77 (04/24/2018)

* Made some internal changes and enhance the AB core Javascript in order to allows attributes
like "style" in HTML tags inserted via app's variables in certain contexts like in HTML and Report

2018.76 (04/23/2018)

* The "viewport" HTML meta tag are not correctly written in the app's HTML file, causing that
the app appear with an very small font in mobile browsers. This is fixed now, by written the
appropriate "viewport" meta tag. This problem has been probably introduced some releases
ago, and some customers report to me. Thanks to all!

* Add the icons' "sizes" argument into the Progressive Web Apps JSON manifest. Apparently this
argument is requied in order to allows Chrome for Mobile to pick the right icon for our app,
when add it as an Progressive Web App.

2018.75 (04/22/2018)

* Fix an problem in touch screens with the Report controls, which disallow their scroll left and
right (in case their columns exceeds the screen width). This problem is related with the Report
swipe left and right events, wich now are not refered if we don't use it. Thanks Tin for the report.

2018.74 (04/18/2018)
* Add some CSS code useful to hide the default caret used in the Dropdown button control.
Some other very minor changes, fixes and enhancements.

2018.73 (04/16/2018)

* Fix a problem with the Navbar control in Android, which causes that the navbar menu did not
appear by pressing the Toggle button, if we did not press in some other control before. Also
remove the outline of the Toggle button. Thanks Tin for the report.

* Update the Font Awesome font files and CSS code to the latest version 5.0.10, which includes a
total of 991 icons ready to be used in our apps.

2018.72 (04/14/2018)

* Add the new Login sample, who provide one of the possible ways to implement an login
procedure in our apps. The sample shown how we can login into an app's server, and, how we
can then continue requesting contents as an logged user by using an token instead of the user's
password. This sample includes various server PHP scripts that requires your attention and study

2018.71 (04/13/2018)

* Remove the container used to place the Navbar control. Let the Navbar control alone (without
a container) in order to propertly get their height, for example, using the GetStyle action.

* Made some changes and enhancements in the Welcome page in order to use a btter URL to
get the latest threads and posts from the DecSoft's support forum.

* Update the "RSS" app sample in order to use the new RSS feed of the DecSoft's support forum.
This sample stop to work since we change the support forum system in our website.

2018.70 (04/12/2018)

* Enhance the Error event of the MediaPlayer control. First of all, the error event is not fired if
no error information is available. On the other hand, the error is stored in a new Error variable of
the control. For more information about this variable see the MediaPlayer control help reference
in the program's help file.

2018.69 (04/11/2018)

* Enhance the Welcome page in order to allows the user to explore the App Builder samples
directory. The Welcome page also shown the number of samples included by the installation of
DecSoft App Builder.

2018.68 (04/09/2018)

* Add the new Dynamic Controls samples (number 172 of App Builder). This app shown how we
can insert dynamic controls inside an HTML control container, and, also how to retrieve the
possible values for that controls. This is not a very common task and therefore they requires
Javascript code usage. On the other hand, there is not only a way to play with HTML and CSS, so,
what this app propose is only one of the possible ways to achieve something like that: create
dynamic controls.

2018.67 (04/08/2018)

* Enhance the Welcome page showing now the latest threads and posts in the App Builder's
general support forum, and also the latest threads and posts in the App Builder's plugins support

* Fix an introduced problem with the Grid Report controls, which causes some anoying left and
margin non desired. This problem has been introduced after introduce Boostrap CSS 4 in App
Builder, various releases ago.

2018.66 (04/07/2018)

* Added the NavBar and Navbar2 app samples (number 171 of App Builder). These samples
shows how we can use the Navbar control, in the first case, only one of them, in the second case
how we can use two Navbar controls in our apps.

* Add the new Navbar control into the Additional controls category. This control implements the
Boostrap CSS 4 navigation bar in our apps in a very easy way. We can choose the Navbar kind
(color scheme) and position (placement), shown our Brand text and image, and, feed the Navbar
with items and subitems. The Nabvar control is responsive (scale, like our apps with the Scale
options set to "True"), and shown to the user the items and subitems in the right way in smaller
and larger screens.

* The latest version of the jQuery library is now included by default by App Builder in our apps.
This library is required as an dependency of certain Bootstrap Javascript code, which is also
included in our apps, in order to be ready with the new Navbar control. If you already uses
jQuery in your apps (by including it from the app's files manager), you can remove your added
jQuery library Javascript file or URL, since App Builder includes it now by default.

2018.65 (04/06/2018)

* The App Builder IDE themes has been removed in this release. The themes are not really
useful, probably are not too much used, and, are the responsible for certain anoying error in AB,
very difficult to reproduce, very difficult to catch and very difficult to reproduce. The IDE themes,
therefore, has been removed. Of course the App Builder IDE continue adapting their interface to
the Windows theme.

2018.64 (04/04/2018)
* Adapt the App Builder's welcome page to the latest changes in the DecSoft's website. We
integrate the support forum in the same website, we no more uses a different software, which
means our customers must login just one time in our website to give all the benefits of an
DecSoft's customer, including the ability to post into the support forum. This release of App
Builder adapt and enhance the welcome page to continue viewing the latest support forum
posts in a quick way.

2018.63 (04/03/2018)

* Fix an introduced error in the Radio controls Javascript which causes that they can't work like
expected when their Checked property was "False". Thanks for your report Jordi.

2018.62 (03/31/2018)

* Fix an anoying Runtime error which ocurrs when close App Builder. This error is related with
the GUI themes used in the program. Thanks for your report Tin.

* Add CSS code to the App Builder CSS core in order to set the MultiSelect control selected items
background and foreground colors matching the CSS theme used in the app.

2018.61 (03/28/2018)

* Add the new CacheView action. This action can be used to preload an app's view HTML
template into the internal app's cache, then when that app's view is required, they no need to
be loaded from the scratch. This action is not intended to be used for all app's views, but for
some of the most common or "first of", so our app's behaviour can be a bit faster.

* Improve the way in which the SimpleGet, SimplePost and LoadVariables actions are translated
to Javascript. Catch also the possible HTTP error in the LoadVariables action.

2018.60 (03/27/2018)

* Find some introduced bugs in the previous release when compile some of the available non
visual controls. This release fix that introduced bugs.

2018.59 (03/26/2018)

* Continue with the enhancements in the App Builder compiler in order to reduce the app.js
core Javascript file. This release of App Builder changes the way in which the app's controls are
declared, reducing the app.js ammount of Javascript and also obtaining a more readable
Javascript app.js file. In a simple test, an real app.js of 1,39 MB (1,00 MB after minimize) has
been reduced their size up to 1,06 MB (787 KB after minimize).

2018.58 (03/25/2018)

* The app.js core of App Builder apps include now an util function to properly transform of our
HTTP Requests. This util function is shared now and used by the HttpExecute actions, so the
amount of Javascript is reduced in our apps getting an app.js file a little smaller.

* Change the font and the font size of the code autocompletion dialog used in the App Builder's
code editor. This means the actions shown in the dialog can be better viewed.

2018.57 (03/24/2018)

* Properly catch possible errors in the HTTP calls made by the SimpleGet and SimplePost actions.
Now this errors are reported into the [App.LastError] global variable and causes than the app's
Error event are fired.

2018.56 (03/23/2018)

* Fix a bug in the Timer controls, who can cause unexpected behaviours if we try to start and
stop it from different views. The problems can be to unable to stop Timers to double Timers
intervals executions. This bug is fixed now. Thanks Walter for your report!

2018.55 (03/22/2018)

* Avoid an error if we try to clear a variable with a null valueu using the ClearVariables action.
We receive an error in that case that is fixed now.

2018.54 (03/20/2018)

* The optional "PluginDocumentReadyEvent" function for App Builder Javascript plugins are not
executing properly said when the document DOM is ready, but, just a few milliseconds before of
that, which can cause some unexpected problems. This is fixed in this release, and, the refered
function is executed when the document DOM is really ready to be used.

2018.53 (03/12/2018)

* Prevent (only in certain scenario) that an shown view fit only the keyboard allowed space (in
device with software keyboards) if the keyboard is present when we use the ShowView or
ReplaceView actions.

2018.52 (03/08/2018)

* Add up to 14 splash screen images (and refer it into the config.xml file) to Apache Cordova for
iOS, and, more specifically, trying to solve certain issue found when run the apps in an iPhone X

2018.51 (03/06/2018)

* Complete the spanish translation of the App Builder i18n file and update the french translation
of the App Builder i18n with some fixes and new strings added. Thanks very much for your work
2018.50 (03/04/2018)

* This release of DecSoft's App Builder take care for the first time about the accesibility of our
apps, that is, the ability to manage the apps by people that requires some assistive technologies
like an screen reader software.

1º App Builder includes now the ngAria module of AngularJS, which help us to
automatically maintain well updated some "aria" attributes.

2º Almost all the visual controls uses now the appropriate "role" attribute as well the
new "AriaLabel" variable, which can determine an text to be used for the assistive technologies
like screen reader software.

3º Radios, Checkboxes and Toggle button controls has the right "role" and "aria-
checked" attributes, to help assistive technologies to properly deal with it. Dropdown and Menu
controls indicates now their "menu" role and uses "menuitem" for their elements.

4º Text Inputs controls (all of them), Textarea, Select and MultiSelect control have now
the appropriates "role" attributes and also the "aria-multiline" attributes when needed.

5º The Image control have now the "Alt" variable, which determine a text to be used
when the Image, for some reason, cannot be properly loaded.

6º The [App.LanguageCode] variable is now also available for the app's HTML body tag.
With this change we can set the app language code in runtime and the assistive technologies like
screen readers can properly understand that the language has changed.

7º Instead of a default value of -1 for the controls' "TabIndex" we use now an zero value,
which allows to use the tab key by default, even if we not really determine an particular index. In
other words, the -1 value disallow the tab key usage.

Additionally and while working on the above tasks we fix other minor bugs that can be
discovered. Some other minor enhancements has been also made.

2018.49 (03/03/2018)

* Increase the Min SDK option for Android to 16 instead of 14. Add the new Android Oreo 8.1
API 27 into the Target SDK ComboBox of the app Cordova / Android options. Establish this option
as the selected by default too. Update the Phonegap CLI version to the latest Apache Cordova
version: 8.0.0.

2018.48 (03/01/2018)

* This is a major release of this product. If you purchase this product license before 03/01/2017
you need to upgrade your license in order to properly register this release.

Remember, however, that your DecSoft's licenses never expires.

You can upgrade your license with at least an 50% off discount, but also can download the
03/01/2018 outdated release of this product to register it with your outdated license.

You can do both of these things (upgrade your licenses and download outdated releases) by
login into your DecSoft's customer area at the DecSoft's website.

Please, write an E-Mail at info@davidesperalta or use the DecSoft's contact form at the DecSoft's
website if you have any questions.

2018.47 (02/17/2018)

* App Builder generates now the new splash screens (named "story boards") for the iOS
platform, instead to the "old" splash screen images. These new images are of course also
referred in the Cordova config.xml file. Made also some more other changes at the core app CSS.
Both of these changes are made in order to be ready with the iPhone X and other iOS devices.

2018.46 (02/15/2018)

* The "SplashMaintainAspectRatio" and the "StatusBarOverlaysWebView" Cordova options are

not properly saved in the Cordova config.xml file, that is, the App Builder compiler do not take in
consideration the default values for this option and do something wrong in some cases. This has
been fixed now and the refered options are properly saved and used.

2018.45 (02/09/2018)

* Move the Cordova Screen options from the General tab to the Configuration one. Inside the
Configuration tab we place a new page control with an Screen, Statusbar and Extra XML tabs.
The Statusbar tab contains three new Cordova Statusbar related options: Overlay WebView, Style
and Background color.

2018.44 (02/08/2018)

* Add the new Configuration tab in the app's options dialog for the Apache Cordova Android
platform. Inside this new tab we add a new Splash Screen Maintain Ratio option. This new
option allows to choose (for Android) between to maintain the aspect ratio of the splash

2018.43 (02/07/2018)

* This release solves various bugs (thanks for the report tin!) with the [App.CurrentView] and the
[App.DialogView] app global variables:

1º The HistoryBack and the HistoryForward actions don't cause the [App.CurrentView] to be
properly set, which is the expected behaviour. Only the ShowView and ReplaceView actions
causes the [App.CurrentView] to be properly set. This has been fixed now and all these actions
causes the [App.CurrentView] to be filled properly.
2º The [App.DialogView] variable are not filled in the proper way when more than one dialog
view are open (one after another). This variable store an empty string when a second modal
view is closed. This problem has been fixed and the [App.DialogView] stores the current modal
view or an empty string (if any modal view is opened).

3º If we pass some params to an app view the [App.CurrentView] variable are not filled in the
right way, and include the params inside the variable, which is not what we can expected. This
problem has been solved too in this DecSoft's App Builder release.

2018.42 (02/06/2018)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch, sanitize and animated modules from the 1.6.8
version to the latest 1.6.9 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed, changes
and enhancements from the previous release.

2018.41 (02/05/2018)

* Upgrade the FontAwesome icons to the latest version 5. The IDE icon picker dialog as well the
apps can now use up to 929 icons from the FontAwesome pack, including all the Regular, Solid
and Brands icons. Note that some icons names has been renamed from the previous
FontAwesome 4.x versions. Review your apps and use the IDE icon picker dialog in order to
assign new icons if needed.

2018.40 (02/04/2018)

* Apache Cordova launch an new utility to debug our apps in the desktop with support for the
their plugins ( App
Builder generates now a new BAT and SHELL files for every Apache Cordova platform that, after
prepare the appropriate platform, run the new Apache Cordova's "simulate" utility.

2018.39 (02/01/2018)

* Enhance the algorithm used when generate the splash screens for all the supported Apache
Cordova platforms. Thanks very, very, very much José! Without your help we probably can't get
our desired result: the best as possible! Thanks again!

2018.38 (01/31/2018)

* Change the algorithm used when generate the splash screens for all the supported Apache
Cordova platforms. Now the provided splash screen is resized, but, only to fit the generated
splash screen. This release includes also a bug fix for the generated landscape splash screens,
which certainly crop the provided splash screen in a wrong way before this fix.

2018.37 (01/30/2018)

* Introducing the app's views' Params variable. Take a look at the app's views' help topic in order
to learn about this new variable that every view in the app have now. Take also a look at the
new ViewParams app sample (number 170), that shows how we can use the new views' Params

2018.36 (01/29/2018)

* Some other minor changes and enhancements has been made over the App Builder compiler,
some of the includes app samples, the program's help file and the spanish translation.

* Added the new CopyVar action. This action allows to copy or assign the specified variable B
into the specified variable A. If the variable A did not exists, a new variable is created. If the
variable B did not exists, then an "undefined" value is assigned to the variable A. This action did
not take in consideration the type of the variables, then we can use this action to copy or assign
variables of any type. For example, we can copy or assign an variable B of the type Array, Object,
etc. into the specified variable A.

* Change the debug layout dock panels positions. Instead of place all the debug related dock
panels at the button and using tabs, now the debug related dock panels are placed at the right.
The enhancement is that they are not placed now in tabs, then we can see by a quick view all
the debug related panels, without the need to change any tab.

2018.35 (01/23/2018)

* Update the Boostrap CSS framework used internally by App Builder, and, update all the
Boostrap CSS app themes, from the Boostrap CSS beta 3 version to the first stable Boostrap CSS 4

2018.34 (01/21/2018)

* Fix a bug in the Watcher control that occur if we try to set the Watcher variable in runtime. The
Watcher control works now as expected, except that they no more start automatically when the
app start: we must start it explicitly when we wanted.

* Minor changes in the Database sample (server side scripts) in order to offer the appropriate
exception message if we can't connect with the database server. Now, in addition to the "Can't
connect to the database" we have the right PHP exception message.

2018.33 (01/20/2018)

* Fix a bug related with the Apache Cordova splash screen: few releases ago App Builder uses
the App icon if an splash screen is not provided, however, the appropriate addition in the Batch
generated files for Apache Cordova are missing.

2018.32 (01/19/2018)

* The Welcome page has been redesigned, simplified and enhanced. Some useful links are
provided, as well an HTML form to directly search in the program support forum. As before, the
latest posts in the forum are listed too.

2018.31 (01/18/2018)

* Upgrade Boostrap CSS 4 to the latest version. Do the same with all the 21 themes by
bootswatch. Upgrade the HTML markup for Select, Radio and Checkbox controls to fit the latest
version of Boostrap CSS 4.

2018.30 (01/17/2018)

* Added a new AlertBox app sample (number 169) to show the different types that we can use in
the AlertBox, MessageBox and InputBox actions. The MessageBox sample has been enhanced
with more types, the possible use of HTML and others.

* Enhance the AlertBox, InputBox and MessageBox actions. Now these actions respect the user
selected "type" (primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark) in the best wat as
possible: with the correct background and foreground colors.

* Complete the spanish translation of the App Builder i18n file and update the french translation
of the App Builder i18n with some fixes and new strings added. Thanks very much for your work

2018.29 (01/16/2018)

* Fix an anoying bug that causes the code editor indentation do not work as expected when we
choose an App Builder action from the code editor autocomplete list.

* Enhance the ApplyModel action in order to try to avoid Angular JS "digest" problem when that
action are "abused" or not used properly in the right place. Since the error that can cause this
action can affect the app behaviour, this fix try to avoid these problems.

2018.28 (01/15/2018)

* Added the new FileDownload app sample (number 168). This sample show us how to
download an file into the user device storage (to be available for the user) and also download an
image file in the app private storage (to be used only by the app).

* Added the Apache Cordova plugin FileTransfer into the app options dialog, under the Cordova /
General / Plugins options. This plugin has been added primarely to be used by the new
FileDownload action, but can also be used for other purposes too.

* Added the new action FileDownload, which allow us to download files in both the app private
storage and the user device storage. See the FileDownload action help reference for more
information and details.

* Added an header in all the generated Batch and Shell files for Apache Cordova with the App
Builder version and release number. Just for information purposes.

* From some releases ago App Builder pick the app icon to be used as the splash screen of the
app, if an specific splash screen is not specified. However, App Builder do not include the
appropriate Apache Cordova plugin to show the app splash screen. This is fixed now.

2018.27 (01/14/2018)

* Add the new FrontCamera, FlipButton and TorchButton variables / options to the Barcode
control. The Barcode app samples has been enhanced in order to shown the usage of these new
variables / options of the Barcode control. The program's help file has been also upgraded
describing that variables / options too.

2018.26 (01/13/2018)

* App Builder never requires a portrait and landscape splash screens anymore, but, just one
image, that, the program uses to automatically generate all the splash screen images for all the
supported Apache Cordova platforms. This change is made mostly to be ready with the iOS
platform, who changes their splash screens conventions. App Builder continue generating
portrait and lanscape screens for the supported platforms, but, now based in the only one image
that you must to provide in the app.

* Fix an introduced error in the conditions related actions wich can cause certain problems if we
deal with decimal numbers "as is" (not using variables) in that conditions related actions.

2018.25 (01/12/2018)

* We are proud to announce that the splash screens for Apache Cordova that App Builder
generates for your app, looks now better than never. App Builder uses now certain new
algorithm to create the splash screen files for all the Cordova platforms, and, now also saves the
aspect ratio of your provided images.

* App Builder creates now the appropriate splash screens for Apache Cordova based in the app
icon, if no other images has been provided in the Cordova / Splash options.

* Translate some missing spanish strings in the DecSoft's App Builder i18n file.

2018.24 (01/11/2018)

* Add four new splash screens for the Android platform. Fix an small bug that link twice the
same splash screen for iOS in the Cordova config file. Fix the splash screens generated for the
Windows platform, which are always treated as portrait (even when some of then are

2018.23 (01/10/2018)

* Fix a maybe introduced error who cause that a dialog app view cannot be closed if another one
is opened when the first one is shown. Now both the order of the views are not altered (even for
dialog views or MessageBox, etc.) and the internal maintained dialogs stack is clearly properly
when a dialog is closed and no more needed.

2018.22 (01/09/2018)

* Enhance the app core Javascript file in order to made the Javascript Audio object not required
from the scratch. This means the app can run in some older browsers too, which did not have
support for the Javascript Audio object, until they did not use the audio related actions Beep and

* Fix an introduced bug which causes that the app dialogs views don't be shown as expected,
except if we apply some manually correction to the app view height size.

* Fix an Javascript syntax error in the If action which is caused by providing a second condition
which include a "." (dot) inside, since they are considerd by Delphi as a number, but, Javascript
uses the "," (comma) for that. Thanks Walter for the report!

2018.21 (01/08/2018)

* Are you ready for the iPhone X and iOS 11? DecSoft's App Builder is ready now by adding the
right stuff in the app HTML viewport and also by the generation of five new splash screens and
one new icon for that platform. Be ready for the iPhone X and iOS 11 with the new release of
DecSoft's App Builder!

2018.20 (01/07/2018)

* Remove the "Non registered nag screen" for non registered users when compile and when
debug the applications. Certainly DecSoft wanted customers, but, also wanted that non
registered users can try the demo version of the product as best as possible.

2018.19 (01/06/2018)

* Add the new [App.BuildNumber] global app variable, available at runtime to be used and
which stores the Build number of the application as we set it in designtime.

* Add the new Autoincrement Build number app option in the Information tab of the app
options dialog. This option (unchecked by default) can be used to autoincrement the app Build
number every time the app is build.

* Add the new Build number app option in the Information tab of the app options dialog. This
option can be established to determine a value that we can use in both designtime and runtime.
The app Build number appear too in the designtime object inspector when an app has been
selected in the visual editor.

2018.18 (01/05/2018)
* Fix a bug in the HttpSetHeader action that appear when we try to set a header with a value
stored previously in an app variable. Thanks Octacilio for the report!

2018.17 (01/04/2018)

* This release of the product has been digitally signed by a new DecSoft's Certificate provided by
Comodo Inc. to us this year. Remember that all the DecSoft's products are digitally signed. For
your own security, don't trust in non signed executables!

* Fix an introduced problem related with Boostrap CSS 4 which causes that, for example, the
InputsScroll2 app sample (an app with a height greater than their specified size) shown some
ugly horizontal scroll bar. The same occur if we test the refered sample as a Webextension app.

2018.16 (01/03/2018)

* Update the french version of the App Builder translation. This translation contains fixes and
new added strings into the french language. Thanks very much for your work Jean!

2018.15 (01/02/2018)

* Change the default designtime size (height) for the Label, Radio and Checkbox controls. Some
minor changes in some of the included application samples.

2018.14 (01/01/2018)

* Fix some minor problems related with the new Checkbox and Radio controls. Upgrade certain
copyright notice year. Enhance various app samples like the Themes, Themes2, Database,
Calculator and other samples.

2018.13 (12/31/2017)

* Change the designtime representation for the Checkbox, Radio and Label controls, in order to
better fit the runtime apparence.

* The Checkbox and Radio controls appear now better by following the Boostrap CSS 4 custom
controls CSS and HTML markup.

* Fix a problem which causes that the Caret variable of the Dropdown controls do not take effect
if they are "False", that is, the caret is always shown until this fix.

2018.12 (12/30/2017)

* Remove the FontAwesome icons for Windows from the app's files. This font file is used by App
Builder in designtime by the ID, but, certainly is not required in the app's files, so we can save
their space and reduce the compilation time too.

* Put the IFrame controls containers and apply to that containers certain Webkit specific CSS
code, in order to allow the IFrame to work properly in the iOS platform, for example. This change
can break the backward compatibility if you previously used some container to place an Iframe
control, in order to manually apply that specific CSS code. Basically you must to quit the IFrame
from the container, since the IFrame already uses their own one.

* Introducing the new RowClasses variable for the Report control. This variable allow us to
determine the Boostrap CSS classes to be used per every row in the Report, when their
"Wrapper" variable is "grid". This change can break the backward compatibility with your apps
where you use a Report / grid. Basically you must remove the grid related classes from your
Report's HTML, since these grid related classes are now specified in RowClasses.

* This release of App Builder drop the support for the Glyphicons font. This means they do not
include these icons anymore, because various reasons:

1º First of one, apparently these icons are free when used with Boostrap CSS 3, but, App Builder
uses now Boostrap CSS 4, and, they do not include these icons.

2º Second reason is the CSS code provided by the icons can interfere with the Boostrap CSS 4
code, which are something non desirable.

3º App Builder continues providing the FontAwesome icons, and, as any other thirdparty CSS or
Javascript stuff, we can use the Glyphicons in our applications if we wanted, but now we must
add the appropriate font files and CSS code to do it.

4º By remove the support for these icons (by default) we also save space in our apps, not only
because we no need the font files, but also because the related CSS code is dropped.

5º You must change your apps in order to be ready with this changes: my recomendation is that
you replace these icons for the awesome ones, ready to use in App Builder by default.

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch, sanitize and animated modules from the 1.6.7
version to the latest 1.6.8 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed, changes
and enhancements from the previous release.

2018.11 (12/27/2017)

* This release of App Builder uses Bootstrap CSS 4 instead of Bootstrap CSS 3. This means several
changes and enhancements, for example, new buttons kinds (colors) and more. Some app's
themes has been removed, and other ones has been added, these last already using the
Bootstrap CSS 4 version.

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch, sanitize and animated modules from the 1.6.6
version to the latest 1.6.7 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed, changes
and enhancements from the previous release.

2018.10 (12/16/2017)
* Minor changes in the program's icon means all the related graphics must be changed in order
to shown that changes: the welcome page, various program's icons, etc., has been updated
accordingly. The app project's icon has been also changed to a new version.

2018.9 (12/15/2017)

* The MediaPlayer control shown only the minutes and seconds of the media source (audio or
video) and not the hours part. This is fixed now and both "times" in the MediaPlayer control
(already reproduced time and remaining time) shown the appropriate hour part too. Thanks
Jordi for the report!

2018.8 (12/14/2017)

* The Image control can now show in designtime the app's images paths, in addition to app's
relative images paths and absolute images paths. This means that an image path like
"app/images/MyImage.png" is shown by the Image control in designtime, like relative an
absolute images paths.

2018.7 (12/13/2017)

* Update all the included app samples in order to be ready with the recently introduced app's
short name. In fact, now all the apps without a short name take to this option the app's name,
instead a new or default one. This is good also for backwards compatibility.

2018.6 (12/12/2017)

* Move the position of the app's options dialog short name edit box to fit the old position of the
app's name edit box. The app's short name is more commonly used in mobile devices's menu
while the app's name (or large name) is used when the app is listed in the apps' settings system
view, for example. Also the app's short name is now the same by default than the app's name.

2018.5 (12/11/2017)

* The program is now ready to be "attached to the Windows init menu", that is, the icon of the
program scales with the icon and did not remain "small" if the init menu icon is large.

* Update the program in order to use the latest DecSoft's available graphics, that is, update the
program's icons as well as other images used in the program interface, samples, etc.

2018.4 (12/08/2017)

* Allow to edit the BarText variable of the Progressbar controls into the regular visual strings
editor. On the other hand, this BarText variable support now HTML tags to be used for the text of
the Progressbar controls.

2018.3 (12/07/2017)
* Add the new optional App Short Name option in the app's options dialog. This option can be
used to specify an optional display name for the app. Sometimes the app name should be
displayed differently on device's home screen than on informational and app-store interfaces
due to limited space. This option is finally write on the Apache Cordova's config.xml file of our
app. Also a new global variable [App.ShortName] has been added.

* Fix certain update minor problem and enhance the "Save all" button and command of the App
Builder's main menu and main toolbar.

2018.2 (12/06/2017)

* Add the new Progress3 app sample (number 167 of App Builder) which show us how to use
the new BarText variable for the Progressbar controls.

* Add the new BarText variable for the Progressbar controls. Empty by default, they can store
some text to be shown into the Progressbar controls.

* Add the new Progress2 app sample (number 166 of App Builder) which show us how to change
the Progressbars controls' Kind option using the appropriate CSS classes.

* Fix an error in the App Builder's compiler which causes that, in some scenarios, the app's user
functions are not compiled in the right way. Thanks Shyanne for the report!

2018.1 (11/29/2017)

* This is the first release of this DecSoft's product for the 2018 year. The contain some minor
changes in their documentation, license and other product's resources.

2017.102 (11/24/2017)

* App Builder allow us now to use a different app's ID for Android and iOS. The general app's ID
is maintained, and, used if the new Android and iOS specific app's ID are not established.
Probably is not a common requirement, but, sometimes using two different IDs for Android and
iOS can be useful.

2017.101 (11/20/2017)

* Changes in how App Builder saves various controls' options. The Menu Items, Dropdown Items,
Select Items, MultiSelect Items and SelItems, Carousel Source and Typeahead Items are now
saved in the project file in a CData node instead of string one. App Builder, however, maintain
the backward compatibility by reading the possible options from this controls saved previously in
a text node in the project's file.

2017.100 (11/15/2017)

* Fix an error when try to load the "AutoPlay" variable of a MediaPlayer control. The problem is
caused due to the recent improvements over the apps' project file. Fix also a similar problem
with the Range Input control. Thanks for the report Walter!

2017.99 (11/13/2017)

* Fix some introduced bugs in the compiler which causes that the Push button control, for
example, don't appear as expected if we choose the "md" (medium) size. In fact this size is the
default one, but, anyway they don't work as expected.

2017.98 (11/10/2017)

* Added the DecSoft's App Builder PaperJs sample (number 165). This app sample show us how
we can use Javascript thirdparty libraries, this time the jQuery and the Paper.js Javascript
libraries. Other minor changes has been also made for this release.

2017.97 (11/07/2017)

* Fix an introduced error which causes that the Apache Cordova applications runs in full screen
even when we did not check the appropiate option, in other words, even when we determine to
not run the app in full screen mode.

* Fix an introduced error which causes that the Apache Cordova Orientation option are not
properly saved into the app's project file, then cannot be properly read and restored. Thanks
Jordi for the report!

2017.96 (11/06/2017)

* Add the new "MasterTop" designtime option for the app's view. By default this option is
"False" and mean that the master's controls are draw before the views' controls, appearing
below the views' controls. If we change the new "MasterTop" to "True" the views' controls are
draw before the master's controls, appearing on top of the views' controls.

2017.95 (10/31/2017)

* Continue with the App Builder's project files enhancements this time we remove from that file
every option/value which are not used, or, better said, with the default values. This
enhancement has been made for the app's, views' and controls' options/values, and, for
example, this means that certain app with a size of 1221 Kb, are now saved in a projec't file of
675 Kb, saving 546 Kb of disk space. Again, this is important too for various reasons: the file can
take (just a bit) less time to be loaded and saved, and, the backup history files (which can be lot
of them) get also the reduction of the size advantage.

2017.94 (10/30/2017)

* App Builder don't store anymore the app's, views' and controls' events, when that events are
not used at all. Doing that we reduce an AB project file from 1687 Kb to a project file of 1221 Kb,
saving 466 Kb of disk space. This is important too for various reasons: the file can take (just a bit)
less time to be loaded and saved, and, the backup history files (which can be lot of them) get
also the reduction of the size advantage.

2017.93 (10/28/2017)

* Add the new Analytics App Builder's Javascript plugin, which can integrates the Google
Analytics™ service in our apps in a very easy way. This plugin did not incorporates a sample,
because they requires your Google Analytics™ account ID, but, in fact they can't be more easy to
use, as well that very useful for our apps.

2017.92 (10/19/2017)

* Allow the "EndJS" action to be writed in a non case sensitive way, like the other App Builder
actions. Before this fix App Builder understand that, for example, "endjs" is not the action, but
just another JS line (inside an "StartJS" action), which cause an unexpected result.

2017.91 (10/07/2017)

* Introduce the "md" (medium) size for all the Text Input controls and the File Input,Textarea,
Select, Multiple Select, and theType Ahead controls. The "md" size is now available in addition to
the already availables "sm" (small) and "lg" (larger) sizes. The "md" size is now the default value
for the text input controls.

2017.90 (10/05/2017)

* Be ready and allow to choose new Android API levels from the app's options dialog to be used
with Apache Cordova. The new Android API levels added are: Android 7.0 Nougat (API level 24),
Android 7.1 - 7.1.1 Nougat (API level 25) and Android 8.0 Oreo (API level 26).

2017.89 (09/27/2017)

* Added the new "RuntimeButtons" sample (number 164 in App Builder), which show how we
can create controls at runtime using the power of Javascript. In this case we create Push buttons
at runtime and set the appropiate event in order to respond when they are pressed.

* Added the "ios-inertial-scroll" CSS class in the App Builder's core CSS. This class is intended to
use in the iOS platform and now is applied by default to the HTML Content and Reports controls,
in order to be useful when they are configured to be scrolled by the user.

2017.88 (09/18/2017)

* Fix an mistake in the WebCam control which certainly shown the WebCam's video and take the
capture in "the wrong way around". The problem is fixed now thanks to this article's author:

2017.87 (09/07/2017)
* More changes and enhancements related with the app's themes. The App Builder default
theme uses now the colors palette taken from the Bootstrap 4 framework. The designer also
shown now controls like the buttons using this new colors palette.

* In addition to the default App Builder app's default theme, now it's possible to choose another
three new ones: Bootstrap3, Bootstrap3-3D and Boostrap 4-3D. Previous to this changes the
app's default theme is now Bootstrap3-3D, so, if you uses the default theme in your app you
must choose this last one and everything continues like you expected.

2017.86 (09/06/2017)

* Change the default CSS theme used by the application in order to use the "plain version" of the
Boostrap CSS framework. A new theme named "Bootstrap" has been added, which is the before
default theme, that is, the "3D version" of the Bootstrap CSS framework. This changes implied
that already developed apps uses the new default theme: if you want to continue the previous
one you must explicitly choose it from the Themes in the app's options dialog.

2017.85 (09/03/2017)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch and sanitize modules from the 1.6.5 version to the
latest 1.6.6 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed, changes and
enhancements from the previous release.

2017.84 (08/18/2017)

* Complete the spanish and the french translations of the App Builder GUI. Thanks very much
Jean for your work in the french translation of App Builder!

2017.83 (08/17/2017)

* Fix a annoying problem with the app's views list only visible when that list have more views
than the list can shown in a whole. The problem is that selecting one of the latest views, the list
top index changes causing the scroll up of the list.

2017.82 (08/16/2017)

* Fix a problem in the recently added RecorderDataToFile action, which only occur on iOS. This
problem causes that the captured video cannot be converted to a file in order to be uploaded.
It's fixed now.

* Asser the recently added Recorder Control's variables are added into the app's variables picker
dialog in order to be availables to use. Other minor changes in the Recorder control internal
implementation has been also made.

2017.81 (08/15/2017)

* Add the new GoogleMaps3 application samples (number 163 in App Builder). App Builder
already includes a couple of Google Maps samples who uses the Embedded API and the Static
API respectivelly. In this last case we use another available Javascript API in order to show and
interact with a Google Maps.

But this is not only the main point of this new sample. The main point of this new sample is that
something like that are not possible before this App Builder release. Better said, it's possible, but
requires more work. This new sample demonstrates how we can include external scripts files
with the required query string in our applications, which is an enhancement made for this App
Builder release, as you can read below.

* Enhance the app's files manager in order to allow the insertion of external URLs and query
strings for scripts and styles. Now, in addition to local scripts and styles to be included in our
applications, we can also add external URLs and query scripts to be used when linked the
external URLs and the local files. This new enhancement is backward compatible with the
previous App Builder versions, so you no need to worry about your existing scripts and styles in
your applications.

2017.80 (08/14/2017)

* Add the new Recorder app sample (number 162 in App Builder) which show us how to use the
recently added Recorder control and some of their related actions.

* Add the new RecorderDataToFile action (number 256 in App Builder), which allow us to get a
Recorder's control recorded data in a blob file ready to be upload using an HttpClient control.

* Add the new RecorderGetVideo action (number 255 in App Builder), which allow us to record
video from the user's device, in combination with the recently added Recorder control.

* Add the new RecorderGetAudio action (number 254 in App Builder), which allow us to record
audio from the user's device, in combination with the recently added Recorder control.

* Add the new Recorder non visual control (number 48 in App Builder), which, allow us to record
audio and video from the user's device, with the help of Apache Cordova and the also new
included Recorder plugin.

2017.79 (08/11/2017)

* Due to some recent changes in the DecSoft's hosting provider a change in the product was
required in order to properly register it using the appropiate customer's license information.

2017.78 (08/09/2017)

* Added the new PhotoViewer app sample (number 161 in App Builder) that demonstrate how
to use the recently added PhotoViewer Javascript plugin for App Builder.

* Added the new PhotoViewer Javascript plugin (number 6 in App Builder) for App Builder, which
allow us to use the Cordova's Photo Viewer plugin to shown images based in their URLs in a cute
photo viewer.

2017.77 (08/09/2017)

* Fix an error which only occur when use an Input File control along with an image in a modal
app's view. We expect that the Input File's Change event provide us in their "Url" variable the
URL of the selected image, but this did not occur at all, due to the internal implementation on
App Builder. The problem has been fixed and now the Change event works like expected even if
the Input File is used in a modal app's view.

2017.76 (08/08/2017)

* The "OpenWindow" action do not encode any more the provided URL, so is our responsability
to encode the URL if really required it, but the action do not asume anymore that the URL must
be encoded.

2017.75 (08/07/2017)

* Add the new argument "Target" to the "OpenWindow" action, which allow us to use the
system's browser instead of the "browser" provided by the Apache Cordova "Browser" plugin
(included out-of-the-box in App Builder). See the action's help's reference for details.

2017.74 (07/28/2017)

* Add the new Orientation application sample (number 160 in App Builder) that show us how to
use the recently added OrientationLock and OrientationUnlock actions.

* Add the new OrientationUnlock action (number 253 in App Builder) that, in conjunction with
the Apache Cordova's Orientation plugin, allow us to unlock any possible established orientation
lock on the device.

* Add the new OrientationLock action (number 252 in App Builder) that, in conjunction with the
Apache Cordova's Orientation plugin, allow us to change the possible orientations for the device
in runtime.

* Add the new Apache Cordova's Orientation plugin into the app's Cordova's option dialog,
including it (when checked) in the Cordova's configuration file, shell and bat files.

2017.73 (07/27/2017)

* Fix a problem related with the App.Current app's global variable and the ViewChange app's
event. Certainly the variable are not correct once the event has fired.

* Introducing a new [App.PrevView] variable in order to be available in the app's ViewChange

event. This variable can be used in conjuction with the [App.NextVariable] and instead of the
[App.CurrentView] one.
2017.72 (07/26/2017)

* Fix certain problem in the shell scripts generated for Mac OS (using New Line) related with the
possible used app's Shell start, after and end options. Thanks again José for your efforts!

2017.71 (07/22/2017)

* Added the new Transitions sample (number 159 of App Builder) which shown how to use CSS
transition effects in our applications. This sample shown how to use the SetStyle action in order
to set transition effects to the sample labels, and also how to use CSS code (see the app's Inline
CSS option) in order to set some transition effects for the latest inputs.

2017.70 (07/20/2017)

* Various enhancements in the app's options dialog in order to enhance their usability. For
example, the Apache Cordova's plugins checkboxes appear now in two columns, all visibles,
avoiding the use of an scrollbox. Other similar changes has been also made too.

2017.69 (07/19/2017)

* Fix certain problem in the shell scripts generated for Mac OS (using New Line) related with the
possible used app's customs Cordova's plugins. Thanks José for your efforts!

2017.68 (07/18/2017)

* Some changes in the app's options dialog to enhance it in various aspects. For example, the
controls used for the Cordova's customs plugins and iOS Sign build flags are now more
convenient than before.

2017.67 (07/16/2017)

* Added the Deployment target and Target device options for the Cordova's iOS platform. This
options allow us to specify the deployment target and target device for the XCode project. By
default the target device is "10.0" and the deployment target is "universal".

* Added the application sample (number 158) HeaderMenu. This app sample show one of the
possible ways to implement an app's header's menu with a header's title and the right
Dropdown control. In this specific case we use the Master app's view in order to implement
almost everything we need.

2017.66 (07/15/2017)

* The recently generated JSON build config file for Apache Cordova and the iOS platform are now
create respecting the Line break option selected for the SHELL scripts. This fix a problem caused
when build with Cordova because previously we use the Windows line break for this JSON build
config file.
2017.65 (07/14/2017)

* Introducing the new Sign app's options for the Cordova's iOS platform. We can now establish
the appropiate app's options in order to prepare a Cordova's sign JSON file in order to signing
our applications directly from SHELL files also generated by App Builder.

* Introducing the new Sign app's options for the Cordova's Android platform. We can now
establish the appropiate app's options in order to prepare a Cordova's sign JSON file in order to
signing our applications directly from BAT files also generated by App Builder.

2017.64 (07/11/2017)

* The SendEmail application sample do not point to the right PHP script into the server, so
someone who run the sample "as is" cannot see it working. Fix this now using the right URL.

2017.63 (07/10/2017)

* The SendSMS Javascript plugin has been upgraded in order to use the cordova-sms-plugin
instead of the previous one. The plugin used now deal with Android permissions in a better way,
is supported by more platforms and allow us to send the SMS messages (on Android) using the
default SMS application, if we wanted. The SendSMS application sample has been also upgraded

2017.62 (07/09/2017)

* The code editor show now by default the gutter and inside it the line numbers. The "info
background" has been used too for the default active line color.

* Improve a bit the indentation of the code editor when insert and edit visual actions. The latest
changes enhance the task and fix some minor indentation problems.

2017.61 (07/07/2017)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch and sanitize modules from the 1.6.4 version to the
latest 1.6.5 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed, changes and
enhancements from the previous release.

2017.60 (07/06/2017)

* Adding the Search filter editbox into the app's views dock window, in a similar way than the
existing one for the actions and controls, for example. So we can now search/filter the app's
views that are shown in the list, something useful if our app have dozens of views.

2017.59 (07/04/2017)

* The app's views have now the Classes option to specify one or more CSS classes. Every app's
view have an CSS identifier (#View1, for example) and a CSS class (.appView) but now it's
possible to add arbitrary CSS classes for our application's views.

2017.58 (07/01/2017)

* Fix certain font size in the program's help file. Add the missing option's type argument in the
SetOption help's reference, update the program's help and the online version.

2017.57 (06/30/2017)

* Some designtime enhancements: The TextInput controls recognizes now their CSS TextAlign
value in designtime and can be shown aligned to left, center and right.

2017.56 (06/29/2017)

* Perform another changed in various visual controls when working in the designer. The Buttons'
size is now by default "md" instead of "xs", and the font size of these and others controls has
been changed for their posible "xs", "md" and "lg" values.

* Fix a bug in App Builder which causes that we miss some possible error while minimize the
app's Javascript code. Now the appropiate information appear in case of error.

* Some designtime enhancements: The Label control recognize now their CSS TextAlign value in
designtime and can be shown aligned to left, center and right. Decrease the font size used by the
Select controls at designtime, depending on the Size variable of the Select controls.

2017.55 (06/24/2017)

* Add the new Batch After and Shell After options. Along with the Batch Start, Bach End, Shell
Start and Shell End options, we can now place Batch (for Windows) and Shell (for UNIX) code in
the appropiate way, that is, in this particular points:

1º When the script start their execution, before any Cordova's related comman has been
executed. We can use this to place useful commands to perform any operation before the
Cordova's commands starts to run.

2º After the Cordova's add platform command has been executed. At this point we can
add some Cordova's customs plugins, etc. Anything after the appropiate Cordova's platform has
been added.

3º At the end of the script. At this point we can place any code that must be executed
after everything other code (including the Cordova's ones) has been executed. We can use this
place to copy files, remove it, etc.

* The Progressbar control default options has been changed in order to allow the usage of that
control "as is", without any modification, just by drag and drop into the application.

* Update the PushPlugin application sample in order to use the latest available version of the
Cordova's push plugin. The sample includes now the appropiate JSON and XML configuration
from the FCM console, in order to be used when build the app.

* Add the new RowDblClick event into the Report control. This event works in a similar way than
other "Row" events, that is, can inform us about the exactly record "double clicked" in the
Report control. Thanks Joshua!

2017.54 (06/23/2017)

* Add the new Dropdown2 application sample, which shown us how to use the recently added
Dropdown control's Alignment option, which allow us to the establish the Dropdown control's
menu items alignment. Thanks José!

2017.53 (06/22/2017)

* Add the "Alignment" option to the Dropdown control, which can be set to "left" or "right", and,
determine the alignment of the Dropdown control's menu items.

2017.52 (06/21/2017)

* Add the new Images application sample (number 155 in App Builder) to view how to deal with
the recently introduced "Object Fit Style" CSS property for the Image control.

* Add the "Object Position" and "Object Fit Style"CSS rules for the Image control, ready to be
used from the Styles control inspectors. Using these two rules we can enhance our app's images
in various ways, for example, trying to scale it better for various screen sizes.

2017.51 (06/20/2017)

* Added the new CameraDataToImage action (number 251 in App Builder) which can convert a
Camera control's Data variable into an Image Blob, ready to be uploaded to a server using an
HttpClient control. See the new Camera5 sample (number 154 in App Builder) in order to view
working this new action.

* The Camera control have a new option named "Destination". This option can be set to
"data_url" or "file_uri". In the first case (default) the picked image is returned as a Base64 string
(just like previous this release). In the second case what is returned is the file path of the
selected image. See the new CameraDataToImage action for more details.

* The order of the custom plugins has been changed when placed ni the BAT or Shell scripts.
Now these Cordova's plugins are included the plugins supported "out-of-the-box" by App
Builder. This allow us, for example, to prepare some dependency custom plugin or specify a
version of a custom plugin to be used later by the "out-of-the-box" included plugins.

2017.50 (06/19/2017)

* Revert the latest changes in Batch start and Shell start options: in a previous release App
Builder places the code in this options at the principle of the script, before the appropiate
Cordova's platform has been added. This caused we can't add plugins from these options, which
is one of the reason of their existence. In this release the changes has been reverted and now
the code of these options are placed in the scripts just after the appropiate Cordova's platform
has been added.

2017.49 (06/18/2017)

* Introduce a new app's option Shell End Of Line which determine the line feed for the
generated shell scripts for Cordova. By default we use the New Line (NL) way, which is perfectly
valid for UNIX like system and modern MacOS. We can use Carriage Return (CR) instead, valid for
older MacOS. Thanks very much José for your invaluable help on this enhancements on the
generated Shell scripts for Cordova.

* The Batch start and Shell start options write the code now at the principle of the generated
BAT and Shell scripts for Cordova. Before this change the "start" code are writen after the
Cordova command which add the appropiate platform.

* Ends the translation of the App Builder's GUI for the spanish language, including more than 80
new strings added in the recent and this program release.

2017.48 (06/17/2017)

* App Builder generates now SHELL files for Apache Cordova in the same way than the BAT files
for Apache Cordova generated for Windows. This new SHELL files are intented to be used in
MacOS in the same way that we can use the BAT files in Windows, that is, in order to get our
application compiled or running in a device in a nutshell.

* Introducing the new app's Shell start and Shell end options, which can be used in a similar way
than the Batch start and Batch end options, except that in the Shell start and Shell end options
we are talking about the generated SHELL scripts for MacOS. Please consider this new Shell
scripts related options in a beta state.

* The app's Extra Batch has been enhanced and divided in two parts: Batch start and Batch end.
We can place now some code to be added into the generated Cordova's BAT files (for Windows)
at the start of the script (just after the right platform has been added by Cordova) and also at the
end of the script (just when everything other code has been executed).

2017.47 (06/15/2017)

* Update the PushPlugin application sample to use the latest version of the phonegap-push-
plugin, the new configuration way, and the new FCM Google service instead of the GCM Google
service. The server script included by the sample has been also modified.

2017.46 (06/03/2017)
* Add the "ng-src" (¿protocol?) to the app's Content-Security-Police, which is required in order
to write some IMG HTML tag directly into a variable to be placed in an HTML Content control.
Without this change the image can't appear correctly.

2017.45 (06/02/2017)

* Fix an introduced problem in the SetViewSize action that appear if we try to use the action in
the inicial app's view and before a modal view has been shown. This problem is fixed now and
therefore we can use the SetViewSize action like expected.

2017.44 (06/01/2017)

* A recently changed causes that the SetViewSize action cannot be used in modal views (we
must use the SetStyle action instead). This release fix this unexpected behaviour and now we can
continue using the SetViewSize even in modal views.

2017.43 (05/27/2017)

* The App Builder samples dialog editbox filter search now also in the samples file names, in
addition to the description of the app samples. Thanks Samuel!

2017.42 (05/25/2017)

* The global app's variable [App.CurrentView] is no more modified by modal views, that is, when
we show a view in a modal way (using the "ShowDialog" action) that view do not modify the
[App.CurrentView] variable. If we needed, we can continue using the [App.DialogView] global
app's variable, which contains the current view showing as modal.

2017.41 (05/24/2017)

* Fix a bug which causes the "Alert", "Confirm", "Prompt", "Beep" and "Vibrate" actions do not
fallback to the native JS actions (or fallback) in Cordova platforms (Android, iOS, etc.) if we do
not speficically uses the Cordova's Dialog plugin in our applications. In other words, these
actions works now in Cordova's compiled apps even if we do not use the Dialog plugin.

2017.40 (05/22/2017)

* Fix a minor problem with the Image control which apparently can't handle transparent PNG
images in the proper way and then shown it using a black background color.

2017.39 (05/19/2017)

* Fix a very minor but anoying mistake that causes the name than appeaer in the "confirm save
changes" when close the program (if an open app has been previously modified) are not the
app's name, but some other value which have non sense.

2017.38 (05/16/2017)
* Add the new BlockApp3 sample, who demonstrate how we can use GIF animated images as
the background of the block app's window. Thanks for the idea tin!

2017.37 (05/15/2017)

* Fix a designtime memory leak that can causes possible access violation and other memory
related problems in applications with dozens of views, if we change from one view to another
using the views' list and previously has enter into the precedent preview's events' code editor.

2017.36 (05/09/2017)

* Add the new PDFMake application sample, that shown how we can use the PDFMake
Javascript library in order to write PDF documents from our applications.

2017.35 (05/07/2017)

* Continue with the App Builder's compiler optimizations. Now the application's themes CSS files
are not copied into the "_Compiled" directory if they are not previously modified.

* Reduce the amount of messages logged into the Messages dock panel while compile an
application by do not log empty (not used) application's events.

2017.34 (05/05/2017)

* This release include lot of optimizations made over the App Builder's compiler, that reduced
the first and even more the succesives app's builds and debugs dramatically, saving time while
work in our applications. Here are the main optimizations made over the App Builder compiler in
this release:

0. The app's files (images, styles, scripts and others) are now skipped from the compilation
(debug and build) if they are not modified from the previous compilation.

1. The app's files included from entire directories are now skipped from the compilation
(debug and build) if they are not modified from the previous compilation.

2. The app's generated icons for the Cordova platforms are now skipped from the compilation
(build only) if they are not modified from the previous compilation.

3. The app's generated splash screens for the Cordova platforms are now skipped from the
compilation (build only) if they are not modified from the previous compilation.

Here are some tests of the introduced optimizations in the App Builder's compiler.

Application used for the tests:

* 32 app's views

* Dozens of app's files

* App's files inside a folder too

* Cordova stuff for Android and iOS, icons and splashs

Result times with the previous AB compiler:

First debug: 8.371 (seconds)

First build: 17.491 (seconds)

Next debugs: Similar time than above.

Next debugs: Similar time than above.

Result times with the optimized (current) AB compiler:

First debug: 6.314 (seconds)

First build: 15.901 (seconds)

Next debugs: 3.084 (seconds)

Next builds: 3.087 (seconds)

* In addition to the refered compiler optimizations also other minor changes, fixes and
enhancements has been also made for this App Builder release.

2017.33 (05/01/2017)

* Prepare a couple of icons to determine if an app's, view's or controls' events has been
prepared with some code or are empties. A "blue" icon is show in both events' tabs and
contextual menu when the event's code is empty. A "red" icon is show when the event have
some code written inside. Thanks Joshua for the idea!

2017.32 (04/30/2017)

* Add the Websocket protocol into the app's HTML Content-Security-Policy. This allow us to
WebSockets and the App Builder's WebSocket control in applications build for Android with
Apache Cordova.

* Upgrade the PHP library to their latest version and enhance the "Trigger.php"
script , all of them used in the App Builder's Pusher sample, who shown how to use the App
Builder's Pusher control.

2017.31 (04/28/2017)

* Fix a rare error that occur at least in Google Chrome if leave blank the custom protocols of a
WebSocket control and try to connect at least with some kind of WebSocket server implemented
in PHP with "sockets".

2017.30 (04/24/2017)

* Replace the old DecSoft's graphics (product's icon and more) with the new graphics for the
DecSoft's software, as well other minor fixes, changes and enhancements.

2017.29 (04/15/2017)

* Upgrade the jQuery.js Javascript library from the 3.2.0 version to the latest one 3.2.1. Since the
version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements. The jQuery library is
used in App Builder when we deploy our applications as WebExtensions.

* Upgrade the BigScreen.js Javascript library from the 2.0 version to the latest one 2.0.5. Since
the version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements.

* Upgrade the jsSHA.js Javascript library from the 1.6.1 version to the latest one 2.2.0. Since the
version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements. Between others we
have now available these new algorithms: SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512.

* Upgrade the Validator.js Javascript library from the 4.7.1 version to the latest one 0.7.12. Since
the version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements.

* Upgrade the UAParser.js Javascript library from the 0.7.10 version to the latest one 0.7.12.
Since the version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements.

* Upgrade the Pusher.js Javascript library from the 3.0.0 version to the latest one 4.0.0. Since the
version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements.

* Upgrade the Mousetrap.js Javascript library from the 1.5.3 version to the latest one 1.6.1.
Since the version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements.

* Upgrade the Accounting.js Javascript library from the 0.4.1 version to the latest one 0.4.2.
Since the version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements.

* Upgrade the Moment.js Javascript library from the 2.11.2 version to the latest one 2.18.1.
Since the version releases this library get various fixes, changes and enhancements.

* The non visual controls placed in the visual designer are now degraded in white and silver
colors instead of use different colors for different non visual controls.

2017.28 (04/12/2017)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch and sanitize modules from the 1.6.3 version to the
latest 1.6.4 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed from the previous
2017.27 (04/10/2017)

* Add the PDFViewer sample. This app sample shown how we can use the PFDJS project from
Mozilla, including their PDF viewer, in our applications. We can use the PDFJS Javascript alone in
order to shown an PDF in our application, but, as this app show, we can directly use the PDF
viewer provided by Mozilla.

2017.26 (04/06/2017)

* Even when we recommend to use Apache Cordova instead of Adobe Phonegap(tm) to build
our hybrid applications, now it's possible to indicate the Adobe Phonegap(tm) CLI version that
we want to used. A new "Phonegap" sub tab has been added into the Cordova tab of the app's
options dialog. Thanks Patricio!

2017.25 (03/31/2017)

* Add the TabMenu application sample, who shown to us how we can implement a kind of Tab
Menu in our applications using the app's master view and some buttons controls.

2017.24 (03/28/2017)

* A new program's behaviour option has been introduced in order to allow the user to optionally
hide the history files backup directory. By default the directory is hidden, but, we can now
specify that the directory appear visible and not hidden. Thanks Samuel!

2017.23 (03/23/2017)

* Added the new MediaSubtitles application sample, who shown how to use the recently added
MediaSetSubtitle action along a MediaPlayer control and a couple of subtitles files. This is the
sample number 150 by the way!

* Add the new MediaSetSubtitle action, which allow us to use subtitles with the MediaPlayer
control. App Builder uses VTT standard files to provide subtitles for the MediaPlayer control. This
is the action number 250 in App Builder by the way!

* The optional (but enabled by default) App Builder's apps backup files directory now appear
hidden to the user, that is, advanced users can continue viewing, but, if anyone doesn't want,
app's the backup directory is hidden but existing.

2017.22 (03/20/2017)

* Fix an introduced bug/mistake which causes than the App Builder's app's history files are listed
in the apps' samples dialog. Thanks Samuel for your report!

2017.21 (03/18/2017)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch and sanitize modules from the 1.6.2 version to the
latest 1.6.3 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed from the previous

* Update the jQuery Javascript library (used in App Builder when build WebExtensions apps)
from the 3.0.0 version to the latest 3.2.0 stable version. This jQuery release includes various
fixes, changes and enhancements.

2017.20 (03/14/2017)

* Enhance the app's icons and splashs screens generator. Now, when debug an application, the
app's icon are updated everytime or replaced with the original one. The icons and splashs for
Apache Cordova are only generated when build an application, and now this task is made always
an application is build, guaranteeing we use the latest choosed app's icon.

* Fix a mistake in case we remove a previously established app's icon. In this case App Builder
uses the original one, that is, properly copy the original icon replacing the old one.

2017.19 (03/09/2017)

* The "Create backup history files" option of App Builder is now checked by default in every new
installation of the program.

* The "Create BAK" option has been renamed to "Create backup history files" and has been
enhanced in order to save a kind of backup history files everytime that an application is saved.
This backup history files are saved in an "AppName_History" folder aside our application project

2017.18 (03/03/2017)

* Add the new Text2Speech app sample (number 149) in App Builder. This plugin show us how to
use the recently added Text2Speech Javascript plugin for App Builder. Other minor mistakes has
been fixed in others plugins' documentation.

* Add the new Text2Speech Javascript plugin for App Builder. This plugin uses the Cordova TTS
plugin for Apache Cordova and has been inspided by a sample published by Eduardo Alfaro in
the DecSoft's support forum. The plugin allow us to convert text to speech in a very easy way.

2017.17 (03/02/2017)

* Enhance the recently added SendEmail application sample in order to include a Select control,
so we can also view how to send to the app's server the value selected from the user in that
Select control.

2017.16 (02/28/2017)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch and sanitize modules from the 1.6.1 version to the
latest 1.6.2 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed from the previous

2017.15 (02/27/2017)

* The AlertBox and MessageBox actions supports now HTML content (like breaks for example) in
their contents, so we are not limit to one line content anymore.

* Add the new SendEmail application sample, who shown how to send emails from our
applications using some server side help, in this case with the help of certain PHP script, which is
also included in the sample.

2017.14 (02/26/2017)

* Fix some minor inconsistences in the program's help file and the "ChangeView" app sample,
who has been renamed to "ViewChange", the real name of the implied app event.

2017.13 (02/24/2017)

* Add the new Report18 application sample, who shown the recently added RowSwipeLeft and
RowSwipeRight events of the Report control.

* Add the new RowSwipeLeft and RowSwipeRight events for the Report control. This events
works in a similar way than the RowClick event except than they are fired when the user swipe
left or swipe right an specific row of the Report control.

* Add the new SwipeLeft and SwipeRight events for the Report control. This events works in a
similar way than the app's views' SwipeLeft and SwipeRight events, that is, the events are fired
when the user swipe left or swipe right over the control.

* Add the new SwipeLeft and SwipeRight events for the HTML control. This events works in a
similar way than the app's views' SwipeLeft and SwipeRight events, that is, the events are fired
when the user swipe left or swipe right over the control.

2017.12 (02/17/2017)

* Fix an introduced bug in the previous release which causes that the Awesome Font Icons can't
be register appropiately in Windows in order to be used in the Icons' Picker dialog. Thanks
Samuel and tin for your reports!

2017.11 (02/16/2017)

* Update the FontAwesome font icons to the latest version. This time there is not only updated
the appropiate font files and CSS, but also the icons properties pick editor dialog. Up to 268 new
icons are available in that dialog from the new release of FontAwesome.

2017.10 (02/05/2017)
* Add the new Clipboard2 sample, which shown how to use the recently added Copy, Cut and
Paste events into almost all input controls and the Textarea control.

* Add the new [Control.PastedText] variable, which is available in almost all input controls and
the Textarea control inside the Paste event of this refered controls.

* Add the Paste event to almost all input controls and the Textarea control. This event allow us to
maintain informed when the user paste some text into the refered controls.

* Add the Cut event to almost all input controls and the Textarea control. This event allow us to
maintain informed when the user cut some text from the refered controls.

* Add the Copy event to almost all input controls and the Textarea control. This event allow us to
maintain informed when the user copy some text from the refered controls.

2017.9 (02/04/2017)

* Add the new Menu4 app application sample. This app sample show us how we can use an
entire app's view to place a Menu control, in order to be used in any moment in a normal or
modal way. Certainly this approach have various advantages: the menu fit all the view space; the
menu can contain any number of items, since they scroll without problems; the menu's view can
contains other controls; it's possible to show the menu from any other app's view; and, last but
not least, this approach works fine in desktop and mobile.

2017.8 (01/24/2017)

* Modify the MediaPlayer, SimpleAudio and SimpleVideo application samples, in order to use
app's local files instead of remote URLs. With the newest versions of Apache Cordova we can
also use app's local files to be reproduced in the MediaPlayer, in addition to the usage of remote
URLs. The MediaPlayer's help description has been also updated to reflect this new ability.

2017.7 (01/23/2017)

* Add the new FixedContainer aplication sample. This app sample show how we can fix a
Container control on the top of the app's view. Also, the sample show how we can exceed the
app's view's height with more controls, so we can then scroll over all the controls, which appear
scrolled below the fixed Container.

2017.6 (01/18/2017)

* Introducing the new App Builder's runtime syntax information. In combination with the App
Builder's compiler syntax checker App Builder place now information about malformed actions in
runtime in the integrated debugger console and others browsers' console.

* Introducing the new App Builder's compiler syntax checker. The Compiler syntax checker
inform us about malformed App Builder's actions syntax when debug or build our apps. The App
Builder's compilers (both visual and command line) place now in the log error messages when
find some malformed action.

2017.5 (01/17/2017)

* Add the Error event for the Image control. This event is fired when an image resource can't be
loaded into the Image control. This event is the perfect counterpart for the already available
Image's Load control.

2017.4 (01/10/2017)

* Made some changes in the Calculator application sample in order to show one of the possible
ways to create a better responsive application for both small and larger screens.

2017.3 (01/01/2017)

* Update the UI Bootstrap library from the 2.2.0 version to the latest 2.4.0 version. This new
version of the UI Bootstrap library includes various bug fixes and enhancements.

2017.2 (12/28/2016)

* Update AngularJS and the used route, touch and sanitize modules from the 1.6.0 version to the
latest 1.6.1 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed from the previous

2017.1 (12/26/2016)

* This is the first 2017 release of App Builder and means a major upgrade of the software.
Customers who register the program before 01/01/20016 must purchase upgrades licenses of
App Builder or, optionally, continue using the previous release of the software. Both things can
be made from the DecSoft's website customer's area. If you have any question, please, don't
hesitate to contact me at:

2016.229 (12/16/2016)

* Update AngularJS and their used modules from 1.6.0 alpha version to the latest 1.6.0 version.
Update the SimpleScrollbar library also to the latest available version, which fix certain bugs in
addition to some other enhancements.

2016.228 (12/08/2016)

* Add the (Safari specific by now) "shrink-to-fit=no" in the app's HTML viewport metatag. Add
also the <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> metatag for the app's HTML.
Also changes the order of some of the app's metatags.

* Update AngularJS from 1.5.8 version to the latest 1.6.0 version. This implied lot of fixes and
enhancements according to the AngularJS changelog. Some internal changes has been required
in order to perform this upgrade.

* Some minor aesthetics and informative changes in the application's options dialog. Just be a
little more descriptive about what the "Add metadata information" means: add the app's author
and description into the app's HTML metadata.

2016.227 (12/07/2016)

* Fix a bug caused by certain "[]" brackets replaced with the app's root scope variables, which
can causes problems, for example, if that kind of "[]" brackets are used inside an IFrame control
URL variable. Thanks Jordi!

2016.226 (11/30/2016)

* Added the new Select2 application (number 143) sample. This application sample shows how
to populate a Select control (can be other control which play with Array variables like
MultiSelect, DropDown, etc.) depending on what the user choose in another Select control. As
you can see in the app's View1 Show event we also uses the ParseVariables action in order to
prepare the appropiate Arrays variables in order to be availables to feed the appropiate Select

2016.225 (11/29/2016)

* Change the background color used in almost all applications samples (142) included in App
Builder. Some other minor changes as made also into some of the applications samples. Some
other minor App Builder's internal refactorings has been made too.

2016.224 (11/25/2016)

* Fix an internal mistake that doesn't allow to change the value of the variables
[App.TextDirection] and [App.LanguageCode] in runtime. These are designtime and app's global
variables but can be also changed in runtime. Thanks starin!

2016.223 (11/19/2016)

* Add the new Distances application sample, which show us how we can use the Google Maps
Distance Matrix API in order to get the distance between two places.

2016.222 (11/18/2016)

* The PopoverEvent variable can be now "outsideClick" and "focus" in addition to "mouseenter"
and "click". "outsideClick" means the popover is shown when the user click the element, and
hide when the user click outside. The counterpart for the "focus" event is the "blur" event of the

* The TooltipPos and PopoverPos variables can be now "top", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom",
"bottom-left", "bottom-right", "left", "left-top", "left-bottom", "right", "right-top" and "right-
bottom" in addition to "top", "left", "right" and "bottom".

* Update the UI Bootstrap library from the 1.3.1 version to the latest 2.2.0 version. Lot of
internal changes must be made in several controls due to the breaking changes in the refered UI
Bootstrap library, but this provide us bug fixes and other and enhancements.

2016.221 (11/16/2016)

* Add more contextual help for the App Builder IDE. Now, if we are in an app's view designer and
press the F1 key, we can get contextual help about the selected control, the selected view or the
app itself. In the same way, when we press the F1 key in a code editor, now App Builder open the
appropiate help for the cursor / line / action, and this is valid for native actions, Javascript
plugins actions and app's functions.

2016.220 (11/14/2016)

* Add the new "InputsScroll2" application sample. This application sample try to solve the same
keyboard "problems" in certain scenarios than the "InputsScroll" application sample try to solve.
This approach can be a bit elegant IMHO since they don't need to use a container and all the
involved controls appear in the designer ready work with them.

2016.219 (11/13/2016)

* All Text Inputs, Push Button, Toggle Button, Dropdown Button, Typeahead, Textarea, CheckBox,
Radio, Range, Container, Report, HTML, IFrame, Image, Label, Media Player, Select, MultiSelect
and Progressbar controls have now the Animation category in the Style palettes. In this category
we can set all the animation related CSS rules: "animation", "animation-delay", "animation-
direction", "animation-duration", "animation-fill-mode", "animation-iteration-count",
"animation-name", "animation-play-state", "animation-timming-function".

2016.218 (11/12/2016)

* Add a new ComboBox with different devices' screens in the application's options dialog, just to
help us when want to change the application's width and height. The ComboBox is the same
than the we can found in the App Builder's internal debugger browser and contains the same
devices/screens. In addition to this change the application's option dialog "Ok" close causes the
repaint of the app's view designer. This avoid some unwanted "click" to update/repaint the

* Made visible in designtime properties inspector the Camera control's Quality variable, that by
a mistake are missing. Also specify in the Camera control's internal code the JPEG encoding type
for the captured image.

2016.217 (11/11/2016)

* Add the new "form" way to the HttpClient control transformation option, in addition to "json"
and "data" (used by default). A new HttpForm application sample has been added to shown how
we can use this new transformation option for the HttpClient control.

2016.216 (11/10/2016)

* Fix an introduced error that causes the App Builder's compiler fails to prepare the appropiate
application's CSS code when the program is used in other language than english. Thanks very
much again for your report and help to solve the problem Jordi!

2016.215 (11/09/2016)

* Fix an introduced problem in the builder.css app's core file which causes than non
automatically scaled apps appear not centered in the screen. In certain scenarios this can also
cause some other controls location problems. Thanks for the report Jordi!

2016.214 (11/08/2016)

* Some internal change in a previous releases causes the PushPlugin application sample doesn't
work anymore as expected. I fix that in the refered application sample ni order to be working

2016.213 (11/07/2016)

* Take this as a maintenance release.

2016.212 (11/06/2016)

* Update and use the latest release of the Inno Setup program, which is used for our software
installer assistant. Also other very minor minor internal changes and enhancements has been
made in relation with the program's installer.

2016.211 (11/04/2016)

* The App Builder french translation is now completed at a 100% including the very latest
introduced changes in the program. Thanks very much Jean for your work!

2016.210 (11/03/2016)

* Yet some other minor internal changes in the application's core Javascript and CSS generated
files. Both of them are now a bit more smallers and other useful internal changes as been made
too into the app's core Javascript and CSS files.

2016.209 (10/31/2016)

* Some minor internal changes in the application's core Javascript and CSS generated files. Both
of them are now a bit smallers, but other useful internal changes as been made too.

2016.208 (10/26/2016)
* Update AngularJS library and their Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable
version from 1.5.6 to 1.5.8. Some other internal changes and fixes has been made too.

2016.207 (10/25/2016)

* Perform an small change in the Barcode and Scanner application sample, in order to set the
Android target platform to 5.1 instead of 6.0. Doing this change the builded samples can works
in both Android 5.1 and 6.0, but if we try to target to the 6.0 version we can't get the Barcode
plugin working due to certain bug or error in that plugin.

2016.206 (10/21/2016)

* Add the new Prompt variable into the Barcode control. This variable can be used to put a
message into the barcodes scanner window. By the Barcode's Prompt variable is empty, which
means that no messages are shown, you can set it to an string with the message that you want
to use.

* Add the new Orientation variable into the Barcode control. This variable can be used to
determine the orientation of the scanner window and can be an empty string (by default),
"portrait" or "landscape", in order to follow the device's rotation or force the orientation to
portrait or landscape respectively.

* Add the new Formats variable into the Barcode control. This variable can be used to determine
the kind of barcodes we expected. This variable can be empty to support all barcodes except
AZTEC and PDF417 in Android. The variable can also be set to "AZTEC" or "PDF417" (only in
Android) to look for this specific kind of barcodes.

* Uses the phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner ID instead the cordova-plugin-barcodescanner. This

allow us to read AZTEC and PDF417 barcodes, which apparently are not enabled in the cordova
version of the plugin.

2016.205 (10/18/2016)

* Perform some changes in various app samples in order to check the Apache Cordova's Dialogs
plugin if the application uses the Alert action. This plugin is required for that action if we plain to
use it in platforms like Android.

2016.204 (10/17/2016)

* Improve the LoadVariables and ParseVariables actions by skiping the empty lines and comment
lines (started by ";" semicolon) in the INI/text files. This lines are simply ignored by App Builder
so we can easily add comments and empty lines without performance penalization nor possible
errors. Thanks Walter!

2016.203 (10/13/2016)
* Add the new DateInput app sample, which show us how to use the new recently Date input
control related stuff like the DateToJSDate action. The app sample show us how to manipulate
and get the new Date input value.

* Add the new DateToJSDate action into the Date's actions category. This action allow us to
convert an AB Date variable into a Javascript Date variable, which can be useful, for example, to
set the value of an Date input control.

* Add the new Date input control into the Input's controls category. This control allow us to
shown the user a date and to get a date input from the user. Modern browsers and platforms like
Edge, Chrome or Android, shown to the user easy to use/choose datepickers.

* Fix an introduced mistake into the DateAdd's action editor. Basically we use the "date" unit
when in fact we must use "days" instead, in order to add days to a Date variable.

2016.202 (10/12/2016)

* Fix an introduced mistake that causes the menu and toolbars items appear with a black
background if we use another theme than the default Windows.

* The action's dock shown now the appropiate help then click not only in native actions, but also
in user's functions and plugins' actions too. In the first case we view the user's function's
description; in the second case a dialog with the plugin's help file is shown.

2016.201 (10/11/2016)

* Add the new "Show the tools' help when clicked" option into the program's option dialog,
under the Interface tab. This new option (checked by default) determine if the program must
shown the help reference of the clicked tools when they are clicked outside of an view's

* Add the new "Show the actions' help when clicked" option into the program's option dialog,
under the Interface tab. This new option (checked by default) determine if the program must
shown the help reference of the clicked actions when they are clicked outside of an code editor.

2016.200 (10/10/2016)

* Update the DateGet and DateSet actions' help due to some mistake: we must use "date"
instead "day" to get or set the days of an Date variable. Also the help specify now the "month"
value is returned (or must be set) using a zero index, that is, the months is returned or must be
set in a range of 0 to 11. Thanks Andy for the report!

* Add a Cancel button into the I18n editor dialog. The font of the Confirm Replace dialog buttons
has been also changed to fit the convention used in other dialogs. Some other minor changes
and enhancements has been made too.
* The "Resolved" logs from the integrated debugger includes now the size of the resolved
resource, that is, for example, when the application requires some image file, the appropiate
resolved log inlcudes the image file size in the appropiate format.

2016.199 (10/09/2016)

* Refactoring the app's "app.js" core file solving various minor mistakes like some missing
semicolons. Also we are using the "external" Javascript variable alone instead of the most
propertly "window.external" one. These and other minor fixes has been made.

2016.198 (10/08/2016)

* Fix a mistake that causes that horizontal only changes in the designer's controls do not causes
the appropiate app's state changes and therefore the Save app button continues disabled.
Thanks Stefan for the advise!

* Fix a very small mistake in the Minimizer tool dialog: just the errors listbox (only visible when
an error occur while minimize the code) are not well aligned with the other controls in the
Minimizer tool dialog.

* Add the new HoursDiff application sample. This sample application shown how we can use a
couple of Select controls to conform an hour picker and also how to use Date variables and get
the differences between two of them.

2016.197 (10/06/2016)

* All the Input controls (Phone, Number, Text, Email, etc.), the Textarea, Push button, Toggle
button, Dropdown, Select and MultiSelect controls changes their font in runtime according with
their Size property.

2016.196 (10/04/2016)

* The App Builder french translation is now completed at a 100% including the very latest
introduced changes in the program. Thanks very much Jean for your work!

2016.195 (10/03/2016)

* The App Wizard dialog allow us now to choose from a list of devices as well as a list of sizes for
the new application. This devices and sizes lists are the sames than the used in the integrated

2016.194 (10/02/2016)

* Add the new StrToNumber and the NumberToStr actions, which allow us to convert an
string/variable into an number variable, and to convert an number/variable into an string
variable respectively.
* Add a new ComboBox into one of the integrated debugger toolbar which allow us to easily
change between the screen resolution of the 1080p Full HD Television, 4K Ultra HD Television,
720p HD Television, Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 8.9, Apple iPad, Apple iPad Air 2, Apple iPad Mini,
Apple iPad Mini 2, Apple iPhone 4, Apple iPhone 5, Apple iPhone 5s, Apple iPhone 6, Apple
iPhone 6 Plus, Apple iPhone 6s, Apple iPhone 6s Plus, BlackBerry PlayBook, BlackBerry Z30,
Foxconn InFocus, Geeksphone Keon, Geeksphone Peak, Revolution, Google Nexus 10, Google
Nexus 4, Google Nexus 5, Google Nexus 6, Google Nexus 7, Laptop (1366 x 768), Laptop (1280 x
720), LG G Watch, LG G Watch R, LG Optimus L70, Motorola Moto 360, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo
Wii U Gamepad, Nokia Lumia 520, Nokia N9, OnePlus One, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung
Galaxy Note 3, Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S6,
Samsung Gear Live, Sony PlayStation Vita, Sony Xperia Z3 and Tesla Model S devices.

* Add a new Explorer button into the program's options dialog which allow us to open/explore
the App Builder's user's Documents directory, in which the program stores their configuration
and other stuff like app's themes, plugins, etc.

* The App Builder's Search Browsers feature searchs now also for a possible Mozilla Firefox
Nightly installation in the system, in order to be added into the Debugger Browsers' toolbar and
Browsers' menus.

2016.193 (10/01/2016)

* App Builder no more uses the user's AppData directory to save stuff like the app's template,
the program's configuration files and the program's layouts configuration files. Instead of the
refered directory App Builder uses now the user's Documents folder, in the same way than are
also used to store the I18n file, the app samples, Javascript plugins, app themes, etc. With this
change all the program's related stuff is placed in the same directory, accesible to the user to
perform some changes, make backups, etc.

* Some App Builder's internal directories has been renames to be more user friendly, for
example, inside the program's installation directory, the Imgs, Bin and Docs directories has been
renamed to Images, Binaries and Documents respectively.

2016.192 (09/30/2016)

* Add the appropiate stuff into the app's BAT files in order to change the current directory by the
app's output directory. This means we can use the app's Build options, for example, in order to
execute an app's BAT file after the Build, so we can execute the "run" BAT file in order to directly
build and deploy the application in our Android devices, for example.

2016.191 (09/29/2016)

* Add the new Scanner app sample, which is a more elaborated application based on the already
existing Barcode app sample. In the Scanner sample we can view how to use a "black" splash
screen, a custom app's icon, various app's views, etc.
2016.190 (09/25/2016)

* Add the new UserAgent app sample (sample number 136) in order to learn how to use the
recently added UserAgent action. This sample basically call to the action and shown the result in
an HTML control.

* Add the new UserAgent action into the App's actions category. This action allow us to retrieve
lot of useful information about the user agent in which the application is running. The UserAgent
action is based in the useful UA-Parser JS project by Faisal Salman

2016.189 (09/20/2016)

* Fix some minor icons mistakes (wrong indexes) in the program's main window panels. Some
other minor changes, fixes and enhancements has been incorporated to this release too, like
some minor changes in the app's "app.js" core Javascript file.

2016.188 (09/17/2016)

* Some refactorings in the application's Javascript core file and the App Builder Javascript
compiler output. Basically we assert a good reference for the App global variable and change the
"AB_Role" and "AB_View" variables by "ABRole" and "ABRole" respectively. Other minor
changes, fixes and enhancements has been incorporated to this release too.

2016.187 (09/16/2016)

* Remove the Help toolbar from the main program's window. The Help menu continue available
of course, but, since the addition of the Browsers toolbar, and, even when we can hide the Help
toolbar, I consider it not really useful in the main program's window. Some other minor changes,
fixes and enhancements has been incorporated to this release too.

2016.186 (09/15/2016)

* Add the new ClearVariables action (number 245) into the Variables' actions' category. This new
action allow us to clear (set to undefined) one or more app's variables. Additionally we can clear
all the app's user's variables (with an empty string as the argument for ClearVariables).

2016.185 (09/12/2016)

* The App Builder french translation is now completed at a 100% including the very latest
introduced changes in the program. Thanks very much Jean for your work!

* Fix an introduced mistake introduced in the previous App Builder release who leave a double
quote (") when prepare HTML code for the WebCam control.

2016.184 (09/11/2016)
* Incorporate the recently added Browsers toolbar into the App Builder's View menu allowing
the users to hide it and, most important, to back to visible once they are hidden/closed.

* Enhance the Debugger Browsers listbox and controls of the program's options dialog. The
controls of the Debugger tab has been repositioned and now can be also scaled propertly to fit
the program's options dialog.

* We can now move the Browsers up and down in the program's options dialog Debugger
Browsers list. This means the changes are also reflected then in the program's menu and
toolbars, that is, the order of the options's dialog list is maintained later.

* The WebCam control are not correctly apply their Classes and Hidden variables, so no matter if
we set these variables the controls continues visible and without any CSS class. This has been
fixed now and therefore these variables can be used in the expected way.

* The App Builder french translation is now completed at a 100% including the very latest
introduced changes in the program. Thanks very much Jean for your work!

* The WebCam app sample has been modified in order to use certain algorithm to scale the
captured image in a proportional way. We can do that (if needed) by using certain WebCam
video measures provided to us by App Builder in the WebCam control.

2016.183 (09/10/2016)

* Introducing the new dynamic browsers feature in App Builder. Until now, we can choose a
couple of browsers to be integrated into the App Builder debugger. App Builder try to find the
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers, and then we can launch our app using
one of these browsers from the appropiate App Builder debugger toolbar's buttons.

From this release App Builder try to search the same browsers plus the Vivaldi browser, and, also
allow us to add more browsers to be availables, not only in the Debugger toolbar, but also in a
new App Builder Browsers toolbar and a new "Debug with..." menu item.

This means two things: we can add more browsers than the default ones, and, also we can
debug our application directly in one of the available browsers. This is particularly useful when
we test some feature not available in the App Builder debugger (Internet Explorer) but available
in other modern browsers like Edge, Firefox, Chrome, etc.

The new dynamic browsers feature not only is useful because we can add arbitrary browsers
(and others programs too!) to be used integrated into App Builder, but also because we no need
to run the debugger browsers and then choose our prefered browser: we can do this last by just
one click now!

* Add the new "Report17" application sample. This app sample is similar than the Report one,
but here we can see how to call app's function from Report's records. In addition to the Report's
events like Click and RowClick, we can also use app's functions to be called from the Report's
records' HTML code.

2016.182 (09/08/2016)

* Add a contextual menu to the events' tabs in the app's events' code editors. This are useful in
more or less smaller screens and also provide us another quick way to acess the events just by
clicking in the appropiate contextual menu item.

2016.181 (09/07/2016)

* Added the new "HttpJson" application sample, which shown us how we can use the new
added "Transform" variable of an HttpClient control. Take a look at this sample to view how we
can send JSON data in HTTP calls.

* Added a new "Transform" variable to the HttpClient control. This variable can be "data" or
"json" and allow us to perform "normal" HTTP POST calls (like always in App Builder) and also
JSON HTTP POST calls, that means the call's data is sended as JSON.

* The SetHttpData action do not work as expected for certain specific data key names (which
contains invalid characters for Javascript identifiers). This has been fixed now and the action is
also enhanced to allow app's variables to be used as key's names.

* The SetHttpHeader action do not work as expected for certain specific header names (which
contains invalid characters for Javascript identifiers). This has been fixed now and the action is
also enhanced to allow app's variables to be used as header's names.

2016.180 (09/06/2016)

* Added the Report16 application sample. This sample shown us how we can filter certain data
in the Report, in this case a record's date value. More on possible format strings for the "date"
filter can be found at:

2016.179 (09/05/2016)

* Among other minor changes and enhancements this release fix an introduced error which
causes we can't select the app's theme nor the app's available themes from the app's options
dialog. Thanks tin for the report!

2016.178 (09/04/2016)

* Add the new Continue action into the Controls' actions' category. This action can be used
inside a While action block or a Loop action block to exit the current iteration but continue with
the next one.

* Add to the app's views' inspector CSS tabs the Text, Box and Layout categories, which includes
lot of useful CSS properties to be applied to the app's view. This probably are most useful in
app's views intented to be shown as dialogs.

* Don't list the Master app's view in both ShowView and ShowDialog action's editor dialogs,
since they have non sense that the Master view appear in such dialogs to be picked.

2016.177 (09/03/2016)

* Update the YUI Compressor (for minimize CSS and Javascript app's code) frin the 2.4.7. version
to the latest one 2.4.8. Thanks to Hofferic ( for certain introduced
patch in the 2.4.8. version in order to work well in Microsoft Windows.

* Enable the Windows' theme in the Welcome page browser and the debugger browser. This is
particularly useful for external websites, in which the browsers with enable themes looks better
and like we expected in a modern interface.

2016.176 (09/02/2016)

* The usage of certain default directories for various program's dialog (to export and import
app's functions, for example) can cause some unexpected behaviour what waste the user's time.
This is not aceptable and then App Builder no more use any default dialog and let Windows to
decide what can be the best option to shown to the user. Thanks Jordi!

2016.175 (09/01/2016)

* Add the new Report15 sample, which show us how we can order the Report control's records
in an ascending or descending way. Some modification to the Report's help reference has ben
made around this too.

* The program's help file uses now the "target=_blank" attribute for all the external links. This is
probably what the used Microsoft HTML Help Workshop program expect from us, but therefore
avoid some possible Javascript problems in external websites. Thanks Jason!

2016.174 (08/30/2016)

* Include the App Builder's french translation at a 100% of the strings translated. Thanks very
much Jean for your efforts translating App Builder into the french language!

* Enhance the app's functions manager dialog in various ways. Now, for example, we can filter
the app's functions in the same way we can filter actions, controls and lot of other information in
the App Builder GUI. The functions' list, on the other hand, list the actions now in an alphabetic

2016.173 (08/29/2016)

* Add the "geolocation" permission into the manifest of WebExtensions apps, so application like
the Location sample can be perfectly run as a WebExtension too.
* Add the new Report14 sample, which show us how to use the recently added [Report.Index]
variable in order to alter / change / update the selected / clicked / taped record in the Report.
Also the Report13 sample has been a little modified in order to show us how to use our own CSS
classes for the active/deactive Report's rows.

2016.172 (08/28/2016)

* Include the App Builder's french translation at a 100% of the strings translated. Thanks very
much Jean for your efforts translating App Builder into the french language!

* Fix a bug with the SetCookie action which causes problems if we use a non variable value for
the expiration days argument. Thanks to an anonymous user in the live chat for the report!

* Remove the Placeholder variable from the Input Range, not only because certainly maybe it's
not useful here, but also because this simply mistake causes than Microsofg Edge refuses to load
the application... all other browsers simply ignored the attribute, but Edge crashes.

* Add a new variable Index available inside the Report control RowClick event. This variable can
be used as you can see in the also new Report13 app sample, for example, to activate or
deactivate Report's rows by adding certain CSS class.

* Solve a problem with almost all the action's editor forms which causes some of their labels
doesn't appear translated in the selected GUI language except for the english one. Thanks Javier
for the advise time ago!

2016.171 (08/27/2016)

* Fix a bug/mistake in the App Builder debugger HTTP server which can cause problems in
certain scenarios, for example, if we use a MediaPlayer control in our application and reproduce
some media file in the debugger browser, then, if we open the app in another browser (from the
debugger toolbar or by typing the debugger URL) we get an 500 internal server error and can't
access the media file. This is fixed now. Thanks Walter!

2016.170 (08/26/2016)

* This App Builder release incorporates the new Zip Align tool for the Android platform. This has
been integrated in an alone way, so we can align random APK's, but the tool has been integrated
too with the APK Signer tool, then just when we finish to sign an APK file, the program ask us if
we want to open the Zip Align tool in order to align it. Thanks Ade!

2016.169 (08/26/2016)

* By mistake I forget to add the appropiate french translation to the App Builder installer. I add
the french translation to the App Builder installer, then we can start from scratch our installation
in that language. Thanks Sabino for the idea!
* The App Builder GUI has been translated to the french language thanks to Jean Desplanches.
Thanks very much Jean for take that hard work and to be happy to share it with other possible
App Builder's french users!

2016.168 (08/25/2016)

* The app's files manager allow us now to choose folders to be also added in our app
compilation directory. We can choose now one or more folders and, when the application is
compiled, such folders and their contents are automatically copied into the compiled app's
"files" folder "as is".

* Add the new Report11 and Report12 apps samples. The Report11 shows us how to perform a
filter in the Report by a custom field name. The Report12 show us how to perform "negates"
search in a Report control.

* Try to fix a problem to launch the App Builder GUI I18n editor which occur in system with user
names that contains spaces. Thanks Sabino for the report!

2016.167 (08/24/2016)

* Add the new Header and Footer designtime variables for the Report control. These variables
allow us to specify some optional contents for our "grid" and "table" reports. Take a look at the
also new "Report10" application sample in order to view these new variables working. Thanks
for the suggestion tin!

* Add the new TabWithEnter app sample. This application sample show us how we an use the
TAB key to change between an app's view input controls. We assign the appropiate Tab Order to
that inputs using the Tab Order designer tool. On the other hand, in this sample we can also use
the ENTER key to change between the Input controls. Just take a look at the Inputs' controls
KeyUp events for more information.

2016.166 (08/22/2016)

* Add two new icons: "icon-small@3x.png" and "icon-small@3x.png" for the Cordova's iOS
platform. These icons are generated firstly by Cordova based in the main app icon, but they
generates in the wrong size, according with XCode messages and at least for the iPad and iOS
9.0. Thanks for the report tin!

2016.165 (08/21/2016)

* Update the Simple Scroll library CSS to the latest version, fixing various issues reported to the
project's GitHub page project and finally solve certain issues when attaching the Simple Scroll
into Containers and other controls than HTML controls. Thanks for the report tin!

* Integrates the FastClick library in our applications to avoid certain 300 ms delay issue in some
environments. In the past we use the AngularJS's ngTouch module to do that, however,
AngularJS deprecated the ngClick directive provided by ngTouch and recommend us to use the
FastClick libary instead. Thanks for the suggestion tin!

2016.164 (08/17/2016)

* Add the new Icon variable for the Label control. This variable act in the same way than the Icon
variable of the Push Button control, and allow us to easily set an icon from the availables to the
left of Labels' controls text. Thanks for the suggestion tin!

2016.163 (08/17/2016)

* Fix an introduced error which cause that the appropiate font for the Gauge control can't be
used in the right way. Fix also a minor bug in the Guage application sample. On the other hand,
update the Awesome Fonts and Awesome CSS to the latest available version.

2016.162 (08/16/2016)

* Update the Gauge Javascript library ( used for the App
Builder's Gauge control to the latest version (1.0.4). In addition to other changes and
enhancements, this version incorporates support for retina screens.

2016.161 (08/14/2016)

* Refactoring the App Builder's Welcome page. Remove various "promo" links in order to
maintain it more clean and user friendly. More space for the last topics in the program's general
and plugins forums. Larger icons for a better readability.

2016.160 (08/08/2016)

* Add the appropiate "moz-extension" protocol to the AngularJS image SRC sanitization whitelist
in order to properly allow app's images to be shown when the application is running as a
WebExtension in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

2016.159 (08/07/2016)

* App Builder incorporates now the I18n editor program with the expressed written permission
of their author, Kambiz Khojasteh. App Builder already use the amazing Kambiz's I18n
components ( and now incorporates an excellent editor to easy translation
of I18n files. The new I18n editor item in the program's help menu and toolbar directly execute
the editor with the App Buidler's I18n already opened and ready to be translated.

* The spanish translation of the App Builder's GUI is now complete and translated at a 100%. I
must translate the later added strings like for the recently added Android tools, etc.

2016.158 (08/06/2016)

* Update the Bootstrap CSS framework from the 3.3.6 to the latest 3.3.7 version. Also the
Bootstrap CSS themes Cerulean, Cosmo, Cyborg, Darkly, Flatly, Journal, Lumen, Paper, Readable,
Sandstone, Simplex, Slate, Spacelab, Superhero, United and Yeti has been also updated to the
latest 3.3.7 version.

2016.157 (08/04/2016)

* As a try to solve the problem explained in the next point, App Builder try to copy some
Cordova's Windows splash screen images into the icons directory, which have non sense at all.
This is fixed now and such images are not copied anymore.

* The splash screens files for the Cordova's Windows platform has been correctly generated by
App Builder, however, they are not well referenced in the Cordova's configuration file, causing
such files are not taken in consideration when build the application. This is fixed now. Thanks
Bekhzod to point me in the right direction!

* App Builder no more generates icons and splash screens for the Windows 8 platform, since this
has been depretaced by Cordova (and also by App Builder time ago) and use in their place the
icons and splash screens generated by the Windows platform.

* The App Builder's icons generated for the Cordova Windows Phone 8 are not well referenced in
the Cordova's configuration file. They refer to a "wp8" folder when the icons are generated and
placed at a "wp" folder. This is fixed now.

* A new icon size has added for the Cordova's Windows platform: StoreLogo.scale-240.png. This
is apparently the only one icon missing when I try to build a sample application for the Cordova's
Windows platform. This icon, however, continue to be untaken by Cordova or Windows, and I
need some further investigation. Anyway this icon appear to not used by Windows, at least
when our app is launched.

2016.156 (08/03/2016)

* Some enhancements in the program's Welcome page and some other minor refactorings,
changes and enhancements in general. A new page with 100 reasons to get App Builder has
been linked in the program's Welcome page. Take a look!

2016.155 (07/31/2016)

* The Code Minimizer tool act now also in the app's "WebExtContent" code, that is, the
"content.js" file code is now minimized in the same way than other app's files.

* Changes the way in which App Builder prepares the app's "WebExtContent" event code.
Basically no one code is write now if the refered event is not used by the application.

2016.154 (07/30/2016)

* Continue the enhancements over the latest APK Signer and Key Store tools added in App
Builder. This time we choose to show warning messages instead error messages when proceed
to validate the data in order to generate the Key Store files or when sign our APK files. In fact we
are not talking about errors, but warnings or mistakes. Other minor enhancements over these
tools has been made too.

2016.153 (07/29/2016)

* The recently added APK Signer and Key Store tools has been redesigned and now are more
user friendly. The tools' dialogs don't include the "console output" now, and has been reduced in
size as much as possible, just to looks better and be more user friendly.

2016.152 (07/28/2016)

* Both the news APK Signer tool and the Key Store tool has been translated to the spanish. The
App Builder GUI spanish translation is now 100% completed.

* App Builder incorporates a new tool named "APK Signer tool" in the Tools menu. This new
tools is specifically for the Android platform and can be used to sign our released APK
applications' files. The APK Signer tool uses the Java JAR Signer executable, which App Builder try
to locate for you. You can also specify the path for your preferred JAR Signer. The tool saves the
required information too, in order to be reused later. The "APK Signer tool" requires a valid Java
Key Store file, and for that reason App Builder incorporates the Key Store tool too.

* App Builder incorporates a new tool named "Key Store tool" in the Tools menu. This new tool is
specifically for the Android platform and can be used to generate the Java Key Store files and
Keys we need later to sign our applications' APK files. The Key Store tool uses the Java Keytool
executable, which App Builder try to locate for you. You can also specify the path for your
preferred Keytool. The tool saves the required information too, in order to be reused later.

2016.151 (07/27/2016)

* The "generator" metatag which App Builder includes in the app's index.html file is now
optional for register users. The option is "true" by default but you can uncheck it from the app's
options dialog, under the Compiler tab. Thanks Bekhzod for the idea!

2016.150 (07/25/2016)

* In a very similar situation like that the described in the below point, the IDE is now smarter
when deal with the controls' properties. Before this release the IDE always refresh the object
inspector everytime we select a control, the app view or the app designer. Now the IDE check if
such object is not already in the inspector, and, in that case, don't fill the inspector again, saving
resources and some inspector's glitches we can see if pay attention.

* The App Builder's IDE has been enhanced in various ways just by solving certain issue when
establish the current application. For example, when we enter in the app's dock panel, the IDE
establish the appropiate application as the current one, but now the program take care and only
establish the current application if the specified one is not currently the default. This, in
apparence simple change, give us an enhanced IDE in various ways.

2016.149 (07/24/2016)

* The App's functions dialog has been enhanced with a new toolbar which contains a couple of
buttons, one to "accept" the changes and close the dialog, and another button "help" to open
the program's help file.

* The App Builder Wizard has been enhanced and now give us more information and allow us to
create from scratch by using WebApp, Progressive WebApp and WebExtension manifest files and
other stuff.

* The App Builder integrated debugger browser and the new browser's windows in both the
integrated debugger browser and the Welcome page browser shows now the same progressbar
used already for the program's Welcome page browser. This not only looks cute, but also can
inform us about some problems when download some resources for the application, for

2016.148 (07/23/2016)

* Place a convenient link into the Themes tab of the App Builder's options dialog in order to
directly select the Windows theme to be used in the program, which is the default behaviour.
This can helps newbies who change the interface theme but want to back to the default
program's used theme: the system's theme.

* The App Builder CLI version has been enhanced in various ways. Now the compilation status
lines includes at the beginning the current time (may useful later to study the program's console
output log). Other minor enhancements has been made too.

* The app's themes directory are now placed inside the user's documents directory instead the
user's app data directory. As you know, we can add themes into that directory and App Builder
recognize it and allow us to use in our applications. This changes means an easy way to place
new themes, since these are placed in a more convenient folder to the user.

* Finally I catch an old bug which causes problems to deal with new browser's windows in both
the integrated debugger browser and the Welcome page browser. Certainly before this fix we
can't open a new window twice, that is, using the same link/button. Thanks to the recently
changes (see below) in this field and also to this bug fix we can now deal with new browser's
windows as expected in any other web browser.

* Update AngularJS library and their Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable
version from 1.5.7 to 1.5.8. Other minor enhancements has been in the app Javascript code.
2016.147 (07/22/2016)

* Finally the BAT generation for the Cordova's Windows Phone 7 and Cordova's Windows Phone
8 platforms has been removed from App Builder, as well from the app's options dialog. These
platforms are deprecated and we must use the Cordova's Windows platform instead, who allow
us to prepare our apps for Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows 10 Universal App

* Fix a bug which causes the Cordova's Windows Phone 7 platform are checked when the
Cordova's Windows Phone 8 platform is checked too. Thanks Bob to path me in the way to
discover and then fix this bug!

* The App Builder integrated debugger browser as well the Welcome page browser has been
enhanced and now the new browser windows (if any, for example, after called the
"OpenWindow" in an application or after click a "target=blank" link in the welcome page) appear
now better than never. Another minor enhancements has been made on the Welcome page too.

2016.146 (07/21/2016)

* The app's samples dialog put the focus into the filter editbox when the dialog appear, no
matter if the dialog has been previously open before and an app sample has been selected and
open too. The filter editbox have now the focus always from the beginning, since this is probably
the most and better expected behaviour.

* Fix a bug which causes we can's use the BlockApp* actions inside and app's function. Also
related with this problem (and when I search for a solution) I found that another similar issue
can be appear with certain some other actions (dialogs' related) and then I also fix it. Thanks to
Andreas for the error reporting.

2016.145 (07/20/2016)

* Some changes into the "PushPlugin" app sample. We put in use a new API key for the Google
Cloud Messages API to be used with the sample, and also made some enhancements to the
required server scripts (PHP in this case) in order to do the job.

* The App Builder's Welcome page has been enhanced and now includes a link to the App Rocks
promotion site in a better way. Other minor changes, fixes and enhancements has been also
made for this release, like some spanish translation fixes. Thanks Javier!

* Enhance the program's about dialog in various ways, for example, they shown now the current
program's license as well the licenses for the thirdparty software used in App Builder. The dialog
has been enhanced to in others ways to as you can see.

2016.144 (07/19/2016)

* The Welcome's page URL editbox adapt now their size to the webbrowser width, then not only
the interface appear better, but we can see the URL in which we are navigating in an easy and
comfortable way, even larger URLs.

2016.143 (07/18/2016)

* The Cordova/Windows platform options include now the Architecture type option, that allow
us to choose the target architecture to take in consideration when build a release of our
applications using Cordova for the Windows platform. Thanks Samuel!

* The App Buidler I18n file are now placed by the installer in the user's documents folder, just
aside the samples apps and included plugins. Before this change the I18n file are placed in the
Program Files folder, which causes that file doesn't have the appropiate permissions to be writed
or updated. Thanks Andreas!

* The App Builder Welcome page shows now the latest App Builder's plugins forum topics
instead of the latest App Builder's spanish forum's topics. Spanish forum has not too much
movement right now and I really bid with the App Builder's plugins forum topics to get ready
with the latest plugins shared by the community.

2016.142 (07/13/2016)

* Remove the Safari browser option from the debugger and the program's options. Certainly
such browsers has no support from years and then have no sense in App Builder. On the other
hand the Opera browser recognition has been enhanced.

2016.141 (07/11/2016)

* Add the new WebExtension app sample (up to 124 samples right now!) which show us how to
use the recently added stuff related with WebExtensions. Basically we can view in the sample
how to use the new WebExtSendMessage action, the app WebExtContent and WebExtMessage
events, the [App.WebExtMessage] global variable., etc.

* Add the new App Global variable [App.WebExtMessage]. This variable stores the message we
send to an WebExtension app content script using the recently added WebExtSendMessage
action. Since we decide the message, we decide the content of this variable, available inside the
recently added app's WebExtContent event.

* Add the new app's WebExtMessage event. This event is useful when we deploy our application
as a WebExtension for the modern browsers. This event is fired by the WebExtension app
content script, that is, by using certain specific Javascript method well explained in the
WebExtMessage event help reference.

* We have now the ability to use the jQuery Javascript library inside the happ's
WebExtExtContent event code. The jQuery have all the sense in this context and therefore App
Builder include it for you, so you don't need to worry about and can use it directly.
* Add the new app's WebExtContent event. This event is useful when we deploy our application
as a WebExtension for the modern browsers. This event is fired after we call the recently added
WebExtSendMessage action, and it's executed in the context of the current browser page. So,
with the refered action and this event we can interact with the current's browser page from our
WebExtension app.

* Add the new WebExtSendMessage action into the new WebExtension's actions category. This
action allow us to send a message and receive an optional callback to/from our WebExtension
app content script. We use this action in order to communicate something to the content script,
which run in the context of the current browser's page. Remember we can codify the content
script stuff using the recently added app's WebExtContent event.

2016.140 (07/09/2016)

* Now also scaled (Scale=True) apps can be deployed as WebExtensions in modern browsers.
Previously only fixed apps (Scale=False) can be deployed like that due to some missing CSS rule
which now it's available.

* Add the TextAlign CSS property in all Inputs (Text, Number, Phone, etc.) and for the three CSS
style tabs: Normal, Hover and Focus. By now the changes are only visibles in runtime or after
change the Input value.

2016.139 (07/08/2016)

* The program never anoying the user with an "AlertBox" from the apps when trial mode.
Certainly App Builder has no limited of features in trial mode, and never wanted to anoying the
users under any concept. Since a customer (thanks Rob!) complains about that, this release
eliminates such "AlertBox" from the apps when trial mode.

2016.138 (07/07/2016)

* This release represent another big step in the App Builder development, since they can
prepare now for us a manifest file that allow us to deploy our applications not only as an HTML5
app, WebApp, Progressive WebApp or Hybrid app, but also as a WebExtension for the modern
browsers, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.

This release incorporates **only** the ability to prepare a WebExtension manifest file and some
other appropiate stuff (you only need to check a checkbox inside the new WebExtension tab on
the app's options dialog) in order to deploy our application as a WebExtension for modern
browsers. Future releases of the program deep into the WebExtension development.

2016.137 (07/05/2016)

* Update AngularJS library and their Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable
version from 1.5.6 to 1.5.7. Update the Dockings components used in App Builder. The new
release incorporates some enhancements and error fixes which are now available in App Builder.

2016.136 (06/30/2016)

* App Builder creates now more icons and splash screens for the Cordova's Windows platform.
App Builder creates for you up to 21 icons and 3 splash screens only for the Windows platform.
And many more for all other platforms.

2016.135 (06/29/2016)

* Fix a problem with certain app's icon for the Cordova's Windows platform, which causes the
Cordova's build can't end correctly. After this fix we can build our apps for the Cordova's
Windows platform (for Microsoft Windows 10 for example) without that problems.

* Add some new AngularJS img-src sanitization white list items like "ms-appx-web" in order to be
ready with the Cordova's Windows platform. Before this addition app's images are not properly
shown in the Cordova's Windows platform.

* Added the new Splash compression level options in the Behaviour tab of the program's options
dialog. This new option allow us to set the compression level for the PNG generated by App
Builder from the app's splashs. By default the compression level is 5, which also solve the
problem with some image weight for the Cordova's Windows platform.

* Added the new Icons compression level options in the Behaviour tab of the program's options
dialog. This new option allow us to set the compression level for the PNG generated by App
Builder from the app's icon. By default the compression level is 5, which also solve the problem
with some image weight for the Cordova's Windows platform.

2016.134 (06/28/2016)

* Some minor changes in the Apache Cordova's configuration file generation. Take this realease
also as a maintenience release. App Builder incorporates some changes in the installation
process, don't worry, just some minor internal enhancements.

2016.133 (06/23/2016)

* Fix a bug which causes the app's Resume event are never executed. Basically we are trying to
attach the event listener to a wrong element. And this also causes the application shows a white
screen at least in Android. Thanks Samuel for the report!

2016.132 (06/22/2016)

* Add the new Timeout variable for the Location control. This variable setup the maximum
length of time (milliseconds) that is allowed to pass from the call to Geolocation action until the
corresponding Success event are fired. If the Success event is not fired within this time, the Error
event is passed a timneout error code. Before this update the Location control does not fire the
Error event if the GPS/Location is turned off in the device.

2016.131 (06/16/2016)

* Some minor refactorings and enhancements over the app main script file. Basically I remove
certain string constants (resource strings) defined at the very beginning of the script: such
resource strings are now used "as is" in the app script code.

2016.130 (06/15/2016)

* Update AngularJS library and their Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable
version from 1.5.5 to 1.5.6. Some other internal changes and fixes has been made too.

* Add the new Feedback App Builder's Javascript plugin. This plugin uses certain Apache
Cordova's plugin to provide native feedback to the user in Android. The plugin provide to us six
actions. Take a look also to the new Feedback application sample in order to view such actions

2016.129 (06/12/2016)

* App Builder does not allow us to use certain chars like "?" in our application names. In fact
they allow us, but then can't prepare the compilation directory accordingly, since a directory
name can't contain chars like "?". Now App Builder uses the app's file name instead the app's
name when need to prepare the compiled directory. Since we can't use chars like "?" in an app's
name (Windows disallow that) then probebly we don't found problems while prepare the
compiled directory, but can use names like "What happend?" in our applications. Thanks Stef for
the report!

* Now, when an action or control from the respective panels are clicked, if the user does not
have the focus on a code editor or the app's views designer, a warning message appear in order
to inform about this circumstance. This is most intented for newbies users who probably can't
understand that actions nor controls does "nothing" when clicked.

2016.128 (06/10/2016)

* Add the new app's Hide and Show events. These events implement the "Visibility Change"
HTML5 API and allow us to know when our application browser's tab is hidden or minimized,
and also when our application browser's tab is shown or restored.

2016.127 (06/09/2016)

* Add the new SwipeMenu3 application sample. In the SwipeMenu and SwipeMenu2 samples
we use CSS animations and CSS transformation respectively, and the swipe menu scale along the
application. In the SwipeMenu3 sample we use CSS transformation and additionally a non scaled
swipe menu.
* Add the new SwipeMenu2 application sample. In the SwipeMenu application sample we show
how we can preprare an swipe menu using (between other things) CSS animations. in the
SwipeMenu2 application sample we use CSS transformations instead.

* Fix a minor bug in the code editor search and replace feature. The problem is the search and
replace history interfere with the search and replace comboboxes in an unexpected way. Now
the search and replace history is not saved in that way. Thanks Terje!

2016.126 (06/06/2016)

* Add the new Success event to the WebCam control. This event is fired after the also new
action WebCamCheck is executed, and means the user give to us permissions to deal with their

* Add the new WebCamCheck action into the WebCam actions' category. Instead of check for
the WebCam permissions when the application start, we can use this action in order to check for
the permissions when we wanted.

2016.125 (06/04/2016)

* Add an uninstaller feedback URL to the program installer in order to allow the users who
uninstall the program to provide some feedback about the uninstallation reasons. Such URL is
launched then the program is uninstalled from the system's control panel.

2016.124 (06/03/2016)

* Add the new "VideoWidth" and "VideoHeight" variable for the WebCam control. These
variables are available at runtime and contains the size of the streamed video. In fact these
variables are available after the new WebCam control's Metadata event is fired.

2016.123 (06/02/2016)

* Added the new WebCam application sample. This application sample shows how we can use
the new WebCam control, along the new WebCamStart and WebCamShot actions. Also the
sample shows how we can take care about the WebCam control's Error event.

* Added the new WebCamShot action in the new WebCam actions' category. This action, in
conjuction with an WebCam control, allow us to get a Base64 string representation of an image
captured from the WebCam control video stream.

* Added the new WebCamStart action in the new WebCam actions' category. This action, in
conjuction with an WebCam control, allow us to start the reproduction of the user's WebCam
video stream.

* Added the new WebCam control into the Additional controls' category. The new WebCam
control allow us to use the appropiate HTML5 API in order to reproduce the user WebCam's
video and also capture an image from that video. This control do not relies in any Cordova's
plugin in order to work properly in modern mobile and desktop browsers.

2016.122 (05/28/2016)

* Remove the Launcher control as well the LauncherCheck, LauncherStart and LauncherAction
actions. The Cordova's plugin used can be continued used if we wanted (the Launcher app
sample has not been removed and show us how to use the a Cordova's plugin to check and
launch applications in Android) just as another custom Cordova's plugin.

2016.121 (05/26/2016)

* Add the new HttpClearHeaders action into the HTTP actions' category. This action can clear all
the previously established HTTP headers in the specified HTTP Client control.

* Add the new HttpSetHeader action into the HTTP actions' category. This action can set an
optional HTTP header for the specified HTTP Client control.

2016.120 (05/24/2016)

* The Cordova's Batch tab of the app's options dialog has been splitted in two tabs. The first one
is "Batch", which allow us to add extra stuff for the App Builder created Cordova's BAT files, and
a new "Paths" tab, which allow us to specify (not commonly required) the Java, Ant and Android
SDK paths. Thanks Samuel for the idea.

2016.119 (05/21/2016)

* Remove the Camera3 sample "Compiled" directory from the App Builder installation. Fix an
error in the Report9 sample, basically the URL of the app server is not correct. Other minor fixes,
changes and enhancements.

2016.118 (05/20/2016)

* Update the Videogular component and the controls plugin has weel the Videogular CSS code
to the latest version from 1.2.8 to the 1.4.3.

* Fix an introduced error when assign the Ready event for Media Player controls. There is a
mistake that cause the Ready event are never executed.

* Fix an introduced error in the program updater which cause we can't upgrade the program
even if a new release is available in the server. Thanks Walter for the advise!

* Add the new IsWhitelisted action into the Strings' actions category. This action alow us to
check if an input string contains only the characters specified in the white lists of chars.

* Add the new IsNumeric action into the Strings' actions category. This action allow us to check if
an input string contains only numeric characters (0-9) or contains another ones.
2016.117 (05/13/2016)

* Add the new non visual Clipboard control. This control allow us to copy text into the system
clipboard from our applications in conjuction with the also new CopyToClipboard action. Take
also a look at the new Clipboard application sample to view it working.

* Add the new Location app sample. This app sample show to us how to use the Location control
to retrieve the longitude and latitude of the user. The Location controls is available for the web
and also for the Cordova platforms by using the Location Cordova's plugin. This sample also
show us how we can use an IFrame control to place the user location into a Google Map.

2016.116 (05/12/2016)

* Fix an introduced error related with the program's updater which cause that we can't go ahead
with the updater check for new releases. Thanks Tin for the advise!

2016.115 (05/11/2016)

* Adapt the program to the new author's website, so for example the Welcome page works
again showing the latest App Builder's support forum posts. Other minor, changes and
enhancements has been made in this release too.

2016.114 (05/08/2016)

* The app's events are now compiled before the app's views' events. This mean, for example, we
can use the app's Ready event to set certain variables, which then are available into the app's
views' events.

2016.113 (05/04/2016)

* Fix a bug which cause a bad Javascript output when certain Javascript code between the
StartJS and EndJS actions contains something that can be confused with an app action. Thanks

* The TypeAhead control have now the events Focus, Blur and DblClick. The Push Button, Toggle
Button and Dropdown Button have now the events Focus and Blur.

2016.112 (05/02/2016)

* Update AngularJS library and their Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable
version from 1.5.3 to 1.5.5. Some other internal changes and fixes has been made too.

2016.111 (04/24/2016)

* Update and enhance the CSP (Content Security Policy) declared in the app's "index.html" meta
tag in order to include the "media-src" and the "img-src" rules, and try to be more permissive
with other sources and media sources. (Yet another time)
* Update and enhance the CSP (Content Security Policy) declared in the app's "index.html" meta
tag in order to include the "media-src" and the "img-src" rules, and try to be more permissive
with other sources and media sources.

2016.110 (04/22/2016)

* Fix an introduced error in certain previous releases which can cause an "Invalid operation"
error when close the program. The error only occur if one or more of the available dock panels
stay "floating" when the program is closed. If no one floating panel exists when the program is
closed then the error do not appear.

2016.109 (04/21/2016)

* Update the Device application sample in orderto use the new DeviceSerial and DeviceIsVirtual
actions in addition with the other Device's related actions. Other minor changes has been made
also in this program release.

* Add the new DeviceIsVirtual action into the Device's actions category. We can use this action
to check if our applications are running on a device's emulator or not. This action requires the
Cordova's Device plugin, included out of the box in App Builder.

* Add the new DeviceSerial action into the Device's actions category. We can use this action to
retrieve the device's hardware serial number in which our applications is running. This action
requires the Cordova's Device plugin, included out of the box in App Builder.

2016.108 (04/20/2016)

* App Builder prepares now splash screens also for the Apache Cordova's Windows platform, not
the Windows Phone (already supported) but for the Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 platform.

* Add the new StopSound action, which is the counterpart for the PlaySound action. The
StopSound simple stops the sound currently reproducing by the PlaySound action. Also I fix a
bug in this PlaySound action, which causes OGG files are never reproduced, in other words, by
an error the same MP3 file is used also as the OGG source.

* In some previous release App Builder GUI (not the CLI version) loss their manifest file, that is, a
custom manifest file that, for example, causes the integrated debugger can't recognize the
Microsoft Edge browser available in Windows 10. This is now fixed and the appropiate manifest
file is again used by the App Builder GUI executable.

2016.107 (04/19/2016)

* Fix an introduced error in the previous release which causes the Cordova's config.xml and
Batch files are not created like expected. The problem is due to the App Builder uses the old XML
configuration, then they can't read the new configuration. Thanks Ade!
2016.106 (04/18/2016)

* The Apache Cordova related configuration saved into the application configuration (XML) file is
now saved following certain structure, in order to maintain the information well formated and
readable. Unfortunately this change mean the loss of any previously Cordova related
configuration, then we need to setup it again from the app's options dialog.

* Prepare icons (by scale it and place it into the config.xml file) for the Windows platform. Add a
new "Windows" tab under the Cordova tab in the app's options dialog. For now we can specify
the target version for the Cordova's Windows platform.

2016.105 (04/15/2016)

* Some enhancements in the GoogleMaps application sample. Now they include a way to
choose the map type and also the map zoom. A new GoogleMaps2 application samples has been
added too: this one show us how to use the Google Maps Static API and an Image control,
instead of the Google Maps Embeded API and an Iframe control like the first one.

2016.104 (04/14/2016)

* Update the AngularJS UI Bootstrap library from the 0.14.3 version to the latest 1.3.1 version.
Update the Bootstrap CSS framework from the 3.3.5 version to the latest 3.3.6 vesion. Update
the Bootswatch CSS themes from the 3.3.5 version to the latest 3.3.6 vesion.

2016.103 (04/10/2016)

* Add the new UnformatNumber action into the actions' Strings category. This action allow us to
unformat a previously formated number. This action is the counterpart of the recently added
FormatNumber action.

* Add the new FormatNumber action into the actions' Strings category. This action allow us to
format a number with custom precision and localisation. We can specify the precision, thousand
and decimal separators.

2016.102 (04/08/2016)

* Update Inno Setup (the AB installer) to the latest version. Update the Animate.css (used by AB
apps) to the latest version. Made some changes to the "Animated2" app sample in order to
shown how we can use CSS rules to change the animations' duration and other animations'

2016.101 (04/06/2016)

* Add the new "InputsScroll" app sample. This sample show to us how we can place several
controls (Inputs in this case) inside a Container, and then let the Container "scrolling" if the
application height is changed, for example, when the device's soft keyboard is shown.
* Add the new Focus and Blur events to all Text Inputs, Select, MultiSelect and Textarea controls.
The Focus event is fired when the control receive the user focus, and, the Blur event is fired
when the control lost the user focus.

* The designer view "selected" corners have now the same color defined in the program's
options for the single control "selected" corners, instead of the default (and not customizable)
gray and silver corners. Some other minor fixes, changes and enhancements has been made too
in this release.

2016.100 (04/05/2016)

* This release introducing the new "Master view" feature. Every application have now a "Master
view" in addition to the "View1" (by default). We can use all the events and style of the "Master
view", has well place any control we wanted. Such events, styles and controls be draw into every
application's view that we wanted.

A "Master view" is not really a view, in the sense that the user can't navigate to the "Master
view" in the same way than can navigate to other application's views. However, we can use the
same view's events than normal views, set the "Master view" style in the same way than normal
views, and place controls also in the same way than normal views.

Normal views can use the "Master view" or not just by use the also new "DrawMaster" view's
variable. If this variable is "True", then the "Master view" events, styles and controls be draw
into the normal view, just like if such controls are placed in the normal view in designtime.
"Master view" events, styles and controls are applied before the normal views' events, styles and

This last mean the "Master view" events are executed before the normal's views events. And,
since the "Master view" styles are placed before normal's views styles, we can override the
"Master view" styles in normal views. A similar situation occur with the "Master view" controls,
which are drawed before normals views controls.

"Master views" do not break any backward compatibility. If you open an application without a
"Master view" then App Builder creates one for your application automatically. Applications
created after this releases incorporates a "Master view" by default.

* Now the name for the new app's views (by default) are "View1", "View2", "View3", etc.,
instead of "NewView1", "NewView2", "NewView3", etc.

* Enhance the error message which can appear if we try to name certain control or app's view
using an invalid identifier, an existing control's name or an existing app's view name.

2016.99 (04/04/2016)

* Found certain memory leak (only raised when uses FastMM4 instead the default Delphi
memory manager) and more important found a way to solve it. This bug never appear to the
final user since we don't compile the program using FastMM4 in public releases.

2016.98 (04/03/2016)

* Both the Text search results tab and Text search results dialog listboxes have now the 18 height
per item, just to follow the same convention used along the App Builder GUI in all the listboxes

* More enhancements in the Text search tool. Now the Text search tool results dialog allow us to
navigate between the results using the new added First, Previous, Next and Last buttons, in
addition to click the results into the results listbox control.

2016.97 (04/02/2016)

* The Text search tool has been enhanced and now the code editor form which allow us to edit
the search results, show us all the search results, that is, allow us to navigate over all the text
search results and editing the code without closing the results dialog.

2016.96 (04/01/2016)

* Some internal changes in the App Builder's code translator has been made and now actions
like ObjectGetProp allow us to get object's properties with the same name than the action's
result variable. Certainly this is not the only action which now allow something like that, due to
the new approach taken internally by the code translator.

* Now when the App Builder's designer is double clicked by the user, the program show to us the
code editor/events for the app, app's view, controls or controls double clicked, with the
exception of the Design Comment control, which, when is double clicked, the program show us
the editor of their Text variable.

2016.95 (03/31/2016)

* Fix a bug in the ObjectGetProp action which causes we can't get the expected object's property
value if we try to use a variable for the object's property name. Thanks Terje!

2016.94 (03/31/2016)

* The app, the app's views and all the controls who have support for CSS "background*"
properties have now the "background-size" property ready to be used.

2016.93 (03/30/2016)

* The app's MenuButton event does not work like expected due to some changes in Apache
Cordova. A workaround is provided and the event works again, but probably we need to take
care about this event in the future.
* Added the new External2 app sample, which show us how we can use Javascript functions
from included Javascript files, and how we can get such functions' results in order to be placed in
app's variables like Text Input controls.

* Fix an introduced error which causes the app orientation event does not fired from the App
Builder integrated debugger.

2016.92 (03/29/2016)

* Some changes, fixes and enhancements in various program's dialog. For example, the app
samples dialog has been enhanced and the apps' text search tool dialog has been also enhanced
and now is more compact and useful.

2016.91 (03/28/2016)

* The apps' text search results tabs have now a contextual menu, which, for now have an unique
item we can use the active text search results tab. This contextual menu appear when we click a
text search tab with the right mouse button.

* Add the new Agenda app sample, which simulates an small agenda to save our contact's
names, mobile numbers and notes. The point of this application is they use JSON to store the
contacts' data, uses a Report control to shown the contacts information and finally uses the
app's local storage to maintain the data between application executions.

2016.90 (03/27/2016)

* Update AngularJS library and their Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable
version from 1.5.0 to 1.5.3. Some other internal changes and fixes in the app's core Javascript
code has been made too.

* Some internal changes in the app's core Javascript code. Basically we rename the "Device"
events with the more appropiated "App" word. This means changes also in the App Builder's
compiler has well the App Builder's Javascript plugins.

2016.89 (03/26/2016)

* Added the new ChangeView application's event. This event is fired when a view in our
application must be changed, that is, when we call actions like ShowView and ReplaceView. This
event provide us information about the current view and the next view, and, if needed, we can
prevent the default event behaviour, that is, disallow the view's change. Take a look at the also
new ChangeView application sample to learn how to use this new app's event.

* The main code editor and the web code editor highlight all the occurrences of certain selected
text, instead of the current selected word. This is useful, for example, when a search is
performed in the editors, because what we searching can be a word or just another piece of
text. Now in both cases all the selected text occurrences are highlighted in the editors.
2016.88 (03/24/2016)

* Introducing the new Text search tool into the Tools' menu and toolbar. We can use the Text
search tool in order to search for text in the current/selected application and also in all opened
applications. The search is performed looking in the apps events, functions, views events and
controls events, and can be "case sensitive" and "whole words".

* The App toolbar have now the "Show in explorer" and "Open App Javascript" buttons. I remove
the first one from the Messages dock form, since they are already available in the main
program's toolbar for quick access. Other minor changes, fixes and enhancements has been
made in this App Builder release too.

2016.87 (03/23/2016)

* The PushPlugin plugin sample has been fixed in order to be ready for the current Cordova's
Push Plugin version. We need to specify now the Google Cloud Messaging project's number
when install the plugin, something we now does using the Extra Cordova's configuration option.

* The recently added History app samples miss their app design comment, then they do not
appear in the application samples dialog from Menu -> File -> Samples. Fix that in order to allow
the sample to appear in such dialog.

2016.86 (03/21/2016)

* Add the new HistoryBack and HistoryForward actions into the Views' actions category. We can
use the HistoryBack action to navigate back the browser history. In the same way we can use the
HistoryForward action to navigate forward the browser history. Take a look at the also new
History app sample, which show us how to use this new actions.

2016.85 (03/20/2016)

* App Builder creates now a "cordova_android_run.bat" file for Apache Cordova, in addition to
the "cordova_android_debug.bat" and the "cordova_android_release.bat" files. We can use the
"run" file in order to build and directly run our application in a connected device or an emulator
when no connected is available.

* Add the new ConfirmExit app sample, which show us how to use the undocumented Apache
Cordova's function "" in conjunction with the app's Back button
event, in order to get the user confirmation to close the application using such device's Back

* Fix certain bug in VarIsTrue, VarIsFalse, VarIsType, EncodeURI, DecodeURI, ArrayGetItem,

ArrayIndex, ArrayConcat actions, various Array's related actions, and, also various Validator's
related actions. This bug only appear if we use the refered actions inside an app's function.

* The app's Online, Offline, Resize, Pause, Ready, Ready, Resume, BackButton, MenuButton,
Orientation, VolumeUp and VolumeDown uses now the [App.Event] variable to store the
appropiate event argument. This can be used, for example, in combination with the
PreventDefault App Builder's action.

2016.84 (03/18/2016)

* The Hidden control's variable does not work like expected in Firefox. Probably this is due to
certain AnguarJS CSS stuff, which is not included before in App Builder. Certainly is a mistery to
me how the Hidden variable works in other browsers (except Firefox) but adding this CSS stuff
appear to be required on the other hand, and also fix this problem in Firefox.

* The main code editor and the web editor (for HTML, CSS and Javascript) allow us now to use
the TAB key. We can now select a block of code and indent it using the TAB key, and, also
unindent it using the SHIFT+TAB keys combination.

2016.83 (03/16/2016)

* The main code editor have now a couple of new toolbar's actions and contextual menu's items
that allow us to comment and uncomment the editor selected code block.

2016.82 (03/03/2016)

* App Builder GUI spanish translation is complete at 100% now. They contains not only the latest
addition translations but also some forgotten strings.

* Now the events' code editor and the HTML, CSS and Javascript editor have two new toolbar
and contextual menu items: Open and Save, which can be used to open a file and load their
contents into the editor and to save the editor's code into a file respectively.

2016.81 (03/02/2016)

* Add the new StatusBar app sample, which show us how to use the recently added
StatusBarShow, StatusBarHide, StatusBarIsVisible and StatusBarColor actions.

* Add the new StatusBarShow, StatusBarHide, StatusBarIsVisible and StatusBarColor actions into
the new StatusBar action's category.

* Add the new StatusBar plugin into the Cordova's tab of the app's options dialog. The new
CheckBox allow us to include in our application the Cordova's StatusBar plugin.

2016.80 (02/28/2016)

* Due to the Microsoft Windows Enforcement of Authenticode Code Signing and Timestamping
new code signing restrictions ( the program's EXEs and the program's
installer are now signed and timestamped using the SHA2 algorithm instead the SHA1 algorithm.

2016.79 (02/26/2016)
* Fix an error which cause the Batch generated files for Apache Cordova do not require the
SplashScreen plugin, even if we select splash screen images to be used in our application.

2016.78 (02/24/2016)

* Include the new Google Maps application sample, which show us how to use the Google Maps
Embed API in conjuction with the IFrame control.

2016.77 (02/21/2016)

* The GetNetworkType action works fine, but it is missing a letter in one of the responses.
Where it says unknow It should say unknown. This is fixed. Thanks Donald!

2016.76 (02/19/2016)

* Added the new Themes2 app sample, which teach about the new theme class added to the
BODY element of our applications. You can see in this sample how we can hack (apply certain
CSS rules) only certain app's themes and not others.

2016.75 (02/19/2016)

* Added the new Themes2 app sample, which teach about the new theme class added to the
BODY element of our applications. You can see in this sample how we can hack (apply certain
CSS rules) only certain app's themes and not others.

* App Builder places now certain class into the body tag of our applications which can tell us the
current theme used in the application. This addition allow us to apply certain CSS hacks (from
the app's Inline CSS option or a separate CSS file) to an specific application theme. For the
default theme, the body class is "default", and for the other themes the class is the name of the
theme, always in lower case.

* The welcome page browser allow us now to select and copy the pages text and also use the
contextual menus. It's just a mistake that this kindly browser do not allow us such thing.

2016.74 (02/09/2016)

* All the reference to the "App" variable in the app's core Javascript are now refered to the
"window.App" variable, so now it's clear what App variable the Javascript code refered. Also the
AB code translator has been modified to follow this convention.

* The app's index.html file do not shows anymore the App Builder copyright notice. This is
maintained in other files with CSS and Javascript but no more in the index.html file.

2016.73 (02/07/2016)

* Update AngularJS library and their Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable
version from 1.4.9 to 1.5.0. Update the Validator.js library from the version 4.0.6. to the latest
version 4.7.1. Update the angular-block-ui library from the 0.2.1 version to the 0.2.2 version.
Update the Moment.js library from the 2.10.6 version to the 2.11.2 version.

2016.72 (02/06/2016)

* Add the new search editbox into the Controls' dock panel. This search editbox (like other
similar ones) can be used to filter the controls which are shows in the controls' list.

* Fix a mistake in the all the "Select Directory" dialogs (four now in the entire program) which
causes that we can't navigate out of the Desktop directory. Now the desktop directory is the
default directory (when needed) but we can move between different folders, units, etc. Thanks
codex for the advise!

2016.71 (02/05/2016)

* Change the ID of the Apache Cordova SMS plugin used by the App Builder's Javascript
SendSMS plugin. Apparently the ID used until now causes some problems, and, since the
alternative ID working fine, we simply change the ID of that plugin by the working one.

* The app's options (Cordova / Batch tab) allow us now to specify the Java home directory path,
the Apache Ant home directory path and the Android SDK home directory path. Commonly we
no need to worry about this, but, advanced developers can use this new options set an specific
environment when build applications using Apache Cordova.

2016.70 (02/04/2016)

* Enhance the app's functions manager by adding a couple of splitters controls which allow us to
resize the functions' listbox and the function's arguments panel. Then we can take a look at
some "larger names" of some function and take a look at all their arguments. The size we choose
is saved when the functions' manager dialog is closed and then load again when the dialog is
shows again.

* Some Apache Cordova plugins, for example, required certain particular command to be added
into our application, that is, we can't simply use the Custom plugin app's option. For these kind
of plugins we have now a new Extra Batch option into the app's option dialogs, under the
Cordova tab. This new option allow us to add certain commands (like for example such kinds of
plugins) into the App Builder's generated Batch files for Apache Cordova.

* Add a new option into the app's options dialog (under the Cordova tab) in order to creates a
Batch file for the iOS platform. By a mistake I never add such option (like for other platform like
Android) because think they have non sense, however, it's a key to get our apps ready for the iOS
platform. In fact we can execute the Batch file in Windows (with Apache Cordova installed) and
then take the generated files to be opened with XCODE in a MacOS in order to get our IPA file,
the equivalent to the APK in Android. And that's all!
2016.69 (02/03/2016)

* Complete the translation of the program for the spanish language, that is, update the language
file to include the latest program's changes.

* Add a new Refresh browser button into the IDE's Welcome page browser. This of course can be
useful to refresh certain webpage which we have currently opened.

* Add the new ValueFormat, AnimationDelay, AnimationDuration, NeedleShadowUpColor,

NeedleShadowDownColor, NeedleCircleOuterStartColor, NeedleCircleOuterEndColor,
NeedleCircleInnerStartColor, NeedleCircleInnerEndColor, ValueBoxRectStartColor,
ValueBoxRectEndColor, ValueBoxBackgroundColor, ValueBoxShadowColor,
ValueBoxShadowColor, ValueTextForegroundColor, ValueTextShadowColor, CircleShadowColor,
CircleOuterStartColor, CircleOuterEndColor, CircleMiddleStartColor, CircleMiddleEndColor,
CircleInnerStartColor, CircleInnerEndColor to the Gauge control.

2016.68 (02/02/2016)

* Fix an introduced problem a couple of releases ago. This causes some runtime error when the
program closes (not everytime). The problem is related with certain internal component update
and has been fixed in this release.

2016.67 (02/01/2016)

* The app's controls name must be now unique along the application and not only for an specific
app's view. Even when technically is possible to have controls with the same name in different
views, we can get unexpected errors later in runtime. So the program try to maintain the
controls unique, for example, when we copy/paste, import views, etc.

* Introducing the new Export and Import app's views features. We can now export one or more
app's views into an XML file, which then we can use to import such app's views into another
application. The export operation include the view properties and events as well the controls
and controls' events inside the views.

2016.66 (01/31/2016)

* Prepare the new TextAlign CSS property and (for now) use it into the Label control. This means
we can use three ways to set the align of a Label's text: by using the Label's Classes variable, by
using CSS code, and by using the TextAlign property added right now.

* Add the new CanPlay event in the MediaPlayer control. This event allow us to get informed
when the media file is ready (downloaded) to be played. This is useful, for example, to disable
some player related controls while the media file is ready to be played.

2016.65 (01/30/2016)
* The LoadVariables and ParseVariables actions support now variables' names which contains up
to three "dot levels". This is useful, for example, to use this actions in order to translate our app's
views, because we can now load variables like "[MyControl.Text]" to be directly assigned, instead
of use something like "[MyControlText]" variables and then assigned that variable to the first
one. The Languages app samples has been modified in order to use this new ability.

2016.64 (01/29/2016)

* Fix an annoying problem with the app's view's designer. 1º The user scroll down the designer
scrollbox. 2º The user goto other app or the Welcome dock panel. 3º The user return to the first
app. 5º Fail! The scrollbox goto automatically to the left/top Now the behaviour is the expected,
that is, the scrollbox still in the previous position without annoying the user or cause other kind
of problem like accidentally move a control.

2016.63 (01/27/2016)

* Some changes: some enhancements in the program's welcome page. Update the AngularJS
gauge's directive to the latest version, fixing some mistakes which causes that some of the Gauge
control attributes can't work like expected.

2016.62 (01/26/2016)

* The application samples receive lot of changes and never are published here... now it's time to
the Gauges2 sample, which now include an Input accepting numbers in order to set the Gauge's
control value. Also, the current Gauge's value is reflected in the Input.

* Uses another approach for the VarIsNumber action, which do not offer the expected result in
some scenarios. Now we are use the AngularJS isNumber() function instead the isFinite()
Javascript native function.

* Uses a custom Internet Pluggable Protocol for the Welcome page instead of deal with local
files. This offers the same performance but allow us to get a more nice welcome URL and
probably other enhancements in the future.

* When we wanted to create a Batch file to build our application using Apache Cordova App
Builder creates now two BAT files instead one. Now we can use one of this files to build our
application "in debug mode" and the other file to build our application "in release mode", that
is, ready to be signed and then published into the Google Play Store.

* The App Builder's welcome page has been redesigned and now use the Bootstrap CSS
framework (just like App Builder's apps) in a try to shown their contents in a better way.

* Fix an error in the SetVar action which can cause they do not provide the expected result in
certain scenarios. In fact the SetVar action fail when try to set a variable inside an app's function
then that variable is also an app's function argument. Thanks Donald for reporting.
2016.61 (01/25/2016)

* Update AngularJS and Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable version from
1.4.8 to 1.4.9. Update Videogular and Videogular controls plugin to the latest stable version from
1.2.6 to 1.2.8 version.

2016.60 (01/24/2016)

* Update the program's help third party licenses in order to provide the more accurate
information about all the open source projects used by App Builder. Certainly without that
projects App Builder never can be possible, so we can to offer the authors' names, links to their
websites and the entire projects' licenses text.

* Add the new ValueBoxVisible, ValueTextVisible, CircleOuterVisible, CircleMiddleVisible and

CircleInnerVisible variables into the Gauges controls. The entire Gauge's control code has been
rewriten in order to use a new AngularJS directive (
gauge) which allow us to use the AngularJS way to bind the Gauges' variables. This means a
better performance and less Javascript code.

2016.59 (01/22/2016)

* Update the Delphi docking component to the latest version. In addition to other fixes and
changes, this update fix certain problem with floating panels which are difficult to resize because
their border has only 1 pixel width. This "problem" has been fixed and now it's more easy to
resize docking panels.

* The Report9 application sample include now a "server search" feature, that is, the application
allow us to search for specific records in the server "database" (in fact we can use a JSON file
here) in addition to filter the current retrieved Report's control data.

* Update the Weather app sample in order to add the new "unit" option. The "unit" option allow
us to retrieve a city weather information in both "metric" and "imperial" units. Some other fixes
has also been made in this app sample.

2016.58 (01/21/2016)

* Add the new SimpleScrollbar action into the Tools actions' category. We can use this action to
change the scrollbar apparence of the specified control. Commonly this control is an
HtmlControl which shown their content in an overflow way. Take a look at the new
SimpleScrollbar app sample to view this new action running.

* Add the new StrNumber action into the Strings actions' category. This action allow us to extract
the number part of a given string. For example, if we provide an input string like "abc123", then
the result variable for this action stores the number "123".

* Add the new SetViewSize action into the App actions' category. We can use this action to
change the current app's view width and height. This action is specifically useful if we uses the
app's scaled option. Certainly, we can change the app's view size and maintain the scaled
feature, so, in some scenarios, this can be exactly what we wanted. Take a look at the Scaled app
sample to view this action running.

2016.57 (01/20/2016)

* Fix a mistake which causes the Battery control's events doesn't fired in the right way.

* Add the new Carousel control into the Additional tools' category. The Carousel control allow us
to shown a group of images like slides. Take a look also at the new Carousel and Carousel2 app
samples in order to learn how to use the Carousel control.

* Add the new Gauges app sample, who shown to us how we can use and customize the Gauge
control in various ways and in designtime, that is, without any line of code. Another new
Gauges2 app sample has been added to, this time to shown how we can change a gauge's value
using a Range control.

* Add the new Gauge control into the Additional tools' category. The Gauge control allows to
implement various customizable gauges in our applications. We can customize dozens of
control's properties like colors, min and max values, etc. For more information refer to the
program's help.

2016.56 (01/17/2016)

* Some minor changes: the Welcome page webbrowser shown now a progress bar to indicate
the progress. Also in the Welcoma page, we can now select all the text in the URL editbox by
double clicking it.

2016.55 (01/16/2016)

* The Play button in the IDE toolbar used to Run the application do not include now debug
information. This is the expected behaviour for two reasons: firstly the Play button do not
compile the application if they are already compiled. And secondly the Play button intention is to
play a builded application with no debug information.

2016.54 (01/14/2016)

* Add the new Report8 and Report9 application samples. Both samples show us how to use the
Report control in order to retrieve and shown records in a pagination way. The Report8 sample
allow us to get more records to be appended to the current ones; the Report9 uses a more
traditional way by showing records' pages one by one.

2016.53 (01/13/2016)

* Now the optional splash screens for Cordova builded applications are saved in paths relative to
the application, like in the same way that we deal with the application's icons and files. This of
course allow us to move our application files: icons, files and now also splash screens, between
different systems, which may do not have the same absolute paths.

2016.52 (01/12/2016)

* Add the new Slides app sample, which show us how we can use a couple of Push buttons and
an Image control to create an slider in our applications. We simple feed certain Array variable
with the images we wanted, and then use the buttons to appropiate set the current image in the
Image control. This is the app sample number 100 in App Builder!

* The Report control have a new variable/property named Wrapper. This can have two values:
"table" or "grid". The first one (by default) let the control acting like we expected: manage HTML
tables in order to present the Report JSON data. The new "grid" wrapper, instead, allow us to use
arbitrary HTML for the Report records, and, more in particular, allow us to use the Bootstrap CSS
grid system. This is fantastic as you can see in the new Report6 and Report7 application samples.

* Fix an introduced error due to the distribution of a debug release. The error causes we can't
drop any control into the view's designer. Thanks Jordi for the advise.

2016.51 (01/11/2016)

* The SetAttribute and GetAttribute actions' editors shown us now a list of the most used HTML
elements' attributes in order to be a little more easy to use. Also the GetStyle and SetStyle
actions' editors shown us the most used CSS properties. Thanks Donald!

* Minor changes and additions: The Watch actions' editor allow us now to choose an app's
variable like most of the actions' editors. The video tutorials topic in the help file have now a
new short video tutorial about how to access controls, views and apps events code.

2016.50 (01/10/2016)

* Fix an error in the app's file's manager which cause we can't move up/down the styles and
scripts. Sometimes the order of the styles and scripts can be very important so we want the
ability to change such order works as expected.

* Fix the webapp's manifest in order to point to a 128x128 pixels, which is required size by the
Firefox Marketplace (and probably useful for others). The appropiate 128x128 pixels icons is
prepared too when the webapp manifest is created.

2016.49 (01/09/2016)

* Added the new Weather app sample. This fully functionall application sample uses the API in order to provide us with the current weather information of an
specified city. The Weather sample show us how to deal with JSON between other things.
* The Admob plugin fired now their "AdMobFailEvent" event if the AdMob plugin is not found,
that is, because our applications are not builded yet with Apache Cordova. This can help us to
debug the application taking in consideration such scenario.

* Added the new Flashlight app sample, which shown us how to use the recently added
Flashlight App Builder's Javascript plugin. The sample shown us how to determine the availability
of the device's flashlight as well as switch on / off the flashlight and toogle it.

* Added the new Flashlight App Builder's Javascript plugin. This plugin incorporates four actions
which allow us to play with the device's flashlight / torch. This plugin requires the Apache
Cordova Flashlight plugin (automatically added by the Flashlight App Builder's plugin) and works
in Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8 platforms.

2016.48 (01/08/2016)

* Update Inno Setup to the latest version, which means, between other things, that the
program's installer creates a shortcut to the main executable in the common Start Menu
Programs folder instead of creating a new Start Menu , following a Microsoft recomendation.

* Fix an introduced error which cause empty Image controls (with no asigned image at
designtime) can break the app's code and therefore this cannot be properly running.

2016.47 (01/07/2016)

* The app's function's editor is now similar to the App Builder's Javascript plugin's actions' editor.
Also these two dialogs can be now resized by the user and their sizes are saved to be used later
when the dialogs are shown again.

* App Builder finally support relative images in the app's designer. This means we can pick an
image by double click an Image control or using the object inspector, and, automatically App
Builder extract the appropiate relative path for such image.

This not only means we can be sure our application images are ready even if we move our
project to other computer, but, also that the app's designer can shown the images instead of the
"Only available in runtime" message which are shown before.

Note: may you want to update your Image controls. If you are adding images using the app's
file's manager and then using such paths in designtime, everything continue working in runtime,
but, really you no need to use the file's manager now. Just remove the image from the file's
manager and then pick an image by double click the Image control or the object inspector.

2016.46 (01/06/2016)

* Now both app's options dialog and program's options dialog shown the appropiate App
Builder's Javascript plugin help when they are double clicked from the plugins' list.
* Enhance the code editor autocomplete list in order to shown the possible App Builder's
Javascript plugins' actions in their appropiate category, that is, every plugin have now their own
actions' category instead of be placed in the same "Plugins" category.

* Enhance the actions' dock panel in order to shown the possible App Builder's Javascript
plugins' actions in their appropiate category, that is, every plugin have now their own actions'
category instead of be placed in the same "Plugins" category.

2016.45 (01/04/2016)

* Rename the Animation application sample to AnimatedView and add a new AnimatedControls
app sample, which show us how we can use CSS classes in order to animate our apps' controls.

* Add the new SendSMS App Builder's plugin. This plugin provide us with just one action to send
SMS messages and also a couple of optional functions/events to react when an error occur and
when the SMS has been sended. A new app sample has been included too: SendSMS, that
shown us how to use this new plugin.

* Variables changes: Add the spanish translation for the AdMob plugin's help and XML files. Fix
also various typos into the english help file. Fix a bug which causes we can't edit plugin's actions
from the code editor by double click it if the action is indented, that is, if the action do not start
at the beginning of the line.

* Updated FontAwesome to the latest version. They include 19 new icons like for the Microsoft
Edge browser. The Icon Picker has been also updated in order to offer these new icons too. Also,
in some recent updates I remove the icon selector from the web editor. Now it's placed under
the HTML Classes tags menu.

* Fix an error introduced in the latest upgrade for Videogular (the component behind the
MediaPlayer control) which cause that the progress bar do not appear as we can expected, and,
also that the MediaPlayer controls do not appear well in larger screens.

2016.44 (01/03/2016)

* Internal changes for the App Builder's plugins. The plugin's main Javascript object are
completely redefined in order to allow to store plugin's private stuff. The plugin's Javascript is
now better defined and the required code to setup the plugins is less than before. The plugin's
documentation has been also updated to reflect the changes, and also the Template and AdMob
(the two included plugins by now) has been right updated.

* The program's installer can now optionally add the program's installation path into the user's
environment PATH variable. Doing this we can use the CLI (Command Line Interface) version of
App Builder easily from the command's console, just by typing "AppBuilderCli, and also open the
GUI version just by typing "AppBuilder".
* The plugin's manager into the program's options dialog shown us more information about the
available plugins and allow us to visit the plugin's website or write an email to the plugin's
author's email. Also enhacne the plugin's listview's contextual menu.

* App Builder's plugins are no more installated into theh App Data directory. Instead of that, the
program uses now the more logical place, which is the same than the app's samples: the plugins
are now installed into your documents directory. Other minor changes has been made in relation
with the recently added third party plugins support.

2016.43 (01/02/2016)

* The app's options dialog pull now to the right their Plugins tab, in order to be in the same place
than the Plugins tab from the program's options dialog. The intention is that such tab appear
more easy to locate between the two dialogs.

* Do not take in count App Builder's unactived plugins. This means the applications can't choose
unactivated plugins, but also the actions' dock panel are updated accordingly if a plugin is
activated/deactivated. In fact, take care about this possible plugin's state.

* The Javascript plugins for App Builder can be now localized into various languages. actions'
identifiers cannot be translated, but the plugin's help and information. Both the Template and
AdMob included plugins has been updated to get this beneficts. The Javascripts plugin's
developer's help has been also updated.

* Add the new app's global variable "[App.ActiveControl]". This variable store the active/focused
element ID or control name in the application. For example, if the user put the focus in an input
named "Input1", this variable store "Input1".

* The compiler take care about the used Javascript plugins and remove certain plugin's files used
in designtime, but not in runtime. This means the less plugin's footprint has possible in the
applications who uses it.

* Continue the enhancements of the third party Javascript plugins support. Some changes has
been made in the app's options dialog Plugins tab. A new Plugins tab has been added into the
program's options dialog: these tabs represent the plugins' manager and have commands to get
more plugin's information, open their help, explore the plugins' directories, uninstall and install
new plugins.

* The IDE Edit menu item and toolbar has been removed. This menu offer us the way to access
the program options and also the application options. These two commands has been moved
into the Tool and the App menus respectively. Some other changes has been made into the
toolbars, for example, the help toolbar include now more commands.

2016.42 (01/01/2016)
* The first year release of App Buidler introduce the first implementation of the support for third
party Javascript app's plugins. Now Javascript developers can create App Builder's plugins to be
integrated the App Builder's IDE and of course the user's applications.

A fully functional plugin named AdMob has been included with the App Builder's installation.
Such plugin allow us to shownAdMob banners and interstitial ads inside an application and
requires Apache Cordova and the AdMob Pro plugin to work.

As you can see in the also new AdMob application sample, the AdMob Javascript plugin add
three actions: AdMobShowBanner, AdMobHideBanner and AdMobShowInterstitial. The AdMob
sample take use of them to shown ads inside the application.

A Template Javascript plugin has been included into the App Builder's installation. This plugin
does nothing at all, but can be used as a base for our own plugins. The Template plugin's XML
and Javascript files are described also in a new program's help topic: App Plugins, intended to be
useful as the documentation for Javascript plugin's developers.

At this time we can manage the available plugins from the app's options dialog, inside a new
Plugins tab. Here we can see the available plugins and can check whatever we want to use. In
next releases probably we add more stuff in order to install the plugins, and also to provide more
information and other plugin's related stuff.

2016.41 (12/31/2015)

* The SimplePost actions' editor have now a variable's selector button for the POST data input,
so we can also use it to choose certain application's variables in order to assign to the selected
POST data variable.

2016.40 (12/29/2015)

* The Messages dock include now a position customizable toolbar in a similar way than the
Console dock and others include. The Messages toolbar allow us to copy the messages into the
clipboard, to save the messages into a text file, and to open the application directory in the
Windows Explorer, in a similar way than the same item into the App menu.

* The program distinguish now between the debug compilation and build compilation into the
Messages dock panel. That is, we can be sure if the latest compilation was a debug or a build
compilation, since they are not exactly the same, for example, debug compilations do not create
Cordova Batch nor Cordova configuration file.

2016.39 (12/28/2015)

* The app's options dialog do not allow now to choose an icon if the application is not saved
before. The reason is that now we can pick an icon and App Builder store the relative path for
that icon, and use that relative path when needed. In other words this means the application
icon is now "connected" to the application and can be available if we share our application
sources to other computer, for example.

* Update AngularJS and Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable version from
1.4.7 to 1.4.8. Update Videogular and Videogular controls plugin to the latest stable version from
1.2.5 to 1.2.6 version.

* Perform some minor changes, fixes and enhancements: some internal changes in the app's
views in order to remove certain old (now not used) code. The HTML Editor which appear when
double click Report and HTML Contents controls modified the state of the application, which is
the expected behaviour. Other minor fixes.

2016.38 (12/24/2015)

* Set the application modified when lock or unlock controls. So if we lock or unlock controls the
application state is set to modified and therefore need to be saved (or not) if needed.

2016.37 (12/23/2015)

* Fix an introduced error in the spanish translation which cause that the program not starts as
expected and an access violation error message. The problem is in certain string format token
(must be string and the spanish translation but it in an Integer way).

* Some changes into the StopPropagation and PreventDefault actions in order to require an
event variable instead of a control name. Then these actions can be used with the [App.Event]
variable, the [ViewName.Event] variable and the [ControlName.Event] variable. If you are using
these actions in your application you need to perform changes!

* Add the new [App.Event] global variable. This variable is intended to store the information
related with certains application events, like the recently introduced App KeyUp and KeDown
events. This variable store an empty string until an App event like KeyUp is fired, then the
variable store the event object, so, for example, we can access the pressed key code using

* Add the new MouseUp and MouseDown events to our applications. This events are fired when
the user click up or down the mouse and are intended to be used in desktop browsers.

* Add the new KeyUp and KeyDown events to our applications. This events are fired when the
user press up or down a key and are intended to be used in desktop browsers.

* Add the new KeyUp and KeyDown events to our application's views. This events are fired when
the user press up or down a key and are intented to be used in desktop browsers.

2016.36 (12/22/2015)

* App Builder starts very fast (less than 400 milliseconds in my not too fast computer) but now
we can view in the Messages dock panel exactly the time in which the program is starts and the
program started elapsed time.

* Fix certain bug in the MediaPlayer control and the MediaSetSource action which can cause the
video or audio file are not loaded in certain scenarios. For example, if we plain to use just one
source file for the MediaPlayer, an MP4 file, Firefox cannot load it because the bug. Thanks
Walter for the advise!

2016.35 (12/21/2015)

* Add the new Files app sample, which show us how to use the recently added actions FileWrite,
FileAppend and FileRead. The sample write and read certain app storage directory file and also
read an app installation directory file, included by the application at designtime.

* Add the new FileRead action into the new Files actions' category. The FileRead action allow us
to read text files from the app data storage or the app installation directory. This action requires
the Files plugin for Apache Cordova and our application must be build using Apache Cordova

* Add the new FileAppend action into the Files actions' category. The FileAppend action allow us
to append text to files into the app data storage directory. This action requires the Files plugin
for Apache Cordova and our application must be build using Apache Cordova too.

* Add the new FileWrite action into the new Files actions' category. The FileWrite action allow us
to write text files into the app data storage directory. This action requires the Files plugin for
Apache Cordova and our application must be build using Apache Cordova too.

* Add the new Files plugin checkbox into the Apache Cordova options under the app options'
dialog. This checkbox allow us to require the Apache Cordova File plugin in order to be ready to
use by some actions which requires it.

* The app views' designer had now 3000x3000 pixels instead of 1500x1500, in the hope that
complex applications have sufficient space to put controls into the views' designer.

2016.34 (12/20/2015)

* Now the app view controls can be locked into the designer, in other words, the locked controls
cannot be moved or resized. We can toggle a locked control by using the object inspector or also
by using a couple of buttons that has been added into the Designer edit toolbar has well the
designer contextual menu.

2016.33 (12/19/2015)

* Some fixes: Fix also certain mistake which cause that the autocollapse actions' categories does
not works like expected. The functions' manager code editor do not shown the actions'
autocomplete list if we are editing a Javascript function, in other words, the autocomplete
appear only if we are editing an App Builder script function.

* Reduce the number of control's categories into the dock controls panel. Now the categories
are Buttons, Inputs, Additional, Non visuals and Design. The Sensors (now in Non visuals) and
Standard (now in Additional) categories has been removed.

2016.32 (12/18/2015)

* Some minor changes : the program's main window shown in the caption the name or absolute
path (if exists) of the current application. The console dock toolbar "Clear console" button shown
now the text in addition to the icon, so it's more easy to click.

* Add the new IFrames app sample, which show us how we can use the IFrame control to shown
HTML files included by the application, for example. The app sample shown also how we can use
foreign characters or UTF8 if our frames HTML files are saved using such characters codification.

2016.31 (12/16/2015)

* Add the new GetNetworkType action into the new Network actions' category. This action can
retrieve the device's network type. This action requires the Apache Cordova plugin Network
information, which is now elegible from the app options dialog.

2016.30 (12/15/2015)

* Add the new Camera4 app sample. This application sample show us how we can get pictures
corrected or not corrected, that is, if the Camera control must rotate the image to correct for the
orientation of the device during capture or not.

* Add the new Corrected variable to the Camera control. This variable determines if the Camera
control must rotate the image to correct for the orientation of the device during capture. This
variable is "true" by default.

* Add the new Camera3 app sample. In addition to the Camera2 sample already included, this
Camera3 app sample do the same than the Camera2 sample and also show us how to pick
pictures from the device's photolibrary.

* Add the new Camera2 app sample. In addition to the Camera app sample already included,
this Camera2 app sample do the same than the Camera sample and also upload the taken image
into our app's server.

* Add the new Camera app sample. This app sample show us how to use the Camera control and
the CameraGetPicture action in order to take a picture from the device's camera and shown it
into an Image control.

* Add the new CameraGetPicture action into a new Camera actions' category. This action can be
used in combination with the recently added Camera control in order to take a picture from the
device's camera or photo library.

* Add the new Camera control into the Non visuals control's category. The Camera control allow
us to take a picture from the device's camera or the device's photo library. This plugin requires
our application build with Apache Cordova and Phonegap in order to run.

* Separate the variables' selector button from the Tags toolbar of the web editor. Place the
variable's selector into the Edit toolbar (and editor contextual menu) and change the Tags
toolbar in order to allow us a quick access to the tags' related items: we need two instead three
clicks to finally choose a tag.

* The general code editor had now a new Variable's selector button into the edit toolbar and
also the contextual menu. This button allow us to choose an app variable and then directly insert
into the code editor.

2016.29 (12/14/2015)

* Change the default size of some designer controls like the Push button, Toggle button and
Dropdown button. They are now a little height larger in order to get a better adaptation from
scratch for scaled applications in both portrait and landscape.

* Fix a mistake in the Code Minimizer tool which cause the possible errors cannot be viewed
because the dialog tip text is placed over the memo control which contains the errors. Take a
look at the other tools' dialogs and perform some enhancements on them.

2016.28 (12/13/2015)

* Add the new DateIsAfter action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateIsAfter action
allow us to find if a Date variable is after than other Date variable or formated datetime string,
optionall using certain unit granularity.

* Add the new DateIsSame action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateIsSame action
allow us to find if a Date variable is same than other Date variable or formated datetime string,
optionall using certain unit granularity.

* Add the new DateIsBefore action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateIsBefore action
allow us to find if a Date variable is before than other Date variable or formated datetime string,
optionall using certain unit granularity.

* Add the new Datetime app sample. This app sample show us how to use the recently added
DateNew and other Date variables related actions. In fact the app sample can tell you the
number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds from your born date.

* Add the new DateToUnix action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateToUnix action
allow us to retrieve the Date variable as the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
* Add the new DateToTimestamp action into the Datetime actions' category. The
DateToTimestamp action allow us to retrieve the Date variable as the Unix timestamp (the
number of seconds since the Unix Epoch).

* Add the new DateYearIsLeap action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateYearIsLeap
action allow us to find if the year of the specified Date variable is leap or not.

* Add the new DateMonthDays action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateMonthDays
action allow us to find the number of days in the month stored in a Date variable.

2016.27 (12/12/2015)

* Add the new DateToObject action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateToObject allow
us to get an Object variable representation of an specified Date variable created with the
NewDate action.

* Add the new DateToArray action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateToArray allow us
to get an Array variable representation of an specified Date variable created with the NewDate

* Add the new DateToIso action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateToIso action allow
us to get the ISO8601 string representation of an specified Date variable created with the
NewDate action.

* Add the new DateDiff action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateDiff action can be
used to obtain the differences of two Date variables created with the NewDate action. We can
obtain the difference in year, month, day, hour, etc.

* Add the new DateSubtract into the Datetime actions' category. The DateSubtract action is the
pair of the DateAdd action, and can subtract time from a Date variable created with the
NewDate action. We can subtract years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, etc., from the
specified Date variable.

* Add the new DateAdd action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateAdd action allow us
to add time in a Date variable created with the NewDate action. We can add years, quarters,
months, weeks, days, hours, etc., into the specified Date variable.

* Add the new DateSet action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateSet action allow us to
set an specific unit of certain Date variable created with the NewDate action. We can set Date
units like year, month, day, hours, etc.

* Add the new DateGet action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateGet action allow us
to get an specific unit from a Date variable created with the NewDate action. We can retrive
Date units like year, month, day, hour, etc.

* Add the new DateFormat action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateFormat action is
a robust way to display a Date variable created with the NewDate action. Take a look at the
actions' help in order to familiarize yourself with the available format tokens.

* Add the new DateValid action into the Datetime actions' category. The DateValid action allow
us to check if a Date variable (created by the NewDate action) is considered valid or not, storing
in the specified result variable "true" or "false", depending the check result.

* Add the new NewDate action into the new Datetime actions' category. The NewDate action
allow us to create Date variables in our applications and play with it by adding, subtracting, set,
get, compare it, etc.

2016.26 (12/11/2015)

* The Save current IDE layout and the Select IDE debug layout dialogs had the common
"information panel" with some tip about the usage and meaning of the dialogs.

* Introducing the new Inspector panel for the IDE's Debug layout. The Inspector panel show us
information about the element under cursor in the debugger browser. The Inspector show us
right now the ID, tag, class, text, HTML and other attributes of the element under the mouse.
Sometimes can be useful to take a look, for example, at the HTML behind a control, or take a
look at the exactly CSS classes associated with a control, etc.

2016.25 (12/10/2015)

* Add the new QrCode2 app sample. App Builder provide us with the Barcode control, which can
be used to scan QR codes and other barcodes and retrieve it their text representation. The
QrCode app sample show us how we can use some external Javascript in order to create our
own QR codes images. This other QrCode app sample show how we can get the URL-data of a
generated QR Code image in order to show it into an Image control and also to save it into the
app local storage space.

* Add the new QrCode app sample. App Builder provide us with the Barcode control, which can
be used to scan QR codes and other barcodes and retrieve it their text representation. This app
sample show us how we can use some external Javascript in order to create our own QR codes

* Add the new Magneto app sample. App Builder provide us with the Compass control, which is
good to retrieve informatoin about the magnetic heading in degrees from 0-359.99 at a single
moment in time. This app sample shown how we can use another Apache Cordova plugin in
order to get more information from the device's magnetometer.

* Now it's possible to change from one IDE layout to another also from the Views menu, that is,
in addition to use the Layouts bar. This enhancement is useful particularly if we wanted to hide
the Layouts bar from our IDE layout.
* Add a new item into the Views menu which allow us to show the recently added HTML
preview dock panel. Also, all of the available dock panels can be now closed, not only minimized
like before: we always made visible a dock panel with the appropiate layout or from the Views

2016.24 (12/09/2015)

* Add the new Target SDK option into the Cordova / Android app options. The target SDK specify
the API level or Android version our app is optimized for. By default App Builder uses the API
level 23, that is, the latest Android version available today: Android 6.0–6.0.1 Marshmallow.

* Add the new Min. SDK option into the Cordova / Android app options. The minimum SDK
specify the API level or Android version in which our app can be installed and run. By default App
Builder uses the API level 14, that is, the earlier API supported by Apache Cordova 5.4.1.:
Android 4.0–4.0.2.

* The Dock panels components used in App Builder has been upgraded to the latest version,
which include several fixes and enhancements.

* The IDE have now a new HTML preview dock panel. This panel show to us the HTML preview of
the selected HTML Content or Report controls. The HTML preview include also the possible CSS
style of the controls. The web editor has been also enhanced to show the CSS style of the control
in the panel preview when possible.

2016.23 (12/08/2015)

* The principal code editor and the web editor have now three new buttons availables into the
search and replace bottom bar. This three buttons can be used to determine if the search must
be made case sensitive, only for whole word or/and using Regular Expressions. Also a Next and
Previous search result buttons has been added aside the Search button also in the Search
bottom bar.

2016.22 (12/07/2015)

* Reorder various Tools in the Tools' dock panel. Basically the Buttons' category appear now the
first one in the Tools' dock panel, then the Inputs' category; some minor changes for the
designtime controls too.

* Fix certain mistake in the IfEx actions' help which cause than the sample code never can run
and in fact produces certain Javascript syntax error. Thanks Samuel for the advise!

2016.21 (12/06/2015)

* Add the new Load event to the Image controls. This event is fired when the assigned image is
successfully loaded into the Image control and can be useful in certain scenarios.
2016.20 (12/05/2015)

* Add an abstract and some other minor changes to the App Builder's CLI version. Remember we
can compile one or more apps directly from batch files using the App Builder's CLI program,
included with the App Builder's installation.

* Prevent a possible memory leak in relation with the web editor and the possible UTF-8 NO
BOM files. I take the latest approach found when solve the same problem in other of my
software: Small Editor (

* Now, when we double click an action from the code editor, if the action do not have
arguments, the program shown to us a dialog which include the action name and description, a
note about the no arguments needed, and a button to access the actions' help reference.
Functions with no arguments dialog has been enhanced too.

2016.19 (12/03/2015)

* The program translation for the spanish language is now 100% complete. The program is very
easy to translate due to the components we use, but the translation file contains right now 3723
strings to be translated. LOL.

* Fix an error related with the Console action which in certain scenarious causes an access
violation in App Builder. The occur when the Javascript external Log function receive an
undefined variable as the console message to be shown. Thanks Samuel for the advise.

* The App's functions, files and web editor windows can now easily maximixed using the
appropiate title bar button. Before that they are shown as dialog and, even when can be
redimensioned, now it's more easy to get quickly maximized.

2016.18 (12/02/2015)

* Fix a minor issue with the App Builder's welcome page, which, in small sizes do not appear "on
top" from default. Now the page is shown "on top" in any welcome page size.

* The App Builder's welcome page include now a feedback HTML form which can be used to
easily send feedback or program related comments in an easy way.

* The App Builder's welcome page has been enhanced in order to be easily translated to other
languages in the future. Currently the supported languages are the same availables for the
program GUI: english and spanish.

2016.17 (12/01/2015)

* Add the new Close others item into the File menu and the apps' tabs contextual menu. This
new item allow us to close all the opened applications except the selected one.

* Some minor changes in the IDE GUI. For example, the Properties dock panel show us the App
Builder icon when they have no properties to show. Also some icons has been changed like the
Welcome address bar "Go" icon.

* The Image control looks now if the image we try to load/open is supported or not. Currently
supported format by this control are this gif cur pcx ani png jpg jpeg bmp tif tiff ico emf and
wmf. If the image format are not supported their path are stored by the Image control and
properly show in runtime, for example, the SVG image format. If the format is not supported the
control never raises an error like before. Thanks José for the advise.

* All the app samples has been revisited and most of their app comments and non visual
controls shown now better getting the beneficts of the latest designtime controls changes.

* Continue working to made the best as possible designtime controls. Now almost all the
controls shown their appropaite icon image. Larger images has been introduced for some
controls, for example, for all non visual controls. Other controls like CheckBox and Radio has
been enhanced and now looks better.

2016.16 (11/30/2015)

* I am proudly to announce probably the better change and decision from the start of the App
Builder's development: we can now work with applications containing dozens of views and
thousands of controls! Wait a minute... this means that App Builder are not capable to work with
such kind of applications before? Please continue reading.

When the App Builder's developement I choose probably the best possible component to use it
as the base of all the possible application's controls. Since we deal with HTML, after a several
research, finally I decide to use the famous Window's WebBrowser component to be the base of
all the possible application's controls.

In fact such choice are the unique. No other control like that exists out there if we wanted to get
in designtime the most similar result than in runtime. For example, a WebBrowser control can
contains the appropiate HTML code in order to show us a Push button like we use in App Builder.
We can play with HTML and CSS and that's all we need.

However, the Windows's WebBrowser is a heavy component that requires lot of memory
allocated, and, even when nobody tell me about some slow behaviour at designtime, probably
it's a question of time than somebody report me such slow behaviour. I receive some issues
related with the WebBrowser control that finally can fix, but I can't "fix" the component itself...

Now App Builder no more uses the WebBrowser component as the base for the available
controls, and this means that open applications, copy, cut and paste controls, etc., are now tasks
faster than never. As I say before we can now work with applications containing dozens of views
and thousands of controls! And probably we never need something like that.

Nobody are hurt in the process. The backward compatibility are guaranteed and you no need to
change anything in your applications. The only "problem" of this change is the currently used
base component is not capable to show any HTML inside. I try to mimic almost as possible the
runtime/designtime views and of course I continue working on this in the near future.

The most affected control is of course the HTML contents control, which now only show us an
HTML5 icon and the control's name. Remember however we can access to the HTML contents
control's HTML Editor by double click it, and, that the HTML Editor have a "preview" panel. This
"preview" and of course run the application show us how the control HTML looks.

In conclusion, this App Builder's change represent the right direction point for the future, we can
enhance the controls by continue working on it, but, the advantages and beneficts of this change
raises the possible loss. And for this reason I say this is probably the better change and decision
from the start of the App Builder's development

2016.15 (11/28/2015)

* Add a new program help topic for the app wizard dialog. Also another minor fixes has been
made into the program help file, for example, the Inc action is now correctly linked.

* The program updater is now more smarter and allow us to directly execute the downloaded
new releases installer automatically after they are downloaded. The program ask to us if we
need/want to save the opened applications or, in other case, just close it by itself and then
automatically execute the downloaded new release installer. The program however ask us if we
want to do this or not, so we can execute the downloaded new release later if we wanted.

2016.14 (11/27/2015)

* Added the new RSS2 app sample. In the RSS app sample we can view how to retrieve and
parse a feed using jQuery and a little of pure Javascript, since using jQuery we do not depend on
a thirdparty server to parse the RSS feed and convert it into a JSON object ready to be shown in a
Report control. This RSS2 sample, however, use another possible technique to parse and use the
information of an RSS feed in our applications. In this case we use our own server in order to
retrieve and convert feeds into JSON objects in order to be retrieved by the app when the Report
control request it.

2016.13 (11/26/2015)

* Fix a memory leak which occur when the debugger browser open a new browser window, for
example, when we use the OpenWindow action in our application. The memory allocated by the
new windows is not been free once the debugger stop.

2016.12 (11/25/2015)

* The Dropdown button scale now as expected, that is, in a similar way than other controls.
Before this change this specific control do not scaled propertly in the scale option is used in our

* Fix certain memory leaks related with the debugger console. This memory leaks are not
detected by the default Delphi memory manager, however, the Fast Memory Manager for Delphi
detect the problem and allow me to fix it.

2016.11 (11/24/2015)

* The program about dialog which is show as a nag screen when the program is not well
registered yet, do not appear anymore always at the start and the end of the program, but in a
random way, then sometime the dialog appear and not sometimes.

* Finally I found the cause of the unreasonable incrementation of the memory used by the
program and which is reported to me by an user. The problem is with the TWebBrowser control
in Delphi, and, better said, with certain bug in the Delphi VCL library that has now fixed. Now the
program free their used memory without the refered problem. Thanks David for reporting the
problem and thanks to Jordi for your help in the tests.

2016.10 (11/23/2015)

* Searching for possible memory leaks (after an user report) I certainly found some of them and
now has been solved. Probably this do not solve this specific user issue, but anyway such
memory leaks must be fixed and they are fixed now.

2016.9 (11/23/2015)

* Add the new Cookies app sample, which show us how to use all the recently added cookies
related actions: SetCookie, GetCookie, RemoveCookie, ClearCookies and IsCookiesEnabled.

* Add the new IsCookiesEnabled action into the Storage actions' category. We can use this action
to find if the cookies are enabled and ready to use by our app.

* Add the new ClearCookies action into the Storage actions' category. We can use this action to
remove all the previously established cookies with the SetCookie action.

* Add the new RemoveCookie action into the Storage actions' category. We can use this action to
remove an specific and previously established cookie with the SetCookie action.

* Add the new GetCookie action into the Storage actions' category. We can use this action to
retrieve the value of a previously established cookie with the SetCookie action.

* Add the new SetCookie action into the Storage actions' category. We can use this action to
establish a cookie in the browser, just another way to store information, since we also have an
action like SetOption, which relies on the local storage.

2016.8 (11/22/2015)
* The app debugger browser react to the OpenWindow action opening a small window dialog.
This this by increase the new window with and height when use the OpenWindow action while
the app is running in the app debugger browser.

* Add the new RSS app sample. This app sample show us how we can retrieve, parse and show
the contents of an RSS feed. In this case we use jQuery to retrieve and parse the RSS, mainly
because they do not require any other dependency or web service. To show the RSS contents we
use an App Builder's Report control.

2016.7 (11/21/2015)

* Change the program copyright notice in both GUI and CLI versions. Also some aesthetic
changes has been made into the App Builder's CLI version, basically by adding a little left padding
to every line in the console output.

* Added the new LoadVars2 app sample. This sample is similar to the JSON3 app sample, and in
fact do the same than the LoadVars app sample, but using another approach. Yes; we can load
app variables from a file using the App Builder format or the JSON format, in order to get the
same result: get variables ready to be used in the application.

2016.6 (11/20/2015)

* Fix an introduced error in the app main Javascript code which cause that the app do not work
once is compiled with Apache Cordova or Adobe Phonegap.

2016.5 (11/19/2015)

* The menu in the SwipeMenu app sample does not appear animated at the first time. Correct
this by removing the "slideInLeft" CSS class but maintaing the "animated" CSS class.

* Fix certain deprecated notice from the Angular-UI-Bootstrap framework by the usage of the
$position service instead of the recently renamed $uibPosition.

* Fix an introduced error (just a removed dot) which cause that the app CSS animations does not
work like expected. Thank you Jose for reporting it.

2016.4 (11/18/2015)

* After some report from a chinesse customer, some internal changes has been made into the
program to avoid an error while register App Builder with a valid license. This release invalidate
your registry status, but you can use the same license to register it again.

* Some enhancements in the App wizard dialog. If author name and email are not provided the
program use the default ones but no store it into the wizard specific options. The wizard create
app become "modified" instead of not.

* Introducing the new App wizard dialog, which allow us to create a new app with certain
information and options prefilled. The Wizard dialog can be accessed from the File menu or by
clicking the appropiate button in the File toolbar.

2016.3 (11/17/2015)

* Some minor changes in the Debugger part of the main app.js file. Basically we reduce the
Debugger part a little without the usage of certain function that has been removed. Some other
minor changes has been made also in some app samples, like the Dropdown app sample, that
now show us how to insert a divider or separator into our dropdown's menus.

2016.2 (11/16/2015)

* Add the new Toggle app sample, which show us how to use the recently added Toggle button
control. The app sample is quite simple and we can view how to check and uncheck buttons by
clicking it or programatically.

* Add the new Toggle button control into the Button's control's category. The Toggle button
allow us to use a button in the same way than a Checkbox control. The Toggle button can appear
checked or unchecked and can be toggled by click it or programatically.

* Fix an error which cause than the Math actions' editor are not launched when the action is
clicked. This problem only occur if we use App Builder with the spanish language.

2016.1 (11/15/2015)

* The program icon has been changed (thanks to and therefore various
changes must be made over the program, some dialogs and app samples. This release also start
a new version numeration system, which refer the year of the release and the number of the
release, following by the release date.

3.0 (11/14/2015)

* The program first run or welcome dialog has been removed in beneficts than the recently
introduced Welcome page. The program show us a welcome message in the first run and also
provide us with more useful links than the old welcome dialog offers.

* Some fixes and enhancements in the Welcome page. The ENTER key in the URL edit works now
like expected (not goto the home page like before) and the forum posts links pointed now to the
forum thread and not the latest thread message.

* Introducing the Welcome dock panel. The Welcome dock panel (visible by default in the
Default IDE layout) show us a webbrowser with useful App Builder related links and also the
latest App Builder support forum posts.

* A new Start with new application option has been added into the Behavior tab of the program
options dialog. Unchecked by default, this option determine if the program start with a new
application or not.

* The program help file show now the expected background color even if we are using some
user interface theme different than Windows. Other minor changes has been also made over the
program help file.

3.0 (11/13/2015)

* Add the JSON3 app sample. We can use the LoadVariables and ParseVariables actions in order
to get variables ready to be used in our apps. This app sample show us how we can also use a
JSON file in order to retrieve data and show directly into an HTML control as variables. For more
complex JSON data we can also parse it without problems (see JSON and JSON2 app samples) or
use a Report control instead an HTML control, but, a simple JSON file can contain useful
information for our apps directly available as the appropiate variables.

3.0 (11/12/2015)

* Fix a mistake which cause that some variables of a Label control can be duplicated with
possible undesired behaviour in certain scenarious. We revisited the appropiate code for all
other controls to avoid this same problem.

* Some minor changes in the CORE builder.css and builder.js files and more important in how
these files are generated internally to be deployed with App Builder.

* The web editor does not try anymore to display their preview when acting like Javascript or
CSS editor, since the editor preview has only available when act like HTML an editor.

3.0 (11/11/2015)

* Add the new Footer app sample. This app sample show us how to implement a kind of app
footer which include various icons to navigate between the app views. This app sample show us
various things like how to use the Inline CSS app option to customize various app controls with
different styles. Also we can learn how to use app functions and how to take care about what
specific "target id" has been clicked into an HTML control. This app sample show us a possible
footer for our apps, but we can create footer using various controls too: Containers, Buttons,
Images, HTML, etc.

* Added the new create BAK files option inside the Behaviour tab of the program config diaog.
We can check this option if wanted to create BAK files of our apps when save it. A BAK file
(formed by the name of the app file followed by the ".bak" extension) can be useful if something
wrong happend with our app project file. This option is unchecked by default.

* Added the new autosave option inside the Behaviour tab of the program config dialog. We can
check the option and also select the interval (in minutes) in which we wanted to autosave the
modified open apps. This option is unchecked by default.
* Add the Scaled app sample. This sample show us how we can alternate between the fixed and
scaled app styles also in runtime. The Calculator app sample also uses this, but I found useful an
app sample that specifically show to us that.

* Some changes in the Launcher app sample. The Launcher control now fired the Error event if
the app is running out of Cordova, since the related actions and the Launcher control are only
available when our app is build with Cordova.

3.0 (11/10/2015)

* Fix a bug which causes that we cannot access propertly to the [App.Cordova] global variable.
This variable can be useful to determine if our app is running alone or compiled using Apache

* Add the new LauncherAction action into the Launcher actions' category. We can use this action
only in the Android platform in conjunction with a Launcher control in order to launch certain
action or Android intent. The Launcher sample has been updated to view how this action can be

3.0 (11/09/2015)

* Add the new Storage app sample. This app sample show us various things: how to use the
Input file control in order to allow the user to pick an image. Then how to use the Input file
control Read event to get the selected image as their Base64 representation. Finally, we save
such Base64 image into the local storage using the right action, and, when the app restart, we
show the previously choosed and saved image into the right Image control.

* The File input control have now a new variable "Data" and a new and optional event "Read".
When we use this event (which is optional) then the "Data" variable contains a Base64
representation of the user selected file. We can then use the SetAttribute action in order to set
an Image control "src" attribute with the "Data" variable, for example.

* Add the new SetAttribute and GetAttribute into the Tools actions' category. The first one can
be used to establish an HTML attribute of an specified app control. The second one can be used
to retrieve the value of an HTML attribute from an specified app control.

3.0 (11/08/2015)

* Some enhancement into the Dec and Inc actions' implementation. Now also string variables
(containing a number) can be incremented or decremented as expected. Some changes has been
made in various app samples too.

3.0 (11/07/2015)

* Add the new Dec and Inc actions into the Math actions' category. The Dec action can be used
to decrement by one a numeric variable . The Inc action is the pair for Dec, that is, the Inc action
increment by one a numeric variable.

* Add the new JSON and JSON2 app samples. The JSON sample show us how we can access to an
HTTP client response directly as a JSON object, that is, in order to retrieve the JSON object
information. The JSON2 sample show us how to do the same, but this time using a more
complex JSON object, which is an Array of objects wich also contains Array properties.

* Add the new auto complete proposal feature for the app events and controls editor. Just by
press the CTRL + SPACE hotkey combination a proposal list with the available app actions and
app functions appear and allow us to choose one action or function in order to show their editor
or directly add it to the editor if the action or function does not have arguments.

3.0 (11/06/2015)

* Upgrade the UI Bootstrap framework from the 0.13.4 version to the latest 0.14.3. This version
requires changes into the App Builder compiler and the base app Javascript code.

3.0 (11/04/2015)

* No more show the app options dialog when double click the app view into the designer. Also
no more show the program options dialog when double click the designer out of the app view.
Probably this can be annoying in certain circumstances, and, therefore we can access the refered
dialogs easily by pressing F4 and F5 or using the Toolbar or Edit menu.

* Add the autocollapse tools and autocollapse actions options the into the Interface tab of the
program options dialog. Unchecked by default, these options determine if the refered tools and
actions categories must show all their items or must appear collapsed by default and must be

3.0 (11/03/2015)

* Now the Messages dock panel is show when compile the app. This and other small changes
has been made, for example, some changes has been made into the program first run dialog.
The configuration file for Apache Cordova is now a little more smart and well writen too.

3.0 (11/02/2015)

* Add the new Splash subtab inside the app options dialog, under the Cordova tab. We can now
optionally specify two splash screen images for our apps in order to be used when build our app
using Apache Cordova or Adobe Phonegap.

* In the same way that the program does with the app icons, App Builder automagically resizes
the optional provided portrait and landscape splash screens into various sizes and for various of
the supported platforms.

* The appropiate stuff for the optional app splash screen has been also added into the Cordova
configuration file, as well as the appropiate plugin is referenced for the supported Cordova Batch

* Fix a bug that cause the iOS icons are not linked correctly into the Apache Cordova
configuration file. Just a mistake that leave a wrong path for the iOS icons.

* Add the new Hotkeys app sample, which show us how to use the recently added Hotkeys non
visual control. The app sample show us how we can add a couple of hotkeys combinations in
designtime. Then we can add more hotkeys combinations in runtime, remove it, remove all,
reset the app hotkeys, etc.

* Add the new Hotkeys non visual control into the Non visuals control's category. The Hotkeys
control allow us to react when certain hotkey combination is pressed by the user. We can add
one or more hotkeys combinations in both designtime and runtime, and can use more than one
Hotkey control if we need. For details about the possible combinations take a look at the control
reference help.

3.0 (11/01/2015)

* Add the new BlockApp app sample, which show us how to use the recently added BlockApp,
UnblockApp, IsAppBlocked and BlockedText actions. Add also the new BlockApp2 app sample,
which show us how we can use certain CSS class in order to change the blocked text container

* Add the new BlockedText action into the App actions' category. This action can be used to
establish the message which is shown in the user interface blocked text container. By default the
message is "Please wait". We can call this action also when the app user interface is already

* Add the new IsAppBlocked action into the App actions' category. This action tell us if the app
user interface is currently blocked or not, that is, if we use previously the BlockApp action and
before call to the UnblockApp action.

* Add the new UnblockApp action into the App actions' category. This action must be used to
unblock a previosly blocked app user interface by using the BlockApp action. The app still
blocked until we call to the UnclockApp action.

* Add the new BlockApp action into the App actions' category. This action can be used to block
the app user interface in order to disallow any interaction with the user. This may useful when
HTTP calls are made, for example.

3.0 (10/31/2015)

* A couple of new options has been added into the program config dialog Interface tab. These
options allow us to determine if the program must show or not hints when the mouse hover
certain program controls. The other option determine the time (in seconds) that a hint remain
visible before automatically hide. Various new hints has been added into the app options dialog

* Various changes and enhancements. The app options dialog Interface is now the first tab
instead of Information. The version code option has been moved from the app Information tab
to the Cordova Android tab, because in fact this version code is used only by the Android
platform. Also a new iOS tab has been added into the app options dialog Cordova tab and for
now they contains the Bundle version option, intended to be used when prepare a Cordova
configuration file and for the iOS platform only.

3.0 (10/30/2015)

* The app function's manager incorporates now the ability of export and import one or more
app functions into or from an XML file. This can be useful for various purposes, for example, to
share app functions between apps.

3.0 (10/29/2015)

* Some changes into the program first run dialog, that now offer links to the online contact form.
In fact the dialog text has been rewriten in the hope that they be more useful.

* The Calculator sample feedback endpoint URL are prepared to be an app file (when the
Calculator run from a server) but this mean the expected behaviour do not occur if we simply
debug the app from App Builder: fix that by use the appropiate server URL for the feedback
script. Other minor changes has been made too in others app samples.

3.0 (10/28/2015)

* Add the new Report5 app sample. This app sample show us we can use the Report control to
put Youtube videos inside every record, for example. This app sample also show us how the
Report source JSON data can contain useful things like CSS classes and how to apply it into the
Report records. Take a look at the app Inline CSS, since we define here the CSS classes used by
the Report control.

* The icons XML in the Apache Cordova configuration file has enhanced and now they works
more fast and the XML produced code is, like other configuration, well formated.

* Add the xxhdpi (144px) and xxxhdpi (196px) icon sizes into the icons resizer feature for both
the Android and Amazon FireOS platforms. Also add the 90px and 114px icons for the Blackberry

* App Builder can now resize your app icon for various platforms: Android, Blackberry 10,
FirefoxOS, iOS, Tizen, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, according to the documentation of
Apache Cordova. That is, when you choose the option to create an Apache Cordova (or Adobe
Phonegap) configuration file, your app icon are automagically resize into the appropiate icon
sizes for the mentioned platforms, as well as the appropiate XML entries has been added into
the Cordova configuration file.

2.0 (10/27/2015)

* The app zipper tool never add to the zip file the Cordova Batch files, since they are not really
needed in that context. Fix also an error in the HTML Editor, which show the same label for the
Heading tag items, only when use the spanish language for the GUI.

* Made the right changes in order to allow us to use variables inside HTML attributes of the
HTML and Report controls. For example, something like this is now perfectly possible: <span
class="[Record.ItemClass]">. Before this changes we can use the "src" attribute without
problems, but now we can use variables in other HTML attributes too.

2.0 (10/26/2015)

* Enhance the Debugger Console dock panel: now we can select one or more console messages
(lines) and then copy it into the clipboard. Also, we can copy now the entire Console messages
into the clipboard.

* Fix an inexcusable introduced error wich cause that we CANNOT edit the controls events code
in certain circumstances. The problem is an internal refactoring which change unintentionally
the controls events scope.

2.0 (10/25/2015)

* Some changes in how the App Builder compile the Report control. We quit some Bootstrap
class out of the Report control table. The app samples which uses the Report control has been
revisited, for example, the Database sample has been enhanced.

2.0 (10/21/2015)

* The Start (if possible) with the latest app option is not checked now by default, that is, when
install App Builder. Also, the Full screen options for the Cordova compiled apps are not checked
now by default: full screen apps are good, but probably it's not a good idea to hide the Android
(for example) status bar by default.

* Add the new [App.DialogView] global variable. This variable store the current app view shown
as a dialog or an empty string in other case. This variable can be useful, for example, to avoid
direct calls to some app view intented to be view only as a dialog.

* Some aesthetic changes in the Database app sample. Now we use a different app theme. Also
some other changes and enhancements has been made: resize almost all buttons, add a new
text input to filter the latest database notes and more.
2.0 (10/20/2015)

* Add the new Database app sample, wich show us how to use a Report control along with HTTP
Client controls to retrieve and list information from a remote database and also update, delete
and insert new information in such database.

2.0 (10/19/2015)

* Latest changes to avoid the cache of HTTP requests cause we need to made some changes too
in the server PHP scripts used as examples for the app samples included in App Builder, all of this
in order to propertly enabled CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) in some browsers like Mozilla

* Translate some recently added strings into the spanish language. The App Builder translation
for the spanish language is now 100% completed.

* Added the new Exit action into the Control actions' category. The Exit action can be used to
exit the current script block, without execute any next possible actions.

* Remove the app option to disable the browsers cache using metadata in the app index.html
file. We tried with other solution from Javascript which apparently do not need such metadata
information, and, on the other hand, such metadata doesn't work like expected. We can always
use the custom metadata option to write some cache related stuff, however, the latest Javascript
changes solve the possible cache related issues.

2.0 (10/18/2015)

* Fix an error in the Report control: we perform the report URL request twice, which is not what
we wanted. The same issue cause, for example, than the Report error event are executed twice

* The Report control "Data" and "Status" variables appear as empty strings and not undefined in
case of an error occur and the original variables are not set (are undefined).

* Fix an error which occur when select and use the VarToString action: the actions' editor form
do not appear (an error appear) because they do not exists with the appropiate name.

* Fix an error which occur if the focus is on the Properties dock panel and then try to close the
app and then say "no" to save changes. The program try to update the changes in a no more
existing app, then an error occur.

2.0 (10/17/2015)

* Some changes into the program options dialog. In particular we add a new tab into the
Interface section, in order to let space for future interface general options and others.

* Some changes to the program IDE debug layout. Now we put the focus to the console dock
panel, and the messages and watcher dock panels are placed as tabs along the console dock
panel. Also, the tools and actions dock panels are placed to the right, give us a more quick access
to the debugger browser toolbars. Remember you can change the IDE layouts and create new

* Perform some changes to the program IDE default layout. Now we give more space for the app
view, by placing the controls dock panel along the views dock panel and the actions dock panel
below than the tools dock panel. Remember you can change the IDE layouts and create new

* Enhance the controls dock panel: when select an item (control) in "code time", the program
show the appropiate control code tab. If the control code tab do not exists, then the program
create a new control code tab for the selected control.

* Finally found the cause wich cause that the new browser windows, opened by the app
debugger browser, cannot be moved. Now such windows can be moved like others.

2.0 (10/16/2015)

* Add the new MediaPlayerShowControls and MediaPlayerHideControls into the Media actions'
category. These actions can be used to show or hide the default MediaPlayer controls (play,
pause, stop, etc.) respectively.

2.0 (10/15/2015)

* Add the Click, DblClick, MouseUp, MouseDown, MouseEnter and MouseLeave events to the
MediaPlayer control. These events may be useful in certain scenarios, even when the
MediaPlayer can be controlled by actions (play, pause, stop, etc.) or the MediaPlayer default

* Add to the MediaPlayer control the hability to control the style (in principle the "display"
property) of the MediaPlayer controls: default play, pause, stop buttons, etc. So we can prepare
the MediaPlayer to show the controls by default and then toggle their visibility in runtime. The
help reference of the MediaPlayer control has been touched too.

2.0 (10/14/2015)

* The program help index of contents has been reordered in order to give more importance to
the app help along the program itself help. Other minor fixes has been made into the program
help files too.

* Still working internally to catch every possible memory leak. Some refactorings has been made
in both GUI and CLI versions of App Builder.

2.0 (10/13/2015)
* Fix some possible memory leaks who never appear in the program without the use of certain
Delphi thirdparty memory manager, but certainly appear to be solved.

* The app samples dialog can be now resized and, like must of other dialogs, their position and
dimension is saved to be later loaded when the dialog is shown again.

2.0 (10/10/2015)

* Some changes into the PushPlugin and Ranges app samples in order to use the same
background color and border radious taken by convention in the other App Builder included app

2.0 (10/09/2015)

* Resize the "tip information" for the Cordova/Configuration tab in the app dialogs. Before of this
the tip do not appear complete. Also the Configuration tab has moved to the left.

* Revisited the included app samples and made some changes like resize (to be a better size) the
app designtime comments (which describe every sample app).

* Increase a little the app samples dialog in order to fit without problems some app samples
larger description text. Before this such larger description text are unreadable.

* Some refactoring over the "push.php" of the PushPlugin app sample. Less comments to
increase (that's the intention) the readability. Hability to store more than one Push service
registration IDs and to prevent to store more than ten IDs for the app sample.

* Add the new PushPlugin app sample. This app sample use certain Apache Cordova plugin
which allow us to send push notifications to our apps compiled by Apache Cordova for the plugin
supported platforms: Android, iOS and Windows.

The difference of this plugin and the Pusher control included by App Builder, is the hability of the
plugin to wake up our apps, even if they are not running. Some disadvantage can be than the
Pusher control works in all platforms and the plugin not.

Other possible disadvantage of the Push plugin usage is the more or less complexity of the
required Push service to be used, and how we need to deal with an app server (the sample
include a PHP script) to store some kind of data and finally send the push notifications.

2.0 (10/08/2015)

* Sometimes, due to a particular Cordova plugin or anything else, we need to add into the
Cordova config.xml file some stuff, in addition to the added by App Builder by default. For this a
new tab has been added into the app options dialog, under the Cordova tab, which allow us to
put some XML to be automatically added to the config.xml Cordova file.

* Update the indication of the Apache Cordova CLI version into the config.xml file for Cordova,
from the version 5.1.1 to the latest version 5.2.0.

* Add the new Ranges app sample, which show us how we can use the Range input in both
horizontal and vertical way. This control, however, are not shown correctly vertically in Google
Chrome: this must probably fixed in the near future.

* Enhance the Range input control with the new Min, Max, Step and Orient variables. The latest
one can be "horizontal" and "vertical", so now allow us to put this control in a vertical
orientation in addition to the default horizontal orientation.

2.0 (10/07/2015)

* Update the AngularJS framework and their modules from the 1.4.6 version to the 1.4.7
version. Other minor refactorings has been made too in the main app.js file.

2.0 (10/06/2015)

* Fix an error when use the OpenWindow action in the debugger. Certainly the taken solution is
not perfect, but, at least fix the wrong new window wrong dimension and position until now. At
least now works better than before.

* Take a look at all the 64 included samples and change the background and some other CSS
properties in almost all of them, in order to be a little more aesthetics and user attractive. At
least that's the intention!

2.0 (10/05/2015)

* Some internal refactorings in order to disconnect certain routines from a module to another in
an isolated way. This kind of refactorings are made everyday and mostly are not refered here,
but certainly the changes beneficts the program, even when are not visibles.

2.0 (10/03/2015)

* Almost rewrite the Pusher app sample. Now they offer much information and commented
code. And the app sample GUI has completely redesigned in order to allow us to request Push
notifications, connect and disconnect from the service.

* Some enhancements for the Pusher control Javascript in order to apply the event changes into
the AngularJS model. In fact, instead of you need to call the ApplyModel action, App Builder do it
for you for the Pusher events.

2.0 (10/02/2015)

* Add the new Pusher app sample, which show us how to use the Pusher control in both ways:
the client side, using the App Builder's Pusher control, and the server side, using a PHP script
which is responsible to send the real time push notifications.
* Include the new Push notifications in a nutshell video tutorial into the program help file. This
video tutorial show us how easy is to prepare our apps to receive push notifications and
messages using the recently added Pusher control.

* Add the new PusherConnect and PusherDisconnect actions into the new Pusher actions'
category. We can use these actions along with the new Pusher control in order to connect and
disconnect to an specific Pusher app, channel and event.

* Add the new Pusher non visual control, which allow us to use the service in order
to receive push notifications/messages in our apps. We can use one or more Pusher controls and
receive push notifications/messages in a very easy way.

* End the translation to spanish of the recently added actions and dialogs related with the
WebSocket control. In fact the spanish translation is now 100% updated.

2.0 (10/01/2015)

* The dialogs help icon into the caption's bar do not works propertly. Now when this icon is
clicked the appropiate contextual program help is opened, just like we expected.

* Fix a minor mistake (and syntax error in some scenarious) in the Javascript generated code for
the new WebSocket control. Just remove a couple of wrong semicolon.

2.0 (09/30/2015)

* Added the "WebSocket.Code" variable table reference, which describe the various possible
values for this WebSocket control variable available in the "On Close" event.

* Add the new WebSocket app sample, which show us how to use the new WebSocket control
along with their related actions. The WebSocket app sample use the echo service
to figure out how we can establish bidirectional connections between our app and some
WebSocket server.

* Add the new SocketOpen, SocketSend and SocketClose actions in the new WebSocket actions'
category. These actions are intended to work in conjunction with the new WebSocket control in
order to open a connection, send messages to the server and close the connection respectively.

* Add the new WebSocket non visual control, which allow us to establish bidirectional
communications between our app and a WebSocket server. The WebSocket control provide us
the appropiate variables and events in order to easily work with a WebSocket server.

* Remove the Validator actions' category and put their actions into the Strings category. We
don't wanted too much actions' categories, even when filter is easy to perform.

2.0 (09/29/2015)

* Some minor "to the pixel" adjustments into the main program window, in particular remove
the 3 pixels padding from left, right and bottom (leave top) for al dock panels.

2.0 (09/28/2015)

* Added the new Validator app sample, which show us how to use all the recently added
validator actions: IsIP, IsEmail, IsAlphaNum, IsAlpha, IsASCII, IsBase64, IsCreditCard, IsUUID,
IsFQDN, IsISBN, IsISIN, IsJSON, IsHexColor, IsLowercase and IsUppercase.

* Added the new IsIP, IsEmail, IsAlphaNum, IsAlpha, IsASCII, IsBase64, IsCreditCard, IsUUID,
IsFQDN, IsISBN, IsISIN, IsJSON, IsHexColor, IsLowercase and IsUppercase actions into the new
Validator actions' category.

2.0 (09/26/2015)

* Fill the object inspector with the properties of the app when we change between app tabs. No
more need to click the app designer to get the object inspector right filled.

2.0 (09/22/2015)

* Due to a limitation of the TBitBtn Delphi's control, which only accepts Bitmaps and not
transparent PNG images, these controls glyph appear uggly when we use a GUI theme different
than Windows. I decide to remove such glyph in these scenario: in fact the buttons appear
better without glyphs than with glyphs.

* Upgrade Chart.js to the latest version. Upgrade the JavaScript Expression Evaluator to the
latest version. Upgrade Videogular CSS from 1.25 to 1.2.7 version.

* A new button has been added into the app samples dialog which allow us to open the app
samples directory and close the app samples dialog just after.

* Upgrade AngularJS Core from 1.4.4 to 1.4.6; AngularJS Route from 1.4.4 to 1.4.6; AngularJS
Touch from 1.4.4 to 1.4.6; AngularJS Touch from 1.4.4 to 1.4.6; UI-Bootstrap from 0.13.3 to
0.13.4; Videogular from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7. Other minor fixed and enhancements too.

2.0 (09/21/2015)

* Fix a mistake for the tip panels of the app options dialog, which cause there are not correctly
placed when the app options dialog are redimensioned.

* Fix a memory leak wich cause a run time error in certain scenarios. The problem was caused by
the GUI theme preview of the program options dialog.

2.0 (09/20/2015)

* If we use some theme except Windows (by default) and create a new app, the Designer and
Code app tabs do not appear correctly. Now this don't happend anymore.
* If we use some theme except Windows (by default) and close an app in the IDE, some "ghost
image" of the closed app remains into the window. This has been fixed.

* The App Javascript file item of the App menu uses now the App Builder's Javascript editor
instead to open the file with the system predefined editor for Javascript files. Other changes has
been made to enhance the App Builder's included web editor.

* Since the GUI theme preview in program dialog options take some time to be generated, I
decide to cache the theme preview images in real time, then, succesives previews requeriment
are loaded from the cached images and are almost instant.

* Add a new Windows preview image into the program options, that is, instead of a "white
image", now we have a preview when select the user interface "Windows" theme.

* Fix an access violation error which occur in certain rare scenario: if we back to the Windows
theme from other GUI theme and then close the program. The taken solution probably have
some other beneficts too.

* Fix a problem when use some themes except the Windows (default) which cause than the app
function's manager are not refreshed properly when change between functions.

* In order to some themes to be applied correctly (mostly "dark themes") I need to introduce a
new panel for the various "tips panels" around the program.

* The user interface theme can be now change without the need of restart the program, then we
can preview a theme from the program options dialog, and, if select someone different than the
currently used, the program change to that theme inmediatelly.

* The theme preview in the program options dialog has also been enhanced and now it's more
fast, offer more information, and there is not need to press a "preview" button.

* Another bunch of program GUI themes has been added, but more important, the themes itself
has been enhanced in the sense than now also common dialogs (like open file, save file, etc.)
and more controls appear using the selected theme.

2.0 (09/19/2015)

* Minor fixes: end the translation of the recent changes for the spanish language. Make
"themeable" the toolbar of the Variable's selector dialog.

* App Builder IDE support now dozens of GUI themes among the system Windows theme. Now
the Interface tab of the program options dialog allow us to select one of these themes: Amethyst
Kamri, Aqua Light Slate, Cyan Dusk, Cyan Night, Emerald Light Slate, Iceber Classico, Khaki,
Lavander Classico, Light Green, Lilac, Orange, Pink, Sapphire Kamri, Sepia, Sky, Slate Classico,
Smokey Quartz Kamri and Turquoise Gray.
* App Builder docking components has ben upgrades to the latest version, and this meant that
now the components style fit better with the used Windows theme among other beneficts.

2.0 (09/17/2015)

* For the first time, App Builder executables and installer are now digitally signed, which meant a
better confidence about the program integrity and authoring. You are encourage to assert that
the program executables have the appropiate code sign and that my name (David Esperalta
Calderon) appear into the executables Digital Sign properties.

* The program website has been rewriten from scratch and therefore some changes has been
made into the program help, updater, etc., in order to adapt to the new website. The new
website resumes in one place ( all my software, including App

1.0 (09/13/2015)

* Fix some mistakes and made some refactorings over the app.js file. For example, the
declaration of some constants appear not correct at all for the 100% of cases.

1.0 (09/12/2015)

* Now the debugger browser panel allow us to use the mouse wheel in order to scroll down or
up if the browser size is greater than the available space in the screen.

1.0 (09/11/2015)

* Fix a problem which cause we can't set the source of a MediaPlayer control and inmediatelly
play the source file. Applying an small timeout to the play function cause the behaviour of the
control appear as we expected.

* Fix an error which cause that all items into the app file's manager listviews are deleted when
we only select one of them to be deleted.

1.0 (09/08/2015)

* The app file's manager dialog has been enhanced and now we can select and delete more than
one file at the same time. Other enhancements has been made in this dialog too.

* The debugger Browsers toolbar buttons launch now the app entry point into the selected
browser (which is the expected behaviour) and not the URL shown into the debugger URL
editbox (which probably is not the expected behaviour).

1.0 (09/07/2015)

* The Paste from clipboard action has been enhanced for the app view designer. We can paste
from the clipboard previously copied controls and now also a new HTML control is inserted with
their HTML variable filled with the clipboard text.

* Minor changes: Some minor changes into the program options dialog. Add a new button into
the Help toolbar of the main IDE window in order to directly open the support forum.

1.0 (09/06/2015)

* Fix a problem which cause we cannot change the description of an app function argument
because the program advise the argument already exists.

1.0 (09/05/2015)

* A new element "Insert table" has been added into the Tags menu of the web editors. This
element allow us to insert the template of an HTML table which can be customized basically
adding new rows. The element calls a dialog in which we can specify some options for the table
in form of CSS classes.

* Add a new option into the Debugger tab of the program options dialog which allow us to
enable or disable a GPU when render the content of the debugger browser. This dramatically
improves performance for apps that are rich in graphics.

* Various enhancements has been made over the main source code editor. Now we deal in a
better way with the non wanted selection when double click an action in order to show their
actions' editor dialog. Also we take a better approach in order to maintain the code/actions

* In the same way than the debugger browser refresh action, now the restart app action also
clear the debugger console and the debugger watcher variables panel.

1.0 (09/04/2015)

* Add the new Restart the app, Go back and Go forward buttons into the debugger Tools toolbar
and into the debugger panel contextual menu. Restart the app allow us to start the app from
their main page view, contrary to the other button Refresh browser, which always refresh the
current webbrowser page. Go back and Go forward buttons allow us to navigate the debugger
browser history.

1.0 (09/03/2015)

* Apparently window.App.Scope variable don't give us access to some app variables, depending
where the variables are defined. A new external Javascript variable has added:
window.App.RootScope, intented to give us access to all app variables.

1.0 (09/01/2015)

* Enhance the Awesome app sample in order to show some of the capabilities of the Awesome
Font included icons like animate icons, rotate icons and more.
* The main program editor (for control events) offer now the way to put it into fullscreen. We
can use an edit toolbar, the editor contextual menu or the F11 to toggle the fullscreen.

1.0 (08/31/2015)

* Some enhancements into the DecSoft app sample. Between others, a new app view has been
added in order to show the URL or the web page of the selected program.

* Some fixes into the Web editor dialog. Now they don't show the preview panel when act like
CSS or Javascript editor, and also don't show the HTML toolbars in this cases.

* Take unresolved requests as warnings and not simply net messages, then the debugger console
show it even if we choose to don't show the net requests in the console.

* The app options dialog have now a new HTML tab. This tab allow us to specify if we wanted to
add some metadata into our app index.html file. App Builder can add automatically app
information and turn off the browsers cache. We can specify custom meta tags to be added into
the index.html file.

* Some minor changes: The IDE Views panel have now a contextual (right click) menu which
show us the same items availables in the Views panel toolbar. Fix a mistake in the DecSoft app
sample which cause than the news Report control are not updated properly.

1.0 (08/30/2015)

* Some enhancements into the app samples dialog: now we get a "No results found" if our
search filter doesn't produce any results. Also other enhancements has been made over the
samples description: now they changes in real time when filter the samples.

* Replace the search editbox, the add variable editbox and the add button from the debugger
watcher panel. Now these controls are inside their own toolbar, looking similar than others
panels and allowing us to change their place.

* Change all the IDE panels in the way that instead of use margins to be care about their
apparence now we use paddings instead, the same paddings for all panels.

* Fix an error in the Report control which cause their behaviour are not correct if we don't assign
an URL in designtime and then wanted to use an URL in runtime. Now we can let the Report URL
blank if we wanted that, and change the URL in runtime or use the Data variable in order to
propertly feed the Report control.

* The debugger watcher panel allow us now to add variables in runtime, that is, when our app
has been started. Remember we can use the Watch action to add variables from our app code,
and also add the app user variables can be automatically added.

* Fix an introduced error which cause that we cannot change the variables using the debugger
watcher. I forget to rename the window.App.RootScope to window.App.Scope.

1.0 (08/29/2015)

* Enhance the performance, apparence and behaviour of the debugger console. Now we use a
ListBox control instead of a ListView control, the console messages are shown in the execution
order (first to come, first to add) but show always the latest message, and finally the console
save action has been also improved and the log file offer more information.

* Add the new External Javascript tutorial into the program help file. This tutorial show us with
samples why and how to use the App Builder Javascript exposed variables "window.App.Scope"
and "window.App.[ViewName].Scope".

* Prevent that some empty (unused) control events are added into the debugger console. This is
caused by a mistake which take in count also empty control events blocks.

* Forget to add the appropiate CALL into the Cordova Batch generated files in order to install the
Barcode plugin, if our app requires that.

* Add the new BarcodeScan action into the new Barcode actions' category. This action allow us
to start the barcode scan process using a Barcode control. Then we can react to the Barcode
control Success and Error events in order to get the results. Take a look at the also new Barcode
sample for details.

* Add the new Barcode non visual control into the Non visual control's category. This new
control allow us to scan barcodes from our apps using Apache Cordova or Adobe Phonegap. The
Barcode plugin is ready for all supported platforms. But remember this control can't work in
normal desktop or mobile browsers.

* In the same way App Builder expose the "window.App.Scope" Javascript variable to access app
variables and app functions, now a new variable is exposed: "window.App.[ViewName].Scope",
(replace "View" with an app view name) to allow us access to specific app view functions like
control methods. Take a look at the modified External app sample.

* The IDE Variable's selector toolbar can be now placed everywhere in the panel (top, right,
bottom, left) just like the other program toolbars around the interface.

* Increase the height of tabs in all page controls in program dialogs. All the tabs have now the
same height: a little above the default system height, which appear too small.

* Fix a mistake in the ImagePick and ImagePick2 samples which cause the the apps doesn't work
like expected, since we try to give the focus to a non exists control.

1.0 (08/28/2015)

* Add the new External app sample, which show us how we can access app variables and app
functions from external Javascript code using the "window.App.Scope" variable.

* The external Javascript variable "window.App.RootScope" is now "window.App.Scope". This

last variable allow us to access app variables, but also app functions and other stuff like
"alertBox" and other internal app Javascript function.

* Fix a mistake which cause than some debugger console messages stuff are included into the
app Javascript code even when we Build the app and not debug it.

* Fix a mistake which cause than samples like ImagePick2 can't work like expected, because they
can't show the user selected image. The problem is caused to not include the "blob" protocol
into the image src sanitization whitelist.

* Take care with possible line feed and carriage return chars into the debugger console
messages. In order to save the console to a file these chars are replaced with "[ln]" and "[cr]"
respectively in order to do not decrease the console log readability.

* Some enhancements for the save debugger console messages action. Now the actions' lines
are zero padding, which increase the readability of the console saved file. Other changes has
been made too to increase this file readability.

* Add the new Save button into the debugger console panel toolbar. This button allow us to save
into a file the console messages. Add also better icons for disabled buttons/actions in the
debugger console panel toolbar.

* All Input controls which accepts text entry, the Textarea and the Typeahead controls have now
two new events: KeyUp and KeyDown, which can offer us information when a user press and/or
release key in such controls.

* The IDE console panel have now a new movable toolbar with buttons to allow or disallow
"net", "info", "warnings" or "errors" console messages, and to clear the console.

* The IDE app views panel toolbar can be now placed everywhere in the panel (top, right,
bottom, left) just like the other program toolbars around the interface.

1.0 (08/27/2015)

* The App Builde debugger console show now when a block of code start and when end. For
example, before list the actions of a Button1 Click event, the console show the message "Start of
the Button1 Click event", and, in the same way, when the event code are finished the console
show us the message "End of the Button1 Click event".

* The Console action accepts now a second argument for the console message kind. This kind
can be "info", "warning" and "error". The main app Javascript file (app.js) debugger stuff has
been enhanced too. Add also a new Console app sample, which show us how to use the
different type of message kind availables.
* The App Builder debugger console has been enhanced by divide the information in various
columns. Now the console show the kind of the message (info, warning or error), the action line
(if any) and finally the message. The message kind are also show using icons.

* Sometimes we wanted to take a look at the app Javascript file (app.js) once our app is
compiled, to take a look at the Javascript, to find some possible error, etc. For that a new
element has been added into the App menu, which open the compiled app.js file with our
system default editor.

* Prevent an error in some rare scenario: try to close the program when the app is running and
the watcher panel have the user focus. On the other hand, watcher filter editbox and tools and
actions filter editboxes can now be clear when press the Escape key, not only when the editbox
have the focus, but also if their panels have the focus.

* Add an edit box into the debugger watcher panel which allow us to filter the watches variables
by a search string. The search strings is searches in the entire watches variables list names and
values too.

* A better treatment of the App.Themes global variable, which contains something like ",Default"
when only the Default theme is included. The "comma" here is not correct, even when
apparently do not cause problems.

* Use "ng-src" attribute instead of "src" in DecSoft, Report2, Report3 and Report4 app samples.
By a mistake we use the "src" attribute, which cause an HTTP unresolved resource, because the
images are trying to retrieve before the possible involved variables are replaced. "ng-src" is the
properly attribute for this scenarios.

* Now the program main window can show in almost all their surface a contextual popup menu
which have exactly the same elements than the File menu: New, Open, Samples, etc.

* Some minor fixes and enhancements: prevent to add duplicates variables to the debugger
watcher. Clear the debugger console when refresh the debugger browser. Remove some unused
stuff from the app.js template file.

* A new "Watch" action has been added into the Debug actions' category. We can use this action
to add app variables to be watched by the debugger watcher. We must pass to this action the
name of a variable and this variable can be an String, Number, an Array or an Object variable.
We can watch an entire control variables by pass to this action the control name.

* Introducing the new App Builder's debugger Watcher panel. At runtime, such panel show us
the app variables (set by SetVar, NewArray and NewObject actions) if the appropiate debugger
option is checked (a new option introduced into the program options/debugger tab). The
Watcher panel show us the current value of the variables and allow us to change values.

1.0 (08/25/2015)
* The IDE Run action no more compile the app (if not exists) in not debug mode, since this cause
the execution of the Before Build and After Build executions. Instead the Play button compile the
app (if not exists) in debug mode and only the Build IDE Build action.

* Add a new app Build tab into the app options dialog. This tab contains now two new app
options: Before Buid Exec and After Build Exec. These options allow us to specify a program
executable to be executed before our app is build and after our app is build.

* Add a new program behaviour option which allow us to choose what happend when we take a
Bitmap capture of the app view designer or the app debugger browser. By default the captured
Bitmap file directory is explored (open) but now we can also choose than the Bitmap file are
opened by MS Paint, useful to directly made captures anotations, for example.

* The optional app inline CSS are now placed after the app auto generated CSS. By mistake the
inline CSS code has placed before the auto generated code, which cause that we must use CSS
fules with the "!important" flag to get precedence. Now something like that are not needed
since the app inline CSS code simply can override the auto generated CSS code.

* Add the new StrSerialize and StrUnserialize actions into the Strings actions' category. The
StrSerialize action can be used to get the string representation of an Array or Object variable.
The StrUnserialize action is the partner of the first action and can transform a previosly serialized
Array or Object into the appropiate variable.

1.0 (08/24/2015)

* Recently we introduce GIF images into the program help file, which appear good in principle.
However, the program distribution size pass over 30 Mb, which is something unaceptable
because in fact almost of the size are for such GIF files. Now the help file use PNG images and
the program distribution size has been dramatically reduced.

* Change (again) the color for the multiple program "tips" which are visible in various windows
and dialogs. Now the selected color is white, imposible to be more transparent and fine for
Windows 10 and their default "white" window title bars.

* Some changes and refactorings in the recently added DecSoft app sample. Basically all the
source is now commented and a few of app functions has been introduced for our convenience
to change the app theme, update the news Report, etc.

* Add the new DecSoft app sample. This app sample is a complete app news which offer
information about my own currently maintained software: App Builder, HTML Compiler,
NeoPlugins, Small Editor, Screen GIF, Img Converter, Volume Keys and Humm PHP.

This app is a sample of how we can do that in a few hours. The app itself is a sample of how to
implement different things like app theme changing, Report control usage, how to make the app
as responsive as possible, etc.
1.0 (08/23/2015)

* Now the Comment designtime control allow us to change their Top, Left, Width, Height and
Name variables using the App Builder IDE object inspector.

* Fix a mistake which cause than the Label control ignore the recently introduced Popover
related variables and therefore the control HTML do not include it.

* The HTML content control have now a Title variable, the ToolTips related variables and also the
Popover related variables, just like other App Builder controls.

* The App Builder debugger app size combobox show now the current browser size (width and
height) and update such size when the browser are resized. The refered combobox has been
enhanced and we can now write a customize app size directly in the control and apply it by press
the ENTER key.

* Fix an error in the ObjectSetProp action which cause that, in some circumstances, the object
property value are not propertly set. At least this problem has been found if we use the
ObjectsetProp action inside an app function.

* The App Builder compiler do not put anymore the app views CSS identifiers when CSS style
rules are not specified for the app views. Basically we don't wanted empty identifiers in the app
CSS stylesheets.

* App Builder show now an App samples dialog instead of the standard Windows open files
dialog. The new App samples dialog listed all the installed app samples, include the app samples
description (app comment) and allow us to filter the app samples searching text into the app
samples description.

1.0 (08/22/2015)

* Various optimizations made the App Builder debugger to start more fast than before. Basically
the compiler copy the app template files in a more smart way: if the core files exists, then do not
copy it again, and only copy the app specific fresh files. This compiler optimization and other
fixes that has been made are notable when use the App Builder GUI and is also available in CLI

1.0 (08/21/2015)

* Add the new Report4 app sample. This sample show us how we can use the Report control
Data variable instead of their URL variable to feed the control, directly assigning some JSON data
to the Results variable, by creating such JSON Data variable in runtime using the Arrays and
Objects related actions.

* Add the new Report3 app sample. This sample show us how we can use the Report control
Data variable instead of their URL variable to feed the control, directly assigning some JSON data
to the Data variable, retrieving using a SimpleGet action.

* Rename the Results variable of the Report control for a better called Data variable. Certainly
Results can define good what we retrieve from the Report URL, but we can also feed the Report
control using such variable directly, then, better than Results, Data.

* The control's variables which appear in the Variable's selector has been reordered in the way
than the first listed variables are more commonly used than the lastest ones.

* Add the new Popovers app sample, which show us the usage of the optional Popover variables
in various of the Popover capable controls. The app sample is similar to the Tooltips app sample
but using Popovers instead.

* Push button, Drodown button, Container, TextInput (all of them), Progressbar, Image, Textarea,
FileInput, Radio, Checkbox, Select, Multiselect, Typeahead and Label controls have now the new
PopoverPos, PopoverTitle, PopoverText and PopoverEvent variables.

The Popover is similar to the Tooltips but using other style and allowing us to specify a title and a
text for the popover, a position (top, left, bottom or right) and the event which trigger the
Popover, which can be "mouseenter" or "click".

* More enhancements to the Icon picker dialog. Now the filter edit offer more functionality, the
icons itself appear better (more larger) and the hover color has been changed.

* Some fixes: the icon picker dialog are not properly linked to the program help file. Various
internal refactorings in order to share certain web browser control related code. Remove some
old code into the Icon Picker dialog HTML.

1.0 (08/20/2015)

* Search from more than 900 icons can be a pain and for that the Icon Picker dialog has been
redesigned in order to allow us to filter the icons by a text query.

* Add the Meneame provider to the Share control. Meneame is an spanish site similar to reddit
in which many people read news shared by the Meneame site community.

* Upgrade the YUI Compressor from the 2.4.6 version to the 2.4.7 version. We can't use the
latest 2.4.8 version until some issue with output files absolute paths must fixed, but 2.47 version
offers some changes and enhancements over 2.4.6.

* Changes in the Calculator app sample: removing not too much useful buttons (module and
exponent) we put a more larger equal button. Also we add a new Comments app view, in which
we allow the users to send us some feedback comments.

* The program show now a "text tip" if we select an app view control which doesn't have any
event and then change it to the Code tab. Such "text tip" appear to inform us that the control
doesn't have any event.

* Add the new ShareByObject action into the Share actions' category. We can use this action to
share an URL or image and other information in social web sites. Instead of use a Share control,
we can provide to this action a Javascript object variable with the appropiate information. See
the actions' help for more details.

* Add the new ShareByControl action into the new Share actions' category. We can use this
action along with the new Share control in order to open the window which allow us to share
the URL or the image and other information. We simply need to call this action specifiying the
Share control name.

* Add the new Share control into the Non visuals tool's category. The share control allow us to
specify an URL or image and various other information in order to be shared in social web sites,
currently supporting: VK, Digg, Buffer, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Google+,
Pinterest, Delicious and Stumbleupon. This is a non visual controls with variables/properties
which can be filled in design and runtime.

1.0 (08/19/2015)

* Rename the Objects panel caption and the panel itself (in the View menu) to Controls.
Probably Controls is better than Objects, but also Objects can be confused in some way with the
new introduced Object variables.

* Add the new VarIsObject action in the Variables actions' category. We can use this action in
order to find if certain variable is a Javascript object variable or not.

* Add the new ObjectGetProp action into the Objects actions' category. We cna use this action to
retrieve the value of the specified property in a previously created Object variable using the
NewObject action, and an established property by using the ObjectSetProp action.

* Add the new ObjectSetProp action into the Objects actions' category. With this action we can
establish or update the value of the specified property in a previously created Object variable
using the NewObject action.

* Add the new NewObject action in the new Objects actions' category. This action allow us to
create Javascript object variables. While an Array variable allow us to store various values in a
numerical indexed way, an Object variables allow us to store various pairs of keys/values.

* The app view designer double click event show now the app options dialog (like before) only if
we double click inside the app view. On the contrary, if we double click the designer outside the
app view then the program options dialog are shown.

* Add the new Awesome app sample. This new app sample show us how we can use the
certainly added Awesome Font icons in our apps by scaled and colorized the icons. The HTML
control and icons can play a good role in our apps as you can see in this app sample.

1.0 (08/18/2015)

* The Icon picker has been enhanced in the sense that finally we can count with all the icons
(more than 250) provided by the Bootstrap CSS and Glyphicons. Before this fix some dozens of
these icons cannot be selected even when exists.

* The Icon picker has been enhanced to allow us to choose icons from the Font Awesome Icons
pack. This, however, cause some back compatibilities issues. Basically we define now an icon
using their entire CSS class and not only their name.

* Incorporates the Font Awesome Icons ( to the

program, that is, all the controls that can use before an icon can now use one of the more than
600 icons provides by Font Awesome.

1.0 (08/17/2015)

* The App Builder CLI compiler have missed the help information for the optional "zipper"
argument. Also some of the CLI compiler help are not translated to the spanish language.

* Add the new HttpStatusText action and the new [HttpClient.StatusText] variable, which
retrieve/store the HTTP status text after an HTTP error or success request. The HttpClient app
sample has been updated to offer such variable information too.

* Some internal changes around the Javascript HTTP requests used in the HttPClient control, the
Report control and the SimpleGet, SimplePost and LoadVariables actions: now we use the
AngularJS HttpPromises instead of the deprecated "success" and "error" functions.

* Update AngularJS and Router, Touch and Sanitize modules to the latest stable version from
1.4.3 to 1.4.4. Update Videogular and Videogular controls plugins to the latest stable version
from 1.2.0 to 1.2.5 version. Update UI-Bootstrap to the latest version from 1.13.2 to 1.13.3.

1.0 (08/16/2015)

* More (contextual) help topics has been added like the String variables editor, Array variables
Editor, HTML variables editor and Icon variables editor. Other changes and enhancements has
been made into the program help file.

* Some enhancements in the app function's manager. Now the dialog's caption reflect the
current edited app function, arguments and language (AbScript or JavaScript).

1.0 (08/15/2015)

* The Battery control and other sensors and non visual controls are not take in count in certain
internal routine used by the compiler, which cause these controls continue providing a non sense
(for this kind of controls) "Hidden" variable.
* The program requisites "recovery system" can't work properly except in my system by a
mistake... fix this into the program installer and let the "recovery system" do the job.

* Fix a mistake which cause than the app view designer toolbars position are not saved properly
and then the position cannot be right loaded when needed.

1.0 (08/14/2015)

* More esthetic changes to the program, this time the Page Controls components are the
Windows standard version instead of an third party component. This is noted specially in
Windows 10, because in that version this standard control suffers various esthetic changes.

* Some esthetic changes to the program dialogs, in particular the background of the dialog "tips"
have now the system info background color, in the hope that this color look better in Windows
10 but also in Windows 8.x and Windows 7.

1.0 (08/13/2015)

* The BAT compiler tool dialog include now a new checkbox which we can check in order to
indicate that we want to compress in zip our compiled app.

* The new Zipper tools is usable also in the App Builder CLI, which now accepts a new flag
named "/zipper" to tell the CLI compiler we want to zip our compiled app.

* A new tool has been introduced: the Zipper tool, which can compress our compiled app in a
Zip file, ready to be shared or to be upload in a service like Adobe Phonegap Build.

* The App Builder CLI now creates the Apache Cordova config file and Webapp manifest even in
debug mode, that is, even if we specified to compile our app code in debug mode.

1.0 (08/11/2015)

* Include the new Build our apps with Adobe Phonegap video tutorial to the program help file.
This video tutorial show us how we can use the Adobe Phonegap Build online service instead of
Apache Cordova in order to build our apps for various platforms.

* Include an icon into the root of the app folder in order to be taken by the Adobe Phonegap
online service. Apache Cordova CLI do not have problems with the icon in the same place than a
normal HTML5 app, but Phonegap complains about it.

* Include the "source=npm" attribute for all plugins added into the Apache Cordova config.xml
file. This attribute is apparently required to build the app using the Adobe Phonegap online

1.0 (08/10/2015)

* When web and code editor print and print preview detect now if we have some selected text
in the editors, and, in that case, the print or preview only output the selected text.

* All the app samples (50 at this time) has been revisited in order to add source code comments
in almost all pieces of code, in the hope that in this way the app samples can be better
understanded and become more useful.

* Rename the Log action to Console. Add the new actions into the Math actions' category: Log,
Abs, Exp, Pow, Cos, Acos, Sin, Asin, Tan, Atan, Atan2 and Sqrt. Even when we can use this math
functions with the existing Math action, now we can also use it like other actions.

1.0 (08/09/2015)

* The App Builder web editor try now to detect the encoding of the CSS and Javascript files
opened from the app file's manager. The program try to detect the file encoding and therefore
assign it to the editor and take in count when save the file later.

* Now the control's source editor tabs show more appropiate icons for every controls, app and
app view, instead of use a generic image now we can see the right individual icons. By use the
appropiate control's icons we can find more quickly the control tab that we wanted.

* The debugger browser panel remember now their width and height and then load the
previously saved values to allow us to test some special screen scenarios in our apps without the
need of resize the browser over and over again.

* The program help (online and local) include now lot of animated GIF images useful to take a
look at the appropiate help topic into the real App Builder interface. For example, into the app
file's manager help we can view how to add a CSS file and how to edit it with the web editor.
While prepare the GIF images (using some fixes has been made.

1.0 (08/08/2015)

* Separate one of the Debugger toolbar in two: Browsers and Tools toolbars. This last have now
a new button which allow us to refresh the current debugger browser page.

* Our HTML variables editor become an abstract web editor which we can use to edit control's
HTML variables, CSS code (app Inline CSS) and now also Javascript code: now the app file's
manager allow us to edit CSS and Javascript files directly from App Builder the enhanced web

* Some changes and enhancements for the app main Javascript file. The code has been reduced
1,6 Kb (not too much, but something) and also is now more clear in some points. Similar changes
and refactorings has been made in the App Builder main Javascript file and stylesheet.

* Add the new Battery non visual control, which offer us three events: Status, Low and Critical in
order to take care about the device battery. This control works in all Apache Cordova platforms
and our app requires to be build with Cordova and the also introduced Cordova Battery plugin.
1.0 (08/07/2015)

* Disable the F12 key (which we can use to toggle between the editor and designer) if the we are
running an app, because in other case that cause an error.

* Some fixes and enhancements: the actions dock panel, the tools dock panel and the app view
designer scrollbox can be now scrolled also with the mouse wheel.

* If we are running an app and try to close the program, App Builder no more save the debug
layout into the session layout, because probably this is not what we expect in this scenario.
Anyway a new confirm dialog has been added to ask the user if they want to close the program
when an app is running.

* App views designer cut/paste and delete/undo operations works better now by trying to
maintain the name of the implicated controls. Before this change the controls get new names
when are pasted or undeleted and this can break possible existing app code.

* Some fixes and enhancements: Enable the mouse scroll wheel in various app and program
options dialog scrollbox controls. The main source editor don't more insert a new line when add
or edit an app action. Fix an introduced but which cause than HTML control and editor can't
show font icons properly.

1.0 (08/06/2015)

* Two new program help topic directly accesibles from the appropiate dialog: the program
options dialog and the control's tab index order dialog have their own help topic now.

* The HTML and CSS editors have now a new Wordwrap button into the edit toolbars and also a
new item in their contextual menus. This option allow us to toggle the wordwrap feature (wrap
large lines or not) in these editors.

* The Report control incorporates now (in designtime) the same CSS than the HTML control. This
meant we can preview the content of a Report control in the same way than the HTML control,
that is, in a more accurate way.

1.0 (08/05/2015)

* The HTML editor show now the HTML preview into the right position and not the bottom
position. For our purposes the right place is better than the bottom because offer a better
perspective over the edited HTML.

* Finally a found the problem which cause that the program options dialog take too much time
to appear. In fact the dialog finally appear as expected, but some duplicate (and not needed)
control cause the dialog take much time than now.

* Now almost all app view controls react when receive an user doble click and show the
appropiate control variable editor for their default variable. The default variable is not the same
for every control and then the control show the appropiate variable's editor. If no one control
are selected in the app view designer but the user perform a double click then the program
show the app options dialog.

* Add a new Style tab into the app options dialog which allow us to view and edit the Inline CSS
code of our apps. We can edit this inline CSS code here in the app options dialog and also from
the object inspector when select the app in the designer.

* Add a new Inline CSS option to the apps in order to add debugger purpose or small CSS code to
our apps, instead to use the app file's manager to add stylesheet files, which in fact is the
recommended way to add particular CSS rules in our apps.

1.0 (08/04/2015)

* The HTML Editor have now a preview browser which show the content of the HTML Editor in
the same way than we can view in the designer once accept the changes. In this way we can edit
the HTML in a better way, since we no need to close the editor to view the results.

* Some enhancements in various program dialogs. Before we use ToolWindows for sizeable
dialogs but now we use Resizable dialogs with the maximized and minimized buttons hidden.
This offer better results in all Windows versions but specifically in Windows 10.

* The ToggleClass actions' editor do not appear when is required. Fix this error and also other
minor mistake in the Checkbox app sample.

* Upgrade Inno Setup (the program installer) to their latest version, which include some new
stuff and the appropiate resources for the compatibility with Windows 10.

1.0 (08/03/2015)

* The App Builder debugger has now a new button "Open by Microsoft Edge" button in their
browser toolbar. This button open the current app with the Microsoft Edge browser. To use this
feature you need to run App Builder in Windows 10.

* App Builder is now develper and compiled under Windows 10. The program manifest has been
enhanced to add some key specific to this newer Windows version.

* The control's tab index order dialog allow us now to reset the control's index tab order, that is,
to set all the control's tab index property to -1 = no control have any tab order associated.

* Some minor fixes and enhancements into the Recents app menu: their behaviour are not the
expected due to a mistake. The object inspector for the app allow to edit more app options now
like the text direction. Other minor fixes and enhancements, for example, the open app dialog
allow us now to select more than one app.
* The main source editor (App events, views events and controls events) has been enhanced
when the user make double clic on it. Now we take care about possible actions and app
functions (or not) in the double clicked line in a better way.

* The general editor options have now two new colors wich we can customize: the selected word
marker background and the selected word marker background.

* Both HTML editor and main source editor receive enhancements by the addition of the
selected word marker. When we select a word or make a search all the same words in the editor
are now highlighted.

1.0 (08/02/2015)

* The mini-tutorial dialog that is shown in the first program run can now remain visible in next
executions until the appropiate checkbox is unchecked in that dialog. Useulf because an user can
skip the mini-tutorial if they wanted, but also take care about that when decided.

* Now the program save into the app project file the creation and last modified date times. This
information can maybe useful in a possible future app report which allow us to view and share
information of an app, for example.

* The app function's manager dialog, app file's manager dialog and other dialogs do not close
anymore when the user press the Escape key. Certainly this is the expected behaviour for some
dialogs, but not for the mentioned ones, for example.

1.0 (08/01/2015)

* Now the Colors dialog used by the program when pick some color property into the object
inspector, take care about the possible "custom colors" values saved by the user, and therefore
load such custom colors in next dialog executions.

* Add the Browser platform into the Cordova tab of the app options dialog. This platform is
intended to deploy our app in one of the supported browsers and have the interest that some
Cordova plugins exists in this platform too.

* Now we can customize the main and HTML code editor gutter with the options: Font name,
Font size, Digit count, Visible, Autosize, Line numbers, Leading zeros, Zero start, Border style,
Background color, Foreground color, Gradient start color, Gradient end color and Border color.

* Now we can customize the main and HTML code editor with the options: Auto indent,
Drag&drop editing, Special chars, Tabs to spaces, Trim trailing spaces, Group undo, Font quality,
Font name, Font size, Tab width, Line space, Selection mode, ALT switch mode, Insert caret,
Overwrite caret, Background color, Foreground color, Selection background color, Selection
foreground color and Active line color.

* The HTML editor (for control's HTML properties) has been enhanced with a new Font icon
button in the toolbar. This button allow us to insert a font icon into the HTML editor using the
font icon picker dialog. Also some other minor enhancements has been made to the editor.

* The App Builder compiler is now a bit smart in the sense that do not say "Success" if an error
occur. Certainly the compiler ends their work, but, if an error occur the final message is not
"Success" but "Failed". This apply for both GUI and CLI interfaces.

1.0 (07/31/2015)

* Add a new toolbar for the HTML editor for the HTML controls with buttons that allow us to
copy, paste, select all text, etc. This toolbar also appear in the editor as a contextual menu.

* Add a new toolbar for the HTML editor for the HTML controls with buttons that allow us to
search and replace text of the HTML editor content, just like the main program editor.

* Add a new toolbar for the HTML editor for the HTML controls with four new buttons which
allow us to export the current editor content to HTML, RTF, PDF and LaTex formats.

* A better file names and doc titles when print or export the app views and app functions source
editor. Instead of use "App name - View name" the program is now more specific and can
prepare doc titles and file names like: "MyApp app - Button1 - OnClick event" or also "MyApp
app - Foo function".

* Add a new toolbar for the app views and app functions source editor with four new buttons
which allow us to export the current editor content to HTML, RTF, PDF and LaTex formats.

* Fix a mistake which cause than designer Comment controls appear into the final app Javascript
code in some way, which is something that have non sense for this kind of controls. Other minor
fixes has been made also in the Code minimizer tool dialog.

* The Control's tab index order dialog have two new buttons: First and Last, which allow us to
move the controls at the beginning and the end of the list

1.0 (07/30/2015)

* Add a new Allow user zoom option into the app dialog under the Interface tab. By default this
option is enabled and for accesibility they are not recomend to set to false, but, in certain cases
maybe useful and therefore the option exists. This option, on the other hand, appear only to be
take in consideration in mobile browsers and not desktop browsers.

* The Control's tab index order dialog can be now resized in order to take a look at a more large
list of controls, when this scenario exists. Also other similar changes are introduced in other
program dialogs like the app function's manager, the app file's manager and others.

* Fix an small error which causes than when copy a Label control and then paste in an app view
the control do not show their text and appear just like a white box.
* The recently added Control's tab index order dialog show now the appropiate image icon for
every listed controls. This of course can be useful to identify what kind of controls we look.

* Add the new TabIndex app sample, which show us how we can determine the tab order for
certain of our app controls in both manually or assited way using the recently introduced
Control's tab index order dialog, accesible from the app views designer toolbar.

* Add the new App view control's tab index order dialog which can be accessed from the app
views designer toolbar and allow us to view and edit the tab index order of the app view
controls. This order determine the user focus in our app for certain controls like inputs and
buttons and also what's happend when the user press the tab key, for example.

* Add the appropiate CSP (Content Security Policy) field to the manifest App Builder generate
when we choose the appropiate option from the Webapp tab of the app options dialog.

1.0 (07/29/2015)

* Fix an introduced error which cause than the Chart control legends always appear visible, even
if we establish to "False" the Chart control Legend variable. Thanks Jordi!

* The app view designer toolbar has been split into three different toolbars instead of just one.
As always we can place these toolbars where we like.

* Add a new button into the app view designer toolbar and into the designer contextual menu
which allow us to save a Bitmap image capture of the current app view.

* The app view and control events source code editor toolbar has been split into three different
toolbars instead of just one. As always we can place these toolbars where we like.

* The HTML properties editor toolbar offer now the hability to print the content of the HTML
editor, show a editor print preview, open the print config dialog and the App Builder editor
options dialog.

* A new tab has been added to the program options dialog named Editor. In this tab we can
found the way to configure the App Builder source editor. Right now we can configure the
options for the print works specifiying this options: Wordwrap, Color print, Print source syntax,
Print line numbers, Print mirror margins, Header, Footer (with variables), Margins unit system,
Margins top, right, header, left, bottom, footer, gutter and internal, Left indent and Right indent.
We can also preview the options and reset the options to the default values.

* The source code editor toolbar and contextual menu offer now the hability to print the content
of the editor, show a editor print preview, open the print config dialog and the App Builder
editor options dialog.

* The app view designer have now a Select all action. This action works in two different ways: if
you select a Container control with childs then the action select all controls inside the Container.
In any other case the action select all app view controls.

* App Builder sample Calculator has been approved and we can found into the Firefox
Marketplace! Take a look here:

* Fix an introduced error which cause that controls cannot be pasted into Container controls like
we expected if select a Container control precisely to do that thing...

* Both CLI and GUI code minimizer tool offer now information if an error occur. Before this
update the GUI code minimizer tool do not offer useful information if an error occur, for
example, if some Javascript syntax error prevents the code to be minimized.

1.0 (07/28/2015)

* Put available the CTRL+Z shortcut for the app view designer. Also indicate in every needed
toolbar element and menu item (copy, paste, cut, undo) the shortcut keys we can use to perform
the right action.

* Some new categories for the Tools IDE panel. I try to separate every control into their more
appropiate category. Also the order of the controls has changed triying to be more useful. Do the
same for the Actions IDE panel: reorder categories and actions too.

* In very rare cases we may need to access our App root scope from Javascript outside of our
app. For this I put the variable "window.App.RootScope" which become available once the app is
initialized for possible external Javascript files.

1.0 (07/27/2015)

* Add a new video tutorial: Prepare our apps for the FirefoxOS into the program help file. This
tutorial show us how we can prepare our apps to be deployed into theh Firefox Marketplace and
how to use Firefox and the FirefoxOS emulator to try our apps.

* Fix a security problem which cause that images are not properly show when our apps run in
FirefoxOS in both cases, when use Cordova or when use the "manifest.webapp" file.

* Added the new Charts app sample, which show us how to use tha Chart control, in particular
how to feed the Chart control with the appropiate data and how to deal with their click event.

* Added the new Chart control into the Standard tool's category. This control allow us to show
and use up to six diferent charts (Pie, Doughnut, PolarArea, Bar, Line and Radar) in our apps.

1.0 (07/26/2015)

* The capture tool in the debugger toolbar prepare now a more convenient image file name
based in the current app name and the debugger browser width and height.

* Some internal refactorings in the app Javascript core "app.js" file. We start to deal with pure
Javascript boolean types, since the recently added VarToString, VarIsTrue and VarIsFalse actions
allow us to deal with such types if needed.

* Some enhancements in the App Builder Command Line Interpreter version. In addition to this
enhancements the CLI program has been completely translated to the spanish language.

* Add the new VarIsFalse action into the Variables actions' category. This action allow us to find if
a variable is a pure boolean false in Javascript or if the variable store a "false" string in a non
case sensitive way, that is, it's the same "False" than "false" than "FaLsE".

* Add the new VarIsTrue action into the Variables actions' category. This action allow us to find if
a variable is a pure boolean true in Javascript or if the variable store a "true" string in a non case
sensitive way, that is, it's the same "True" than "true" than "TrUe".

* Add the new VarToString action into the Variables actions' category. This action allow us to
convert a variable into their string representation, for example, a pure boolean true value in
Javascript has the "true" (string) representation; a pure false value has the "false" (string)
representation. This can help us in some conditionals and other scenarios.

* The app Idle related stuff are working but not completely as expected. I fix the appropiate code
into the app Javascript core and now the Idle app sample work as expected.

* Add a new Show in explorer element into the program App menu. When we select such
element App Builder just show the current app file into the Windows Explorer. Quick and useful.

* Fix an introduced bug which cause that some actions like SetStyle do not work properly, since
the compiler be confuse and take control names as variables, which cause action failure.

* Add the new SwipeMenu app sample, which show us how to use a Container in combination
with other controls, mainly the Menu control, in order to prepare an swipe menu for our apps,
which appear when the user swipe right and be hide when the user swipe left.

1.0 (07/25/2015)

* The Contents tool's category has been renamed to Standard and the Container, Progressbar
and the MediaPlayer controls has been added into this tool's category.

* Add the new Menu, Menu2 and Menu3 app samples, which show us diferent uses of the
recently added Menu control. The first one is the most simple: how to show the menu "as is"
into an app view. The second one show the menu when we click a button. And the third one
show us how to change the browser contextual menu for our own menu.

* Added the new Menu control inside the Contents control's category. We can use the Menu
control to show a list of grouped items and allow the user to click every item and to us react
when a particular item has been clicked. The menu support for items icons and HTML.
* The editor dialog for Array Items variables now allow us to be resized and the position and size
of the dialog are stored and loaded when they are needed again for us.

* The program now take the language selected by the user from the program installer. Then if
you choose, for example, the spanish language when install App Builder, the first program run
appear in the spanish language, just like we can expected.

* The app function's manager dialog place now the editor toolbar in the previosly saved position,
just like in the other code editor is used.

* Some enhancements into the confirm search and replace dialog. The appropiate confirmation
dialog icon has been added and other small changes has also made.

* Separate the app events and the app views events into the help file. Now the app specific help
do not include the app views event, which are placed into the app views specific help.

1.0 (07/24/2015)

* The App Builder history, by now recents apps, search and replacements, can be clear from the
Behaviour tab of the program options dialog. Some other fixes and enhancements has been also
made into the program options dialog.

* The Behaviour tab of the program options dialog allow us now to specify the max number of
search queries and replacements saved into the program search and replace history.

* The app views and app functions source code editor search and replace feature has been
enhanced and now App Builder save the history of the latest searchs and replaces.

* The debugger panel have now their own contextual popup menu, that give us access to the
same buttons and actions also availables in the debugger tools bar.

* A new Safari path option has been added into the program options dialog and a new Open
with Safari button has been added into the Debugger tools toolbar. App Builder try to
automatically fill the Safari browser path but you can setup your own one, and, of course the
new toolbar button allow us to open the current debugged app with the Safari browser.

* The debugger toolbar has been divided in two toolbars: debugger and tools, and now can be
move along the debugger window like any other toolbar in App Builder.

* The recently added app view and source editor movable toolbars can continue move along the
edges of their parent, but cannot float anymore, which can cause undesired behaviours.

* Some fixes, changes and enhancements over the program help file. Now this can be better
view online and the Cordova Plugins tutorial has been linked to the help index.

* The app views designer toolbar has been enhanced and and a new contextual menu appear
when we click into the designer with the right mouse button.
* The app events and app functions source code editor contextual menu appear now by a more
convenient mouse up event and not a mouse down event.

* Some internal enhancements in the new source code editor Confirm replace dialog. This dialog
has been also completed translated to the spanish language.

1.0 (07/23/2015)

* The app views designer toolbar has been enhanced and now we can move the toolbar along
the app views designer in the same way than we can move any other App Builder IDE toolbar.

* The events and app functions source editor have now commands to search and to replace text
into the editor. Easily we can show the search and replace panel to perform our search and
replaces into the editor.

* The events and app functions source code editor have now their own toolbar wich provide us
access to the right editor commands. We can move this toolbar along the editor in the same way
than we can move any other App Builder IDE toolbar.

* The events and app functions source code editor has been enhanced and now include a new
popup menu with better images for both enabled and disabled states.

* Add the new Plugins app sample, which show us how to use Apache Cordova custom plugins,
in this case a plugin which allow us to send SMS messages for the Android, Windows Phone and
iOS platforms.

* Add the new Apache Cordova custom plugins tutorial into the program help file. This tutorial
show us how we can use virtually any Cordova plugin not directly included in App Builder.

* Some changes in plugin ID's used inside the Cordova config.xml file generated by App Builder.
Basically we updated these plugin ID's to use the latest available for Cordova CLI 5.0.x.

1.0 (07/22/2015)

* Add a new Custom plugins for Cordova. We can use this new option to specify custom plugins
to be used by our apps. App Builder is responsible to add the appropiate custom plugins install
instructions into the generated Cordova Batch files and also the Cordova config.xml file.

* Add the new Introduction to the app file's manager video tutorial into the program help file,
which show us how to use the app file's manager in conjuction with the Image control and in
order to allow us to share our apps on different systems.

1.0 (07/21/2015)

* Fix an introduced error which cause that actions doesn't inserted in the right source code
editor: in fact after the second action these come to the first event of the events tab.
* Add the new HtmlContent app sample. I recommend you carefully to take a look at this app
sample since the HtmlContent control is one of the more powerful control in App Builder.

* Some internal changes, refactorings and enhancements has been made over the "app.js" core.
Fix, for example, the OpenWindow action to propertly show the window scrollbar.

* Add the new ToggleFullscreen action into the App actions' category. This action allow us to
switch the fullscreen state of the app. Also the new [App.Fullscreen] global variable has been
added containing "true" if the app is in fullscreen or "false" when not.

* Add the new ThrowError action into the Javascript actions' category. We can use this action to
throw a Javascript error and stop the subsequent actions, but execute the app Error event.

* Add the new app Error event, which is fired when an error is produced in the app Javascript
code. Also a new [App.LastError] variable has been introduced, which contains the latest app
error message.

1.0 (07/19/2015)

* Upgrade the Bootstrap CSS framework from the 3.3.4 to 3.3.5 version. Upgrade also the
AngularJS Videogular CSS from 1.2.0 version to 1.2.4. Upgrade the Bootswatch themes Cerulean,
Cosmo, Cyborg, Darkly, Default, Flatly, Journal, Lumen, Paper, Readable, Sandstone, Simplex,
Slate, Spacelab, Superhero, United, Yeti from 3.3.4 version to 3.3.5.

* Add the new Introduction to IDE layouts video tutorial into the program help file. This video
tutorial who us how we can personalize the App Builder IDE using layouts.

* Fix a mistake which cause that more than object appear selected in the designer when we
select an object from the Objects panel treeview.

* Added a new ContextMenu app sample, which show us the usage of the recently added
ContextMenu event and PreventDefault action.

* Enable the contextual menu into the debugger browser, then we can test things like the
ContextMenu event and PreventDefault action.

* No more duplicates the current app predefined size into the app predefined sizes combobox of
the program options dialog.

* The Return action has been fixed and now also support a new Boolean variable type.

1.0 (07/18/2015)

* Add the new PreventDefault action into the Events actions' category. This action can be used to
prevent the default browser behaviour in some event. For example, we can prevent the browser
context menu to appear using this action into the ContextMenu app view event.
* Add the new ContextMenu event for the app views and the Media Player control. This event is
fired when the browser want to show their context menu in response to a user right click. We
can use the event to do whatever think at that moment.

* App Builder upgrade the AngularJS Javascript framework from the version 1.3.15 to the latest
one 1.4.3. Also the used Route, Touch and Sanitize modules has been updated to the latest
version. This (and previous) AngularJS version include lot of fixes and enhancements.

* The App Builder upgrade the AnguarJS Videogular module from the version 1.2.0 to the latest
one 1.2.4. The new Videogular version include various fixes and enhacements.

* New Video tutorials item in the program Help menu and the program Help toolbar. Another
small changes in the Help toolbar has been made too. Minor changes also for the recently added
first run "mini tutorial" dialog. Complete the spanish translation of the program including these
changes and other strings.

1.0 (07/17/2015)

* The program show now a mini-tutorial dialog (with some useful links to the video tutorials in
the help file and also to the online support forum) when they are run for the first time.

* Changes made in the CSS background color property of app views do not changes the app view
into the App Builder designer. On the contrary, a new option in the Designer tab of the program
options dialog, allow us to choose a color (white by default) for the designer app view.

* Fix an error which appear if we working with more than one apps and change between such
apps are in not design mode, that is, show their source code editor at the same time. Now the
source code editor are updated propertly when switch between the opened apps.

* Add a new Files tab into the app variable's selector dialog. This new tab allow us to choose an
app file path to be included into the right actions' editor editbox. This help us to choose the app
file path we requires without the need to remember the path or use the app file's manager.

1.0 (07/16/2015)

* Add a new Predefined app sizes combobox into the program options dialog, under the
Behaviour tab. This combobox allow us to choose a default app size width and height from one
of the available and predefined sizes into the combobox.

1.0 (07/15/2015)

* The program doesn't show anymore the Create App dialog. Instead of that, the program create
a new app width the dimensions specified in the new and appropiate program options dialog,
into the Behaviour tab.

* Add the new app Online and Offline events, which are raised when the app switch from an
offline state to an online state or viceversa, respectively. We also have now a new [App.Online]
global variable, which contains "true" if the app is online or "false" when not.

1.0 (07/14/2015)

* Add the new Labels app sample, which show us how to use this recently added control with
various kinds of input controls. This is the number 41 of app samples included by App Builder.

* Add the new Label control into the Contents control's category. This control allow us to put a
"label" for every input control (Text, Number, Password, Select, MultiSelect, Textarea, etc) in
order to associate with that control. The label show the text you wanted and then is clicked or
tap the associated control give the user focus.

* Enhance the Report control by the additoin of the new Loading variable. We can use this
variable in two ways: to show a message ("Loading..." by default) to be show when the report
JSON is loading, and to advert the user that we have not records to show. The Report control
help put an example of this and the Report and Report2 app samples do it also.

* Now we can write an * (asterisk) into the actions and tools filter edit boxes. When we write the
asterisk character App Builder show us all the actions and tools available with their categories all

* Some enhancements for the IDE panels default layout. Basically we increase the width of the
different panels like the tools and actions panels.

* When copy and paste more than one control into an app view we can view now how these
controls remains selected, then is easy to move the pasted controls into other place. Before only
the latest pasted control remains selected, something not too useful.

* Some minor changes into the Report2 app sample, which now uses the Cyborg theme by
default, because it's better to use an available theme than use our own CSS properties or
stylesheets. Other minor changes for the Globals app sample has been made too.

1.0 (07/12/2015)

* Include by default the Whitelist plugin for Apache Cordova, which is required now in order to,
for example, properly show remote images in our apps. Some internal changes has been made
into the Cordova config file and app index.html file to conform with such plugin.

* Add the new App Builder video tutorial Build our apps for Android into the program help file.
Also other minor fixes and enhancements has been made for this program release.

1.0 (07/11/2015)

* Now we can double clic in any tab of the app file's manager in order to execute the selected
file using the Windows default program.
* Add a new button (and context menu item) to the app file's manager which allow us to execute
the selected file using the Windows default program.

* Add a new button (and context menu item) to the app file's manager which allow us to explore
the directory (open it with Windows Explorer) of the selected file.

* Fix an error which cause that if we include more than one Container control into an app view
the compiler duplicates Container controls and therefore some unexpected results can appear.
Thanks to Jordi for advise of this problem.

1.0 (07/10/2015)

* The Batch files generated to compile apps using Apache Cordova are now compatible with the
latest Apache Cordova version (5.1.1). Also such version are specificated into the config.xml file,
which can be useful to use the Adobe Phonegap online service instead the Apache Cordova CLI

* Add reference for the Apache Cordova Geolocation plugin. In fact now we can check a
checkbox for this plugin into the app options dialog, in order to tell App Builder that must
include references to this plugin into the config.xml and Batch generated files.

* Add the new ApplyModel action into the Javascript actions' category. This action is intented to
tell the AngularJS framework (behind App Builder apps) our app model has changed. Certainly
this action must be used in very rare scenarios. See the actions' help for a possible one.

* Fix the viewport metatag into the app index.html file. By mistake such metatag specify a
incorrect "idth" instead the appropiate "width". Yes in some momment I forget the "w".

1.0 (07/09/2015)

* Fix an error which cause that we can't use IMG tags into the HTML of the Report control and
also into the HTML control. Right now we can use IMG tags and a new Report2 app sample has
been introduced in order to show us how to use it, and also how the Report control can be
customized with a little of CSS.

* The filter of the choose image dialog for the Image control no more restrict to some image
types by extensions. Before that we can't choose, for example, GIF images. Then such dialog no
more restrict images by file extensions and allow us to choose every image file we want to use.

* Some changes into the Report control in the sense that they do not include anymore the
"table-responsive" CSS class. We can add this class in runtime but apparently the control offer
better results if such class is not added by default. Some other changes has been made for the
Report control and the Report app sample.

1.0 (07/08/2015)
* Add the new Hashes app sample, which show us how to use the recently added StrHash and
StrHMAC actions in order to get the SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 hash of an
input string.

* Add the new StrHMAC action into the Strings actions' catgory. We can use this action to get the
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 hash for an input string and the provided key.

* Add the new StrHash action into the Strings actions' catgory. We can use this action to get the
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 hash for an input string.

* Add the new App Builder video tutorial Controls and Actions into the program help file.

1.0 (07/07/2015)

* Add the new Video tutorials section into the program help file. In addition to the Hello world
yet available in Youtube, I also add the first App Builder video tutorial propertly said.

1.0 (07/05/2015)

* Add the new Idle app sample, which show us how to use the recently introduced IdleStart and
IdleStop actions, and also the recently introduced IdleStart and IdleEnd app events. The Globals
app samples has been enhanced too in order to include the new idle related vars.

* Add the new [App.IdleIsIdling] and [App.IdleIsRunning] app global variables. These variables
allow us to know if the app enter in the idle state (based in the time established by the IdleStart
action) and if the app idle watcher is running or not.

* Add the new IdleStart and IdleEnd app events. The first one are fired when the app become
idle, according to the idle time established by the IdleStart action. The second event are fired
when the user do something and the app is no more idling.

* Add the IdleStart and IdleStop actions into the App actions' category. These actions can start
the app idle watcher and stop it once we no need anymore. By default the idle watcher is not
enabled, then we need to specifically call to IdleStart in order to initiate.

* Fix a minor error in the program installer which cause the program icon in the Windows Start
Menu (when exists...) appear inside a "Default" folder. Now that folder is the name of the
program. This problem appear in Windows 7 and 10, a not Windows 8 nor Windows 8.1.

1.0 (07/04/2015)

* Fix a mistake which cause that the recently added Launcher control cannot propertly retrieved
from the app XML project file.

* The Device Volume Down Button event and Device Volume Up Button event are not propertly
implemented in the app Javascript template and therefore never can be working. Now this is
fixed and these events must works like expected.
1.0 (07/02/2015)

* Added the new Launcher app sample, which show us how to use the recently added Launcher
control and the related LauncherCheck and LauncherStart actions.

* Added the appropiate stuff into the app options dialog in order to allow us to use the
appropiate Cordova plugin used by the recently added Launcher control and the related
LauncherCheck and LauncherStart actions.

* Add the new Launcher control. This is a non visual control supported by Android and iOS which
can be used in conjunction with the new LauncherCheck and LauncherStart actions in order to
check for the existence of certain app and to launch certain app.

1.0 (06/30/2015)

* Add some missing actions' references into the app options help in relation with the Cordova
non mandatory Dialogs plugin. Actions Beep, Confirm and Prompt has been linked now.

1.0 (06/29/2015)

* Fix an error which cause that the [App.Scaled] global variable are not updated propertly after
the use of the SetAppScaled action. Now such variable contains "fixed" or "scaled", depending
on the app scaled mode set at designtime and runtime.

1.0 (06/27/2015)

* Some changes into the Create new app dialog. Basically the only option available right now is
that we can choose a predefined or custom app size. By default the app is centered in the
screen, not scaled. This can be change later from the app options dialog or the app inspector.

1.0 (06/26/2015)

* Add the new RowClick event for the Report control. This event allow us to get informed when
an specific record row has been clicked and what specific record has been clicked. The Report
app sample has been updated to show how this event work.

1.0 (06/25/2015)

* The program help file include information about the latest introduced global variable and
action, and also enhance a little the Responsive tutorial in relation with this new stuff.

* The Calculator app sample has been enhanced in order to use the new SetAppScaled. Now you
can see a better adaption in large also in small device screens.

* Add the new SetAppScaled action into the App actions' category. This new action allow us to
change the app scaled mode from "scaled" to "fixed" and viceversa in runtime.
* Introduce the new "App.Scaled" app global variable, which can contain the string "scaled" or
the string "fixed" indicating the currently app scaled mode set in the app.

* Remove the Center horizontally and center vertically app options. Now and by default App
Builder apps are horizontal and verticall centered if the scaled option is "false".

1.0 (06/24/2015)

* Add the BoxShadow and BoxDecorationBreak property in style object inspector for all the app
controls who support the Border CSS category.

* Some modifications to the Calculator app sample in order to be more adaptable for both
portrait and landscape screen orientations. Some other enhancements has been made too.

* Now the Log action (which output some string or variable to the App Builder debugger
console) accepts now Arrays variables without problems by converting the Array variable into
their string representation using Javascript stuff.

* Fix an error that can appear in certain circumstances with the use of the SubStr action. In
particular the error can appear if we mix some variables and an string for the SubStr action
arguments: then the action do not produce the expected results.

* Fix an error that can appear in certain circumstances with the use of the StrReplaceAll action.
In particular the error can appear if we mix some variables and an string for the StrReplaceAll
action arguments: then the action do not produce the expected results.

* Fix an error that can appear in certain circumstances with the use of the StrReplace action. In
particular the error can appear if we mix some variables and an string for the StrReplace action
arguments: then the action do not produce the expected results.

* Fix an error that can appear in certain circumstances with the use of the StrSearch action. In
particular the error can appear if we mix some variables and an string for the StrSearch action
arguments: then the action do not produce the expected results.

* Fix an error that can appear in certain circumstances with the use of the TrimStr action. In
particular the error can appear if we mix some variables and an string for the TrimStr action
arguments: then the action do not produce the expected results.

* Fix an error that can appear in certain circumstances with the use of the StrLen action. In
particular the error can appear if we mix some variables and an string for the StrLen action
arguments: then the action do not produce the expected results.

* Fix an error that can appear in certain circumstances with the use of the StrSplit action. In
particular the error can appear if we mix some variables and an string for the StrSplit action
arguments: then the action do not produce the expected results.
1.0 (06/23/2015)

* The Report control is no more into the Databases category. Instead of that the Report control is
now placed into the Contents category. In fact I remove the Databases category since the Report
control is the only one inside that category.

1.0 (06/22/2015)

* Add the new Tools bar into the main program window and also the Tools bar toggle visibility
item into the Views menu. The Tools bar allow us access the same tools we can found into the
Tools menu in a quick way.

1.0 (06/20/2015)

* The recently added debugger toolbar button which allow us to change the browser orientation
from portrait to landscape and viceversa now trigger the appropiate app Orientation Change

* Hide the variable's selector button from the recently added Alert's actions and in particular
from the callback argument. The variable's selector dialog have not too much sense for these
kind of arguments, the dropdown control show us already the available app functions.

* Assign a IDE default layout from scratch instead of the "none". In fact "none" can be the best
layout for a daily usage (because is the "session" layout) but exists a possible scenario in which
the user can launch the app debugger and the debugger layout are not back when stop the app
to the default layout.

1.0 (06/19/2015)

* The Calculator app sample incorporates now a new CSS media query in their included style.css
file in order to adapt a little better the app for the landscape oriented mode. Useful when we
compile the Calculator app sample for mobile devices by using the auto scale app option.

* Add a new button into the debugger toolbar which allow us to alternate between the portrait
and landscape orientation modes. This is most useful for mobile oriented apps which use the
auto scale app option in order to adapt the interface between mobile screens.

* Add a new button into the debugger toolbar which allow us to take a picture of the debugger
browser. Press the button allow us to choose the location for a bitmap containing a capture of
the debugger browser.

1.0 (06/17/2015)

* Add the new Prompt app sample, which show us how to use the recently added Prompt
action. We can view in this sample how we can call this action and know if the user press the OK
or Cancel button, and, in the first case, the input value that the user provide to us.
* Add the new Prompt action into the Alerts actions' category. This action is intended to show a
native prompt dialog to retrieve some input value from the user. We can provide a callback to
know if the user press the OK or Cancel button and also to retrieve the user input value.

* Add the new Confirm app sample, which show us how to use the recently added Confirm
action. We can view in this sample how we can call this action and finally know if the user
confirm or not the dialog.

* Add the new Confirm action into the Alerts actions' category. This action is intended to show a
native confirm dialog to retrieve some ok or cancel confirmation from the user. We can provide a
callback to know if the user confirm the dialog or not.

* The Alert action have now two instead three arguments: the Ok button label argument has
been removed. Other fixes, changes and enhancements has been made over the app core
Javascript mostly in relation with the native dialogs related actions.

* Add the new InputBox app sample, which show us how to use the recently added InputBox
action. We can view in this sample how we can call this action to retrieve what button are
pressed by the user and of course the input value provided by the user.

* Add the new InputBox action into the Alerts actions' category. This action is intended to show
an HTML modal input box to retrieve some input value from the user. We can provide a default
value and a callback to know what button are pressed but the user and the input box value.

1.0 (06/16/2015)

* Add the new MessageBox app sample, which show us how to use the recently added
MessageBox action. We can view in this sample how we can call this action with or without the
result callback, and how to know what button is pressed by the user.

* Add the new MessageBox action into the Alerts actions' category. This action is intended to
show the user a little more advanced messages than with the AlertBox action. For example, with
this new action we can know what button of the message box is pressed by the user.

1.0 (06/15/2015)

* The Dropdown button control have now the new Caret property, which determine if the
control must show the caret along the button icon/text or on the contrary hide the caret.

1.0 (06/14/2015)

* The interface themes lists into the app options dialog follow now the convention of other
similar controls in App Builder. Basically this mean list items height of certain measure.

* The Calculator app sample has been enhanced to allow the user to select one between various
included themes. Then this sample also show to us how to set an app theme, how to include
various of them and how to use the local storage to save/restore the selected theme.

* Add the new Propagation app sample, which show us how to use the recently added
StopPropagation action. The sample use this action in various places and we can view how to
stop the propagation of a Click event.

* Add the new StopPropagation action into the new Events actions' category. This action allow us
to stop the propagation of certain control event to the control parent. For example a button Click
event can be fired but we can stop the propagation so a a possible app view Click event are not

* Fix an error when assigning the Click event to a Checkbox control. The event are not attached
to the right DOM element and cause some extrange behaviour in some rare circumstances. The
same fix has been made for the Radio control.

* Move the SetAppTheme action from the Tools actions' category to the new App actions'
category. Such action and other possible actions do not match well in the Tools category.

1.0 (06/13/2015)

* All app samples have now the same size: 320x480 pixels. This is also the predefined size right
now in the create new app dialog. Probably this is the best size if we plain to deploy our apps for
mobile devices if use also the portrait fixed and autoscaled app options.

1.0 (06/12/2015)

* Add the new Events app sample, which show us how we can use the recenty introduced Event
variable, for example, know what button is pressed (left, middle or right) in our app view, and
also get the X and Y positions in which such button are pressed. Remember app views and
almost all control events have the Event variable.

* The variable's selector dialog show now the Event variable for all app views and all the
supported controls. This variable's selector dialog show now also some forgot variables for
various controls.

* Now all the supported views and control events pass now event information in the appropiate
Javascript object. This Javascript object is stored in the view or control new Event variable. This
variable/object have lot of useful information about an event.

* Add the new Mouse Up and Mouse Down events to Views, CheckBox, Container, Dropdown
button, Html content, Image, MultiSelect, Progressbar, Push button, Radio input, Report, Select,
Textarea, Typeahead and all text input controls.

1.0 (06/11/2015)

* Fix an error which cause that App Builder load app author URL and app author email in the
wrong way, by assign the URL to the email and viceversa.

* Added a new Webapp tab in the app options dialog. We can now determine if App Builder
must create (when Build the app, not when Debug it) a manifest configuration file for webapps.
This file are used, for example, to deploy Firefox OS apps.

* Added a new app Cordova option in order to determine if App Builder must create a config file
for Apache Cordova. The config file is created (now optionally) when we Build the app, not when
Debug it.

1.0 (06/10/2015)

* The app theme can be now changed from the IDE object inspector. This allow us to test the
apps using different themes in a more easy way than choose the theme from the app dialog

1.0 (06/08/2015)

* Add the new Typeahead control, which act like a Text input control but allow us to provide an
Array variable with items that the user can select when the user type ahead in the input. App
Builder also include a new Typeahead sample which show us how to use this new control.

1.0 (06/07/2015)

* The variable's selector dialog filter or search editboxes realize the search now in a case
insensitive way. Before the change the search are realized in a case sensitive way.

* Some internal changes and refactoring (create a new ToolTip position class) on all the available
controls or control base classes to a more simple and readable controls source code.

1.0 (06/05/2015)

* Add the new PlaySound actions into the Media actions' category. Instead of the use of a Media
control, we can use this action to simple play a MP3 and OGG sound.

* Add the EncodeUri and DecodeUri actions into the Strings actions' category. The first one allow
us to encode URI components of an URL in order to be used to made HTTP GET requets. The
second one allow us to decode a previosly encoded URI.

1.0 (06/04/2015)

* Fix a mistake in the program help file and variable's selector dialog in relation with the
HttpClient control: now the appropiate variable names are documented and allowed to be
picked, respectively.

* The compiler no more add the main or default app theme into the app themes global variables
if the main or default theme has been added before between the included themes. This means
the themes global variable doesn't contains duplicates.

* Added a new Samples button into the Create new app dialog, which allow us to directly open
one of the many samples included by App Builder.

1.0 (06/03/2015)

* Added the Themes app sample, which show us how to use the recently added themes feature.
The sample include all the available themes and allow us to change to one of them by selecting
from an Select input control.

* Added the new [App.Theme] and [App.Themes] global variables. The first one inform us what
the current app theme is established. The second one it's an Array variable which contains the
app theme names which you decide to include along the app.

* Add the new SetAppTheme into the Tools actions' category. We can use this action in order to
establish the app theme choosing one of the included in designtime.

* Add the app theme and app themes options, which allow us to, firstly, select one theme to be
used by default in our app, and, secondly, add themes to our app in order to be changed
programatically in runtime. App Builder included now up to 17 themes to choose.

* Add information about the Watcher old and new variables into the help file. Also add these
Watcher old and new variables into the variable's selector.

* Fix an error in the IfEx actions' editor which can cause that the action do not work like we
expected if we use double or single quotes in the IfEx action conditions.

* Fix an introduced error which can remotelly cause an access violation when change between
two apps if one of these have user defined functions and not the other one.

1.0 (06/02/2015)

* Rename the MediaSeekTime action to MediaSeekPercent and add the new MediaSeekSeconds
action into the Media actions' category. The first one seek the media position by percentage, and
the second one seek the media position by seconds.

1.0 (06/01/2015)

* After months of work and efforts this is the first stable version of App Builder.

* The spanish language for the App Builder GUI it's now completed at a 100% and this language
can be selected from the program options dialog in order to be use for the program GUI.

0.9 (BETA) (05/31/2015)

* Various internal changes in order to prepare the program to be translated. The GUI translation
for the spanish language is 50% completed at this time.

* Fix a minor mistake that cause the Location control variables are not available in HTML
templates if we do not use one of the Location control events. Now the variables appear into the
template even if we do not use such events.

* The program help file and particularly the HttpClient control's reference and the HttpStatus
actions' reference include now a note about how to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
in our apps server, something required to perform HTTP requests from our apps.

0.8 (BETA) (05/30/2015)

* The Debugger browser have now buttons to launch our apps using Mozilla Firefox, Internet
Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera Browser. Another button is added in order to a directly
access to the Debugger program options dialog.

* Added the new Browsers panel in the Debugger tab of the program options dialog. We can
choose here the path of the Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera
Browser. App Builder try to find these browsers in the default location and set these options
automatically if found.

0.7 (BETA) (05/29/2015)

* Added the new Dropdown button control, which it's similar to a Push button but have an
associated menu. The menu items can be used in a similar way than the Multiselect control: we
can play with the control Items Array variable in designtime and also in runtime. A new sample
Dropdown has been added to the App Builder distribution too.

0.6 (BETA) (05/28/2015)

* Add the new Layout category in the control's CSS style tabs with the Margin, MarginTop,
MarginRight, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight and MinWidth CSS

* Add the new StrToBase64 and Base64ToStr actions into the strings actions' category. These
actions allow us to encode strings to their Base64 representation and viceversa. Also a "Base64"
app sample has been added.

* The actions' filter edit and the tool's filter edit present now a right button to clear the current
filter if any. By click on these buttons the filter is cleared and all the actions/tools are show.

* Various changes in to the compiler in order to produce a better formated Javascript code. We
no need to deal with the app Javascript directly, however, it's good to maintain it clean and well
formated where possible.

0.5 (BETA) (05/27/2015)

* A few words about Apache Cordova can be found now into the program help file under the
Apache Cordova new tutorial. I want to complete this tutorial, however they link to the
appropiate steps in order to install Apache Cordova and touch other possible useful topics.

* Replace all references to Adobe Phonegap with Apache Cordova, because in fact the App
Builder recomendation is to use the Apache Cordova CLI version in conjunction with App Builder
to get our apps compiled for the supported Cordova platforms.

* Fix a mistake which cause that the operator combobox of the If actions' editor (and other
similar actions like the While action) doesn't works properly.

* Add the new Version and VersionCode app global variables. This variables contains the app
oiptions Version and VersionCode respectively available for use in runtime.

* Add the new Version and VersionCode app options. The first one defines our app version in an
user way style like 1.0.0 The second one allow us to provide a version number for the Android
platforms like 1, 2, 3, etc.

* Fix an introduced error which cause that at least the Motion control doesn't works well.

* Add the new Location control, which allos us to retrieve the location of the device in which our
app is running. The control works in conjunction with the new Geolocation action, which fires
the control Error or Success event to retrieve the location information.

* Add the new Acceleration action into the Sensors actions' category. We can use this action in
conjunction with the Motion control in order to retrieve the current acceleration information of
the device and then fire the Error or Success event of the Motion control.

* Add the new Motion control, which allow us to retrieve the device motion information in
which our app is running. This non visual controls are not supported by web browsers and can be
only available if our apps are compiled with Apache Cordova. The appropiate Motion plugin as
been added to the App options dialog.

* Add the new CompassHeading action into the new Sensors actions' category. We can use this
action in conjunction with the Compass control in order to retrieve the current heading of the
device compass and then fire the Error or Success event of the Compass control.

* Add the new Compass control, which allow us to retrieve the device orientation in which our
app is running. This non visual controls are not supported by web browsers and can be only
available if our apps are compiled with Apache Cordova. The appropiate Compass plugin as been
added to the App options dialog.

0.4 (BETA) (05/26/2015)

* Add the new BgColor and FgColor variables/properties to the Comment control. Then we can
now specify a background color and a foreground color for our app designtime comments.
* Add a filter edit into the app tools panel in order to allow us to filter or search for specific app
controls. We can now easily show only certain controls or search an specific one.

* Add a filter edit into the app actions panel in order to allow us to filter or search for specific
actions or app functions. We can now easily show only certain actions or search an specific one.

* Add a new "ImagePick2" app sample, which show us how to use a hidden File input to let the
user to choose an image or capture a photo just by clicking in certain "label" HTML.

0.3 (BETA) (05/24/2015)

* Add the new global variable "[App.Cordova]". This variable contains "true" when our apps run
compiled by Apache Cordova, or "false" in any other case.

* The LoadVariables and ParseVariables actions support now arrays definitions. To use it we need
to start our variable values with "|" (pipe) and then separate our substrings using the same "|"

* Add the new SplitStr action into the Strings actions' category. This action allow us to split an
string into substrings in an Array variable by specifiying the string separator of our choice.

* Add the new Capture variable to the File input control. The Capture variable allow us to specify
we want to let the user to take a picture with their camera, for example, instead of select an
image file. The behaviour of this depends on the different platforms however.

* Add the new Accept variable to the File input control. The Accept variable allow us to specify
the file type we wanted for the input control. We can specify a file extension, "audio/*",
"video/*", "image/*", a file MIME type or a combination of these.

* Add the new Url variable to the File input control. The Url variable contains the blob URL for
the user selected file. We can use such variable to view the selected image (for example) in an
Image control. Take a look at the new ImagePick app sample.

* The program Help menu have a new item which point to my software support forum.

* Added the Debugger tab into the program options dialog. We introduce here an option to
allow the change of the port to be used in the debugger HTTP server.

* The program most recent apps configuration is now saved in the same AppData directory in
which other options are saved, instead to use the Windows registry. Doing that we leave open a
more easy way to offer some kind of "Options backup/restore" feature in App Builder.

0.2 (BETA) (05/23/2015)

* Fix some mistakes in the compiler which cause that some control variables are not recognized
very well. Basically this can cause problems in some situations since the code translator doesn't
have knowledge about all the possible control variables.
* The Image control show now a "default" image to indicate that the control Image variable
point to a non existing image or an image only available at runtime. The approach it's not
perfect, but it's better than now with the control showing an "error cross".

* Add the new Random and RandomEx actions into the Math actions' category. The first one
provide us with a random number between zero and 1^10 inclusives. The second one provide us
with a random number from an specified min and max numbers inclusives.

* Added the LoadVars and the ParseVars app samples, which show us the usage of the recently
added LoadVariables and ParseVariables actions respectively.

* Add the new LoadVariables and ParseVariables actions into the Variables actions' category. The
first one is intented mainly to deal with app files, and the second one to be used to load
variables with a little more control.

0.1 (BETA) (05/22/2015)

* Fix the included app samples which use some App Builder webserver resource. Since the
publication of the first beta release, the webserver URL's suffer some changes and I forget to
reflect that changes in the appropiate app samples.

* The program can now test certain requisites before start. If some requisites fail the App Builder
try to solve, and, if that it's not possible, inform the user about the problem. The requisites
"module" acts in the same way for both GUI and CLI version of App Builder.

* Fix some mistake in the Cordova tab of the app options dialog. Add some useful hints to the
available platform checkboxes to provide some information about every checkbox/platform.

* The program toolbars configuration (positions) is now saved in the same AppData directory in
which other options are saved, instead to use the Windows registry. Doing that we leave open a
more easy way to offer some kind of "Options backup/restore" feature in App Builder.

0.1 (BETA) (05/21/2015)

* Some changes and enhancements into the app template CSS and Javascript code. This is the
first beta version of App Builder, more closest to the first public stable release.

0.4.6 (ALPHA) (05/20/2015)

* The program help file is now more or less complete by finally completing the Controls section.
Of course the help can be enhanced in various ways but now we count with the appropiate
reference for all the included Controls and Actions between others topics.

* Add the new Watcher app sample, which show us how the Watcher control work. We can take
a look at the sample to view how the Watcher observe certain variable, we can change that
variable and view how the Watcher is notified with the old and new values.
* Add the new WatcherStart, WatcherStop and WatcherVariable actions in the new Watcher
actions' category. These actions are intended to work together with the Watcher control.

* Introduced the new Watcher in the Non visuals control's category. The Watcher control can
observe an specified variable and fire their Change event when such variable changes.

* The Report control has been enhanced and in fact fixed in their behaviour. Now we can simply
change the Url variable of the Report control in order to retrieve the appropiate HTTP requests
and Report Results. Before that we simply can't update the control with new data.

* The Report control incorporates now a Success and Error events that are fired when the report
HTTP request is done or when an error occur. The Report sample has been updated in order to
use these two new control events.

0.4.5 (ALPHA) (05/19/2015)

* Reorganize the app template files to separate App Builder specific files from app specific files.
This changes need to made the appropiate updates in various App Builder samples too.

* The app options dialog allow us now to select the "text direction" property for our apps. This
option is useful for some languages like Arabic. This option has only two possible values: "ltr"
(left to right) and "rtl" (right to left).

* Some changes, refactorings, fixed and enhancements in the app.js file, which the main
Javascripti file for our apps. The Vibrate action has been fixed and all the app constants has been
eliminated in order to reduce the file size and complexity.

0.4.4 (ALPHA) (05/18/2015)

* Change the order of certain control events so the Text inputs, for example, have the "Change"
event at the first tab in the code editor. Certainly we expect this event first than "Click" in this
kind of controls.

* Every control we insert into the app views designer have now an appropiate default width and
height instead of the same size for everything.

0.4.3 (ALPHA) (05/17/2015)

* Fix an introduced error which cause the compiler and debugger doesn't works propertly.

0.4.2 (ALPHA) (05/15/2015)

* Add the new ReplaceView action into the Views actions' category. This action show the
specified view and replace the URL history with the such view. Instead the ShowView action
show the specified view and add it to the URL history.

* Take use of the recently added Comment control, all of the App Builder included samples
include now a Comment control which describes the app samples.

* Add the new Comment control in the new Design tool's category. This control it's indented to
put tips or comments in our app views in order to write notes and get available when need. The
Comment control are useful and therefore works only in design time and do not add any HTML
or anything to our apps.

* The Textarea control have now the Resize CSS property, which can be used to determine if our
Textarea's can be redimensioned by the user or not.

* Some Text inputs and the Textarea controls have now the "ReadOnly" variable, which can be
used to set these controls into a read only mode.

* Now when we use the ShowView to navigate one of our app views the URL history has been
replaced by such view. This mean that for example in the Android platform the device back
button do not show one of view unexpectedly.

* Added the new app sample Calculator, which show us how we can create a more or less
complete calculator app using App Builder. Remember you can take a look to this and other app
samples from the program Menu - File - Samples.

* Added the new IfEx action into the Control actions' category. This action allow us a little more
complex conditions than we can use with the If action. In fact the IfEx action allow us to evaluate
more than one condition at the same time.

* The app function's manager have now a Save changes button in the function's toolbar.
Certainly the functions changes are saved automatically, however a button like that is what we
expect and also can save in certain circumstances from loss some changes.

0.4.1 (ALPHA) (05/14/2015)

* Some actions has been fixed to prevent errors when use number variable types. For example,
SubStr, StrLen and TrimStr actions doesn't works as expected with number variables.

* The important Math action doesn't working propertly in certain circumstances, for example, if
we want to evaluate an expression which contain an app string variable. We need to change our
approach and now App Builder use the fantastic Javascript Expression Evaluator by Matthew
Crumley ( instead to rely on the Math Javascript native function.

* Internal changes which finally allow us to translate the program to another language. We can
achieve this using a friendly software easy to use. If you want to translate App Builder to another
language, contact me: You can get a free license of App Builder
for your translation.

* The config.xml file and the batch files are not generated in debug mode anymore. These files
are generated when we Build our apps, but when debugging they are not really needed.
* The config.xml file which App Builder prepare for Apache Cordova are now complete
dinamically generated instead of use a template. This mean some beneficts for us.

* Fix a very "funny" bug (I think) caused if you try to compile an app for the Android platform
using Apache Cordova and an "android.bat" file. Apparently such batch file cannot be named
"android.bat", probably because certain conflicts with some Apache Cordova "android.bat" file.
Now the produced batch files are prefixed with "cordova_*".

0.4.0 (ALPHA) (05/13/2015)

* The app options dialog allow us to choose one or more Apache Cordova platforms in order to
prepare the right Batch file ready to compile our apps using Apache Cordova and for the selected
platform or platforms.

* The App Builder compiler has been enhanced and now can create Batch files ready to compile
our apps using Apache Cordova (they must be installed in our computer first). The compiler can
create Batch files for all the platforms affordables from Microsoft Windows.

* More efforts in the program help file by completing the app options topic and enhancing some
other topis like the actions' reference and the Responsive tutorial.

* The App Builder configuration file has been enhanced and now the information is stored using
various configuration categories like GUI, Behaviour, Layouts, etc., etc.

* The Batch compiler tool has been enhanced and now you can optionally specify App Builder
CLI options: Include debug information and Minimize the app code, and also it's possible to
specify to put a "pause" at the end of the generated BAT file.

* The App Builder CLI version has been enhanced: now it's possible to specify that we wanted
debug information in our compiled apps. Also now we can specify that our app CSS and JS code
must be minimized after compile. Also the CLI compiler show some help to the user when it's
called without arguments.

* The code minimizer tool has been internally enhanced in order to provide a better feedback
about the process. Also the code minimizer has been isolated in order to be used by other
program parts.

0.3.9 (ALPHA) (05/12/2015)

* Add two more new options into the Apache Cordova tab on the app options dialog. They are a
couple of Android specific options to taken in count when compile the app with Apache Cordova.

* Fix an introduced error which causes that the app icon can't be used when compiled the app
with Apache Cordova for the Android platform.

* Add the Apache Cordova tab into the app options dialog. This include specific app options to
take in count when you compile an app using Apache Cordova.

* Reduce the app HTTP requests from 4 CSS requests to just 2 requests, the frameworks.css and
app.css files. This of course mean a more faster app initialization and also a less charge for the
app HTTP server.

* Add the new ArrayRemoveItem action into the Array's actions category. This action can be
used to remove an arbitrary item from an Array variable by specifiying the item index.

0.3.8 (ALPHA) (05/11/2015)

* App file's manager allow us to choose more than one file at the same time.

* App Builder incorporate now YUI Compressor ( in order to offer the new
code minimizer tool. The program incorporate a new Tools menu that right now include the
Batch Compiler item (moved from the Run menu) and the new Code minimizer item, which
allow us to optionally minimize the JS and CSS code of our apps.

* Some changes in the program Run menu, renaming the ambiguous Compiler for the Build
item. The point it's the difference between debug or build an app. The first mean we want to
debug it (obviously) and the second mean we wanted the right files for our app distribution.
Probably Build clarify this better than Compile.

0.3.7 (ALPHA) (05/10/2015)

* Reduced the app HTTP requests from 6 CSS requests to 4 CSS requests and from 29 Javascript
requests to only 3 Javascript requests. This of course mean a more faster app initialization and
also a less charge for the app HTTP server.

* Reduced the app template from 1.853.633 bytes to 766.716 bytes. This has been achieved by
minimized the Javascript files and the CSS files used by the apps. This mean too that the
compiler need less time in order to copy the app template files.

* Added the new app global variables: App.ID, App.Description, App.AuthorName,

App.AuthorEmail and App.AuthorUrl. Update the Globals sample to add these new variables and
also fix an error when load some other samples due to the latest CSS style related changes.

* The app index.html include now the appropiate meta tags with the app and author information
like app name, description, author name, email, url, etc. This meta tags are most useful when
our app is running from web browsers.

* A little more order into the Style CSS properties in app, app views and controls. A bunch of
another CSS properties, some of them with their appropiate possible predeterminated values
like font-family, font-style, font-weight, cursor, and more.

0.3.6 (ALPHA) (05/09/2015)

* The recently added Log, VarIsNull, VarIsString, VarIsNumber, VarIsArray and VarIsUndefined
actions are now documented in the program help file.

* This release include also lot of internal enhancements and refactorings. For example, we take a
better approach to reuse actions' editor dialogs when are possible.

* Add the new VarIsNull, VarIsString, VarIsNumber, VarIsArray and VarIsUndefined actions into
the actions' Variables category. This actions are intented to find if app variables are null, strings,
numbers, arrays and undefined, respetively.

* Add the new actions' category Debug and the new Log action, which can be used to send
content to the App Builder debugger console or the platform browser console, depending if the
app run from App Builder or another platform browser.

* The GetOption action variable result store now an empty string if the option doesn't exists.

* Fix some problem in the variable's selector which cause that the Pick variable button doesn't
work like we can expect when the globals variables tabs is active.

* The program help file controls topic have now documented more App Builder controls.

* Fix a mistake which cause that the app and app views CSS style properties are not applied
correctly. We have now also more CSS properties available for the apps and the app views.

0.3.5 (ALPHA) (05/08/2015)

* Add a new app global variable App.Timestamp, which contains the number of milliseconds
since 1970/01/01. The app global variables help section is also completed now.

* The program help file has been enhanced in order to include some other topics like the app
global variables and the new Tutorials category, which include by now the Responsive tutorial,
which explain what options we have in order to made our apps more or less responsives.

* Continue with the efforts on the program help. The app view controls section is not complete
but now include the documentation for all the Input controls and also the Push button control, in
addition of some control common variables and events.

* Another internal changes in the app view controls CSS style allow us to be more accurate when
present the available control style properties. For example, we can change the background of a
MediaPlayer control, but the Color never take effect. Then the BgColor it's available and the
Color property is not available.

* Add the new Enable and Disable actions into the Tools actions' category. We can manipulate
the control's Disabled variable in order to enable and disable, and also can use some CSS classes,
for example, but this actions become convenient shortcuts for enable and disable app views
* Add the new Hide, Show and Toggle actions into the Tools actions' category. Hide can be used
to directly hide an specific app view control. Show does the contrary. And Toggle show or hide a
control depending if they are currently show or hide.

0.3.4 (ALPHA) (05/07/2015)

* App views and the app itself also exposes now CSS style properties into the object inspector.

* All controls have now more CSS style properties which can be set from the controls object
inspector. Also certain controls that before do not have these offers now CSS style properties
ready to be used.

* Remove the External tools category and add the IFrame control to the Contents tools category.
Probably IFrame fit better in that category and External category become empty.

* Start the program help Controls section, trying to help about the usage of the available App
Builder controls, describing their behaviour, variables, events, etc.

* Rename the "Alignment" category in the controls object inspector to a more convenient
"Designtime", since in fact the control variables inside that category cannot be manipulated in
runtime, or are intented to be manipulated in designtime.

* Fix an introduced error which cause that app user style and script optional files are not been
copied nor linked into the app HTML index.html.

* Now the Select and Multi Select controls allow us to establish the default items (for Select) and
selected items (for Multi Select) also in designtime, by a new Array property editor.

0.3.3 (ALPHA) (05/06/2015)

* The Compiler show now the standard Windows dialog when they need to copy the app files to
the output directory. This dialog can be cancelled and in such situation the program also cancel
the rest of the compile operation.

* Add the new global variable [App.WeekDay], which tell us the current day of the week (0-6).

* Add the new control Multi Select, which it's similar to the Select control, but allow us to select
one or more items at the same time. The Multi Select control, like the Select control, allow us to
put their items using their Items Array variable, and, also allow us to use a SelArray variable, in
order to set and get the selected items. Take a look at the new Multi Select app sample.

* Enhance the Select control with a more appropiate properties for the source Array. Now the
appropiate empty Array is created by default, and therefore we can push items into the Array,
remove, etc. Take a look at the revisited Select app sample.

0.3.2 (ALPHA) (05/05/2015)

* The Image control start to incorporating CSS style properties for the three states: normal,
hover and focus.

* Add the Select control variables also availables into the variable's selector dialog.

* Made some Javascript internal changes in order to apply certain app interface controls and
values when the app start. Before this fix a Select control cannot show the predetermined
selected element until the mouse is over the app, for example.

* The app specific options dialog allow us to change now also the app width and height, the app
center and scaled options.

* Add the new Select control, which allow us to present an input list to the user in order to
choose one of them. This input control is ligated with an app Array variable, which is powerfull,
because you can manipulate the Array as you wanted and the changes are reflected into the
Select control. Take a look at the new Select app sample too.

* The recently added NewArray, ArrayPush, ArrayLength, ArrayClear, ArrayPop, ArrayShift,

ArrayUnshift, ArrayConcat, ArrayGetItem, ArraySetItem, ArrayReverse, ArraySortAsc,
ArraySortDesc, ArrayNumSortAsc, ArrayNumSortDesc, ArrayIndexOf and ArrayLastIndexOf are
now documented in the program help file.

* The actions tool bar show now every actions' button show the action help/hint when the
mouse is over the actions' button.

* Add the new ArrayLength, ArrayClear, ArrayPop, ArrayShift, ArrayUnshift, ArrayConcat,

ArrayGetItem, ArraySetItem, ArrayReverse, ArraySortAsc, ArraySortDesc, ArrayNumSortAsc,
ArrayNumSortDesc, ArrayIndexOf and ArrayLastIndexOf actions into the Arrays actions category.

0.3.1 (ALPHA) (05/04/2015)

* The internal "search for user variables" approach are now better and can detect user variables
from more than one action (before only the SetVar action are the only one), for example, now
we list the variables created by the NewArray action too.

* Changes the order in which the tabs are show in the variable's selector dialog by displaying
now in the first tab the user variables. Then the Controls variables and finally the Globals

* Add the new NewArray and ArrayPush actions, the first of the actions which allow us to work
with Array variables easily. This kind of variables can be useful for various purposes, and the
plain is that become also useful when deal with certain controls.

* Add the new App.InnerWidth, App.InnerHeight, App.OuterWidth, AppOuterHeight and

App.Orientation global app variables. This last one can be "portrait" or "landscape".
* Enhance the variable's selector dialog by adding the two (at this moment) app globals but user
defined "TextDirection" and "LanguageCode" variables, which can be set in runtime.

* Add up to 16 new app global variables (mostly related with date and time values) and a new
Globals app sample which show us how to use these app global variables.

0.3.0 (ALPHA) (05/03/2015)

* Add the new Radio app sample, which show us how to use the recently added Radio control:
how to select one of them, how to establish groups and more.

* Add the new Radio control into the Inputs controls category. This control allow us to present to
the user various alternatives and allow to choose one of them.

* Fix a mistake in the Checkbox app sample which cause that the Check All button doesn't work
as expected. The "Checked" value must be "checked" (case sensitive).

* Change the app default icon from an ico file to a PNG file. The ico file have some problems
when it's used inside an APK in Android.

0.2.9 (ALPHA) (05/02/2015)

* Add a Global variables tab into the Variable's selector dialog. This tab allow us to access and
pick App Builder global variables availables in all apps.

* Add the new Resize and Orientation app events. This events are fired when the screen are
resized or the device orientation change from portrait to landscape or viceversa.

* Rename the event VolumeUpButton to VolumeUp and the event VolumeDownButton to

VolumeDown. More convenient and short identifiers.

* Now the app events are not attached if you do not use it. Before this can cause problems, for
example, in the BackButton event, which override the button behaviour even if you do not use
this event.

0.2.8 (ALPHA) (05/01/2015)

* Add the new Blur and Focus actions into the Tools actions category. These actions allow us to
respectivelly remove or give the focus to an app view control.

* Add the new GetStyle and SetStyle actions into the Tools actions category. These actions allow
us to respectivelly get a computed CSS properties from an app view control or set CSS properties
to an app view control.

0.2.7 (ALPHA) (04/30/2015)

* Add the new HasClass action into the Tools actions category. This action can be used to search
for the existence of one or more CSS classes in a particular app view control.

* Fix a mistake which cause that you can't start a Timer control, for example, directly from the
app Ready event or an app view Show event. Now we can do this without problems.

* Add the new ToggleClass action into the Tools actions category. This action can be used to
toggle the existence of one or more CSS classes in a particular app view control.

* Add the new Sleep action into the Control actions category. This action can be used to cause
the sleep of the app script code.

* Add the new ReloadView action into the Views actions category. This action can be used to
cause the reload of the current app view.

* Added the new Animation app sample, which show us how we can use the Animation property
of the app views in a kind of presentation.

* Various other internal changes, fixes and enhancements has been made in this release.

* Add the AddClass and RemoveClass into the Tools actions category, which allow us to add and
remove one or more CSS classes into the specified control.

* The app name is not desligated from the app project file. An app project can be saved in
"MyApp.ab" file, for example, but their name can be perfectly "My Cute App".

* Reordered the app properties in the object inspector by adding a new specific category for app
information and other for specific app author information.

* Add the new App icon property to apps, which allow us to choose the app icon to be used
instead the default one, which also has been changed with the App Builder program icon.

* Add a new Edit tool bar into the main program window, which contains two buttons to access
the App Builder program options and the app specific options.

* Add the new app options dialog, which allow us to specify certain app specific options. We can
use the object inspector to edit various of these options quickly too.

0.2.6 (ALPHA) (04/29/2015)

* Add the new Checkbox control, a HTML capable HTML labeled checkbox to use in our apps.
The program include now also a Checkbox sample, which show us how to check, uncheck and
send checkboxes along an HTTP request.

* The recently added TimerStart, TimerStop and TimerInterval actions has been documented in
the program help file. The actions' menu in both program and help are also reordered.

* Fix some mistakes around the HTTP Client object in relation with the app load (open) task.
* Add a new app sample wich show us the usage of the new non visual Timer control.

* Add the new Timer category in the actions bar and inside the new TimerStart, TimerStop and
TimerInterval actions, which allow us to work with the new non visual Timer control.

* Rename the "HTTP" category in the control tools bar to "Non visuals" and include in such
category the HTTP Client control and the new Timer control, which allow us to execute a piece of
code in a predefined interval.

* The HttpClient (non visual control) also can be copied to the clipboard and paste from the
clipboard in the same way than other controls. Changes also the background color of this control
and add their Name property into the object inspector.

0.2.5 (ALPHA) (04/28/2015)

* The new HttpExecute, HttpSetUrl, HttpSetMethod, HtpSetData, HttpClearData, HttpStatus and

HttpResponse actions has been documented in the program help file.

* Add the new HttpExecute, HttpSetUrl, HttpSetMethod, HtpSetData, HttpClearData, HttpStatus

and HttpResponse actions, intended to be used in conjunction with an HTTP Client control.

* Add the new HTTP Client app sample, which show us how to use an HTTP Client control to
perform an HTTP POST request including various kind of input data, and to take care about the
HTTP response.

* New HTTP Client non visual control, which allow us to perform HTTP requests taking care
about the success or error of the HTTP response. The HTTP Client control behaviour are
controlled by their properties, their events and the appropiate related HTTP actions.

0.2.4 (ALPHA) (04/27/2015)

* MediaPlayer related actions' editor hide the Variables selector button for the Media Player
name field argument, since variables are not allowed in this actions' argument.

* The program help include now documentation for all the actions in HTTP, Windows and
Javascript actions categories.

* The MediaPlay, MediaPause, MediaStop, MediaProperty, MediaSeekTime, MediaSetVolume,

MediaFullScreen and MediaSetSource actions has been documented in the program help.

* Some internal changes in order to try to solve certain error which cause the program to not
appear when it's executed in certain situations.

* A better internal control over control's CSS style. Before some non used styles in certain
controls are saved in the app project file. Now this do not happend anymore.

* Add some new HTML tags and classes into the HTML property editor.
* Add the Overflow style property to the Normal, Hover and Focus categories for the
HtmlContent control. Also enhance the Report anc Containers controls with CSS style properties.

0.2.3 (ALPHA) (04/26/2015)

* The actions included in the Control category has been documented in the program help as
weel the actions inside the Device category.

* Some changes in the program options dialog, including a new behaviour option which can be
used to indicate we want to open the latest app when the program start.

* Reordered the Strings actions category in both the program GUI and the program help.

* Add the new StrReplaceAll action in the Strings actions category. The existing StrReplace action
now replaces only the first search query match, and this new action replace all the matches in
the input string.

* Add the new Ceil and Floor actions to the Math actions category. Documnets also these actions
in the program file.

* Add the new Round action into the Math actions category. Document also this action in the
program help file and document the Math and other actions too.

* Some other enhancements in the program help file. The app events and app view events has
been documents, as well other bunch of app actions.

0.2.2 (ALPHA) (04/25/2015)

* The script source editor try now to maintain the indentation if exists when you add new
actions or app functions, or when an existing action or app function are edited.

* The MediaPlay, MediaPause, MediaStop, MediaProperty, MediaSeekTime, MediaSetVolume,

MediaFullScreen and MediaSetSource actions editors persent now in the Player Name list the
available app media players, ready to be picked.

* Fix an error which cause that the app function's editor are not properly show when double
click the function in the source editor, if we previusly delete an argument of that function from
the app function's manager.

* Fix an error which cause the actions editor don't recognize the existing actions arguments
when double click the action in the source editor, if the action is indented.

* The StrReplace action replace now all the matches in the input string, not just the first one.
This action is now also documented in the program help file.

0.2.1 (ALPHA) (04/24/2015)

* Some other actions has been documented in the program help file.

* Fix a mistake in the Return action which cause that they don't work properly with non variables

* Add the new TrimStr action into the Strings actions category.

* Document the SetVar action in the program help file. Other actions has been also documented
and other enhancements has been made to the program help file.

* When an app function which doesn't need arguments are selected from the script code editor,
the program show an information dialog with the function description. If the app function
doesn't have any description, we get informed about and the program allow us to open the app
function's manager.

* When an action which doesn't need arguments are selected from the script code editor the
program inform about this to the user using an information dialog. Now this information dialog
allow us to open the action reference help too.

0.2.0 (ALPHA) (04/23/2015)

* Start the actions reference in the program help. ShowView, ShowDialog and CloseDialog
actions are now documented. Some other enhancements in the program help file.

* Add the new BackButton, MenuButton, VolumeUpButton and VolumeDownButton events for
the apps. This events are not suitable for all platforms (like web browsers) but for platforms like
Android when the apps are compiled using Apache Cordova.

* Rename to Alerts the Messages actions category and add the new Alert, Beep and Vibrate

* New OpenWindow and CloseWindow actions in the new Windows actions category.

0.1.9 (ALPHA) (04/22/2015)

* Some enhancements in the HTML property editor in order to starting the construction of a
good HTML assisted editor: more powerfull and a WYSIWYG editor but easy to use as possible.

* Added the new StrLen, SubStr, StrSearch, StrReplace, LowerStr and UpperStr actions into the
new Strings actions category.

* The DELETE key works now like we can expect in the app view designer, that is, if one or more
controls are selected, they are removed from the app vie designer.

0.1.8 (ALPHA) (04/21/2015)

* Add the new DeviceId, DeviceModel, DevicePlatform and DeviceVersion actions into the new
Device actions category. Add also the new Device app sample, which show the use of all these

* Add a new File input control, which allow us to ask for a file to the user. A new sample
SimpleFile has also added, which show how to use this control with the SimplePost action.

* Add a new Phone input control, which allow us to ask for a phone number to the user. This
controls is similar to other input controls like Email, Search, Password, etc.

* Some more changes in the recently added SimpleAudio, SimpleVideo and VideoPlayer samples
in order to play with remote video files instead of local files. Local files are not supported in
Android and Apache Cordova, but I want to show the samples working in as much platforms as
possible out of the box.

* Some clean tasks in the main app AngularJS controller. Add a new AngularJS directive which
allow us to handle file inputs. Basically we use a FormData object instead the default AngularJS
HTTP post payload.

0.1.7 (ALPHA) (04/20/2015)

* Some changes in the recently added SimpleAudio, SimpleVideo and VideoPlayer samples in
order to use the new 3GP property of the MediaPlayer control.

* Fix a mistake into the MediaSetSource action which can cause that the actions editor can't be
shown propertly.

0.1.6 (ALPHA) (04/19/2015)

* Add new SimpleAudio, SimpleVideo and VideoPlayer app samples, which show us how to use
the MediaPlayer control and their related actions.

* Add new MediaPlay, MediaPause, MediaStop, MediaProperty, MediaSeekTime,

MediaSetVolume, MediaFullScreen and MediaSetSource actions into the new actions Media

* Add a new MediaPlayer control, which allow us to play audio and video files. The control have
events fired when is ready, on error, on play complete and on player update.

* Both the Actions and Tools palletes categories are now autocollapsed, since the palletes
buttons are increasend. This maybe be optional in the future.

* The Samples item in File menu open now a file selector dialog instead of explore the samples
directory. This avoid to get open lots of samples directory explorer windows.

0.1.5 (ALPHA) (04/18/2015)

* Fix various missing semicolons in the Compiler module which can cause som problems if the
implied statements are used, in particular some controls CSS class variables are affected.

* Add a new internal method to the main app controller in order to make trusted some SRC
attributes, like in the IFrame control, which do not allow us (until now) to navigate external

* The program remember now the latest executed/debugged app and set the focus to such app
when the execution/debugger stoped.

* A first attempt to provide the user defined variables into the recently added app variables
selector. The app variables selector show now both controls variables and user variables. The
dialog also has been enhanced to allow to refresh the variable lists.

* Introducing the new app variables selector, which currently allow us to select existing app
controls variables to be inserted in the appropiate actions editor input. All the actions editor has
been updated in order to get beneficied of this new addition.

0.1.4 (ALPHA) (04/17/2015)

* Some changes and enhancements to maintain actions and actions editor properly stored and
retrieved by quote and unquote the appropiate "conflicts" chars.

* Various fixes and enhancements in the app template, adding a new AngularJS HTTP
configuration to be used in our app HTTP POST requests.

* Add a new SimplePost sample which show us how to send various inputs values to a server
and retrieve a response from that server using the SimplePost action.

* Introduce the new SimplePost action, which allow us to perform HTTP POST request including
key/value pairs of data to be processed, and, finally retrieve the response in an specified

0.1.3 (ALPHA) (04/16/2015)

* Add the new Disable app sample, which show how we can use the magical SetVar action in
order to disable and enable inputs, textareas and other controls

* Add a new Textarea control into the tool palette. The Textarea control are similar to input
controls and count with similar properties and events, but support multiline text.

* Fix a minor error in the Most Recents Apps list which cause that non existing apps (project
files) persist in the Most Recents Apps list.

* IFrame controls have now an Load event. Report controls have now also Mouse click, Mouse
double click, Mouse enter and Mouse leave events.

* Add Mouse enter and Mouse leave events to app views, Push button controls, all input
controls, Progressbar controls, HTML content controls, Image controls and Container controls.

0.1.2 (ALPHA) (04/15/2015)

* The program File menu and File toolbars have now a recents apps list, which you can use to
quickly access and manage the latest opened apps. The program also incorporate a new
Behaviour option which you can use to determine the max recents apps list to be saved.

* Add a new toolbar into the app views panel which allow us to add app views, remove app
views and move up and down app views of the current app. The same buttons exists now also in
the main app toolbar.

0.1.1 (ALPHA) (04/14/2015)

* Introduce a new program behaviour option that determine if the program start creating a new
app or not. Also a new dialog has been introduced in order to create new apps.

* App Builder have new icons for both GUI and CLI versions. These icons, like always, has been
designed by Asley Cruz (, which has done a very good job!

* New Designer tab in the program option dialog, which allow us to determine several program
designer options: color, grid settings, guide lines, etc. Also a new button in the designer toolbar
has been added to open this specific tab in program options dialog.

* New Default Output Directory program option, which allow us to choose the output directory
used by default when compile non saved apps.

* Various changes and enhancements into the program contextual help file.

* Remove the centered option of the app and substitute with the new center vertically and
center horizontally, which can be used alone or combined.

* Fix an error which cause the style of app, views and controls are not saved properly and then
cannot be retrieved in the right way. I take a better approach to retrieve the saved style using
regular expressions.

0.1.0 (ALPHA) (04/12/2015)

* Add the new Badge, Tooltips and Toggle app samples.

* The program is now more tolerant if the app project file contain some error or do not contain
some new introduced attribute, property, value, etc.

* Add new Animation property to app views, in order to apply dozens of possible animations
when the app view is show.

* Add various app samples that show us how to translate our apps in various languages, use app
functions, show and hide controls, control progressbars, etc. The included Report sample has
been enhanced too using now an app json file.

* Enhance the app BAT file autocreation by showing a form in which we explain a little about the
App Builder command line version and why this can be useful to us.

* Now the program deal with app files using relative paths to the app project file instead of the
use of absolute paths. This means, that,with a little of caution (avoid including files from other
units, for example) our apps and app files can be shared without loss app files connections.

* Add a new "New function" button into the actions list in order to add new app function when
no one are before added. Too much words... but finally an useful button.

* New SimpleGet action in new HTTP actions category, which allow us to set certain variable
with the result of a simple HTTP GET request.

* Made various changes and enhancements in HtmlContent and Report controls in order to
allow variables with HTML content.

* Introducing the app file manager, which allow the user to indicate styles, scripts, images and
other files to be included into the app distribution. The app file manager can be accessed from
the app menu and app toolbar.

0.0.9 (ALPHA) (04/08/2015)

* Prevent invalid name identifiers in the general object inspector. This mean that controls and
app view names cannot be renamed with invalid identifiers or in conflict with other app views or

0.0.8 (ALPHA) (04/07/2015)

* Enhance the app function's manager adding toolbars which the user can move, then these
toolbars are saved and restored when the function manager are shown. Also the function's
manager incorporate a couple popup menus in function list and argument list.

* All input controls and also push buttons have now the TabIndex property, which allow us to
establish the tab order for such controls.

* Now the program toolbars and main menu can be placed whatever the user wanted into the
main program window, and can be also hidden, and all the toolbars places and positions are
saved and restored when the program start.

* Include the App Builder license and third parties licenses into the program help file.

0.0.7 (ALPHA) (04/06/2015)

* A new popup menu for the source code editor with the most common items available: copy,
cut, paste, select all, undo and redo.

* Introducing the program updater (available from the Help menu) to allow you to maintain the
program up to date to the latest available release.

* A new ClearOptions action has been added into the Storage actions category, intented to clear
all the previously added options into the browser's local storage.

* A new RemoveOption action has been added into the Storage actions category, intended to
remove a previously established option into the browser's local storage.

* A new GetOption action has been added into the Storage actions category, intented to be used
to get a previously established option into the browser's local storage.

* A new SetOption action has been added into the new Storage actions category, intended to be
used to store specific app options into the browser's local storage.

* A new Return action has been added into the Control category, intended to be used in the user
defined app functions, to provide an appropiate result for functions which needed it.

* Introducing the App functions manager, which allow us to declare and implement specific app
funtions, useful to reuse some pieces of code or for future actions which require some callback
function in order to work. These functions can be implemented in Javascript or AB script.

* The undo and redo operations works now in the source code editor, no matter if you use the
actions editor to add new or edit existing actions.

* Fix some problems to initiate the program in Windows 10, due to the method to register the
Bootstrap frameworks icons font. This problem do not occur anymore in Windows 10 or previous
supported Windows versions.

* Introducing the new Scale and Centered app options, which allow you, respectivelly, to choose
if scale the app view to the device screen or not, and if the app must be centered in the screen.

0.0.6 (ALPHA) (03/29/2015)

* Enhance the gray (disabled) elements in program menu and toolbar: now the icons looks nice
even in disabled menu items or toolbar buttons.

* Introducing a new Image control to allow insert images in the app views. The program
automatically copy the selected image into the app distribution under "images" directory.

* Fix the debugger web browser dimensions to fit (in exact pixels) the app dimensions.

* Now it's possible to set various app properties/options directly from the object properties
inspector, in the same way that you can set properties of app views and views controls.
* You can now drag and drop one or more app files from the Windows® Explorer to the App
Builder main window in order to be opened. Also it's possible to drag and drop entire directories
containing app files in order to be opened.

0.0.5 (ALPHA) (03/28/2015)

* The program Help menu item allow now to open App Builder History and License files.

* Both App Builder design time compiler and command line compiler show now the elapsed
time taken in the app compilation. A lot of other improvements, refactorings, enhancements and
more or less fixes has been made also in the program.

* Introducing the program options dialog for the first time which can be accesed from the new
program Edit menu. A few program options are also available now.

* All actions editor dialogs has been enhanced by adding a actions help panel.

* Add a new "BAT file" item in the program Run menu. This item allow you to automatically creat
a BAT file in order to compile your app, using the App Builder CLI program.

* Add a new "Samples" item in the program File menu. This item allow to open the App Builder
samples directory, placed in the user documents folder under an "AppBuilder" subdirectory.

* Some new topics and sections in the program help file, not yet writen, but already linked with
the program in various user interface places like action editor dialogs, properties dialogs, etc.

* All program dialogs can now be moved (this can be determined by a program option) using the
mouse, not only by drag the dialog caption, but the entire dialog surface.

* Fix an access violation error which can be raised (not all times) when try to close a modified
app, just after the confirmation dialog appear into the screen

* Introducing an experimental Report control, intended to be used to fetch and show remote or
local URL which provide JSON data. Also all input controls can now be linked to such Report
control in order to interact with him.

* The HTML editor, String Editor and Icon picker dialogs now save their respective position and
dimension in order to allow the user personalization and adaptation to their screen and
preferences. All other dialogs must act in this same way when are convenient.

* Adding the menú Views into the main menu, which allow you to show all the interface panels:
tools, objects, views, messages, console, etc., etc.

* Adding the hability to manage the interface main form layouts, now you can set the current
layout, the debug layout, and also add and manage/remove your own prefered layouts.

0.0.4 (ALPHA) (03/26/2015)

* This is the first App Builder release to be presented to my Friends Software List followers. Lot
of additions during the last days, but App Builder remain in a very preliminar alpha state.

0.0.3 (ALPHA) (03/24/2015)

* Another bunch of efforts and works added to the program, including new controls, new
control styles, new actions, and lots of other bug fixes and lot of enhancements.

0.0.2 (ALPHA) (03/22/2015)

* New tool controls, new script actions and dozens of fixes and enhancements inside. This
second alpha release of the program continue with Sleepless bat as codename.

0.0.1 (ALPHA) (03/20/2015)

* After months of hard work this is the first alpha version of the program. This program release is
distributed only for some few friends and it's not general available.

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