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My Greatest Accomplishment

I’ve never really been apart of many things throughout my four years of highschool. I’ve

never really participated in school activities. I know that’s more of so my fault, but I never really

felt that I belonged anywhere in life. Until this year. But it wasn’t that I belonged to a group of

friends at school, a club, or whatever else people can belong to. Until I found Jesus Christ.

My whole 18 years of life, I have always been someone who wasn’t exactly talented in

one subject, or into sports and clubs. I’ve always been the person who just shows up to school to

get all my work done and go home. I’ve always searched for my purpose, to accomplish

something. This being the case, I didn’t really believe in God specifically. I definitely believed in

a higher power but with a lot of the things that I’ve had to face and conquer in my life, I couldn’t

believe that there was a God. Someone who doesn’t want his people to suffer or hurt. But that

isn’t necessarily the case.

When I was introduced to the Lord, I was so conformed to the world that it was hard for

me to even grasp him. It definitely took time and effort, but I eventually fully submitted myself

unto him. I’ve been baptized twice, in different churches but now I feel as if I belong to someone

and other people. I live for Jesus Christ, I may still live in my flesh and I have things to work on

but God is so forgiving of me and the rest of his people. I spend time with the Lord, informing

others of him and his good news.

Submitting myself to Jesus has been my life’s greatest accomplishment. Though there’s

persecution from living in the world, I have the Lord on my side and working in my heart. I feel

as if my life is starting to fall into place after being broken for so long, and it’s ​all​ because of

him. I know what I want to do after high school. I know who I want to be in life. I know what I
want to do for other people. He has given my all the answers to the questions I’ve been asking

for so long. Finding Jesus Christ is my greatest accomplishment.

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