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1ST Time UTAs Lesson Plan Review: Assignment Prompt

Questions to consider for your end comments:

1. Is it clear how this lesson plan relates to a larger goal, like an assignment, unit, or overall
course outcome? Will the students see this connection? If not, what might the UTA do to
emphasize this?
2. Is the stated objective clear? Is it specific? Does it sound like something that can be met
within one lesson?
3. Is the time estimate reasonable? Are there things the UTA may be idealistic about (e.g.,
students retaining concepts from homework or a previous class) or things the UTA may be
overlooking in terms of how long (or short) this might take?
4. Are there opportunities for students to interact--with each other, with the lesson materials/
content, with the UTA/ instructor?
5. Are there opportunities for students to apply the lesson concepts during class, or is this
something they’ll work with later, on their own?
6. Is the assessment clear? Does it seem effective? Is that how you would assess this lesson if
you were co-leading this class with this UTA?
7. Perhaps most importantly: how will students know that they “get” it (“it” = the lesson


Prompt: Briefly reflect on responding to 1st UTA Lesson Plans & brief update on how things are
going in your classes.
Surprisingly, I found responding to the first time UTAs lesson plans more enjoyable than I
anticipated. It was interesting seeing the classes that some students are able to TA for. More so, it
was interesting reading the lesson plans for those who serve as UTAs for ENGL101. Although I
am well aware the there is probably an infinite amount of ways to teach the ENGL101 material, I
was intrigued when reading the different routes ENGL101 UTAs took to present the material of
their choice. Seeing their ideas inspired me to challenge how I've been presenting information in
my lesson plans.
In general, it was equally nice to provide feedback as it served as a reminder of strategies that I
need to consider as well. For example, when reviewing one particular lesson planned I made
quite a few suggestions asking the UTA to find ways to integrate more collaborative work in
lesson, just to boost the likelihood of student participating. I plan on using the approach as a
revise a past lesson plan. Different than when I gave the last lesson last year, I have created an
activity where students will have to work in groups to complete the comprehensive task.
Aside from reviewing 1st UTAs lesson plans, it has been calm water in my back of the woods.
The students are engaging with me more which is always a plus. We just switched into the
Digital Forum unit so I am excited to see their websites!

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