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Subject: Chemistry Class:9th Chapter:02 Marks:30

1. Define Shell and Sub Shell. (5)
2. An atom is electrically neutral. Why?(5)
3. Differentiate between heavy and ordinary water.(5)
4. Explain Bohr atomic model.(10)
5. What is carbon dating? Also write some used of isotopes.

Subject: Physics Class:9th Chapter:02 Marks:30

1. Why vectors are important in our life. (5)
2. Prove that 2as=vf2 – vi2 (5)
3. How do riders in a Ferris wheel possess translatory motion but not rotatory motion. (5)
4. Write briefly about distance time graph. (5)
5. A train starts from rest. It moves through 1 Km in 100s with uniform acceleration. What will be
the speed at the end of 100s.(5)
6. Define Lidar Gun and terminal velocity.(5)

Subject: Computer Class:9th Chapter:02 Marks:30

1. Explain the functions of Operating System. (10)
2. Write down briefly about Windows and Linux. (5)
3. Differentiate between Single user and multi user operating system.(5)
4. What is meant by managing data. Why it is important?(5)
5. Explain briefly the types of operating system.(5)

Subject: Math Class:9th Chapter:02 Marks:30

1. Simplify and write your answer in the form a + bi. (5)
(2 + 3𝑖)(1−𝑖)
(81)𝑛 .35 – (3)4𝑛−1 (243)
2. Simplify (5)
(92𝑛 )(33 )
2 1
(216)3 × (25)2
3. Simplify √ −1 (5)
(0.04) 2
4. Solve the following equations for real x and y. (3 + 4i)2 – 2(x – yi) = x + yi (5)
Subject: Biology Class:9th Chapter:02 Marks:30
1. Write down the A.F.A King observations about malaria.
2. Explain different steps of solving biological problem.(10)
3. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative observations.
4. Write down the four major observations about malaria.
5. How plasmodium gets into human body.
Best of Luck

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