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FIRST CONDITIONAL (present simple – will/won’t)

You use the first conditional to talk about a likely situation and to describe its result. You talk about the
likely situation with if + present simple. You describe the result with will or won’t.
If you speak the language, the locals will be more hospitable.
If you don’t use public transport, pollution will become an enormous problem.
If you don’t use less water, there won’t be enough for the locals.


1. Match the two parts of these sentences.

1. If you like mountains, a. we’ll hire a car.

2. If you don’t enjoy sunbathing, b. we’ll show you the sights.
3. If we have enough money, c. we’ll come and visit you.
4. If we come to London, d. we’ll go to the Caribbean.
5. If you stay with us in Paris, e. you’ll love Britain in the summer.
6. If we want to travel around, f. you’ll enjoy the Alps.

2. Complete these sentences with the first conditional.

1. If I ________________________________ (go) out tonight, I _________________________ (go) to the cinema.

2. If you ______________________________ (get) back late, I ______________________________ (be) angry.
3. If we ______________________________ (not/see) each other tomorrow, we ________________________ (see) each
other next week.
4. If he ______________________________ (come), I ______________________________ (be) surprised.
5. If we ______________________________ (wait) here, we ______________________________ (be) late.
6. If we ______________________________ (go) on holiday this summer, we ______________________________ (travel) to
7. If the weather ______________________________ (not/improve), we ______________________________ (not/have) a
8. If I ______________________________ (not/go) to bed early, I ______________________________ (be) tired tomorrow.

3. Complete the sentences with your own plans.

1. If I have enough money,

2. If I have time this weekend,
3. If my friends are doing nothing,
4. If there is nothing to do tonight,
5. If I work hard next week,
6. If I learn English,


1. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.

2. Read Are you a green tourist? And find out if you are a green tourist.
3. Decide if the suggestions concern the economic, cultural or environmental effects of tourism.
4. Decide where these sentences go in the passage.
a. For example, if everyone else is having a siesta, have one yourself!
b. In other places, they ask for money.
c. However, there is not always enough for the locals.
d. As a guest the relationship between you and the host is quite different.
What words helped you make up your mind?
Are you a Green tourist?
Tourism around the world is so popular that in certain places, it affects and even causes damage to the
sights that the tourists have come to see. It is important to think about the economic, cultural and
environmental effects of being a tourist.

1. Use public transport. If everyone uses their cars, pollution and traffic congestion will become
an enormous problem.
2. Stay in small hotels and eat local food. It’s important that the money you spend on
accommodation and food remains within the local area.
3. Travel out of season. It’s the best time to avoid crowds, and it’s often cheaper as well.
4. Think of yourself as a guest, not as a tourist. As a tourist, you’re simply a source of money.
5. Learn the local language. If you make an effort to speak their language, you’ll be able to talk to
local people, and they are likely to be even more hospitable.
6. Be careful about taking photos. In some places, people are embarrassed when you take their
photo. Find out what the local custom is.
7. Find out about the place you’re visiting. It’s very impolite to the local people if you’re only
there because of the weather and don’t want to know anything about where you are.
8. Use less water than at home. In certain places, the authorities supply the big hotels with
9. Use local guides. This will create jobs and help the local economy.
10. Adopt the local lifestyle. If you don’t appreciate being in a foreign country, why leave home in
the first place?

Adapted from The Good Tourist by Katie Wood and Syd House
5. Underline all the first conditional sentences in the text.
6. Look at the words in the box and check you know what they mean.

Appreciate avoid cause consumption cultural damage economic embarrass energy

environmental hospitable lifestyle tocal photo pollution popular public sights

Some words can go together. Avoid damage ….

Can you think of words which go with the other words?

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