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Cesar Villasenor

4/12/19 Per. 2

5 Year Plan

After graduation I will be going on a simbaticle, three weeks in Cancun, Mexico. Staying at 5

star hotels and enjoying their finest cantinas. After a little celebration i'll come back to my

part-time job and attend the junior college here in merced, my hours aren't so bad, every

weekend and sometimes wednesdays. I'm very indecisive and plan on picking a major by the

time I finish general ed and a different school to transfer too. In 5 years I expect to be finished

with school and possibly already employed in my chosen career. I will need to save up a lot, and

i’m really glad I was able to get employed before High school ends because of how ard to could

only be to start life after school still living off parents. It will be a large pro to be able to save up

for a car by the time I need to transition to a possibly new part time job or chosen career. I plan

on moving out of the house when I turn 20. I’ve had an older brother who took much longer to

get employed and much longer to move out. Having this financial head start will overall help

with stability on bills, education, and non-essentials. I also plan on applying for financial aid but

the current set of events might leave me ineligible for the aid. Within 2 years I plan on

transitioning to a school near fresno, there are a lot of technical schools that have great programs.

I’ve been looking into dentistry and im not entirely sure but my career interest in dentistry is a

being a dental hygienist. I would need to go to school for 2 years and receive my associates

degree, my typical required classes for this specific career would consist of ​anatomy, chemistry,

physiology, pharmacology, microbiology oral pathology, dental materials, and histology.

I would want to consider extra schooling or a form of education in dentistry with the high gross

of dental hygienist careers, there might be competition for employment. My mother is a dental

assistant, she went to school to become a dentist but it didn’t really work out. And instead has

worked in dentistry as an assistant for almost 2 decades, shes first handworked on my braces,

teeth and has taught me a lot about her job. The work environment is incredibly dynamic and

interesting. I was born with fused teeth and this ironic career will feel satisfying to help other

people or kids who might feel insecure about their teeth as I did. The average dental hygienist

makes about $74,000 a year, at $35.00 an hour. The junior college offers most of the courses I

would need to progress through my first 2 years before I need to consider a different school to

transfer too. The University of southern California has great dental programs which peak my

interest but the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry is located in los angeles, the financial

requirements for me to be able to attend this school would more than likely simply be out of my

family’s budget. In 5 years I will already be finished with school, hopefully employed in my

chosen career, and financially stable. Over the summer I will start early college classes and finish

what I can, my main concern is trying to get my car during the summer so I could hurry and

pursue another part-time job to help pay for college or other financial necessities. I make

minimum wage right now but am saving up money and a really slow rate, being conservative in

almost all aspects will be a goal, I live extremely close to the community college so the commute

for all my classes will be easy, i’m also concerned about financial aid, I just kept forgetting to

apply and I went to discuss my application with my counselor not too long ago. I was able to

apply for it but that I apparently took too long to apply and therefore will only receive a small

amount of aid which is why I really need my car to have to part-time job incomes.

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