Part 2 Transcript Reflection

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Transcript Reflection

High school valedictorian, 4.38 GPA, class rank number 2 of 416, straight A’s

throughout my educational career including six AP classes and three honors classes, and a near

perfect attendance record. It’s true, my academic record as a student is one many aspire for; but,

I’m not listing these accomplishments to boast on my great success. This impressive résumé was

not something that came naturally to me - far from it in fact. It took a strong foundation of a

positive work ethic, countless of nights spent staying up late studying for an upcoming exam,

and the willingness to seek aid from my teachers in order to create the transcript seen today. On

a whole, my record displays my overall personna. My dedication to school while participating at

the competitive level in varsity athletics puts my skills regarding time management to the test.

Unlike the stereotypical high school teen, I am not one who procrastinates and expects my grade

not to reflect upon by lack of preparedness. I’m very realistic about my ability to work under

pressure so I schedule my working periods accordingly to ensure that I finish all of my

homework in the most efficient way possible. I find that my optimism and drive to further my

education makes completing my daily work less of a requirement and more of an opportunity to

test my grasp on the knowledge I am learning at the time. On the flip side, I also know when this

knowledge is lacking. I’m well aware of my weaknesses in writing and the sciences, but I take it

upon myself to learn the material to the best of my ability and go in to ask my teachers questions

when I need additional help. I can not stress the importance of asking questions that I apply to

my life. So much can be learned through the knowledge of another. My teachers are experts in

their particular fields of study. Who better to look towards when wanting advice on something I

do not understand completely? For whatever reason, call it laziness or apathy, I find more and
more of my fellow students refuse to seek additional help in their areas of weakness. This is

absurd to me. The mere fact that I am willing to take the time out of my already busy schedule

to improve my weaknesses is reflected in my transcript. Yes, I received all A’s, but I refuse to

measure each of those A’s with the same weight because that would not be a true reflection of

the challenges - the journey - behind some in comparison to others. It is this very concept that I

emphasize the most in regards to my transcript. From the outside, it may seem as if I was able to

breeze through my classes without a care in the world, but I can assure you that is far from the

truth. I worked very hard to receive the grades that I earned and I will continue to do so next fall

when I start the next chapter of my life in college.

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