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Five Year Plan

In this five year, I consider myself to be going to college. I will be attending CSU

Stanislaus for the Fall of 2019. I am excited and happy to attend CSU Stanislaus because I am a

first generation child that is going to college. I choose to go to CSU Stanislaus because they have

a Nursing Program at their campus. I want to major in Nursing and tend to have a Nursing career

in the future.

While in school, I will work in order to provide myself enough money to purchase

textbooks and to pay for my tuition fees. I don’t really have a specific place to work but, I will

apply to places that are hiring people for part-time. I am seeking a position as a waitress or

busgirl. If I get into the Nursing program, I may be partnered up with a Registered Nurse for

training purpose and as a part-time. If not, I plan to work during the weekends or maybe the

weekdays where I don’t have class. I plan to live at home so I could save up my money. I only

live 30 minutes away from Turlock so, I am comfortable to drive 30 minutes to school and 30

minutes back to home. I already have my driver license and my parents are training me to drive

on the freeway. I will pay for my tuition by using my financial aid or scholarship moneys. I am

not worried about my eating because my parent will support me on my daily meal. During the

school year, I will focus on my education. I have enough closing for myself so, I don’t have to

worry about purchasing closing and other materials. I don’t put makeup on and so I don’t have to

waste my money on this. I also have a part-time job for now. If financial aid doesn’t provide

enough money to pay, I can use my only money to pay. I also saved up money at the bank for

college purpose. I deposit money that I have from my part-time job every month in order to save

up enough money for the four years of college. I am not planning to apply for student loans

throughout the four years of college so, I don’t have to deal with the amount of money that I

needed to pay back. I could just relax and apply for jobs in my pace instead of rushing to find a

job and pay off my loans. My future career goal is to become a Nurse. However, before I would

have to achieve my Bachelor Degree of Science. I want to achieve my goal as a Registered

Nurse. Five year later, I seek myself to work at the hospital as a Registered Nurse and maybe to

continue with my training as an upper level nurse.

In order to be one step ahead, I took college classes at Merced College. I took classes

including Nutrition 44, Math C, Guidance 30, English 01A, and Elementary Statistics. For the

summer 2019, I am planning to take Sociology 01 and Human Development at Merced College

in order to satisfy the general educations courses for the first two years of school. Therefore, to

be even more ready, I searched up the general education courses and prerequisite that I need to

take in order to be eligible for applying to the Nursing program. I also have a plan of graduating

early. I planned every courses that I needed to take during the Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer

2020, and Fall 2020. After these semesters, I would be done for all my general education and

prerequisites for Nursing. Starting in the Spring of 2021, I would apply for the Nursing program

and take the required courses for a Pre-Licensed Nurse. After all those courses and a exam, I

would graduate with my Bachelor Degree of Science and apply for jobs as a registered nurse.

I would continue to seek a higher education and training in Nursing after I graduate. I

plan to transfer to UC Davis for the graduate Nursing program that they have. If I got accepted in

the Graduate Nursing program, I would hope to accomplish my Master degree in two more

years. If not, I would apply for a job at the hospital and work as a Registered Nurse. Five years

later, I seek myself as a Registered Nurse at the hospital working with patients and other

Registered Nurse. I seek myself being happy with my career and favoring the job.

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