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Transcript and Attendance Reflection

It was kind of true that my transcript did reflect my capability because the grades that I

received demonstrated the hard work that I achieved from Freshman to Senior year. When

looking back at my transcript from Freshman year to Senior year, I can see my grades vary. I

think my freshmen year for the first semester was good but not perfect because I had a B in

Physical education. I agree that I am not really good at physical education because I don’t like to

run and exercise. However, in the second semester I improved and kept my grade to stay at an A

with the continuation of my hard work. In my sophomore year, I thought it was easy but, a lot of

work to do. I received straight A’s for both semesters in my Sophomore year and I feel really

happy. However, in my Junior year, I tried AP and Honor courses which gave me a challenge to

keep up grades. PreCalculus Honors gave me the most difficult challenge because the exams

were hard and it was worth 1,000 points for each exam. AP English Language Composition was

another challenged that I faced. The class was hard but, I passed it with a grade of B which I

thought was better than a C. Then, in the second semester of my Junior year, I improved my

grade in Pre-Calculus Honors from a C to a B from taking the final exam. I studied the final

exam hard in order to improve my grade. PreCalculus honors was a real challenging course to

me. Senior year was my most challenging year ever because I have to deal with SAT’s, ACT’s,

UC/CSU Applications, and Financial aid. In addition, I am taking 2 AP class and 2 Honors class.

I did my best to keep my grades in my AP and 2 Honors class. However, I received a C in my

AP Calculus which is the most challenging class. Each exams that I took were worth 1,000

points which is the same as my PreCalculus Honors class. I had one B in my AP English

Literature and Composition and one B in my Spanish 3 Honors class. Even though, my grades
had dropped in my Senior year, I am still trying hard in order to keep up a passing grade in my

classes. I will try my best for my grade improve in my classes.

When I seek my attendance from my Freshmen to Senior year, I feel moderate. From all

these for years, I had never been missing any one day of school. I always have an hundred

percent attendance as I know that missing a day of school will back me up with my grades and

missing important lessons. I have a few tardies for my Senior because I am sometimes one or

two minute late to class. Overall, my attendance at school is perfect without missing a day of

school and affecting my grades.

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