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Transcript/Attendance Reflection

I am a senior of Merced High School, and over the past few years a lot has changed for me,

starting with my grades and attendance. My first 2 years, meaning freshman and sophomore

years, my grades were a steady B, to A ratio, and I was quite happy with that. Except in my

sophomore year where my math class landed me to have my first 2 c’s ever. I will not say names,

but the teacher that I had was very slow and it took quite some time to get from 1 chapter to

another, which led to me letting my grade slowly deteriorate over time. Another reason as to why

that grade was lower, is that my math classes were at the end of the day. All my energy was

drained through the day and I could barely stay awake with so much mathematical problems in

my head. You could say I was just being lazy, however I understood that was one thing I could

no longer do if I wanted to pass math 3 next year in my junior year. I decided to take a 0 period

class which started from 7am to 8am, it was a struggle to wake up early in the morning but my

grade stayed at a steady B, to B+ in that class. I feel that taking my “hard” classes early in the

morning is a pain, but a pain that is easier for me to understand. Bright and early waking up and

ready to learn some math. Through most of my academic years in high school, I’ve found that

taking my history classes over summer break, and doing some ap classes in early high school,

has set me up for gold in my senior year. For starters I do not have a 1st or 7th period, and most

of my final classes senior year are electives of my choice. Therefore, going further that I would

have has given me a higher resting period in senior year instead of worrying if I will pass so

many classes or not.

As for attendance, it has been at a same steady rate for the past 4 years. The main reason as to

why I was absent for a few consecutive days, was for winter break. The past 4 years my family
has been blessed to be able to travel to Mexico to visit family for christmas. Therefore, that lead

to me having to take my finals about a week earlier than most kids, and that is why I had a few

absent days consecutively. Aside from those, the others are the basics that everyone has, just like

doctor appointments, sickness, injury, etc.

All in all, I feel that both my transcripts and attendance say that I am a hard worker, I have my

off days for health and well being, and that if at first I dont succeed I move past the problem to

be able to pass it.

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