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VOX, based on articles published, reflects the culture of Jamers


Joseph Gabriel G. Cruz

IV-St. James

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Of the Course Fundamentals of Research
St. James Academy, Malabon City
February 29, 2008
Acceptance Page

Accepted by the English Area of St. James Academy in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject Fundamentals of Research.

This proposal was approved on January 16, 2007

Mr. Benigno F. Puig


The researcher would like to thank the Following:

Mr. Benigno Puig, for imparting to the students his knowledge in the subject

Fundamentals of Research and for being persevering in helping them to accomplish their chosen


Mrs. Juanita Quiambao and IV-St. James for giving each and everyone in the class

support to accomplish each other’s studies and for giving each other warmth and cheer.

Neil Michael Sese, Mary Grace Idang, Adriane Enrico, Bernadette Pacheco, Everlaine

Asejo, for being great friends to confide with.

The VOX staff, especially to Ms. Joan Flores, for helping in completing this study

My parents, Rolando Cruz and Ma. Teresa Cruz, for giving the researcher financial help

and for boosting the researcher’s self-confidence in this project.


This study is designed to prove that VOX, based on articles published, reflects the present

culture of Jamers. With this course of action, this research aims to (a) show the factors that make

VOX reflect the culture of Jamers, (b) analyze these factors and (c) propose possible ways how

to solve this problem.

The researcher used various reference materials and sources that could help in presenting

data and proving applicable facts. There are three methods of testing, the survey method,

interview method and the evaluation of issues of VOX for the past three years. A total estimate

of 100 randomly selected students from the whole high school department was given surveys.

VOX staffers were excluded from answering the surveys. Interviews were done with VOX

staffers who have major positions and with the moderator. Evaluation of issues from the past

three years was also conducted. All of these methods served to provide answers, generalizations

and significant views concerning the mentioned goal and aims of the study. The researcher

utilized the findings of the said methods in coming up with the solutions for the said problem.

The Duties of a campus newspaper include the body’s ability in representing the learning

institution where it belongs and all the people who are part of it. The Campus Newspaper must

be an outlet of Student empowerment. Thus, if these attributes are not possessed by a student

publication, it would not pass the standards of effective Campus Journalism.

VOX, as the high school publication of St. James Academy, follows the character of a

member of the Christian community, with its editorial platform, “The Voice with the Sense of

Vision and Mission” it aims to manifest the real definition of what a true Jamer is, “Maka-diyos,

Makabayan, Makatao, Makakalikasan.”

VOX had written the achievements of the school and students, revised rules and

regulations, and concerns of the whole SJA institution.

However, it had been heard that quite a number of Jamers claim that VOX fails to reflect

their present culture. They think that present VOX issues only have printed material that are only

appealing to the “intellectual” readers.

Because of the said situations, the researcher will attempt to review the appeal to the

readers, the timeliness of the articles and the openness of VOX to sentiments of its readers. After

the evaluation of the said factors, the researcher will seek for facts and findings that will be

strengthen by interviews from knowledgeable sources.

The researcher will also offer possible solutions for the said endeavor of the VOX

publication to better reflect the culture of Jamers.


Campus Journalism is the voice of Student Empowerment. Through this students are

given the capacity to say their views and their concerns, not only for themselves but also to the

other members of the society. Campus Journalism must reflect the truth with responsibility and

be able to show all the angles of a school issue. Also, through Campus Journalism, students

become more aware of his surroundings and what could he/she offer for it.

One of the standards of Effective Campus Journalism is the ability of a school paper to

represent the institution where it belongs. They must impart the true meaning of service by the

media and must be able to state their own stand. With the fulfillment of this standard, student

publications will be effective to its priorities. Media ignites growth for the society, Campus

journalism as a part of it, must be a part of promoting the development of its readers.

VOX, the official publication of St. James Academy, aims to voice out the events, the

accomplishments and concerns of the school and must be successful in adhering itself to this the

standards of Effective Campus Journalism, thus it must reflect the opinion and stand of the


The goal of this research is to show whether or not VOX reflects the culture of Jamers.

Also, the researcher will engage himself in taking views from reliable sources and will analyze

important factors that are involved in order to obtain desired point.

For this research, the High school students of SJA are selected as subjects since they

comprise the main readers of VOX and they are parts of the publication.

By doing so, the researcher will also point out possible solutions on how VOX could

better reflect the culture of Jamers.


Based on the accumulated facts and statistical data supplied to support the point of this

study, the researcher hypothesizes that the controlling purpose of this study – o show whether

VOX reflects the present culture of Jamers particularly in the aspects of appeal, timeliness, and

openness to readers.

The researcher hypothesizes that if VOX failed in exemplifying the present culture of

Jamers, it could be open to more improvement to better reflect the present culture of Jamers.

The researcher also hypothesizes that the VOX staff would do necessary action to come

up with possible actions to solve the said predicament.


The strengthening of the hypothesis lays on the questions formulated by the researcher to

help complete the study (a) Does the Majority of Jamers read VOX every time it is published?

(b) Are the articles in VOX fresh and up-to date? (c) Are the articles in VOX interesting for

Jamers? (d) What section of VOX are the Jamers most interested in? (e) Which of the following

Jamer culture are shown in VOX (f) Is VOX open to comments and suggestions from its readers?

(g) Do Jamers and the VOX staff share the views written in the editorial section? (h) Are the

Jamers enthusiastic in contributing a poem or an article for VOX? (i) Does VOX reflect the

culture of Jamers? (j) What improvements would VOX have to undergo so that it will better

reflect the culture of Jamers?

Generally, these are some of the questions upon which the researcher will base the over

all flow of the study. The possibility of verifying these questions will be dependent on various


The journalist should be able to identify and carefully choose relevant issues about things

without allowing personal biases and convictions affect him of her objectivity as a writer. (De

Villa, 2000) The Journalist is an investigator. He does not cease on finding everything about his


Campus Journalism is the application of what journalism is on the professional side, it

serves as the training ground for students who involve themselves in media. VOX, as the student

publication of St. James Academy, complies with the norms of a true Journalist, but with the

sense of being a Jamer, “makadiyos, makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan.2” In line wit this

VOX, as a student publication must act as a professional journalist that realizes that he yields

great power which can be used for good or for evil. The ethical Campus Journalist always

confront himself with dignity, right manner and good conduct3 and also what they think is due

importance to the school.4

A journalist’s service should be committed to the interest of the general public5. It is the

duties of a Campus Newspaper to aid the school and community and also create and express

school opinion.

An important function of a school paper is to express idealism and reflect the spirit of the
school and editorial pages are considered as the “soul” of the whole publication. As said

campus journalism, especially in the editorial pages present the important things at school, may

be it something or someone that concern students or other members of that learning institution7.
Leonardo Reyes, Peryodismong Pilipino, Habagatan Publication, 1972
St. James Academy Highschool Student Handbook, 2004 ed.
Jaime Ramirez, Philippine Journalism Handbook, Phil. Grapihc arts, 1975
Benigno Puig and Joan Flores, Journalism and Fundamentals of Research Module, West Bend marketing, 2005
Harold Spear, Highschool Journalism, Macmillan Publication, 1956
Estrelita Constantino Pangilinan, Journalism Handbook, Kalayaan Press, 1988
All in all, it is important for a school paper serve as the form for students’ sentiments and


Thesis Statement: VOX, as the student publication who follows the norms of Effective Campus
Journalism, must reflect the students of St. James Academy

Ceciliano Jose Cruz, Campus Journalism, REX bookstore, 1997
Final Outline
I. Introduction
A. The school Paper
1. The main Purposes
2. the staff
3. the qualities of a Good Campus Newspaper
B. VOX, the official publication of SJA
1. The editorial Platform
2. the Staff
3. the achievement
4. the moderator

II. Findings
A. The Jamers Who Read VOX
B. freshness and Timeliness of VOX Articles
C. The Interest of Readers in VOX Articles
D. The Most Interesting Sections of VOX
E. The Jamer Culture Shown in VOX
F. Openness of VOX to Comments and Suggestions from its Readers
G.Readers Cooperation in Contributing Articles for VOX
H. The Similarity of Views on the Editorial Section of VOX and Views by the
I. VOX Reflecting the Culture of Jamers

III. .Discussion
A. Campus Journalism
B, The Importance of Campus Journalism
C. The qualities of a Good Journalist
D. The duty of a School paper to be open to its readers

IV. Conclusion

Based on the tedious study of the subject, the researcher can conclude that VOX
reflects the culture of Jamers in the High school department of St. James Academy. The
aspects Appeal to readers and Timeliness of articles are prove to be in good status in order
for the said Publication to effectively reflect the culture of Jamers while The aspect of
openness to readers needs improvement.

V. Implication
After mush analysis and evaluation of the study, the researcher implies that VOX,
with the help of the student body, must do necessary actions to make the Capacity of VOX to
reflect the culture of Jamers close to perfect.

VI. Recommendation

The Researcher recommends to those who aspire to take up the studies related to
this project to get more respondents and have more sufficient data.

The study aims to determine how VOX reflects the culture of Jamers in the aspects of

appeal, timeliness and openness to its readers.

The researcher also aims to come up with possible solutions that could help VOX to

effectively reflect the culture of Jamers.

In line with these objectives, the researcher used the survey method since the study aims

to assess the problem. The researcher made fundamental questions to review the respondents’

views and beliefs concerning the topic.

The population consists of twenty- five (25) students per year level with a total of one

hundred (100) students.

The Jamers Who Read VOX

The researcher asked the respondents if they read VOX everytime it is issued. The

respondents’ reply is only between yes or no. The question was asked to find out how many of

the randomly chosen respondents read VOX.

According to the results, eighty-two (82) out of one hundred (100) said yes while

eighteen (18) of one hundred said no.

Based on the results, the majority of the respondents read VOX. The fact that VOX is

read by many shows the possibility of VOX to reflect the culture and interests of Jamers but

confirmation still lie on the next findings.

Freshness and Timeliness of VOX Articles

The respondents were asked if the articles in VOZ are fresh and up-to-date. Respondents

were given the option between yes or no. Seventy- three (73) out of one hundred (100) answered

yes and twenty-six (26) out of a hundred answered no. Due to the findings, it could be said that

articles in VOX are fresh and up-to-date.

The Interest of Readers in VOX Articles

The respondents were asked if the articles printed in VOX are interesting for them.

Seventy-two (72) out of one hundred (100) respondents answered yes and twenty-eight (28)

answered no. Most of the respondents find the articles interesting for them. This proves that

VOX readers think that these articles suit their preferences. Thus, proving that VOX articles do

not only appeal to the academically- achieving students but also to the average Jamer as well.

The Most Interesting Sections of VOX

The respondents were asked what section of VOX they are most interested in. They were

requested to give their top three choices among the sections.

Forty-seven (47) respondents preferred news giving a rating of 16% of all preferred VOX


Forty-one (41) respondents preferred the literary section giving a rating of 16%.

Seventy-three (73) respondents preferred feature, giving a rating of 24%.

Fifty- eight (58) respondents preferred sports, which is 17%.

Forty-six (46) respondents chose editorial, which comprises 16% of the total.

Fifteen (15) respondents chose Filipino section, which is 5%.

Six (6) respondents chose the Science section, which is 4%.

The features section is the most preferred section of VOX while Sports comes second

and news comes the third.

The Jamer Culture Shown in VOX

The researcher asked the respondents what Jamer characteristics which represent their

culture had been shown in VOX. The following are the common topics for Jamers and their

corresponding number of votes:

Fifteen (15) respondents chose the topic fashion trends.

Fifteen (15) respondents chose awards.

Seven (7) respondents chose Personalities.

Forty-four (44) respondents chose Events.

Eight (8) respondents chose Social Issues.

Seven (7) respondents chose contest.

Three (3) respondents answered others with specified topics: Science (one respondent)

and Qualities or positive values (two respondents).

Openness of VOX to Comments and Suggestions from its Readers

The respondents were asked if VOX was open to comments and suggestions from its

readers. The options are between yes and no. Sixty-five (65) respondents answered yes while

thirty-five (35) said no.

The Similarity of Views on the Editorial Section of VOX and Views by the Students
Since editorials gave the stand of the school paper and one of the duties of a school paper

is to express school opinion, the researcher asked if the respondents share views like those in of

the VOX staff. Majority of the answers are no with 60% of votes. Forty percent (40%) answered


Readers Cooperation in Contributing Articles for VOX

The respondents were asked if they had contributed an article for VOX The question is

formulated to determine if Jamers are enthusiastic in contributing articles for VOX. Only nine

(9) out of the one hundred respondents answered yes. The remaining ninety-one percent (91%)

answered no.

This proves that Jamers have no initiative to pass articles that would minimize the ability

of VOX to voice out their insights and showcase their talents in writing.

VOX Reflecting the Culture of Jamers

As the main objective of the study, the researcher asked the respondents if VOX reflects

the culture of Jamers. Eighty-two (82) out of one hundred respondents answered yes and

eighteen (18) answered no. From this, it can be said that VOX is still able to reflect the culture of


Campus Journalism

Journalism has become one of the indispensable services of the modern society. It had

been an important source of entertainment, education and has played a vital role in influencing

political decisions, social change and cultural patterns.9 With this definition of Journalism in

mind, Campus Journalism is the training ground of students who are talented in writing, while

giving service to the school and the whole student body.10

The Campus newspaper is an outlet of Student Empowerment.11 It magnifies the ability

of students to speak their minds and voice out their insights, thus, enabling them to practice the

values of democracy12, but within the considerable limits of being a student.

Another function of the school paper is to express idealism and reflect the spirit of the

school13, The Spirit of the school depends on the vision mission and the reputation of the school

since this learning institution has a controlled environment.

Journalism at school, especially in the editorial page, presents the important things inside

the four walls of the institution, and this involves the whole personnel and student population.14

The editorial page is considered so, because it is the soul of the whole publication and it serves

as the forum of students’ opinion.

“Journalism,” Merit Student’s Encyclopedia, Vol. 10, pp. 238-239

Interview with Geraldine Guarin, VOX Filipino Editor, St. James Academy, February 26, 2008
“Student government: Student Empowerment.” Merit Student’s encyclopedia, Vol. 15 pp. 110-112
Harold Spears, Highschool Journalism,p.8
Estrelita Constantino Pangilinan, Journalism Handbook
The Importance of Campus Journalism

In many countries the press and other forms of media were responsible for touching and

influencing the behavior of the people15. Campus Journalism, as a part of it, involves the

development of the readers to be better individuals through the articles they publish.

The primary relevance of Journalism in the society it to present its readers with objective

information and letting them formulate conclusions among themselves about the meaning and

significance of the story16.

The editorial page is the one section of a school newspaper in which all the issues in and

out of the campus, are interpreted and digested in order for the publication to have a stand17.

The qualities of a Good Journalist

A student journalist had undergone training to be an effective writer. He should be able to

identify and carefully choose relevant issues and write about them thing without allowing

personal biases and convictions to affect his/her objectivity and he writes what he believes in his

heart to be true18.

The journalist is an investigator, He does not cease on finding everything about his

article19, for it lies in his hands whether or not that article is to be considered just a false


The journalist also understands that he yields great power which he can use for good or

for evil. The ethical journalist always confronts himself with dignity, right manners and good

“Journalism,” Merit Student’s encyclopedia Vol. 10 p. 238
Spears, “Highschool Journalism p. 52
“Journalism,” Merit Student’s encyclopedia Vol. 10 p. 238
Leonardo Reyes, Peryodismong Pilipino p. 32
The duty of a School paper to be open to its readers

It is a duty of a campus newspaper to be open to its readers, for the whole organs is not

composed of only the newspaper staff, but the students who read it as well, the campus

newspaper is a medium of communication, and communication is a two-way process.

Readers write letters to the editor to express their principles and opinions about

newsworthy events or about what were covered previously by the editors of the newspaper20. The

newspaper accepts these insights because establishing rapport with the readers establishes

strength of the newspaper.

There are still factors why a publication fails to reflect the interests of its readers such as

(a) the editors would rather write something that is interesting for them rather than what is

interesting for the ordinary readers (b) there are only few can understand (c) only few appreciate

their articles21.


Based on the tedious study of the subject, the researcher can conclude that VOX reflects

the culture of Jamers in the High school department of St. James Academy. The aspects Appeal

“Journalism,” Merit Student’s encyclopedia Vol. 10 p. 238
Interview with Clarice Gregorio, Bernice Sibucao, Karmelene Lara, VOX Assoc. Ed. VOX EIC, VOX Feat. Ed., St. James
Academy Feb 09, 2008
to readers, and Timeliness of articles are prove to be in good status in order for the said

Publication to effectively reflect the culture of Jamers.

The aspect of openness to readers needs improvement. This is due to the result of one of

the research questions which tell if the respondents had contributed articles for VOX. Only a

small percentage contributed compared to the (92%) had not passed any single contribution for


The aspect of Appeal to readers, were proven good enough because of the following

reasons: (a) Majority of the Respondents read VOX every time it is issued (b) majority of the

respondents think that the articles were interesting and (c) all the sections of VOX are read.

In Timeliness, Majority of the respondents find the articles in VOX fresh and up-to-date,

it appears to have a positive result.

This study was guided thoroughly by reliable VOX staff members whose opinions were

included in the formulation of the discussion.

Solutions were proposed in order for VOX to better reflect the culture of Jamers. The

researcher hopes that the next batch of VOX staffers will benefit from this study.

After mush analysis and evaluation of the study, the researcher implies that VOX , with

the help of the student body, must do necessary actions to make the Capacity of VOX to reflect

the culture of Jamers close to perfect.

The VOX staffers should announce if they are going to receive articles from the readers.

They must have a class-to-class announcement. They should also discuss this matters with the

English and Filipino area, so that they can ask if they can give bonus grades to those who pass

articles and convinces the editors to print them.

The VOX staff could also have surveys on students’ interests from time to time, so that

the staff would not have difficulty in knowing what article of issue that their readers would like

to see in an issue.

Also, programs like Poem writing contests, Press Conferences and the like would also be

feasible if the Staff would like to search for talented writers.

The students and the VOX staff should realize that working together and being

transparent in work may lead to excellent ways on how they can reflect the clture of Jamers.


The researcher strongly recommends other aspiring researchers who plan to conduct a

related study to perform a deeper understanding of the Jamer culture and more data for the study

to be successful.
The researcher also recommends aspirants to collect a bigger number of sources and

references in order to have a broad and clearer view of the study.

A more thorough evaluation of statistical data is highly requested by the researcher to get

a more comprehensive outline.

The researcher recommends interviewing of veteran school paper advisers and the VOX

moderator, and the principal.



Cruz, Ceciliano Jose, Campus Journalism, REX bookstore, 1997

De Villa, Theresa L.; Bactiong, Lourdes, Journalism for Filipino Students, SIBS Publishing

House, 2000

Pangilinan, Estelita Constantino, Journalism Handbook, Kalayaan Press Marketing, 1988

Puig, Benigno F.; Flores, Joan E., Journalism and Fundamentals of Research Module, West Rend

Marketing, 2005

Ramirez, Jaime, Philippine Journalism Handbook, Phil. Graphic Arts Inc. 1975

Reyes, Leonardo, Peryodismong Pilipino, Habagatan Publication, 1972

Spears, Harold, Highschool Journalism, Macmillan Publication, 1956


Student Empowerment, Merit Student Encyclopedia, Vol. 15 (1971), pp. 110-112

Journalism, Merit Student Encyclopedia, Vol 10 (1971) pp. 238-239

Other Sources:

Personal Interview with Bernice Sibucao, VOX Editor-in-Chief, SJA High school Library,

January 17, 2008

Personal Interview with Clarice Gregorio, Associate Editor, SJA High school Library, January

17, 2008

Personal Interview with Geraldine Guarin, VOX Filipino Editor, High school Library, January

17, 2008

Personal Interview with Karmelene Lara, VOX Features Editor, SJA Highschool Library,

January 17 2008
Personal Interview with Neil Michael Sese, VOX Sports Editor, SJA Highschool Library

January 17, 2008,

SJA Highschool student Handbook, St. James academy, Malabon city, 2005


Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. “Newspaper: who writes in a newpaper.”

Table 1



table1. Shows the number of respondents who read VOX every time it is issued

table 2




Table2. Shows the number of respondents that think that the articles in vox are fresh and up-to-date
table 3




table3. shows the number of respondents who think that VOX articles are interesting

Table 4
5% 4% 16%
15% Literary

table4. shows the most preferred sections of VOX

Table 5
7% 15%
fashion trends
8% Awards
Social Issues
7% contests
44% others

Table 5. shows the Jamer culture prevalent in VOX articles

table 6




Table 6. shows the number of respondents who think that VOX is open to comments and

suggestions from its readers.

table 7


Table7. shows the number of respondents who think that there is Similarity of Views on the

Editorial Section of VOX and Views by the Students

table 8



Table 8.
table 9



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