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Di Zi Gui
(Students' Rules)
By Li Yue Xiu
Of the Qing Dynasty, during the Reign of the Emperor
Kangxi (1661-1722)

With Mandarin Pinyin and Cantonese Pronunciation

Translation and Transliteration by Feng Xin-ming

1989,1993, 2000, 2004, 2006, Jan., May & July 2008, 2009

(Complicated Chinese Script Version)

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Translator's Note
Being one of the two or three most popular primers with which youngsters were taught how to be gentlemen during the last two centuries of imperial
China, Di Zi Gui is a treasure trove of traditional Chinese thought, norms and mores. Upon first reading Di Zi Gui in the 1980's, I exclaimed, "I've
found it! I have finally found what my children need!" So I taught them Di Zi Gui. Since they were born and growing up in North America, I had
to translate and transliterate the Chinese text. From that early work and subsequent refinements came this piece on Di Zi Gui.

Looking back, I think learning Di Zi Gui as children has helped them a lot in their behavior, their ability to get along with others, and their self-esteem.
Di Zi Gui has helped give them a sense of pride and identity, a quiet confidence that what they are doing is right, a self-generated drive to always do
their best, and an inner strength to overcome adversity.

Subsequently I've taught Di Zi Gui to some friends' teenage kids, and now I've been teaching it to other teens, whom I think need Di Zi Gui very badly.
Here I am putting my teaching materials online, thinking that I might help others take advantage of this wonderful heritage.

To cope with my children's limited ability to understand and my own limited resources in keyboard input of transliteration symbols, I have developed
"home-made" methods of denoting Pinyin and Cantonese transliteration. These methods are still used here because first, the limitations in keyboard
input still hold, and second, though I may be presumptuous I suspect that the Cantonese transliteration system I have devised may be intuitively
easier not only for my children, but also for English speakers in general who are not familiar with the International Phonetic Symbols system.

No doubt there will be room for improvement; I sincerely hope that the reader will be kind enough to forward any suggestions or criticisms.

Feng Xin-ming, 2006

A Keyboard-Friendly Way to Denote Pinyin

by Feng Xin-ming

I find it impossible to input Pinyin on my keyboard, and if I use one of those Pinyin programs it doesn't dovetail with my text input systems. What
to do? So I have come up with the following para-Pinyin system where I denote the four tones by putting an accent at the end of the word:

1st tone - accent: - Example: di-

(1st tone):

2nd tone - accent: ' Example: (2nd tone):di'

3rd tone - accent: ^ Example: (3rd tone): di^

4th tone - accent: ` Example: (4th tone): di`


A Cantonese Transliteration System for English Speakers

By Feng Xin-ming (Simplified Chinese 简体:

Back in the 1980's when I first started to teach my kids Di Zi Gui I did it in Cantonese, since that was my native Chinese tongue, they had a
real hard time with both the Cantonese transliteration system in my Cantonese-to-English dictionary and the International Phonetic Symbols,
so I came up with this system. It's designed to be intuitive for the English speaker and can be readily input on any ordinary keyboard.

Three areas need special explanation, especially for non-Cantonese speakers:


Cantonese has six tones. While traditionally the stops (see below) are considered tones 7, 8, and 9, here I just consider them tones 1, 3, and 6.

Tone: fun-1 fun-2 fun-3 fun-4 fun-5 fun-6


Some Cantonese words have terminal stops, represented here as K, P, and T. While in English such terminal letters are sounded, in Cantonese they
have no sound but only represent stops. Cantonese words with terminal stops are found only in tones 1, 3, and 6 (traditionally called "tones 7, 8, 9").

K: duk-1 ohk-3 lik-6 P: gup-1 jeep-3 yeep-6 T: but-1 geet-3 mut-6

3. SPECIAL CANTONESE VOWEL SOUNDS: The English transliterations below are approximations only and the reader is
advised to hear the correct sound pronounced by a Cantonese speaker. The terminal "h" here has no sound and doesn't shorten the syllable's sound,
and "r's" here don't produce a curling of the tongue.

aeuh: oke: ueut:

eu: one: ui:
eurh: uein: uaey:
eurng: ueet:
eurk: ueun:

Note on Chinese Text Discrepancies on the Di Zi Gui Websites:

There are several versions on the Internet with minor textual differences with each other. The version we are using is truer to the "children's primer
reciting song (蒙童誦歌)" style, a style also found in The Three Character Classic (三字經) and The Thousand Word Text (千字文) , and therefore
probably truer to the original. The other versions separate the sections with chapter headings, which are foreign to the "reciting song" style, or don't
separate the sections at all, which significantly muddles up the meaning. In contrast this version uses summary verses to separate the sections,
compatible with the reciting song style. Also, preceding text is called "text to the right", true to the old writing style. I've used this version of the
Chinese text since 1988, years before Di Zi Gui regained popularity. I believe this version is older and more authentic.
Feng Xin-ming, 2008

Please note: all-Chinese text of Di Zi Gui on pages 38 - 40.

Cantonese Cantonese 5
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

1. 4.
di` daeuh-6 students The Rules for you^ youh-5 have If there's energy left
Students over,
zi^ ji-2 (both words) yu' yeu4 spare
gui- kwaeuh-1 rules li` lik-6 energy

sheng` sing-3 holy are the Sage's ze' juk--1 then then study books.
ren' yun-2 people xue' hok--6 learn
xun` fun-3 teachings wen' mun--4 writings
2. 5.
shou^ souh-2 first First be good to you` youh--6 right To the right (the
xiao` hao-3 good to parents parents and respect zong^ joeng-2 main preceding) is the
elders; summary.
ti` daeuh-6 respect elders xu` juaey-6 narrative

ci` tsee-3 next next be reverent and

謹* jin^ gun-2 reverent

xin` sueun-3 trustworthy

fan' fahn-4 generally Also love everyone
ai` oi-3 love
zhong` joeng-3 the many people

er' yee-4 and also and become close with

the kind-hearted.
qin- tsun-1 get close with
ren' yun-4 kind-hearted
謹 here means "reverent" as in 恭謹, not "careful" as in 謹慎 . See:
Cantonese Cantonese 6
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

6. 9.
fu` fu-6 father When parents call, fu` fu-6 father When parents reprimand,
mu^ moe-5 mother mu^ moe-5 mother
hu- foo-1 call ze' jahk-3 reprimand

ying^ ying-3 answer don't be slow to answer. xu- suaey-1 must one must accept.
wu` mut-6 not wo^ ngoh-5 I
huan^ woon-4 slow cheng' sing-4 accept
7. 10.
fu` fu-6 father When parents give an dong- doeng-1 winter In winter one keeps
mu^ moe-5 mother ze' jug-1 then warm;*
ming` ming-6 order wen- wun-1 warm

xing' hung-4 act act, don't be lazy. xia` hah-6 summer In summer one keeps
wu` mut-6 not ze' jug-1 then cool.*

lan^ lahn-5 lazy qing- tsing-1 cool

8. 11.
fu` fu-6 father When parents teach, chen' sun-4 morning In the morning one
mu^ moe-5 mother ze' juk-1 then thinks over one's

jiao- gow-3 teach xing^ sing-2 think over conduct conduct;*

xu- suaey-1 must one must listen hun- fun-1 evening In the evening one
respectfully. settles down.*
jing` ging-3 respectfully ze' juk-1 then
ting` ting-1 listen ding` ding-6 settle
*凊 instead of 清is used in some texts, referring to warming up and cooling the parents' bed. *See:
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

12. 15.
chu- tseut-1 going out When leaving one must gou^ gouh-2 if If one acts arbitrarily,
tell (one's parents);
bi` beet-1 must shan` seen-6 arbitrarily
gao` goe-3 tell wei' waeuh-4 act

fan^ fahn-1 returning Upon returning one zi^ jee-2 son's the character that a son
bi` beet-1 must must report face-to- dao` doe-6 character ought to possess gets
face. damaged.
mian` meen-6 face kui- kwaeuh-1 damaged
13. 16.
ju- guaey-1 living There should be wu` mut-6 thing Though a thing may be
regularity in one's small,
you^ youh-5 have sui- suaey-1 though
daily life,
chang' seurng-4 regularity xiao^ siu-2 small

ye` yeep-6 career and no change wu` mut-6 don't don't selfishly hoard it.
in one's career.
wu' moe-4 no si- see-1 selfishly
bian` been-3 change cang' tsong-4 hoard
14. 17.
shi` see-6 matter Though a matter may gou^ gouh-2 if If one selfishly hoards,
be small,
sui- suaey-1 though si- see-1 selfishly
xiao^ siu-2 small cang' tsong-4 hoard

wu` mut-6 don't don't act arbitrarily. qin- tsun-1 parents' the parents' hearts will
be hurt.
shan` seen-6 arbitrarily xin- sum-1 heart
wei' waeuh-4 act shang- seurng-1 hurt
Cantonese Cantonese 8
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

18. 21.
qin- tsun-1 parents What parents like, de' duk-1 character Injury to one's
suo^ soh-2 what you^ youh-5 has
hao` hoe-3 like shang- seurng-1 hurt

li` lik-6 effort make an effort to yi' yee-4 cause brings parents shame.
wei' waeuh-4 to qin- tsun-1 parents
ju` guaey-6 possess xiu- souh-1 shame
19. 22.
qin- tsun-1 parents What parents despise, qin- tsun-1 parents When parents love me,
suo^ soh-2 what ai` oi-3 love
wu` woo-3 despise wo^ ngoh-5 me

jin^ gun-2 carefully carefully get rid of. xiao` how-3 good to parents it is easy to be good to
wei' waeuh-4 to he' hoh-4 what
qu` huaey-3 be rid of nan' nahn-4 difficulty
20. 23.
shen- sun-1 body Injury to one's body qin- tsun-1 parents When parents detest me,
you^ youh-5 has zeng- jung-1 detest
shang- seurng-1 hurt wo^ ngoh-5 me

yi' yee-4 cause brings parents worry; xiao` how-5 good to parents then it's truly virtuous
to be good to parents.
qin- tsun-1 parents fang- fong-1 then truly
you- youh-1 worry xian' yeen-4 virtuous
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

24. 27.
qin- tsun-1 parents When parents are hao' hoe-6 wailing (If still not accepted,)
you^ youh-5 have doing something that's qi` yup-1 weeping weeping and wailing
wrong. should follow,
guo` guoh-3 fault sui' tsuaey-4 follow

jian` gahn-3 counsel error counsel them to make ta` taht-3 beating and beatings are borne
them change. without complaint.
shi^ see-2 to cause wu' moe-4 no
geng- gung-3 change yuan` yuein-3 complaint
25. 28.
yi' yee-4 make pleasant Make my expression qin- tsun-1 parents When parents fall ill,
wu' ng-4 my you^ youh-5 have
se` sik-1 expression ji' jut-6 illness

rou' youh-4 soften and soften my voice. yao` yeurk-6 medicine one tastes the
medicine first,
wu' ng-4 my xian- seen-1 first
sheng- sing-1 voice chang' seurng-4 taste
26. 29.
jian` gahn-3 counsel error If the counsel is not zhou` jouh-3 day and attend day and
accepted, night,
bu' but-1 not ye` yeh-6 night
ru` yup-6 enter shi` see-6 attend

yue` yueet-6 delight wait until parents are bu` but-1 not not leaving the bed.
fu` foke-6 again happy then counsel li' lay-4 leave
them again.
jian` gahn-3 counsel error chuang' tsong-4 bed
Cantonese Cantonese 10
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

30. 33.
sang- song-3 mourning One mourns for three shi` see-6 serve Serve the dead
san- sahm-1 three si^ say-2 dead
nian' neen-4 years zhe^ jeh-2 person

chang' seurng-4 often often sobbing sadly. ru' yeu4 like like serving the living.
bei- bay-1 sadly shi` see-6 serve
yan- yeen-3 sob sheng- sung-1 live
31. 34.
ju- guaey-1 living The place of living xiong- hing-1 older brother The proper way for the older
should change, brother is friendliness;
chu` tseu5 place dao` doe-6 proper way
bian` been-3 change you^ youh-5 friendly

jiu^ jouh-2 wine and one should abstain di` daeuh-6 younger brother the proper way for the
from wine and sex. younger brother is respect.
se` sik-1 sex dao` doe-6 proper way
jue' jueet-6 renounce gong- goeng-1 respectful
32. 35.
sang- song-3 funeral At the funeral there xiong- hing-1 older brother When brothers are
should be the utmost harmonious,
jin` jueun-6 utmost di` daeuh-6 younger brother
li^ laeuh-5 decorum mu` moke-6 harmonious

ji` jaeuh-3 services to honor at the memorial services xiao` how-3 good to parents that is in itself being
there should be the good to parents.
jin` jueun-6 utmost zai` joy-6 in
utmost sincerity.
cheng' sing-4 sincerity zhong- joeng-1 the middle
Cantonese Cantonese 11
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

36. 39.
cai' tsoy-4 money When money and zhang^ jeurng-2 elder the elder person goes
material things are taken first;
wu` mut-6 things zhe^ jeh-2 person
qing- hing-1 light xian- seen-1 first

yuan` yuein-3 resentment how can resentment you` youh-3 junior the junior person goes
arise? after.
he' hoh-4 how zhe^ jeh-2 person
sheng- sung-1 come into being hou` houh-6 after
37. 40.
yan' yeen-4 words When words are zhang^ jeurng-2 elder When an elder is
tolerated, calling someone,
yu^ yeu5 language hu- foo-1 call
ren^ yun-2 tolerate ren' yun-4 people

fen` fun-5 anger anger naturally ji' jik-1 immediately immediately call that
dissipates. person for the elder.
zi` jee-6 naturally dai` doy-6 on behalf
min^ mun-5 dissipate jiao` giu-3 call
38. 41.
huo` wahk-6 or In eating and drinking, ren' yun-4 people If that person is not
yin^ yum-2 drink bu' but-1 not
shi' sik-6 eat zai` joy-6 there

huo` wahk-6 or and in walking and ji^ gay-2 self go to the elder yourself.
sitting down,
zuo` joh-6 sit xian- seen-1 first
zou^ jouh-2 walk dao` doe-3 arrive
Cantonese Cantonese 12
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

42. 45.
cheng- tsing-1 address When addressing a zhang^ jeurng-2 elder If the elder has nothing
respected elder, to say,
zun- juein-1 respected wu' moe-4 no
zhang^ jeurng-2 elder yan' yeen-4 word

wu` mut-6 do not don't call him by name. tui` tuaey-3 retreat retreat and stand
hu- foo-1 call gong- goeng-1 respectfully
ming' ming-4 name li` lahp-6 stand
43. 46.
dui` duaey-3 toward In front of a respected qi' keh-4 riding Get off if riding a horse;
zun- juein-1 respected xia` hah-6 get off
zhang^ jeurng-2 elder ma^ ma-5 horse

wu` mut-6 do not don't show off. cheng' sing-4 riding in a car get out if in a car.
jian` geen-2 see xia` hah-6 get off
neng' nung-4 ability che- tseh-1 car
44. 47.
lu` loe-6 road When meeting an elder guo` gwoh-3 past Wait even after the
on the road, elder passes,
yu` yeu6 meet you' youh-4 still
zhang^ jeurng-2 elder dai` doy-6 wait

ji' jut-6 quickly quickly go up and bow bai^ bahk-3 hundred for a hundred steps or
with hands together. more.
qu- tsuaey-1 go up bu` boe-6 steps
yi- yup-1 bow, hands together yu' yeu4 more
Cantonese Cantonese 13
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

48. 51.
zhang^ jeurng-2 elder When the elder person di- daeuh-1 lower but if it is too low to be
stands, heard,
zhe^ jeh-2 person xia` hah-6 below
li` lahp-6 stand wen' mun-4 hearing

you` youh-3 junior the junior person wei' waeuh-4 is then that's not suitable.
zhe^ jeh-2 person fei- fay-1 not
li` lahp-6 stand yi' yee-4 suitable
49. 52.
zhang^ jeurng-2 elder When the elder person jin` jueun-3 going in Going into an elder,
sits, one must hurry;
zhe^ jeh-2 person bi` beet-1 always
zuo` joh-6 sit qu- tsuaey-1 hurry

ming` ming-6 order only upon being tui` tuaey-3 leaving Leaving an elder one
ordered does the must be slow.
nai^ nai-5 then bi` beet-1 always
junior person sit.
zuo` joh-6 sit chi' tsee-4 late
50. 53.
zun- juein-1 respected In front of a respected wen` mun-6 ask When asked a question
elder, one rises and answers,
zhang^ jeurng-2 elder qi^ hay-2 rise
qian' tseen-4 front dui` duaey-3 answer

sheng- sing-1 voice one's voice has to be shi` see-6 gaze without moving one's
low, gaze.
yao- yiu-3 need to be wu` mut-6 not
di- daeuh-1 low yi' yee-4 move
Cantonese Cantonese 14
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

shi` see-6 serve Serve the many
zhu- jeu-1 the many
fu` foo-6 father

ru' yeu4 like like serving Father.

shi` see-6 serve
fu` foo-6 father
shi` see-6 serve Serve the many
older brothers,
zhu- jeu1 the many
xiong- hing-1 older brother

ru' yeu4 like like serving Older

shi` see-6 serve
xiong- hing-1 older brother
you` youh-6 right To the right (the preced-
ru` yup-6 going in ing) is being good to

ze' juk-1 then parents inside the family

xiao` how-3 good to parents and being respectful to

elders outside.
chu- tsueut-1 going out
ze' juk-1 then
ti` daeuh-6 respect elders
Cantonese Cantonese 15
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

57. 60.
zhao- jiu-1 morning In the morning rise bian` been-6 defecation After returning from
early; urination and defecation,
qi^ hay-2 rise ni` nik-1 urination
zao^ joe-2 early hui' wui-4 return

ye` yeh-6 night at night go to sleep late. zhe' jeep-3 always always clean the hands.
mian' jik-1 sleep jing` jing-6 clean
chi' meen-4 late shou^ souh-2 hands
58. 61.
lao^ loe-5 old age Old age arrives readily; guan` gwoon-1 hat The hat must be on
yi` yee-6 easy bi` beet-1 must
zhi` jee-3 arrive zheng- jing-3 straight

xi- sik-1 value value this time. niu^ nouh-2 button the buttons must be done
ci^ tsee-2 this bi` beet-1 must
shi' see-4 time jie' geet-3 done up
59. 62.
chen' sun-4 morning In the morning one must wa` mut-6 socks The socks and shoes
wash the hands,
bi` beet-1 must yu^ yeu5 and
guan` gwoon-3 wash hands lu^ lay-5 shoes

jian- gim-1 plus plus rinse the mouth. ju` kuaey-1 all should all be on snugly.
shu` sow-3 rinse jin^ gun-2 tight
kou^ houh-2 mouth qie` tseet-3 snug
*I strongly suggest changing this phrase to: 夜即眠 (at night go immediately to sleep). See:
Cantonese Cantonese 16
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

63. 66.
zhi` jee-3 place For putting hats and shang- seurng-6 above First, follow one's
clothes, station in life;
guan` gwoon-1 hats xun' tsueun-4 follow
fu' foke-6 clothes fen` fun-6 station in life

you^ youh-5 have there should be set xia` hah-6 below second, suit the family's
places. financial situation.
ding` ding-6 set cheng` tsing-3 fit
wei` waeuh-6 place jia- gah-1 family
64. 67.
wu` mut-6 do not Don't set them down dui` duaey-3 towards With food and drink
in a disorderly manner,
luan` luein-6 disorderly yin^ yum-2 drink
dun` dueun-6 set down shi' sik-6 eat

zhi` jee-3 cause making a sweaty mess. wu` mut-6 do not don't be picky.
han` hon-6 sweat jian^ jahk-6 pick
hui` waeuh-5 dirty xuan^ suein-2 choose
65. 68.
yi- yee-1 clothes In clothes value shi' sik-6 eat Eat just enough;
gui` gwaeuh-3 value shi` sik-1 appropriate
jie' geet-3 clean ke^ hoh-2 suffice

bu' but-1 not not fanciness. wu` mut-6 do not don't eat excessively.
gui` gwaeuh-3 value guo` gwoh-3 pass
hua' wah-3 fancy ze' juk-1 standard
稱家 is a special term meaning "suiting the family's financial situation":《禮记g檀弓上》:“子游問喪具,夫子曰:稱家之有亡(無).”
Cantonese Cantonese 17
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

69. 72.
nian' neen-4 years While still young, yi- yup-1 bow Bow deep and round;
fang- fong-1 still shen- sum-1 deep
shao` siu-3 young yuan' yuein-4 round

wu` mut-6 do not don't drink alcohol. bai` bai-3 salute salute
yin^ yum-2 drink gong- goen-1 reverently
jiu^ jouh-2 alcohol jing` ging-3 respectfully
70. 73.
yin^ yum-2 drink Being drunk wu` mut-6 do not Don't step on
jiu^ jouh-2 alcohol jian` tseen-2 step
zui` juaey-3 drunk yu` wik-6 threshold

zui` juaey-3 most is most ugly. wu` mut-6 do not don't lean on one leg.
wei' waeuh-4 is bo^ boh-2 one-legged
chou^ tsouh-2 ugly yi^ yee-2 lean
71. 74.
bu` boe-6 step Walk relaxed; wu` mut-6 do not Don't sit with legs
straight and apart;
cong' sone-1 relaxed ji- gay-1 legs straight apart
rong' yone-4 (both words) ju` guaey-3 sit

li` lahp-6 stand stand straight. wu` mut-6 do not don't wave the bottom.
duan- duein-1 proper yao' yiu-4 wave
zheng` jing-3 straight bei- bay-1 bottom
Cantonese Cantonese 18
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

75. 78.
huan^ woon-4 slowly Open curtains slowly, ru` yup-6 enter Enter empty rooms
jie- keet-3 open xu- huaey-1 empty
lian' leem-4 curtain shi` sut-1 room

wu` mut-6 do not wihout noise. ru' yeu4 like as if someone is there.
you^ youh-5 have you^ youh-5 have
sheng- sing-1 sound ren' yun-4 people
76. 79.
kuan- foon-1 widely Turn turns widely, shi` see-6 matter Don't be too busy,
zhuan^ juein-3 turn wu` mut-6 do not
wan- wahn-1 turns mang' mong-4 busy

wu` mut-6 do not without hitting the mang' mong-4 busy or there will be many
corners. mistakes.
chu` joke-1 contact duo- doh-1 many
leng' ling-4 corner cuo` tsoh-3 mistake
77. 80.
zhi' jup-1 hold Hold empty vessels wu` mut-6 do not Don't fear difficulties;
xu- huaey-1 empty wei' waeuh-3 fear
qi` hay-3 vessel nan' nahn-4 difficulty

ru' yeu4 like like holding full ones. wu` mut-6 do not don't look down upon
asking questions.
zhi' jup-1 hold qing- hing-1 light
ying' ying-4 full wen` mun-6 ask
*輕 is treated as a verb here as in 輕視.
Cantonese Cantonese 19
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

81. 84.
dou` douh-3 fighting Scenes of fighting and jiang- jeurng-1 about to When about to enter
disturbances, a hall,
nao` now-6 disturbance shang` seurng-5 ascend
chang^ tseurng-4 scene tang' tong-4 hall

jue' jueet-6 absolutely do not ever go near. sheng- sing-1 voice one must call out.
wu' moe-4 do not bi` beet-1 must
jin` gun-6 near yang' yeurng-4 spread
82. 85.
xie' tseh-4 evil Evil deviant things, ren' yun-4 people When people ask who
is there,
pi` pik-1 deviant wen` mun-6 ask
shi` see-6 matter shui' suaey-4 who

jue' jueet-6 absolutely don't ever say. dui` duaey-3 answer answer with your name.
wu` mut-6 do not yi^ yee-5 with
sheng- sing-1 voice ming' ming-4 name
83. 86.
jiang- jeurng-1 about to When about to enter wu' ng-4 me "Me" and "I"
through a door,
ru` yup-6 enter yu^ yeu5 and
men' moon-4 door wo^ ngoh-5 I

wen` mun-6 ask ask who is there. bu` but-1 no don't make anything
shui' suaey-4 who fen- fun-1 distinguish
cun' tsuein-4 is there ming' ming-4 clearly
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

87. 90.
yong` yone-6 use When using other ren' yun-4 people When other people
people's things, borrow things from you,
ren' yun-4 people jie` jeh-3 borrow
wu` mut-6 thing wu` mut-6 thing

xu- suaey-1 must one must clearly ask. you^ youh-5 have if you have them don't
be stingy.
ming' ming-4 clearly wu` mut-6 do not
qiu' kouh-4 ask for qian- hahn-1 stingy
88. 91.
tang^ tong-2 if If one doesn't ask, fan' fahn-4 whenever Whenever one speaks,
bu' but-1 not chu- tsueut-1 emit
wen` mun-6 ask yan' yeen-4 speech

ji' jik-1 then then it is stealing. xin` sueun-3 trustworthiness trustworthiness comes
wei' waeuh-4 is wei' waeuh-4 is
tou- touh-1 stealing xian- seen-1 first
89. 92.
jie` jeh-3 borrow When borrowing zha` jah-3 lying Lying and pretending to
other people's things, know,
ren' yun-4 people yu^ yeu5 and
wu` mut-6 things wang` mong-5 pretending to know

ji' kahp-6 on return them on time. xi- haeuh-4 how how can one do such
shi' see-4 time ke^ hoh-2 can
huan' wahn-4 return yan- yeen-1 that be
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

93. 96.
hua` wah-6 talk Talking a lot shi` see-4 market such vulgar airs,
shuo- sueet-3 speak jing^ jang-2 well
duo` doh-1 much qi` hay-3 air

bu` but-1 not is not as good as talking qie` tseet-3 definitely definitely refrain from
less. them.
ru' yeu4 like jie` gai-3 refrain
shao^ siu-2 little zhi- jee-1 it
94. 97.
wei' waeuh-4 only Say only what is true, jian` geen-3 see When still unsure of
what you are seeing,
qi' kay-4 what wei` may-6 not yet
shi` see-6 is zhen- jun-1 true

wu` mut-6 do not don't be glib or tricky. wu` mut-6 do not do not lightly speak on
ning` ning-6 glib qing- hing-1 lightly
qiao^ how-2 tricky yan' yeen-4 speak
95. 98.
ke` huk-1 cutting Cutting and disdainful zhi- jee-1 know When still unsure of
words, what you know,
bo` bok-6 disdainful wei` may-6 not yet
ci' tsee-4 word di' dik-1 accurate

hui` waeuh-2 wicked wicked and dirty words, wu` mut-6 do not don't lightly spread it.
wu- woo-1 dirty qing- hing-1 lightly
ci' tsee-4 word chuan' tsuein-4 pass on
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

99. 102.
shi` see-6 matter If conditions aren't wu` mut-6 do not not hurriedly or quickly,
fei- fay-1 not ji' gup-1 hurried
yi' yee-4 favorable ji' jut-6 fast

wu` mut-6 do not don't lightly promise. wu` mut-6 do not nor blurred and
qing- hing-1 lightly mo' moe-4 blurred
nuo` nok-6 promise hu' woo-4 unintelligible
100. 103.
gou^ gouh-2 if If one lightly promises, bi^ pay-2 that one This one gossips about
qing- hing-1 lightly shuo- sueet-3 say
nuo` nok-6 promise chang' tseurng-4 strong point

jin` jueun-3 advance then both going forward ci^ tsee-2 this one That one gossips about
and backing off are that;
tui` tuaey-3 retreat shuo- sueet-3 say
cuo` tsoh-3 wrong duan^ duein-2 shortcoming
101. 104.
fan' fahn-4 whenever Whenever you say bu` but-1 not if it doesn't concern
something, yourself,
dao` doe-6 say guan- gwahn-1 concern
zi` jee-6 word ji^ gay-2 self

zhong` tsone-5 heavy say it with weight mo` mok-6 do not don't participate.
and relaxation,
qie^ tseh-2 also xian' hahn-4 idly
shu- seu-1 relaxed guan^ gwoon-2 heed
Cantonese Cantonese 23
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

105. 108.
jian` geen-3 see On seeing others you^ youh-5 have If like them then correct
being good,
ren' yun-4 people ze' juk-1 then it;
shan` seen-4 good gai^ goy-2 change

ji' jik-1 then think of wu' moe-4 no have if not then be vigilant.
equaling them.
si- see-1 think jia- gah-1 add
qi' tsaeuh-4 equal jing^ ging-2 vigilance
106. 109.
zong` jone-4 though Even if far below them, wei' waeuh-4 only In virtue and
qu` huaey-3 apart de' duk-1 virtue
yuan^ yuein-5 far xue' hok-6 learning

yi^ yee-5 to you can gradually wei' waeuh-4 only and in ability and skill,
jian` jeem-6 gradually cai' tsoy-4 ability
ji- jaeuh-1 rise yi` ngaeuh-6 skill
107. 110.
jian` geen-3 see On seeing others bu` but-1 not if not as good as others,
being bad,
ren' yun-4 people ru' yeu4 as
e` ohk-3 bad ren' yun-4 people

ji' jik-1 then inspect dang- dong-1 should then one should spur
yourself. oneself (to catch up).
nei` noy-6 inside zi` jee-6 self
xing^ sing-2 inspect li` laeuh-6 encourage
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

111. 114.
ruo` yeurk-6 if If it's in clothing and sun^ suein-2 harmful will cause harmful
attire, friends to come,
yi- yee-1 clothes you^ youh-5 friends
fu' foke-6 attire lai' loy-4 come

ruo` yeurk-6 if or housing and food, yi` yik-1 beneficial and beneficial friends to
huan' wahn-4 habitat you^ youh-5 friends
shi' sik-6 food que` keurk-3 leave
112. 115.
bu` but-1 not that one is not as good wen' mun-4 hear Becoming fearful
as others, upon hearing praise,
ru' yeu4 as yu` yeu-6 praise
ren' yun-4 people kong^ hoeng-2 fear

wu` mut-6 do not then don't be sad. wen' mun-4 hear and happy upon
sheng- sung-1 develop guo` guoh-3 fault hearing one's faults,

qi- tsik-1 sadness xin- yun-1 glad

113. 116.
wen' mun-4 hear Becoming angry upon zhi' jik-6 straight will cause straight and
hearing one's faults, honest gentlemen
guo` guoh-3 fault liang` leurng-6 honest
nu` noe-5-6 angry shi` see-6 gentlemen

wen' mun-4 hear and happy upon jian` jeem-6 gradually to gradually draw close.
hearing praise,
yu` yeu-6 praise xiang` seurng-1 each other
le` lok-6 happy qin- tsun-1 close
Cantonese Cantonese 25
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

117. 120.
wu' moe-4 have no Doing wrong tang^ tong-2 if If one covers up,
xin- sum-1 intention yan^ yeem-2 cover
fei- fay-1 wrong shi` sik-1 whitewash

ming' ming-4 name is called making a zeng- jung-1 add then one adds to one's
mistake; guilt.
wei' waeuh-4 is yi- yut-1 one
cuo` tsoh-3 mistake gu- gwoo-1 guilt
118. 121.
you^ youh-5 have Doing wrong you` youh-6 right To the right (the preced-
intentionally ing) is being reverent and
xin- sum-1 intention jin^ gun-2 reverent
fei- fay-1 wrong er' yee-4 and
xin` sueun-3 trustworthy
ming' ming-4 name is called committing
an evil.
wei' waeuh-4 is
e` ohk-3 evil
guo` gwoh-3 fault If one corrects what one
has done wrong,
neng' nung-4 can
gai^ goy-2 change

gui- gwaeuh-1 return then it's as if it hasn't

yu- yeu1 to
wu' moe-4 none
謹 here means "reverent" as in 恭謹, not "careful" as in 謹慎 . See:
Cantonese Cantonese 26
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

122. 125.
fan' fahn-4 whenever All who are human, ren' yun-4 people what people value
shi` see-6 is suo^ soh-2 what
ren' yun-4 human zhong` jone-6 value

jie- gai-1 all one must love. fei- fay-1 not is not high looks.
xu- suaey-1 must mao` mow-6 looks
ai` oy-3 love gao- goe-1 high
123. 126.
tian- teen-1 heaven Heaven covers us cai' tsoy-4 ability People with great
equally; ability
tong' tone-4 same da` dai-6 big
fu` foke-1 cover zhe^ jeh-2 people

di` day-6 earth Earth bears us equally. wang` mong-6 reputation naturally have great
tong' tone-4 same zi` jee-6 naturally
zai` joy-3 bear da` dai-6 big
124. 127.
xing' hung-4 conduct People with high ren' yun-4 people what people respect
gao- goe-1 high suo^ soh-2 what
zhe^ jeh-2 person fu' foke-6 respect

ming' ming-4 name naturally have high fei- fay-1 not is not great words.
zi` jee-6 naturally yan' yeen-4 words
gao- goe-1 high da` dai-6 big
Cantonese Cantonese 27
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

128. 131.
ji^ gay-2 self If one has ability, wu` mut-6 do not Don't despise the old;
you^ youh-5 have yan` yeem-3 despise
neng' nung-4 ability gu` gwoo-3 old

wu` mut-6 do not one shouldn't be wu` mut-6 do not don't favor the new.
zi` jee-6 selfish xi^ hay-2 like
si- see-1 (both words) xin- sun-1 new
129. 132.
ren' yun-4 people If other people have ren' yun-4 people If people don't have
ability, time,
you^ youh-5 have bu` but-1 not
neng' nung-4 ability xian' hahn-4 spare time

wu` mut-6 do not one shouldn't denigrate wu` mut-6 do not don't bother them with
them. matters.
qing- hing-1 lightly shi` see-6 matter
zi^ jee-2 denigrate gao^ gow-2 bother
130. 133.
wu` mut-6 do not Don't toady to the ren' yun-4 people If people are not at
rich; peace,
chan^ tseem-2 toady to bu` but-1 not
fu` foo-3 the rich an- on-1 at peace

wu` mut-6 do not don't be arrogant to wu` mut-6 do not don't bother them with
the poor. words.
jiao- giu-1 be arrogant to hua` wah-6 words
pin' pun-4 the poor gao^ gow-2 bother
Cantonese Cantonese 28
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

134. 137.
ren' yun-4 people When people have ren' yun-4 people When others learn of it,
you^ youh-5 have zhi- jee-1 know
duan^ duein-2 shortcoming zhi- jee-1 it

qie` tseet-3 definitely definitely don't yu` yeu6 more they become more
publiocize them. encouraged.
mo` mok-6 do not si- see-1 think
jie- keet-3 open up mian^ meen-5 encouraged
135. 138.
ren' yun-4 people When people have yang' yeurng-4 spread Publicizing other
secrets, people's shortcomings
you^ youh-5 have ren' yun-4 people
si- see-1 secrets duan^ duein-2 shortcoming

qie` tseet-3 definitely definitely don't ji' jik-1 then is in itself evil.
say them.
mo` mok-6 do not shi` see-6 is
shuo- sueet-3 say e` ohk-3 evil
136. 139.
dao` doe-6 speak Speaking of others' ji' jut-6 hate People hate it very
good deeds much,
ren' yun-4 people zhi- jee-1 it
shan` seen-6 good shen` sum-6 much

ji' jik-1 then is in itself a good deed. huo` woh-6 disaster and disaster arises.
shi` see-6 is qie^ tseh-2 also
shan` seen-6 good zuo` jok-3 arise
Cantonese Cantonese 29
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

140. 143.
shan` seen-6 good Admonishing each yu^ yeu5 give Better to give more
other to do good
xiang` seurng-1 mutually yi' yee-4 better
quan` huein-3 admonish duo` doh-1 much

de' duk-1 virtue builds up everyone's qu^ tsuaey-2 take and take less.
jie- gai-1 all yi' yee-4 better
jian` geen-3 build shao^ siu-2 little
141. 144.
guo` gwoh-3 fault Not dissuading another jiang- jeurng-1 about to When about to do unto
from doing wrong others,
bu` but-1 not jia- gah-1 do unto
gui- kwaeuh-1 counsel to correct ren' yun-4 people

dao` doe-6 charcter damages both parties' xian- seen-1 first first ask yourself;
liang^ leurng-5 both wen` mun-6 ask
kui- kwaeuh-1 lose ji^ gay-2 self
142. 145.
fan' fahn-4 whenever When taking and giving, ji^ gay-2 self if you don't want it,
qu^ tsuaey-2 take bu' but-1 not
yu^ yeu5 give yu` yoke-6 want

gui` gwaeuh-3 value making the terms clear ji' jik-1 then then stop immediately.
is most important.
fen- fun-1 distinguish su` tsoke-1 quickly
xiao^ hiu-2 make explicit yi^ yee-5 cease
The translator strongly suggests changing to 與如多,得不少:"If one gives much, one won't receive little." See:
Cantonese Cantonese 30
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

146. 149.
en- yun-1 favor and kindness One wants to repay sui- suaey-1 though Though of high station,
yu` yoke-6 want gui` gwaeuh-3 highly placed
bao` boe-3 repay duan- duein-1 dignified

yuan` yuein-3 grudge and forget grudges. ci' tsee-4 kind one must be kind and
yu` yoke-6 want er' yee-4 and
wang` mong-4 forget kuan- foon-1 forgiving
147. 150.
bao` boe-3 repay Repaying grudges is shi` saeuh-3 force Using force to make
short; people submit,
yuan` yuein-3 grudge fu' foke-6 submit
duan^ duein-2 short ren' yun-4 people

bao` boe-3 repay repaying kindness is xin- sum-1 heart doesn't make their hearts
long. submit.
en- yun-1 favor and kindness bu` but-1 not
chang' tseurng-4 long ran' yeen-4 yes
148. 151.
dai` doy-6 treat In dealing with maids li^ lay-5 reason Using reason to make
and servants, people submit,
bi` pay-5 maid fu' foke-6 submit
pu' boke-6 servant ren' yun-4 people

shen- sun-1 self one is of high station. fang- fong-1 only then only then are there no
words (of discontent).
gui` gwaeuh-3 highly placed wu' moe-4 no
duan- duein-1 dignified yan' yeen-4 word
Cantonese Cantonese 31
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

152. 155.
tong' tone-4 equally All are human, yan' yeen-4 words he is not afraid of his
words causing offense;
shi` see-6 is bu' but-1 no
ren' yun-4 people hui` waeuh-3 fear offense

lei` luaey-6 kind but their types differ. se` sik-1 expression his expression is not
bu` but-1 not bu' but-1 not
qi' tsaeuh-4 uniform mei` may-4 fawning
153. 156.
liu' louh-4 class Most belong to the neng' nung-4 can Becoming close with
unrefined; the kind-hearted,
su' joke-6 unrefined qin- tsun-1 close to
zhong` jone-3 many ren' yun-4 kind-hearted+J729

ren' yun-4 kind the truly kind-hearted wu' moe-4 no is infintely good.
are rare.
zhe^ jeh-2 person xian` hahn-6 limit
xi- hay-1 rare hao^ hoe-2 good
154. 157.
guo^ gwoh-2 truly A truly kind-hearted de' duk-1 virtue One's virtue will daily
person advance;
ren' yun-4 kind-hearted ri` yut-6 daily
zhe^ jeh-2 person jin` jueun-3 advance

ren' yun-4 people is feared by most guo` gwoh-3 fault one's errors will daily
people; lessen.
duo` doh-1 mostly ri` yut-6 daily
wei` waeuh-3 fear shao^ siu-2 lessen
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

bu` but-1 not Not becoming close with
the kind-hearted,
qin- tsun-1 close to
ren' yun-4 kind-hearted

wu' moe-4 no is infinitely harmful;

xian` hahn-6 limit
hai` hoy-6 harm
xiao^ siu-2 little lowly people will come
ren' yun-4 people
jin` jueun-3 advance

bai^ bahk-3 hundred and everything will turn

shi` see-6 matter bad.
huai` wai-6 bad
you` youh-6 right To the right (the preced-
fan` fahn-4 generally ing) is loving everyone

ai` oy-3 love and becoming close with

the kind-hearted.
zhong` jone-3 the many
er' yee-4 and
qin- tsun-1 close to
ren' yun-4 kind-hearted
Cantonese Cantonese 33
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

161. 164.
bu' but-1 not If one doesn't work hard ren` yum-6 rely then one relies only on
at conduct, one's own views,
li` lik-6 effort ji^ gay-2 own
xing' hung-4 conduct jian` geen-3 view

dan` dahn-6 but but only studies books, mei` mui-6 ignorant of and remain ignorant
of true reason.
xue' hok-6 study li^ lay-5 reason
wen' mun-4 writing zhen- jun-1 true
162. 165.
zhang^ jeurng-2 grow then one attains du' doke-6 study The way to study
superficial finery—
fu' fouh-4 superficial shu- seu-1 book
hua' wah-4 splendor fa^ faht-3 method

cheng' sing-4 become what kind of person is you^ youh-5 have requires three things
that? coming together:
he' hoh-4 what kind of san- sahm-1 three
ren' yun-4 person dao` doe-3 arrive
163. 166.
dan` dahn-6 but If one only works hard xin- sum-1 heart heart, eyes, and mouth,
at conduct,
li` lik-6 effort yan^ ngahn-5 eye
xing' hung-4 conduct kou^ houh-2 mouth

bu` but-1 not but does not study xin` sueun-3 believe are all necessary.
xue' hok-6 learn jie- gai-1 all
wen' mun-4 writing yao- yiu-3 necessary
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Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

167. 170.
fang- fong-1 just When you've just gong- gone-1 effort With proper effort,
du' doke-6 read begun reading one fu- foo-1 (both words)
ci^ tsee-2 this dao` doe-3 arrive

wu` mut-6 don't don't yearn for another; zhi` jaeuh-6 impediment obstacles will be
mu` moe-6 yearn for sai- suk-1 blockage
bi^ pay-2 that tong- tone-1 clear
168. 171.
ci^ tsee-2 this When the first book xin- sum-1 heart When there is doubt,
hasn't been finished,
wei` may-6 not yet you^ youh-5 have
zhong- jone-1 finish yi' yee-4 doubt

bi^ pay-2 that don't start another one. sui' tsuaey-4 immediately note it down right away,
wu` mut-6 do not zha' jaht-6 notebook
qi^ hay-2 start ji` gay-3 record
169. 172.
kuan- foon-1 widely Set wide limits; jiu` jouh-6 facilitate so as to ask people
wei' waeuh-4 make ren' yun-4 people
xian` hahn-6 limit wen` mun-6 ask

jin^ gun-2 tightly apply tight efforts. qiu' kouh-4 seek and get the true
yong` yone-6 apply que` koh-3 accurate, true
gong- gone-1 effort yi` yee-6 meaning
Cantonese Cantonese 35
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

173. 176.
fang' fong-4 chamber The room should be zi` jee-6 word if the words are not
clean; respectful,
shi` sut-1 room bu' but-1 not
qing- tsing-1 clean jing` ging-3 respectful

qiang' tseurng-4 wall the walls, clear; xin- sum-1 heart the heart has first fallen
bi` bik-1 partition xian- seeen-1 first
jing` jing-6 clear bing` bing-6 sick
174. 177.
ji- gay-1 table the desk, spotless; lie` leet-6 setting out Books should be set out
an` on-3 desk dian^ deen-2 classics
jie' geet-3 pure ji' jik-6 books

bi^ but-1 pen the pen and inkwell, you^ youh-5 have in a regular place.
yan` yeen-2 inkwell ding` ding-6 set
zheng` jing-3 straight chu` tseu-5 place
175. 178.
mo` muk-6 ink If the ink is ground du' doke-6 reading After reading,
mo' moh-4 ground kan- hon-3 viewing
pian- peen-1 crooked bi` but-1 finished

xin- sum-1 heart the heart is not upright; huan' wahn-4 return return them to their
original place.
bu` but-1 not yuan' yuein-4 original
duan- duein-1 upright chu` tseu-5 place
Cantonese Cantonese 36
Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

179. 182.
sui- suaey-1 though Though there may be bi` baeuh-3 cover up They cloud the intellect
an urgent matter,
you^ youh-5 have cong- tsone-1 intelligence
ji' gup-1 urgent matter ming' ming-4 (both words)

juan^ guein-2 roll roll and tie them huai` wai-6 ruins and corrupt one's heart
properly, and aspiration.
shu` tsoke-1 tie xin- sum-1 heart
qi' tsaeuh-4 neatly zhi` jee-3 aspiration
180. 183.
you^ youh-5 have and if there is damage, wu` mut-6 do not Don't abuse yourself;
que- kueet-3 defect zi` jee-6 self
huai` wai-6 damage bao` boe-6 violence

jiu` jouh-6 immediately repair it immediately. wu` mut-6 do not don't give up on
bu^ boe-2 repair zi` jee-6 self
zhi- jee-1 it qi` hay-3 discard
181. 184.
fei- fay-1 not Books not of the sages, sheng` sing-3 sage What is saintly and
sheng` sing-3 sage yu^ yeu5 and
shu- seu-1 book xian' yeen-4 virtuous

bing^ bing-2 reject reject them; don't look. ke^ hoh-2 can can be gradually
wu` mut-6 do not xun` sueun-6 smoothly
shi` see-6 look zhi` jee-3 arrive
馴 here is used as one of its older meanings: gradually. See Ci Hai 辭海 , Shanghai 1989, p. 1284.
Text Pinyin Cantonese Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase Text Pinyin Cantonese Word-For-Word Meaning by Phrase

you` youh-6 right To the right (the preced-
xing' hung-4 conduct ing) is: after achieving

you^ youh-5 have right conduct, if there's

yu' yeu4 spare energy left over then

study books.
li` lik-6 effort
ze' juk-1 then
yi^ yee-5 use it to
xue' hok-6 study
wen' mun-4 writing

di` daeuh-6 students' Students' Rules end.

zi^ jee-2 (both words)
gui- kwaeuh-1 rules
zhong- jone-1 end … All Chinese Text on next page
Di Zi Gui Chinese Text Only 38

置便朝 事低長長稱長財事喪號親德親苟出父父 有弟
冠溺起 諸下者無尊者物死三泣有有所擅必母母 餘子
服回早 父聞立言長先輕者年隨過傷好為告責呼 力規 弟

有輒夜 如為幼退勿幼怨如常撻諫貽力子返須應 則聖 規
定淨眠 事非者恭呼者何事悲無使親為道必我勿 學人 原
位手遲 父宜立立名後生生咽怨更羞具虧面承緩 文訓 文

勿冠老 事進長騎對長言兄居親怡親親物居冬父 右首
亂必易 諸必者下尊呼語道處有吾愛所雖有則母 總孝
頓正至 兄趨坐馬長人忍友變疾色我惡小常溫命 敘弟

致紐惜 如退命乘勿即忿弟酒藥柔孝謹勿業夏行 次
汗必此 事必乃下見代自道色先吾何為私無則勿 謹
穢結時 兄遲坐車能叫泯恭絕嘗聲難去藏變清懶 信
衣襪晨 右 問尊過路人或兄喪晝諫親身苟事晨父 汎
貴與必 入 起長猶遇不飲弟盡夜不憎有私雖則母 愛
潔履盥 則 對前待長在食睦禮侍入我傷藏小省教 眾

不俱兼 出 視聲百疾已或孝祭不悅孝貽親勿昏須 而
貴緊漱 則 勿要步趨先坐在盡離復方親心擅則敬 親
華切口 弟 移低餘揖到走中誠床諫賢憂傷為定聽 仁

人人勿己人凡 倘無損若有見勿事市話人用將鬥入緩揖年上
知有厭有所是 掩心友衣則人急非井說借人上鬧虛揭深方循
之短故能重人 飾非來服改善疾宜氣多物物堂場室簾圓少分

愈切勿勿非皆 增名益若無即勿勿切不有須聲絕如勿拜勿下
思莫喜自貌須 一為友環加思模輕戒如勿明必毋有有恭飲稱
勉揭新私高愛 辜錯卻食警齊糊諾之少慳求揚近人聲敬酒家

揚人人人才天 右有聞不 惟縱彼苟見惟凡倘人邪事寬勿飲對

人有不有大同 謹心譽如 德去說輕未其出不問僻勿轉踐酒飲
短私閒能者覆 而非恐人 學遠長諾真是言問誰事忙彎或醉食

即切勿勿望地 名聞勿 惟以此進勿勿信即對絕忙勿勿最勿
是莫事輕自同 為過生 才漸說退輕佞為為以勿多觸跛為揀
惡說攪訾大載 惡欣戚 藝躋短錯言巧先偷名聲錯稜倚醜選
疾道人勿人行 過直聞不見不凡知刻詐借吾將勿執勿步食
之人不諂所高 能諒過如人關道未薄與人與入畏虛箕從適
甚善安富服者 改士怒人惡己字的詞妄物我門難器踞容可

禍即勿勿非名 歸漸聞當即莫重勿穢奚及不問勿如勿立勿
且是話驕言自 於相譽自內閒且輕汙可時分誰輕執搖端過
作善攪貧大高 無親樂勵省管舒傳詞焉還明存問盈卑正則

右 蔽雖字房工方任不 不言同雖恩與善
行 聰有不室夫讀自力 親不是貴欲宜相
有 明急敬清到此見行 仁諱人端報多勸

力 壞卷心牆滯勿昧但 無色類慈怨取德
則 心束先壁塞慕理學 限不不而欲宜皆
以 志齊病淨通彼真文 害媚齊寬忘少建

文 勿有列几 心此讀長 小能流勢報將過
自缺典案 有未書浮 人親俗服怨加不
弟暴壞籍潔 疑終法華 進仁眾人短人規

規勿就有筆 隨彼有成 百無仁心報先道
終自補定硯 札勿三何 事限者不恩問兩
棄之處正 記起到人 壞好希然長己虧
聖非讀墨就寬心但 右 德果理待己凡
與聖看磨人為眼力 汎 日仁服婢不取
賢書畢偏問限口行 愛 進者人僕欲與

可屏還心求緊信不 而 過人方身即貴
馴勿原不確用皆學 親 日多無貴速分
致視處端義功要文 仁 少畏言端已曉

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