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Submitted as a Partial Requirements
For the Degree of Sarjana in English Education





Allah will never change the grace which He had bestowed on a people until they
change what is in their own.

(Holy Qur‟an, Al- Anfaal: 53)

Pengalaman yang paling banyak mengandung pelajaran adalah pengalaman hidup


(Friendrich Nietzsche)

Life is a journey,

It can take you anywhere you choose to go,

As long as you‟re learning,

You‟ll find all you‟ll need to know.

(Christina Anguilera “The Voice Within” 2002)

You are never too old to learn

Real power does not hit hard, but straight to the point


I proudly dedicate this thesis especially for:

My beloved parents, father and mother

My beloved husband

My beloved child and sister

My beloved best friends

My Almamater, State Islamic Institute of Surakarta


Alhamdulilah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the
Universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and
mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “Teaching Writing
on Descriptive Text for the First Grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar in
the Academic Year 2014/2015” peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the
great leader and good inspiration of would revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the
helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would
like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and
suggested her during process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Mudhofir, S,Ag, M.Ag as the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of
2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum as the Dean of Islamic Education and Language
3. Hj. Imroatus Sholikhah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education
4. Rochmat Budi Santoso, S.Pd, M.Pd as the first advisor for her guidance,
suggestion, and corrections for the researcher.
5. Novianni Anggraini, S.Pd, M.Pd as the researcher second advisor, for his
helping in revising the writing process of the thesis.
6. All of the Department‟s lectures.
7. Didit Sri Sundaryatno, S.Pd as the head master in SMP N 03 Mojogedang
karanganyar, for giving permission to do this research in this course.
8. Sukamdi, S.Pd as the English teacher of class VII who has helped the
researcher in conducting this research.
9. All of the students in at SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar, especially
class VII A for the participation and the subject of the research.
10. The office staff of SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar for the service.

11. Her beloved family, father and mother ( Mr. Sugiyono and Mrs. Suwarsi)
for their prayer and motivation to finish this research.
12. My beloved husband (Oki Prasetyo), for their support and motivation to
finish this research.
13. Her beloved friends (Wiwit, Visia, Dilla, Shinta, Mimi, Mila, and all of F
class‟10) thanks for friendship, help, support, happiness, and beautiful
moments. She loves you all.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The
researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular
and the readers in general.

Surakarta, July 31th 2017

The researcher

Turfina andriyani


TITLE ................................................................................................................. i
ADVISORS SHEET ..........................................................................................ii
RATIFICATION ................................................................................................iii
ADMISSION SHEET ........................................................................................iv
DEDICATION .................................................................................................... v
PRONOUNCEMENT ........................................................................................vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................x
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................xiii
A. The background of the study ...................................................................1
B. The problem identification ......................................................................5
C. Formulations of the problems .................................................................6
D. The objective of the study .......................................................................6
E. Limitation of the study ............................................................................7
F. The benefits of the study .........................................................................7
G. Definition of the key terms .....................................................................8
A. The nature of teaching.............................................................................10
B. Components of teaching..........................................................................12
C. The nature of writing skill .......................................................................13
1. Process of writing..............................................................................14
2. The purpose of writing ......................................................................16
D. Teaching writing .....................................................................................17
1. The definition of teaching writing.....................................................18
2. Two points in teaching writing .........................................................18
3. The reason of teaching writing ..........................................................20
4. The approaches of teaching writing ..................................................22
5. Teaching writing in SMP and MTS ..................................................24

E. Descriptive text .......................................................................................26
F. Writing descriptive text ...........................................................................28
A. The research design .................................................................................31
B. Setting place and time of the research.....................................................32
C. The data resources ...................................................................................33
D. The research instrument ..........................................................................34
E. The technique of collecting the data .......................................................35
F. The data analysis .....................................................................................38
G. The trustworthiness of the data ...............................................................40
A. Research findings ....................................................................................43
1. The description implementation the process of teaching writing
on descriptive text .............................................................................44
a. Building knowledge of the field (BKOF) ...................................44
b. Modeling .....................................................................................47
c. Joint construction of text .............................................................50
d. Independent construction of text .................................................55
2. The description the problems of teaching writing on descriptive
Text ...................................................................................................56
a. The problems of the students ......................................................56
b. The problems of the teacher ........................................................58
3. The description the solution of teaching writing on descriptive text 60
a. The solution of the students ........................................................60
b. The solution of the teacher ..........................................................62
B. Discussion ...............................................................................................64
1. The description implementation the process of teaching writing
on descriptive text .............................................................................64
2. The description the problems of teaching writing on descriptive text66
3. The description the solution of teaching writing on descriptive text 68

A. Conclusion ..............................................................................................71
B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................76


Turfina Andriyani. 2017. Teaching Writing on “Descriptive Text” for the First
Grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2014-
2015.Thesis.English Education Department, Islamic Education and Teacher
Training Faculty. State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
First Advisors : Rochmat Budi Santoso, S.Pd, M.Pd
Second Advisors : Novianni Anggraini, S.Pd, M.Pd
Keywords : Teaching, writing, and Descriptive Text
The objectives of the research were to the process of teaching writing on
descriptive text in the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar, to
discuss the problem in teaching writing on descriptive text in the first grade of
SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar, and to find out solution to solve the
problems in teaching writing on descriptive text in the first grade of SMP N 03
Mojogedang Karanganyar.
The researcher used the descriptive qualitative design. The data were
collected by using observation, interview, and documentation. The data analyzed
by using descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used an interactive model
that consists of four steps such as collecting data, data reduction, displaying data,
and drawing conclusion. This research was conducted in SMP N 03 Mojogedang
Karanganyar in the academic year 2014/2015. The researcher conducted the
research from the time she proposed the title, proposed the proposal, did the
research, and up to the time researcher collected the result of the research to SMP
N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar.
The result of this research showed that, the process of teaching writing on
descriptive text for the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar could
be differentiated into four steps. It was started from building knowledge of the
field(BKOF), modeling, joint construction of text and independent construction of
text. The teacher used bilingual language to teach the students in class. Thus, the
teacher composed a new material based on the lesson plan for the VII grade
students of junior high school to create a significant progress of English teaching
and learning. Many obstacles were encountered during the process of teaching
writing descriptive text, for instance, confusing formula, weakness in translating
sentences, spelling, and pronouncing English words, lack of vocabulary, and
uncooperative students. To overcome these obstacles, the teacher explained each
part of the formula more detail and also added examples for each parts of the
formula, the teacher provided some of new vocabularies, pronounced English
words correctly and translated the difficult words into Indonesian. The teacher
asked the lazy students to sit in front and gave some assignments to make them
more active. The teacher made up the material applying bilingual system in
teaching and learning process to avoid misunderstanding.




In this chapter, the researcher explains about the background of the study, problems

identifications, formulations of the problems, objective of the study, limitation of the

study, the benefits of the study, and the definition of the key terms.

A. Background of the study

Education is one of the most important things in this globalization era.

Education develops in every country in different ways. In Indonesia, the

government gives more attention to education by making some regulations

especially for basic and secondary education units. Education in Indonesia is held

from kindergarten up to University. Teaching language is one of the most

importance things in education because language is the most effective way to


English becomes very important to be learnt because English is an

international language. David Graddol (1997) in Harmer (2007:18) states a

number of future possibilities, all of which is questioned of English as the number

one world language. English is also used for transferring, technology, economy,

and education.

Nababan (1999:1) says most book of knowledge and technology are

written in foreign language, especially in English. Nowadays, English is widely

used in teaching and learning opportunities of broader education either formal or

informal environment. Learning English means learning about language


components and language skills. The example of language components are

grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling.

Whereas, Sanggam Siahaan (2008:214) says that English has four skills

such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

As stated in junior high school curriculum, teaching English covers four

language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As one of the

language skills, writing is the most difficult subject. Everyone needs to learn

writing, to make communication for occupation or academic purpose and

especially for the students they need to learn writing skills to communicate with

other and prepare themselves for final academic assignment and their requirement

for the future.

Writing is one of activities. It is one of the skills in English that intended

for the learners of English as foreign language especially for the students. Writing

needs the mastery of several skills. It includes: language use or grammar,

punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and correct vocabulary in composing ideas.

Students have a good writing ability if they can arrange their ideas into written

form in correct vocabulary with full attention in language use grammar,

punctuation, spelling, capitalization in their sentence.

Eti Syahrianti (2009: 57) states that writing skills are specific abilities

which help writers put their thoughts into words in a meaningful form and to

mentally interact with the message.

SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar is one of the favorite school in

Mojogedang, Karanganyar. The teachers and the students have good discipline.

This school has also good quality and complete facilities, such as: library,

laboratory, studio, etc. SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar has strategies


location. The researcher interviews with the teacher of SMP N 03 Mojogedang,

Karanganyar. Which is located at street at Kedung Jeruk, Mojogedang,

Karanganyar. The researcher met the teacher of SMP N 03 Mojogedang,

Karanganyar, and asked him about the teaching learning process at SMP N 03

Mojogedang, Karanganyar. It is informed that the teacher used Cooperative

Learning Method. She described the technique which is used in the teaching

learning process which is suitable for SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar.

The model of English learning by Using Cooperative is proven to be the

best way to make the students fun and enjoy the English learning. When they

enjoy the learning, they feel spirit in their study, they love English and, finally,

their ability of English can develop. On the other hand, this way of teaching can

make the students enjoy in learning process and it make the students learn faster

as what states by Dulay, Burt, and Khashen that relax and self-confident learners

learn faster (Dulay, Burt, and Krasen in Tomlinson, 1998: 9).

The Researcher has conducted researched on the seventh grade students of

SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic year of 2014-2015. The

researcher finds some problems. The researcher found that students writing skill

was still low. It can be proved that they did not know and understand the meaning

of certain word in English, the content of text, the grammar, and the generic

structure of descriptive text. They cannot organize the sentences into a good

paragraph. Therefore, they get difficulties to understand the whole content of the

texts. They also cannot understand the content of the text because they do not

know meaning of the word and sentences.

In standard of content for students of the seventh grade, these are some

text types that must be learned by the students, those are descriptive, recount, and

narrative. In this case, the researcher choose on descriptive text to be the object of

research. Hyland (in Rahmawati, 2013: 42) states that Descriptive text is piece of

text that gives us defines, classifies or generalizes about a phenomenon more

detail. The purpose of descriptive text type is to give an account of imagined of

factual events. So, if the students can describe about something used the grammar

and generic structure of descriptive text, automatically they can organize the

sentences into a good paragraph in writing skill.

Based on the reason, the researcher focuses in teaching writing on

descriptive text to be the object of her research is because the students have not

mastered this genre yet. She is interested in knowing the students‟ ability in

conveying their ideas in written form of English. Teaching writing on descriptive

text is one of two genres which should be taught to the students. Descriptive text

is one of the materials of the final examination at junior high school. Besides,

most of students has difficulty to rearrange the generic structure of a descriptive

text and write a descriptive text.

Therefore, based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in




B. Problem Identifications

Based on the background presented above, the problem identifications of

the research as follows:


1. How is implementation the process of teaching writing on descriptive text in

the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic years


2. What are the problems in teaching writing on descriptive text in the first grade

of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic years 2014/2015?

3. What are the solution to solve the problems in teaching writing on descriptive

text in the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic

years 2014/2015?

4. How is respons of the students with the teaching writing on descriptive text

by their teacher of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in academic years


5. What is the result of the teaching writing on descriptive text by the students of

SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in academic years 2014/2015?

6. What is the method used by the teacher to teaching writing on descriptive text

of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in academic years 2014/2015?

C. Formulations of the Problems

Based on the problem identifications above, the problem of the research

are formulated as follows:

1. How is implementation the process of teaching writing on descriptive text in

the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic years


2. What are the problems in teaching writing on descriptive text in the first grade

of SMP N 03 Mojodedang, Karanganyar in the academic years 2014/2015?


3. What are the solution to the problems in teaching writing on descriptive text in

the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic years


D. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem identifications above, the objectives of the research

are as follows:

1. To the process of teaching writing on descriptive text in the first grade of SMP

N 03 Mojogedang, karanganyar in the academic years 2014/2015.

2. To discuss the problem in teaching writing on descriptive text in the first grade

of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic years 2014/2015.

3. To find out solution to the problems in teaching writing on descriptive text in

the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar in the academic years


E. Limitation of the Study

In order to focus on the topic, the researcher makes limitation to both the

object and subject of the study. The researcher chooses the descriptive text to be

the object of her research because descriptive text is one of the materials of the

final examination at junior high school. The subject of the research are limited

into SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar focusing on seventh grade students

especially on A class.

F. The Benefits of the Study


The researcher hopes that the result of this study are expected to give contribution

to the improvement of English teaching and learning quality either both

theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

a. The findings of this research will enrich the theories of improving

students‟ writing skill at junior high school.

b. Giving a profitable descriptions to any further research which wants to

study the same case, so this study becomes a helpful information and

useful reference for the next study.

c. For the readers, the will get a large knowledge about teaching writing on

descriptive text.

2. Practically Significant

a. For the English teachers

The teacher will find a technique in teaching writing descriptive text for

their students. The teacher can give motivation to their students to teaching

writing skills, because writing skills are important for second language


b. For the students

The result will give motivation for students to study English. Teaching

writing on descriptive text, the researcher hopes students will get enjoyable

situation, and they will not feel bored. The students can learn English and

know how to write descriptive text in a different way.

c. For the institution of education

The researcher hopes that the school can use this thesis as the reference in

teaching English especially in teaching writing skill and it can be useful


and give some additional information. The school can motivate their

students to study in English lesson, especially in writing skill. In English

lesson, writing skill is important. Without knowing the basic of writing,

teaching and learning cannot work optimally.

d. For the researcher

This study is expected to become a starting point to develop the teaching

techniques in the future in order to create a better teaching learning


G. Definition of the key Terms

In other to clarify the title “ Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text for the

first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang Karanganyar in the academic years

2014/2015”, the researcher give the definition of key words to avoid miss


1. Teaching

Brown (2007: 7) teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the

learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning.

2. Writing

Harmer (2004: 51) argues that writing, like other skill, has its „mechanical‟

components. These also includes handwriting, spelling, punctuation, and the

construction of well-formed sentences, paragraphs, and texts.

3. Descriptive text

Gerot (1994: 34) descriptive text is a kind of text with a purpose to give

information. The context of this kind of text is the description of particular

thing, animal, person, and others, for instance: our pets or person we know

well. It is different from report which describes things, animals, persons, or

others in general. The social function of Descriptive Text is to describe a

particular person, place, or thing.




In this chapter, the researcher describes the theories that are related to

the research. In this research, the researcher uses several theories to support the

research. The theories used by the researcher are theories of teaching, theories of

writing, and theories of descriptive text.

A. The Nature of Teaching

Education consists of teaching and learning. Teaching is a process that

involves the teaching-learning activities, (Yusuf, 2009: 4). Mulyasa (2006:

100) explains that teaching is a interaction process done by students and the

environment in other that the human/students behavior changes to be better.

Teaching is given lesson to somebody knowledge, skill, etc. (Oxford

Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, 2003: 443).

In the teaching process, there will be involved the interaction between

persons, materials, facilitates tools, and the procedures that all of them

influence each other in getting the teaching goal. (Hamalik, 1993: 57). In

short, teaching is an effort to use optimally the components of teaching to

form students who have skill and knowledge.

Teaching is an active process in which one person shares information

with others to provide them with information to make behavioral changes.

Learning is the process of assimilating with a resultant change in behaviors.

Teaching learning process is planned interaction that promotes behavioral

change that is not a result of maturation or confidence.


It means that teaching is a systematic way, in which teacher as an

organizer should be creative to make learner interested in following the

subject. Teaching may be sais to cover not only activities of guiding students

activities but also those which aim at helping students develop themselves and

be able to adapt themselves in the groups to which they belong. They are

learning to think, feel, and act in harmony through to social group of which

they are part.

In teaching activities, teachers absolutely have significant roles and close

relationship with students in delivering messages and knowledge. According

to Elliot (1999: 369) “ teacher acts as curriculum facilitator and not

curriculum planners”. It can be concluded that teacher as the center of

education is faced classroom, the teacher must control the students in

determining what the students suppose to do and acquire. The responsibilities

or teacher in managing favorable atmosphere and media to support leaning are


According to Lesley, in her book strategy for effective teaching (2000:

18) the strategies and methods for motivating students are: be sure students

can fulfill their basic school needs.

1. Make sure the classroom comfortable, orderly, and pleasant.

2. Help students perceive classroom as valuable.

3. Be sure that tasks are suitable for students.

4. Help students set reasonable goals.

5. Provide variety in learning activities.

6. Use cooperative learning methods.

7. Monitor students work: provide feedback.


In teaching activity, there must be an interaction between teachers and the

students and their relationship should be friendly, cooperative and

conductive too, so the intention of teaching can be successfully achieved.

B. Components of Teaching

In the teaching learning process, there are some components of teaching,

the components are:

1. The objective

Objective is the goal of education that interprets from the vision, mission

owned by an institution. (Sanjaya: 10). According to Hamalik (1995: 6) the

objective is the goal which will be reached after doing the teaching

process. So, this is important as a component of teaching.

2. Students/participant

Students/participant is human being without way any limitation and certain

characteristic. In other word, all of human beings are students without

being limited by time and place.(Erwari Aziz, 2003: 30)

In the teaching learning process, learners have significant role.

Nowadays, students are demanded to be more active and innovative in the

learning process. The learners should actively look for the meanings and

try to find regularity and other to the events of the word in the absence of

full or complete information.

3. Teacher

In the teaching learning process, teacher is not only doing/holding the

teaching process technically, but also realizing his/her work and

responsibility as well possible. (Gulo, 2008: 14). So, the effectiveness of


the teaching process based on teaching roles. The success of teaching is

also based on the teacher quality.

C. The Nature of Writing Skill

The study of language in twentieth century has tended to concentrate on

spoken language. Written language was thought by some to be spoken language

into written form. Writing was for a long time neglected in language teaching. The

assumption that writing is putting the spoken language into written form is only

true for activities like taking down dictation or transcribing a tape (Brookes &

Grundy, 2000: 1). However, long ago writing really started. It has remained for

most of its history a minority occupation. This is in part because although almost

all human beings grow up speaking their first language (and something their

second or third) writing has to be taught. Spoken language, for a child, is acquired

naturally as a result of being exposed to it, whereas the ability to write has be

consciously. (Harmer, 2004: 3)

Writing is one of important skills that language learners need to learn as an

essential component not only for their academic practice but also later in their

professional life. There are some definitions of writing proposed by experts.

There are many conceptions dealing with the writing process. According to

Hammer (2004: 12), writing process is a way of looking at what people do to

compose written text. The formula of good writing consists of pre-writing,

writing, revising, editing. Those allow their work to emerge in series that can be

arranged of manageable steps.

Byrne (1997: 1) says that on one level, writing can be said to be the act of

forming symbol; making mark on a flat surface of some kind. He also states that

writing involves the encoding of a message of some kind that is translating

thoughts into language.

According to Harris (1993: 10), writing is a process occurs over a period of

time, particularly if the writer takes account the same time extended periods of

thinking that precede initial draft. In writing, the writer needs a time to do some

processes inside. The lengths of the time are different among writers. Some needs

a longer time to just think about what to write before making the initial draft.

1. Process of Writing

Writing process is a way of looking at what people do when they compose

written text (Hammer 2004: 12). The focuses of the writing process are on

what the writers do in their writing. According to Tompkins and Hokisson

(1991: 211), there are five stages in a writing process.

a. Pre-writing

Tompkins and Hokisson (1991: 211) state that pre-writing is the getting

ready to write stages. Pre-writing has probably been the most neglected

stage in the writing process, however it is important to write as warm up.

Pre-writing begins when learners have to find any relevant supporting

ideas for the topic they wish to write about. Rohmah (2008: 9) says that

pre-writing phase of writing uses writing as a means of exploring a

subject, of discovering various approaches, of seeing thing in a new way,

and finding contradictions.

b. Drafting

As Rohmah (2008: 20) quotes the statement of Singh and Sarkar (1994)

that the draft is a further means of discovering ideas and exploring what

one wants to say. Tompkins and Hoskisson (1991: 215) stage that drafting

state is the time to pour out ideas, with a little concern about spelling,

punctuation, and other mechanical errors. During the drafting stage,

students focus and get their ideas down on paper. Students begin with

tentative ideas development through pre-writing activities. Later, during

editing, students can clean up mechanical errors and put their composition

into a neat, final form.

c. Revising

The process of developing, starting, and placing sentences that announce

the main point of a piece of writing are part of the much larger process

called revising (Gere, 1988: 25). As Nunan (2005: 107) quotes the

statement of Vaca, Vaca and Gove (2000) that revising occurs when a

writer looks for feedback from a teacher of another student. Tompkins and

Hoskisson (1991: 219) quotes the statement of Fairley and Wette (1981)

that student make four type of changes: additions, substitution, deletion,

and moves. Students might add words, substitute sentences, delete

paragraphs, and move phrases.

d. Editing

Editing is putting the piece of writing into its final form Tompkins and

Hoskisson (1992: 219). The focus in this stage is to change mechanics,

students polish their writing by correcting spelling and other mechanical

errors. They include capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence


structure, usage, and formatting considerations specific to poems, scripts,

letters, and the other forms of writing.

e. Publishing

In this stage students bring their compositions to life by publishing them

or sharing them orally with an appropriate audience (Tompkins and

Hoskisson, 1991: 222). Nunan (2005: 109) says that publishing refers to

putting the writing in a final finished format where it can be shared with

others. When students share their writing with real audiences of

classmates, other students, parents, and community, students come to

think of themselves as authors.

2. The Purpose of Writing

McMahan, et al. (1996: 8) mentions the purposes of writing as follows:

a. To express the writer‟s felling

The writer wants to express his felling and thought in written forms, as in

a diary or a love letter. It is what is so called as expressive.

b. To entertain the readers

The writer intends to entertain the reader though written form, and he

usually uses authentic materials. It is called as literary writing.

c. To inform the readers

It is used to give information or explain something to readers. It is a kind

of informative writing.

d. To persuade the readers

The writer wants to persuade or convince the readers about his opinion or

concept or idea. It is called as persuasive writing. In addition, Byrne

(1997: 2) in this book Teaching Writing Skill says about the purpose of

writing: “ it is helpful to keep in mind some of the many uses we are


likely to make of writing”. On the personal level, people use writing to

make a note of something, for example shopping list, diaries, etc., and

used to keep records of things to be remembered. Writing is also used to

send messages in the forms of letters, memos, and many kinds of writing

to deliver the messages from one to others.

D. Teaching Writing

Writing is considered as the language skill which is least to be acquired.

However, the teaching of writing skill in classroom has a little portion and

even tends to be slighted. In fact, writing has some important roles in human

life; either in academic purposes or in other aspect of life.

1. The Definition of Teaching Writing

In teaching learning at school there should be language practice in

each language skill including writing skill. Writing skill help students

master the other skills and of course in mastering English completely.

Brewster (1992: 23-24).

“The most powerful argument for teaching writing is that we are

members the human race, and as such, we‟ve always had the innate
desire to communicate in writing. Prehistoric cave dwellers
sketched on stalls to express their accomplishments. Egyptian
priests used hieroglyphs to record their history…..”(Caswell and
Mahler, 2004: 3).

From the idea above, teaching writing used to express and to share

the ideas, thoughts and feelings in the real life. Students as the members

of human race should be able to communicate each other in their society.

Writing in real life is usually undertaken in response to demand of some


kinds. For students, the demand may arise from present or possible future

purposes for writing in English. Writing can solidify ideas and thoughts,

and allow the students to reflect their feeling.

2. Two Points in Teaching Writing

According to Harmer (2004: 32-33), there are two points in teaching


a. Reinforcement Writing

Writing has always been used as a means of reinforcing language that

has been taught. In its simplest from, teacher often ask students to

write sentences using recently learnt grammar. Reinforcement writing

needs being confined to sentence writing. However, students can also

be asked to write paragraph or longer compositions to practice certain

recently focused-on aspects of language or paragraph and text

construction. Students might be asked to write a story about something

that happened to them as a good way of having them practice past

tenses. They could be asked to write a description of someone they

know because this is good way to them to the character and physical

description of vocabulary they have been studying.

Clearly, the aim of these activities is to give students opportunities to

remember new language better. Just the act of writing sentences

makes them think about the new grammar or vocabulary in a more

considered way than if they are asked to provide instant spoken


b. Preparation Writing

Writing frequently useful as a preparation from some other activity. In

particular, students write sentences as a preamble to discussion

activities. This gives student time to think up ideas rather than have to

come up with instant fluent opinions, something that is many,

especially at lower levels find difficult and awkward. Students may be

asked to write a sentence saying what their opinion is about certain

topic. Another technique, when a discussion topic is given to a class,

is for students to talk in group to prepare their arguments. They can

make written notes which they may use later during the discussion


Teaching writing is not easy. It requires motivation and creativity

because writing is one of skill in English that cannot be acquired

naturally. It needs a process in getting this skills, it differs from spoken

language that can be acquired naturally.

While writing, students also need much time to think. Teacher asks

students to focus on accurate language use and ideas what they will write.

It will provoke their language development, which ideas will put on the

text. Students in this transition period are changes of physical, intellectual,

emotional, and social. Studies show that brain growth shows down during

these years, so cognitive skills of learners may expand at a slower rate;

however, refinement of these skills can certainly be reinforced. According

to Mark Pennington (2015: 77) students in this transition period have less

motivation, and they present outright discipline problems.


Based on the statement above, the researcher concludes that the

teacher‟s role is needed to motivate students in the teaching-learning

process while students are in transition periods.

3. The Reason of Teaching Writing

Harmer(1998: 79), there are four reasons of teaching writing to

students of English as a foreign language:

a. Reinforcement

Some students acquire languages in a purely oral way, but most of the

benefit greatly from seeing the language written down. Students often

find it useful to write sentences using new language shortly after they

have studied it.

b. Language development

The actual process of writing helps learner to learn as they go along.

The mental activity they have to though in order to construct proper

written texts is all part of the ongoing learning experience.

c. Learning style

Writing is appropriate for learners who take little longer time at

picking up language just by looking and listening. It can also quit

reflective activity instead of the rush and bother of interpersonal face-

to-face communication.

d. Writing as a skill

Teaching writing is a basic language skill just as important as

speaking, listening, and reading. Students need to know some of write

letters, how to reply advertisement. They also need to know some of


writing‟s special conventions such as punctuation, paragraph


Therefore, teaching writing as a basic language skill can be considered

as reinforcement, language development, learning style, and skill to

student participant to be personally involved in order to make a

meaningful learning experience of writing.

4. The Approaches of Teaching Writing

According to Raimes (1983: 6-10), there is a variety of approaches

to teaching of writing, as follows:

a. The controlled-to-free-approach

The controlled-to-free-approach in writing is sequential. Students are

first give sentence exercise, the paragraph to copy for manipulate

grammatically by, for instance, changing questions to statements,

present or past, or plural to singular. They might also change words or

clauses or combine sentences.

b. The free-writing approach

This approach is that intermediate-level students should put content and

fluency first and not worry about form. Once ideas are down on the

page, grammatical accuracy, organization, and the rest will gradually

follow. Some ESL teachers begin many of their classes by asking

students to write freely on any topic without worrying about grammar

and spelling for five or ten minutes to emphasize fluency even more.

Concern for “audience” and “ content” are seen as important in this


approach, expecially since the free writings often revolve around

subjects that the students are interested in, and those subjects then

become basis for other more focused writing task.

c. The paragraph-pattern approach

Instead of accuracy of grammar of fluency of content, the paragraph

pattern approach stresses another feature of the diagram. Students copy

paragraph, analyze the form of model paragraphs, and imitate model

passages. They put scrambled sentences into paragraph order, they

identify general and specific statements, they choose or invent an

appropriate topic sentence, and they insert or delete sentences. This

approach is based on principle that in different cultures people construct

and organize their communication with each other in different ways.

Therefore, if students organize their ideas well in their first language,

they still need to see, analyze, and practice the particularly “ English”

feature of piece of writing.

d. The grammar-syntax-organization approach

Some teachers have stresses the need to work simultaneously on more

than one of the features in the composition diagram. Writing they say,

cannot be seen as composed of separate skills which are learned one by

one. Therefore, they devise writing tasks that lead students to pay

attention to organization while they also work on the necessary

grammar and syntax. This approach, then, links the purpose of a piece

of writing to the forms that are needed to convey the message.

e. The communicative approach


The communicative approach stresses the purpose of piece of writing

and the audience for it. Students writers are encouraged to behave like

writers in real life and to ask themselves the crucial questions about

purpose and audience:

1) Why am I writing this?

2) Who will read it?

Teachers using the communicative approach, therefore, have

extended the readership. They extended it to other students in the

class, who not only read the piece but actually to something with it,

such a respond, rewrite in another form, summarize, or make

comments – but not correct.

f. The process approach

Recently, the teaching of writing has begun to move away from a

concentration on the written product to an emphasis on process of

writing. Student writers in particular need to realize that what they first

put down on paper is not necessarily their finished product but just a

beggining , a setting out of the first ideas, a draft. They should not

expect that the words they put on paper will be perfect right away. A

student who is given the time for the process to work, along with the

appropriate feedback from readers such as the teacher or other students

will discover new ideas, new sentences, and new words as he plans,

writes a first draft and revises what he has written for a second draft.

5. Teaching writing in SMP and MTs

Teaching writing is a very important part of second language

learning. Writing English is the main goal of many adult learners. Their

personalities play a large role in determining how quickly and how

correctly they will accomplish this goal. Those who are risk takers unafraid

of making mistakes will generally be more talkative, but with many errors

that could become hard to break habits. Conservative, shy students may

take a long time to write confidently, but when they do, their English often

contains fewer errors and they will be proud of their English ability.

However, if the purpose of writing is communication and that does not

require perfect English, then it makes sense to encourage quantity in your

classroom. Break the silence and get students communicating with

whatever English they can use, correct or not and selectively address errors

that block communication.

The mastery of writing skills in English is a priority for many

second-language or foreign-language learners often evaluate their success

in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on

the basis of how much they feel they have improved in their written text

proficiency. Hand skill have hardly been neglected in EFL/ESL course,

though how best to approach the teaching of hand skill has long been the

focus of methodological writing text descriptive. Teachers and textbooks

make use of a variety of approaches, ranging from direct approaches

focusing on specific features of writing interaction (e.g., turn-taking, topic

management, and questioning strategies) to indirect approaches that create

conditions for writing interaction through group work, task work, and other

strategies (Richards, 1990: 79).

Based on the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006

for SMP and MTs, the program of teaching learning English as a foreign

language focuses on the aims to develop students‟ skill in four language

skills. The students are expected to achieve competencies to communicate

orally and written by using suitable language variation, fluently, and

accurately in interaction or monologue in the form of descriptive, recount,

narrative, procedure, and report. The texts consist of grammatical

sentences, acceptable expression,which are culturally acceptable in the

English culture.

The teaching writing conducted by the teacher should be based on

the syllabus. The expected learning outcomes outlined for the students of

the seventh, eight, and ninth grade on the writing skill are as follows:

a. Seventh grade: the students are able to 1) write simple functional

sentences, 2) write simple message, short, and simple announcement,

and card, 3) produce text in the form of a procedure and descriptive.

b. Eight grade: the students are able to 1) write among others texts in the

form narrative, descriptive, and recount, 2) write personal letter, post

card, invitation card, leaflet, and announcement.

c. Ninth grade: the students are able to 1) write texts in the form of

narrative, procedure, and report, 2) write short message, letter,

advertisement, and announcement.

E. Descriptive Text

According to Mukarto (2007: 140-141) descriptive text is used to

describe a particular person, place, or thing. The generic structure of

descriptive text are:

1. Identification : introduction of thing, place, or person to be described.


2. Description : descriptions of the parts, qualities, and characteristics of the

thing, person, or place being discussed.

Descriptive text is use relational verbs “ to be” and “has/have”.


-Samuel Rizal is a famous actor.

-He has very short hair.

These sentences are in the simple present tense.

a. Nouns

They are found in (1) the topic of description: a classroom, and (2) the

parts of the classroom: doors, windows, tables, pictures, chairs, and


b. Adjectives

They are used to describe the characteristics of the topic and the parts.

They characteristics can be the size (big), color (brown), or the quality

(clean). For example: the adjectives „big‟ and „clean‟ describe the

classroom. The adjective „brown‟ describes „the doors‟ and „the


Vocabulary for describing someone, such as:

1) Tall, short, big, thin, fat, slim

2) Hair, face, nose, cheeks, mouth, lips

3) Curly, straight, long, short, wavy, black, grey

4) Oval, round, pointed, flat

c. Language focus

1) Verb be ; is, am, are

2) Verb have ; have, has


3) Verb do ; do, does

4) Simple present tense

d. Noun phrases

There are combination of adjectives and nouns. (e.g.: big and clean

classroom, two brown doors).

F. Writing Descriptive Text

The researcher is interested to observing the teaching writing a

descriptive text. Before the researcher discussion about descriptive text, she

wanted to explain about descriptive or description. According to Crosby

(1986: 7) explains that “ Description is used to convey what you have sensed,

what you have seen, heard, smelled, felt, test”. It means that description is the

explanation of something that we have seen, sense, heard, smelled, felt, and

test. Hammond, et al. (1992: 78) explains about descriptive text as below:

Social Function Schematic Significant grammatical

Structure pattern
To describe a particular Identification: identifies the Focus on specific rather
person, place, or things. person, place or things to be than generic participants.
described. Simple presents tense.
Description: describes parts, Verbs of being and
qualities, characteristics. having.
Use of descriptive
adjectives to built up
long nominal group.

The researcher concludes that descriptive text is a text which is used to

describe a particular person, place, or thing. It consists of two schematic

structures namely identification and description. This text has some


characteristics; focus on specific rather than generic participants, it uses simple

presents tense, it uses verb of being and having, and it uses of descriptive

adjectives to build up long nominal groups.

Based on the syllabus used n the Junior High School, there are two

genres taught for VII grade students, they are description genre and procedure

genre, but the researcher focuses on teaching writing descriptive text.

Descriptive text is one type of genres of the texts. In the Competency-

based Curriculum (KTSP) for junior high school, they only learn about

descriptive text for the first semester. Description genre is a text which

functions to describe a particular person, place, or thing. Mushlas Yusack

(2004: 7) in his book entitled A Brief Introduction to Genre: Example of

Thirteen and Their Generic Structure. Also explains that the generic

structures of description genre include identification and description of parts.

While the other characteristics are as follows:

1. Focus on specific participants.

2. Use simple present tenses.

3. Use attributive and identifying processes.

4. Use temporal conjunctions.

5. Use Epithets and Classifiers in nominal group.

There are several steps in teaching writing descriptive text, described as


a. BKOF( building knowledge of the field)

The purpose is to prepare the students readiness in following the class

by greeting the students, reviewing the last material, and introducing

new material.

b. Modeling

The purpose is to introduce new text for the students by giving an

example of a text. in this step, the teacher provides a text and

deconstructs it, based on:

1) Social function

2) Generis structure and content in the forms of questions of

skimming and scanning: What, How, etc.

3) Language feature

c. Joint Construction

The purpose is to guide the students to reconstruct a new text of the

same genre is a group, guided by teacher.

d. Independent Construction

The purpose is to practice the students when they produce a new text

of the same genre individually, guided by teacher.




In chapter three, the researcher discusses research methodology covering the

research design, the research instrument, and the data research, the technique of

collecting data, the data analysis, and the research schedule.

A. The Research Design

The research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative

research is a descriptive research. Sugiyino (2009:204) states that “ the data

collected is in the form of words of picture rather than numbers”. Qualitative

research is a research that produces the analysis procedure which does not use

statistical analysis procedure or the other qualitative way. Sugiyino (2009:205)

defines that qualitative is based on efforts to build object views that is searched

accurately, formed by words, holistic picture and complicated.

Qualitative research is aimed to get deep understanding about organization

or particular events rather than describing in surface of large sampling from a

population. Furthermore, qualitative research is aimed to reach the basic

understanding through researcher experience that is directly processed and

integrated with the subject and location that is in the form of real report with no

additional or reduction, and factual field note.

This research is included into qualitative research, because it is relying on

the collection of qualitative data. In contract with qualitative research, qualitative

research tends to emphasize meaning and context more than specific findings in

the form of facts or a particular element of knowledge. The difference between

quantitative and qualitative research is the interest of the researcher in the context

and completeness of the interpretation and description rather that the relatively

narrowing focus on dependent and independent variables and hypothesis testing

under controlled condition that are categorized much into qualitative research.

(Basrowi, 2008: 91)

In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research design.

Ch Surakhmad (1991: 139) gives a statement that “ A descriptive research is a

method in which the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative research design to

obtain the answer of research question. In this research, that researcher wants to

give information about teaching writing descriptive text at SMP N 03 Mojogedang

Karanganyar particularly the seventh grade students in academic year 2014-2015

by describing it in details.

The main characteristic of this research is giving attention to the present

time of events or actual problems that are investigated, accompanied with an

adequate rational interpretation.

B. Setting Place and Time of the Research

1. Setting of Place

The research took place at SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar. It is

located at Jl. Grompol- Jambangan Km. 12, Mojogedang, Karanganyar. SMP

N 03 Mojogedang has three grades of class; seventh grade, eighth grade, and

ninth grade.

2. Setting of time

The researcher conducted the research from the time she proposed the title,

proposed the proposal, did the research and up to the time researcher collected

the result of the research to SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar.

Activities Time

Preparation January – March 2015

Interview and observation February – March 2015

Data gathering March 2015

Data analysis April – May 2015

C. The Data Resources

H.B Sutopo (2002:50-54) states that the data source in the descriptive

qualitative research can be humans, events or activities, places or locations, thing,

various pictures and records as well as, documents and archives.

Another statements comes from Lofland which is quoted by Moleong

(2004: 112). He states that the main sources of the data in qualitative research are

words and actions, and other things are as the additional data like documents and

many others.

The data resources in this research include events, informants, and


1. Event

The events in this research is in the form of the teaching learning process and

activities students in the classroom of English subject of seventh grade

students especially class VII A.

2. Informant

The informants in descriptive qualitative research are often called as a

respondent, which means people who give the information for the research.

The informants of this research the English teacher and some students of

seventh grade students of SMP N 03 Mojogedang. The English teacher will be

the key informant of this research. Other data will be found from the English

teaching learning process through observation.

3. Document

The documents of this research are taken from printed and recorded materials

the activities of teaching learning process on writing descriptive text at seventh

grade students in SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar. The documentation

data in this research include lesson plan, syllabus, and school profile and

students worksheet. It is also found from the records of students‟ activities and

from the interview with teachers and students.

D. The Research Instrument

The instrument of this research is the researcher herself because it is the

descriptive qualitative research. Nasution (1992:55) states that in this kind of

research, the researcher is the main instrument. The researcher has to play the

main role in looking for the data or information related to the teaching writing

descriptive text process that the researcher focuses on.

The researcher also uses some supporting instruments, like tape recorder,

camera, and notebook to support in colleting the data from the research field.

E. The Technique of Collecting the Data

Researcher has to know well the procedure of the data collection in

qualitative research. According to Cresswell (1994: 148), “the data collection


steps involve (a) setting the boundaries for the study, (b) collecting the

information through observation, interview documents, and visual materials, and

(c) establishing the protocol for recording information”. It means that in the data

collection, the three steps used to collect the information are observation,

interview, documentation and visual materials, as well as deciding the protocol of

information record.

In collecting the data, the researcher uses the some technique of collecting

the data, they are observation, interview, and documentation.

1. Observation

Observation is a method to watch something as an object seriously and

continuously done by the researcher. This technique depends on direct

observation. The researcher also watches object continually, and then notes the

behaviors and the real events which is happening. ( Moleong, 2004: 125-126).

As a non-participants observer, the researcher comes to observes the

teaching learning activities in writing classes several times along the research

period to see, hear, and record what happens during the teaching and learning

process. The researcher focused the observation on the teaching writing on

descriptive text.

The researcher observed the teacher in front of the class and the

interaction among the students with the teacher from the beginning until the

end of the lesson. The researcher has a coordination with the teacher to

arrange observations for gathering the required data of teaching learning

process in other examine the teachers strategies, the students responses, and

classroom activities until the researcher gathers sufficient data representing the

way of teaching writing. After observing the class, the researcher writes

descriptive and reflective notes in the field notes.

2. Interview

Interview is verbal communication between researcher and the teacher

to get more information. Besides, with the teacher, the researcher also does the

interview with the students to get more information.

According to Fontana and Frey (1994: 353), interview is a

conversation, the art of asking question and listening. The most important data

source in qualitative research is the informant (Sutopo, 2002: 60). In this

research the interview was conducted to collect information and data from

teacher, students, vice principals, and the principal in SMP N 03 Mojogedang

at seventh grade in academic year 2014/2015.

The interviews was done with students of VII-A and the English

teachers in SMP N 03 Mojogedang at seventh grade in academic year

2014/2015. The interviews were aimed at getting information directly about

the process teaching writing descriptive text in the classes. The researcher, as

the interviewer, makes some interviews with the three teachers, the name is

Mister Sukamdi S.Pd, Miss Sendang Nurbuanawati S.Pd, Miss Tri Eni S.Pd

and some students of VII-A. Before having the interview, the researcher

prepare a list of question in order to avoid the interview of being too large and

out of context. These questions also help the researcher to make a systematic

interview so that the interview will be better.

The questions for the teacher were about what the process teaching writing

descriptive text in the classes. The teacher does before getting in the main

material, how the teacher introduce a certain writing to the students, etc.

3. Documentation

Documentation involves collecting data from document and other

materials. In a research the researcher uses curriculum, lesson plan and picture

during the observation.

According to Nasution (in Ikhsan, 2007: 34), documentation is very

useful because it can give wider background about the research. It can be

materials in triangulation process. It is also the main material in the historical

research. Furthermore, though documentation, the improvements from using

teaching writing descriptive text.

Making documentation of the research, the researcher tries to find

some data of SMP N 03 Mojogedang at seventh grade including school

profile, teachers and students‟ statistics, etc. The researcher also takes some

pictures during the research including teaching and learning process, building

pictures, environments, etc. In this research, the documents which has been

analyzed were the teacher‟s lesson plants and the daily examination


F. The Data Analysis

The data analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method. The researcher

used an interactive model that consists of four steps as stated by Miles and

Huberman (1992: 16).

1. Collecting Data

Collecting data is the process of collecting all data, both numeric and words

from observation, interview, and documents. It is conducted as long as data are

still required.

2. Data Reduction

According to Miles and Huberman (1992: 16), data reduction can be

interpreted as the process of selection, simplification, and transformation of

the data to field notes. In this research, the process teaching learning process

and interview are recorder. Then, the observation in the class obtained from

general activities, then the important activities that lead to data relevant. As

well as, interview obtained from general information‟s, then the researcher

chosen the important information that lead to the data relevant.

3. Displaying Data

Data display is a set of information which has been classified and organized

based on the data reduction which leads to conclusion (Miles and Huberman,

1992: 17). The important information that lead to the conclusion. Generally, a

display is an organized, composed assembly of information that permits

conclusion drawing and action. By data display, the researcher considers what

she should do, she could analyzed or take the other actions based on her

understanding. Data display is not separate from analysis; it is a part of


4. Drawing Conclusion

The last technique of analysis the data is drawing conclusion. This is the result

of the research that describes Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text at SMP N

03 Mojogedang Karanganyar in the academic year of 2014/2015.


The three types of analysis activity of data collection itself form an

interactive, cyclical process. The researcher steadily moves among those four

“ nodes” during data collection and then shuttles among reduction, display,

and drawing conclusion for remainder of the study. The three reams are

represented as shown in the following figure:

Collecting the data

Reducing the data Presenting the data

G. Technique of Analyzing Data

The data of research was analyzed by using technique of analyzing

descriptive qualitative data because the researcher used non-statistic analyze the

data and the researcher wants to describe the situation of teaching writing

descriptive text process at SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar.

Knowing implementation of the process of teaching writing descriptive

text at SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar, the steps in analyzing data are as


1. Describing implementation the process teaching writing descriptive text at

seventh grade students of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar.


2. Collecting the data taken from the observation in the seventh grade students of

SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar especially in VII-A grade and then

interview to the teacher and the students.

3. Classifying the data of the observation in the seventh grade students of SMP N

03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar especially in VII-A grade and then interview to

the teacher and the students.

4. Discussing the finding of the research.

5. Drawing conclusion and giving suggestion from the research.

H. The Trustworthiness of the Data

The analysis the data, researcher also needs to analyze the validity of the

data sources to get the validity. To prove and to check the data validity

scientifically and responsibly, Qualitative research must use the relevant technique

of data analysis. Triangulation technique is the technique of examining the

trustworthiness of the data which uses the things outside the data in other to

examine the data and to be comparer of the data. (Moleong, 2002: 178).

Patton (1984) stated that there are four kinds of triangulation. The first is

data triangulation or source triangulation, in which the researcher uses some

source in collecting the data to make validity. The second is investigator

triangulation in which the validation of the data can be examined by some

researchers. The third is methodological triangulation, in which the researcher can

validate the data by using some technique in collecting the data. Then the

theoretical triangulation is used with more than one theory to discuss related to the

topic of the research.


Triangulation method means that in checking the data validity a problem

the researcher has to compare some methods of collecting data (observation,

interview, and documentation) in other that the data collection is the same place or

portion. If there is a difference in the data validation, the researcher has to find and

to look for the caudices why the data are different, then researcher have to must

reconfirm to the subject and the information of the research.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded this research used

source triangulation consist of the observation, interview, document analysis. The

observation, the researcher got the information based on the teaching learning

process in the classrooms, interview, and the researcher interviewed three English

teachers and 3 students, and the document such as: syllabus, lesson plan, module

entitled “ English on the Sky (BSE) and English in Focus”. That is done by: (1)

comparing the observation result data with the interview result data; (2)

comparing what people say in front of the common with what they say by

themselves; (3) comparing what people say about research situation with what

they say all day long; (4) comparing someone‟s condition and perspective; (5)

comparing interview result with the content of related documents.




In this chapter, the researcher presented the research findings. The purpose is

to answer the research problems in the chapter one. There are three objectives in

research, namely, describing the process of teaching writing on descriptive text in the

first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, describing the problem in teaching writing on

descriptive text in the first grade of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, and describing the

solution to solve the problems in teaching writing on descriptive text in the first grade

of SMP N 03 Mojogedang.

A. Research Findings

This chapter presents the findings of the study related to the problem

statements as stated in chapter one. The summary of research findings in based on

observation results, interviews, and documents. In collecting the data, the

researcher uses the some technique of collecting thedata, they are observation,

interview and documentation. Research finding show the information that was

found during observation and interview with the teacher. The interviews was done

with students of VII A and English teachers in SMP N 03 Mojogedang at seventh

grade in academic years 2014/2015. The interviews were aimed at getting

information directly about the process teaching writing descriptive text in the

class. The researcher, as the interviewer, makes some interviews with the three

teachers, the name is Mister Sukamdi S.Pd, Miss Sendang Nurbuanawati S.Pd,

Miss Tri Eni S.Pd and some students of VII-A. The researcher observed with the

teacher class VII-A namely Mister Sukamdi S.Pd in front of the class and the

interaction among the students with the teacher from the beginning until the end of

the lesson. The researcher has a coordination with the teacher to arrange

observations for gathering the required data of teaching learning process in other

examine the teachers strategies, the students responses, and classroom activities

until the researcher gathers sufficient data representing the way of teaching

writing. After observing the class, the researcher writes descriptive and reflective

notes in the field notes. The observation and Interview with the teacher will be

done during two months in February and March 2015. The data analysis will be

done during two months in April and May 2015. The analysis can be presented in

the following explanation:

1. Description Implementation the Process of Teaching Writing on

Descriptive Text

Based on the data of observations and interviews which were done by

the researcher, teaching writing on descriptive text for the first grade of SMP

N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar could be differentiated into four steps. It was

started from building knowledge of the field (BKOF), modeling, joint

construction of text, and independent construction of text.

a. Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF)

Building knowledge of the field (BKOF) consists of greeting,

reviewing the last material, and the introducing the new material. In this

step, the first observation on Tuesday 24 th February 2015 in VII A class

with the teacher namely Mister Sukamdi S.Pd.. The teachergreeted the

students in English. By greeting the students in English, it was expected

that they could learn how to greet someone and practice it in their daily

life. It is described as follows:


1) Greeting

After the teacher came into the class, the teacher greeted the students

and they greeted the teacher by saying the followings utterances:

The teacher : Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Students : Waalaikumusalam. Wr. Wb.

The teacher : good morning, students?

Students : good morning, Mr. Sukamdi.

The teacher : how are you, today?

Students : I‟m fine Sir, thank you, and you?

The teacher : I‟m very well, thank you.

Such activity purposed to make the students familiar with English daily

language which could be practiced by the students not only inside class

but also outside the class. In the observation researcher, when they met

the teacher somewhere, the greeted the teacher in English. by saying “

Good morning, teacher!”, “Good afternoon, teacher!”, etc. it showed

that by doing greeting in every meeting in the class and making it as a

habitual action. By doing so, the students are accustomed to speaking


2) Reviewing Last Material

After that, the teacher reviewed the last material by giving some

question to the students. By reviewing the material, it would help them

to recall their memory about the material that they have learned, for


a) Did you still remember the last material we had?

b) Do you understand it?

Most of them remembered the last material they got, it could be

seen when they answered “ yes, I do” together and loudly, and they

snatched away each other to mention the material they learnt.

Moreover, they raised their hands to ask chance to give the

examples of the last material. However, the teacher just gave the

chance for several students to give the examples I wanted.

Besides, the teacher discussed the homework that was given

together with students. It was done to make the students always

remember and not forget to the lesson given in every meeting.

3) Introducing New Material

Then, the teacher started to introduce new material. To problem the

students readiness in following the class, the teacher gave some

questions related to the material. This kind of activity was usually

called as brainstorming. The questions are follow:

The teacher: Do you have a house?

The students: Yes, Sir.

The teacher: What color is your house?

The students: white, green, pink, orange, yellow, Mister.

The teacher: How many rooms do you have in your house?

The students: seven rooms, Mister.

The teacher: What are the rooms?

The students: There are four bedrooms, one guest room, one living

room, and a kitchen.


In the teaching process, the teacher used English and Indonesian to

deliver the material, because the students did not know the meaning of

English sentences thoroughly. The teacher gave the questions above, to

make the students interested in and curious to the material that it would

be taught from the beginning so that they would enjoy it. sometimes,

the teacher used English to make the students accustomed to English.

b. Modeling

The purpose is to introduce new text for the students by giving an

example a text. In this step, the second observation on Tuesday 3 rd March

2015 in VII A class with the teacher namely Mister Sukamdi S.Pd. The

teacher introduced an example of descriptive text, modified by the teacher.

Then, the teacher copied and shared it to the students.

My house

I live in a big house which is located in a karanganyar city. It is

traditionally designed and consists of twoadjoiningbuilding, which are

actually two houses. Where one is placed in front of the other. The front

building, which is usually called “pendhapa”, is like a hall that functions as

a visiting room or a meeting room. The main building functions as a living

house and has three bedrooms. The back building functions as a kitchen.

There is another separate building next to the main buildings. It is consists

of two bathrooms and a garage.

Seen from outside, my house is write in color. All of the outer

walls, except its doors and windows, are painted white. But inside the

house, all of the inner walls are painted green. The doors and windows are

made from wood and are painted brown.

My house has a large yard in the front and fascinating garden at the

back. It is now about twenty years old. But it looks newer and nicer. It

looks newer because it competes with new appliances and it nicer it is well

decorated. I am thankful that my family can afford this house. Where we

have our ordinary lives.


-Live: tinggal Inner walls: tembok dalam

-Big house: rumah besar -Complete: melengkapi

-(be) located: terletak -Bathrooms: kamar mandi

-Small town: kota kecil -Separate (v) : memisahkan,

-Consist of: terdiri dari -Separate (n) : terpisah

-Adjoining: berdampingan -Yard: lapangan


-Building: bangunan -(be) made: terbuat

-Meeting room: ruang pertemuan -Looks: terlihat

-Afford: membangun -Thanksful: berterimakasih

-Outerwalls: tembok luar -Functions: berfungsi, berguna.

-Main building: ruang utama -Inner walls: tembok bagian

-Large yard: halaman dalam rumah

pekarangan yg luas -(be) painted: di cat

-(be) called: dipanggil -Outer walls: tembok bagian luar


-Except: kecuali

After the students received the text, the teacher asked them to read

by themselves. This activity would help the students in applying their

ability in reading skills. The teacher also tried to involve the listening and

speaking skill in this step.

Firstly, the teacher read the text, sentence by sentence and the

students listened to the teacher. Here, the students were trained to apply

their ability in listening skill. After that, the teacher asked them to repeat it.

Through this activity, they have developed their speaking skill.

In discussing the text, the teacher involved the students. We

discussed about the meaning of the text. The teacher also explained a little

bit information about the function of descriptive text and the using of

have/has on the text.

To measure whether the students understood or not about the text

structure, the teacher gave question,” Question-Answer”. Then, the teacher

asked the students to answer it on the whiteboard.


In next step, the teacher also gave the students some exercises,

related to descriptive text about house. The exercise were Matching, Grid

Completion, Puzzle, Jumbled Paragraph, Gap Filling and Cloze Test. One

of the exercises involved the writing skills.

c. Joint Construction of Text

The third observation on Tuesday 10th March 2015 in VII A class

with the teacher namely Mister Sukamdi S.Pd. In this step, Joint

construction of text is an activity involving all the students in doing

exercise or reconstructing the text. It can be divided in groups, consisting

of several students or in pairs.

The teacher gave exercise in game session. The game was called “

writing game”. The teacher divided the students into seven groups. Each

group consisted of three students. They had to listen to the text and the

questions read by the teacher.

In those training the students were asked to reconstruct the text, the

teacher gave them a piece of paper containing the guideline to compete the

paragraph, guided by the teacher.


1) Re – arrange the jumbled paragraph into meaningful text!

a) The house has a large yard in the front and fascinating garden at the

back. It looks newer and nicer. It looks newer because it competes

with new appliances and it is nicer it is well decorated. We feel

happy about the condition of our house.


b) My parents have a house which it is located next to T – junction. Its

size is 40 x 55 sqm. It has hexagon all shape. They have a garden

which is used to crop medicine plants.

c) At the main building, there is still separate building. It consists of

garage and hall called “pendhapa”. It is located next to main


d) The house consists of one living room and one kitchen. Next to the

kitchen, there are two bathrooms and one lavatory. It is painted

green color, except bedroom, living room, meeting room and

dining room. The door and the window are made.

By giving the guideline, the students were trained to complete the

paragraph in a good arrangement based on the guideline. It would

help them in reconstructing reproducing a new text. Before,

guideline was needed to make them know how to arrange a good


2) Fill in the blank based on the text above!

My parents have a house where it is located next to T-junction. Its size

is 40 x 55 sqm. Its ……….shaped. They have a garden which is used

……….medicine plants.

The house consists of one living room ……… one kitchen. Next to the

kitchen, there are ………. Bathroom and lavatory. It is painted green

color, except bedroom, living room, meeting room and dining room.

The door and the window are ……… fromwood and they are painted

brown color. Its roof is …….. color. Its roof is ……… color. It looks


At the main building, there is still separate building. It consists of

garage and hall called “pendhapa”. It is located ……… main building.

The house has ………. Yard in the front and ………. Garden at the

back. It looks newer and ricer. It looks newer because is competes with

new appliances and it is nicer it is well decorated. We feel

……….about the condition of our house.

By giving the guideline, the students were trained to fill the words in a

good sentence based on guideline. It would help them in filling a new

word. Therefore, guideline was needed to make them know to fill an

exact word.

3) Find words related to part of the house in the block of letters

below. Start a word with a letter in the darker snare. One example

has given for you.











By giving the guideline, the students were asked to block the word in

puzzle. It would them in looking for some new words, related to the

part of house. Therefore, guideline was needed to make them

understand it.

4) Match this Word of List A below with the Word in List B.

Write your answer in your notebook. The first has been done

for you.


House Pintu

Yard Kebun

Doors Kamar Tidur

Bedrooms Rumah

Garden Halaman

In those training above, the students were asked to march English

word to Indonesian word. It was done for knowing what the

students understood or not in translating a simple word.

5) Read the text above, identify what the house has and the


Complete the grid below! related to the


No What the house has Descriptions

1 Garden

2 Wood

3 Walls

4 Large

By giving the guideline, the students were asked to identify the part of

house. They had to know what they wrote based on the next before.

The guideline was needed to know students‟ ability in grid completion,

mainly writing skills.

d. Independent Construction of Text

The last observation on Tuesday 17th March 2015 in VII A

class with the teacher namely Mister Sukamdi S.Pd.In the last step, the

purpose is to practice the students when they produce a new text of the

same genre individually. The teacher provided the topic and the piece

of paper to write the text. The students were free to make a descriptive

text with their own words, but they have to concern the arrangement to

make a good paragraph. Here, the teacher still guided them. The

teacher became a facilitator for the students, if they had some problems

in writing the text.

Look at the picture. You find the thing in the picture. Write a

description text about this house. Describe it as clearly as possible!


2. Description the Problems of Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text

The teacher active do observations to show the real problems in the

process of teaching in the class at SMP N 03 Mojogedang. The teacher

divides some problems faced when teaching in the class, the following are

some factors:

a. The problems of students

1) Linguistics

a) The confusing formula

The students felt confused about the formula. He or she said

that the formula was difficult to memorize. The students also

found difficulties in determining whether the Verb should be

added with s/es or to be (is, am, are, was, were).


- Students : I am like play football.

-It should be : I like playing football.


b) The Weakness in Translating Skill

The teacher used Grammar-Translation Method, the students

found difficulties in translating sentences from Indonesian into

English. It was because the case of lacking vocabulary.

c) Spelling and Pronouncing English Words

The pronunciation of an English Word was perfectly different

how it was written if it was compared to the spelling and

pronunciation of Indonesian word. It made the students difficult

in catching how to write the words but they did not know how

to write them. In contract, sometimes students know the

spelling certain word in English but they did not know to

pronounce it correctly.


Words Incorrect Correct

Football [futbal] [futbol]

Kind [kint] [kAIn]

Enough [inok] [InAf]

d) Limited vocabulary

It often happened that students wanted to express their ideas but

they did not know the English word to express it. here,

dictionary was very helpful, but students couldn‟t depend on

dictionary only. They needed teachers‟ explanation about the

usage of the word they wanted to express in their sentences.

2) Non –Linguistics

a) The disable students

In this class, there was a boy who didn‟t want to write he

listened what the teacher explained to all students. Sometimes,

this student wanted to write if he was interested with main

subject, especially English subject. Almost of the teachers

recommended him to be dropped out from the school but Mr.

sukamdi gave a chance to him joining until the end of semester.

It makes the teacher repeated the material and his friends would

feel bored with the repeating material.

b. The problems of the teacher

1) Uncooperative students

In class seven, there were always students who become trouble

makers, both in class VII A and VII B. Although the number is not

big, they still gave influence on their friends. Trouble makers rarely

paid attention on what the teacher said, they talked to each other a

lot and borrowed their friends‟ work when they were asked to do

some exercise.

2) Unwillingness to bring a dictionary

Dictionary is the important thing in teaching learning English. It

also became a difficulty for the teacher to get students to bring their

dictionary. Sometimes, the students disturb her/his friends.

3) Material preparation

It was quite difficult for Mister Sukamdi S.Pd the teacher to

prepare the material before teaching. The teacher had to fit the

material with the topic. It was impossible for the teacher to use

only on English book, because the recent English book has some

lacks, for example: the lack grammar, inappropriate material for

certain students, limited topic, and some error texts.

4) Less-motivation and less practice in writing

The researcher interviewed Mr. sukamdi as an English teacher for

seventh grader. As the statement of Mr. sukamdi in the interview

that there are limited time to practice writing, because it is included

in the second semester test. As the result, most of the students feel

writing difficult. They are not sure because of their weakness in

grammar. Many of students are afraid of writing English in the

class. So, to create a good condition in the class, the teacher used to

give praise to motivate the students who would like to answer some

question orally. The teacher would say “very good”.” Great that’s

good, but it will be better…”. Besides, sometime the teacher also

gave some punishment. For example: The food which some

brought when they did not bring a dictionary in the class.

3. Description the Solution of Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text

a. The Solution of the Students

1) Linguistics

a) Solution of the problems from the students on their writing

Explaining each part of the rule more detail by giving many

exercises. The teacher explained each of the formula: more

detail and also added examples for each parts of the formula.

To solve memorizing problems, the teacher taught the students

to do exercises repeatedly. The teacher gave many examples so


the students could determine whether the verb was added by

s/es or not. This was the strategy to help the students memorize

how to use correctly.

b) Mister Sukamdi S.Pd the teacher gave list of verbs

To solve the problem of translating sentence, the teacher gave

of list of verb base, verb s/es, and also the meaning. It made

students differentiate the verb form easily between verb base

and verb s/es. The teacher also asked the students to always

bring dictionary so that he/she would not find difficulties in

translating the sentences.

c) Spelling and Pronouncing English words

Different language had different rules. As English is perfectly

different from Indonesian language, the rules English also

differs a lot from Indonesian language rules. The incorrect

spelling or pronouncing English words occurs because the

students do not really understand the rules of English.

Therefore, the teacher needed to give clear explanation of how

to spell and pronounce English words to the students. This

problem can be solved by practicing to spell and pronounce

English word correctly several times and repeat them over and

over again.

d) Limited vocabulary

Vocabulary was one of the keys that one can express his/her

idea. By having rich vocabulary, students would be able to

express whatever they wanted to say, however, it could rarely


be done because limited vocabulary was one of the students‟

difficulties in learning English. Improving vocabulary could be

done with several ways. One of the ways was by reading. The

students could read their favorite books or magazines which

should be written in English. If they found any difficulty words,

they had to immediately find it in the dictionary. Other way, the

students could watch English films or listen English songs to

improve their vocabulary.

Non – Linguistic

e) The disable students

The teacher should guide intensively or support him.

Sometimes, this student was disturbed by his friends but he was

only silent. The teacher could move him to other school,

especially SLB part B. It will make him enjoy the new life.

b. The Solution of the Teacher

1) Uncooperative the students

Uncooperative the students often disturb the process of teaching

and learning. The overcome this problem, the teacher can talk to

them privately. Adolescents often feel ashamed if the teacher

criticize them in fount of their friends or shout at them. However,

there are still other ways if it does not work. The teacher could

warn them of finally give them punishment to leave the class or

send them to guiding and counseling the teacher.

2) Unwillingness to bring a dictionary


Dictionary is the important thing in teaching learning English. it

also became a difficulty for the teacher to get students bring their

dictionary. The teacher, thus, made a rule in the class that “ if you

not bring your dictionary tomorrow, you most bring a snack. Such

as: Oreo, chocolates, or tango”. Most of the students brought the

dictionary on the next day although there were still some students

who did not bring a dictionary (but they brought the snack).

3) Material preparation

It was quite difficult for the teacher to prepare the material before

teaching. The teacher had to fit the material with the topic. It was

impossible for the teacher to use only on English book, because the

recent English book has some lacks, for example: the lack

grammar, inappropriate material for certain students, limited topic,

and some error texts. The teacher must be careful in choosing book

resource. The teacher got some appropriate books which were from

previous year in the library of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, sometime,

the teacher made her own material.

4) Less – motivation and less – practice in writing

Remembering that the students were still teens, the teacher gave

many kinds of activities, it was not only from handbooks but also

from internet. The teacher tried to make the materials as interesting

as possible so that the students felt excited with the materials.


Bathroom Bathroom Kitchen Back building


Garage Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Main Building

Yard Front Building


B. Discussion

In the research finding, the researcher discusses three points of

research findings concerning with the teaching writing on descriptive text in

English subject at seventh grade students of SMP N 03 Mojogedang which

was observed from various dimensions. The process of teaching writing on

descriptive text can be described into several points, such as: (a) building

knowledge of field (BKOF), (b) modeling, (c) joint construction of text,

(independent construction of text.

The other aspect the analyze were the problems of teaching writing on

descriptive text and the solution of teaching writing on descriptive text at SMP

N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar.

In the discussion session, the researcher tries to justify the description

of research findings with the other relevant references or expects.

Below the explanations of the discussion:

1. The Description Implementation the Process of Teaching Writing on

Descriptive Text

In implementing the process of teaching writing on descriptive text

in classroom, there were some of fundamental roles of teacher and


students. Based on the research finding, the teacher role in the process of

teaching writing on descriptive text was as facilitator. He also had a role in

managing and giving evaluations in teaching writing on descriptive text.

As facilitator, the teacher provided the students need in learning.

Based on the research findings, the observation and analysis the

procedurethe process of teaching writing on descriptive text. It was

divided into four steps, namely: building knowledge of the field (BKOF),

modeling, joint construction of text and independent construction of text.

In the building knowledge of the field (BKOF), there were the activities of

greeting, reviewing last material and introducing new material. That was in

line with teacher role in classroom observation that giving questions in the

warning up session before the materials discussed in details in the main

activity. Sometimes there were still miscommunications between the

teacher and the students. The teacher reviewed the last material by giving

some question to the students. By reviewing the material, it would help

them to recall their memory about the material that they have learned.

Then, the teacher started to introduce new material. To problem the

students readiness in following the class, the teacher gave some question

related to the material.

In teaching and learning process, the teacher used English and

Indonesian to deliver the material, because the students did not know the

meaning of English sentences thoroughly.

The secondstep in teaching writing on descriptive text is modeling.

The teacher introduced an example of descriptive text with modeling. The


teacher also explained a little bit information about the function of

descriptive text and using of have/has on the text.

The teacher in teaching writing on descriptive text also use step

joint construction of text is an activity involving all the students in doing

exercise or reconstruction the text. It can be divided in groups, consisting

of several students or in pairs.

In the last step the independent construction of text, the teacher

provided the topic and a piece of paper to write the text. The students were

free to make a descriptive text with their own words, but they have to

concern the arrangement to make a good paragraph.

2. Description the Problems of Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text

In the point of the problems of teaching writing on descriptive text,

the English teacher divided some problems faced when teaching in SMP N

03 Mojogedang.As described in research findings, the following are some


a. The problems of students:

1) Linguistics

a) The confusing formula, the students felt confused about the

formula. He or she said that the formula was difficulties to


b) The weakness in translating skill, the teacher used Grammar –

Translation Method, the students found difficulties in

translating sentences from Indonesian to English. It was

because the case of lacking vocabulary.


c) The spelling and pronouncing English words, the pronunciation

an English word was perfectly different how it was written if it

was compared to the spelling and pronunciation of Indonesian


d) Limited vocabulary, it often happened that students wanted to

express their ideas but they did not know the English word to

express it.

2) Non – linguistics

a. The disable students, in this class, there was a boy who didn‟t

want to write but he listened what the teacher explained to all

students, almost of the teacher recommended him to dropped

out from the school.

b. The problems of the teacher

1) Uncooperative students, in class seven, there were always students

who become trouble makers, both in class VII A and VII B. Trouble

makers rarely paid attention on what the teacher said, they talked to

each other a lot and borrowed their friends‟ work then they were asked

to do some exercise.

2) Unwillingness to bring a dictionary, it also became a difficulty for the

students to bring their dictionary.

3) Material preparation, it was quite difficult for the teacher to prepare the

material before teaching. The teacher had to fit the material with the


4) Less – motivation and less practice in writing, as statement of Mr.

sukamdi as an English teacher for seventh grader in the interview that


there are limited time to practice writing, because it is included in the

second semester test. As the result, most of the students feel writing

difficult. They are not sure because of their weakness in grammar.

Many students are afraid of writing English in the class. So, to create a

good condition in the class, the teacher used to give praise to motivate

the students who would like to answer some question orally.

3. Description the Solution of Teaching Writing on Descriptive Text

Based on research finding, the English teacher divided some

solution when of teaching writing on descriptive text at SMP N 03

Mojogedang. The following are some solutions:

1) The Solution of the Students

a) Linguistics

(1) Solutions to problems from the students on their writing, the

teacher explained each part of the formula: more detail and also

added examples for each parts of the formula. The teacher also

gave many examples so the students could determine whether

the verb was added by s/es or not. This was the strategy the

teacher to help the students memorize how to use correctly.

(2) The teacher gave list of verb, the teacher asked the students to

always bring dictionary so that he/she would not find

difficulties in translating in sentences.

(3) Spelling and pronouncing English words, the teacher needed to

give clear explanation of how to spell and pronounce English

words to the students.


(4) Limited vocabulary, by having rich vocabulary, students would

be able to express whatever they wanted to say. However, it

could rarely be done because limited vocabulary was one of the

students‟ difficulties in learning English.

b) Non – linguistic

(1) The disable students, the teacher should guide intensively him.

the teacher could move him to other school, especially SLB

part B. it will make him enjoy the new life.

2) The Solution of the Teacher

a) Uncooperative students, uncooperative students often disturb the

process of teaching and learning. The overcome this problem, the

teacher can talk to them privately.

b) Unwillingness to bring a dictionary, dictionary is the important

thing in teaching learning English. In also became a difficulty for

the teacher get students bring their dictionary. The teacher,thus

made a rule in the class that “if you do not bring your dictionary

tomorrow, you must bring a snack”. Most of the students brought

the dictionary on the next day.

c) Material preparation, it was quite difficult for the teacher to prepare

the material before teaching. The teacher had to fit the material

with the topic.

d) Less- motivation and less practice in writing, the teacher tried to

make the materials as interesting as possible so that the students

felt excited with the materials.




This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion from the researcher

related to the process, the problems and the solution of the teaching writing on

descriptive text at SMP N 03 Mojogedng, Karanganyar.

A. The Conclusion

In this chapter, the researcher concludes this research. Based on the

research finding and discussion, the researcher is able to conclude three points,

there are as the following:

1. The teaching and learning in SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar

especially in teaching writing on descriptive text, the teacher used two

language in teaching English (English and Indonesian), in the classroom

because he found that the students still found it difficult to communicate

only in English during the process of teaching and learning. In teaching

writing descriptive text by using grammar translation method, it is

important to focus on developing reading skill and writing skill. To make

them well covered, it needs three good steps in teaching English. The first

step was choosing material which is appropriate with standard competence

in Students school. The second, the lesson plan should be well prepared.

The third is the realization of lesson plan. The realization of the lesson

plan consists of BKOF(Building Knowledge of field), Modeling, Joint

Construction of text, and Independent Construction of text.


2. During the teaching and learning activities, especially in teaching writing

on descriptive text, the researcher encountered some problems, the

problems are as follows:

a. The problems of the students

1) Linguistics;

a) The confusing formula

The students felt confused about the formula.

b) The weakness in Translating Skills

The teacher used Grammar-Translation Method, the students

found difficulties in translating sentences from Indonesian into

English. It was because the case of lacking vocabulary.

c) The spelling and pronunciation of English words

The students still also found it difficult in spelling and

pronouncing English words because they haven‟t got used to it.

They rarely experience the use of English in their daily life.

d) Limited vocabulary

When asked to write, the students have lot of things in their

minds, but they have difficulties in transferring their ideas on

their papers because they do not know how to write the

sentence in English. the use of dictionary is a clever step, but it

is still not enough because the language used in daily life is

different from the language used in the dictionary.

2) Non –Linguistics;

a) The disable students


In this class, there was a student whom he didn‟t want to write

but he listened what the teacher explained to all students.

Sometimes, this student wanted to write if he was interested in

main subject, especially English subject.

b. The problems of the teacher

1) Uncooperative students

Uncooperative students are students who cannot cooperative with

the teacher in the teaching and learning process. They usually talk

to each other instead of playing attention to what the teacher says

and borrow their friends‟ work when asked to do some exercise.

2) Unwillingness to bring a dictionary

Dictionary is the important thing in teaching learning English. It

also became a difficulty for the teacher to get students to bring their

dictionary. Sometimes, the students disturb her/his friends.

3) Material preparation

It was quite difficult for Mister Sukamdi S.Pd the teacher to

prepare the material before teaching. The teacher had to fit the

material with the topic.

4) Less motivation students

Some students go to school only because their friends do the same

or because their parents tell them to do so. That is why some

students have less motivation than the others. Students who are not

motivated are rarely interested in any materials presented by the


3. Since the problems in teaching and learning activities are the responsibility

of all members of the school, the researcher would like to suggest some

solutions to overcome the problems. The solutions are as follows:

a. The solution of the students

1) Linguistics;

a) Solution of the problems from the students on their writing

explaining each part of the rule more detail by giving many

exercises. The teacher explained each of the formula: more

detail and also added examples for each parts of the formula.

b) Mister Sukamdi S.Pd the teacher gave list of verbs

To solve the problem of translating sentence, the teacher gave

of list of verb base, verb s/es and also the meaning. It made

students differentiate the verb form easily between verb base

and verb s/es.

c) The spelling and pronunciation of English words

The problems of misspelling in mispronouncing can also be

minimized by practicing a lot. Singing song in English or

watching English movies can help the students pronouncing

English words better.

d) Limited vocabulary

Having rich vocabularies is important. The students can improve

their vocabularies by reading a lot. Reading doesn‟t have to be

boring. By reading fun books or magazines written in English, the

students will be able to get pleasure and be able to improve their

vocabularies at once as far as they want to find the meaning of

difficult words they encounter in their dictionaries.

2) Non –Linguistics;

a) The disable students

The teacher should guide intensively or support him.

Sometimes, this student is disturbed by his friends but he is

only silent. The teacher can move him to other school

especially SLB part B. It will make him enjoy the new life.

b. The solution of the teacher

1) Uncooperative students

Uncooperative students need to be transformed into cooperative

students. It can be done by talking to them privately to change their

behaviors. If it does not work, theteacher can warn them or give

them punishment to leave the class or send them to the guiding and

counseling teacher for better treatment.

2) Unwillingness to bring a dictionary

Dictionary is the important thing in teaching learning English. It

also became a difficulty for the teacher to get students bring their


3) Material preparation

It was quite difficult for the teacher to prepare the material before

teaching. The teacher had to fit the material with the topic. The

teacher appropriate books which were from previous year in the

library of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, sometimes, the teacher made her

own material.

4) Less motivation students

Less motivation students need to be motivated. The teacher can

motivate their students by talking to them about the importance of

education and especially learning English for the future. They can

also be encouraged by things they can achieve when they can speak

English well.

B. The Suggestion

After analyzing the data and making conclusion, the researcher would

like to give some suggestions, as follows:

1. For the English teachers of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar

The English teachers who want to teach the students should be more

creative in teaching English so the students will not feel bored in learning

English. They also have to give rules to the students such as asking them

to memorize vocabularies, and asking them to always study English.

2. For the students of SMP N 03 Mojogedang, Karanganyar

The students who learn English should pay much attention to the teacher,

especially class VII when teaching and learning process happens. They

have to motivate themselves in learning English.

3. For the readers


The researcher suggests them to develop the quality of the learning of

English by using the strategies in the teaching writing on descriptive text.

4. For the school

The researcher suggests to make a policy for the English teacher to teach

their students by using the strategy of teaching writing on descriptive text.



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press, Cambridge.

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Byrne, Donn. 1997. Teaching Writing Skill. New York: Longman.

Hammond, et al. 1992. English for Social Purposes. Sidney, Australia. Macquarie

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to Teach English: An Introduction to the Practice of

English Language Teaching. London: Longman.

Yussack, M. 2004. A Brief Introduction to Genre: Examples Thirteen genres and their
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Meleong, Lexy J. 2004. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT. Remaja


Milles, matew B dan A. Michael Huberman. 1994. Analisis Data Kualitatif. Jakarta:
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Patton, M.Q. 1980. Utilization Focused Evaluation. Berverly Hills: Sage Publication.

Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R dan D. Bandung:


Surakhmad, Winarno. 1991. Dasar & Teknik Research. Bandung: CV. Transito.

Appendix 01




















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Appendix 02

Interview between student and Researcher

Catatan lapangan hasil wawancara

Hari/tanggal : Kamis, 19 februari 2015

Waktu pelaksanaan : 09.00-10.00 WIB
Kegiatan : wawancara dengan murid kelas VII A
Object wawancara : Aprilia sarilarasati
Lokasi : SMP N 03 Mojogedang karanganyar
Pewawancara : Turfina Andriyani

Turfina : siang dek.

Aprilia : siang juga mbak.
Turfina : lagi ngapain ini dek?
Aprilia : ini mbak lagi menyalin catatan, soalnya kemaren lupa nggak bawa
Turfina : oh begitu, emang mencatat apa dek?
Aprilia : ini mbak pelajaran bahasa inggris.
Turfina : boleh mbak minta waktunya sebentar dek?
Aprilia : iya mbak. Ada apa nggeh mbak?
Turfina : adek suka gak pelajaran bahasa inggris?
Aprilia : gak terlalu suka mbak sebenarnya.
Turfina : emang kenapa dek, kok gak terlalu suka pelajaran bahasa inggris?
Aprilia : soalnya pelajaran bahasa inggris itu sulit mbak. Gak begitu ngerti
artinya, hehehe.
Turfina : kan bisa dek melihat artinya di kamus bahasa inggris-indonesia.
Aprilia : iya sih mbak.
Turfina : kalau pak sukamdi mengajar bahasa inggrisnya gimana dek?
Aprilia : kalau pak sukamdi mengajarnya enak mbak, pak sukamdi orangnya baik,
ramah, dan tidak galak mbak. Pak sukamdi juga sabar mengajar kita.
Jadi kita suka mbak kalau diajar bahasa inggris sama pak sukamdi mbak.

Meskipun pelajarannya susah tapi pak sukamdi bisa mbak mengajari kita
Turfina : oh begitu. Biasanya pak sukamdi mengajarnya menggunakan media apa
Aprilia : kalau mengajar pak sukamdi gak menentu mbak. Ganti-ganti, kadang
pakai media gambar, kadang nonton film, kadang juga Cuma pakai buku
pegangan aja mbak. Tapi yg lebih sering pakai buku, papan tulis, dan
penghapus aja mb. Soalnya kalau pakai LCD untuk nonton film juga
ngantri gantian dengan kelas lain sedangkan ruangan itu cuma ada 1
mbak. Jadi jarang sekali menggunakan LCD mbak.
Turfina : oh begitu dek. Tapi kalau Cuma pakai buku pegangan aja apa kalian
semua gak bosan?
Aprilia : ya gak juga sih mbak, soalnya pak sukamdi juga baik orangnya.kita
Juga sering di ajak becanda dan banyak cara pak sukamdi mengajari kita
jadi kita gak bosan diajar pak sukamdi.
Turfina : oh iya, kalau dalam mengajar pak sukamdi sering gak dek meberikan
motivasi untuk menyemangati belajar kalian?
Aprilia : sering mbak. Pak sukamdi sering sekali menyemangati kita, untuk rajin-
rajin belajar.
Turfina : kalau selesai mengajar biasanya apa yg beliau ucapkan? Apa memberi
PR atau langsung di tutup biasa aja?
Aprilia : kalau memberi PR gak terlalu mbak, tapi pak sukamdi selalu
menanyakan kembali materi yg baru saja beliau sampaikan. Dan setiap
pertemuan yg akan datang pak sukamdi sering menanyakan kembali
pelajaran kemaren mbak. Kadang-kadang dikasih pertanyaan-pertanyaan
ringan tentang materi pelajaran kemaren, untuk mengingat kembali
materi yg sudah diajarkan agar kita tidak lupa mbak.
Turfina : oh iya, yasudah terimakasih ya dek sudah dibolehin tanya-tanya sama
Aprilia : oh iya mbak sama-sama. Semoga cepat selesai ya mbak tugasnya dan
semoga cepat lulus.

Turfina : iya dek. Terimakasih ya dek atas doanya. Kamu juga yg rajin dek
belajarnya biar nanti bisa melanjutkan ke sekolah yg kamu inginkan.
Aprilia : amin, makasih juga ya mbak.
Turfina : iya dek sama-sama.

Appendix 03

Class observation one

Name of Class: VII A

Name of Teacher: Mr. Sukamdi S.Pd
Participants: 36 students
Time: Tuesday, 24th 2015

The researcher did the observation in the VII A class on Tuesday, 24 th 2015. When
the researcher come the process teaching writing descriptive text was going in the
classroom. The researcher ask the permission to Mr. sukamdi. After Mr. sukamdi
allowed the researcher to entering the class, the researcher sat on the back of
classroom to observe the process teaching writing descriptive text. the material for
that day was about building knowledge of the field (BKOF). Firstly, Mr. sukamdi
greeted the students in english by saying “ assalamu‟alaikum” and the students
greeted the teacher by saying “ waalaikumsalam”.
After that, Mr. sukamdi reviewed last material by giving some question to the
students. By reviewing the material, it would help them to recall their memory about
the material that they have learned. Then, Mr. sukamdi started to introduce new
material. To problem the students readiness in following the class, Mr. sukamdi gave
some questions related to the material. In teaching writing process, Mr sukamdi used
English and Indonesian to deliver the material, because the students did not know the
meaning of English sentences thoroughly. Mr sukamdi gave the question above, to
make the students interested in and curious to the material that it would be taught
from the beginning so that the would enjoy it. after few minute , the bell rang, then
the teacher gave the conclusion about the material for that day. After that the teacher
closed the class by asking the students to say “ hamdallah” after that Mr sukamdi said
“ assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb” than the students answered “ waalaikumsalam Wr.
Wb”. Finally Mr sukamdi and the researcher leave the class.
Class observation two

Name of class: VII A

Name of teacher: Mr sukamdi S.Pd
Participants: 36 students
Time: Tuesday, 3rd 2015

That day was the second observation in my research. In opening, the teacher came to
the class, and then greeted the students by saying “ assalamu‟alaikum Wr, Wb”. The
students replied it “ waalaikumsalam Wr, Wb”. Then the teacher opening the lesson.
But before it, he checked the students attendance by calling their names one by one.
Then the teacher gave motivation to the students to raise their spirit in learning
english. in the main activity. The teacher told about the material of the day. The
material was about the modeling. This actifity would help the students in applying
their ability in reading skill. The teacher also tried to involve the listening and
speaking skill in this material.
The teacher read the text, sentence by sentence and the students listened to the
teacher. Here the students were trained to apply their ability in listening skill. After
that, the teacher asked them to repeat it. through this actifity, they have developed
their speaking skill. Than the teacher also gave the students some exercises, related to
descriptive text about house. The exercise were matching, grid completion, puzzle,
jumbled paragraph, gap filling, and cloze text. one of the exercises involved the
writing skill.
In closing the teacher and the students reviewed the material and discussed the
students work. Then, they concluded the material. The teacher asked the students‟
whether they had difficulties or not. Then the teacher closed the lesson by saying “

Class observation three

Name of class: VII A

Name of teacher: Mr Sukamdi S.Pd
Participants: 36 students
Time: Tuesday, 10th 2015

That day was the third observation in my research on Tuesday 10 th 2015 in VII A
class. In opening the teacher Mr sukamdi come to the class, and then greeted the
students by saying “ assalamu‟alaikum Wr, Wb”. The students by saying “
waalaikumsalam Wr, Wb”. Then the teacher opening the lesson. But before it, he
checked the students attendance by calling their names one by one. Then the teacher
gave motivation to the students to raise their spirit in learning English. In the main
activity, the teacher told about the material of the day. The material was about joint
construction of text. the teacher gave exercise in game session. The game was called “
writing game”. The teacher divided the students into seven groups. English group
consisted of three students. They had to listen to the text and the questions read by the
teacher. In those training the students were asked to reconstruct the text, the teacher
gave them a piece of paper containing the guideline to complete the paragraph, guided
by the teacher.
In closing the teacher and the students reviewed the material and discussed the
students work. Then, they concluded the material. The teacher asked the students‟
whether they had difficulties or not. Then the teacher closed the lesson by saying “

Class observation four

Name of class: VII A

Names of teacher: Mr Sukamdi S.Pd
Participants: 36 students
Time: Tuesday, 17th 2015

Than day was the last observation on Tuesday 17th 2015 in VII A class. In opening the
teacher came to the class, and then greeted the students by saying “ assalamu‟alaikum
Wr, Wb”. The students replied it “ waalaikumsalam Wr, Wb”. Then the teacher
opening the lesson. But before it, he checked the students attendance by calling their
names one by one. Then the teacher gave motivation to the students to raise their
spirit in learning English. in the main activity, the teacher told about material of the
day. The material was about the independent construction of text. in the material, the
purpose is to practice the students when they produce a new text of the same genre
individually. The teacher provided the topic and the piece of paper to write the text.
the students were free to make a descriptive text with their own words, but they have
to concern the arrangement to make good paragraph. Here, the teacher still guided
them. The teacher became a facilitator for the students, if they had some problems in
writing the text.
In closing the teacher and the students reviewed the material and discussed the
students work. Then, they concluded the material. The teacher asked the students‟
whether they had difficulties or not. Then the teacher closed the lesson by saying


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 1. Mendengarkan
memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
MateriPembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
1.1 Merespon makna 1.Percakapan singkat  Tanya jawab Merespon 1.Tes lisan 1.Merespon Listen to the expressions 2x40 Script
dalam percakapan memuat ungkapan- yang terkait ungkapan ungkapan and give your response. menit Bahan-bahan
transaksional ( to ungkapan : dengan ungkapan lisan 1 .A: Good morning. rekaman
get things done ) Contoh : materi B: ....................... (kaset, CD ,
dan interpersonal  -A : Good morning  Membahas 1. Sapaan orang VCD )
(bersosialisasi ) How are you ? kosa kata yang sudah / 2. Listen to the
yang mengunakan B : Fine Thanks. dan tata belum dikenal 2.Tes 2.Pilihan expressions and
ragam bahasa lisan Nice to meet you bahasa yang tertulis Ganda choose the best option.
sangat sederhana terkait A : “Hi, I’m Yeny,Nice
secara akurat,  -A : Hello, I’’m Nina dengan to meet
lancar dan B : Hi, I’m Reny sapaan, 2. Perkenalan diri you
berterima untuk Nice to meet you perkenalan, sendiri / orang B : ...
berinteraksi memberi lain a. oh, really ?
dengan lingkungan  -A : Don’t do that perintah b. Thank you so much
terdekat yang B : No. I won’t atau c. It’s a pleasure
melibatkan tindak melarang d. Nice to meet you,
tutur : menyapa -A : Stop it  Mendengark Too
orang yang B : Ok an
belum/sudah 2.Tata Bahasa percakapan 3.Melakukan 3. Give it to me !
dikenal, Verb be yang terkait 3.Unjuk perintah
memperkenalkan Imperatives dengan 3. Perintah / kerja guru
diri sendiri / orang 3. Kosakata sapaan, larangan
lain, dan  Kata Terkait perkenalan,

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
MateriPembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
memerintah atau Tema memberi
melarang  Kata Terkait perintah
Jenis Teks atau
 Menjawab /
yg didengar.

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
1.2. Merespon makna 1. Percakapan singkat 1. Mendengarkan Merespon 1. Tes lisan 1.Merespon 1.Listen to the questions /
dalam percakapan memuat ungkapan- dan merespon ungkapan- pertanyaa expression and give
transaksional ( to ungkapan sebagai percakapan ungkapan : n/ your answer / response 2x40 Buku guru
get things done ) berikut: tentang 1. Meminta dan ungkapan orally. menit
dan interpersonal meminta dan memberi lisan a. A: How many persons Script
(bersosialisasi ) Contoh : memberi informasi are percakapan
yang mengunakan A : Where’s the book? informasi, in the conversation? tulis
ragam bahasa lisan B : It’s there. ungkapan 2. Ungkapan terima B: ............
sangat sederhana terimakasih, kasih 2. Tes tulis b. A: thank you so much. Rekaman
secara akurat, A : Thank you. permintaan 2.Menjawab B: ............ percakapan
lancar dan B : You’re welcome. maaf, pertanyaa dalam kaset,
berterima untuk kesantunan. 3. Permintaan maaf n lisan 2 Listen to the questions / CD , DVD, film
beriteraksi dengan A : I’m sorry. 2. memperhatika secara expressions and write
lingkungan B : it,s okay. n kosakata dan tertulis your answer / response.
terdekat yang tatabahasa 4. Kesantunan a. A : What’s that ?
melibatkan tindak A : Please..! yang B : .........
tutur : meminta B : All right thanks. kemungkinan
dan memberi besar muncul b. A: Sorry I’m Late.

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
MateriPembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
informasi, dalam B: .........
mengucapkan mendengarkan
terima kasih, topik materi c. A : Come in, please !
meminta maaf, dan 3. mendengarkan B : ...
mengungkapkan percakapan
kesantunan tentang d. A : You are so kind.
meminta dan Thank you
memberi B : ...
maaf dan
4. mendengarkan
yang muncul
dalam materi
5. menjawab /
materi yang
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 2. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Kompetensi Waktu Belajar
Dasar Instrumen Instrumen
2.1 Merespon 1. Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab 1. menentukan 1.Tes tulis Pilihan 1. Listen to the 2x40 Script
makna tindak pendek. yang terkait makna dalam ganda dialogue or menit percakapan
tutur yang Contoh: dengan materi teks lisan expression or
terdapat  Keep closed ! 2. Membahas fungsional text and choose Gambar
dalam teks  Things to buy : kosakata & tata pendek berupa: the right answer benda-
lisan - Sugar bahasa: verb - Instruksi 2.Tes Lisan Jawaban benda
fungsional - Flour phrase yang - Daftar benda / Singkat 2. What is the kebutuh-an
pendek sangat - Meat berkaitan dengan barang purpose of the sehari-hari
sederhana - Butter instruksi, ucapan (Shoping list ) teks?
secara akurat,  Congratulation selamat; noun - Ucapan selamat Bahan
lancar dan s! phrase yang - Pengumuman 3. What do you call rekaman
berterima - Well done ! berkaitan dengan this kind of teks? (kaset, CD
untuk  Announcemen daftar 2. Mengidentifikasi ,VCD ,dll)
berinteraksi t! benda/barang tujuan teks
dengan  “ School will 3. Mendengarkan fungsional
lingkungan close tomorow berbagai contoh
terdekat since it’s the teks fungsional 3. Mengidentifikasi
WAISAK day.” pendek bentuk teks
2. Tata bahasa 4. Menjawab/mere fungsional
 Imperatives spon pertanyaan
 Future “will” tentang :
3. Kosa kata a. Isi teks yang
 Kata terkait didengar
tema b. Tujuan teks

 Kata terkait fungsional

jenis teks c. Bentuk teks
4. Ungkapan Baku fungsional
 well done
 congratulatio-
ns !

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )

Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Kompetensi Waktu Belajar
Dasar Instrumen Instrumen
2.2. Merespon Teks fungsional pendek: 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Mengidentifikasi 1. Tes lisan Daftar Listen and answer 2x40 Script teks
makna Contoh: merespon makna gagasan pertanyaan the questions menit funsional
gagasan 1.- Congratulations ! percakapan tentang dalam teks lisan orally! pendek lisan
yang - Well done ! makna yang tersurat fungsional Dari buku teks
terdapat 2. Announce ment ! dalam ungkapan- pendek berupa: Game Listen and mention
dalam teks “ School will close ungkapan fungsional - Instruksi as many shopping Script teks
lisan tomorow since it’s pendek berupa - Shopping list list items as you fungsional
fungsional the WAISAK day instruksi, shopping - Greeting card can remember pendek lisan
pendek 3. Come in ! list, greeting card, - Announcement yang ada
sangat 4. Things to bring along announcement. 2. Tes tulis Melengk-api Listen to the dalam
sederhana For camping 2. Memperhatikan 2. Mengidentifikasi announcement and kehidupan
secara - cooking utensils kosakata dan makna fill in the nyata
akurat, - tents tatabahasa yang interpersonal blank spaces
lancar dan - clothing mungkin muncul teks lisan T/F Rekaman
berterima dalam makna yang fungsional Write down T/F for kaset, CD ,
untuk Tata Bahasa : tersurat dalam pendek the statements DVD, film
berinteraksi  Verb do/does ungkapan-ungkapan Pilihan below
dengan  Future Tense fungsional pendek 3. Unjuk ganda
lingkungan lisan berupa instruksi, kerja Choose the best

terdekat Kosakata : shopping list, 3.Mengidentifikasi answer by crossing

 Kata terkait greeting card, makna tersirat Menjodoh a, b, c, or d
tema announcement dalam teks lisan kan
 Kata terkait jenis 3. Mendengarkan teks- fungsional Match the
teks teks lisan fungsional pendek statements in list A
pendek yang terkait Respon dg and B
Ungkapan Baku dengan topik materi tindakan
 Great ! terkait Listen to the
 Wonderful 4. Mengidentifikasi instruction and do
makna gagasan it!
/interpersonal teks
lisan fungsional
pendek yang terkait
dengan topik materi
5. Menjawab
pertanyaan tentang
berbagai informasi
yang terdapat dalam
materi teks
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 3. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Alokasi Sumber
Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
3.1 Mengungkapkan Percakapan Singkat 1. Tanya jawab yang Mengungkapkan Unjuk kerja Tanya jawab 1. Ask and answer your 4x40 Script
makna dalam Contoh: Memuat berkaitan dengan berbagai tindak friend based on the menit percakapan
percakapan ungkapan-ungkapan materi. tutur: picture
transaksional dan sbb : 2. Meniru ungkapan- 1. Menyapa Bermain Buku teks yang
interpersonal A : Good morning ungkapan sapaan dan yang unjuk kerja peran 2. Perform the dialogue relevan
dengan How Are you? respon sapaan. belum/sud in front of the class!
menggunakan B : Fine thanks. 3. Membahas kosakata ah dikenal Bermain
ragam bahasa lisan dan struktur 2. Memperk Unjuk kerja peran 3.Work in pairs Alat peraga
sangat sederhana percakapan sesuai enalkan A. Give instructions Kartu peran
secara akurat, A : Hi, I’m Rani materi. diri
lancar dan B : Hello, I’m Nina. 4. Latihan percakapan sendiri/or B. Does the
berterima untuk dalam bentuk dialog. ang lain. Instructions and
berinteraksi A : Go away ! 5. Menggunakan 3. Memerint respond
dengan lingkungan B : Okay. ungkapan-ungkapan ah/melara
terdekat yang percakapan sesuai ng
melibatkan tindak A : Don’t be Noisy materi dalam situasi
tutur : orang B : I won’t. nyata.
menyapa yang
belum dikenal, Tata Bahasa
memperkenalkan Kalimat (+)(-)(?)
diri sendiri / orang Kosakata
lain, dan  Kata terkait tema

memerintah atau  Kata terkait jenis

melarang teks

Ungkapan Baku

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
3.2 Mengungkapkan Percalapan singkat 1. Mendengarkan dan Bertanya dan Unjuk Kerja Tanya jwb 1. Ask and answer 4x40 Script
makna dalam Contoh : memberi respon menjawab questions to your menit percakapan
percakapan tentang introduction, tentang : friends based on
transaksional dan Where is it ? tindak tutur 1. Meminta the situation Buku teks
interpersonal It’s here. terkaittopik materi dan Unjuk Kerja given or picture berisi
dengan yang akan memberi Merespon 2. Respond to the percakapan
menggunakan A. Thanks a lot. disampaikan informasi dg singkat following
ragam bahasa lisan B. You’ re 2. Memperhatikan Unjuk Kerja expressions Alat peraga
sangat sederhana Welcome. penjelasan tentang
secara akurat, kosakata dan 2. Mengucapka Tes Praktik Bermain 3.Read the dialog and
lancar dan A. I’ m sorry. tatabahasa yang n terima peran perform it
berterima untuk B. It’s Okay. muncul dalam tindak kasih Games(20
berinteraksi tutur dengan topik Question) 4. a. Please guess, what
dengan lingkungan A. Please, materi yang akan is there in the box
terdekat yang come in. disampaikan 3. Meminta by asking
melibatkan tindak 3. Mendengarkan model maaf questions
tutur : meminta B. Thank you. percakapan yang
dan memberi menggunakan tindak b.Perform a role play
informasi, Tata Bahasa tutur tentang topik 4. Mengungkap with your friend
mengucapkan Contractions materi yang kan dan about asking and
terima kasih I’m disampaikan merespons giving information.
meminta maaf dan He’s 4. Menggunakan tindak kesantunan Use the pictures
mengungkapkan She’s tutur dengan topik provided
kesantunan materi yang
Kosakata disampaikan dengan
 Kata terkait teman

tema 5. Menggunakan tindak

 Kata terkait tutur dengan topik
jenis teks materi yang
Ungkapan Baku disampaikan dengan
Please variasi-variasi atau
Thanks a lot kemungkinan-
kemungkinan secara
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 4. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Materi Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
4.1 Mengungkapkan Teks Fungsional Pendek 1.Tanya jawab yang 1.Memberi Tes lisan 1.Membaha- 1. Give an instruction 4x40 1.Buku teks
makna tindak tutur Berbentuk : berkaitan dengan instruksi Sakan based on menit yang relevan
fungsional pendek  Intruction Materi gambar the picture shown! 2.Alat peraga
sangat sederhana  Shopping list 3.Rekaman
secara akurat,  Greetings 2.Menirukan ungkapan- Unjuk kerja 2.Uji Petik 2. Mention 5 things kaset, CD
lancar dan  Announcement ungkapan sesuai 2.Menyebut you have in : ,VCD ,film
berterima untuk materi daftar benda a. Your bag 4.Rekaman
berinteraksi Tata Bahasa b. your bedroom percakapan
dengan lingkungan  Negative 3.Membahas kosakata otentik
terdekat  Imperratives dan struktur Unjuk kerja 3.Uji Petik 3. What would you say
percakapan 3.Mengucapkan to a friend :
Kosakata selamat a. on his/her
 Kata terkait tema 4.Latihan memberi birthday
 Kata terkait jenis perintah, b. in weekends
teks mengucapkan c. if he/she has got
 selamat, the best in class
mengumumkan Unjuk kerja
dengan singkat 4.Mengumumka 4. Uji Petik
5. Menggunakan n dengan 4. inform your friend
ungkapan singkat about the coming
percakapan dalam flag ceremony
situasi nyata through an

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
4.2.Mengungkapkan 1. Teks fungsional 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Memberi Tes lisan Membahasa 1. Give instruction to 4x40 Script of short
makna gagasan berbentuk : memberi respon insruksi kan gambar your friend based menit functional text
dalam teks lisan  instruction introduction secara lisan. on the picture.
fungsional pendek  shopping list tentang makna Buku teks
sangat sederhana  greetings gagasan teks lisan 2. Menyebutka Tes lisan Uraian 2. Mention the things
secara akurat,  announcement fungsional pendek n daftar that you find in Rekaman
lancar, dan sesuai topik materi barang yang your bedroom kaset, CD ,VCD
berterima untuk 2. Tata Bahasa yang akan dibutuhkan. , DVD, Fm
berinteraksi  Quantifiers disampaikan Unjuk kerja Uji Petik 3. Congratulate your
dengan lingkungan 2. Mendengarkan dan 3. Memberi friend on Alat peraga
terdekat 3. Kosakata memberi respon ucapan his / her success in
 Countable & penjelasan tentang selamat doing
Uncountable nouns kosakata, something
tatabahasa: noun, Unjuk kerja Uji Petik
4. Ungkapan Baku noun phrase, adj, 4. Mengumum 4. Tell your friend
 attention ! verb, adverbs, kan sesuatu about the
 Excuse /me shrort answer, coming school
istilah-istilah dalam Tes lisan Menjawab holiday
teks fungsional pertanyaan
pendek. Listen to the texts and
3. Mendengarkan answer the questions
model teks-teks orally.
lisan fungsional
4. Menggunakan teks-
teks fungsional
pendek dalam

5. Mengidentifikasi
makna gagasan
teks-teks lisan
fungsional pendek
6. Menjawab
tentang makna
gagasan teks
fungsional pendek
secara lisan
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 5. Membaca
Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
5.1 Membaca nyaring 1.Pronunciation kata 1. Mendengarkan 1. Melafalkan 1.Tes unjuk Uji petik 1. Read the sentences 2x40 Buku teks
bermakna kata, dan Intonation: dan merespon hal- kata, frasa dan kerja membaca loudly. menit
frasa, dan kalimat frasa, hal yang perlu kalimat nyaring
dengan ucapan, kalimat yang diperhatikan dalam dengan baik
tekanan dan telah dipelajari kegiatan membaca dan benar teks
intonasi yang nyaring: 2.Observasi Lembar 2. Read all the otentik
berterima yang 2.Teks fungsional pronunciation, 2. Membaca kata observasi sentences loudly and
berkaitan dengan pendek intonation frasa dan carefully.
lingkungan 1. cara membaca 2. Mendengarkan kalimat
terdekat kata, frasa, model membaca dengan 3. Observasi Lembar 3. Read the text
kalimat. nyaring intonasi yang Observasi Loudly
2. pronunciation. 3. Menirukan benar
3. intonation membaca nyaring
dengan intonasi 3. Membaca
dan jeda sesuai nyaring
model dengan baik
4. Membaca nyaring dan benar.
sendiri dengan
lafal, intonasi, dan
jeda yang baik dan
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )

5.2 Merespon makna  Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab 1. Tes tulis Pilihan ganda 1. a. Read the text 4 x 40 - Buku teks
yang terdapat pendek berbentuk: yang terkait Mengidentifikasi and choose menit
dalam teks tulis dengan materi berbagai the correct - Sumber
fungsional pendek 1. Instruksi 2. Menirukan informasi dalam answer. bacaan lain
sangat sederhana 2. Daftar barang membaca teks fungsional Tes lisan Melengkapi yang relevan
secara akurat, 3. Kartu ucapan nyaring pendek kalimat/frase b-Complete the
lancar dan 4. Pengumuman 3. Mengidentifika berbentuk : noun phrases
berterima yang si informasi  Instruksi stated in the
berkaitan dengan yang terdapat  Daftar sentences
lingkungan dalam bacaan barang below!
terdekat 4. Membahas  Kartu Tes tulis Menjawab
kosakata ucapan pertanyaan c. Answer the
struktur  Pengumu questionarry based
kalimat, man Tes Lisan Menjodohkan on the text!
struktur 2.
bacaan, tujuan Mengidentifikasi 2. Match the text
teks, dsb ciri kebahasaan with the correct
teks yang dibaca Jwb singkat phrases
3. Membahas
tujuan masing- 3. What’s the
masing teks purpose of the
fungsional yang text?
telah dibahas.
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 6.Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
6.1 Mengungkap-kan  Teks fungsional 1.Membahas ciri-ciri 1.Melengkapi teks Tes tulis 1.Mlengkapi 1. Complete the blank 6x40 -Buku teks
makna gagasan pendek berbentuk: jenis teks fungsional pendek a. Menyus- spaces of the menit
dalam teks tulis 1. Instruksi fungsional un Kata following text! - Alat peraga
fungsional 2. Daftar barang pendek
pendek sangat 3. Kartu ucapan 2.Menyusun Tes tulis b. Menyu- a. Arranged the ju - Lingkung-an
sederhana 4. Pengumuman 2.Membuat frasa, kata/urutan kata sun mbled words into sekitar yang
dengan 5. Kalimat kalimat sesuai menjadi kalimat Kalimat good sentences terdapat
menggunakan sederhana materi yang padu b. Arrange the pengumuma
ragam bahasa terkait materi jumbled n dan tanda
tulis secara dan jenis teks. sentences in a good peringatan
akurat, lancar  Tanda Baca Tes tulis order
dan berterima  Spelling 3.Menulis teks 2. Esai
untuk 3.Membuat teks fungsional pendek 2. Make a greeting card
berinteraksi fungsional pendek (choose the topic you
dengan prefer: Happy
lingkungan birthday, Wedding,
terdekat Season’s greeting)
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
6.2.Mengungkapkan 1. Teks fungsional 1. Mendengarkan 1. Membuat teks Tes tulis Melengkapi 1. Complete the blank 6x40 Buku teks
langkah retorika pendek tentang : dan merespon fungsional spaces of the short menit
dalam teks tulis - Instruksi penjelasan pendek text. Alat peraga
fungsional - Daftar barang tentang ciri-ciri
pendek sangat - Kartu ucapan teks fungsional 2. Menggunakan Tes tulis Esai 2a. Write down an

sederhana - pengumuman pendek langkah announcement Pengumuman,i

dengan retorika dalam based on the given nstruksi, daftar
menggunakan  Langkah retorika teks 2. Menyusun kata menulis teks situation barang,kartu
ragam bahasa fungsional pendek dalam bentuk fungsional Project ucapan otentik
tulis secara frasa benda pendek b. Go to public places
akurat, lancar and find at least 10
dan berterima 3. Menyusun kata, written short texts
untuk frasa dalam Uraian
berinteraksi kalimat padu c. Make a list of things
dengan you find in the
lingkungan 4. Mengidentifikasi following
terdekat ciri-ciri teks places
fungsional 1. bedroom
pendek yang 2. bathroom
diberikan dengan 3. kitchen
bantuan guru

5. Mengidentifikasi
ciri-ciri teks
pendek yang
diberikan secara

6. melengkapi teks
pendek dengan
struktur teks
yang benar.
7. Menulis teks
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 7. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Penilaian
Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
7.1 Merespon makna 1. Percakapan 1. Tanya jawab Merespon Tes lisan Merespon 1. Listen to the expression 2x40 - script
dalam percakapan singkat memuat tentang berbagai ungkapan- ungkapan and menit percakapan
transaksional (to get ungkapan- hal terkait ungkapan : respond to it
things done ) dan ungkapan : materi 1.Meminta & - rekaman
interpersonal 2. Membahas memberi jasa a. Tes tulis Matching 2. Listen to the expression media
(bersosialisasi) sangat Contoh: kosakata dan and elektonik:
sederhana secara A :Pass me the tata bahasa: 2. Meminta & match it with the suitable kaset, VCD ,
akurat, lancar dan pencil, please! noun phrase, memberi response DVD film
berterima untuk B :Sure. Here you are. adjective, barang
berinteraksi dengan A : Give me a piece adverb, verb b.Unjuk T/F 3. Listen to the dialoque
lingkungan terdekat of paper, please! yang terkait kerja and
yang melibatkan B : Sure, Here You dengan meminta decide whether it is TRUE
tindak tutur : are. dan memberi Merespon or
meminta dan A : Did you come jasa, meminta Tes lisan tindakan FALSE.
memberi jasa, here yesterday? dan memberi 4. Pass me the pencil,
meminta dan B : I did. barang, meminta 3.Meminta & Memberi please.
memberi barang, 2. Tata Bahasa dan memberi memberi jawaban
serta meminta dan  Simple Past tense fakta fakta singkat 5. Give short answer
memberi fakta  Quantifiers 3. Mendengarkan
3. Kosa kata percakapan
 Kata terkait tema sesuai dengan
 Kata terkait jenis materi
teks 4. Menjawab
4. Ungkapan Baku pertanyaan
Sure sesuai dengan isi
Please percakapan

5. Menjawab
tentang struktur

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
7.2 Merespon makna Percakapan singkat 1. Mendengarkan Merespon Tes lisan Merespon Respond to the following 2x 40 Script
dalam percakapan memuat ungkapan- dan merespon ungkapan- ungkapan expressions orally. menit percakapan di
transaksional ungkapan : introduction ungkapan : 1. A: What do you think? buku teks
( to get things done) tentang topik 1. Meminta dan B: .Not ........
dan interpersonal Contoh : materi yang akan memberi Tes Lisan Merespon 2. A: What do you like to Rekaman
(bersosialisasi ) disampaikan pendapat ungkapan drink? percakapan
sangat sederhana 1.A: What do you 2. Mendengarkan B: ................... buatan: CD
secara akurat, lancar Think? dan merespon 2.Menyatakan ,VCD ,DVD,
dan berterima untuk B: Not bad penjelasan suka dan tidak film
berinteraksi dengan kosakata dan suka Tes tulis pilihan 3. A: Are you sure?
lingkungan terdekat 2.A: I like tea tatabahasa ganda B: .................. Rekaman
yang melibatkan B: I dont I like milk tentang topik a. Ok b. Fine percakapan
tindak turur : materi yang akan 3.Meminta c. Alright d. I am otentik
meminta dan 3.A:.Are you sure ? dipelajari klarifikasi
memberi pendapat B : I am 3. mendengarkan Tes tulis jwbn singkat 4. A: I’m happy
dan menyatakan suka percakapan B: Are you?
dan tidak suka, 4.A: Are you? transaksional A:…….
meminta klarifikasi, B : Yes, I am dan 4. Merespon
dan merespon secara interpersonal secara
interpersonal Tata Bahasa tentang topik interpersonal
 Verb : Like, materi yang
need, want dipelajari
4. mengidentifikasi
Kosa kata tindak tutur
 Daily need ungkapan-
 Kata terkait jenis ungkapan yang

teks diperdengarkan
6. merespon
Ungkapan Baku ungkapan-
 Not bad ungkapan yang
 Great diperdengarkan

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 8. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
8.1 Merespon makna  Teks fungsional 1. Brain storming 1.Merespon makna Tes lisan Jwbn singkat Listen to the text and 2x40 script :
yang terdapat dalam pendek berupa tentang kosakata dalam teks fung- answer the questions. menit di buku guru
teks lisan fungsional : terkait materi sional pendek : tentang :
pendek sangat 1. Instruksi 2. Membahas - Instruksi Tes tulis -Pilihan ganda Listen to the text and instruksi
sederhana secara 2. Daftar barang kosakata dan - Daftar barang choose the best option.
akurat, lancar dan 3. Ucapan tata bahasa belanjaan - daftar barang
berterima untuk Selamat terkait materi - Ucapan - melengkapi Listen to the text and
berinteraksi dengan 4. tentang : noun, selamat Unjuk kerja complete the sentences. - ucapan
lingkungan terdekat Pengumuman noun phrase, - Pngumuman selamat
adjective, verb, Test Lisan Melakukan Listen to the instruction
adverb. 2. Menentukan perintah and do it ! - pengumum
 Kosakata terkait 3. Mendengarkan Fungsi komuni- -an
tema dan jenis teks fungsional katif teks yang Tes Tulis Jawaban What is the purpose of
teks yang didengar. Singkat the text Rekaman
 Ciri kebahasaan gambit-gambit 3. Menentu kan ciri Uraian singkat Listen and write all the
teks fungsional : attention please, kebahasaan dari verbs stated in the text
- instruksi thanks, excuse masing-masing
- daftar barang me, sorry. teks fungsional Listen and write all the
- ucapan selamat 4. Menjawab yang didengar verbs stated in the text
- pengumuman pertanyaan
sesuai dengan isi

teks yang
5. Menjawab
tentang struktur
teks fungsional
yang didengar

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty )
8.2 Merespon makna  Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan  Merespon informasi Tes lisan Pertanyaan Listen and answer the 2x40 Script teks
yang terdapat dalam berbentuk: dan merespon dalam teks lisan lisan following questions menit monolog
monolog sangat 1. DeskriptIf tentang berbagai monolog deskriptif/pros
sederhana secara 2. prosedur hal terkait tema / berbentuk : edur dalam
akurat, lancar dan jenis teks yang - Diskriptif buku guru
berterima untuk  Kosakata terkait dibahas. - Procedur
berinteraksi dengan tema / jenis teks 2. Memperhatikan Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Listen to the text and Rekaman teks
lingkungan terdekat penjelasan  Menentukan ciri choose the best answer monolog
dalam teks berbentuk  Ciri kebahasaan tentang kosakata kebahasaan teks by crossing a,b,c or d deskriptif
descriptive dan teks deskriptif dan tatabahasa yang didengar. /prosedur
procedure dan procedur. yang muncul Pilihan ganda Listen to the text and
dalam teks Tes tulis choose the best answer
 Langkah retorika deskriptif /  Menentukan fungsi by crossing a,b,c or d
teks deskriptif / prosedur komunikatif teks
prosedur 3. Mendengarkan yang didengar.
model monolog
4. Menjawab
secara lisan
tentang isi teks

5. Menyebutkan
komunikatif teks
yang didengar.
6. Mengidentifikasi
kata kerja dari
teks yang
7. Mendengarkan
teks deskriptif /
prosedur lainnya.
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 9. Berbicara
mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
9.1 Mengungkapkan Percakapan singkat 1. Tanya jawab * Bertanya dan Unjuk kerja Bermain 1. Perform the 4x40 menit  Script
makna dalam memuat ungkapan- yang berkaitan menjawab berbagai peran dialogue with percakapan
percakapan ungkapan : dengan materi informasi : your friend in the dari buku
transaksional ( to 2. Membahas 1.Meminta dan front of the teks
get things done ) Contoh: kosakata dan memberi jasa class!
dan interpersonal tata bahasa:  Alat peraga
( bersosialisasi ) 1.A : Pass me the noun, adjective, 2.Meminta dan Tes Lisan Merespon 2. Listen to the
sangat sederhana pencil please! adverb, noun memberi barang ungkapan expression and  Rekaman
dengan B : Sure. here you phrase respond to it ,
menggunakan are. 3. Menirukan example :
ragam bahasa lisan ungkapan- a. Pass me the salt,
secara akurat, 2.A : Give me the ungkapan yang please.
lancar dan paper Please! digunakan dalam b. Give me the
berterima untuk B : Sure, here it is. percakapan paper,
berinteraksi sesuai materi 3.Meminta dan please.
dengan lingkungan 3.A: Did you come 4. Berlatih dengan memberi fakta Unjuk kerja Bermain c. Did you come
terdekat yang here yesterday ? teman peran late?
melibatkan tindak B : I did mengunakan
tutur : meminta ungkapan- 3. Create a dialoque
dan memberi jasa, Tata Bahasa ungkapan yang based on
meminta dan - Verbs: Like, need, ada dalam the role cards and
memberi barang, want percakapan perform it.

Kompetensi Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
dan meminta - Simple Past Tense sesuai materi
memberi fakta 5. Bermain peran
Kosakata menggunakan
- Kata Terkait tema ungkapan yang
dan jenis teks telah dipelajari.
ungkapan baku
- Here it is
- Here you are

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) 

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
9.2 Mengungkapkan 1. Percakapan 1. Mendengarkan dan Bertanya dan 4x40 Script
makna dalam singkat memuat merespon menjawab berbagai menit percakapan
percakapan ungkapan- pertanyaan Informasi : dalam buku
transaksional (to ungkapan : tentang topik 1. Meminta & Unjuk kerja Bermain Perform a dialogue teks
get things done) & materi yang akan memberi peran about asking and
interpersonal Contoh : disampaikan pendapat giving opinion with Script otentik
(bersosialisai) your own words!
sangat sederhana A : What do you think 2. Mendengarkan dan 2. Menyatakan suka Tes lisan Daftar Rekaman
dengan of this? merespon dan tidak suka pertanyaan Answer the following percakapan
menggunakan B : Not bad pembahasan questions orally!
ragam bahasa lisan tentang kosakata 3. Meminta Unjuk kerja Bermain Alat peraga
secara akurat, A : I like tea dan tatabahasa klarifikasi peran Create a dialoque
lancar dan B : I don’t yang terkait based on the role
berterima untuk A : Are you sure dengan topik 4. Merespon secara Tes lisan Menjawab cards and perform it
berinteraksi B : I am materi yang akan interpersonal singkat Give your positive
dengan lingkungan disampaikan response
terdekat yang A :Do you? a. Do You ?
melibatkan tindak B : I do 3. Mendengarkan b. Are You ?
tutur : meminta model percakapan c. Can You ?
dan memberi 2. Tata Bahasa transaksional dan d. Does she ?
pendapat, - Verb be interpersonal

Kompetensi Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
menyatakan suka - Verb do dengan topik
dantidak suka, - Verb have materi yang
meminta dipelajari
klarifikasi, 3. Kosa kata
merespon secara  Kata terkait tema 4. Menirukan model
interpersonal  Kata terkait jenis percakapan
teks transaksional dan
4. Ungkapan Baku dengan topik
 Wonderful ! materi yang
 Excellent ! dipelajari

5. Melakukan
transaksional dan
dengan teman
dengan materi
yang dipelajari

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan
procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
10.1. 1. Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab Mengungkapkan Unjuk kerja Uji petik 1. Give instrtruction to 4x40 - Script
Mengungkapka pendek yang berkaitan makna dalam teks berbicara your friend orally based menit percakapan
n makna yang berbentuk : dengan materi fungsional pendek on the picture. dari buku
terdapat dalam 1. Instruksi 2. Membahas berbentuk : 2. Mention the things you teks
teks lisan 2. Daftar barang kosakata dan - Instruksi find in ... - Alat peraga
fungsional 3. Pengumuman tata bahasa: - Daftar barang 3. Announce a certain
pendek sangat 4. Ucapan noun, noun - Pengumuman information to your
sederhana selamat phrase, adj, verb, - Ucapan friend
dengan adverb selamat 4. Say something to your
menggunakan 2. Tata Bahasa 3. Menirukan  Memberi friend when ...
ragam bahasa  Imperatives ungkapan- instruksi secara a. He/She got good
lisan secara  Quantifiers ungkapan yang lisan. score
akurat, lancar, digunakan dalam  Menyebutkan at english test
dan berterima 3. Kosakata percakapan daftar barang b. won the game
untuk Kata terkait sesuai materi tertentu.
berinteraksi jenis teks 4. Mendengarkan  Mengumumkan
dengan teks fungsional / sesuatu
lingkungan 4. Ungkapan Baku pendek  Mengucapkan
terdekat  Well done 5. Menjawab selamat
 Congratulation pertanyaan
s tentang isi teks
 Happy yang didengar.

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
birthday 6. Menggunakan
ungkapan yang
ada dalam
sesuai materi
dengan teman
7. Mengguanakan
ungkapan sesuai
dengan materi

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
10.2 1. Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan 1. Mengungkapkan Tes lisan Daftar Answer the following 4x40 menit Script monolog
Mengungkapka berbentuk : dan merespon berbagai informasi pertanyaan questions orally! teks
n makna dalam berbagai hal dalam teks deskriptif/pros
monolog  Descriptiv tentang teks monolog edur dalam
pendek sangat e deskriptif/prosed berbentuk buku teks
sederhana  Procedure ur -Descriptive
dengan 2. Memperhatikan -Procedure Script otentik
menggunakan 2. Kosa kata terkait dan merespon
ragam bahasa tema / jenis teks. penjelasan 2.Menyebutkan fugsi Rekaman
lisan secara tentang kosakata komunikatif teks monolog

Kompetensi Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
akurat, lancar dan tatabahasa yang didengar.
dan berterima 3. Ciri kebahasaan dalam teks Alat peraga
untuk teks deskriptif / monolog 3.Menyebutkan ciri Unjuk kerja
berinteraksi prosedur Deskriptif/prose kebahasaan teks Uji petik 2.a. Describe something /
dengan dur tentang yang didengar. berbicara someone with your own
lingkungan 4. Tata Bahasa Tea/How to words orally in front of
terdekat dalam  Present make a cup of 4.Melakukan the class!
teks berbentuk Tense tea. monolog
descriptive dan  Imperatives 3. Mendengarkan dalam bentuk 2.b. Tell your friends how to
procedure model monolog deskriptif / do something (make a
5. Ungkapan Baku lisan tentang prosedur Uji petik cup of tea)
Well,.. teks berbicara
you know deskriptif/prosed
that ? ur
4. Mendiskusikan
dalam kelompok
draft monolog
prosedur dengan
kata-kata sendiri
5. Melakukan
monolog lisan
secara individu
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca
Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
11.1. Merespon 1. Teks fungsional 1
Tanya jawab yang 1.mengidentifikasi Tes tulis Esai 1.write down the 4x40 Buku teks
makna yang pendek berupa : berkaitan dengan berbagai informasi answers completely menit Yang relevan
terdapat Instruksi materi dalam teks
dalam teks Daftar barang 2 Membahas fungsional pendek Tes lisan Pilihan Ganda 2.Choose the best
tulis fungsional Ucapan selamat kosakata dan tata berupa: Esai answer by crossing
pendek sangat pengumuman bahasa: noun, - Instruksi a,b,c,d
sederhana noun phrase, adj, - Daftar barang Unjuk kerja Jawaban
secara akurat, 2. Tatabahasa verb, adverb - Ucapan Singkat 3.Answer the Teks otentik
lancar dan - Adverb phrase 3 Mendengarkan selamat questions orally
berterima - Noun Phrase contoh membaca - Pengumuman Uji petik
yang berkaitan - Adj Phrase nyaring yang 2.Merespon berbagai membaca 4.Read the text
dengan dilakukan guru informasi dalam nyaring aloud.
lingkungan 3. Kosakata 4 Berdiskusi dengan teks fungsional
terdekat - Kata terkait tema teman menjawab pendek
dan jenis teks pertanyaan bacaan
Ungkapan baku 5 Menjawab 3.Membaca nyaring
- Listen, Please pertanyaan bacaan teks fungsional /
- Attention, please secara lisan pendek.
6 Membaca nyaring
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Kompetensi Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
11.2 Merespon 1.Teks Esei 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes lisan Daftar 1. Read the text 4x40 menit Buku teks
makna dan berbentuk merespon berbagai informasi pertanyaan carefully Yang relevan
langkah deskriptive/procedur introduction dalam teks and then answer
retorika secara e tentang teks descriptive dan the
akurat, lancar deskriptif/prosedur procedure following questions Teks otentik
dan berterima 2. Kosakata terkait dengan topik briefly!
dalam esai tema / jenis teks. materi yang akan Alat peraga
sangat dibaca. 2. Mengidentifikasi Tes tulis Uraian 2. Answer the
sederhana 3.Ciri kebahasaan 2. Memperhatikan fungsi komunikatif questions
yang berkaitan teks : penjelasan tentang teks deskriptif / based on the text.
dengan - procedure kosakata dan procedure.
lingkungan - descrptive tatabahasa yang Tes tulis Pilihan Ganda
terdekat dalam berkaitan dengan 3. Mengidentifikasi 3.Choose the correct
teks berbentuk 4.Ungkapan baku teks langkah retorika Answer
descriptive/pro - Delicious ! deskriptif/prosedur teks deskriptif Jawaban
cedure - It smells good ! yang akan dibaca /prosedur singkat List all the verbs
3. Memperhatikan started in the text
penjelasan tentang
langkah retorika 4menyebutkan ciri
teks kebahasaan teks
deskriptif/prosed- descriptive /
ur procedure.
4. Mengidentifikasi
langkah retorika
dalam kerja
5. Mengidentifikasi
berbagai informasi
dalam kerja

Kompetensi Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
6. Mengidentifikasi
langkah retorika
dan berbagai
informasi secara

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
11.3 membaca  Teks Esei 1 Mendengarkan dan Melafalkan kata, Tes unjuk Melafalkan 1. Pronounce the 2x40 Buku teks
nyaring berbentuk merespon hal-hal frasa dan kalimat kerja following menit
bermakna teks descriptive / yang perlu dengan baik dan words or phrases Teks otentik
fungsional dan procedure. diperhatikandalam benar correctly!
esai pendek dan kegiatan membaca  Membaca kata
sangat  Pronunciation nyaring teks frasa dan kalimat Intonasi 2. Read the following
sederhana descriptive/proced dengan intonasi sentences by
berbentuk  Intonation ure tentang yang benar applying
descriptive/ pentingnya  Membaca nyaring correct intonation!
procedure  punctuation pronunciation, teks Uji petik
dengan ucapan, intonation, descriptive/proced Membaca 3. Read the following
tekanan dan punctuation, ure dengan baik nyaring text loudly!
intonasi yang kualitas suara dan benar.
berterima 2 Mendengarkan
model membaca
nyaring teks
3 Menirukan
membaca nyaring
dengan intonasi
dan jeda sesuai
4 Membaca nyaring

Kompetensi Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar Pembelajaran Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
sendiri dengan
lafal, intonasi, dan
jeda yang baik dan
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )


Sekolah : SMP N 3 Mojogedang

Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 12. Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan
procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Kompetensi Waktu Belajar
Dasar Instrumen Instrumen
12.1 Mengungkapkan 1. Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab  Menulis teks Test tulis Melengkapi 1. Complete the 4x40 - Buku teks
makna dalam teks Instruksi yang berkaitan fungsional Menyusun sentences menit
tulis fungsional Daftar barang dengan materi pendek Tes tulis kata acak - Alat peraga
pendek sangat Pengumuman 2. Membahas dan berbentuk : 2. Rearrange the words
sederhana dengan Ucapan selamat mengembangkan - Instruksi Esai bebas into - Tempat-
menggunakan 2. Kosakata terkait kosakata dan - Daftar barang Penugasan good sentences tempat
ragam bahasa tema / jenis teks. tata bahasa: - Pengumuman umum yang
tulis secara 3. Ciri kebahasaan noun, noun - Ucapan 3. Write down your own ada teks
akurat, lancar dan teks fungsional. phrase, adj, verb, Selamat Tugas shopping list based fungsional
berterima untuk 4. Tanda Baca adverb, simple Pr rumah on the
berinteraksi 5. Spelling tense, imperative  Menulis kalimat situation given.
dengan 3. Membuat frasa, sederhana
lingkungan kalimat sesuai 4. Write down list of
terdekat dengan materi instructions
4. Membahas to be on time to
struktur atau ciri- school
ciri teks tulis
fungsional 5.Write a greeting card
pendek to your
5. Membuat teks friend on his/her
tulis fungsional birthday
terpimpin Listen and make a draft

ataudengan of retelling
teman descriptive/procedure
6. Membuat teks text
tulis fungsional
pendek sendiri
dengan bebas

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Materi Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Kompetensi Waktu Belajar
Dasar Instrumen Instrumen
12.2 Mengungkapkan  Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Melengkapi teks Tes tulis melengkapi 1. Complete the blank 6x40 Buku teks
makna dan berbentuk merespon - descriptive spaces Correctly. menit
langkah retorika introduction - procedure Alat peraga
dalam esai  Descriptive / tentang penulisan
pendek sangat procedure teks monolog 2. Menyusun teks Teks otentik
sederhana deskriptif / menyusun 2. Arrange the jumbled
dengan  Unsur bahasa prosedur. teks sentences into a good
menggunakan terkait teks. 2. Memperhatikan
ragam bahasa penjelasan tentang 3. Menulis teks descriptive/procedure
tulis secara  Langkah retorika kosakata dan berbentuk Esai text
akurat, lancar dan terkait teks. tatabahasa yang - Descriptive/
berterima untuk berkaitan dengan procedure 3. Write down a simple
berinteraksi  Spelling penulisan teks
dengan monolog deskriptif descriptive/procedure
lingkunguan  Tanda baca / prosedur text
terdekat dalam 3. Memperhatikan based on the picture
teks berbentuk dan membaca teks /
descriptive/ deskriptif / with your own words
procedure prosedur.
4. Menulsi frasa-
frasa, kalimat-
kalimat yang

diperlukan untuk
menulis teks
deskriptif /
5. Menulis teks
deskriptif /
prosedur dengan
struktur teks yang
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran:

Nama Sekolah : SMP N 03 Mojogedang

Nama Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Pokok Bahasan : Menulis (Writing)

Sub Pokok Bahasa : Descriptive Text

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Waktu : 2X40 menit

II. Standar Kompotensi:

1.0 Merespon transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana dalam teks
descriptive dengan lingkungan sekitar dan kontek pembelajaran.

III. Kompotensi Dasar:

1.1 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam bacaan
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat dalam teks yang berbentuk descriptive.

VI. Indikator:
1. Menggunakan kalimat semple present tense dalam
mendeskripsikan benda atau orang.
2. Menggunakan tanda bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan
tata tulis dengan akurat.
3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari benda atau orang yang
V. Muatan Nilai-nilai Karakter:
 Kreatif (creative)

 Gemar membaca (Reading habit)

 Tekun (diligence)

 Mandiri(Independence)

VI. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

a. Siswa mengenal teks descriptive
b. Siswa mengenal bagian-bagian (generic structure) teks
c. Siswa mampu membuat teks descriptive dengan tema yang
telah ditentukan.
VII. Materi Pembelajaran:
- Teks descriptive asalah teks yang digunakan untuk
mendeskripsikan/menggambarkan orang, tempat, atau benda
tertentu. Descriptive orang biasanya menampilkan identitas
orang tersebut secara fisik, karacter, kegemaran dan aktifitas

orang tersebut. Descriptive hewan biasanya tentang cirri-ciri

fisik hewan tersebut, tempat tinggal dan kesukaannya.
Descriptive tempat menanpilkan letak/lokasi tersebut, ciri-ciri
tempat tersebut, dan hal yang menarik dari tempat tersebut.
- Generic structure (bagian-bagian) teks descriptive:
1. Identification:mengidentifikasi kejadian yang didescripsikan
2. Description: mendescripsikan tentang ciri-ciri orang, benda
maupun tempat.
- Ciri-ciri kebahasan (language feacure) teks descriptive adalah:
1. Menggunakan simple present tense.
2. Menggunakan kalimat passive.
3. Menggunakan to be (is, am, are, was, were) untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mendescripsikan ciri-ciri maupun
4. Menggunakan kata kerja (have,has, had) untuk menjelaskan
secara detail tentang object yang digunakan.
5. Menggunakan kata sifat dalam menggambarkan karakter
dari object tersebut.
VIII. Metode Pembelajaran:
 Ceramah

 Tanya jawab

 Diskusi

 Praktek

IX. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran:

1. Kegiatan Awal:
a. Guru member salam pembuka dan memeriksa presensi
b. Aperepsi
Guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk
membangun atmosfer-atmosfer mengenai materi

c. Motivasi
Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siswa
semakin semangat untuk belajar.

2. Kegiatan Inti:
a. Eksplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan tentang descriptive text dengan cara
mengulang kembali penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai
descriptive text dan member contoh tulisan dan gambar.

 Siswa diajak agar terlihat antusias dengan materi yang


b. Elaborasi
 Siswa diajak bermain role play dan game agar lebih aktif
didalam kelas.

 Siswa diajak berdiskusi kemudian membuat teks

descriptive berdasarkan tema yang ditentukan.

c. Konfirmasi
 Guru memberikan respon positif terhadap hasil pekerjaan
yang dikerjakan oleh siswa.

 Guru mengingatkan kepada siswa agar mengecek kembali

hasil pekerjaan secara bersama-sama.

3. Kegiatan Akhir
 Guru menanyakan kepada siswa apa kesulitan-kesulitan yang
dihadapi oleh siswa.

 Guru memberikan tugas rumah dan mengakhiri


X. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran:

 Sumber Pembelajaran:

- Buku
- Internet
XI. Penilaian:
a. Teknik: Tertulis
b. Bentuk: Essay
c. Instrument:
Siswa membuat teks descriptive berdasarkan tema yang telah

Pedoman Penilaian

No Uraian skor
1. Isi 30
2. Grammar 35
3. Vocabulary 30
4. Urutan (penyusunan) 5
Total 100

Kunci jawaban: Kreativitas siswa.

Karanganyar, 24 februari 2015

Guru Pamong, Praktikan,

(Sukamdi, S.Pd) (Turfina Andriyani)

NIP. 19741005 200501 1 05 NIM.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran:

Nama Sekolah : SMP N 03 Mojogedang

Nama Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Pokok Bahasan : Menulis (Writing)

Sub Pokok Bahasa : Descriptive Text

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Waktu : 2X40 menit

II. Standar Kompotensi:

2.0 Merespon transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana dalam teks
descriptive dengan lingkungan sekitar dan kontek pembelajaran.

III. Kompotensi Dasar:

2.1 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam bacaan
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat dalam teks yang berbentuk descriptive.

VI. Indikator:
4. Menggunakan kalimat semple present tense dalam
mendeskripsikan benda atau orang.
5. Menggunakan tanda bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan
tata tulis dengan akurat.
6. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari benda atau orang yang
XII. Muatan Nilai-nilai Karakter:
 Kreatif (creative)

 Gemar membaca (Reading habit)

 Tekun (diligence)

 Mandiri(Independence)

XIII. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

d. Siswa mengenal teks descriptive
e. Siswa mengenal bagian-bagian (generic structure) teks
f. Siswa mampu membuat teks descriptive dengan tema yang
telah ditentukan.
XIV. Materi Pembelajaran:
- Teks descriptive asalah teks yang digunakan untuk
mendeskripsikan/menggambarkan orang, tempat, atau benda
tertentu. Descriptive orang biasanya menampilkan identitas
orang tersebut secara fisik, karacter, kegemaran dan aktifitas
orang tersebut. Descriptive hewan biasanya tentang cirri-ciri
fisik hewan tersebut, tempat tinggal dan kesukaannya.

Descriptive tempat menanpilkan letak/lokasi tersebut, ciri-ciri

tempat tersebut, dan hal yang menarik dari tempat tersebut.
- Generic structure (bagian-bagian) teks descriptive:
1. Identification:mengidentifikasi kejadian yang didescripsikan
2. Description: mendescripsikan tentang ciri-ciri orang, benda
maupun tempat.
- Ciri-ciri kebahasan (language feacure) teks descriptive adalah:
6. Menggunakan simple present tense.
7. Menggunakan kalimat passive.
8. Menggunakan to be (is, am, are, was, were) untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mendescripsikan ciri-ciri maupun
9. Menggunakan kata kerja (have,has, had) untuk menjelaskan
secara detail tentang object yang digunakan.
10. Menggunakan kata sifat dalam menggambarkan karakter
dari object tersebut.
XV. Metode Pembelajaran:
 Ceramah

 Tanya jawab

 Diskusi

 Praktek

XVI. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran:

1. Kegiatan Awal:
a. Guru member salam pembuka dan memeriksa presensi
b. Aperepsi
Guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk
membangun atmosfer-atmosfer mengenai materi

c. Motivasi
Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siswa
semakin semangat untuk belajar.

2. Kegiatan Inti:
a. Eksplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan tentang descriptive text dengan cara
mengulang kembali penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai
descriptive text dan member contoh tulisan dan gambar.

 Siswa diajak agar terlihat antusias dengan materi yang


b. Elaborasi
 Siswa diajak bermain role play dan game agar lebih aktif
didalam kelas.

 Siswa diajak berdiskusi kemudian membuat teks

descriptive berdasarkan tema yang ditentukan.

c. Konfirmasi
 Guru memberikan respon positif terhadap hasil pekerjaan
yang dikerjakan oleh siswa.

 Guru mengingatkan kepada siswa agar mengecek kembali

hasil pekerjaan secara bersama-sama.

3. Kegiatan Akhir
 Guru menanyakan kepada siswa apa kesulitan-kesulitan yang
dihadapi oleh siswa.

 Guru memberikan tugas rumah dan mengakhiri


XVII. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran:

 Sumber Pembelajaran:

- Buku
- Internet
XVIII. Penilaian:
a. Teknik: Tertulis
b. Bentuk: Essay
c. Instrument:
Siswa membuat teks descriptive berdasarkan tema yang telah

Pedoman Penilaian
No Uraian Skor
1. Isi 30
2. Grammar 35
3. Vocabulary 30
4. Urutan (penyusunan) 5
Total 100

Kunci jawaban: Kreativitas siswa.

Karanganyar, 03 Maret 2015

Guru Pamong, Praktikan,

(Sukamdi, S.Pd) (Turfina Andriyani)

NIP. 19741005 200501 1 05 NIM.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran:

Nama Sekolah : SMP N 03 Mojogedang

Nama Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Pokok Bahasan : Menulis (Writing)

Sub Pokok Bahasa : Descriptive Text

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Waktu : 2X40 menit

II. Standar Kompotensi:

1.0 Merespon transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana dalam teks
descriptive dengan lingkungan sekitar dan kontek pembelajaran.

III. Kompotensi Dasar:

1.1 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam bacaan
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat dalam teks yang berbentuk descriptive.

VI. Indikator:
1. Menggunakan kalimat semple present tense dalam
mendeskripsikan benda atau orang.
2. Menggunakan tanda bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan
tata tulis dengan akurat.
3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari benda atau orang yang
XIX. Muatan Nilai-nilai Karakter:
 Kreatif (creative)

 Gemar membaca (Reading habit)

 Tekun (diligence)

 Mandiri(Independence)

XX. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

a. Siswa mengenal teks descriptive
b. Siswa mengenal bagian-bagian (generic structure) teks
c. Siswa mampu membuat teks descriptive dengan tema yang
telah ditentukan.
XXI. Materi Pembelajaran:
- Teks descriptive asalah teks yang digunakan untuk
mendeskripsikan/menggambarkan orang, tempat, atau benda
tertentu. Descriptive orang biasanya menampilkan identitas
orang tersebut secara fisik, karacter, kegemaran dan aktifitas

orang tersebut. Descriptive hewan biasanya tentang cirri-ciri

fisik hewan tersebut, tempat tinggal dan kesukaannya.
Descriptive tempat menanpilkan letak/lokasi tersebut, ciri-ciri
tempat tersebut, dan hal yang menarik dari tempat tersebut.
- Generic structure (bagian-bagian) teks descriptive:
1. Identification:mengidentifikasi kejadian yang didescripsikan
2. Description: mendescripsikan tentang ciri-ciri orang, benda
maupun tempat.
- Ciri-ciri kebahasan (language feacure) teks descriptive adalah:
1. Menggunakan simple present tense.
2. Menggunakan kalimat passive.
3. Menggunakan to be (is, am, are, was, were) untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mendescripsikan ciri-ciri maupun
4. Menggunakan kata kerja (have,has, had) untuk menjelaskan
secara detail tentang object yang digunakan.
5. Menggunakan kata sifat dalam menggambarkan karakter
dari object tersebut.
XXII. Metode Pembelajaran:
 Ceramah

 Tanya jawab

 Diskusi

 Praktek

XXIII. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran:

1. Kegiatan Awal:
a. Guru member salam pembuka dan memeriksa presensi
b. Aperepsi
Guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk
membangun atmosfer-atmosfer mengenai materi

c. Motivasi
Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siswa
semakin semangat untuk belajar.

2. Kegiatan Inti:
a. Eksplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan tentang descriptive text dengan cara
mengulang kembali penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai
descriptive text dan member contoh tulisan dan gambar.

 Siswa diajak agar terlihat antusias dengan materi yang


b. Elaborasi
 Siswa diajak bermain role play dan game agar lebih aktif
didalam kelas.

 Siswa diajak berdiskusi kemudian membuat teks

descriptive berdasarkan tema yang ditentukan.

c. Konfirmasi
 Guru memberikan respon positif terhadap hasil pekerjaan
yang dikerjakan oleh siswa.

 Guru mengingatkan kepada siswa agar mengecek kembali

hasil pekerjaan secara bersama-sama.

3. Kegiatan Akhir
 Guru menanyakan kepada siswa apa kesulitan-kesulitan yang
dihadapi oleh siswa.

 Guru memberikan tugas rumah dan mengakhiri


XXIV. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran:

 Sumber Pembelajaran:

- Buku
- Internet
XXV. Penilaian:
a. Teknik: Tertulis
b. Bentuk: Essay
c. Instrument:
Siswa membuat teks descriptive berdasarkan tema yang telah

Pedoman Penilaian

No Uraian skor
1. Isi 30
2. Grammar 35
3. Vocabulary 30
4. Urutan (penyusunan) 5
Total 100

Kunci jawaban: Kreativitas siswa.

Karanganyar, 10 Maret 2015

Guru Pamong, Praktikan,

(Sukamdi, S.Pd) (Turfina Andriyani)

NIP. 19741005 200501 1 05 NIM.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran:

Nama Sekolah : SMP N 03 Mojogedang

Nama Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Pokok Bahasan : Menulis (Writing)

Sub Pokok Bahasa : Descriptive Text

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Waktu : 2X40 menit

II. Standar Kompotensi:

2.0 Merespon transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana dalam teks
descriptive dengan lingkungan sekitar dan kontek pembelajaran.

III. Kompotensi Dasar:

2.1 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam bacaan
pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat dalam teks yang berbentuk descriptive.

IV. Indikator:
1. Menggunakan kalimat semple present tense dalam
mendeskripsikan benda atau orang.
2. Menggunakan tanda bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan
tata tulis dengan akurat.
3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari benda atau orang yang
V. Muatan Nilai-nilai Karakter:
 Kreatif (creative)

 Gemar membaca (Reading habit)

 Tekun (diligence)

 Mandiri(Independence)

VI. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

a. Siswa mengenal teks descriptive
b. Siswa mengenal bagian-bagian (generic structure) teks
c. Siswa mampu membuat teks descriptive dengan tema yang
telah ditentukan.
VII. Materi Pembelajaran:
- Teks descriptive asalah teks yang digunakan untuk
mendeskripsikan/menggambarkan orang, tempat, atau benda
tertentu. Descriptive orang biasanya menampilkan identitas
orang tersebut secara fisik, karacter, kegemaran dan aktifitas

orang tersebut. Descriptive hewan biasanya tentang cirri-ciri

fisik hewan tersebut, tempat tinggal dan kesukaannya.
Descriptive tempat menanpilkan letak/lokasi tersebut, ciri-ciri
tempat tersebut, dan hal yang menarik dari tempat tersebut.
- Generic structure (bagian-bagian) teks descriptive:
1. Identification:mengidentifikasi kejadian yang didescripsikan
2. Description: mendescripsikan tentang ciri-ciri orang, benda
maupun tempat.
- Ciri-ciri kebahasan (language feacure) teks descriptive adalah:
6. Menggunakan simple present tense.
7. Menggunakan kalimat passive.
8. Menggunakan to be (is, am, are, was, were) untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mendescripsikan ciri-ciri maupun
9. Menggunakan kata kerja (have,has, had) untuk menjelaskan
secara detail tentang object yang digunakan.
10. Menggunakan kata sifat dalam menggambarkan karakter
dari object tersebut.
VIII. Metode Pembelajaran:
 Ceramah

 Tanya jawab

 Diskusi

 Praktek

IX. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran:

1. Kegiatan Awal:
a. Guru member salam pembuka dan memeriksa presensi
b. Aperepsi
Guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk
membangun atmosfer-atmosfer mengenai materi

c. Motivasi
Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar siswa
semakin semangat untuk belajar.

2. Kegiatan Inti:
a. Eksplorasi
 Guru menjelaskan tentang descriptive text dengan cara
mengulang kembali penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai
descriptive text dan member contoh tulisan dan gambar.

 Siswa diajak agar terlihat antusias dengan materi yang


b. Elaborasi
 Siswa diajak bermain role play dan game agar lebih aktif
didalam kelas.

 Siswa diajak berdiskusi kemudian membuat teks

descriptive berdasarkan tema yang ditentukan.

c. Konfirmasi
 Guru memberikan respon positif terhadap hasil pekerjaan
yang dikerjakan oleh siswa.

 Guru mengingatkan kepada siswa agar mengecek kembali

hasil pekerjaan secara bersama-sama.

3. Kegiatan Akhir
 Guru menanyakan kepada siswa apa kesulitan-kesulitan yang
dihadapi oleh siswa.

 Guru memberikan tugas rumah dan mengakhiri


XXVI. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran:

 Sumber Pembelajaran:

- Buku
- Internet
XXVII. Penilaian:
a. Teknik: Tertulis
b. Bentuk: Essay
c. Instrument:
Siswa membuat teks descriptive berdasarkan tema yang telah

Pedoman Penilaian
No Uraian Skor
1. Isi 30
2. Grammar 35
3. Vocabulary 30
4. Urutan (penyusunan) 5
Total 100

Kunci jawaban: Kreativitas siswa.

Karanganyar, 17 Maret 2015

Guru Pamong, Praktikan,

(Sukamdi, S.Pd) (Turfina Andriyani)

NIP. 19741005 200501 1 05 NIM.

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