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Learning Experience Plan

Name: Nicole Buffalini Date:D

Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Name of Learning Experience: Combining Sentences

Age of Students/Grade: Third Grade


After presenting this to the class, I decided that partner work is another way for students to express what they know
about combining sentences.

Goal: Pa Standard Topic

E03.C.1.2.3: Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of

Objective: Pa Standard Statement

After completing the lesson, the students will be able to identify where to put the “and” conjunction to create one
sentence from multiple sentences.


Students will be completing the classwork today with a partner that will be determined by the teacher after the lesson
on Monday. I will poll the class at the end of this lesson to see how they feel about this topic: thumbs down means that
the student is confused about the topic, thumbs across means that the student somewhat understands the topic, and a
thumb up means that the student feel confident with what we are working on.

Anticipatory Set: Ask students if they remember what skill they worked on yesterday. Ask them to give an example
of it in a sentence.

1. The teacher will pass out the paper to the students.
2. The teacher will explain the directions of the paper to the students.
3. The teacher will then pair students together: one student who felt confident about what was completed
yesterday and one student who might have been struggling with the content yesterday.
4. The class will have 5-10 minutes to complete the paper.
5. The teacher will have the students go back to their seats.
6. The teacher will ask for five volunteers to go up to the board.
7. The volunteer will write their sentences on the board. While students are doing this walk around the room
and glance at student papers. Ask students who are waiting if they could come up with sentences using the
conjunction “and.”
8. Go over the sentences that were on the board.
9. Have students put a smiley face on their papers.

Closure: Ask students how they feel about working with the conjunction “and” and combining sentences. Tell them
to give you a thumb down, thumbs sideways, or thumbs up.

Independent Practice: There is no independent work during today’s lesson.

Differentiated Instruction: A student who is exceling with this lesson will be paired with a student who is having
trouble with this lesson.

Technology Integration: No technology will be used during this lesson.

Preparation and Materials

 Whiteboard
 Dry erase markers
 Pg. 41: unit 2-week 4 worksheet (one for each student)
 A pencil for each student

Future Application of Assessment

I will use this information to see if I want to do another partner work activity with the students or to do a worksheet
independently with the students.

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