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Clin Podiatr Med Surg

24 (2007) 519–528

Closure of Major Diabetic Foot Wounds

and Defects with External Fixation
Ali Oznur, MDa,*, Thomas Zgonis, DPM, FACFASb
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Guven Hospital, Block A: Simsek
Sokak No: 29, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Orthopaedics/Podiatry Division, University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, MSC 7776, San Antonio,
TX 78229, USA

Twenty percent of all diabetic patients’ admissions to the hospital are

caused by a foot problem or an ulceration at a certain point of their lifetime.
Diabetic foot ulcers and their sequelae, amputations, are a major cause of dis-
ability, morbidity, mortality, and significant cost for the diabetic patient. Neu-
ropathy, whether sensory, motor, or autonomic, plays an important role in the
pathogenesis of diabetic foot ulcers. Although decreased sensation plays an es-
sential role in ulcer formation, it will not cause an ulceration in the absence of
abnormal pressure and deformity. Autonomic neuropathy inhibits skin tem-
perature regulation and prevents normal sweating. Motor neuropathy results
in intrinsic muscle atrophy, causing an imbalance in intrinsic and extrinsic
muscle control of the toes, leading to clawing of the lesser toes. The combina-
tion of deep ulcer and underlying osteomyelitis in patients who have diabetes
frequently leads to chronic nonhealing foot ulcers. Plantar ulcers are the result
of pressure exerted by weight bearing, whereas dorsal ulcers result from a poor
shoe fit or hot pack application. Simple closure of these wounds is difficult
because of pre-existing bone deformity, tissue inelasticity, location of defect,
and underlying osteomyelitis [1–3].
Inadequately diagnosed or treated osteomyelitis in a diabetic foot ulcer
increases the risk for amputation. Thorough preoperative examination is
necessary to maximize treatment outcome. Optimal medical control of dia-
betes and associated comorbidities is essential before complex foot and an-
kle surgery is undertaken. Diabetic control status with serum glycosylated
hemoglobin (Hg A1C) levels as well as nutritional status with serum

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Oznur).

0891-8422/07/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

albumin levels greater than 3.5 g/dL are a few of the tests assessing the
patient’s overall medical status and compliance.
Most diabetic foot infections are caused by a mixture of aerobic and an-
aerobic pathogens; however, the most common organisms cultured are the
aerobic gram-positive cocci, including Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-
negative staphylococci, and group B streptococci. Some of the aerobic
gram-negative organisms frequently cultured are Proteus species, Eschericia
coli, and other Enterobacteriaceae. Enterococcus and Corynebacterium spe-
cies can also be considered as potential pathogens in foot infection. Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa is found in no more than 10% to 20% of diabetic foot
cultures [4,5].
The treatment of diabetic patients who have large ulcers and underlying os-
teomyelitis is not well-described in the current literature, however. Currently,
there are only a few reports describing salvage of the diabetic foot with exter-
nal fixation in the English literature. Surgeons worldwide have been using ex-
ternal fixators for all types of fracture management, arthrodeses, complex
deformities, limb lengthening, and osteotomy stabilization. External fixators
are able to perform multiplane corrections, including distraction, compres-
sion, angulation, translation, stabilization, and neutralization [6–12].
In addition, procedures such as repeated debridements, dressing changes,
skin grafting, and bone grafting can be performed without disturbing the
fixation. External fixation can be used to treat defects of practically any
size after aggressive resection. External fixation can provide good stability
in those patients who have severe osteoporosis caused by infection, disuse,
or diabetes mellitus. Application of external fixation is performed rapidly
and often under spinal or local anesthetic. External fixation pins and wires
are not benign in the setting of bone and soft tissue infection. Safe corridors
for pins or wires should be chosen with caution.
Closure of large defects after resection of the necrotic bone with external
fixation is a powerful modality that has the ability to save extremities that
normally would go onto amputation; however, caution should be taken to
avoid creating a useless, permanently painful, or senseless limb. Relative
contraindications for this approach include but are not limited to the follow-
ing conditions: venous stasis disease, complex regional pain syndrome, non-
ambulatory status of the patient, and noncompliance [13–15].
The surgical technique differs in terms of the anatomical location of the
ulcer, soft tissue defect, and osteomyelitis. The goal of this suggested proto-
col and treatment is a shorter hospital stay, limited antibiotic administra-
tion, and the achievement of functionally stable feet when compared with
other conventional methods.

Technique for heel ulcers

The surgical approach to chronic ulcers of the calcaneus presents consid-
erable difficulty in the diabetic patients. All necrotic, infected, and fibrotic

tissue needs to be excised, with the addition of partial or total calcanectomy

that is performed according to the size of the ulcer and the concomitant os-
teomyelitis. With osteomyelitis of the calcaneus, it is difficult to determine
how much bone needs to be resected; however, the amount of the resection
is critical for eradication of the infection. A plantar longitudinal incision is
used, through which the ulcer is excised as an ellipse. Exposure is obtained
by splitting the Achilles tendon and reflecting it sharply off the bone. The
large wound is closed primarily or is left open for wound care and dressing,
with a delayed primary closure or plastic reconstructive techniques.
A multiplane circular external Illizarov fixator with hinges is applied to
decrease the soft tissue defect in equinus position of the ankle. The protocol
involves the application of a two-ring construct to the tibia, with two
1.8-mm Kirschner wires per ring attached by way of four threaded rods
to a foot ring. Center-of-rotation wire is placed through the ankle axis
(tip of medial malleolus to the tip of lateral malleolus). This is a reference
wire for positioning the medial and lateral ankle hinges. Universal hinges
are placed to intersect the ankle axis wire. The lateral hinge is more distal
and posterior than the medial hinge. The foot ring is mounted parallel to
the sole of the foot. Fixation of the foot ring is achieved with two metatarsal
wires and one talar neck wire. Plantar flexion is decreased gradually during
the healing period. The external fixator allows monitoring of wounds and
eases daily wound dressing changes. This technique eliminates the use of
postoperative cast application and its complications. Another advantage
of the external fixator is relieving the bed pressure over the heel. The exter-
nal fixation device is usually removed after between 6 to 8 weeks. Patients
subsequently ambulate in a polypropylene splint with plastizote and foam
filler in the region of the heel defect (Fig. 1).

Technique for midfoot ulcers

A medial incision is made from the tip of the medial malleolus to the me-
dial site of the first metatarsal. An elliptical incision circumscribing the ulcer
is then made to the depth of the bone. All necrotic bone and soft tissue is
excised, and a deep bone culture is taken. Resection of the bony prominence
causing the ulceration is then performed to treat the underlying osteomyeli-
tis. Surgical debridement is based on previous MRI findings. Pulsatile lavage
is used (at least 6 L of normal saline) for copious irrigation. Resection of the
infected midfoot bony architecture allows for a decrease in the size of the
overlying ulceration. Distraction for joint preparation can be accomplished
by the use of a lamina spreader. The large void after surgical debridement is
filled with an antibiotic-impregnated bone cement. Smooth wires or pins
may be placed to fix the forefoot to the hindfoot through the bone cement.
Repeated extensive debridements are followed by the bone cement removal
3 to 4 weeks after the initial surgery. Midfoot wounds are closed without
tension after the bone cement removal and the shortening of the foot. After

Fig. 1. An initial presentation of an infected calcaneus with a large ulceration (A), followed by
an aggressive debridement and partial calcanectomy (B), an Ilizarov external fixator with hinges
to decrease the soft tissue defect in an equinus position (C), and removal of the external fixator 6
weeks after the operation with an uneventful recovery (D).

the bone cement is removed, an Ilizarov external fixation frame is used with
pin placement outside of the infected area, to hold the hindfoot and midfoot
under compression and alignment. When all of the ulcerations and previous
wounds have healed, the hindfoot is fixed to the forefoot with multiple per-
cutaneous cannulated screws, and the external fixation device is removed.
The patients are mobilized in an ankle foot orthosis with custom footplate,
lined with pressure-dissipating material. Some of the complications associ-
ated with this procedure include but are not limited to the following: persis-
tent infection, soft tissue dehiscence, overcorrection, undercorrection,
pseudoarthrosis, and amputation. Pseudoarthrosis may be an acceptable re-
sult if the foot is stable and ulcer-free (Fig. 2).

Technique for central rays

Single- or double-ray resections are generally preferable to transmetatar-
sal amputation. A single amputation of the second, third or fourth ray

Fig. 2. Initial presentation of a large midfoot ulcer and osteomyelitis of multiple bones (A), fol-
lowed by a large midfoot bony and soft tissue resection (B), and external fixation device to allow
narrowing of the associated defect (C). Eventually, the wounds healed with the application of
a split-thickness skin graft (D), and the external fixator was removed 7 weeks after the initial
surgery followed by percutaneous cannulated screw insertion to further stabilize the foot (E).

affects only the width of the forefoot. In cases of an extensive forefoot infec-
tion and gangrene, multiple central ray resections may be required. Single-
ray resection of the one of the three central rays is technically more difficult
than the border ray resections.
The contiguous ulcer site provides a portal of entry for pathogens, which
can result in an infection of both soft tissue and bone. Metatarsophalangeal
joints are in close proximity to one another, and osteomyelitis can easily

result in joint sepsis. The traditional approaches to central metatarsal head

ulcerations have involved either limited osseous resection, with or without
ablation of the associated toe, or resection of the entire metatarsal ray,
with the subsequent development of a ‘‘cleft foot’’ deformity that is prone
to transfer ulceration and recurrent wound breakdown resulting from the
unstable nature of the forefoot.
To expedite healing and create a stable, plantigrade forefoot after central
metatarsal ray resection, ‘‘narrowing’’ of the forefoot through manual
apposition of the resultant medial and lateral forefoot segments has been ad-
vocated, using widely spaced, heavy gauge sutures, and prolonged non–
weight-bearing mobilization to provide stability until soft tissue healing
has occurred. The authors describe their technique of using external fixation
in closing the diabetic forefoot cleft wounds.
Once the recipient wound has undergone proper extensive irrigation and
debridement to remove all necrotic and nonviable tissue and necrotic bone,
the appropriate central metatarsal rays are partially resected or excised, with
or without concomitant tarsal osteotomy. One of the authors (AO) pro-
posed a modified technique of ray excision [15]. In the classical approach,
a ‘‘tennis-racquet’’ incision is made circumferentially around the toe, with
a single limb over the dorsum of the involved metatarsal; however, the prox-
imal extension of the incision may jeopardize incisions for more proximal
amputations if the ray excision procedure fails. The purpose of this modifi-
cation is to decrease the dorsal soft tissue dissection to expose the metatar-
sals. An incision is made over the base of the involved metatarsal that is less
than half inches. One hemostat is used to determine the borders of the meta-
tarsal. A small osteotome is introduced and metatarsal is osteotomized.
Care is taken not to remove uninvolved the metatarsal. The toe is grasped
with a towel clamp and amputated up to healthy skin margin. Then a small
gauge is used to dissect soft tissues all around the metatarsal in blind fashion
up to the osteotomy level.
The remaining defect in the central foot is then covered with a split-
thickness skin graft (STSG) that is usually harvested from the medial
arch of the foot, posterior calf, or thigh region of the ipsilateral limb.
The harvested STSG is then prepared for soft-tissue wound coverage, by ei-
ther fenestrating the graft manually with repeated passes of a surgical scal-
pel (ie, ‘‘pie-crusting’’) or meshing it at a ratio of 1:1.5 or greater using
a commercially available mesher.
All necrotic and nonviable tissues including infected and necrotic central
rays are removed, and an Ilizarov external fixator frame is applied to com-
press the remaining metatarsals to decrease the soft tissue defect. When
a ray excision is needed, the incision for ray excision is not extended too
far proximally. The aim of this modification is to decrease the dorsal soft
tissue dissection to expose the involved metatarsal. Another modification
is the osteotomy of the base of fifth metatarsal through stab incision. This
maneuver is very helpful for closing cleft defects with the tensioning of

the olive wires. Medial and lateral olive wires are inserted and fixed to exter-
nal fixation device. The amount of tensioning of the wires (70–90 kg) de-
pends on the bone quality of the metatarsals, and the soft tissue defect.
The midtarsal half ring is attached to the half ring of the hindfoot with
threaded rods. External fixation devices may or may not extend to the ankle.
The wounds are then closed with interrupted sutures without any tension.
Patients are mobilized in a custom-made boot when the pain and swelling
has subsided. The described technique is used in patients who need more
than one central ray excision for the treatment of osteomyelitis with an
associated large soft tissue defect over the dorsum of the foot (Fig. 3).

Diabetes mellitus has been estimated to affect 11 million Americans, and
of these, approximately 25% will develop foot problems. Furthermore, it

Fig. 3. Initial presentation of a severe midfoot abscess, ischemia, and central ray osteomyelitis
(A), followed by a resection of the central rays three and four and Ilizarov external fixation (B),
and final clinical and radiographic presentation after split-thickness skin grafting (C–E).

has been shown that at least 15% of hospital admissions are directly related
to foot infections. Superficial and deep ulcers can be treated with nonoper-
ative techniques such as daily wound care, immobilization, and serial
debridements. Treatment of osteomyelitis in diabetic patients is time-
consuming because of vascular insufficiency, peripheral neuropathy, and
poor soft tissue coverage. If osteomyelitis or an abscess is present, an inci-
sion and drainage should be performed for treatment and obtaining
a deep tissue and bone culture [16–19].
A number of surgical techniques can maximize the success of wound heal-
ing. The most important is aggressive debridement of all infected tissue and
bone, while sparing the healthy tissue for closure. If the wound is grossly in-
fected at the initial debridement, serial surgical debridements is necessary
until the wound has responded and started to heal. Leaving large wounds
to heal by granulation and secondary intention may take several months
or years for a complete closure [20,21].
Antibiotic beads have primarily been used in the treatment of osteomye-
litis and compound fractures of the extremities. Antibiotic beads are fabri-
cated by mixing antibiotic powder into polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)
cement pellets. While the PMMA mixture is still soft, small pellets are rolled
into shape and placed on a nonabsorbable suture. Too much antibiotic pre-
vents the beads from hardening, and too little antibiotic will limit the effec-
tiveness of the antibiotic beads. The chain of PMMA beads is loosely
packed into the wound or bone defect after radical surgical debridement
of all infected tissue and bone. A closed compartment is required to obtain
high local concentrations of antibiotic. The antibiotic is then released into
the wound by diffusion, with local antibiotic levels remaining very high
over 3 weeks. The exact diffusion rate of antibiotic varies by the brand of
PMMA cement, the concentration of antibiotic in the bead, the surface
area of the bead, and the type of antibiotics. High local concentrations of
antibiotic from antibiotic-impregnated PMMA beads have not caused tissue
toxicity or been shown to limit wound healing. The antibiotics added to
bone cement should be bactericidal, broad-spectrum antibiotics that are par-
ticularly effective against gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods. In ad-
dition, the antibiotics should be thermo-stable (so as not to degrade during
exothermic polymerization reaction), and water-soluble. The antibiotics
should also have a low rate of developing resistant pathogens, and low al-
lergic potential. Antibiotics are generally used in a ratio of approximately
1 to 2 g of antibiotic to 40 g of bone cement. The aminoglycosides and van-
comycin are some of the better choices for antibiotic bead use, because of
their broad spectrum of activity, low incidence of reaction, and heat stabil-
ity. The antibiotic beads are usually removed within 2 to 4 weeks to prevent
overgrowth of granulation tissue.
Currently, there are limited reports describing the authors’ surgical ap-
proach for diabetic limb salvage, including the radical surgical debridement,
decreasing soft tissue and bone defect, and stabilization with an external

fixation device. Diabetes mellitus has been considered as a relative contrain-

dication for the application of an external fixation device, because of a high
incidence of a pin tract infection or irritation; however, the Ilizarov method
is also less invasive and can be used in septic conditions with excellent results
In conclusion, diabetic limb salvage with large soft tissue defects with ex-
posed tendon, joint, or bone lies beyond the limits of conventional tech-
niques. The proposed surgical protocol can be used in selected patients
who have osteomyelitis and severe soft tissue defect after aggressive surgical
debridement. Finally, the aforementioned techniques require an increased
amount of surgical experience and availability for maximum outcomes.

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