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After graduation I plan on working at Wing Stop until the fall where I will be attending the

junior college. Once i get my scheuduele I will get a copy and give it to my manager to work

around my schedule. I plan on working everyday of the week including weekends. I choose to go

to the junior college because my parents dont have the money to send me straight to a university

and me working and attending the junior college would not only help me save up but also allow

me to help them out with a little more money. The junior college was also to prepare me for a big

commitment and to show me how much work i would be looking at while i have a job it’ll help

with my managing skills and sometimes i just have to take the work in order to get where i need

to be. I would be working i start working the day after graduation and i’d like to work everyday

for 8 hours so full time but sometimes i'd have to go part time because of the way our shifts work

and if anyone needs to be filled for because of sickness or even family emergency. I will be

living with my parents for the first two years of college because i'm going for a associates degree

and then transfer to sacramento state or even fresno state depending where i feel i’d be better off

studying criminology and where i'd like to start off at the police academy. Once i make the

transfer id either rent an apartment with a friend or even live on campus. It all depends on the

amount of money i have saved up and how much it would be monthly for the apartment. While

I'm living with my parents for the first two years i will be already renting from them and I'll be

paying my own phone bill and buying my own clothing we have already discussed the way

things are gonna work because i needa prepare more than ever because things are changing

quickly and they are only really gonna be in my life for another two years cause after these two

I'm gonna be leaving and will only come down on vacations. For the first year I'll start paying off
my phone and rent and food will be provided for me not including the food that i have to buy

during my lunch or break at work or the food I'll get at lunch or break at school those will be

paid for on my own. School supplies and other things having to do with school i’ll be buying and

getting everything i need on my own. Fun stuff i’d only have a couple of days open for me to go

out have fun with friends like every once and a while is okay but not everyday because I'm going

to be working and going to school. The second year things should be a little bit easier because I'll

be use to having school and work and I'll have more time to make plans and do fun things so

basically I just have to get through the first year of college in order to tell how the second year

will be. My third year of college will be when i move out and go somewhere where my parents

and no family members will be there I'll be paying for everything on my own and I'm going to

request a transfer of jobs so I can continue working where ever I decide to move and attend

school at. There will be less time for fun things because I’d be more focused on my career and

how things are going to work after i get my bachelors degree. My future career goal is to get a

bachelor's degree in criminology or sociology and continue my study and everything until I turn

twenty one because I'll then enroll at the police academy where I'll learn the basics and other

things on how to become a police or probation officer. My career will only take four years to get

to the academy but to be set and stone in my new job is hard to tell because it all depends how

quick and how easy the academy is for me I can finish in any amount of time and still have more

time to work with the current job I have. The hours I would need to complete the academy no

matter where I go is at least eight hundred and forty hours. Which is usually twenty two weeks.

Like I said before it all depends how quick and how efficient i am with the training will

determine when Im done and when I'm eligible to apply for the police force and the probation
officer I’d like to work anywhere but here in merced because I wouldn't be able to see my own

family behind me in the car.

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