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Strengths (Internal Factors)

Citizens are willing and also cares about ending drug cases.

The policy is not only tackling drug issues but also other problems as well because of the community
service as penalty.

The few cases of drug use in the barangay makes it easier enough to end it.

Weaknesses (Internal Factors)

Not all are willing to surrender due to the addictive effect of drugs.

Users that undergo rehabilitation may go back to their habit of using drugs the wrong way.

The light penalty given can be taken advantage of becuase it is easy to do a community service.

Opportunites ( External Factors)

Drug users and pushers are given the platform to change their ways and be able to remove themselves
from the influence of drug use.

Drug users that was caught or those who surrender are given a light penalty of community service

Persons under influence of drugs has high possibility to surrender due to the light penalty that will be
given to them.

Drug pushers are also given the chance for a rehabilitation but with a heavy penalty of imprisonment.

A stable peace and order is up and waiting for a drug free barangay.

Threats (External Factors)

Arrogant users may fight back in order for them to keep using drugs which they are addicted into.

The fight to end drugs can be dangerous in so many ways.

There may occur killings that aren't really necessary at all.

Non-users may be accused of drug involvement

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