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Appreciation Paper

I appreciate a couple of people in my life but the person that really helped me out these past four

years was my mom. My mom hasn’t just been there for me these four years shes always been

here. These past years I’ve struggled because of school sports and other things that were

happening to this day I struggle but she always manages to lift me up and encourage me to do

good. My mom is smart and shes caring theres many obvious traits that almost every mom

should have toward their kids and people in general. My mom is very trustworthy and very

respectful shes never really had a problem with anyone. Shes the type of person to put everyone

else before herself. I’ve always been the same my mom has always influenced me to do good for

myself not for anyone else she has always raised me to be myself and not change to be better in

anyones eyes. These past four years she really pushed me and influenced me to stay true to

myself no matter what people say or think because in the end its just gonna be me myself and I.

Shes really influenced me to do good in school to get a good job and be successful in life.

Without my mom always being here to help me with school and sports and just pushing me to be

better as a person I dont know how i would get by it’s hard to even imagine not having her here

to help me and even just be here. Because of the way my mom pushes me and always tells me to

do for myself and not worry so much about things she is really helping me shape my future. This

will help me when it comes down to me paying and also living on my own and even when i go

off for college and when I have a family of my own. This is going to push me to do good in

school and to alway work my hardest with what ever I choose to do in the future. This is showing

me to be responsible hard working and more motivated person then what I think I’d be if I did

this all on my own without listening or even paying attention to what she has to say. In the future
I wanna accomplish the things i go for and even try out. I see myself being happy with my life

and my career thanks to the love and support of my mom.

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