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My attendance is where is should be I’ve been here everyday of school. There only a couple of

tardies but other than that my attendance is where it needs to be and where it should be. I never

have a problem with attendance because i rarely get sick and i always put school before anything

else. There have been a couple of times where i came to school late because of family stuff but

other than that my attendance is still good. I have 100% attendance all school year. My

transcripts aren’t too good they could be way better than what they are right now and i have

myself to thank I’ve been lazy this year thinking things were gonna just be a walk through but

towards the middle or the quarters I’ve shaped myself up and managed to pass my classes with

the grades needed for credit. Me as a person I know I'm much smarter than what my grades show

my laziness got to me and it shouldn’t have been that way. My grades should've been the main

priority. My freshman year is when i noticed that my grades were slipping i was a 3.0 student in

middle school and freshman year my gpa dropped to a 2.50 I had noticed a huge change in my

work ethic and seen that it needed to change. Sophomore year came and noticed my grades and

gpa average was the same as it was in freshman year somewhat a little better and was giving

more effort. Over the summer after that year a couple of things happened and it really dragged

me down. Me as a person and as a student and athlete made me feel like things aren't getting

better and there was no reason to continue to try. The school year started and i was barely getting

a 2.0 and was barely eligible for that season of football there have been big parts of my life that

have really affected my athleticism and education. These things were just things that i couldn’t

stop thinking about and kinda had to solve on my own. This year my grades have been okay and

they have dropped and it doesn’t have to do with any problems im having but the end of the year
is near and it's just me being lazy i'm starting to stop that and shape up because I understand after

this there no playing around I have to get everything done right and get it done the first time. My

transcripts don’t define how smart I am and Im starting to shape myself into a better person and

control the things that are happening now and not worry about things to much.

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