Argumentative Essay and Cause-Effect Essay Grids 議論文寫作評分依據

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Argumentative Essay 議論文寫作 ID # Name: Score: Reader:

Legend 備 註 : C = Content 內容; O = Organization 組織; G = Grammar 文法; V = Vocabulary 生字; M = Mechanics 技巧 (Revised Fall 2016)
Content & Organization Grammar & Vocabulary Mechanics Comments
內容與組織 文法與生字 技巧 建議
C thesis (explicit or implicit) and topic sentences express the writer’s
G variety of sentence structures M conventions of
position on the assigned topic in a clear and sophisticated way
used with no major sentence punctuation, capitalization,
內容 論點 (明示或暗指) 與主句以清晰周延方式表達了作者對指定主題 problems spelling, and indentation
文法 使用各種句型且無重大問題 respected with rare minor
C informative, convincing and relevant supporting ideas
內容 訊息詳實、令人信服並具相關論據 G rare minor language errors 技巧 遵循標點符號、大小寫、
文法 極輕微的語言偏誤 拼字及首行空格規範, 極少有誤
C information from sources accurately interpreted and acknowledged
內容 精準地詮釋與表態出處資訊 M proper and complete
V sophisticated and precise word
C exemplary selection and integration of source material choice and accurate word form mechanics for citing
Above Standard 水 平 以 上

內容 出色的選用與整合原始資料 information from sources

生字 精練準確的單詞選擇與正確的
C acknowledgment of and response to opposing view(s) is thorough 單詞形式
技巧 引用出處訊息的技巧
and effective 合理且完整
內容 對對立觀點的表態與回應深入奏效 V extensive range and variety of
O clarity of message enhanced by clear pattern of organization vocabulary
between and within paragraphs 生字 範圍廣泛、生詞豐富
組織 透過段落間與段落內明確的組織模式增強訊息的清晰度
O effective and varied transitions between ideas
組織 觀點間有效與不同的銜接轉換
C thesis (explicit or implicit) takes a clear position on the assigned G variety of sentence structures M conventions of
topic; topic sentences identifiable and relevant used with rare major sentence punctuation, capitalization,
內容 論點(明示或暗示)對指定的主題立場明確; 主句可識別並相關 problems spelling, and indentation
文法 使用各種句型並罕見重大句子 mostly respected with
C supporting ideas are mostly sufficiently developed
occasional errors
內容 論據多數充份發揮 問題
技巧 多數遵循標點符號、
C most information from sources is accurately interpreted and
acknowledged G occasional minor language errors 大小寫、拼字及首行空格規
文法 偶而輕微的語言偏誤 範, 偶而有誤
內容 多數出處訊息精準地詮釋與表態
C mostly effective selection and integration of source material M mechanics for citing
V mostly accurate and appropriate
內容 多數有效的選用與整合原始資料
Standard 水 平

word choice and form information from sources

C mostly effective acknowledgment of and response to at least one respected with minor errors
opposing view
生字 多數正確且恰當的單詞選擇與
技巧 引用出處訊息時犯輕
內容 至少對一個對立觀點相當有效的表態與回應 微錯誤
O mostly logical sequencing of ideas and smooth transitions between V adequate range and variety of
and within paragraphs
組織 觀點多數合邏輯順序且段落間與段落內銜接轉換流暢 生字 範圍適當、生詞多樣
C thesis and topic sentences identifiable, but weak; e.g. vague, narrow, G major sentence problems or M frequent problems with
or not argumentative limited sentence variety conventions of punctuation,
內容 論點與主句可識別, 但薄弱; 例如, 含糊、狹隘或無論證 文法 重要句子結構問題或句式變化 capitalization, spelling, and
C some supporting ideas are inadequately developed, irrelevant, and/or 有限
repetitive 技巧 標點符號、大小寫、拼
內容 有些論據發揮不足、不相干, 且/或一再重複 G frequent minor language errors 字及首行空格的規範問題頻繁
C some information from sources is misinterpreted and/or unacknowledged 文法 頻繁的輕微語言偏誤
內容 有些出處訊息錯誤的詮釋並/或不予表態 M frequent errors with
C ineffective selection and integration of source material V imprecise word choice or mechanics for citing
Approaching Standard 近 水 平

內容 無效的選用與整合原始資料 frequent word form errors information from sources

C acknowledgement of opposing view(s) is present but unclear, 生字 不精準的單詞選用或頻繁的詞形 技巧 引用出處訊息時頻繁犯錯
insufficient, or not coherently integrated 錯誤
M handwriting interferes
內容 表態對立觀點的存在但不夠清楚、不充份或不連貫的整合
with comprehension
O significant problem(s) with principles of essay organization V limited range and variety of
技巧 筆跡影響理解
組織 論文組織原則有嚴重的問題
O relationship between ideas is poorly established between and/or 生字 範圍與單詞變化侷限
within paragraphs; transitions sometimes not smooth
組織 段落間與段落內諸多觀點的關係很難建立; 銜接轉換有時不流

C thesis and topic sentences missing, irrelevant, or incomprehensible G frequent major sentence structure M pervasive or severe
內容 論點與主句不見、無關或不知所云 problems; lack of sentence variety problems with conventions of
文法 重要句子結構問題頻繁; 句式變 punctuation, capitalization,
C supporting points are inadequately developed, irrelevant,
spelling, and indentation
unconvincing and/or repetitive 化欠缺
內容 論據發揮不足、不相干、無說服力, 且/或一再重複
技巧 對標點符號、大小寫、
C little or no information from sources used G pervasive or severe errors 拼字及首行空格的規範, 普遍且
impede comprehension of ideas 嚴重有問題
內容 引用極少或毫無出處資訊
C relies on lengthy direct quotations; sentences or sections of text 文法 普遍或嚴重錯誤妨礙想法理解
M mechanics for citing
copied or copied directly from resource sheets
V limited and inaccurate word information not properly
內容 極少依賴過長的直接引述; 複製文本句子或部份內文或直接 employed or not attempted
choice interferes with meaning;
從資源表複製 pervasive word form errors 技巧 不當使用或沒嘗試引
C no acknowledgment of opposing views in argument
生字 有限與不精準的單詞選用 用訊息的技巧
Below Standard 水 平 以 下

內容 無表態論證中的對立觀點 影響意思; 普遍詞形錯誤

O no clear pattern of organization M handwriting is illegible
組織 無明確的組織模式 V very narrow range of vocabulary 技巧 筆跡難以辨認
O sequence of ideas not logical or coherent; poor or absent transitions 生字 詞彙範圍很窄
between ideas M reference list is missing
組織 觀點順序不合邏輯或不連貫; 觀點間銜接轉換差或無 技巧 缺參考資料清單
X insufficient information for evaluation
不明 所要評估的訊息不足
Cause/Effect Essay 因果關係寫作 ID # Name: Score: Reader:

Legend 備 註 : C = Content 內容; O = Organization 組織; G = Grammar 文法; V = Vocabulary 生字; M = Mechanics 技巧
Score Content & Organization Grammar & Vocabulary Mechanics Comments
分數 內容與組織 文法與生字 技巧 建議
C thesis (explicit or implicit) and topic sentences express the G variety of sentence M conventions of
essay’s response to the assigned topic in a clear and sophisticated structures used with no major punctuation, capitalization,
way sentence problems spelling, and indentation

內容 論點 (明示或暗指) 與主句以清晰周延方式表達了這篇文章 文法 使用各種句型且無重大問題 respected with rare minor

C informative, convincing and relevant supporting ideas G rare minor language errors 技巧 遵循標點符號、大小
內容 訊息詳實、令人信服並具相關論據 文法 極輕微的語言偏誤 寫、拼字及首行空格規範, 極少
C information from sources accurately interpreted and V sophisticated and precise word 有誤
acknowledged choice and accurate word form
M proper and complete
內容 精準地詮釋與表態出處資訊
Above Standard 水 平 以 上

mechanics for citing


C exemplary selection and integration of source material 生字 精練準確的單詞選擇與正確

information from sources
內容 出色的選用與整合原始資料 的單詞形式
技巧 引用出處訊息的技
V extensive range and variety of 巧合理且完整
O clarity of message enhanced by clear pattern of
organization between and within paragraphs vocabulary
組織 透過段落間與段落內明確的組織模式增強訊息的清 生字 範圍廣泛、生詞豐富
O effective and varied transitions between ideas

組織 觀點間有效與不同的銜接轉換
C thesis (explicit or implicit) and topic sentences identifiable and G variety of sentence structures M conventions of
express causal relationships relevant to the assigned topic used with rare major sentence punctuation, capitalization,
內容 可識別的論點(明示或暗示)和主句表達了與指定主題相 problems spelling, and indentation
文法 使用各種句型並罕見重大句子 mostly respected with
occasional errors
C supporting ideas are mostly sufficiently developed 問題
內容 論據多數充份發揮 技巧 多數遵循標點符
G occasional minor language errors 號、大小寫、拼字及首行
C most information from sources is accurately interpreted and
acknowledged 文法 偶而輕微的語言偏誤 空格規範, 偶而有誤

內容 多數出處訊息精準地詮釋與表態 M mechanics for citing

V mostly accurate and appropriate
C mostly effective selection and integration of source information from sources
word choice and form
material respected with minor errors
Standard 水 平

內容 多數有效的選用與整合原始資料 多數正確且恰當的單詞選擇
技巧 引用出處訊息時犯
O mostly logical sequencing of ideas and smooth transitions
between and within paragraphs V adequate range and variety of
組織 觀點多數合邏輯順序且段落間與段落內銜接轉換流暢 vocabulary
生字 範圍適當、生詞多樣
C thesis and topic sentences identifiable, but weak; e.g. vague, G major sentence problems or M frequent problems with
narrow, or not causal limited sentence variety conventions of punctuation,
內容 論點與主句可識別, 但薄弱; 例如, 含糊、狹隘或無因果 文法 重要句子結構問題或句式變化 capitalization, spelling, and
關係 有限
C some supporting ideas are inadequately developed, irrelevant, 技巧 標點符號、大小寫、
and/or repetitive G frequent minor language errors 拼字及首行空格的規範問題
內容 有些論據發揮不足、不相干, 且/或一再重複 文法 頻繁的輕微語言偏誤 頻繁
C some information from sources is misinterpreted and/or
unacknowledged V imprecise word choice or M frequent errors with
內容 有些出處訊息錯誤的詮釋並/或不予表態 frequent word form errors mechanics for citing
information from sources
C ineffective selection and integration of source material 生字 不精準的單詞選用或頻繁的詞
Approaching Standard 近 水 平

內容 無效的選用與整合原始資料 形錯誤
技巧 引用出處訊息時頻繁犯

O significant problem(s) with principles of essay V limited range and variety of
organization vocabulary M handwriting interferes
with comprehension
組織 論文組織原則有嚴重的問題 生字 範圍與單詞變化侷限
技巧 筆跡影響理解
O relationship between ideas is poorly established between
and/or within paragraphs; transitions sometimes not
組織 段落間與段落內諸多觀點的關係很難建立; 銜接轉換有
C thesis and topic sentences missing, irrelevant, or G frequent major sentence structure M pervasive or severe
incomprehensible problems; lack of sentence variety problems with conventions of
內容 論點與主句不見、無關或不知所云 文法 重要句子結構問題頻繁; 句式 punctuation, capitalization,
spelling, and indentation
C supporting points are inadequately developed, 變化欠缺
irrelevant, unconvincing and/or repetitive 技巧 對標點符號、大小寫、
內容 論據發揮不足、不相干、無說服力, 且/或一再重複 G pervasive or severe errors 拼字及首行空格的規範, 普遍
C little or no information from sources used impede comprehension of ideas 且嚴重有問題
內容 引用極少或毫無出處資訊 文法 普遍或嚴重錯誤妨礙想法理解
M mechanics for citing
C relies on lengthy direct quotations; sentences or sections
V limited and inaccurate word information not properly
of text copied or copied directly from resource sheets
employed or not attempted
Below Standard 水 平 以 下

choice interferes with meaning;

內容 極少依賴過長的直接引述; 複製文本句子或部份內文
技巧 不當使用或沒嘗試
pervasive word form errors
生字 有限與不精準的單詞選 引用訊息的技巧

O no clear pattern of organization 用影響意思; 普遍詞形錯誤

M handwriting is illegible
組織 無明確的組織模式 技巧 筆跡難以辨認
V very narrow range of vocabulary
O sequence of ideas not logical or coherent; poor or absent 生字 詞彙範圍很窄
transitions between ideas M reference list is missing
組織 觀點順序不合邏輯或不連貫; 觀點間銜接轉換差或無 技巧 缺參考資料清單
X insufficient information for evaluation
不明 所要評估的訊息不足

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