Physics I Problems - 1. Kinematics

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Physics I

Part 1: Kinematics
Problems for the Extraordinary exam
All these must be handed in the day of the exam
Work out all problems using the units of the SI, unless it's specified

1. What is the difference between: a) distance and displacement, b) speed and velocity, c)
mass and weight?

2. Cities A and B are connected by a 25-km straight road. Two cars, blue and red, start
moving to each other on parallel lanes at constant speeds of 75 km/h and 56 km/h
respectively from A and B. a) Show on a diagram the situation, and find b) the time it
takes the cars to reach the same point on the road, c) the distance this point is from B.

3. A warthog starts being followed by a leopard. The warthog can run at 30 mi/h and the
leopard at 37 mi/h. At the beginning, the distance between them is 41 m. Find: a) the
time it takes the leopard to reach the warthog, b) the distance run by ecah animal.

4. Two trains start moving from the same point at the same time on straight trajectories.
Train A at a constante speed of 100 km/h and train B at 80 km/h. Find the distance
between them after 3.5 hours if the angle between their trajectories is: a) 60º, b) 90º, c)

5. A truck driver travels 27 min at 60 km/h, then 18 min at 75 km/h. He stops for 15 min
to get some water and check the tires. He continues for 15 min at 37 km/h, and finally
for 12 min at 45 km/h. Find the average speed.

6. A car at rest, accelerates continually at 7.2 m/s2 for 125 m. Find a) the time, and b) the
final speed.

7. A heavy truck driver at 55 mi/h stops completely in a distance of 68 m. Find: a) the

acceleration, and b) time.

8. A little stone is dropped from a bridge 27 m over a river. Find: a) the time it takes the
stone to reach the water, and b) the final speed.

9. A little stone is thrown vertically upwards at 26 m/s. Find: a) the time it takes to reach
the highest point, b) the maximum height, c) the time it takes to return to the original
level, d) the speed it has whet it reaches that originl level, e) the acceleration and speed
at the highest point.

10. An object is thrown vertically upwards at the edge of a cliff with a speed of 15 m/s.
When it comes back, it misses the edge and continues falling to the bottom of the cliff.
Find: the speed and height (above or below the starting level) , and say if it's moving
upwards or downwards at times: a) 1 s, b) 2 s, c) 3 s. If it reaches the bottom at 5
seconds, d) what is its speed, and e) how high is the cliff?
11. The same object of problem 10, now is thrown horizontally at 15 m/s from the edge of
the same cliff. At the same time, another object much heavier is dropped from the same
point. Draw a diagram and say a) which one reaches the bottom first, b) the time for
each to reach the bottom, c) the final velocity (speed and angle from the horizontal) of
each one, d) the range (horizontal distance) of the first object.

12. Now, the first object is thrown again with a speed of 15 m/s and an angle of 37º above
the horizontal. Find: a) the time to reach the highest point, b) maximum height from the
starting level, c) time to reach the bottom of the cliff, d) velocity (speed and angle)
when it reaches the bottom.

13. If an object on a level ground is fired at 38 m/s at an angle of 27º, a) how far will it hit
the ground? b) How far would it hit the ground with the same initial speed, but an angle
of 63º? c) Why is so? d) What is the angle that gives the maximum range?

14. A projectile is fired at 50 m/s at an angle of 40º on a level ground. Find the position
(x,y) and the velocity (speed, and angle) at times: a) 3 s, b) 5 s. c) What is the range?

15. A drill works at 620 rpm. Find: a) the frequency, b) period, c) angular speed, d) swept
angle in 30 seconds, e) number of turns in that time.

16. The hard disk at rest of a computer starts spinning around and in 3.2 seconds reaches
5400 rpm. Find: a) the angular acceleration, b) the swept angle in that time, c) the
number of turns during the same time.

17. A merry-go-round has a dimater of 14 m and spins once in 4 seconds. a) What is its
frequency and angular speed of the platform? Find: the tangential speed of b) a boy at 2
m, and c) a girl at 6 m from the center. d) What are their respective angular speeds?

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