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24-Min Workout Summary

Print this sheet and reference it during your workouts.

The 5 Exercises in the R8X Workout Flow:

• Kettlebell (KB)/Dumbbell (DB) Swing
• KB/DB Front Squat (Goblet Squat)
• Overhead KB/DB Shoulder Press
• 1 Arm Alternating DB/KB Row (On The Floor)
• Pushups (On The Floor)

Perform these exercises in a flow. Swing→ Squat→ Press→ Row→ Pushup

for the allotted number of reps in each “cycle” – starting at 1 rep of each
and working up to your peak set of 8 reps.

After you complete a “full circuit” of the 5 exercises at the given rep range,
rest 30-60 sec before beginning the 5-exercise circuit flow with the next
number or reps.

I.e. Circuit #1 = 1 rep of each. Rest 30 sec. Circuit #2 = 2 reps of each. Work
your way UP TO the peak set (8 reps of each) – then BACK DOWN in 1 rep
increments (8,7,6, down to 1).

I recommend you begin this

workout using a 20-30lb KB/DB. The
first few circuits are easy by design.
The higher rep sets will be
challenging. Your first workout
should take 24-30 min.

You will progress do heavier DB/KB

as you get stronger.
X Here is the REAL PROOF this works...
Meet Jim. He’s 62 y.o, a father of 6, small business owner, and a
very hard working man. For years, John struggled with his health.

He was busy providing for his family

that his nutrition & exercise simply took
the back seat to his other priorities. A
few times every year, he’d get very frus-
trated with the way he was looking &
feeling, so he’d start a “diet.” He’d cut
back on carbs and sweets, and he’d lose
a few pounds here and there. But the
diet would eventually end, and John
would always gain the weight back.

Jim found our Fit Father Project website, and signed up for our
Fit Father 30X Body Transformation Program, and committed to
follow the step-by-step meal plan & in conjunction with some
smart exercise as his “last-ditch effort” to lose all his weight.

And here’s what happened...

PO His Health Completely Transformed.


Yes, Jim did lose 55lbs, rebuit lean muscle, and cut his body fat in
half...but, there’s so much more than just his visual transformation...

With this proven plan, these results will be yours too.

Click Here To Learn More »

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