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Causes of WWI:

Imperialism: One of the reasons for WWI was imperialism, or the

establishment of political control over other countries. Many of the countries of Europe,
including Great Britain and Germany, were trying to establish empires that expanded to
other continents such as Africa and Asia. They frequently got into each others way which
led to animosity between those countries at home and abroad. One such war of
imperialism was the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. In this war Prussia, the dominant
power in Germany, went to war with France. Prussia won the war in a month and
through that war the German Empire was established. Prussia also took the border
provinces of Alsace-Lorraine, which France deeply resented and it gave them a motive
for going to war 44 years later.

Alliances: Because Germany had made such a bitter enemy of France, it

decided to protect itself by making alliances with other countries in Europe. It formed an
alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy called the Triple Alliance. To keep the balance
of power in Europe, France allied itself with Great Britain and Russia. That alliance was
known as the Triple Entente. Both the alliances swore to help their allies if their
countries were attacked. This system of alliances was very dangerous because any minor
skirmish involving any of the countries in the alliances would result in war, and since all
the countries made an agreement to support their allies, none of them could back out, no
matter how much they wanted to. (Reference to first anticipatory question.)

Militarism: To protect their empires and to further national pride, many

European powers started to make huge armies and pile munitions. Many of these nations
tried to outdo each other by trying to have the most modern weaponry and the most men
in uniform. Germany tried to build a superior navy than Great Britain, which caused
Great Britain to ally itself with France and Russia. By 1914 almost all the allied nations
had armies in the millions and the most modern weapons including machine guns and
artillery. Unfortunately, the battle tactics during the war were not as modern as the
weapons, thus resulting in millions of deaths.

Nationalism: One of the movements that resulted because of empire building

was nationalism, or a devotion to national interests, unity and independence. One area of
Europe that was a focal point for nationalistic tendencies was the empire of Austria-
Hungary. This empire consisted of many nationalities, including the Czechs, Slovakians,
Poles, and Slavs. Even though the Austrian-Hungarian Empire consisted of almost 40
nationalities, the Austrians and Hungarians held the most power. Many nationalities
resented this and wanted to break away from the empire. One of these nationalities was
the Slavs, who resided in the Balkans. Encouraged by Russia, a Slavic nation, the Slavs
of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire tried many times to break free. It would be this
struggle that would help to start WWI.
Start of War: On June 28, 1914, while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia,
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian crown, was assassinated by Gavrillo
Princip, a Serbian nationalist. The Austrians wanted Princip to be brought to Austria to
stand trial and threatened war against Serbia if they didn’t comply. Serbia, who was an
ally of Russia, appealed to Russia for help. Russia, in turn, decided to mobilize against
Austria. This action led to Germany declaring war on Russia and then on France. When
Germany invaded Belgium to get to France, the British, who were the allies of the
Belgians, joined the war on the side of Russia and France. By the time of the war the
countries of Germany and Austria-Hungary were called the Central Powers, and the
countries of France, Russia and Great Britain were called the Allies. Later on during the
war the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria would side with the Central Powers, and Italy,
Greece, Romania and Portugal would join the Allies. By 1915 almost all of Europe was
involved in the war and fought on multiple fronts.

Monday: Test

New vocab: alliance, militarism, ultimatum, align,

Type I: pressure from outside sources pg 742

Stereotype cliques of people in the High School and make alliances and enemies.
What unites people?
What divides people?
What causes alliances?

Map of Europe
Alliance/Entente: Color over the map with three colors Alliance Green/Entente
Purple/Non-Aligned Nations Yellow

Germany/Austria Hungry/Italy
Netherlands/Switz/Belgium/Spain/Ottoman/Balkins (OUTLINED IN RED)
Go over key terms

Go over the major ideas

Make Graphic Organ

HW: Reasons for War


Go over homework
Quiz on HW
Trench Warfare with Powerpoint
What is it?
Conditions in the trenches.
Weapons of Trench Warfare.
Quote: “Imagine a broad belt…”750
Westen Front

Give them the brief overview of all the weapons.

Weapons of war project

Emphasis on Technology

HW: 747-751

Thursday: Finish weapons of war pamphlet


Quiz on vocab and intro to All Quiet

Western Front and Eastern Fronts and map of Europe
Scleiffen Plan



Kelly: Copy All Quiet and make GO for Tuesday’s HW, come up with intro day
Tobey: Powerpoint and notes

Need: New vocab with quiz, write assignment for technology pamphlet
Technology of World War I

Print out Wikipedia Technology of WWI articles

Poison Gas
Machine Gun

Picture. Definition. Effects of technology

How was it used.

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