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Name _________________________________________ Class _____________________________

English in Common 6
Final Test

Circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. By next June I have been / will have been / will be working here for six months.
2. He told them not to open / open / opening the window.
3. Before he moved to Miami, he lived / ’d been living / was living in Caracas for years.
4. Never before she had / did she / had she met such an interesting person.
5. I wish I had talked / talked / talk to you earlier. It would have saved me a lot of trouble.
6. I dread got up / getting up / get up so early every morning. I prefer the night shift.
7. I’d like to congratulate you about / you on / you in your performance. You did an
excellent job.
8. I think you should apologize / will apologize / apologizing for what you did.
9. He couldn’t have made / had made / making that mistake. He’s a very experienced worker.
10. I can’t find the book. I might leave / might have leave / might have left it at school.


Circle the correct word or expression to complete each sentence.
11. He speaks eight languages, but Spanish is his mother tongue / dialect / universal language.
12. Don’t miss the whale museum on Mount Desert Island in Maine. It’s a vast / must-see /
13. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is keeping track / considering / taking drastic measures
to prevent invasive species, such as the Asian carp, from entering Lake Michigan.
14. Geraldine is a gifted / freak / prodigy piano player. Her music sometimes moves the
audience to tears.
15. For the most part / vast majority / great deal of purchases, an extended warranty is simply a
waste of money.
16. I subscribe to this blog to come about / catch on / keep up with the latest technology news.
17. I never removed it from the box. It’s as good as new / brand new / used.
18. I don’t understand why people buy this e-reader. I think it’s really underrated / overrated /
19. Didn’t you think the acting was a little too exaggerated? I mean, that last scene was really
over the top / spectacular / contemporary.
20. She was absolutely delighted. I’ve never seen her so indifferent / thrilled / petrified.


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Read the movie review. Then mark the statements true (T) or false (F).
King Kong
The remake of this classic movie was directed by Peter Jackson and was released in 2005. It
stars Jack Black as a filmmaker pursuing his dream to make a film about a giant ape. Black
convinces an actress (played by Naomi Watts) to come with him to an island of giant creatures
to shoot the film and more or less kidnaps a writer (Adrien Brody) for the trip.
The special effects are nothing short of staggering, only to be expected of the director of The
Lord of the Rings. Watch out for the dinosaur stampede in which the dinosaurs fill the screen,
tumbling and falling as the film crew tries to avoid them. It is a classic piece of modern film-
It’s not only the special effects that make the movie though, as the performances meet the high
standards you’d expect throughout. Watts deserves special mention for her scenes with the giant
ape, and Brody is just right to play the part of the writer caught up in the adventure. Jackson
does a great job of portraying Kong’s animal instincts as well as the ape’s more human side.
Some reviews have criticized the movie for being too long as it clocks in at just over three
hours. This is due in part to the opening scenes; it takes more than an hour before the heroes
reach the island. For this reason, King Kong may prove too long for younger audiences or for
viewers with short attention spans. Once the island is reached, however, there is guaranteed fun
for the entire family.

21. The special effects are impressive. ____

22. Naomi Watts plays a woman who lives on the island of giant creatures. ____
23. Adrien Brody was a good choice to play the part of the writer. ____
24. The movie is exactly three hours long. ____
25. Younger viewers might be bored by the first hour of the movie. ____

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Track 33
Listen to someone talk about how to learn languages. Mark the sentences true (T)
or false (F).
26. Mark can speak seven languages. ____
27. Mark is fluent in Latin. ____
28. Mark has taken language classes and has travelled to foreign countries. ____
29. Mark says that it is necessary to take risks if you want to master a language. ____
30. Mark suggests ways for language learners to avoid looking stupid. ____

You are considering registering for a language course. On a separate piece of paper, write
a formal email to the director of the course with questions about the following areas:
 duration and class schedule
 cost
 class size
 teaching methodology
 extra activities

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