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The Highs and Lows: LAUSD Strike

On Monday January 14th, 2019 a

brave decision was made amongst the
teachers of the Los Angeles School District.
It took about 30 years for teachers to step
up and fight for the things that they deserve
and they were most certainly determined to
achieve their goals and desires. Not just for Just like many other schools, Carson
themselves, but for the education of their High School also striked and many of our
students. The LAUSD strike lasted 6 school students supported, some by not coming to
days which caused the district to lose nearly school and the ones who did, wore red to
over 75 million dollars. Those who striked show their respect. We had the privilege to
were proud of the outcome, but were upset interview students, teachers and staff and
that they had to go through such lengths to truly understand and view things through
resolve their unfair working conditions. their personal experience and point of view.
They were so determined that the rain and Some of the teachers decided to remain
bad weather was not an important factor, anonymous while others were more than
they even had the support of many students proud for their voice to be heard. The leader
and parents who stood beside them every of the strike Mr. Riddle was asked if he was
step of the way, not to mention some happy with the outcome of the strike as his
students even showed their support and response was “ Personally I am happy with
admiration by providing the strikers with the outcome because it’s ultimately going to
food. Although many things were gained, lead to better conditions for our students,
others were lost, many things were at stake some may say we should’ve gotten more,
because of this strike, people fail to realize but I believe we won in the eye of the
that this also affected teachers on a personal public.” On the other hand, an anonymous
level. Different personal opinions and source was against the strike and thought it
beliefs shattered bonds and took a toll on was “unnecessary” , yet still supported the
teachers, yet they were willing to move teachers. “ I can appreciate it in one sense
forward past all of the negative outcomes but on the other sense it’s kind of eh so I
and focus on the positive like smaller class appreciate it and I’m glad I can say I went
sizes, higher salary , more nurses and out in the strike because the last one
counselors on school campus and happened 30 years ago it’s not something
healthcare. that happens everyday” Regardless of the
different opinions, the teachers and staff are
happy with the result and have the certainty
that they can teach and spread knowledge
without worrying about unfairness.
By: Kayla C, Miry D, Daisy M, Krystal M

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