2018-2019 Research Proposal

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Research Proposal

Aminu Alibe
Intern Mentor

Title: The Impact on Sickle Cell Anemia on the Brain

Project Overview/Objectives:
This research will seek to investigate the everyday impact of Sickle Cell Anemia on the
brain and the body’s neural networks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Sickle Cell impacts 100,000 Americans for their life. Though the mortality rate for
people suffering from this disease has dramatically decreased in the early 21st century, especially
among newborns, much work needs to be done as the life expectancy lies years below the
national average.

Background and History of the Issue:

Sickle Cell Anemia is a red blood cell disorder that is caused by a mutation in a person’s
DNA. This disorder creates red blood cells that are in the shape of a crescent moon or a sickle.
This can lead to a clot of cells to form in a blood vessel, depriving the body’s essential organs of
needed oxygen, causing a period of pain called a sickle cell crisis. For a child to be born with
Sickle Cell Disease, he or she must inherit one mutated copy of DNA from both parents.
Therefore, if two parents have the Sickle Cell trait (SA), the odds of being born with Sickle Cell
Disease (SS) are 25%.

Sickle Cell is originates in people from warmer, tropical climates that contain a high
amount of mosquitos. The mosquitoes infect people with malaria, which thousands of years ago
would be fatal. Although scientists are unsure of the reason, sickle cell prevents a person from
developing malaria. This fact allowed sickle cell to spread through a large proportion of the
populations of areas like sub-Saharan Africa, India, and the Carribeans.

Problem Statement and Rationale:

The problem this research aims to address is the number of people globally suffering
from Sickle Cell. This research further hopes to learn potential cures for sickle cell disease,
though they will take effort and time to be brought to fruition.

Research Methodology:
Research Question and Hypothesis:
● What is the effect of sickle cell anemia on the brain and what are potential
innovations for curing this disease?
● Sickle Cell Anemia has a highly negative impact on the brain and can potentially
impede a person from performing to their mental capacity due to less oxygen
reaching the brain. It will be important for patients to maintain regular scheduled
appointments in order to mitigate any potential consequences of a silent or traditional

Basis of Hypothesis:
● The first aspect of the hypothesis is based on the fact that the brain may be deprived
of oxygen because of the sickled shape of the cells -- which makes them prone to
clotting. As it relates to the brain, this would cause a stroke, which would have other
serious implications for a person’s quality of life. If a patient maintains scheduled
doctors appointments and brain scans, doctors will be able to react faster to any
potential strokes by giving blood transfusions to provide more oxygen to the brain
and providing better service.

Research Design:
● Because of the nature of this research and Sickle Cell, this research will be qualitative
and utilize primary document analysis. Some interviews will also be conducted to
gather a wide range of information concerning this disease. Documents on
medication, treatment, and the history of this disease can be analyzed to answer the
research question.

Operational Definitions:

Sickle Cell Anemia:

This disease is caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin protein that causes
sickling in the shape of red blood cells.

A red protein responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the human body.

Product Overview:
At the end of this research, an informational poster will be created for the general public
consisting of general information on Sickle Cell Anemia, its impact on the body, and potential

Logistical Considerations:
The only logistical consideration for the research is printing the end result informational
poster and its placement..

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